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Barock eller bara rock? : En studie av musiklärares frirum - Att bli lärare på riktigt / Baroque or just rock? : A study of music teachers´ free space - To become a teacherPersson, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syftet i studien är att belysa musiklärarens dilemma i valet mellan musik som uttryck och musik som skolämne. I detta arbete presenteras hur den personliga utvecklingen över tid påverkar prioriteringar och didaktiska val i musiklärares identitetsskapande. Studien bygger på musiklärares livserfarenheter. Empirin omfattar djupintervjuer med tre musiklärare vilka har många års erfarenhet av undervisning i musik. Deras berättelser tolkades och bearbetades utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv för att skapa förståelse för hur de i sin yrkesroll identifierar sig själva som musiker och/eller musiklärare. Vidare hur detta identitetsskapande fått betydelse för musikundervisningen. Resultatet beskriver det frirum och handlingsutrymme lärarna upplever finns i deras praktikmiljö och skapas för musikundervisning. I resultatet framkommer att lärarna pendlar mellan musikerrollen och lärarrollen. Vidare att de utifrån styrdokumenten och sin sociala hemvist ofta uttrycker sin upplevelse av musikens och musicerandets djupare dimension och effekterna därav i deras undervisning. Detta visar hur dilemmat i valet mellan musik som uttryck och musik som skolämne ständigt är närvarande i musikläraryrket. / Abstract The purpose of the study is to shed light on the music teacher's dilemma in the choice between music as expression and music as school subject. This work presents how personal development over time affects priorities and didactic choices for music teachers' identity creation. The study describes three music teachers' life experiences. The method conducted was as in-depth interviews with three music teachers, who have many years of experience in teaching music. Their life stories were interpreted and processed from a socio-cultural perspective with the aim to understand how they in their professional role identify themselves as musicians and/or music teachers. The result shows that a teacher´s identity creation is important for music education. The teacher´s in this study describes how the free space and space of action effect their internship environment and subject for music teaching. The result shows that the teachers commute between the role of musician and the role of teacher. Furthermore, based on the governing documents and their social domicile, they often express their experience of the deeper dimension of music and making music and the effects thereof in their teaching. This shows how the dilemma in the choice between music as expression and music as school subject is constantly present in the music teaching profession.
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The Word on the Street: An investigation of rationalities expressed regarding streets and streetscapes, and the production of the action space in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia / Ordet på gatan: En undersökning av rationaliteter kring gator och gatulandskap, och produktionen av det professionella handlingsutrymmet i Addis Ababa, EtiopienKjellström, Rebecka January 2021 (has links)
The cities of Africa and Asia are projected to account for 80 % of the future urban growth. Challenges brought forward by motorization and lack of accessibility; urban streets take a central position in the discussion of the sustainable city. This offers a considerable challenge in shaping cities while addressing climate change. Meanwhile there is lack of theorizations stemming from global South research. Planning models used for street planning comes from contexts far removed from the urban realities of the South. Sub-Saharan Africa has relatively low road network densities while experiencing a strong urban growth. The object of the study is Addis Ababa, a future megacity where street development is one of the central topics in the city’s planning.This thesis investigates the rationalities expressed by experts around street planning in Addis Ababa and how that shapes the planning discourse in the city. Methods employed are semi- structured interviews, desktop study and participant observations. The study uses conceptual tools from a wide range of literature on rationalities, research in the global South, extraversion, acting and action space of professionals.The results show how rationalities expressed can be understood as four rationality groupings 1) rationalities expressed regarding visions of the city, 2) rationalities expressed regarding the functions of streets, 3) rationalities expressed how to process a project and 4) rationalities expressed regarding relationship and power dynamics. Through the interplay between the rationality groupings a perceived space of action emerges. The rationalities influence what actors see as possible and desirable courses of action. The study concludes that all rationality groupings are not equal, instead visions of the city and relational rationalities seem to hold larger influence on shaping the streetscapes of Addis Ababa. Further, less rigid formulations of what constitutes the formal action space, allows third sector actors to influence and diffuse their rationalities into the city’s street planning process.
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Heder, handlingsplaner och handlingsutrymme : En studie av socialsekreterares arbete med hedersrelaterad problematik / Honour, actionplans and actionspace : A study about social workers work with honourrelated problemsBernhager, Sandra, Shalaby, Sandra January 2014 (has links)
The study aims to describe and analyse the relationship between norm and practice regarding social services casework on honour-related problems. The relationship between norm and practice involves the difference between the way it is intended that social workers shall operate in these cases and how they perceive that this works in practice. We interviewed two focus groups of eight Swedish social workers, four in each group. We also held an individual interview with a social services business developer. Focus group interviews were based on two vignettes; one depicting an honour-related case and the second an "ordinary" case. The purpose of the vignettes was to investigate whether there is a difference in the assessment and handling of ordinary versus honour-related cases. The results of the interviews were analysed using Hasenfeld's theory on Human service organizations. We also used Lipsky's theory on street-level bureaucracy. We displayed similarities to previous research showing that social workers are unsure of how to assess and act on honour-related cases. It was evident that the social workers we interviewed were confident working "ordinary" cases involving child abuse, but felt uncertain dealing with honour-related cases. Because they are less frequent they have developed neither routines nor guidelines for them. The study showed that social workers’ lack of knowledge of honour-related problems and differences in culture limits their effectiveness in these cases. The results suggest that the social workers we interviewed rely on outside expertise when they are insecure, and consequently feel that they have no need for action plans or guidelines in honour-related cases. Lack of guidance and inadequate knowledge presents difficulties for social workers to meet the girls’ needs for help and support.
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Förhandla för självbestämmande : En kvalitativ studie av handläggares syn på anhörigas roll i bedömningar av bistånd till personer med demensdiagnos.Johansson, Elin, Persson, Anna January 2016 (has links)
The study aims to describe and analyse how case managers reflect and act in the regards to self-determination when caring for residents with dementia diagnosis. Our main questions dealt with how the case managers handle the right to self-determination in relation to the residents’ relatives’ opinions when a person has dementia. To find answers to our questions, we interviewed seven care takers within elderly care in four different municipalitys in the Southern Sweden. We used qualitative interviews based on a semi-structured interview guide and two vignettes. The vignettes were based on two fictive narratives which both included persons with dementia but with different relatives and opinions. The purpose of the vignettes were to investigate whether there was different perceptions among the case managers in terms of consideration the residents’ self-determination in relation to their relatives. The results of the study were analyzed using Hasenfeld’s theory on Human service organizations, Lipsky’s street-level bureaucracy and Strauss’ negotiation-perspective. We displayed similarities to previous research showing that the case managers work with the residents’ best interest in mind even though relatives can be very obstinate. Our main conclusions are that the interpretation of self-determination is fluidity according to the case managers is fluidity and the case managers at some occasions try to persuade the person with dementia to apply for care and welfare. Furthermore can the relatives of the person with dementia be both beneficial and disadvantageous depending of the relation between them.
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“VI HINNER INTE JOBBA LIKA MYCKET FÖREBYGGANDE SOM VI FÅR JOBBA MED BRANDSLÄCKNING” : En intervjustudie om elevhälsans förutsättningar att arbeta förebyggande och hälsofrämjandeWigzell Karlström, Anna, Gustafsson, Malin January 2019 (has links)
Tidigare forskning visar en konstant ökning av psykisk ohälsa bland barn och unga sedan 1980-talet och i elevhälsans lagstadgade uppdrag ingår att arbeta förebyggande i syfte att främja elevernas hälsa. Genom sju semistrukturerade intervjuer med professionella inom elevhälsan syftar denna studie till att undersöka hur de upplever sina förutsättningar att arbeta hälsofrämjande och förebyggande med avseende på psykisk ohälsa. Studien är genomförd i en medelstor stad i Mellansverige och informanterna är uteslutande kvinnor. I studiens resultat framkommer att det finns både hinder och möjligheter i arbetet mot psykisk ohälsa. De professionellas handlingsutrymme och organisationens stöd framhålls som godtagbara och visar sig vara en grund för att elevhälsan ska kunna fullfölja sitt uppdrag. Det finns dock vissa brister i samverkan, arbetsbeskrivningar och utvärderingar vilket försvårar ett framgångsrikt arbete. Av resultatet framgår således att det finns utvecklingspotential vad gäller elevhälsans arbete. Fortsatt forskning inom ämnet skulle kunna ge de professionella bättre förutsättningar att fullfölja sitt uppdrag och aktivt verka för att främja barn och ungas psykiska hälsa. / Previous research shows a constant increase of mental illness among children and young people since the 1980s and the statutory assignment of the student school health team includes to work preventive in order to promote the students' health. Through seven semi-structured interviews with professionals within the student school health team, this study aims to investigate how they perceive their ability to work health promotive and preventive regarding mental illness. The study has taken place in a medium sized city in the middle of Sweden and the participants are exclusively women. The result of the study shows that there are both obstacles and opportunities in the work against mental illness. The professionals' action space and the support of the organization is emphasized as acceptable and proves to be a base for the student health team to be able to fulfill its mission. There are however some shortcomings in collaboration, job descriptions and evaluations which complicates a successful work. The result thereby shows that there is a development potential in the work of the student school health team. Continued research within the subject could give the professionals better opportunities to complete their assignment and actively work to promote the mental health of children and young people.
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”Materialet är inte låst, det kan användas på många olika sätt” : Barns handlingsutrymme i inomhusmiljön på förskolan – ur förskolepersonals perspektivAndersson, Amelie, Aldeborn, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
Inomhusmiljön på förskolan är avgörande för barns lek, lärande och utveckling. Miljön påverkar hur individer interagerar med andra och bjuder in till olika typer av beteenden. Samtidigt blir barn sällan delaktiga och inkluderade i utformningen av miljön, utan miljön speglar i stället de vuxnas förväntningar och mål. Ofta beskrivs förskolepersonal vara de som begränsar barns handlingsutrymme och möjliga handlingserbjudanden. Syftet med föreliggande studie var därför att förstå förskolepersonals perspektiv på deras handlingar i förhållande till barns handlingsutrymme i inomhusmiljön på förskolan. Föreliggande studie är en kvalitativ studie med inspiration från hermeneutiken där semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts. Studien har utgångspunkt i Gibsons affordance teori och empirin har analyserat utifrån en tematisk analysmetod. Resultatet visar att förskolepersonalen är positiva till barns utforskande av miljöns handlingserbjudanden och att barn ges ett relativt stort handlingsutrymme i inomhusmiljön på förskolan. Förskolepersonalen beskriver sina handlingar som stöttande för barn, dock måste förskolepersonalen begränsa barns handlingsutrymme när det finns säkerhetsrisker eller när barn riskerar att störa varandra. Sammanfattningsvis strävar förskolepersonalen alltid efter att ge barn handlingsutrymme. / The indoor environment at the preschool is crucial for children's play, learning and development. The environment affects how individuals interact with others and invites different types of behavior. At the same time, children are rarely involved and included in the design of the environment, instead the environment reflects the adults' expectations and goals. Preschool staff are often described as those who limit children's room for action and possible affordances. The purpose of the present study was to understand preschool staff's perspective on their actions in relation to children's room for action in the indoor environment at the preschool. The present study is a qualitative study with inspiration from hermeneutics where semi-structured interviews have been conducted. The study is based on Gibson's affordance theory and the empirical evidence has been analyzed based on a thematic analysis method. The results show that the preschool staff are positive about children's exploration of the environment's affordance and that children are given a relatively large scope for action in the indoor environment at the preschool. The preschool staff describe their actions as supportive of children, however, the preschool staff must limit children's freedom of action when there are safety risks or when children risk disturbing each other. In summary, preschool staff always strive to give children room for action.
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(Re)Creating Ecological Action Space : Householders' Activities for Sustainable development in Sweden / Att (åter)skapa ekologiskt handlingsutrymme : hushållsmedlemmars aktiviteter för hållbar utvecklingSkill, Karin January 2008 (has links)
Where does my individual responsibility for the environment start and end? Should I be responsible for environmental stress in India only because my shoes were produced there, or for climate change that endangers species in Antarctica, or rising sea levels on Pacific islands which just might have been caused by my driving? What do I need to do if I think it is my responsibility? And how do I decide which is a better alternative from an environmental point of view? Who should I trust when deciding on what action to take, and what opportunities do I need for acting?This multidisciplinary thesis takes the politicization of everyday household activities due to environmental consequences, and individualization of responsibility, as its starting points. These points make it increasingly important to understand what responsibility individuals experience, and how they act in accordance with these perceptions. The present thesis is a qualitative study with 28 Swedish households that concern how the householders express responsibility for the environment through their everyday activities, partly by claiming to be “environmentally conscious”, and how they attempt to exert political influence. The study contributes to the discussion on the wide field of sustainable development and environmental politics. It deals specifically with the ways four Swedish municipalities (Gothenburg, Huddinge, Piteå and Växjö) attempt to influence what the householders do in the private sphere when it comes to implementing sustainable development, and what opportunities and they supply, and what expectations they have on householders. The study thereby discusses the possibility to interfere in the perceived private sphere, and different ways to participate politically. / Sustainable households: activities, research, policies
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L'espace péripersonnel : un espace pour inter-agir / The peripersonal space : a space to inter-actPatanè, Ivan 26 April 2018 (has links)
L'espace entourant notre corps est d'une importance vitale: nous surveillons attentivement les objets (animés et inanimés) qui entrent dans les limites de l'espace à immédiate proximité du corps pour interagir avec eux. Dans le domaine des neurosciences cognitives, cet espace est exemplifié par le concept d'espace péripersonnel (PPS), une représentation hautement plastique qui intègre des stimuli tactiles et visuels présentés sur et près du corps. Cette représentation semble contribuer au guidage efficace des actions, cependant dans la littérature on ne retrouve aucune preuve substantielle de l'implication du PPS dans le contrôle des actions. Un argument en faveurs de cette hypothèse dériverait de la preuve que la plasticité du PPS peut effectivement survenir avant le début du mouvement, plutôt que pendant le mouvement. Les résultats de la première étude (chapitre II) révèlent que les informations visuelles et tactiles interagissent de manière significative déjà au cours de la phase de planification de l'action et que cette interaction visuo-tactile augmente ultérieurement au cours des étapes successives du mouvement. Un tel processus de « remappage » visuo-tactile du PPS, qui précède temporellement et accompagne par la suite l'exécution de l'action motrice, semble donc idéalement adapté à pour aider au guidage de nos actions. Récemment, il a été suggéré que le PPS pourrait jouer un rôle dans le guidage des interactions motrices entre individus. En psychologie sociale, l'espace autour du corps est appelé espace interpersonnel (IPS), défini comme l'espace que les individus maintiennent autour d'eux et dans lequel les autres ne peuvent pas pénétrer sans susciter d'inconfort. En raison de certaines similitudes entre les représentions du PPS et du IPS, certains auteurs ont soulevé la question d'un éventuel partage de certaines caractéristiques fonctionnelles entre ces deux représentations. Le deuxième objectif de ma thèse etait de tester cette hypothèse en exploitant un autre processus de «remappage» plastique du PPS, c'est-à-dire celui induit par l'utilisation d'un outil. Les résultats de la deuxième étude (chapitre IV) montrent que l'utilisation «standard» d'un outil «allonge» le PPS, mesuré par la distance d'atteignabilité d'une autre personne, mais n'influence pas l'IPS, mesuré par la distance de confort envers la même personne. Dans la troisième étude (chapitre V), nous avons introduit une nouvelle variante plus sociale de l'utilisation d'un outil pour examiner la plasticité sensorimotrice et sociale des deux espaces. Les résultats obtenus révèlent que l'utilisation sociale d'un outil «allonge» le PPS et en même temps «réduit» l'IPS. La démonstration que l'on peut induire des changements directionnellement opposés entre les deux représentations, falsifie l'hypothèse selon laquelle il peut y avoir un chevauchement fonctionnel entre PPS et IPS. Ces exemples de dissociation fonctionnelle peuvent donc servir à éviter une association inappropriée entre les deux concepts. Si l'hypothèse de l'identité fonctionnelle avec l'IPS ne semble pas légitime, il n'en demeure pas moins que le PPS est également sensible aux variables sociales. La dernière étude (Chapitre VII) vise donc à explorer cette sensibilité du PPS vers une dimension sociale fondamentale, encore inexplorée: la propriété privée. Les résultats de la quatrième étude indiquent que la propriété d'un objet, qu'elle soit considérée comme individuelle ou partagée, est essentielle pour l'émergence des propriétés dynamiques du PPS. Les stimuli visuels influencent effectivement la perception tactile d'une manière plus marquée au début du mouvement, mais seulement lorsque l'objet appartient au participant. Il convient de noter qu'un effet similaire apparaît également lorsque l'on observe une autre personne agir sur l'objet qui lui appartient... [etc] / The zone that surrounds our body is of vital importance: we carefully monitor the objects (both animate and inanimate) that enter the boundaries of the immediate space around the body to interact with them. In the neurocognitive field such a space is captured by the concept of peripersonal space (PPS), a highly plastic representation that integrates tactile and visual stimuli presented on, and close to, the body. This system seems to contribute to the efficient guidance of actions, yet, a clear demonstration of a prominent role of PPS in control of actions is critically lacking. Strong support for this would derive from evidence that PPS plastic changes occur before rather than after movement onset. The results from the first study (Chapter II) reveal that visual and tactile information strongly interact already during the planning phase of action and this visuo-tactile interaction is further enhanced during subsequent movement phases. Such a visuo tactile remapping of PPS that temporally precedes and subsequently accompanies overt motor execution is ideally suited to planning and guiding actions. Recently, it has been suggested a possible involvement of PPS in the guidance of motor interactions between individuals. In social psychology, the space around the body is termed interpersonal space (IPS), defined as the area individuals maintain around themselves into which others cannot intrude without arousing discomfort. Because of some similarities between the PPS and IPS constructs, some authors have raised the question of whether they share some functional features. The second aim of my thesis is to test this hypothesis by taking advantage of another PPS remapping, namely that one induces by tool-use. The results of the second study (Chapter IV) show that “standard” tool-use ‘extends’ PPS, as measured by reaching distance toward a peer, but does not affect IPS, as measured by the comfort distance toward the same peer. In the third investigation (Chapter V), we introduced a novel form of “social” tool-use setting to test for both sensorimotor and social plasticity of the two spaces. The findings that social tool–use ‘extends’ PPS and ‘reduces’ IPS, inducing opposite changes on each representation, clearly disconfirms the hypothesis . that there might be functional overlap between these sectors of space. Such examples of functional dissociation may therefore be sufficient to warn scholars to refrain from risky conflations between the two concepts. If the assumption of functional identity with IPS does not appear to be legitimate, it is true that PPS is sensitive to social features. The last study (Chapter VII) is thus aimed at probing this sensitivity of PPS to a so far unexplored but fundamental social dimension: ownership. The results from the forth study indicate that, whether considered to be as individual or shared property, ownership of an object is critical for the PPS dynamic properties to emerge. Visual stimuli affected touch perception more strongly at the movement onset than before, but only when the object belonged to the acting participant. Interestingly, a similar remapping was found when simply observing the peer acting on her own belonging. In a follow-up experiment we investigated PPS plastic changes when property of the target object was shared between the two agents. In this case, PPS remapping emerged not only when acting in first person, but also when observing the peer acting upon the shared object. Taken together, these findings critically inform current theoretical models about space around our body and about its function in our sensorimotor and social inter-actions
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Analyzing Action Masking in the MiniHack Reinforcement Learning EnvironmentCannon, Ian 20 December 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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HR-partnerns spelrum i verksamheten : Om tillhörighet, omgivning och krav på mätbarhet / The latitude of the HR-partner in the businessEriksson, Susanne January 2017 (has links)
Ofta hämtas forskning inom Human Resource (HR) och Human Resource Management (HRM) från företagsekonomiska institutioner. Begreppsbildningen präglas av management och organisationsteori med fokus hur funktionen skapar det bästa värdet för organisationen. Här finns som jag ser det en lucka att fylla. Det här är en uppsats i den praktiska kunskapens teori. Med utgångspunkt i främst hermeneutiken samt Dreyfus och Dreyfus inlärningssteg undersöker jag HR-partnerns yrkeskunnande och jag problematiserar handlingsutrymmets betydelse för detta yrkeskunnande. Jag har genomfört fyra djupintervjuer med två HR-partners, en HR-chef och en chef som är kund hos HR-avdelningen. Uppsatsen visar att i den kommun jag undersökt och givit det fingerade namnet Ärlanda, inte främst är de formella strukturerna som avgör hur HR-partnern handlar. Ju bättre förvaltningens förväntningar stämmer överens med HR-funktionens uppdrag och den enskilda HR-medarbetarens samlade kunskap och erfarenhet, desto större blir handlingsutrymmet. Det leder till att HR partnern kan handla och arbeta förebyggande och långsiktigt. Risken som jag ser är att HR-funktionen i sin strävan att utgöra ett professionellt HR-stöd med standardiserade rutiner som underlättar för organisationens chefer även låser fast sin egen yrkesutövning vid enklare rutinartade arbetsuppgifter. På sikt riskeras att förmågan att handla klokt i den enskilda situationen gå förlorad. / It is common, that research in the area of Human Resource (HR) and Human Resource Management (HRM), is placed at schools of business and administration. The conceptualization is characterized by management and organization theory, focusing on how the function creates the best value for the organization. Here, as I see it, is a gap to fill. This essay, built on the theory of practical knowledge, is primarily based on hermeneutics and Dreyfus and Dreyfus's learning theory. I investigate the professional skills of the HR-partner and I problematize about the importance of the latitude of the HR partner's professional skills. I have conducted four deep interviewers with; two HR-partners, one HR-manager, and one manager who is the customer of the services of the HR-department. The essay shows that in the municipality I have investigated, which I have given the fictive name Ärlanda, it is not primarily the formal structures that determine how the HR-partner is acting. The latitude for the HR-partner to act and use all his or her work skills is dependent upon a consistency between the expectations of the business, the mission of the HR-department and the individual HR employee's experiences. This will give a space to act in prevention and work with issues at the long range term. Otherwise, as I see it, there is a risk in the endeavor of the HR-department to provide professional HR support with standardized procedures that ease the work of the managers in the organization. This risk is that the professional skills of the HR-partner get occupied by the routine assignments. In the long run, this will be at the expense of the ability to act wisely in the specific situation.
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