Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dentity creation"" "subject:"ddentity creation""
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National – Local – Ethnic or Religious Identity?Wijk, Jonna January 2010 (has links)
Tanzania is amongst other things known for its ethnic diversity. In 1987 it was established that Tanzania had 130 different African ethnic groups. Despite the ethnic diversity Tanzania is successful in acceptance and famous for being a country in peace. Peoples identity creation is a constantly evolving process and is therefore difficult to define and categorize. Despite that this essay aims to get an understanding of Tanzanians cultural integration. How do people define themselves in terms of their own identity? What matter the most, is it religion, the local or national community? How important is the ethnic inheritance in the urban society? Is it one or more of these categorizations that people have a stronger connection to. How important is the language and the ability to communicate with each other to maintain a peaceful stability? These questions where asked to inhabitants of the town Babati which is situated in the northern parts of Tanzania. The interviews took place during a three week long field study February – March 2010.
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Elevers identitetsskapande : En studie om elevers olika identiteter/roller i skolan / Students identity creation : A study of pupils different identities / rolesBjurbäck, Lena January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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The influence of the Internet on Identity Creation and Extreme groupsEmilsson, Rasmus January 2015 (has links)
In the age of the Internet, extreme groups have seen resurgence in the way they can communicate and recruit through the new medium whether they are white supremacists or hacktivists. Examining the history and modern behaviors of both white supremacy groups and Anonymous, this paper aims to research and answer how the different groups use the Internet to influence identities and if the methods to do so differ from the old ones and through the use of several concepts, mainly the Echo Chamber and the Filter Bubble, narrow down the effects that leads to a person joining an extreme group.
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Ändras ditt beteende då du reser på utlandssemester? : Studie angående individers resebeteende med fokus på identitet, genus och ojämlikhetJörnek, Elin, Lannelind, Kim January 2014 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur unga män respektive kvinnor boende i Sverige resonerar kring sitt beteende vid resandet till ett annat land och om resandet i sig bidrar till identitetsskapande. Vi ämnar att undersöka om individer bedömer det mer legitimt att utföra handlingar som i hemlandet anses vara mindre accepterat och om det finns någon skillnad mellan dessa föreställningar beroende på individens könstillhörighet. Uppsatsen baseras på ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt då tio intervjuer har genomförts med fem män respektive fem kvinnor i åldersspannet 20-30 år. Intervjuerna har kodats och därefter analyserats med hjälp av de valda teorierna vilka bland andra är identitet, genus och ojämlikhet. Vid analysprocessen har även tidigare forskning tillämpats för att stärka de resultat som framkommit under studieprocessen. Studien visar att en utlandssemester är av betydelse för en individs liv och resan bidrar till att individen utvecklar sin identitet. Att resa ses som viktigt för individen för att berätta och stärka vem den är och vill vara. Vidare visar studien på att det inte finns skillnader könen emellan då det gäller beteendeförändringar utan det sker en förändring oavsett kön. Utifrån studiens resultat har vi identifierat att individer som förflyttar sig från sin vardagliga zon till en utlandssemester intar en specifik roll som vi väljer att kalla turistidentitet. Turistidentitet innebär att individen har lämnat sitt vanliga jag hemma för att inta en ny roll där gränserna anses kunna förflyttas. Begreppet turistidentitet blir ett verktyg för att få en förståelse för en individs beteende och att det finns en skillnad individer emellan. I och med att det finns skillnader individer emellan ser turistidentiteten olika ut beroende på vem individen är. / The purpose of this paper is to examine how young men and women living in Sweden discuss about their behavior during travel to another country, and if traveling in itself contributes to identity creation. We intend to examine whether individuals consider it more legitimate to perform acts that in their home country is considered to be less accepted, and if there are any difference between these performances depending on the individual's gender. The study are based on a qualitative approach and interviews were conducted with five men and five women in the age 20-30 years. The interviews were coded and then analyzed by means of the chosen theories which among others are, identity, gender and inequality. In the analyzed process previous research has also been applied to strengthen the results that emerged during the process. The study shows that overseas holiday is relevant to an individual's life and the journey helps individuals to develop their identity. Traveling is seen as important for individuals to tell and strengthen who they are and want to be. The study shows that no differences exist between the sexes when it comes to behavior changes, there is a change regardless of gender. Based on the study results, we have identified that individuals who move from their everyday zone to a holiday abroad take a specific role, which we choose to call the tourist identity. The conception of the Tourist Identity is that the individual has left one´s usual self at home to take on a new role where the boundaries are considered to be moved. The concept of tourist identity becomes a tool to gain an understanding of an individual's behavior and that there is a difference between individuals. Depending on who the individual is the tourist identity differs.
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"Om du vill testa en fisk genom att be den klättra i ett träd kommer den för evigt tro att den är dum" : Hur talar lärare om relationen mellan förväntningar på elevers prestationer och på elevers identitetsbildning / ”If you shall examine a fish by making it to climb a tree, it will forever think it is stupid” : A discourse analysis of how schoolteachers talks about the relationship between expectations on student performance and their identity constructionAbu-Ali Rönström, Rola January 2020 (has links)
The focus of this study is to examine how schoolteachers talks about the relation between the level of expectations and the identity construction of school students. Teachers expectations is a recurring concept in the school world and in the Swedish school law. It is highly recommended in the teaching processes that teachers should have high expectations on their students. Individuals understands and interpret the concept of expectations in different ways according to their own values, standards and norms. The aim in this study is to clarify what discourse is common or used among teachers. Two discourses where identified in the analysis of teachers construction of expectations in relations to students in ground school and also of their social background. Since 2009 results from the Pisa test shows that Swedish schools are progressing a big gap between the students that achieves and those who doesn`t. It also shows that the students who is preforming the worst results are those whom lives and goes to school in a socioeconomic disadvantaged area. Through this study it can be visible how the grade of a teachers expectations forms by the way a child build his or her own identity towards the world. The data is collected through semi-structured interviews with four teachers. The analyses are based on a discursive psychological analysis. This study shows that teachers speaks and understands different of expectations but a discourse of goals and achivements is clear and a part of a political school discourse. It also appears that, depending on the students background, the teacher can change the grade of the expectation and refers to pupils from a socio economic disadvantage areas as poorly impaired students.
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Barock eller bara rock? : En studie av musiklärares frirum - Att bli lärare på riktigt / Baroque or just rock? : A study of music teachers´ free space - To become a teacherPersson, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syftet i studien är att belysa musiklärarens dilemma i valet mellan musik som uttryck och musik som skolämne. I detta arbete presenteras hur den personliga utvecklingen över tid påverkar prioriteringar och didaktiska val i musiklärares identitetsskapande. Studien bygger på musiklärares livserfarenheter. Empirin omfattar djupintervjuer med tre musiklärare vilka har många års erfarenhet av undervisning i musik. Deras berättelser tolkades och bearbetades utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv för att skapa förståelse för hur de i sin yrkesroll identifierar sig själva som musiker och/eller musiklärare. Vidare hur detta identitetsskapande fått betydelse för musikundervisningen. Resultatet beskriver det frirum och handlingsutrymme lärarna upplever finns i deras praktikmiljö och skapas för musikundervisning. I resultatet framkommer att lärarna pendlar mellan musikerrollen och lärarrollen. Vidare att de utifrån styrdokumenten och sin sociala hemvist ofta uttrycker sin upplevelse av musikens och musicerandets djupare dimension och effekterna därav i deras undervisning. Detta visar hur dilemmat i valet mellan musik som uttryck och musik som skolämne ständigt är närvarande i musikläraryrket. / Abstract The purpose of the study is to shed light on the music teacher's dilemma in the choice between music as expression and music as school subject. This work presents how personal development over time affects priorities and didactic choices for music teachers' identity creation. The study describes three music teachers' life experiences. The method conducted was as in-depth interviews with three music teachers, who have many years of experience in teaching music. Their life stories were interpreted and processed from a socio-cultural perspective with the aim to understand how they in their professional role identify themselves as musicians and/or music teachers. The result shows that a teacher´s identity creation is important for music education. The teacher´s in this study describes how the free space and space of action effect their internship environment and subject for music teaching. The result shows that the teachers commute between the role of musician and the role of teacher. Furthermore, based on the governing documents and their social domicile, they often express their experience of the deeper dimension of music and making music and the effects thereof in their teaching. This shows how the dilemma in the choice between music as expression and music as school subject is constantly present in the music teaching profession.
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Influencer marketing: Hur det påverkar unga kvinnor i generation Z / Influencer marketing: How it influences young women in generation ZAxelsson, Sofie, Hollén, Karolina January 2020 (has links)
I takt med att reklamtröttheten ökar i västvärlden växer sig marknadsföringsstrategin influencer marketing allt starkare. Influencers, vilka i grund och botten är helt vanliga människor, har en stor makt på sina sociala medier med tusentals till miljoner följare. De gör reklamsamarbeten med företag mot pengar och gratis produkter, och i gengäld hjälper de företagen nå ut till enormt stora målgrupper. Utöver betalda samarbeten lägger de ut fina bilder vilka stärker deras varumärken, vilket vanligtvis innebär att framhäva sig själva som snygga, roliga och fina personer med ett fantastiskt och åtråvärt liv. Att influencer marketing är en effektiv form av marknadsföring har nog gått få förunnat, men utöver att påverka konsumenters köpbeteende påverkas konsumenter på ett djupare plan. Givet tidigare forskning som undersöker en något äldre kvinnlig målgrupp valdes unga kvinnor i generation Z som målgrupp för studien. Målgruppen är uppvuxna med sociala medier och är därför intressanta att undersöka. Således är studiens syfte att undersöka hur unga kvinnor i generation Z påverkas av influencer marketing på Instagram. För att svara på syftet har två frågeställningar formulerats. Studien har utförts med en kvalitativ metod som bestod av intervjuer med en urvalsgrupp på unga kvinnor i åldrarna 15-20 år samt med hjälp av bildanalyser av en influencers Instagramflöde, för vilket influencern Bianca Ingrosso valts. Studiens resultat visade att influencers påverkar unga kvinnor i generation Z i deras identitetsskapande och konsumentbeteende, bland annat genom att måla upp påhittade problem vilka de förstärker med ouppnåeliga, perfekta idealbilder samtidigt som de skapar starka relationer till sina följare. Detta gör att målgruppen, trots att de är kritiska till influencers och medvetna om att allt inte är så perfekt som det verkar på Instagram, jämför sig själva - framförallt sina utseenden och sina liv och ifrågasätter sin identitet. De konsumerar i hopp om att stärka identiteten samt för att lösa de uppmålade problemen och i försök att uppnå idealbilden. Detta bidrar till stress och press, och i vissa fall psykisk ohälsa. Att tillhöra en grupp är viktigt för målgruppens identitetsskapande och de upplever att Instagram bidrar till en rädsla för utanförskap, samtidigt som dyrkande av influencers och att hålla sig uppdaterade hjälper dem känna grupptillhörighet. De är dock generellt positiva till influencers i aspekten att de bidrar till underhållning och inspiration samt tycker sig se en positiv trend bland vissa influencers att allt inte längre måste vara perfekt, vilket får dem att känna starkare förtroende för dem. / As advertising fatigue increases in the western world, influencer marketing is growing ever stronger as a marketing strategy. Influencers, who are basically ordinary people, earn great power on their social media platforms with thousands to millions of followers. They partner with companies for money and free products, and in return, they help companies by reaching huge target groups. In addition to paid partnerships, they publish beautiful images that strengthen their brand, which usually means to emphasize themselves as good looking, funny and nice people with fantastic and desirable lives. The fact that influencer marketing is an effective form of marketing has probably been gaining ground, but in addition to influencing consumers' purchasing behavior, they also have some influence on them on a deeper level. Given previous research examining a slightly older female target group young women in generation Z were selected as the target group for this study. The target group hass grown up with social media and is therefore interesting to investigate. Thus, the purpose of the study is to investigate how women in generation Z are influenced by influencer marketing on Instagram. To answer the purpose, two questions at issue were formulated, and the study was conducted using a qualitative method that consisted of interviews with a sample group of young women aged 15-20 and with the help of image analyzes of an influencer's Instagram feed. The results of the study showed that influencers affect young women in generation Z by painting up inventive problems, which they reinforce with unattainable, perfect ideal images while creating strong relationships with their followers. This means that the audience, despite being critical of influencers and aware that everything is not as perfect as it seems on Instagram, compares themselves - their looks and their lives - and thus questions their identity and consumes in hopes of strengthening it and to solve the painted problems as well as trying to achieve the ideal image. This contributes to stress and pressure, and in some cases mental illness. Belonging to a group is important for the target group when creating their identity and they feel that Instagram contributes to a fear of exclusion, while cultivating influencers and staying up to date on social media helps them feel group affiliation. However, they are generally positive to influencers in the aspect that they contribute to entertainment and inspiration. They find themselves seeing a positive trend among some influencers that everything no longer has to be perfect, which makes them feel like they are able to trust them more.
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“Jag är iallafall inte som andra, men det är många andra som är som jag." : En kvalitativ studie om hur positiva och negativa föreställningar om adhd formar identitetsskapandet hos unga vuxna kvinnor med adhd / "I'm not like others, but there are many others who are like me." : A qualitative study of how positive and negative notions of ADHD shape the identity in young adult women with ADHDJosefin, Jonsson, My, Johansson January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate how positive and negative notions of adhd shape the identity in young adult women. This is done through research questions that strive to find out how young adult women's identity is shaped by an adhd diagnosis, and how it can be understood based on their own notions of adhd and their experiences of other people's notions of adhd. Totally seven young adult women participated in this qualitative interview study. The women talked about their adhd and it’s personality traits and what it is like to live with, as well as it’s difficulties and strengths in everyday life. The data material is analyzed from a symbolic interactionist perspective with the help of Tajfel and Turner’s Social Identity Theory and Goffman's theory of stigma. The analysis has been compared with previous studies and it’s results to create a picture of whether the results in this study are consistent with others. The study found that the condition becomes part of the identity and that the diagnosis contributes with increased self-awareness, but also with feelings of exclusion and fear of being associated with society's norms around the condition. Some of the interviewees were open about the diagnosis and saw the importance of talking about it, while others wanted to hide the condition from people to be seen as a normative individual. Other people's notions of adhd have a great impact on young adult women with an adhd diagnosis in the sense that society's perception unknowingly becomes the individual's perception. This affects women's self-awareness and identification with in- and out-groups. The study contributes to an increased understanding of identity creation in relation to an adhd diagnosis.
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"I Can Do Whatever the Hell I Want”: Female Tattoo Artists, Their Experiences, and Identity CreationAmos, Johni 19 November 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Att uppleva "Ett smärre psykbryt" eller "Inspiration"? : En kvalitativ studie om unga vuxna kvinnors identitetskapande och konsumtion genom influencers på Instagram. / To experience "A minor mental breakdown" or "Inspiration"? : A qualitative study of young adult women's identity creation and consumption through influencers on Instagram.Svensson, Fanny, Eriksson, Isabelle January 2021 (has links)
Instagram has become a platform where young women spend many hours a day on a daily basis. The app is largely used to publish media content and interact with other people. It is also used to gather inspiration around, among other things, fashion, beauty and interior design. As Instagram has become increasingly popular, it has also become a place for influencers to express their creativity and convey personal content. They are individuals who have a great influence on their audience. Together with companies, they market products and brands that make their followers, often young women, consume similar. Content that young women publish to their surroundings and consumption behavior becomes a large part of their identity creation. This study is a qualitative study that aims to examine young adult women's identity creation and consumption habits through influencers on Instagram. To find out, two research questions have been studied and answered: How do young adults relate to the commercial intent of influencers' content on Instagram? and What significance do influencers on Instagram have for young adults' identity creation? A total of eight women between the ages of 18-25 were interviewed through a semi-structured interview containing four themes: Instagram, influencers, consumption and identity creation. The study shows that the young women are aware of the marketing via influencers. Who they choose to follow is reflected in the fact that it is someone they look up to or want to emulate. Content that you want to see is the individual's everyday life in a format that must be genuine. They think that it is too much advertising and often content that creates negative feelings in them. Still, they are affected by it and consume products through discount codes or inspiration they received from influencers that they follow. This contributes to influencers having an influence over young girls' actions and thus identity creation.
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