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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mathematics teachers' metacognitive skills and mathematical language in the teaching-learning of trigonometric functions in township schools / Johanna Sandra Fransman

Fransman, Johanna Sandra January 2014 (has links)
Metacognition is commonly understood in the context of the learners and not their teachers. Extant literature focusing on how Mathematics teachers apply their metacognitive skills in the classroom, clearly distinguishes between teaching with metacognition (TwM) referring to teachers thinking about their own thinking and teaching for metacognition (TfM) which refers to teachers creating opportunities for learners to reflect on their thinking. However, in both of these cases, thinking requires a language, in particular appropriate mathematical language to communicate the thinking by both teacher and learners in the Mathematics classroom. In this qualitative study, which forms part of a bigger project within SANPAD (South Africa Netherlands Research Programme on Alternatives in Development), the metacognitive skills and mathematical language used by Mathematics teachers who teach at two township schools were interrogated using the design-based research approach with lesson study. Data collection instruments included individual interviews and a trigonometric assessment task. Lessons were also observed and video-taped to be viewed and discussed during focus group discussions in which the teachers, together with five Mathematics lecturers, participated. The merging of the design-based research approach with lesson study brought about teacher-lecturer collaboration, referred to in this study as the Mathematics Educators’ Reflective Inquiry (ME’RI) group, and enabled the design of a hypothetical teaching and learning trajectory (HTLT) for the teaching of trigonometric functions. A metacognitive performance profile for the two grade 10 teachers was also developed. The Framework for Analysing Mathematics Teaching for the Advancement of Metacognition (FAMTAM) from Ader (2013) and the Teacher Metacognitive Framework (TMF) from Artzt and Armour-Thomas (2002) were adjusted and merged to develop a new framework, the Metacognitive Teaching for Metacognition Framework (MTMF) to analyse the metacognitive skills used by mathematics teachers TwM as well as TfM. Without oversimplifying the magnitude of these concepts, the findings suggest a simple mathematical equation: metacognitive skills + enhanced mathematical language = conceptualization skills. The findings also suggest that both TwM and TfM are required for effective mathematics instruction. Lastly the findings suggest that the ME’RI group holds promise to enhance the use of the metacognitive skills and mathematical language of Mathematics teachers in Mathematics classrooms. / PhD (Mathematics Education), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Applied competence in a distance learning programme for the professional development of foundation phase teachers / Corné Gerda Kruger

Kruger, Corné Gerda January 2015 (has links)
The ongoing debate about the capacity of distance learning (DL) to assist in the development of teaching skills and to improve teaching practice is the focus of many inquiries in the field of teacher education. The practice-based nature of Foundation Phase teaching poses unique challenges for professional development of teachers through DL programmes. In order to address inadequacies identified in the literature and previous research, a practical component was designed and included in the revised version of the Advanced Certificate: Education - Foundation Phase, as part of a bursary project. In 2011 the Northern Cape Department of Education (NCDoE) enrolled 50 practising Foundation Phase teachers for this distance learning programme as the first of three cohorts in the bursary project. A learning portfolio and audio-visual resources, designed according to principles derived from previous research and related literature, formed part of this practical component. The aim was to support teacher applied competence through developing pedagogical content knowledge, self-directedness, and a professional attitude, and through guiding the application of new knowledge and skills in practice. The completed portfolios further served as an instrument for the assessment of teacher performance with regard to applied competence. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the value of the practical component of the revised Foundation Phase ACE programme delivered by the NWU via distance learning with specific focus on the way this component facilitates the development of applied competence and the way the portfolio provides for the assessment of professional classroom competencies of practising Foundation Phase teachers. The study further aimed to put forward a model for the development of applied practice based on the findings of the study. In order to attain the aims of the study, the literature was explored to firstly determine the elements which contribute to applied competence in effective teacher professional development programmes. The literature was further explored to determine what the body of scholarship indicates with respect to programme design features that support applied competence in DL programmes for teacher professional development. An implementation evaluation study was then conducted on the programme by collecting data from 50 Foundation Phase teachers as the first of three cohorts enrolled for the bursary project. Data were primarily collected through multiple qualitative methods including a focus-group interview, individual interviews, written expectations as well as open ended questions of questionnaires. Descriptive data were also collected through semi-structured questionnaires. Qualitative data were analysed through content analysis to determine the theoretical and conceptual implications of the profile and teaching context of the Northern Cape Foundation Phase teacher enrolled for the DL Foundation Phase ACE programme, the expectations of these teachers regarding the way the practical component would support their applied competence in their contexts, and the teachers’ experiences of the way the programme component supported the development of their applied competence. The study further determined the extent to which the learning portfolios interrogate the elements of applied competence. Quantitative data collected through semi-structured questionnaires were statistically analysed and served to support the interpretation of qualitative data. The investigation was approached from a constructivist paradigm; an approach that falls under an interpretivist philosophical orientation. Although quantitative methods were used to gather descriptive statistical data in support of the qualitative data, the study is grounded in qualitative research methodology where the concern is with the formative evaluation of the DL programme component The findings strongly confirm the value of such a practical component as part of a DL programme to support the elements of applied competence. However, the way the programme accommodates teacher profiles and teaching contexts will greatly influence the sustainability of the programme outcomes in practice. The findings further show that the portfolio as instrument for the assessment of applied competence requires careful planning and should provide strong guidance in the reflective process to support sustained outcomes of the programme in practice. A suggested model for a DL programme for the professional development of Foundation Phase teachers is based on the findings of the study. / PhD (Curriculum Development Innovation and Evaluation), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Guidelines for the professional development of Mathematics teachers in the pedagogical use of ICT in open distance learning / Verona Leendertz

Leendertz, Verona January 2013 (has links)
Professional development (PD) of teachers is part of the Department of Basic Education‘s (DBE) initiative to encourage school communities to use of information and communication technology (ICT) to improve the quality of Mathematics teaching and learning. The South African Council of Educators stipulates that PD programmes should align with system-wide needs, strengthen learning area content and outcomes, and promote system transformation. Imbedded in this system-wide criterion is The White Paper on e-Education to employ a fully ICT integrated system at all levels of education: management, teaching and learning, and administration by 2013. Mathematics teachers require PD that develops their technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) and their social professional identity (SPI). The PD of Mathematics teachers for ICT integration can assist the DBE to achieve the aims of The White Paper on e-Education and bridge the technology gap between South Africa and international education systems. Open distance learning (ODL) could be a viable method to deliver PD to Mathematics teachers to address their zone of proximal development, develop their TPACK, and establish and maintain their SPI. This study made use of a fully mixed sequential equal status multi-mode research design and methodologies to develop guidelines for the PD of Mathematics teachers in the pedagogical use of ICT in ODL. The qualitative phase (Phase I) was rooted in the interpretivist paradigm. Through an adjustable exploration of a systematic literature review, the researcher identified 23 core documents, analysed them with Atlas.ti™, and conceptualised four themes according to Engeström‘s third generation activity theory (AT). Phase II (radical exploration phase) of the research design was rooted in the radical structuralist paradigm. In the context of transformation, it developed, validated, and standardised a research instrument for the measurement of Mathematics teachers‘ PD requirements. The instrument was distributed to 300 senior phase (grades 7-9) Mathematics teachers in eight education management district centres of the WCED. The analyses of the quantitative data conceptualised a fifth activity system. The five activity systems from the adjustable and radical exploration phases were symbiotic, and co-dependent. Expansive learning was used for boundary crossing and network building during six phases of this study. The findings from the six phases of the expansive learning cycle indicated that PD of Mathematics teachers in ODL for Phase III implementation of the e-Education policy should be a joint initiative. Fundamentally ICT integration and implementation should start with Department of Basic Education (DBE) initiatives. The DBE and Provincial Departments of Education (PDEs) should conduct a needs analysis of ICT implementation, evaluate previous ICT PD programmes, plan ICT PD strategies aligned with the ICT development plan, as well as with the requirements of the Mathematics teachers. The DBE and PDE should invest in the provision of ICT equipment, afford human capital, reinstate the laptop initiative for teachers, and supply schools with networked-computer facilities to explore online platforms for PD. Mathematics teachers should assess their professional knowledge to construct new philosophies, create a subject network group, and interact as participants and members within their social environments. The standardised instrument could be used to determine and compare the PD of Mathematics teachers in other provinces and contexts. / PhD (Training and development), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Die sosiale konstruksie van geloofsontwikkeling by `n groep katkisante / The social construction of faith development with a group of young people

Naude, Christo 03 1900 (has links)
Ten spyte daarvan dat die meeste skoolgaande jongmense in die Ned Geref Kerk kategese deurloop, en self in die finale jaar van kategese, word daar nie veel aandag aan lewenstories van die katkisante geskenk nie. Hierdie studie oor geloofsontwikkeling by `n groep katkisante word gedoen vanuit pastoraal teologiese perspektief en `n sosiale konstruksieteorie diskoers. Oor `n tydperk van `n jaar is daar deur middel van kwalitatiewe navorsing `n proses gevolg met `n finalejaarsgroep van nege-en-twintig katkisante met die doel om geloofsontwikkeling te laat plaasvind, deur aandag aan hulle geloofsverhale te gee met die oog op die skryf van `n eie geloofsbelydenis. Na die tyd is oor die proses gereflekteer. Drie aspekte het die studie gerig. Die konteks waarbinne die studie plaasgevind het, wat bestaan uit die gemeente, breër samelewing, paradigmas, verbande en verhoudinge waarbinne die proses plaasgevind het. Die inhoud van die kategese, wat deelnemend gekonstrueer was. Die groep van nege-en-twintig jongmense wat met finalejaarkategese besig was, word binne konteks betrek by deelnemende pastorale kategese. My metode was om binne die gemeente, in die kategese, `n ruimte te skep waarbinne die katkisante deelnemend die kategetiese proses gekonstrueer het. Sodoende sou die klem op deelname val wat die hooffokus van die studie is. Die aandag wat daar aan die katkisante se lewensverhale gegee word maak die narratiewe diskoers relevant vir hierdie studie. Kategese binne hierdie studie het 'n deelnemende karakter. Die volgende benaderings het die deelnemende karakter ondersteun. Die kategesepraktyk skuif na `n pastorale benadering. Die leerinhoude se klem verskuif na verhoudings. Die kategetiese inhoud word sosiaal gekonstrueer. Despite the fact that most youth from the Dutch Reformed Church are of school going age during their final year of catechism, insufficient attention is given to the life stories of these young people. My research project on faith development with a group of young people involved in catechism was shaped by a pastoral theological perspective and a social constructionist discourse. Over a period of a year a process of qualitative research was conducted with a group of twenty-nine young conformants. The aim was to encourage faith development by given attention to their faith stories with the intention for them to write their own confessions of faith. Afterwards the process was reflected on. The study was guided by three themes. The context in which the study was conducted, consisted of the congregation, society at large, paradigms and relationships in which the process took place. The context of the catechism was conducted is a participatory manner. The third theme was the group of twenty-nine young people that participated in their final year of catechism in which the context of participatory pastoral catechism was focused on. The approach that was followed, was create space within the congregation for catechism to be conducted in a participatory manner with the twenty-nine young participants. In this way participation which is the main focus of this study is accentuated. The attention to the life stories of these young people makes the narrative discourse relevant to the study. Catechism according to this study has a participatory character that is supported by the following approaches. The practice of catechism shifts to a pastoral approach. The content of the catechism shifts to relationships. The content of the catechism becomes socially constructed. / Practial Theology / D. Th. (Pastoral Therapy)

Die sosiale konstruksie van geloofsontwikkeling by `n groep katkisante / The social construction of faith development with a group of young people

Naude, Christo 03 1900 (has links)
Ten spyte daarvan dat die meeste skoolgaande jongmense in die Ned Geref Kerk kategese deurloop, en self in die finale jaar van kategese, word daar nie veel aandag aan lewenstories van die katkisante geskenk nie. Hierdie studie oor geloofsontwikkeling by `n groep katkisante word gedoen vanuit pastoraal teologiese perspektief en `n sosiale konstruksieteorie diskoers. Oor `n tydperk van `n jaar is daar deur middel van kwalitatiewe navorsing `n proses gevolg met `n finalejaarsgroep van nege-en-twintig katkisante met die doel om geloofsontwikkeling te laat plaasvind, deur aandag aan hulle geloofsverhale te gee met die oog op die skryf van `n eie geloofsbelydenis. Na die tyd is oor die proses gereflekteer. Drie aspekte het die studie gerig. Die konteks waarbinne die studie plaasgevind het, wat bestaan uit die gemeente, breër samelewing, paradigmas, verbande en verhoudinge waarbinne die proses plaasgevind het. Die inhoud van die kategese, wat deelnemend gekonstrueer was. Die groep van nege-en-twintig jongmense wat met finalejaarkategese besig was, word binne konteks betrek by deelnemende pastorale kategese. My metode was om binne die gemeente, in die kategese, `n ruimte te skep waarbinne die katkisante deelnemend die kategetiese proses gekonstrueer het. Sodoende sou die klem op deelname val wat die hooffokus van die studie is. Die aandag wat daar aan die katkisante se lewensverhale gegee word maak die narratiewe diskoers relevant vir hierdie studie. Kategese binne hierdie studie het 'n deelnemende karakter. Die volgende benaderings het die deelnemende karakter ondersteun. Die kategesepraktyk skuif na `n pastorale benadering. Die leerinhoude se klem verskuif na verhoudings. Die kategetiese inhoud word sosiaal gekonstrueer. Despite the fact that most youth from the Dutch Reformed Church are of school going age during their final year of catechism, insufficient attention is given to the life stories of these young people. My research project on faith development with a group of young people involved in catechism was shaped by a pastoral theological perspective and a social constructionist discourse. Over a period of a year a process of qualitative research was conducted with a group of twenty-nine young conformants. The aim was to encourage faith development by given attention to their faith stories with the intention for them to write their own confessions of faith. Afterwards the process was reflected on. The study was guided by three themes. The context in which the study was conducted, consisted of the congregation, society at large, paradigms and relationships in which the process took place. The context of the catechism was conducted is a participatory manner. The third theme was the group of twenty-nine young people that participated in their final year of catechism in which the context of participatory pastoral catechism was focused on. The approach that was followed, was create space within the congregation for catechism to be conducted in a participatory manner with the twenty-nine young participants. In this way participation which is the main focus of this study is accentuated. The attention to the life stories of these young people makes the narrative discourse relevant to the study. Catechism according to this study has a participatory character that is supported by the following approaches. The practice of catechism shifts to a pastoral approach. The content of the catechism shifts to relationships. The content of the catechism becomes socially constructed. / Practial Theology / D. Th. (Pastoral Therapy)

Die doeltreffendheid van die skoolondersteuningspan binne die inklusiewe onderwysstelsel (Afrikaans)

Du Toit, Hendrina Glaudina 19 May 2008 (has links)
After the democratic election of 1994, a new and integrated education system was developed in South Africa in accordance with international trends and the stipulations of the South African Bill of Rights with regard to equality, human dignity, basic education and equal access to education. According to the inclusive education system, learners with learning and developmental barriers should be accommodated within the mainstream of education. In order for inclusive education to succeed, a network of support was developed on departmental, provincial, district and school level. At school level, the school-based support team is directly responsible for supporting learners with learning and developmental barriers, educators and parents/caregivers. The effectiveness of these school-based support teams will, eventually, determine the quality of this inclusive education approach. The question which guided this research, is: How effectively does the school-based support team fullfil its function in the teaching and learning of learners with learning and developmental barriers within the framework of inclusive education? A qualitative research design was chosen which is exploratory, descriptive and explanatory. After an initial literature study in which international and national trends in this field were investigated, five primary mainstream schools were selected in the Western Cape according to certain criteria. A pilot study was conducted in another school to refine data collection strategies. Information was then gathered in the five schools by means of structured questionnaires, individual and focus group interviews, field notes and the study of appropriate documents. In order to evaluate these teams, eleven criteria were designed to serve collectively as an evaluation instrument. The effectiveness of the school-based support teams in the five schools were subsequently assessed and placed in various categories according to a conceptual framework. It was found that the school-based support teams function relatively effectively in most areas. The composition of the teams is effective. However, the teams function ineffectively with regard to the orientation and training of their members, as well as of the teachers and parents/caregivers of learners with learning and developmental barriers / Thesis (PhD (Educational Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Educational Psychology / unrestricted

Die moontlike uitwerking van groepgebaseerde dramaterapie op die selfagting van die kind met leerhindernisse (Afrikaans)

De Jager, Liesl Mari 26 July 2010 (has links)
In hierdie studie is psigoterapeutiese uitkoms navorsing gedoen (Lindegger, 1999). Die navorser het as intern opvoedkundige sielkundige ‘n groepgebaseerde gestalt-dramaterapie program van 12 sessies ontwikkel ten einde selfagting-ontwikkeling by die kind met leerhindernisse aan te spreek. Gebrekkige motivering, ongunstige selfagting, sowel as problematiese sosiale vaardighede word geassosieer met leerhindernisse (DSM-IV-TR, 2000). Die Self-Esteem Index (SEI) is as meetinstrument gebruik en met aanvang en terminering van die intervensie afgeneem. Sekere strategieë is toegepas ten einde leerhindernisse te akkommodeer tydens die afneem van die meetinstrument. Na afloop van die intervensie, wat hoofsaaklik bestaan het uit dramatisering en rollespelle in kleingroep-verband, is die versamelde data statisties geanaliseer ten einde te bepaal of die intervensie moontlik tot die ontwikkeling van gunstige selfagting by die betrokke leerdergroep bygedra het. Die steekproef (n=17) is vanuit die SEI-vraelysdata van die Afrikaanssprekende Graad 4-leerders (tussen die ouderdomme van 10 tot 12 jaar) verbonde aan die betrokke remediërende skool, wie aan die LOD-program deelgeneem het, op sistematiese wyse getrek. Gepaarde t-toetse is gedoen ten einde te bepaal of daar enige statisties betekenisvolle verskille tussen die voortoets-/natoets-data bestaan. Die terapeutiese proses waartydens die data gegenereer is vir hierdie studie, was soortgelyk aan die pre-eksperimentele een groep voortoets-/natoets ontwerp. Die navorsingsresultate het aangedui dat die nulhipotese nie verwerp kan word nie. Die alternatiewe hipotese moet dus verder ondersoek word en vele moontlikhede vir toekomstige navorsing het vanuit die studie ontwikkel. ENGLISH : In this study psychotherapy outcome research was conducted (Lindegger, 1999). The researcher developed a group based gestalt drama therapy program during her internship as educational psychologist in a remedial school. The main therapeutic aim was to develop the self-esteem of the child with barriers to learning. Demoralization, low self-esteem, and deficits in social skills may be associated with barriers to learning (DSM-IV-TR, 2000). The intervention was facilitated over 12 sessions and all the Grade 4 pupils of the specific school participated in the intervention. The Self-Esteem Index (SEI) was administered during the beginning and at the end of the intervention. Certain strategies were used to accommodate barriers to learning during the administration of the SEI. After termination of the intervention the data were statistically analysed. The pretest/posttest results were compared in order to determine if the intervention contributed to self-esteem development of the participants. A data-sample (n=17) was systematically drawn from the Afrikaans speaking Grade 4 learner participants’ (between the ages of 10 to 12 years) SEI questionnaires. The therapeutic process during which the data was generated resembled a pre-experimental one group pretest/posttest design. Paired t-tests were used and the research results indicated no statistical significance which means that the null hypothesis could not be rejected. This resulted in the formulation of further hypothesis. The aim of this study therefore was to explore the possible effect of the intervention on the self-esteem development of the child with barriers to learning. Possibilities for further research emerged from this research study. Copyright / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Educational Psychology / unrestricted


ALEJANDRO GARRETON CORREA 13 May 2021 (has links)
[pt] Ao identificar o objeto da disciplina do design gráfico como o espaço gráfico de leitura, e sua condição mais específica na experiência de tornar visíveis as palavras e as idéias, reconhecemos do ponto de vista do leitor que todas as formas derivadas do uso do Desenho e escrita, adquirem sentido nesse espaço como consequência do poder universal de suas conexões. Nesta perspectiva, identificamos que o objeto desta pesquisa é o processo de transferência de conhecimento gráfico que ocorre durante a segunda metade do século XV no contexto da implementação da imprensa. Isso envolve considerar, como tipógrafos e gravadores fazem a transição da tradição do Manuscrito iluminado da Idade Média para o advento da imprensa. Esta tese está focada no campo da abstração de cores que leva a compreender o caráter estrutural que adquire a escala de cinza no espaço gráfico, como consequência do consenso quanto à falta de uso de cores no livro impresso. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa é mostrar a relevância da luminosidade no espaço gráfico, considerando especialmente a comparação entre o caráter acromático da gravura e o aspecto inacabado do texto literário referido ao ato de leitura. A observação dos aspectos geométricos, cromáticos e caligráficos neste contexto permite atribuir a particularidade dessa abstração a uma compreensão cultural da correspondência entre a escala de cinza e a luminosidade das cores. Tudo isso na invenção conjunta de gravura e tipografia. / [en] By identifying the object of the discipline of graphic design as the graphic space of reading and its more specific condition in the experience of making words and ideas visible, we recognize from the point of view of the reader, that all forms derived from the use of the Drawing and writing acquire meaning in that space, as a consequence of the universal power of their connections. From this, we identify that the object of this research is the process of transfer of graphic knowledge that occurs during the second half of the 15th century in the context of the implementation of the printing press. This involves considering how typographers and engravers make the transition from the tradition of the illuminated Manuscript of the Middle Ages to the advent of the printing press. This thesis is focused on the field of abstraction of colors that leads to understand the structural character that acquires the gray scale in the graphic space, as a consequence of the consensus regarding the lack of use of colors in the printed book. Thus, the aim of this research is to show the relevance of the luminosity in graphic space, considering especially the comparison between the achromatic character of the engraving and the unfinished aspect of the literary text referred to the act of reading. The observation of the geometric, chromatic and calligraphic aspects in this context, allow us to attribute the particularity of that abstraction to a cultural understanding of correspondence between the gray scale and the luminosity of the colors. All this in the joint invention of engraving and typography. / [es] Al identificar el objeto de la disciplina del diseño gráfico como el espacio gráfico de la lectura y su condición más específica en la experiencia de hacer visibles las palabras y las ideas, reconocemos desde el punto de vista del lector que todas las formas derivadas del uso del dibujo y la escritura, adquieren sentido en aquel espacio como consecuencia del poder universal de sus conexiones. A partir de esta perspectiva, identificamos que el objeto de esta investigación es el proceso de transferencia del conocimiento gráfico que ocurre durante la segunda mitad del siglo XV en el contexto de la implementación de la imprenta. Esto implica considerar cómo tipógrafos y grabadores realizan la transición desde la tradición del Manuscrito iluminado de la Edad Media hacia el advenimiento de la imprenta. Está tesis está enfocada en el campo de abstracción de los colores que conduce a comprender el carácter estructural que adquiere la escala de grises en el espacio gráfico, como consecuencia del consenso respecto de la prescindencia del uso de los colores en el libro impreso. Así, el objetivo de esta investigación es mostrar la relevancia de la luminosidad en espacio gráfico, considerando especialmente la comparación entre el carácter acromático del grabado y el aspecto inacabado del texto literario referidos al acto de leer. La observación de los aspectos geométricos, cromáticos y caligráficos en este contexto, nos permiten atribuir la particularidad de esa abstracción a una comprensión cultural de correspondencia entre la escala de grises y la luminosidad de los colores. Todo esto en la invención conjunta del grabado y la tipografía.

Answering “Why Empty?” and “Why So Many?” queries in graph databases

Vasilyeva, Elena, Thiele, Maik, Bornhövd, Christof, Lehner, Wolfgang 04 July 2023 (has links)
Graph databases provide schema-flexible storage and support complex, expressive queries. However, the flexibility and expressiveness in these queries come at additional costs: queries can result in unexpected empty answers or too many answers, which are difficult to resolve manually. To address this, we introduce subgraph-based solutions for graph queries “Why Empty?” and “Why So Many?” that give an answer about which part of a graph query is responsible for an unexpected result. We also extend our solutions to consider the specifics of the used graph model and to increase efficiency and experimentally evaluate them in an in-memory column database.

Opvoeders se toepassing van dissipline in voorheen benadeelde sekondere skole in die Wes-Kaap / Educators' application of discipline in previously disadvantaged secondary schools in the Western Cape / Ukufundisa ngokuziphatha kwizikolo zemfundo ephakamileyo ebezihlelelekile kwiphando Lentshona-Koloni

Moses, Keenan John 01 1900 (has links)
Afrikaans text, with English and Xhosa summaries / Baie leerders in voorheen benadeelde skole kom uit enkelouerhuise, waar ouers lang ure werk en dikwels ongeletterd is. Dit lei daartoe dat die oorgrote meerderheid leerders in 'n ongestruktureerde omgewing en in huise grootword sonder duidelike dissiplinêre grense. Dissiplinêre grense behels die daarstelling van duidelike perke wat aan kinders wys wat hulle mag doen en wat hulle nie mag doen nie. Alle kinders het grense nodig om optimaal te groei en te leer. As kinders weet wat die gevolge daarvan is om buite die grense te beweeg, sal hulle probeer voldoen aan verwagtinge. Aan die anderkant sal 'n gebrek aan grense baie dissiplinêre probleme veroorsaak, aangesien leerders nie tuis selfdissipline aanleer nie. Daarbenewens word hulle dikwels grootgemaak in omgewings waar hulle blootgestel word aan dwelms, geweld, misdaad en bendes. Hulle verwerf nie die kennis van watter soort gedrag tuis of in hul gemeenskappe moreel en sosiaal aanvaarbaar is nie. Die gebrek aan dissipline en selfdissipline tuis lei tot dissiplinêre probleme in die klaskamer, veral by leerders in voorheen benadeelde skole. Die onderrig van goeie dissipline, wat tot selfdissipline lei, berus op opvoeders se skouers in die skoolkonteks. Dus word die rol van skole en opvoeders uiters belangrik, hoewel dit na 'n onoorkomelike probleem klink. As alle belanghebbendes 'n rol kan speel om leerders te help om optimaal te ontwikkel, sal dit ook help met dissiplinêre probleme. / Many learners in previously disadvantaged schools come from single parent homes, where parents work long hours and often are illiterate. This leads to the fact that the vast majority of learners grow up in an unstructured environment and in homes without clear disciplinary boundaries. Disciplinary boundaries involve establishing clear limits that show children what they are allowed to do and what they are not allowed to do. All children need boundaries to grow and learn optimally. When children know what the consequences are for stepping out of bounds, they will be more compliant. A lack of boundaries on the other hand causes many disciplinary problems, as learners do not learn self-discipline at home. In addition, they are often raised in environments where they are exposed to drugs, violence, crime and gangs. They do not acquire the knowledge of which types of behaviour are morally and socially acceptable at home or in their communities. The lack of discipline and self discipline at home leads to disciplinary problems in the classroom, especially with learners in previously disadvantaged schools. The teaching of good discipline, leading to self discipline rests on educators’ shoulders in the school context. Thus, the role of schools and educators become extremely important, although it sounds like an insurmountable problem. If all stakeholders could play a role to assist learners to develop optimally, it will also help with disciplinary problems. / Uninzi lwabafundi abaphuma kwizikolo ebezihlelelekile ngaphambili bavela kumakhaya anomzali omnye, apho abazali besebenza iiyure ezinde kwaye kunjalo bengafundanga. Ngoko uninzi lwabafundi lukhulela kwindawo engenasiseko someleleyo nakumakhaya angenamiqathanga icacileyo yokuziphatha. Imida yokoluleka kokuziphatha ibandakanya ukumiselwa kwemida ecacileyo ebonisa abantwana izinto abavunyelweyo ukuzenza nezinto abangavunyelwanga ukuba bazenze. Bonke abantwan bafuna ukubekelwa imiqathanga ukuze bakhule ngokugqibeleleyo. Xa abantwana bezazi iziphumo zokutyeshela imiqathanga ebekiweyo baya kuthobela nangakumbi. Ukongeza, basoloko bekhulela kwindawo apho bedibana neziyobisi, ubundlobongela, ulwaphulo-mthetho namamaqela emigulukudu. Ngoko ke, abalufumani ulwazi ngeentlobo zokuziphatha ezivumelekileyo ekhaya okanye ekuhlaleni. Ukungabikho kwenqeqesho nokuzihlonipha ekhaya kukhokelela kwiingxaki zokuziphatha egumbini lokufundela, ingakumbi abafundi abakwizikolo ebezihlelelekile. Ukufundisa indlela efanelekileyo yokuziphatha, ekhokelela ekuziphatheni kakuhle, ngumthwalo wootitshala esikolweni.Yiloo nto indima yezikolo nootitshala iba yeyona ibaluleke kakhulu, ngaphandle kwale ngxaki ikhangeleka ingenakuphela. Ukongeza, ukuba bonke ababandakanyekayo banokudlala indima ekuncedeni abafundi ukuba bakhule ngokugqibeleleyo, kunganceda ekusombululeni iingxaki zokuziphatha. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Opvoedkundige Sielkunde)

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