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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le roman policier grec (1953-2013) : les enjeux littéraires du genre policier en Grèce / Greek crime fiction (1953-2013)

Marcou, Loïc 25 October 2014 (has links)
Contrairement à ses homologues occidentaux (le detective novel britannique, le roman de détection français, le roman noir anglo-américain, le giallo italien), le récit policier grec est une terra incognita pour la recherche universitaire.Cette thèse ambitionne de combler cette lacune en s’intéressant à un genre qui, plus que tout autre, a eu mauvais genre en Grèce. Les deux questions qui constituent le fil d’Ariane de notre réflexion tournent autour de l’hellénité du genre (existe-t-il un roman policier grec doté de caractéristiques intrinsèques ?) et de son évolution en diachronie (y a-t-il continuum ou rupture entre l’ancienne et la nouvelle production policière hellénique ?). Notre thèse est construite en trois temps. Notre première partie s’intéresse aux raisons de la naissance tardive du genre en Grèce et à son histoire sur six décennies, de 1953 à 2013. Notre deuxième partie se penche sur la poétique du nouveau roman policier grec (1995-2013) en prenant pour point de comparaison l’ancienne production policière hellénique (1953-1967), celle de Maris et de ses épigones : Chairopoulos, Kakouri, Marakis, Markakis, Papagéorgiou. Au cours de cette deuxième partie, il est surtout question de l’identité générique du nouveau « polar grec » (roman de détection, roman noir, thriller, « polar méditerranéen » ?), des personnages qu’il met en scène et de la thématique de la ville. Enfin, notre troisième partie ambitionne de montrer que le nouveau roman policier hellénique mène une investigation sur l’histoire, la société et l’identité grecques. Plus qu’à l’anatomie d’un crime, le lecteur assiste en effet, dans la nouvelle production policière hellénique, à l’anatomie d’un pays. / In opposition to Western crime fiction (British and French detective novels, American hard-boiled crime fictions, Italian giallo), Greek crime fiction is totally unknown in the field of academic research (both in Greece and France).This thesis aims to fill this gap by focusing on a literary genre which, more often than not, has been badly seen by the Greek literary establishment. The two questions which drew our attention revolved around the Hellenic dimension of the genre (is there something as such as Greek crime fiction?) and around the evolution of Greek crime fiction over time (is there a continuity or a major shift between former and recent Greek crime fiction?).Our thesis is divided into three parts. The first part focuses on the belated emergence of the genre in Greece and on the history of Greek crime fiction from 1953 to 2013. The second part analyses the poetics of recent crime fiction production in Greece (1995-2013), in comparison to the novels or short stories of Greek writers of the fifties and sixties (authors such as Yannis Maris, Christos Chairopoulos, Athina Kakouri, Andronikos Markakis, Takis Papageorgiou). In our second part, we also try to identify the genre in which Greek crime fiction expresses itself (detective story? Hard-boiled story? Thriller? Mediterranean Noir?). Finally, we analyse the main characters who appear in the plot and the theme of the city. The third part aims at showing that contemporary authors of Greek crime fiction lead an investigation on the history of Greece (and its society) and on Hellenic identity. In a nutshell, recent Greek crime fiction is more focused on the anatomy of a country than on the anatomy of a crime.

Infinitivamente pessoal: a autoficção de Caio Fernando Abreu, \'O biógrafo da emoção\' / Infinitivamente pessoal: the autofiction of Caio Fernando Abreu, the \"bigrapher of emotion\"

Nelson Luis Barbosa 08 May 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a escrita autoficcional de Caio Fernando Abreu (1948-1996) segundo as concepções, respectivamente, dos teóricos franceses Serge Doubrovsky e Vincent Colonna, destacando-a e diferenciando-a de uma escrita pretensamente autobiográfica, segundo a concepção do também francês Philippe Lejeune. Se para Doubrovsky a escrita autoficcional é identificável pela condição do homonimato entre autor-narrador-personagem, para Colonna tal condição não se faz necessária para a identificação dessa escrita. Desse modo, no caso da autoficção segundo Colonna, para identificação da autoficção de Caio F., propõe-se o critério da sobreposição de textos com base nos paratextos genettianos. Procura-se, assim, estabelecer as bases diferenciais de uma escrita autoficcional que congrega em sua estrutura fatos reais e ficcionais elaborados pela linguagem, em contraposição a uma escrita dita autobiográfica baseada num pretenso pacto de verdade, entendendo ser a autoficção a forma de escrita amplamente praticada por Caio F. Para demonstração dessa escrita autoficcional, promove-se a análise e interpretação de textos significativos de Caio F., neles identificando as estruturas que os tornam autênticas autoficções. / This work aims to study the autofictional writings of Caio Fernando Abreu (1948-1996) according to the French scholars Serge Doubrovsky and Vincent Colonna, emphasizing and differentiating it from a supposedly autobiographic writing and also according to Philippe Lejeune. If, according to Doubrovsky, autofictional writing is recognizable by the requisite of homonimity author-narrator-character, to Colonna such requirement is not necessary. According to the latter, to identify Caio F.s autofiction, one must adopt the criteria of superposition of texts, based on Genets concept of paratext. Therefore, our goal is to establish the differential basis of an autofictional writing which creates in its structures of real and fictional facts elaborated by the language, as opposed to a writing considered autobiographic based on a intended pact of truth. Consequently, autofiction is the way of writing widely practiced by Caio F. In order to demonstrate this autofictional writing, we analyse and interprete Caios most important texts, identifying in them the structures that make them genuine autofictions.

A Bela e a Fera: a reafirmação do estereótipo feminino e sua subversão nas colunas de Tereza Quadros, máscara de Clarice Lispector / The Beauty and the Beast: the reaffirmation of the female stereotype and its subversion in the columns of Tereza Quadros, mask of Clarice Lispector.

Tania Sandroni 11 April 2018 (has links)
Sob a máscara de Tereza Quadros, Clarice Lispector jornalista produziu a coluna Entre mulheres no jornal Comício, em 1952. Ao lado de receitas e conselhos, comuns na imprensa feminina, a colunista publicou textos em que há um discurso pouco convencional sobre o que se consideravam os modelos femininos. Essa postura, em certa medida transgressora para a época, pode ser comprovada também pelo fato de a colunista citar trechos em que a emancipação da mulher está tematizada. Nesta pesquisa, identificamos que a principal fonte de inspiração para Clarice Lispector foi o livro O segundo sexo, de Simone de Beauvoir, publicado em 1949 na França e, à época, não traduzido no Brasil. Além de citar um trecho da própria escritora francesa, a colunista retirou da obra outras referências e trechos de terceiros. Isso revela que, ao mesmo tempo em que ratificava o estereótipo da mulher burguesa da década de 1950, com conselhos sobre tarefas domésticas, Clarice Lispector contestava esse mesmo estereótipo, por meio da apresentação de leituras avançadas para a época. Além disso, a colunista escreveu crônicas com incontestável valor literário, sendo que algumas delas deram origem a contos publicados posteriormente com assinatura da escritora. Dessa forma, a produção de Tereza Quadros é bastante diferenciada daquelas desenvolvidas por Helen Palmer e Ilka Soares, outras máscaras da escritora na imprensa feminina. / Under the mask of Tereza Quadros, Clarice Lispector wrote the column \"Among Women\" for the newspaper Comício, in 1952. Alongside recipes and advice, common in women\'s press, the writer published texts in which there is a somewhat unconventional discourse in regards to what were considered female role models. This posture, transgressive to a point for its time, can be confirmed by the fact the columnist quoted passages on the emancipation of women. In this research, we have identified the primary source of inspiration for Clarice Lipector as the book The Second Sex, by Simone de Beauvoir, published in 1949, France, and not translated in Brazil back then. Apart from quoting directly from the french writer, the columnist also took from her work other references and excerpts from other authors. That reveals that, at the same time she ratified female role models for the middle-class woman in the years of 1950, with advice on domestic chores, Clarice Lispector contested that same stereotype through introducing new, advanced reads for her time. In addition, the columnist wrote chronicles with undeniable literary value, some of which gave origin to short stories later published with the writer\'s signature. Therefore, the writing production of Tereza Quadros is quite different from the ones of Helen Palmer and Ilka Soares, other masks the writer has used in women\'s press.

Les emplois de "quando" dans différents genres textuels du latin préclassique au latin postclassique / The use of "quando" in different textual genres from Early to Postclassical Latin

Fatello, Fabienne 05 March 2018 (has links)
Cette recherche sur corpus a pour objet les emplois de quando (quandoque, quandoquidem, quandocumque) dans différents genres textuels du latin préclassique au latin postclassique. À partir du CD-ROM de la Bibliotheca Teubneriana Latina nous avons répertorié les occurrences de quando dans les Comédies de Plaute, les Discours de Cicéron, le De rerum natura de Lucrèce, l’Histoire romaine de Tite-Live et les Traités philosophiques de Sénèque. En principe, le terme en kw- peut servir d’adverbe interrogatif, indéfini ou relatif et de conjonction temporelle ou causale. Or la distinction de ces différents emplois ne peut se faire à l’aide de procédés classificatoires qui prendraient comme cadre d’analyse maximal la phrase en raison d’ambiguïtés sémantiques et d’interférences fonctionnelles entre types de subordonnées. Aussi optons-nous pour une approche macro-syntaxique tenant compte des relations dépassant le segment phrastique et alliant les points de vue morpho-syntaxique et sémantico-énonciatif. D’abord, l’étude de quando, terme polyvalent susceptible de fonctionner à plusieurs niveaux de la structure phrastique, nous amène à nous interroger sur les niveaux d’insertion et la fonction de quando dans la phrase. Ainsi, les interférences fonctionnelles entre relatif et conjonction temporelle mettent en évidence la perméabilité des frontières entre fonctions syntaxiques. Ensuite, l’ambiguïté sémantique invite à dépasser le strict cadre phrastique et à considérer les inférences contextuelles du terme étudié en vue de distinguer notamment la valeur temporelle de la valeur causale de quando. Enfin, l’outil grammatical ne peut être appréhendé sans considération de sa valeur illocutoire. Par la grande diversité d’actes réalisés, l’analyse des emplois interrogatifs peut révéler certaines caractéristiques liées à l’écriture générique. Dans une approche empruntée à la grammaire fonctionnelle sera étudiée enfin la portée du terme au niveau du discours. Une telle analyse s’avère nécessaire pour caractériser l’emploi causal, dans la mesure où ce dernier intervient au niveau interpersonnel et non référentiel, et joue, dans la terminologie de la grammaire fonctionnelle, le rôle de satellite disjoint. En ce sens, cette étude prouve l’utilité d’une approche éclectique dans l’analyse des emplois de quando : le recours à différentes approches linguistiques, selon les besoins de l’interprétation, met en évidence la complémentarité des points de vue morpho-syntaxique et sémantico-pragmatique dans une description empirique des faits de langue et de discours visant à définir, à partir de données textuelles apparemment disparates, les valeurs de base des différents emplois de quando. L’intérêt de l’étude réside ainsi dans la polyvalence du terme, permettant d’aborder un large éventail de problèmes linguistiques voire extralinguistiques liés à la structure phrastique, au texte et à la situation de discours. / This corpus-based study analyses the use of quando (quandoque, quandoquidem, quandocumque) in different textual genres from Early to Postclassical Latin. From the Bibliotheca Teubneriana Latina CD-ROM (BTL-4) we have listed the instances of quando in Plaute’s Comedies, Cicero’s Discourses, Lucretius’ De rerum natura, Livy’s History of Rome and Seneca’s Moral Essays. Quando can be used as an interrogative, indefinite and relative adverb or as a temporal or causal conjunction. But the classification of these different uses is not possible without a macro-syntactic approach that combines morpho-syntactic, semantic and enunciative points of view. First, the study of this multifunctional term raises the question of its integration in the sentence structure. Thus the functional interference of its use as a relative adverb and as a temporal conjunction shows that the frontiers between syntactical functions are malleable. Furthermore, the semantic ambiguity invites us to extend the analyses to the contextual inferences to distinguish for instance its temporal and causal use. Moreover we cannot analyse the use of quando without considering its illocutionary force: for instance the questions introduced by quando perform a great variety of speech acts which reveal certain characteristics of the literary genre. Finally, the methods of Functional Grammar are necessary to study the level quando affects in the sentence structure, as the causal subordinate clause provides information on the interpersonal level and can be considered as a disjunct satellite. In the light of these considerations, it is evident that an eclectic approach is necessary to study the use of quando: only different linguistic approaches, combining the morpho-syntactic, semantic and enunciative point of view in an empirical description of its occurrences, can define the value of the different uses of quando. Thus the significance of this study resides in the multifunctionality of quando which allows us to consider a large variety of linguistic and extra-linguistic problems occurring not only at multiple levels of the sentence structure, but extended even to the larger context of the speech interaction and intimately linked to the authors writing techniques and the speakers discursive intentions.

L'Écriture comme seul pays. Construction et subversion des discours identitaires : hybridité et genre chez Assia Djebar et Nina Bouraoui

Husung, Kirsten January 2012 (has links)
This thesis, situated in the context of francophone and maghrebian postcolonial studies, examines the impact of identity discourses on the protagonists’ subjectivity in Assia Djebar’s La Femme sans sépulture (2002) and La Disparition de la langue française (2003) and Nina Bouraoui’s Garçon manqué (2000) and Mes mauvaises pensées (2005). These novels draw a parallel between two historically connected spaces, France and Algeria, and periods,  the years of the Algerian war of independence and the rise of Islamists in 1990s  Algeria. The movement between the two spaces and periods constitutes in a literal and figurative sense a third space that contributes to the protagonist’s hybridisation. Hybridity is analysed as a narrative and discursive strategy that subverts and recodifies different identity dis­courses that transmit normative ideas about cultural, ethnic and gendered belonging. Hybridity is also shown in the literary genre. By connecting the past and the present through individual and collective reminiscence, the four novels reinterpret history while transgressing the frontiers of classical genres: the fictional, the testimonial and the autobiographical intertwine with the historiographical. Through the character of the narrator-cineaste and the story of Zoulikha, Assia Djebar reconstitutes in La Femme sans sépulture her own heritage and that of the interviewed women which is associated with Luce Irigaray’s theory of feminine genealogy as a model of identification. The languages’ different transcultural influences are shown in La Disparition de la langue française in the light of Homi Bhabha’s theory of cultural translation. Bouraoui’s fiction shows more radically than Djebar’s the body as a surface of cultural inscription, determined by ethnic and gendered norms. To emphasize the sociocultural dimension of the Bouraouian protagonist’s problems of identity the analysis uses Judith Butler’s theories about the performativity, the recognition and the melancholy of gender. In the four novels the return to one’s origins remains an illusion. The only place where the protagonists can negotiate and express their hybrid subjectivity is constituted in and through their writing. / Cette thèse, située dans le contexte des études francophones maghrébines et postcoloniales, analyse l’impact des discours identitaires sur la subjectivité des protagonistes dans La Femme sans sépulture (2002) et La Disparition de la langue française (2003) d’Assia Djebar, et dans Garçon manqué (2000) et Mes mauvaises pensées (2005) de Nina Bouraoui. Ces romans  mettent en parallèle deux espaces historiquement liés, la France et l’Algérie, et deux périodes, le temps de la guerre d’indépendance algérienne et les années 1990 avec la montée des islamistes en Algérie. Le mouvement entre les deux espaces et temps constitue au sens littéral et au sens figuré un tiers espace, qui contribue à l’hybridation des protagonistes. L’hybridité est analysée comme une stratégie narrative et discursive qui subvertit et récodifie différents discours identitaires véhiculant des idées normatives concernant l’appartenance culturelle, ethnique et genrée des protagonistes. L’hybridation se reflète également dans le genre littéraire. À travers la remémoration individuelle et collective des événements passés mis en rapport avec le présent, les quatre romans donnent une nouvelle signification à l’Histoire en transgressant les frontières entre les genres classiques : le fictionnel, le témoignage et l’autobiographique s’inscrivent dans l’historiographique. Moyennant le personnage de la narratrice-cinéaste et l’histoire de Zoulikha, Djebar reconstitue dans La Femme sans sépulture, son propre héritage et celle des femmes interviewées, ce qui est associé à la théorie de Luce Irigaray sur la généalogie féminine au sens d’un modèle d’identification. Les différentes influences transculturelles des langues sont éclairées dans La Disparition de la langue française à la lumière de la théorie de la traduction culturelle de Homi Bhabha. Bouraoui montre plus radicalement que Djebar le corps comme surface d’inscription culturelle gérée par des normes ethnicisantes et genrées. Pour souligner la dimension socioculturelle des problèmes identitaires de la protagoniste bouraouienne, les théories de Judith Butler concernant la performativité du genre, la reconnaissance et la mélancolie genrée sont utilisées. Le retour à l’origine reste dans les quatre romans illu­soire. Le seul lieu où les protagonistes puissent négocier et exprimer leur subjectivité hybride est constitué dans et à travers l’écriture.

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