Spelling suggestions: "subject:"lives regeneration"" "subject:"river regeneration""
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LKB1, gardien de la prolifération hépatocytaire et de l’intégrité génomique / LKB1, gatekeeper of hepatocyte proliferation and genomic integrityMaillet, Vanessa 28 November 2017 (has links)
La Liver Kinase B1 (LKB1) est une protéine pléiotrope, impliquée dans divers processus biologiques. Dans le foie, LKB1 est notamment connue pour être un régulateur clé du métabolisme et de la polarité cellulaire. Au cours de notre étude, nous avons investigué l’implication de LKB1 dans le contrôle de la prolifération des hépatocytes au cours du processus de régénération hépatique physiologique (hépatectomie partielle des 2/3). Nous avons démontré que la perte de Lkb1, spécifiquement dans les hépatocytes, favorise la récupération de la masse hépatique après hépatectomie partielle, en induisant une augmentation drastique de la réponse proliférative hépatocytaire, indépendamment de la balance métabolique/énergétique. Ainsi, LKB1 agit comme un senseur négatif de la prolifération et régule la transition G0/G1, en particulier en contrôlant la signalisation de l’EGFR (Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor). Par ailleurs, plus tard pendant la régénération, LKB1 garantit également l’intégrité mitotique. En effet, la suppression de Lkb1 entraîne des altérations majeures de la formation du fuseau mitotique. Nos résultats établissent également que LKB1 contrôle la polarité de la division cellulaire, indépendamment de l'activité de l’AMPK (AMP-activated protein kinase), une cible clé de LKB1. Par conséquent, la perte de LKB1 conduit à une altération majeure du profil de ploïdie, au stade tardif du processus de régénération. L’ensemble de notre étude souligne le double rôle de LKB1, au cours de la régénération hépatique, en tant que gardien de la prolifération hépatocytaire et de l'intégrité génomique. / Liver Kinase B1 (LKB1) is involved in pleiotropic biological processes and known to be a key regulator of hepatic metabolism and polarity. Here, we investigated the contribution of LKB1 in hepatocyte proliferation and liver regeneration process. We demonstrated that loss of hepatic Lkb1 promotes liver mass recovery, through an increase of hepatocytes proliferation, independently on metabolic/energetic balance. LKB1 regulates G0/G1 progression, specifically by controlling Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) signaling. In addition, later during regeneration, LKB1 controls mitotic fidelity. Deletion of Lkb1 results in major alterations of mitotic spindle formation, along the polarity axis, independently of AMP- activated protein kinase (AMPK) activity, a key target of LKB1. Consequently, LKB1 deficiency leads to an alteration of ploidy profile, at late stage of regenerative process. Overall our study highlights the dual role of LKB1, during liver regeneration, as a guardian of hepatocyte proliferation and genomic integrity.
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Contrôle de la régénération et de l'atrophie hépatiques par modulation du flux veineux porte hépatique chez le porc : application au pré-conditionnement à l'hépatectomie majeure / Control of liver regeneration and atrophy by modulation of hepatic portal venous flow in porcine modele : application of major hepatectomy preconditioningBrige, Pauline 18 December 2015 (has links)
Le principal frein au développement de la transplantation hépatique à donneur vivant est le risque de complication et de décès encourus par le donneur. Nous proposons une préparation du donneur par la réalisation d'un rétrécissement (sténose) de 20% de la veine d'un coté de son foie afin de faire grossir ce dernier sans altérer la viabilité du futur greffon. Pour cela, sur 32 porcs, nous avons recherché la plus petite sténose capable de déclencher le maintien du débit portal et étudié les déclenchements de la prolifération cellulaire et de l'atrophie. Des scanners associés à des scintigraphies hépatobiliaires à la mebrofénine ont été réalisés afin d'étudier les changements morphologiques et fonctionnels du foie. Nous démontrons que la sténose de 20% d'un coté du foie déclenche la régénération hépatique de l'autre coté et permet le gain d'une masse hépatique fonctionnelle. Conclusion : Notre pré-conditionnement est capable de préparer le foie d'un patient à l'hépatectomie majeure. / The main hindrance in promoting living donor liver transplantation remains the morbidity and mortality risk for the donor. We propose the realization of a 20% stenosis of the left portal vein (LPV) in order to induce an increase of the functional liver mass without altering the viability of the future graft.Materials and Methods: Thirty-two pigs were included in this program. The hemodynamic study identified the smallest stenosis capable of triggering mechanisms of maintenance of the hepatic blood flow. Cell proliferation and atrophy were studied. Scanners associated with Mebrofenin hepatobiliary scintigraphy were performed to study the morphological and functional changes of the liver.Results: A 20% LPV stenosis trigger liver regeneration in the contralateral lobe inducing a gain in hepatic functional hepatic mass.Conclusion: A 20% LPV stenosis is the effective preconditioning in order to get the remnant liver of living donor ready to take on graft harvesting.
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Amélioration des résultats de la thérapie cellulaire hépatique : Développement d’une nouvelle méthode de préparation du foie receveur et développement d’une source cellulaire alternative aux hépatocytes / Improvement in liver cell therapy : Development of a new method of recipient liver preparation and development of an alternative cell source to hepatocytesPourcher, Guillaume 14 December 2015 (has links)
La transplantation d’hépatocytes dans le foie est un procédé séduisant pour corriger la fonction hépatique et permettre peut-être d’éviter la transplantation d’organe. Actuellement, la greffe de cellules hépatiques a été envisagée pour corriger le déficit métabolique des patients ayant une maladie hépatique métabolique héréditaire, dont le foie est par ailleurs normal. Les résultats des essais cliniques d’allotransplantation ou d’autotransplantation d'hépatocytes génétiquement modifiés montrent une prise de greffe insuffisante et, dans la plupart des études, un effet thérapeutique transitoire. Ces résultats ont incité à développer des modèles animaux précliniques pour tester des procédés facilitant la prise de greffe. L’intégration des hépatocytes dans les travées hépatocytaires et leur prolifération permet de préparer le foie à greffer par stimulation de la régénération hépatique. Ces deux procédés sont aujourd'hui utilisés en routine dans ces modéles expérimentaux: l’hépatectomie partielle ou l’embolisation portale. Néanmoins, ces deux techniques de stimulation de la régénération hépatique sont difficilement applicables à la pratique clinique car la résection chirurgicale du foie comporte des risques majeurs et l’embolisation portale "classique", c’est-à-dire l’obstruction des grosses veines sectorielles du foie, est responsable d'une embolisation anatomique avec une atrophie ou une destruction partielle de la partie du foie embolisé. Par ces procédés, certes la régénération est stimulée à hauteur de 20% mais seulement sur une partie du volume hépatique (environ 50%) avec diminution du volume accessible à la greffe sans compter les risques liés à l'atrophie ou à la resection chirurgicale du reste du foie.Nous avons donc proposé une nouvelle approche de stimulation de la régénération hépatique chez la souris. Nous avons utilisé une embolisation portale volumétrique à l’aide de microbilles allant très loin dans tout le foie. Il s’agit donc de l’embolisation d'un pourcentage du volume global hépatique sans altération anatomique (lobe) du foie. Ainsi, les traumatismes nécessaires à la préparation du foie pour augmenter la prolifération seront mieux répartis dans la totalité du foie et devraient avoir moins de conséquences sur la fonction hépatique, contrairement à l’embolisation partielle dite anatomique. Un autre effet serait la préservation de l’accessibilité à tout le volume du foie des cellules à greffer et non plus à la partie non embolisée du foie ce qui devrait d’augmenter le nombre de cellules injectées donc transplantées par une même préparation.Nous devons encore évaluer les repercutions hépatiques à long terme (>J21) des conditions d'embolisation volumétrique à plus fort taux de régénération mais qui implique des lésions de nécrose hépatique. Avant de passer sur des modéles cliniques, une évaluation de l’embolisation volumétrique sur un animal plus gros (rat ou maquaque) avec déficit métabolique est nécéssaire. Par ailleurs, cette nouvelle préparation du foie doit être optimisée pour une application clinique à moyen terme avec des injections séquentielles de microsphères et l’utilisation de microsphères résorbables, ce qui permettrait d’obstruer plus de sinusoïdes sans accumulation du matériel dans les branches portales, et ainsi augmenter le signal de régénération.Si ces résultats se confirment, notamment chez l’animal, ce nouveau procédé permettrait d’améliorer la prise de greffe de façon significative dans l’ensemble du parenchyme hépatique et de pouvoir transplanter un plus grand nombre de cellules. L’intérêt de cette technique peu invasive la rend d’autant plus applicable chez l’homme car l’architecture du foie est préservée. De réels progrès dans la thérapie cellulaire hépatique devront permettre dans le futur de mieux traiter les patients atteints de maladies métaboliques héréditaires. / Hepatocyte transplantation has been proposed as an alternative to orthotopic liver transplantation to treat metabolic liver diseases. This approach requires preconditioning of the host liver to enhance engraftment of transplanted hepatocytes. Different methods are currently used in preclinical models: partial hepatectomy, portal ligature or embolization, and radiotherapy or chemotherapeutic drugs. However, these methods carry high risks of complications and are problematic for use in clinical practice. Here, we developed an innovative method called volumetric (distal, partial and random) portal embolization (EPV), which preserves total liver volume.METHODS: Embolization was performed in the portal trunk of C57BL6 adult mice with polyester microspheres, to ensure a bilateral and distal distribution. The repartition of microspheres was studied by angiographic and histological analysis. Liver regeneration was evaluated by Ki67 labeling. Optimal conditions for EPV were determined and the resulting regeneration was compared with that following partial hepatectomy (70%). Labeled adult hepatocytes were then transplanted and engraftment was compared between embolized (n=19) and non embolized mice (n=8). Engraftment was assessed in vivo and histologically by tracking labeled cells at day 5. RESULTS: The best volumetric embolization conditions, which resulted in the regeneration of 5% of total liver, were 8x106 10µm microspheres infused with a 29 G needle directly into the portal trunk at 3.3ml/s. In these conditions, transplanted hepatocytes engraftment was significantly higher than in control conditions (3 vs 0.65%). CONCLUSIONS: EPV is a new, minimally invasive and efficient technique to prepare the host liver for cell transplantation.
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L'embolisation portale résorbable répétée : stimulus de la régénération hépatique / Repeated resorbable portal vein embolization : stimulating liver regenerationGaillard, Martin 10 December 2019 (has links)
Le foie possède une capacité de régénération importante qui lui permet de reconstituer son volume suite à une agression. L’induction d’une régénération hépatique est réalisée en pratique courante en chirurgie hépatique afin de préparer le foie à une hépatectomie majeure. Elle est également utilisée dans de nombreux modèles animaux afin de favoriser la prise de greffe hépatocytaire au cours de la transplantation d’hépatocytes pour le traitement de maladies métaboliques héréditaires hépatiques. Les principaux objectifs de ce travail ont été d’étudier une méthode peu invasive pour induire une importante régénération hépatique : d’une part pour élargir les possibilités de prise en charge des patients nécessitant une hépatectomie, et d’autre part pour favoriser la prise de greffe des hépatocytes transplantés pour le traitement des maladies métaboliques héréditaires hépatiques.Dans un premier temps, nous avons mis au point chez le rat une technique d’embolisation portale partielle résorbable répétée (EPPRR) visant à entrainer un stimulus additionnel de régénération hépatique. Ces travaux ont validé le concept de la méthode d’EPPRR en montrant une augmentation de la prolifération hépatocytaire et une hypertrophie dans la partie du foie non embolisée.Ce protocole d’EPPRR a ensuite été appliqué dans un modèle préclinique de gros animal. Nous avons étudié chez le porc les conséquences de l’EPPRR et montré que cette technique était reproductible, bien tolérée, et qu’elle permettait une hypertrophie de la partie du foie non embolisée.Parallèlement, nous avons appliqué l’EPPRR avant transplantation d’hépatocytes chez le rat. A partir du foie de rats transgéniques exprimant la GFP (green fluorescent protein), nous avons pu isoler des hépatocytes GFP+. Ces cellules ont été transplantées dans le foie de rats receveurs GFP- en association avec une EPPRR. Nous avons montré que le stimulus de régénération répété provoqué par l’EPPRR permettait une augmentation de la prise de greffe.En conclusion, l’EPPRR est une technique peu invasive capable d’induire une régénérative hépatique efficace. Cette approche pourrait jouer un rôle dans la prise en charge des tumeurs hépatique et l’optimisation de la transplantation d’hépatocytes pour le traitement des maladies métaboliques héréditaires hépatiques. / The liver has an important regenerative capacity allowing reconstitution of the hepatic volume after an aggression. The induction of liver regeneration is used in routine clinical practice before liver surgery in order to prepare the liver for major hepatectomy. It is also used in numerous animal models in order to increase hepatocyte engraftment during hepatocyte transplantation for the treatment of inherited metabolic liver diseases. The main objective of this work was to evaluate a minimally invasive approach to induce substantial liver regeneration: firstly, to expand the therapeutic options for patients requiring an hepatectomy, and secondly to increase the engraftment of transplanted hepatocytes for the treatment of inherited metabolic liver diseases.In a first study, we developed in the rat model a technique of repeated reversible portal vein embolization (RRPVE) to induce an additional stimulus of liver regeneration. This study established the proof of concept of the RRPVE method, showing an increase in hepatocyte proliferation and hypertrophy in the non-embolized liver.This RRPVE protocol was then used in a preclinical model of large animal. We studied in swine the consequences of the RRPVE and showed that the procedure was reproducible, well tolerated, and allowed hypertrophy of the non-embolized liver.In parallel, we applied RRPVE before hepatocyte transplantation in the rat model. From the liver of transgenic rats expressing GFP (green fluorescent protein), we were able to isolate GFP+ hepatocytes. These cells were transplanted in the liver of recipient GFP- rats in association with RRPVE. We demonstrated that the repetition of the regeneration stimulus induced by RRPVE allowed increased hepatocyte engraftment.In conclusion, RRPVE is a minimally invasive technique able to induce efficient liver regeneration. This approach could play a part in the management of hepatic malignancies and the optimization of hepatocyte transplantation in the treatment of inherited metabolic liver diseases.
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Implication de la protéine Rnd3/RhoE dans la physiologie et la carcinogenèse hépatiques / Role of Rnd3/RhoE in hepatic physiology and carcinogenesisPaysan, Lisa 15 December 2014 (has links)
L'étude des mécanismes moléculaires de la carcinogenèse hépatique a montré l'implication de la RhoGTPase, Rnd3/RhoE. La protéine Rnd3 est sous-exprimée dans le carcinome hépatocellulaire et la diminution de son expression engendre, in vitro, une augmentation de l'invasion des hépatocytes tumoraux. Sur la base de ces travaux, ce projet de thèse s'est décomposé en deux axes. Le premier axe a été d'étudier le rôle de Rnd3 dans la carcinogenèse ainsi que dans la physiologie hépatique in vivo. Ce projet a débuté par la génération d'un modèle murin présentant un KO conditionnel ethépato-spécifique de Rnd3 {KORnd3). L'utilisation de plusieurs stratégies s'est révélée nécessairepour obtenir une extinction protéique de Rnd3 dans la majorité des hépatocytes chez les souris KO. Après hépatectomie des deux tiers, les premiers résultats montrent un retard de régénération hépatique chez les souris KORnd3. En ce qui concerne la carcinogenèse hépatique, nous avons mis en place un modèle de carcinogène chimique en utilisant le diéthylnitrosamine et un modèle de carcinogénèse spontanée chez les animaux KORnd3Hep. Le deuxième axe a porté sur l'étude des invadosomes, structures d'actine impliquées dans l'invasion cellulaire. Nous avons établi une signature minimum pour les invadosomes, impliquant la GTPase Cdc42 et la protéine d'échafaudage TksS. Nos résultats suggèrent également une implication de Rnd3 dans la fonction de dégradation des invadosomes. Ce travail de thèse a ainsi permis d'apporter de nouveaux outils et de nouvellespistes quant à l'implication de Rnd3 dans la physiopathologie hépatique et dans l'invasion cellulaire. / The study of the molecular mechanisms involved in hepatic carcinogenesis revealed the significant down-regulation of the RhoGTPase Rnd3/RhoE in hepatocellular carcinoma as compared to non- tumor liver. Rnd3 down-regulation provides an invasive advantage to tumor hepatocytes suggesting that RND3 might represent a metastasis suppressor gene in hepatocellular carcinoma. This PhD work was divided in two axes. We first studied the role of Rnd3 in the mouse liver using carcinogenesis and liver regeneration protocols. We thus generated conditional and liver specific Rnd3 KO mice (KORnd3Hep). The first results obtained after partial hepatectomy suggest a delay in liver regeneration for the KORnd3Hep mice. We also developed a carcinogenesis strategy in KORnd3Hep mice using diethylnitrosamine treatment. The second axis focused on invadosomes, which are actin-based structures involved in cell invasion. We have determined a minimal and universal molecular signaturefor functional invadosomes, which involves the RhoGTPase Cdc42 and the adaptor protein TksS. We also highlighted the role of Rnd3 in invadosome degradation. ln conclusion, this work provides new tools and new insights on Rnd3 function in hepatic physiopathology and cellular invasion.
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Úloha ADAM17 a dalších metaloproteáz při patologických procesech jater / The role of ADAM17 and other metalloproteases in liver pathological processesŽbodáková, Oľga January 2020 (has links)
1 Abstract Liver fibrosis is a condition described by extensive accumulation of scar tissue in the liver. With further progression, it leads to cirrhosis or even to hepatocellular carcinoma. Liver fibrosis accompanies every chronic liver disease and its prevalence in adult European population is estimated to be around 4%. During my dissertation work, I studied the function of three members of Metzincin family of metalloproteinases - ADAM17, ADAM10 and MMP-19, in liver fibrosis and liver regeneration using mouse genetic models. ADAM17 and ADAM10 are important regulators of signalling pathways which are involved in immune response as well as differentiation. Both proteases are able to cleave ectodomains of their substrates from cell membrane, affecting bioavailability of ligands and functionality of receptors. Several of their substrates are involved in liver pathologies. MMP-19 on the other hand, is a metalloprotease mainly involved in extracellular matrix cleavage, important process in fibrosis development, as well as resolution of fibrosis. Our results demonstrate that ablation of ADAM10 results in increased susceptibility to liver fibrosis in mice, both spontaneous and toxin induced. ADAM10 deficiency affected biliary epithelium, as we detected higher markers of biliary damage in serum of ADAM10 deficient...
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Identification of pathways in liver repair potentially targeted by secretory proteins from human mesenchymal stem cellsWinkler, Sandra, Hempel, Madlen, Brückner, Sandra, Tautenhahn, Hans-Michael, Kaufmann, Roland, Christ, Bruno 19 July 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Background: The beneficial impact of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) on both acute and chronic liver diseases has been confirmed, although the molecular mechanisms behind it remain elusive. We aim to identify factors secreted by undifferentiated and hepatocytic differentiated MSC
in vitro in order to delineate liver repair pathways potentially targeted by MSC. Methods: Secreted factors were determined by protein arrays and related pathways identified by biomathematical analyses. Results: MSC from adipose tissue and bone marrow expressed a similar pattern
of surface markers. After hepatocytic differentiation, CD54 (intercellular adhesion molecule 1, ICAM-1) increased and CD166 (activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule, ALCAM) decreased. MSC secreted different factors before and after differentiation. These comprised cytokines involved in innate immunity and growth factors regulating liver regeneration. Pathway analysis revealed cytokine-cytokine receptor interactions, chemokine signalling pathways, the complement and coagulation cascades as well as the Januskinase-signal transducers and activators of transcription (JAK-STAT) and nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-like receptor (NOD-like receptor) signalling pathways as relevant networks. Relationships to transforming growth factor beta(TGF-beta) and hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha (HIF1-alpha) signalling seemed also relevant. Conclusion: MSC secreted proteins, which differed depending on cell source and degree of differentiation. The factors might address inflammatory and growth factor pathways as well as chemo-attraction and innate immunity. Since these are prone to dysregulation in most liver diseases, MSC release hepatotropic factors, potentially supporting liver regeneration.
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Análise das vias de administração e biodistribuição de células derivadas do broto hepático de ratos em modelos de hepatectomia parcial / Analysis of the different administration routes and biodistribution of the stem cells from liver bud of mice in the models of partial hepatectomyFerreira, Amanda Olivotti 08 April 2016 (has links)
A perda do parênquima hepático, induzida por tratamento agudo, cirúrgico ou químico, desencadeia um processo regenerativo até que a massa hepática seja completamente restaurada. A regeneração hepática, após a hepatectomia parcial de 70%, é um dos modelos mais adequados de regeneração de células, órgãos e tecidos mais estudados. No fígado, ainda que sejam atribuídas propriedades regenerativas, muitas das lesões são tão prejudiciais que este mecanismo de reparação é insuficiente, tornando o transplante a única opção. As células derivadas do broto hepático de ratos apresentam uma boa alternativa para tratamento de doenças hepáticas devido ao seu alto índice proliferativo e da expressão de marcadores de pluripotência, sendo sua aplicabilidade viável em modelos experimentais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar as diferentes vias de administração das células derivadas do broto hepático de ratos com 12,5 dias de gestação visando a melhor regeneração do órgão. Foram realizados experimentos de hepatectomia parcial de 70% (N=50 animais), PET Scan MSFX PRO In-Vivo RX e fluorescência, índice hepatossomático, análise de marcadores solúveis (GH, AFP, CEA, IGF-1), análises hematológicas, microscopia de luz (coloração HE, Tricômio de Masson), análise de marcadores por citometria de fluxo (CD90, STRO-1, Nanog, Oct3/4, Ki-67, Caspase 3) e ciclo celular por citometria de fluxo. Nossos dados demonstraram que as células do broto hepático administradas na via endotraqueal apresentaram melhor equilíbrio entre proliferação e morte celular, com maior expressão dos marcadores de pluripotência, melhor organização celular e regeneração tecidual, em contraste com outras vias, incluindo endovenosa, intraperitoneal e oroenteral. Isto a torna mais segura e de maior viabilidade na regeneração celular em relação às demais vias, sendo mais eficiente nos modelos de hepatectomia parcial / The restoration of liver parenchyma after partial hepatectomy or chemical treatments represents appropriate models to study regeneration mechanisms. The most appropriate model for liver regeneration is partial hepatectomy of 70%, however, organ repair properties are insufficient, suggesting the transplantation the best alternative to treat liver diseases. Cells derived from liver buds of rats show a high proliferative index and the expression of pluripotency markers; thus their significance for regeneration purposes can be tested experimentally. We here investigated different routes to administer cells derived from rat live buds of 12.5 days of gestation to adult individuals (N=50 animals) suffering from partial hepatectomy (70%). Applied methods included PET Scan MSFX PRO In-Vivo RX, fluorescence hepatossomatic index, analysis of soluble markers (GH, AFP, CEA, IGF-1), hematological analysis, light microscopy (staining HE, and Masson trichrome) as well as flow cytometry for cell cycle analysis and CD90, STRO-1, Nanog, OCT3/4, Ki-67, Caspase 3 expression. Our data showed that administration via the tracheal route resulted as favorite in regard to the balance between proliferation and cell deaths, of pluripotency marker expression, cellular organization and tissue regeneration, in contrast to other routes including: intravenous, intraperitoneal and oroenteral. Consequently, the tracheal route showed safer and more efficient treatment to enhance cell regeneration after partial hepatectomy
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Regeneração hepática em animais jovens com estenose da veia porta ou ligadura da artéria hepática: estudos histológicos, moleculares e avaliação dos efeitos da insulina e do tacrolimus como agentes regenerativos / Liver regeneration in growing animals with portal vein stenosis or hepatic artery ligation: histological and molecular studies, and evaluation of the effects of insulin and tacrolimus as regenerative agentsBackes, Ariane Nadia 28 April 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O transplante hepático é o único tratamento efetivo para uma variedade de doenças hepáticas irreversíveis. No entanto, o número limitado de doadores pediátricos leva ao uso de enxertos hepáticos de doadores adultos, com necessidade de anastomoses vasculares mais complexas. Essas anastomoses tornam-se complicadas pela diferença no calibre dos vasos entre o doador e o receptor, resultando em alterações do fluxo sanguíneo, estenose da anastomose venosa ou arterial e trombose. Os efeitos para regeneração hepática decorrentes da privação do fluxo sanguíneo pela veia porta ou pela artéria hepática não estão completamente elucidados. Experimentalmente, quando um lobo do fígado não recebe o fluxo venoso portal, é observada atrofia deste segmento e hipertrofia do restante do órgão perfundido. Embora existam vários modelos experimentais para estudo da regeneração hepática, poucos são focados em animais em crescimento. Além disso, os efeitos regenerativos de drogas como o tacrolimus e a insulina precisam ser pesquisados, com o objetivo de encontrar um tratamento ideal para a insuficiência hepática ou um método de estimular a regeneração do fígado após ressecções ou transplantes parciais. O objetivo do presente estudo é descrever modelos de regeneração hepática em ratos em crescimento com: 1) ausência de fluxo hepático arterial e 2) redução do fluxo portal. Adicionalmente, o estudo avalia o efeito pró-regenerativo do tacrolimus e da insulina nesses modelos descritos. MÉTODOS: cento e vinte ratos (entre 50 e 100g de peso) foram divididos em 6 grupos, de acordo com o tipo de intervenção cirúrgica: Grupo 1, incisão abdominal sem intervenção hepática; Grupo 2, hepatectomia a 70%; Grupo 3, hepatectomia a 70% + estenose de veia porta; Grupo 4, hepatectomia a 70% + ligadura da artéria hepática; Grupo 5, hepatectomia a 70% + estenose de veia porta + insulina; Grupo 6, hepatectomia a 70% + estenose de veia porta + tacrolimus. Os animais dos grupos 1 ao 4 foram subdivididos em 5 subgrupos de acordo com o momento da morte: 1, 2, 3, 5 e 10 dias após a intervenção cirúrgica. Os animais dos grupos 5 e 6 foram subdividos em 2 subgrupos de acordo com o momento da morte: 2 e 10 dias após a intervenção cirúrgica. Os lobos hepáticos remanescentes foram submetidos à análise histomorfométrica, imuno-histoquímica e molecular. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se que no grupo com hepatectomia a 70% houve recuperação do peso do fígado no terceiro dia com aumento da atividade mitótica, enquanto que no grupo com estenose portal não se observou esse fenômeno (p < 0,001). A insulina e o tacrolimus promoveram aumento do peso do fígado e do índice mitótico. A atividade mitótica foi considerada aumentada nos animais dos grupos hepatectomia, hepatectomia + ligadura da artéria, insulina e tacrolimus; e esse parâmetro estava reduzido no grupo submetido à hepatectomia + estenose portal (p < 0,001). A expressão de interleucina 6 estava presente em todos os animais, sendo significativamente maior nos grupos hepatectomia, hepatectomia + ligadura da artéria e significativamente menor no grupo hepatectomia + estenose portal. Entretanto, a administração de tacrolimus ou insulina recuperou os níveis teciduais de interleucina 6 no grupo com estenose portal. CONCLUSÕES: No presente estudo foi padronizado um modelo simples e facilmente reprodutível para estudar a regeneração hepática em ratos em crescimento com redução do fluxo arterial ou venoso para o fígado. Foi demonstrado que a administração de insulina ou tacrolimus é capaz de reverter os efeitos deletérios da estenose portal na regeneração hepática. A obstrução do fluxo arterial não afetou a capacidade regenerativa hepática / BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: Liver transplantation is an effective treatment for a variety of irreversible liver diseases. However, the limited number of pediatric donor livers leads to the use of adult livers, which usually require more complex vascular anastomoses. These anastomoses are complicated by differences in vessel caliber between donors and recipients, resulting in vascular flow anomalies, stenosis of the venous or arterial anastomosis and thrombosis . The effects of portal vein or hepatic arterial flow privation in hepatic regeneration have not been completely elucidated. Experimentally, when a liver lobe is deprived of portal vein flow, atrophy is observed with hypertrophy of the other perfused parts of the organ, and interleukin-6 (IL-6) is required for normal liver regeneration. Although several experimental models are currently used to study the liver regeneration mechanisms, few studies have focused on the growing animal. In addition, the regenerative effects of drugs (e.g., tacrolimus and insulin) have been experimentally studied, aiming to find an ideal treatment for hepatic failure or a method of stimulating liver regeneration after extensive resection or partial transplants. The aim of the present investigation was to describe the new models of liver regeneration in growing rats with: 1) absence of arterial blood hepatic inflow and 2) reduced portal flow. Additionally, it was studied whether tacrolimus or insulin could have any pro-regenerative effect under such conditions. METHODS/MATERIALS: one hundred and twenty rats (50-100 g body weight) were divided into 6 groups based on the intervention type: Group 1 (sham), abdominal incision without intervention; Group 2, 70% hepatectomy; Group 3, 70% hepatectomy + portal vein stenosis; Group 4, 70% hepatectomy + ligation of the hepatic artery; Group 5, 70% hepatectomy + portal vein stenosis + insulin; and Group 6, 70% hepatectomy + portal vein stenosis + tacrolimus. Animals in groups 1 to 4 were subdivided into 5 groups according to the moment of death: 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10 days after surgical intervention. The animals in groups 5 and 6 were subdivided into 2 other groups according to the moment of death: 2 and 10 days after surgical intervention. The remnant liver lobes were harvested for morphological, histological histomorphometric, immunohistochemical and molecular analyses. RESULTS: it was verified that the hepatectomy group regained liver weight on the third day and had increased mitotic activity, and the portal vein stenosis prevented these phenomena, as well as the increased mitotic index (P < 0.001). In addition, insulin and tacrolimus promoted a significant increase of liver weight. Mitotic activity was considerably increased in the hepatectomy, hepatectomy + arterial ligature, insulin and tacrolimus groups and this parameter was reduced by portal vein stenosis. The expression of the interleukin-6 (IL-6) gene was present in all the animal groups. Tissue levels of IL- 6 were significantly increased by hepatectomy and hepatectomy + hepatic artery ligature; portal vein stenosis prevented this change. However, the administration of tacrolimus or insulin could recuperate the tissue levels of IL-6. CONCLUSION: In the present study a simple and highly reproducible model was standardized to study liver regeneration with portal vein or hepatic artery blood inflow reduction in growing rats. It was demonstrated that insulin or tacrolimus administration may partially reverse the harmful effects of portal vein stenosis. The obstruction of the arterial flow did not affect liver regeneration
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Regeneração hepática em animais jovens com estenose da veia porta ou ligadura da artéria hepática: estudos histológicos, moleculares e avaliação dos efeitos da insulina e do tacrolimus como agentes regenerativos / Liver regeneration in growing animals with portal vein stenosis or hepatic artery ligation: histological and molecular studies, and evaluation of the effects of insulin and tacrolimus as regenerative agentsAriane Nadia Backes 28 April 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O transplante hepático é o único tratamento efetivo para uma variedade de doenças hepáticas irreversíveis. No entanto, o número limitado de doadores pediátricos leva ao uso de enxertos hepáticos de doadores adultos, com necessidade de anastomoses vasculares mais complexas. Essas anastomoses tornam-se complicadas pela diferença no calibre dos vasos entre o doador e o receptor, resultando em alterações do fluxo sanguíneo, estenose da anastomose venosa ou arterial e trombose. Os efeitos para regeneração hepática decorrentes da privação do fluxo sanguíneo pela veia porta ou pela artéria hepática não estão completamente elucidados. Experimentalmente, quando um lobo do fígado não recebe o fluxo venoso portal, é observada atrofia deste segmento e hipertrofia do restante do órgão perfundido. Embora existam vários modelos experimentais para estudo da regeneração hepática, poucos são focados em animais em crescimento. Além disso, os efeitos regenerativos de drogas como o tacrolimus e a insulina precisam ser pesquisados, com o objetivo de encontrar um tratamento ideal para a insuficiência hepática ou um método de estimular a regeneração do fígado após ressecções ou transplantes parciais. O objetivo do presente estudo é descrever modelos de regeneração hepática em ratos em crescimento com: 1) ausência de fluxo hepático arterial e 2) redução do fluxo portal. Adicionalmente, o estudo avalia o efeito pró-regenerativo do tacrolimus e da insulina nesses modelos descritos. MÉTODOS: cento e vinte ratos (entre 50 e 100g de peso) foram divididos em 6 grupos, de acordo com o tipo de intervenção cirúrgica: Grupo 1, incisão abdominal sem intervenção hepática; Grupo 2, hepatectomia a 70%; Grupo 3, hepatectomia a 70% + estenose de veia porta; Grupo 4, hepatectomia a 70% + ligadura da artéria hepática; Grupo 5, hepatectomia a 70% + estenose de veia porta + insulina; Grupo 6, hepatectomia a 70% + estenose de veia porta + tacrolimus. Os animais dos grupos 1 ao 4 foram subdivididos em 5 subgrupos de acordo com o momento da morte: 1, 2, 3, 5 e 10 dias após a intervenção cirúrgica. Os animais dos grupos 5 e 6 foram subdividos em 2 subgrupos de acordo com o momento da morte: 2 e 10 dias após a intervenção cirúrgica. Os lobos hepáticos remanescentes foram submetidos à análise histomorfométrica, imuno-histoquímica e molecular. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se que no grupo com hepatectomia a 70% houve recuperação do peso do fígado no terceiro dia com aumento da atividade mitótica, enquanto que no grupo com estenose portal não se observou esse fenômeno (p < 0,001). A insulina e o tacrolimus promoveram aumento do peso do fígado e do índice mitótico. A atividade mitótica foi considerada aumentada nos animais dos grupos hepatectomia, hepatectomia + ligadura da artéria, insulina e tacrolimus; e esse parâmetro estava reduzido no grupo submetido à hepatectomia + estenose portal (p < 0,001). A expressão de interleucina 6 estava presente em todos os animais, sendo significativamente maior nos grupos hepatectomia, hepatectomia + ligadura da artéria e significativamente menor no grupo hepatectomia + estenose portal. Entretanto, a administração de tacrolimus ou insulina recuperou os níveis teciduais de interleucina 6 no grupo com estenose portal. CONCLUSÕES: No presente estudo foi padronizado um modelo simples e facilmente reprodutível para estudar a regeneração hepática em ratos em crescimento com redução do fluxo arterial ou venoso para o fígado. Foi demonstrado que a administração de insulina ou tacrolimus é capaz de reverter os efeitos deletérios da estenose portal na regeneração hepática. A obstrução do fluxo arterial não afetou a capacidade regenerativa hepática / BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: Liver transplantation is an effective treatment for a variety of irreversible liver diseases. However, the limited number of pediatric donor livers leads to the use of adult livers, which usually require more complex vascular anastomoses. These anastomoses are complicated by differences in vessel caliber between donors and recipients, resulting in vascular flow anomalies, stenosis of the venous or arterial anastomosis and thrombosis . The effects of portal vein or hepatic arterial flow privation in hepatic regeneration have not been completely elucidated. Experimentally, when a liver lobe is deprived of portal vein flow, atrophy is observed with hypertrophy of the other perfused parts of the organ, and interleukin-6 (IL-6) is required for normal liver regeneration. Although several experimental models are currently used to study the liver regeneration mechanisms, few studies have focused on the growing animal. In addition, the regenerative effects of drugs (e.g., tacrolimus and insulin) have been experimentally studied, aiming to find an ideal treatment for hepatic failure or a method of stimulating liver regeneration after extensive resection or partial transplants. The aim of the present investigation was to describe the new models of liver regeneration in growing rats with: 1) absence of arterial blood hepatic inflow and 2) reduced portal flow. Additionally, it was studied whether tacrolimus or insulin could have any pro-regenerative effect under such conditions. METHODS/MATERIALS: one hundred and twenty rats (50-100 g body weight) were divided into 6 groups based on the intervention type: Group 1 (sham), abdominal incision without intervention; Group 2, 70% hepatectomy; Group 3, 70% hepatectomy + portal vein stenosis; Group 4, 70% hepatectomy + ligation of the hepatic artery; Group 5, 70% hepatectomy + portal vein stenosis + insulin; and Group 6, 70% hepatectomy + portal vein stenosis + tacrolimus. Animals in groups 1 to 4 were subdivided into 5 groups according to the moment of death: 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10 days after surgical intervention. The animals in groups 5 and 6 were subdivided into 2 other groups according to the moment of death: 2 and 10 days after surgical intervention. The remnant liver lobes were harvested for morphological, histological histomorphometric, immunohistochemical and molecular analyses. RESULTS: it was verified that the hepatectomy group regained liver weight on the third day and had increased mitotic activity, and the portal vein stenosis prevented these phenomena, as well as the increased mitotic index (P < 0.001). In addition, insulin and tacrolimus promoted a significant increase of liver weight. Mitotic activity was considerably increased in the hepatectomy, hepatectomy + arterial ligature, insulin and tacrolimus groups and this parameter was reduced by portal vein stenosis. The expression of the interleukin-6 (IL-6) gene was present in all the animal groups. Tissue levels of IL- 6 were significantly increased by hepatectomy and hepatectomy + hepatic artery ligature; portal vein stenosis prevented this change. However, the administration of tacrolimus or insulin could recuperate the tissue levels of IL-6. CONCLUSION: In the present study a simple and highly reproducible model was standardized to study liver regeneration with portal vein or hepatic artery blood inflow reduction in growing rats. It was demonstrated that insulin or tacrolimus administration may partially reverse the harmful effects of portal vein stenosis. The obstruction of the arterial flow did not affect liver regeneration
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