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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelo de transplante hepático large-for-size em suínos: estudos bioquímicos, histológicos, moleculares e efeito do pré-condicionamento isquêmico / Model of large-for-size porcine liver transplantation: biochemical, histological and molecular studies, and evaluation of the effects of ischemic preconditioning

Antonio Jose Gonçalves e Leal 12 July 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O transplante hepático se consolidou como terapêutica para crianças com doença hepática em estágio terminal. A principal indicação nessa faixa etária é a atresia das vias biliares, doença colestática que leva à cirrose hepática na maioria dos casos nos primeiros anos de vida mesmo nas crianças submetidas a portoenterostomia. Essas crianças evoluem entre outras complicações com desnutrição grave e necessitam do transplante precocemente. A relação ideal do peso do enxerto hepático e o peso do receptor varia de 1 a 3%. No entanto, quando o transplante é realizado em crianças em idade inferior a 2 anos, essa relação na maioria das vezes é maior do que 5%. Essa situação é conhecida como large-for-size, em que a perfusão sanguínea do enxerto pode ser insuficiente, o que leva a disfunção do órgão. Os mecanismos de lesão neste cenário ainda não estão bem esclarecidos. A lesão de isquemia-reperfusão (IR) é apontada como um dos fatores para o mal funcionamento do enxerto bem como de outras complicações. Nessa lesão estão envolvidos elementos da cascata inflamatória culminando em morte celular por apoptose bem como mecanismos de regeneração celular. Um fenômeno conhecido que atenua a lesão de IR é o pré-condicionamento isquêmico (PCI). Nenhum trabalho experimental foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a lesão hepática na situação large-for-size e o efeito do PCI nessa situação. MÉTODOS: Para a padronização do modelo foram realizados 8 transplantes, tendo sido testados os pesos dos animais, relação entre o peso do enxerto hepático e peso do receptor e técnica cirúrgica. Na fase experimental, foram realizados 21 transplantes e os animais foram divididos em 3 grupos. No primeiro grupo (controle) o transplante era realizado com doadores e receptores com pesos similares. Para caracterização da situação large-for-size, no segundo grupo os doadores tinham aproximadamente o dobro do peso dos receptores (LFS). No terceiro grupo a distribuição de peso foi semelhante a do segundo, porém era realizado o PCI no doador (LFS+PCI). Os procedimentos foram realizados sob anestesia geral e técnica asséptica e os animais foram mantidos vivos por 3 horas após a reperfusão. Foram obtidas amostras de sangue em 3 períodos (logo após abertura da cavidade abdominal, 1 e 3 horas após reperfusão) e fragmentos de fígado 1 e 3 horas após reperfusão. As amostras de sangue foram submetidas a gasometria arterial, dosagem de sódio, potássio e enzimas hepatocelulares. Os fragmentos de tecido hepático foram submetidos a análise histológica pela coloração da hematoxilina-eosina (HE) e a análise de quantificação da expressão dos genes pró-apoptótico (Bax), anti-apoptótico (Bcl- XL), da óxido nítrico-sintase endotelial (eNOS) e da interleucina-6 (IL-6). RESULTADOS: A mortalidade observada foi de 28%. A relação peso do enxerto e peso do paciente foi de 2,9% no grupo controle, 6,3% no grupo LFS e 6,4% no grupo LFS+PCI. A natremia 1 hora após a reperfusão foi mais elevada no grupo controle do que nos demais, já com relação ao potássio, a dosagem foi mais baixa nesse grupo no mesmo intervalo. A dosagem da aspartato aminotransferase (AST) foi mais elevada nos grupos LFS e LFS+PCI do que no controle. A análise histológica não Resumo demonstrou diferença entre os grupos. A expressão do gene Bax foi mais elevada no grupo LFS do que nos demais, enquanto que a do gene eNOS foi mais acentuada no grupo LFS+PCI do que nos demais nos dois intervalos estudados. Após 3 horas de reperfusão a expressão do gene IL-6 foi maior no grupo LFS+PCI. CONCLUSÕES: O modelo de transplante hepático large-for-size em suínos foi exequível e adequado para a pesquisa. A lesão IR foi mais acentuada no grupo LFS do que no grupo controle e apesar de não ter alterado a elevação de enzimas hepatocelulares, o PCI teve papel de aumentar a expressão dos genes IL-6 e eNOS e diminuir a do gene Bax / INTRODUCTION: Liver transplantation has been established as therapy for children with end-stage liver disease. The main indication is biliary atresia, cholestatic disease that leads to cirrhosis in most cases even in children undergoing portoenterostomy. These children develop other complications as severely malnutrition and need early transplantation. The ideal graft to body weight ratio (GBWR) for transplantation varies from 1 to 3%. However, when transplantation is performed in children younger than 2 years, this ratio in most cases is higher than 5%. This situation, known as large-for-size, may be related to insufficient graft perfusion and liver disfunction. The mechanisms of injury involved in this scenario are not well established. Ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) has been related as a factor for poor graft function and other complications. Inflammatory cascade culminating in cell death by apoptosis and cellular mechanisms of regeneration are the elements involved in IRI. Ischemic preconditioning (IPC) is a phenomenon that attenuates IR injury. There are no experimental studies conducted to evaluate the hepatic injury in large-for-size situation and the effect of IPC in this situation. METHODS: 8 procedures were required for standardize the model. Weight of the animals, GBWR and surgical technique were evaluated. In the experimental phase, 21 transplantations were performed. The animals were divided in three groups. In the first group (control), liver transplantation was performed with donors and recipients with similar weights. To characterize large-for-size situation, donors of the second group had approximately twice the weight receptor (LFS). In the third group the weight distribution was similar to the second but IPC was performed in donor (LFS+IPC). Procedures were performed under general anesthesia and aseptic technique and the animals were kept alive for 3 hours after reperfusion. Blood samples were obtained at three times (immediately after opening the abdominal cavity, 1 and 3 hours after reperfusion) and fragments of liver 1 and 3 hours after reperfusion. Blood samples were analyzed for arterial blood gases, sodium, potassium and hepatocellular enzymes. The fragments of liver tissues were subjected to histological analysis by hematoxylin-eosin staining (HE). Molecular biology involved quantification of the expression of Bax, Bcl-XL, endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and interleukin- 6 (IL-6) genes. RESULTS: The mortality rate was 28%. The GBWR was 2.9% in the control group, 6.3% in the LFS group and 6.4% in the LFS+ICP group. The natremia 1 hour after reperfusion was higher in the control group and potassium dosage was lower in this group in the same period. The dosage of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) was higher in LFS and LFS+IPC groups than control. Histological analysis showed no difference between groups. The Bax gene expression was higher in the LFS, while the eNOS gene was more expressed in LFS + PCI group. After 3 hours of reperfusion the expression of IL-6 gene was higher in the PCI + LFS. CONCLUSIONS: The model of large-for-size liver transplantation in swine was feasible and appropriate for the research. IR injury was more pronounced in the Summary group LFS than in the control group and despite not having changed the elevation of hepatocellular enzymes, the PCI was responsible for increasing the expression of IL- 6 and eNOS and decreasing the Bax gene expression

Efeito da hepatectomia parcial associada à administração de fatores nutricionais hepatotróficos sobre a morfologia, função e expressão de genes pró-fibróticos na cirrose hepática em ratos Wistar induzida por tiocetamida / Effects of partial hepatectomy associated with administration of nutritional hepatotrophic factors in morphology, function and expression of pro-fibrotic genes in thioacetamide-induced liver cirrhosis in Wistar rats

Trotta, Mauricio de Rosa 15 December 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho avaliou o papel da solução parenteral de fatores hepatotróficos nutricionais em animais com cirrose submetidos à hepatectomia parcial. Este procedimento é temido nestes animais devido à possibilidade de ocorrência de falência hepática aguda, já que a remoção de um fragmento do fígado reduz ainda mais a capacidade funcional de um órgão já comprometido. Além disso, é conhecido que o fígado cirrótico diminui sua capacidade regenerativa, fato que atrasa a recuperação do animal, bem como também regenera cirroticamente. Esses fatores, aliados, contribuem para uma considerável taxa de mortalidade pós-operatória. Porém, há algumas situações em que estes pacientes precisam ser submetidos a ressecções hepáticas, tais como traumas, infecções e neoplasias. De fato, a presença de hepatocarcinomas representa a maior indicação deste procedimento em fígados cirróticos. Por outro lado, tem-se mostrado que a administração parenteral de solução de fatores hepatotróficos nutricionais (FHN), uma mistura de aminoácidos, vitaminas, sais minerais e hormônios, aumenta consideravelmente a proliferação celular e o tamanho do fígado em animais sadios, com fibrose e com cirrose. Nestes dois últimos, além do crescimento hepático, ocorre também uma importante redução na quantidade de colágeno, significando uma melhora morfológica que, por muitas vezes, resulta em uma melhora funcional. Sendo assim, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi o verificar se o uso de fatores hepatotróficos nutricionais traria também uma melhora morfológica e funcional em animais com cirrose induzida por tiocetamida após uma ressecção hepática de 40%. Utilizou-se 40 ratos (Rattus norvegicus) Wistar fêmeas cuja indução da cirrose foi pela administração intraperitoneal de tiocetamida. Ao final deste período, e após 10 dias de descanso, todos os animais foram submetidos a uma hepatectomia parcial (HP) de 40%. Foram então divididos em dois grupos: um que recebeu intraperitonealmente a solução de fatores hepatotróficos nutricionais durante 12 dias, designado grupo HP+FHN, e outro que recebeu solução fisiológica nas mesmas condições, formando o grupo HP+S. Os seguintes parâmetros foram avaliados no término do período experimental: dados biométricos (peso do fígado, IHS: índice hepassomático e IHC: índice hepatocarcaça), bioquímica hepática plasmática (AST, ALT, fosfatase alcalina, bilirrubina total e albumina), quantificação da densidade volumétrica de colágeno hepático por morfometria, quantificação do índice de proliferação celular por imunohistoquímica para PCNA e expressão de genes pró-fibróticos (MMP2, TIMP1, Cola1 e TGFb1) por PCR em tempo real. De fato, os fígados dos animais do grupo HP+FHN estavam maiores do que os animais do grupo HP+S (aumentos de 8,4%, 5,6% e 8,4% no peso do fígado, IHS e IHC respectivamente), e também apresentaram maior índice de proliferação de hepatócitos (44,9%). Ocorreu também redução de 27,9% na densidade volumétrica do colágeno hepático no grupo que recebeu FHN comparandose com o grupo que recebeu solução salina. Esta redução também foi observada na expressão do gene de colágeno a1, que foi de 53%. Porém, não houve diferença nos demais genes avaliados. Dentre os parâmetros bioquímicos, apenas a fosfatase alcalina mostrou redução. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que o uso de FHN acarreta em um aumento da regeneração hepática acompanhado de uma redução da quantidade de colágeno e, esses achados, em conjunto, podem representar uma condição benéfica na recuperação de pacientes com cirrose submetidos à ressecção hepática / The current study evaluated the role of parenteral solution of nutritional hepatotrophic factors in animals with cirrhosis undergoing partial hepatectomy. This procedure is fearful in these animals due to the possibility of acute liver failure, since removal of a liver fragment further reduces the functional capacity of an already compromised organ. Moreover, it is known that cirrhotic liver decreases its regenerative capacity, which impairs the recovery of the animal, and also regenerates cirrhotic. These factors, together, contribute to a considerable rate of postoperative mortality. However, there are some situations when these patients need to be submitted to liver resection, such as trauma, infections and neoplasm. In fact, the presence of hepatocellular carcinoma represents the most important indication of this procedure in patients with cirrhosis. On the other hand, it has been shown that parenteral administration of a solution of the nutritional hepatotrophic factors (NHF), a mixture of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and hormones, significantly increases cell proliferation and liver size in healthy, fibrotic and cirrhotic animals. In the two latter, beyond the liver growth, there is also a significant reduction in the amount of collagen, meaning a morphological enhancement, resulting in a functional improvement. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine whether the use of nutritional hepatotrophic factors would also lead a morphological and functional improvement in animals with thioacetamide-induced cirrhosis after 40% liver resection. We used 40 rats (Rattus norvegicus) female Wistar whose cirrhosis was induced by intraperitoneal administration thioacetamide. At the end of this period, and after 10 days of rest, all animals were underwent a partial hepatectomy (PH) of 40%. They were then divided into two groups: one that received intraperitoneally a solution of nutritional hepatotrophic factors for 12 days, designated PH+NHF group, and another that received saline under the same conditions, forming the PH+S group. The following parameters were evaluated at the end of the trial period: biometrics (liver weight, HSI hepatossomatic index, and HCI hepatocarcass index), plasmatic liver biochemistry (AST, ALT, alkaline phosphatase, total bilirubin and albumin), quantification of volume density of collagen in liver morphology, quantification of cell proliferation by immunohistochemistry for PCNA and expression of pro-fibrotic genes (MMP2, TIMP1, TGF1 and Cola1) by real-time PCR. In fact, the livers of animals in group PH+NHF were larger than the animals in PH+S group (increases of 8.4%, 5.6% and 8.4% in liver weight, HSI and HCI, respectively), and also had higher rates of proliferation of hepatocytes (44.9%). There was also a 27.9% reduction in liver volume density of collagen in the group receiving NHF compared with the group that received saline. This reduction was also observed in gene expression of collagen a1, which was 53%. However, there were no differences in other genes evaluated. Among biochemical parameters, only the alkaline phosphatase showed a reduction. The results indicate that the use of NHF leads to an increase in liver regeneration accompanied by a reduction in the amount of collagen, and these findings, together, can represent a beneficial condition in the recovery of patients with cirrhosis undergoing liver resection

Serial Analysis of Gene Expression of Rat Liver Regeneration by Oval Hepatic Stem Cells / Serielle Analyse der Genexpression während der Rattenleberregeneration durch Ovalstammzellen

Cimica, Velasco 05 November 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Efeito da hepatectomia parcial associada à administração de fatores nutricionais hepatotróficos sobre a morfologia, função e expressão de genes pró-fibróticos na cirrose hepática em ratos Wistar induzida por tiocetamida / Effects of partial hepatectomy associated with administration of nutritional hepatotrophic factors in morphology, function and expression of pro-fibrotic genes in thioacetamide-induced liver cirrhosis in Wistar rats

Mauricio de Rosa Trotta 15 December 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho avaliou o papel da solução parenteral de fatores hepatotróficos nutricionais em animais com cirrose submetidos à hepatectomia parcial. Este procedimento é temido nestes animais devido à possibilidade de ocorrência de falência hepática aguda, já que a remoção de um fragmento do fígado reduz ainda mais a capacidade funcional de um órgão já comprometido. Além disso, é conhecido que o fígado cirrótico diminui sua capacidade regenerativa, fato que atrasa a recuperação do animal, bem como também regenera cirroticamente. Esses fatores, aliados, contribuem para uma considerável taxa de mortalidade pós-operatória. Porém, há algumas situações em que estes pacientes precisam ser submetidos a ressecções hepáticas, tais como traumas, infecções e neoplasias. De fato, a presença de hepatocarcinomas representa a maior indicação deste procedimento em fígados cirróticos. Por outro lado, tem-se mostrado que a administração parenteral de solução de fatores hepatotróficos nutricionais (FHN), uma mistura de aminoácidos, vitaminas, sais minerais e hormônios, aumenta consideravelmente a proliferação celular e o tamanho do fígado em animais sadios, com fibrose e com cirrose. Nestes dois últimos, além do crescimento hepático, ocorre também uma importante redução na quantidade de colágeno, significando uma melhora morfológica que, por muitas vezes, resulta em uma melhora funcional. Sendo assim, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi o verificar se o uso de fatores hepatotróficos nutricionais traria também uma melhora morfológica e funcional em animais com cirrose induzida por tiocetamida após uma ressecção hepática de 40%. Utilizou-se 40 ratos (Rattus norvegicus) Wistar fêmeas cuja indução da cirrose foi pela administração intraperitoneal de tiocetamida. Ao final deste período, e após 10 dias de descanso, todos os animais foram submetidos a uma hepatectomia parcial (HP) de 40%. Foram então divididos em dois grupos: um que recebeu intraperitonealmente a solução de fatores hepatotróficos nutricionais durante 12 dias, designado grupo HP+FHN, e outro que recebeu solução fisiológica nas mesmas condições, formando o grupo HP+S. Os seguintes parâmetros foram avaliados no término do período experimental: dados biométricos (peso do fígado, IHS: índice hepassomático e IHC: índice hepatocarcaça), bioquímica hepática plasmática (AST, ALT, fosfatase alcalina, bilirrubina total e albumina), quantificação da densidade volumétrica de colágeno hepático por morfometria, quantificação do índice de proliferação celular por imunohistoquímica para PCNA e expressão de genes pró-fibróticos (MMP2, TIMP1, Cola1 e TGFb1) por PCR em tempo real. De fato, os fígados dos animais do grupo HP+FHN estavam maiores do que os animais do grupo HP+S (aumentos de 8,4%, 5,6% e 8,4% no peso do fígado, IHS e IHC respectivamente), e também apresentaram maior índice de proliferação de hepatócitos (44,9%). Ocorreu também redução de 27,9% na densidade volumétrica do colágeno hepático no grupo que recebeu FHN comparandose com o grupo que recebeu solução salina. Esta redução também foi observada na expressão do gene de colágeno a1, que foi de 53%. Porém, não houve diferença nos demais genes avaliados. Dentre os parâmetros bioquímicos, apenas a fosfatase alcalina mostrou redução. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que o uso de FHN acarreta em um aumento da regeneração hepática acompanhado de uma redução da quantidade de colágeno e, esses achados, em conjunto, podem representar uma condição benéfica na recuperação de pacientes com cirrose submetidos à ressecção hepática / The current study evaluated the role of parenteral solution of nutritional hepatotrophic factors in animals with cirrhosis undergoing partial hepatectomy. This procedure is fearful in these animals due to the possibility of acute liver failure, since removal of a liver fragment further reduces the functional capacity of an already compromised organ. Moreover, it is known that cirrhotic liver decreases its regenerative capacity, which impairs the recovery of the animal, and also regenerates cirrhotic. These factors, together, contribute to a considerable rate of postoperative mortality. However, there are some situations when these patients need to be submitted to liver resection, such as trauma, infections and neoplasm. In fact, the presence of hepatocellular carcinoma represents the most important indication of this procedure in patients with cirrhosis. On the other hand, it has been shown that parenteral administration of a solution of the nutritional hepatotrophic factors (NHF), a mixture of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and hormones, significantly increases cell proliferation and liver size in healthy, fibrotic and cirrhotic animals. In the two latter, beyond the liver growth, there is also a significant reduction in the amount of collagen, meaning a morphological enhancement, resulting in a functional improvement. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine whether the use of nutritional hepatotrophic factors would also lead a morphological and functional improvement in animals with thioacetamide-induced cirrhosis after 40% liver resection. We used 40 rats (Rattus norvegicus) female Wistar whose cirrhosis was induced by intraperitoneal administration thioacetamide. At the end of this period, and after 10 days of rest, all animals were underwent a partial hepatectomy (PH) of 40%. They were then divided into two groups: one that received intraperitoneally a solution of nutritional hepatotrophic factors for 12 days, designated PH+NHF group, and another that received saline under the same conditions, forming the PH+S group. The following parameters were evaluated at the end of the trial period: biometrics (liver weight, HSI hepatossomatic index, and HCI hepatocarcass index), plasmatic liver biochemistry (AST, ALT, alkaline phosphatase, total bilirubin and albumin), quantification of volume density of collagen in liver morphology, quantification of cell proliferation by immunohistochemistry for PCNA and expression of pro-fibrotic genes (MMP2, TIMP1, TGF1 and Cola1) by real-time PCR. In fact, the livers of animals in group PH+NHF were larger than the animals in PH+S group (increases of 8.4%, 5.6% and 8.4% in liver weight, HSI and HCI, respectively), and also had higher rates of proliferation of hepatocytes (44.9%). There was also a 27.9% reduction in liver volume density of collagen in the group receiving NHF compared with the group that received saline. This reduction was also observed in gene expression of collagen a1, which was 53%. However, there were no differences in other genes evaluated. Among biochemical parameters, only the alkaline phosphatase showed a reduction. The results indicate that the use of NHF leads to an increase in liver regeneration accompanied by a reduction in the amount of collagen, and these findings, together, can represent a beneficial condition in the recovery of patients with cirrhosis undergoing liver resection

Influência da infusão parenteral de aminoácidos sobre a expressão gênica de fatores de crescimento de timidina quinase no remanescente hepático de ratos desnutridos / -

Rosangela Passos de Jesus Mazza 04 October 2004 (has links)
A Glutamina (Gln) melhora a regeneração hepática em ratos nutridos. Para avaliar o efeito molecular da Gln endovenosa no remanescente hepático, 52 ratos foram classificados em: 1. Nutridos com hepatectomia parcial (HP) e Gln (N-Gln=10) ou prolina (N-Pro=10); 2. Desnutridos com HP: (D-Gln=10) ou (D-Pro=10); 3. Nutridos e Desnutridos sem HP (N-Controle=6) e (D-Controle=6). Após 96 horas da HP os resultados foram: DNA = (D-Gln, D-Pro e D-Controle < N-Gln, N-Pro e N-controle), (N-Gln, N-Pro, D-Gln e D-Pro < N e D-Controle), (N-Gln > D-Gln); RNA= (N-Gln, N-Pro, D-Gln e D-Pro < N e D-Controle), (N-Gln > D-Gln e N-Pro). Não houve diferença nos genes transcritos (GT) para HGF, TGF-a e timidina kinase. Concluímos que: A desnutrição e HP reduzem DNA e RNA; A Gln não altera os GT estudados em ratos desnutridos 96 horas após HP / Glutamine dipeptide (Gln) improve hepatic regeneration of nourished rats. To evaluate molecular effect of Gln on liver remnant 52 rats was classified into: 1. Nourished with partial hepatectomy (PH) and Gln (N-Gln=10) or proline (N-Pro=10); 2. Malnourished (MN) with PH: (MN-Gln=10) or (MN-Pro=10); 3. Nourished and Malnourished rat without PH (N-Control=6) and (MN-Control=6). Results: DNA = (MN-Gln, MN-Pro and MN-Control < N-Gln, N-Pro and N-control), (N-Gln, N-Pro, MN-Gln and MN-Pro < N and MN-Control), (N-Gln > MN-Gln); RNA= (N-Gln, N-Pro, MN-Gln and MN-Pro < N and MN-Control), (N-Gln > MN-Gln and N-Pro). There was no difference on transcript genes (TG) for HGF, TGF-a and thymidine kinase. Conclusions: Malnutrition and PH decrease hepatic DNA and RNA; Gln does not modify TG studied 96 hours after PH in MN rats

Identification of pathways in liver repair potentially targeted by secretory proteins from human mesenchymal stem cells

Winkler, Sandra, Hempel, Madlen, Brückner, Sandra, Tautenhahn, Hans-Michael, Kaufmann, Roland, Christ, Bruno January 2016 (has links)
Background: The beneficial impact of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) on both acute and chronic liver diseases has been confirmed, although the molecular mechanisms behind it remain elusive. We aim to identify factors secreted by undifferentiated and hepatocytic differentiated MSC in vitro in order to delineate liver repair pathways potentially targeted by MSC. Methods: Secreted factors were determined by protein arrays and related pathways identified by biomathematical analyses. Results: MSC from adipose tissue and bone marrow expressed a similar pattern of surface markers. After hepatocytic differentiation, CD54 (intercellular adhesion molecule 1, ICAM-1) increased and CD166 (activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule, ALCAM) decreased. MSC secreted different factors before and after differentiation. These comprised cytokines involved in innate immunity and growth factors regulating liver regeneration. Pathway analysis revealed cytokine-cytokine receptor interactions, chemokine signalling pathways, the complement and coagulation cascades as well as the Januskinase-signal transducers and activators of transcription (JAK-STAT) and nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-like receptor (NOD-like receptor) signalling pathways as relevant networks. Relationships to transforming growth factor beta(TGF-beta) and hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha (HIF1-alpha) signalling seemed also relevant. Conclusion: MSC secreted proteins, which differed depending on cell source and degree of differentiation. The factors might address inflammatory and growth factor pathways as well as chemo-attraction and innate immunity. Since these are prone to dysregulation in most liver diseases, MSC release hepatotropic factors, potentially supporting liver regeneration.

The function of ASCL1 in pregnancy-induced maternal liver growth

Lee, Joonyong January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The maternal liver shows marked growth during pregnancy to accommodate the development and metabolic needs of the placenta and fetus. Previous study has shown that the maternal liver grows proportionally to the increase in body weight during gestation by hyperplasia and hypertrophy of hepatocytes. As the maternal liver is enlarged, the transcript level of Ascl1, a transcription factor essential to progenitor cells of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system, is highly upregulated. The aims of the study were to (1) identify hepatic Ascl1-expressing cells, and (2) study the functions of Ascl1 in maternal liver during pregnancy. In situ hybridization shows that most cell types (parenchymal, nonparenchymal, and mesothelial cells) express Ascl1 mRNA in maternal livers during gestation and in male regenerating livers. Notably, hepatic mesothelial cells abundantly express Ascl1 during pregnancy and liver regeneration. Inducible ablation of Ascl1 gene during pregnancy results in maternal liver enlargement, litter size reduction, and fetal growth retardation. In addition, maternal hepatocytes deficient in Ascl1 gene lack majority of their cytosols and exhibit β-catenin nuclear translocation, while maintaining their cellular boundary and identity. In summary, in both maternal liver during pregnancy and regenerating liver, the expression of Ascl1 is induced in most cell types. Mesothelial cells are potential origin of Ascl1-expressing cells. Ascl1 gene is essential for the progression of normal pregnancy

Role of microRNA-709 in murine liver

Surendran, Sneha January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / MicroRNAs are small RNA molecules that regulate expression of genes involved in development, cell differentiation, proliferation and death. It has been estimated that in eukaryotes, approximately 0.5 to 1% of predicted genes encode a microRNA, which in humans, regulate at least 30% of genes at an average of 200 genes per miRNA. Some microRNAs are tissue-specific, while others are ubiquitously expressed. In liver, a few microRNAs have been identified that regulate specialized functions. The best known is miR-122, the most abundant liver-specific miRNA, which regulates cholesterol biosynthesis and other genes of fatty acid metabolism; it also regulates the cell cycle through inhibition of cyclin G1. To discover other miRNAs with relevant function in liver, we characterized miRNA profiles in normal tissue and identified miR-709. Our data indicates this is a highly abundant hepatic miRNA and is dysregulated in an animal model of type 2 diabetes. To understand its biological role, miR-709 gene targets were identified by analyzing the transcriptome of primary hepatocytes transfected with a miR-709 mimic. The genes identified fell within four main categories: cytoskeleton binding, extracellular matrix attachment, endosomal recycling and fatty acid metabolism. Thus, similar to miR-122, miR-709 downregulates genes from multiple pathways. This would be predicted, given the abundance of the miRNA and the fact that the estimated number of genes targeted by a miRNA is in the hundreds. In the case of miR-709, these suggested a coordinated response during cell proliferation, when cytoskeleton remodeling requires substantial changes in gene expression. Consistently, miR-709 was found significantly upregulated in an animal model of hepatocellular carcinoma. Likewise, in a mouse model of liver regeneration, mature miR-709 was increased. To study the consequences of depleting miR-709 in quiescent and proliferating cells, primary hepatocytes and hepatoma cells were cultured with antagomiRs (anti-miRs). The presence of anti-miR-709 caused cell death in proliferating cells. Quiescent primary hepatocytes responded by upregulating miR-709 and its host gene, Rfx1. These studies show that miR-709 targets genes relevant to cystokeleton structural genes. Thus, miR-709 and Rfx1 may be needed to facilitate cytoskeleton reorganization, a process that occurs after liver injury and repopulation, or during tumorigenesis.

C/EBPbeta deltauORF mice - a genetic model for uORF-mediated translational control in mammals

Wethmar, Klaus 26 April 2011 (has links)
Evolutionär konservierte, kleine offene Leserahmen (upstream open reading frames, uORFs) sind translational aktive Kontrollelemente, die bevorzugt in Boten-Ribonukleinsäuren von Schlüsselgenen zur Regulation von Zellwachstum, Proliferation und Differenzierung vorkommen. In dieser Arbeit wurden Mäuse analysiert, die defizient für das uORF Initiationscodon des Transkriptionsfaktors CCAAT/enhancer binding protein beta (C/EBPbeta-Delta-uORF) sind. Proteinanalysen verschiedener Gewebe zeigten, dass C/EBPbeta-Delta-uORF Mäuse im Gegensatz zu Wildtyptieren nicht in der Lage sind, die kurze, auto-antagonistische C/EBPbeta LIP Isoform zu induzieren. Die verminderte LIP Expression verursachte eine gestörte Differenzierung knochenabbauender Osteoklasten und ging mit einer Zunahme von mineralisiertem Knochengewebe in C/EBPbeta-Delta-uORF Mäusen einher. Nach partieller Hepatektomie führte der Verlust der uORF-vermittelten Induktion von LIP in regenerierenden C/EBPbeta-Delta-uORF Lebern zu einer Überaktivierung C/EBPbeta-regulierter Akute Phase Gene. Im Vergleich zum Wildtyp wiesen Hepatozyten von C/EBPbeta-Delta-uORF Tieren einen verzögerten und abgeschwächten Wiedereintritt in die S-Phase des Zellzyklus auf. Genomweite Genexpressionsanalysen zeigten, dass die verminderte S-Phase Aktivität in regenerierenden C/EBPbeta-Delta-uORF Lebern mit einer persistierenden Repression von Zellzyklusgenen korrelierte, wobei insbesondere die verminderte Expression zahlreicher E2F-regulierter Gene auffällig wurde. Chromatinimmunpräzipitations- und Reportergenexperimente führten zur Entwicklung eines mechanistischen Modells, das eine isoformspezifische C/EBPbeta-Koregulation E2F-kontrollierter Zellzyklusgene vorschlägt. Die Analyse der C/EBPbeta-Delta-uORF Mäuse belegt erstmals die Funktionalität der uORF-gesteuerten translationalen Kontrolle im Säugetier und weist auf eine entscheidende Bedeutung dieses Kontrollmechanismus bei zahlreichen physiologischen und pathopysiologischen Prozessen hin. / Evolutionary conserved small upstream open reading frames (uORFs) are translational control elements predominantly prevalent in the 5'' mRNA regions of key regulatory genes of growth, proliferation, and differentiation. This thesis comprises the evaluation of mice deficient for the uORF initiation codon of the transcription factor CCAAT/enhancer binding protein beta (C/EBPbeta-Delta-uORF). Protein analysis of various tissues demonstrated that C/EBPbeta-Delta-uORF mice, in contrast to wildtype control animals (C/EBPbeta-WT), fail to induce translation of the truncated, auto-antagonistic C/EBPbeta LIP isoform. The reduced expression of LIP was associated with impaired differentiation of bone resorbing osteclasts and resulted in an increased bone volume of C/EBPbeta-Delta-uORF mice. After partial hepatectomy the loss of uORF-mediated LIP induction resulted in super activation of acute phase response genes in regenerating livers. Furthermore, C/EBPbeta-Delta-uORF hepatocytes showed a delayed and blunted re-entry into the cell cycle after partial hepatectomy as compared to C/EBPbeta-WT animals. Genome-wide transcript expression analyses revealed that the reduced S-phase activity in regenerating C/EBPbeta-Delta-uORF livers correlated with a persistent repression of cell cycle regulatory genes and showed a remarkable underrepresentation of genes regulated by the E2F family of transcription factors. Chromatinimmunoprecipitations and luciferase reporter gene assays allowed the development of a mechanistic model that suggests C/EBPbeta isoform-specific co-regulation of E2F-controled cell cycle genes. The analysis of C/EBPbeta-Delta-uORF mice validates the functionality of uORF-mediated translational control in vertebrates and suggests a comprehensive role of uORF regulation in physiology and the etiology of disease.

Análise da expressão de laminina durante o transplante de células mononucleares de medula óssea em ratos hepatectomizados / Analysis of expression of laminin during transplantation of bone marrow mononuclear cells in hepatectomized rats

Simone Nunes de Carvalho 15 January 2008 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A medula óssea adulta possui duas populações de células-tronco importantes no tratamento de diversas doenças hepáticas: células-tronco hematopoiéticas (CTHs) e células-tronco mesenquimais. A regeneração do fígado após a hepatectomia é um processo complexo que requer a proliferação de todas as células hepáticas. Fatores de crescimento, citocinas e componentes da matriz extracelular são elementos-chave nesse processo. As lamininas são uma família de proteínas de matriz extracelular, com funções adesivas e quimiotáticas pelo recrutamento de integrinas e outros receptores de superfície celular. No fígado normal, a laminina é expressa nas veias porta e centrolobular. O objetivo desse estudo foi investigar a expressão de laminina durante a regeneração hepática induzida por hepatectomia parcial e após o transplante de células mononucleares de medula óssea. As células mononucleares de medula óssea foram obtidas dos fêmures e tíbias de ratos, isoladas, marcadas com DAPI e injetadas pela veia porta em ratos recém-hepatectomizados. Os fígados foram coletados 15 minutos, 1 dia e 3 dias após a hepatectomia e o transplante de células de medula óssea e congelados. Os cortes foram imunomarcados com anticorpos primários anti-CD34 e anti-laminina de rato e observados em microscópio confocal de varredura a laser. Os resultados mostraram que 15 minutos após a hepatectomia parcial, as células-tronco hematopoiéticas CD34+ transplantadas foram encontradas em contato com a laminina localizada nas veias porta e centrolobular, indicando que a laminina poderia participar na adesão inicial das células-tronco a esses vasos logo após o seu transplante. Além disso, 1 e 3 dias após a hepatectomia, as células mononucleares de medula óssea transplantadas foram observadas nos sinusóides hepáticos expressando laminina. Esses resultados sugerem que a laminina pode ser um componente da matriz extracelular importante para a adesão e enxerto de células de medula óssea no fígado após uma lesão. Nós também analisamos a expressão de osteopontina (OPN) em células de medula óssea e CTHs. Os resultados por microscopia confocal demonstraram que a maioria das células mononucleares de medula óssea recém-isoladas expressa quantidades variáveis de OPN. Além disso, algumas CTHs CD34+ também expressam OPN. Após 1 e 4 dias de cultura, observamos uma diminuição de células expressando CD34, e um aumento na expressão de OPN pelas células mononucleares de medula óssea. / The adult bone marrow retains two populations of stem cells with emerging importance for the treatment of diverse liver diseases: hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and mesenchymal stem cells. Liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy is a complex process that requires the proliferation of all hepatic cells. Growth factors, cytokines and extracellular matrix molecules are key elements in this process. Laminins are a family of heterotrimeric extracellular matrix proteins with adhesive and chemotactic functions, through recruitment of integrins and other cell surface receptors. In the normal liver, laminin is expressed in portal and centrolobular veins. The aim of this study was to investigate laminin expression during liver regeneration induced by partial hepatectomy and after bone marrow mononuclear cells transplantation. Rat bone marrow mononuclear cells were obtained from tibias and femurs, isolated, stained with DAPI and injected in immediately hepatectomyzed rats via portal vein. Livers were collected 15 minutes, 1 day and 3 days after hepatectomy and bone marrow cells transplantation and frozen. Liver sections were immunolabeled with mouse anti-rat CD34 and rabbit anti-rat laminin primary antibodies and observed under a Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope. Results showed that 15 minutes after partial hepatectomy, transplanted CD34+ HSCs were found in contact with laminin, which was localized principally in portal and centrolobular veins of rat livers, indicating that laminin could participate in stem cell initial attachment to these vessels soon after their transplantation. Furthermore, 1 and 3 days after hepatectomy, transplanted bone marrow mononuclear cells were found in the hepatic sinusoids expressing laminin. These results suggest that laminin could be an important extracellular matrix component for bone marrow cell adhesion and grafting in the injured liver. We also analyzed osteopontin (OPN) expression in bone marrow mononuclear cells and HSCs. Results by confocal microscopy showed that the most freshly isolated bone marrow mononuclear cells express variable amounts of OPN. Furthermore, some CD34+ HSCs also expressed OPN. After 1 and 4 days in culture, we observed a decrease in CD34+ cells, and an increase in OPN expression in bone marrow mononuclear cells.

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