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A research of regulations on poverty issuesLin, Yu-wen 17 July 2005 (has links)
The right of existence in the Constitution and the living support to request right in Public Assistance Act ensure the right to minimum of subsistence. But the right of existence in the Constitution ensures individual right, Public Assistance Act ensures family. It is specifically feasible to discuss that the living support to request right in Public Assistance Act is enacted to care for the people of low incomes and help them to live on themselves in a moment.
This paper studies regulations of Public Assistance primarily. Therefore the research project of this paper includes¡GThe living supports to request right, administrative organ¡¦s organization, the regulations of behavior do conform to legally the administrative requirement. Second, the administrative relief, the judicial relief and Legal Aids Act forming a complete set. Third, by the principle of equity examines regulations of Public Assistance, that whether it is to be suitable ¡§the substantive equality under law¡¨. To be brief, this paper anticipates constructing more rational regulations of poverty.
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Multilingual Disaster Information System : Information Delivery Using Graphic Text for Mobile PhonesHasegawa, Satoshi, Sato, Kumi, Matsunuma, Shohei, Miyao, Masaru, Okamoto, Kohei 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Självbestämmande mer eller mindre : En kvalitativ studie om utvecklingstördas självbestämmande ur ett personalperspektivDu Rietz, Cecilia, Lang Karlsson, Marie January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to problematize the role of living support in a group home and to examine staff reflections about the users' opportunities for and possibly limits to self determination and, in addition to this, how they work towards supporting this right. The study is conducted through seven semi-structured qualitative interviews. The theoretical points of departure are theories of empowerment and paternalism. We have analysed the study results from the vantage point of these theories. The results are consistent with earlier research showing lack of guidance for supporters and also a lack of common approach towards users.
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”Det känns som att jag träffar en vän, men inte en riktig kompis” : en kvalitativ studie om fyra brukares upplevelser av boendestödUlestig, Anna January 2007 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study is to explore how the people with a mental functional disorder experience living support. This studies research questions are; What kind of help do the clients receive from living support? Do they feel that they need more help or do they receive more help then they fell that they need? What does the relationship look like between the clients and the supporter? To answer these questions a qualitative research approach was used. Four clients where interviewed. The results are presented using themes and quotations. The themes that are used are; Activities done together with living support, the experience of social control, the experience of taking part in the planning and the experience of time limitation, and finally the relationship to the supporter. The results are analyzed using symbolic interactionism and normalization perspective. The results show that the clients receive help with housekeeping and other ordinary chores. The clients also experience that the support is a kind of social control, which they experience as positive. The clients feel that the supporter feels like a friend, even though most of the clients feel that there are limits to the friendship.</p>
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”Det känns som att jag träffar en vän, men inte en riktig kompis” : en kvalitativ studie om fyra brukares upplevelser av boendestödUlestig, Anna January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this study is to explore how the people with a mental functional disorder experience living support. This studies research questions are; What kind of help do the clients receive from living support? Do they feel that they need more help or do they receive more help then they fell that they need? What does the relationship look like between the clients and the supporter? To answer these questions a qualitative research approach was used. Four clients where interviewed. The results are presented using themes and quotations. The themes that are used are; Activities done together with living support, the experience of social control, the experience of taking part in the planning and the experience of time limitation, and finally the relationship to the supporter. The results are analyzed using symbolic interactionism and normalization perspective. The results show that the clients receive help with housekeeping and other ordinary chores. The clients also experience that the support is a kind of social control, which they experience as positive. The clients feel that the supporter feels like a friend, even though most of the clients feel that there are limits to the friendship.
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Socialtjänstens biståndsbeslut om boendestöd : En undersökning av hur beslut om boendestöd utformas och förslag till kvalitetsutvecklingBerglund, Frida, Karlsson, Anna January 2013 (has links)
Målet med denna uppsats är att bidra till kvalitetsutveckling gällande behovsbedömning och beslutsformulering vid handläggning enligt socialtjänstlagen. Syftet med uppsatsen är att granska handläggningsprocessen gällande boendestödsbeslut. Med utgångspunkt i denna granskning vill vi komma fram till förslag på förbättringsområden. Förslagen ska vara förenliga med krav från och behov hos lagstiftaren, den enskilde, socialtjänsten/kommunen och biståndshandläggaren. Beslut om boendestöd är idag tidsbegränsade, oftast till ett år, utan att den enskilde egentligen ansökt om det. För den enskilde stödmottagaren innebär detta bristande rättssäkerhet, otrygghet och brist på kontinuitet. Vi har i denna uppsats försökt kartlägga skälen till att besluten ser ut på detta sätt genom att tillämpa en hermeneutisk metod. Av vår genomgång framgår att det inte finns stöd för rutinmässig tidsbegränsning av beslut i lagstiftningen. I vissa fall, där det kan förutses att behovet förändras över tid, kan det dock vara motiverat. Målgruppen för boendestöd har ofta långvariga funktionsnedsättningar och stödbehov som kan antas kvarstå över längre tid än ett år. Enligt de kommunala riktlinjer som vi har granskat är boendestöd en insats som ska tidsbegränsas. De biståndshandläggare som vi har tillfrågat tidsbegränsar i 80 procent av fallen beslut om boendestöd till en giltighetstid på upp till ett år. Det huvudsakliga skälet till detta är att biståndshandläggarna anser att det underlättar uppföljning av besluten. Resultatet av vår studie pekar på att ett antal åtgärder skulle kunna öka kvaliteten på behovsbedömning och beslut om boendestöd. Dessa innebär främst implikationer för kommun, socialtjänst och biståndshandläggare att arbeta vidare med i syfte att skapa en mer rättssäker och evidensbaserad biståndshandläggning. / The intention of this study is to contribute to quality enhancement regarding needs assessment and shaping of decisions of the social service called living support (i.e. boendestöd) according to the law of social service. The aim of this study is to review the process of needs assessment concerning living support. Based on this review we want to give suggestions to possible improvements. Our suggestions must be compatible with demands and requirements from the lawmaker, the individual, the social service/the municipality and the process officer. Today, decision of living support is time limited, usually to a year, without the individual actually having applied for it. This leads to a lack of legal security, personal security and continuity for the individual. In this study, we have tried to locate the reasons for why the decisions are constructed in this way by using a hermeneutical method. Our study shows no support for perfunctory time limiting of decisions according to the law. In some cases where there can be forecasted that the need changes over time, it can though be motivated. The target group for living support often have prolonged impairments and needs of support highly estimated to last more than a year. According to municipal guidelines, reviewed by us, living support is an inset to be time limited. The process officers we have asked in 80 per cent of all cases time limits the decisions up to one year. The main reason for this is that the process officers regard time limiting as making follow-ups of the decisions easier. The result of our study points to a number of measures for increasing the quality of needs assessment and decisions of living support. These measures have implications for the municipality, the social services and the process officers with the purpose of creating a more legally secure and evidence based process of needs assessment.
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台灣各縣市社會福利支出對其犯罪率之影響 / The impact of regional social welfare spending on crime rate in Taiwan林倖妤, Lin, Xing Yu Unknown Date (has links)
區域間由於發展背景與功能取向不同,以致各地區社會福利支出比例有所差異,對治安與生活品質亦造成不同的影響。社會福利制度是促進整體社會平等、維持人民生存的重要體制;犯罪人口的多寡,則是影響國家成長與進步的重要社會問題之一。本研究主要目的為探討台灣地區社會福利支出對總犯罪率、各年齡層(少年、青年與成年)及失業者犯罪人口率之影響程度,並進一步分析不同社會福利補助支出對總體犯罪率及上述不同群體的個別影響方向。研究範圍為1999-2009年台灣地區23個縣市別的追蹤資料(panel data),利用雙因子固定效果模型(two-way fixed-effect model)同時分析各縣市之個別特質與時間趨勢效果,可對討論議題提供精確的估計結果。研究結果顯示,台灣各縣市社會福利支出與總體犯罪率間不存有顯著關係。進一步分析五種社會福利補助支出,發現家庭生活扶助對於改善整體及各年齡層的犯罪問題皆具有良好效果;其他如就學生活補助、醫療補助與急難救助對部分族群之犯罪問題亦有正面幫助。唯失業給付對犯罪問題並無正面影響。因此建議可藉由調整社會福利支出的比例以降低犯罪問題的發生。 / As the mode of growth and orientation policy in various area are different, resulting in proportion of social welfare spending and influence on public security and quality of life are also different. This study aims to investigate the influence of social welfare spending as well as different social welfare assistance on the total crime rate and crime rate of population of specific age groups and unemployed in Taiwan.
Using the cross-regional panel data of 23 counties during the period 1999-2009 in Taiwan. The empirical results from two-way fixed-effect model found that there is no significant relationship between social welfare spending and crime rate. However, analyzing the further five social welfare assistances with regard to improve crime problem has been proved, especially living support assistance. Therefore, this study suggests that the criminal coping strategy is proposed to adjust proportion social welfare spending to reduce criminal problems.
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