Spelling suggestions: "subject:"load words""
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Aspectos semântico-discursivos no léxico da MPB: empréstimos linguísticos no percurso de Noel a Blanc / Semantical discursive aspects in the lexicon of Brazilian Popular Music - MPB: loan words in the journey from Noel to BlancRaul Robson Sippel 14 March 2011 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / O objetivo desta dissertação é avaliar a importância dos estrangeirismos como auxiliares e contribuintes no nível léxico da Língua. Também, investigar o quadro sócio-histórico-cultural dos principais momentos em que os empréstimos linguísticos se fizeram presentes na Música Brasileira. Trata-se de um trabalho quantitativo e qualitativo, no qual se rastreou exatamente a presença desses neologismos no cancioneiro nacional, dos idos de 1930 aos dias atuais. Apontamos os momentos de sua maior incidência, aventamos e desvelamos as possíveis intenções de suas utilizações e seus significados, tácitos ou não; quer relacionados a aspectos sócio-históricos, quer relacionados aos seus vieses linguísticos propriamente ditos. Letras de músicas, fonogramas lançados em vinil, remasterizados; recursos audiovisuais foram buscados; assim como publicações específicas sobre música, biografias e literatura técnica sobre Língua Portuguesa / The aim of this paper is achieving the importance of foreign expressions and their contribution to the lexical level of the language. Also, it reports the social, historical and cultural aspects and moments that those loan words have been presented in the Brazilian songbook since 1930, through a quantitative and qualitative point of view. It points out the circumstances of their major appearance in music and reveals specific intentions of their political, social or linguistic uses. Lyrics, records, CDs, audiovisual Internet resources were searched, as though biographies and technical literature about music and Portuguese language
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Galicismy v bulharštině v první polovině 20. století / Gallicismes in Bulgarian in the first half of the 20th centuryGeorgievová, Jana January 2017 (has links)
A diachronic study comparing and contrasting French loanwords in Bulgarian during the 1st half of the 20th century. Research material is based on the dictionary of foreign words by Stefan Mladenov Речник на чуждите думи в българския език с обяснения за происхода и състава им (1932) and the contemporary dictionary Речник на чуждите думи в българския език (PERNIŠKA 2007). Words are compared and contrasted from the lexical, semantic, phonetic and morphological point of view. The results depict the role of French in the Bulgarian society, the evolution of the Bulgarian lexicology and the formal adaptation of the loanwords in the Bulgarian language system. The thesis also sums up current research of the French influence in the Bulgaria.
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La dénomination des couleurs chez les Beri du TchadKhidir, Zakaria Fadoul 25 March 2019 (has links)
Les Вεrι ne semblent pas connaître un terme générique pour designer les couleurs : ils font usage d’un emprunt à l´arabe [lo:n]. Mais ils utilisent par contre six séries de couleurs dont chacune constitue un domaine de conception, spécifique par rapport aux autres, bien que souvent on manque des termes pour désigner chaque couleur par un seul et même nom. Chacune des séries apparaît assez diversifiée par la variété des notions qu´elle exprime. Les couleurs, dans le système de Вεrι.
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Ist das Klassenpaar 5/6 des Swahili ein Zwischenlager für Lehnwörter?Pasch, Helma, Strauch, Christiane 30 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Carol Eastman (1991:66) stellt die Hypothese auf, dass im Swahili bestimmte Lehnworter zunächst in das Klassenpaar 5/6 - quasi als einer Art Zwischenlager - kommen, bevor sie bei der endgültigen Integration in die Sprache dem Klassenpaar 9/10 zugeordnet werden. Damit widerspricht sie der etablierten Annahme, dass Lehnwörter, wenn sie einmal in einer Sprache integriert sind, sich bezüglich ihrer Klassenzugehörigkeit nicht anders verhalten als andere Wörter und dass sie diese normalerweise nicht wechseln. Im Folgenden wollen wir aufzeigen, dass Eastmans Hypothese nicht haltbar ist und dass andere Erklärungen für das Nebeneinander verschiedener Klassenzugehörigkeiten von Lehnwortem gefunden werden müssen. Um die Hypothese einer kritischen Überprüfung zu unterziehen, ist es zunächst nötig, festzustellen, wie die inhärenten Nominalklassen im Swahili bestimmt werden. Dann wird die traditionell postulierte automatische Paarung der Singular- und Pluralklassen für die betreffenden Lehnwörter in Frage gestellt. Zunächst aber soll untersucht werden, welche Kriterien das Allokationsverhalten von Lehnwörtern in Nominalklassensprachen im allgemeinen und im Swahili im besonderen bestimmen. Dabei sollen nur die primär entlehnten Formen berücksichtigt werden, d.h diejenigen Formen, die als erste mit bestimmten entlehnten Wortstämmen gebildet worden sind (z.B. 0-pera/ ma-pera (Kl 5/6) \'Guajave\'), während die hier von derivierten Formen (z. B. m-pera/ mi-pera \'Guajavenbaum\') weitgehend unberücksichtigt bleiben.
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Slova tureckého původu v současném bulharském, řeckém a albánském jazyce / The words of Turkish origin in the contemporary Bulgarian, Greek and Albanian languagesIliopoulos, Viktoras January 2019 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is the use of Turkisms in Bulgarian, Greek and Albanian languages. First of all, the basic principles of lexical borrowing and the place of Turkisms in the current linguistic situation of the Bulgarian, Greek and Albanian languages are discussed. Attempts have been made to identify a specific number of Turkisms in each language, and some views have been presented on the term "Turkism", according to some scholars. Periodization of the onset of Turkisms are discussed, as well as a brief overview of previous studies on Turkisms as an introduction to the problem. After that, the subject of the work went on to the morphological and lexical-semantic analysis of Turkisms. From a morphological point of view, the basic Turkish suffixes borrowed in these three Balkan languages and their main meanings are considered. The analysis is performed with the selection of 70 Turkisms from the index of Prof. dr. Maxim Stamenov and having as source language for the comparison the Bulgarian language. The most famous and extensive dictionaries of each language from which the meanings of the lemmas came from were selected for comparison. In the same way, the analysis of Bulgarian, Greek and Albanian Turkisms in the language of the media is carried out. I have tried to find examples of...
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Zpracování latinismů v německo-českém překladovém slovníku / Latinisms in contemporary German language and their lexicographic treatment in a bilingual dictionaryHlaváčková, Michaela January 2011 (has links)
A role of Latinisms in contemporary German language is the subject of this thesis. The thesis has been elaborated on the basis of findings acquired in the course of drafting dictionary entries within a project focused on development of the German-Czech Academic Dictionary. The role of the Latinisms within the German language vocabulary is analysed on the background of a confrontation of entries included in the monolingual dictionary Duden-Deutsches Universalwörterbuch with a structuralist theory of centre and periphery of language. The analyses, elaborated on the data obtained from the Mannheim German Reference Corpus (DeReKo) and the collocation database (CCDB) developed on the basis of the Corpus, are used for the purpose of the confrontation with the above- mentioned premise of the central or peripheral position of Latin loan words.
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Det låter pretty najs : En undersökning av mellanstadieelevers attityder till engelska lånord / That sounds 'pretty najs' : A study of middle school students' attitudes towards English loanwords in SwedishHeinonen, Susanne January 2018 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen undersöker unga människors attityder till att använda enstaka ord ochfraser på engelska i svenska meningar. Forskning visar att engelskt inflytande är högre iyngre åldrar än hos äldre. Fenomenet att använda engelska ord i det svenska språket desenaste decennierna har ökat alltmer och det finns flera faktorer som pekar på attengelskan har fått ett allt större inflytande inom flera samhällsområden. Dessa språkligaförändringar speglas av samhällets kultur och attityd till engelskan. Förutom den litteratursom jag hänvisar till i den här uppsatsen har jag valt att genomföra en intervju- ochenkätundersökning med yngre individer för att ta reda på deras attityd till att växla mellansvenska och engelska när de talar.Resultatet av undersökningen visar att en majoritet av informanterna använder engelskai sitt vardagsspråk och att attityden till att använda ord och fraser på engelska i det svenskaspråket är mycket positiv samt att sociala faktorer som till exempel samhörighet spelar enstor roll. Dessutom visar resultatet att attityden till att använda engelska ord är något merpositiv hos flickor än hos pojkar. Resultatet visar även att informanterna i undersökningenanvänder engelska ord som screena, softa och King när de talar om fritidsaktiviteter samtatt de entusiastiskt uttrycker engelska adjektiv som cool, pretty, nice eller najs, ibland isin engelska form och ibland anpassat till svenskan.
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Francouzské lexikální výpůjčky v italštině - diachronní pohled / Lexical borrowings from French into Italian - a diachronic viewHLAVOVÁ, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
The diachronic view what was the development of French loan words in the Italian language is the main subject of this thesis and it´s focused on all French loan words in the Italian language with first occurrences documented from the 12th century to the beginning of the 20th century. The thesis is divided in two parts. The firts one is comprised of the theoretical introduction to the language contact that results in the possibility of language enriching by foreign language material that loan words should also be. The next chapter deals with the comprehensive overview of all French loan words from their first documented occurrances in the Italian language to the beginning of the 20th century. All the chapter is focused on the information providing the language contact between both languages, French and Italian one. In the second part, there are analysis of limited number of loan words because of high total sum of all occurrences so the final number of analised loan words is reduced and delimited by the 19th century. All these selected French loan words are analyzed according to various criterions that are for example the classification in word classes or the classification of adaptation. Finally, the occurences of selected loan words are analysed in detail comparing occurrances extracted from two different Italian corpuses. To outline a diachronic perspective on the language contact between the French and Italian language since teh first loan words documented in the Italian language to the beginning of the 20th century is the aim of this thesis. The other aim is to confirm the theoretical assumption that completely adapted lexical loan words predominate what is given by the character of the analysed sample, all done on the basis on detailed analysis.
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Uma análise das inserções dos empréstimos linguísticos da área da informática no Dicionário Aurélio XXIPrado, Daniela de Faria 30 June 2006 (has links)
This work searched reflection about the insertions of Loan Words from English language of Computing area in the Aurélio XXI dictionary. The theoretical model elected for the organization and analysis of the lexical units colected for us considered Guilbert (1975), Biderman (2001), Alves (1994) and Carvalho (1984). So, with teh aim of verify neological stage the lexical units are, as well, criterias for their insertion. After collecting of new words, which appear as portuguese units and as loan words. We have noticed a lack of criterias related to the insertion of units from an specilized area in a general language dictionary, what brings us the question of lexicographic production in Brazil do not count on established criterias and neither a language politics which deserves attention from studious and authorities. In the light of lexicography and lexicology we pointed out some incoherences in the organization of macro and microstructure of the work in study. / Este trabalho procurou refletir a respeito das inserções de empréstimos
lingüísticos oriundos da língua inglesa da área da informática no dicionário Aurélio XXI;
considerando-se a teoria lexicográfica de Guilbert (1975), Biderman (2001), Alves (1994),
Carvalho (1984). Assim, verificou-se que os neologismos, inseridos no Aurélio XXI, não
estão bem organizados no que concerne à delimitação de qual estágio neológico as
unidades lexicais se encontram, não delimitando critérios para a inserção de vocábulos, que
ora se apresentam como unidades já aportuguesadas, ora como estrangeirismos. Há uma
falta de critérios relacionados à inserção de unidades pertencentes a uma língua de
especialidade em um dicionário de língua geral. Isso nos remete a questão da produção
lexicográfica no Brasil não contar com critérios estabelecidos como também não termos
uma política do idioma que mereça atenção dos estudiosos e das autoridades. Realizamos
também uma análise das fases neológicas em que encontram as unidades lexicais oriundas
da língua inglesa pertencente à Informática. / Mestre em Linguística
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Vliv arabského jazyka na portugalštinu / THE INFLUENCE OF THE ARABIC LANGUAGE ON PORTUGUESEBedrníček, Jiří January 2018 (has links)
The influence of a Semitic language, Arabic, on Portuguese vocabulary is the subject of this thesis. To contextualise this investigation, the first part of this thesis provides an introduction to Arabic, its history, and its linguistic particularities, as well as an overview of the history of Arabic influences upon Portuguese. Particular attention is given to the phonetic transformations of Arabic loan words resulting from the contact and exchange between speakers of these languages. Portuguese was influenced by Arabic in discrete phases, which are described in detail: the period of Muslim rule in Portugal in the Middle Ages and the period of migration of African Muslim slaves and the Syro-Lebanese population to Brazil. Having outlined Arabic words brought into Portuguese usage, the second part of this thesis then turns to the analysis of this corpus of loan words. Thanks to various Portuguese corpora, the frequency of Arabic loan words is analysed. This thesis is completed with an appendix including supplementary information about Arabic and cities of the former Gharb Al-Andalus. Key words: Arabic, Portuguese, lexicology, Arabic loan words, Syro-Lebanese migration, semantic fields
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