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The Marketing Management of Online Bookstores¡G A Case Study of BooksKuo, Hsiao-his 07 July 2009 (has links)
Books and magazines are the two most popular merchandises traded through e-Commerce. This thesis is a case study of the largest online bookstore ¡§Books.com.tw¡¨ in Taiwan. It was founded in 1995 and was the first online bookstore for Chinese Internet customers. Without brick-and-mortar bookstore, ¡§Books.com.tw¡¨ has focused on the advances of information technology and the efficiency of e-commerce operation. This research analyzes the trends of online bookstore and the impact of the 24-hour delivery service by ¡§Books.com.tw.¡¨ The qualitative research method was adopted for the research design, data collection and analysis.
The research results are summarized into the following four findings. First, the e-commerce strategies of ¡§Books.com.tw¡¨ have extended to from selling books, CDs or DVDs to become an e-retailer. Second, the word-of-mouth marketing and virus marketing play important role for the online bookstore that can effectively approach its target customers. Third, the success of ¡§Books.com.tw¡¨ can be comprised of the three online transaction characteristics that are convenience, safety and speed. The service has built customers¡¦ royalty and increased repurchase rate as well as the sales and the profits. Finally, with the information integration associated with the efficient logistic management, ¡§Books.com.tw¡¨ successfully executes the 24-hour delivery policy that has firmly assured its leading position of online bookstore in Taiwan for recent years.
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Relação entre estágios de maturidade da gestão logística, ciclo de vida organizacional e utilização de artefatos de controle gerencial / Relationship between stages of logistics management maturity, organizational life cycle and use of artifacts of management controlSouza, Rodrigo Paiva 30 September 2011 (has links)
Os processos logísticos impactam direta e indiretamente a vida das pessoas e são fundamentais para o sucesso das empresas. Modelos de maturidade oferecem uma maneira de traçar um caminho para melhorar processos ao ajudar a acrescentar competências e habilidades. O conceito de Maturidade da Gestão Logística propõe que os processos têm um ciclo de vida e que se torna mais maduro à medida que esses processos são explicitamente definidos, gerenciados, mensurados e controlados. Paralelamente ao desenvolvimento da gestão logística, as organizações crescem e expandem o seu portfólio de produtos ou serviços para atender mercados mais exigentes e, nesse processo, inevitavelmente enfrentam uma maior heterogeneidade de clientes e ambientes mais hostis. Nesse sentido, espera-se que as mudanças que ocorrem no ambiente organizacional sigam um padrão previsível que pode ser caracterizado por estágios de desenvolvimento, ou seja, estágios de Ciclo de Vida Organizacional. Esta dissertação investigou a relação entre os estágios dos modelos de maturidade da gestão logística e do ciclo de vida organizacional, bem como a relação entre a classificação das empresas nesses estágios e a quantidade média de artefatos de controle gerencial, tendo como hipóteses: (H1) a existência de relação entre os estágios desses dois modelos teóricos, e (H2) que, quanto mais desenvolvido o estágio, tanto no modelo de maturidade da gestão logística quanto no ciclo de vida organizacional, maior a quantidade média de artefatos utilizados. O método de coleta de dados utilizado foi o questionário e o público alvo constitui-se por profissionais que atuam na gestão logística ou em áreas relacionadas. A amostra final contemplou 213 empresas e o método estatístico para analisar as associações entre os estágios foi a análise de correspondência. Como principais achados destacam-se: confirmação de que existem associações não aleatórias entre os estágios de maturidade da gestão logística e do ciclo de vida organizacional, indicando que os gestores logísticos devem também considerar os construtos abordados nos dois modelos em projetos de desenvolvimento da maturidade da gestão logística. Também se constatou que os estágios mais desenvolvidos de maturidade de gestão logística possuem maior quantidade média de utilização de artefato de controle gerencial. Verificou-se ainda que o artefato Análise de custo logístico total foi o que apresentou maior média de utilização pelas empresas investigadas (79,8%) e a Gestão de custos interorganizacioniais a menor (28,2%). Dentre as recomendações para aprofundamento da pesquisa, sugere-se investigar se o estágio atual de maturidade de gestão logística das empresas está relacionado com o nível de complexidade da cadeia de suprimentos, aplicar técnicas confirmatórias para investigar a dinâmica das relações entre os estágios (qual o modelo com maior influência) e buscar entender os principais motivos da baixa utilização da Gestão de custos interorganizacioniais, uma vez que este é um caminho que pode tornar a cadeia de suprimentos mais eficiente e aumentar a sua lucratividade total. / The logistics processes impact directly and indirectly the lives of people and is vital to the success of companies. Maturity models offer a way to trace a path to improve processes while helps to add competencies and abilities to it. The concept of logistics management maturity proposes that the processes have a lifecycle and that becomes more mature as these processes are explicitly defined, managed, measured and controlled. Parallel to the development of logistics management, organizations grow and expand its portfolio of products or services to meet the most demanding markets and, in this process, inevitably faced greater heterogeneity of customers and most hostile environments. In this sense, it is expected that the changes that occur in the organizational environment follow a predictable pattern that can be characterized by stages of development, i.e. stages of organizational life cycle. This dissertation investigated the relationship between the stages of logistics management maturity model and organizational life cycle model, as well as the relationship between the classification of enterprises in these stages, and the average amount of artifacts of managerial control, having as hypotheses: (H1) the existence of relationship between stages of these two theoretical models, and (H2) in the more developed stage the average amount of artifacts used is greater. The data collection method was the questionnaire and the target population was professionals who work in the logistics management or related areas. The final sample involved 213 firms and the statistical method to analyze associations between stages was the correspondence analysis. The key findings include: confirmation that there are non-random associations between stages of logistics management maturity model and organizational life cycle model, indicating that the logistics managers must also consider the constructs discussed in two models in development projects of the maturity of logistics management. Also it was found that the more developed the stages of logistics management maturity is, higher is the average amount artifact of managerial control used by companies. It was also found that the artifact Total logistic cost analysis was more common in the companies investigated (79.8%) and Interorganizacional cost management was uncommon (28.2%). Among the recommendations for further research, it is suggested to investigate whether the current stage of logistics management maturity is related to the level of complexity of the supply chain, applying techniques to investigate the dynamics of relations between stages of the two models (which has largest influence) and seek to understand the main reasons for the low utilization of Interorganizacional cost management. Since this is a too which may make the supply chain more efficient and increase its total profitability.
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O papel da Tecnologia da Informação no processo logístico: estudo de casos com operadores logísticos. / The role of Information Technology in logistics process: cases study in logistics operators.Branski, Regina Meyer 30 May 2008 (has links)
O conceito de logística vem, ao longo do tempo, agregando novos elementos e tornando-se mais complexo. Nos anos 50 restringia-se à distribuição física. Atualmente engloba a totalidade dos fluxos de material, produtos e informação entre diferentes empresas da cadeia de suprimentos. Neste contexto, organizações dos mais variados segmentos vêm terceirizando suas operações logísticas para empresas especializadas denominadas operadores logísticos. As tecnologias de informação (TI) têm um importante papel no desenvolvimento das atividades logísticas e no desempenho dos operadores: suas aplicações permitem a otimização do sistema logístico e o gerenciamento de forma integrada de seus diversos componentes. O objetivo da pesquisa é investigar como a TI vem sendo utilizada pelos operadores nos processos logísticos e como vem contribuindo para o estabelecimento de redes de valor. A metodologia utilizada foi o estudo de casos múltiplos. Foram investigados cinco operadores logísticos com atuação no mercado brasileiro, com diferentes posicionamentos estratégicos, operando em diferentes setores e de modo a cobrir de forma integral o processo logístico. Os resultados da pesquisa indicaram a necessidade do desenvolvimento de aplicativos customizados, capazes de atender as particularidades de cada operador e de gerar vantagens competitivas, e apontaram a importância do papel da TI para o estabelecimento das redes de valor. / The logistics concept has been changing, adding new elements and becoming more complex. In the fifties it was restricted to physical distribution only. Nowadays, it embraces the total flow of materials, products and information between the different companies of a supply chain. In this new scenario, organizations in all industries have outsourced their logistics operations to specialized companies called logistics operators. Information technologies (IT) have an important role in the development of logistics activities and in the logistics operator\'s performance: IT applications allow an optimal tuning of the logistics system and an integrated management of its several components. The purpose of this research is to investigate how the logistics operators are applying IT in the logistics process and how IT is contributing to the establishment of value networks. The methodology utilized was the multiple cases study. Five logistic operators that feature different strategic positions and operate with different industries in the Brazilian market were investigated. The sample was chosen so as to provide the information needed for an analysis of all stages of the logistic process. The results of the research indicate that customized applications, suited to the particularities of each operator, play an important role in the creation of competitive advantages, and suggest the centrality of IT in the creation of value networks.
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O papel da Tecnologia da Informação no processo logístico: estudo de casos com operadores logísticos. / The role of Information Technology in logistics process: cases study in logistics operators.Regina Meyer Branski 30 May 2008 (has links)
O conceito de logística vem, ao longo do tempo, agregando novos elementos e tornando-se mais complexo. Nos anos 50 restringia-se à distribuição física. Atualmente engloba a totalidade dos fluxos de material, produtos e informação entre diferentes empresas da cadeia de suprimentos. Neste contexto, organizações dos mais variados segmentos vêm terceirizando suas operações logísticas para empresas especializadas denominadas operadores logísticos. As tecnologias de informação (TI) têm um importante papel no desenvolvimento das atividades logísticas e no desempenho dos operadores: suas aplicações permitem a otimização do sistema logístico e o gerenciamento de forma integrada de seus diversos componentes. O objetivo da pesquisa é investigar como a TI vem sendo utilizada pelos operadores nos processos logísticos e como vem contribuindo para o estabelecimento de redes de valor. A metodologia utilizada foi o estudo de casos múltiplos. Foram investigados cinco operadores logísticos com atuação no mercado brasileiro, com diferentes posicionamentos estratégicos, operando em diferentes setores e de modo a cobrir de forma integral o processo logístico. Os resultados da pesquisa indicaram a necessidade do desenvolvimento de aplicativos customizados, capazes de atender as particularidades de cada operador e de gerar vantagens competitivas, e apontaram a importância do papel da TI para o estabelecimento das redes de valor. / The logistics concept has been changing, adding new elements and becoming more complex. In the fifties it was restricted to physical distribution only. Nowadays, it embraces the total flow of materials, products and information between the different companies of a supply chain. In this new scenario, organizations in all industries have outsourced their logistics operations to specialized companies called logistics operators. Information technologies (IT) have an important role in the development of logistics activities and in the logistics operator\'s performance: IT applications allow an optimal tuning of the logistics system and an integrated management of its several components. The purpose of this research is to investigate how the logistics operators are applying IT in the logistics process and how IT is contributing to the establishment of value networks. The methodology utilized was the multiple cases study. Five logistic operators that feature different strategic positions and operate with different industries in the Brazilian market were investigated. The sample was chosen so as to provide the information needed for an analysis of all stages of the logistic process. The results of the research indicate that customized applications, suited to the particularities of each operator, play an important role in the creation of competitive advantages, and suggest the centrality of IT in the creation of value networks.
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Relação entre estágios de maturidade da gestão logística, ciclo de vida organizacional e utilização de artefatos de controle gerencial / Relationship between stages of logistics management maturity, organizational life cycle and use of artifacts of management controlRodrigo Paiva Souza 30 September 2011 (has links)
Os processos logísticos impactam direta e indiretamente a vida das pessoas e são fundamentais para o sucesso das empresas. Modelos de maturidade oferecem uma maneira de traçar um caminho para melhorar processos ao ajudar a acrescentar competências e habilidades. O conceito de Maturidade da Gestão Logística propõe que os processos têm um ciclo de vida e que se torna mais maduro à medida que esses processos são explicitamente definidos, gerenciados, mensurados e controlados. Paralelamente ao desenvolvimento da gestão logística, as organizações crescem e expandem o seu portfólio de produtos ou serviços para atender mercados mais exigentes e, nesse processo, inevitavelmente enfrentam uma maior heterogeneidade de clientes e ambientes mais hostis. Nesse sentido, espera-se que as mudanças que ocorrem no ambiente organizacional sigam um padrão previsível que pode ser caracterizado por estágios de desenvolvimento, ou seja, estágios de Ciclo de Vida Organizacional. Esta dissertação investigou a relação entre os estágios dos modelos de maturidade da gestão logística e do ciclo de vida organizacional, bem como a relação entre a classificação das empresas nesses estágios e a quantidade média de artefatos de controle gerencial, tendo como hipóteses: (H1) a existência de relação entre os estágios desses dois modelos teóricos, e (H2) que, quanto mais desenvolvido o estágio, tanto no modelo de maturidade da gestão logística quanto no ciclo de vida organizacional, maior a quantidade média de artefatos utilizados. O método de coleta de dados utilizado foi o questionário e o público alvo constitui-se por profissionais que atuam na gestão logística ou em áreas relacionadas. A amostra final contemplou 213 empresas e o método estatístico para analisar as associações entre os estágios foi a análise de correspondência. Como principais achados destacam-se: confirmação de que existem associações não aleatórias entre os estágios de maturidade da gestão logística e do ciclo de vida organizacional, indicando que os gestores logísticos devem também considerar os construtos abordados nos dois modelos em projetos de desenvolvimento da maturidade da gestão logística. Também se constatou que os estágios mais desenvolvidos de maturidade de gestão logística possuem maior quantidade média de utilização de artefato de controle gerencial. Verificou-se ainda que o artefato Análise de custo logístico total foi o que apresentou maior média de utilização pelas empresas investigadas (79,8%) e a Gestão de custos interorganizacioniais a menor (28,2%). Dentre as recomendações para aprofundamento da pesquisa, sugere-se investigar se o estágio atual de maturidade de gestão logística das empresas está relacionado com o nível de complexidade da cadeia de suprimentos, aplicar técnicas confirmatórias para investigar a dinâmica das relações entre os estágios (qual o modelo com maior influência) e buscar entender os principais motivos da baixa utilização da Gestão de custos interorganizacioniais, uma vez que este é um caminho que pode tornar a cadeia de suprimentos mais eficiente e aumentar a sua lucratividade total. / The logistics processes impact directly and indirectly the lives of people and is vital to the success of companies. Maturity models offer a way to trace a path to improve processes while helps to add competencies and abilities to it. The concept of logistics management maturity proposes that the processes have a lifecycle and that becomes more mature as these processes are explicitly defined, managed, measured and controlled. Parallel to the development of logistics management, organizations grow and expand its portfolio of products or services to meet the most demanding markets and, in this process, inevitably faced greater heterogeneity of customers and most hostile environments. In this sense, it is expected that the changes that occur in the organizational environment follow a predictable pattern that can be characterized by stages of development, i.e. stages of organizational life cycle. This dissertation investigated the relationship between the stages of logistics management maturity model and organizational life cycle model, as well as the relationship between the classification of enterprises in these stages, and the average amount of artifacts of managerial control, having as hypotheses: (H1) the existence of relationship between stages of these two theoretical models, and (H2) in the more developed stage the average amount of artifacts used is greater. The data collection method was the questionnaire and the target population was professionals who work in the logistics management or related areas. The final sample involved 213 firms and the statistical method to analyze associations between stages was the correspondence analysis. The key findings include: confirmation that there are non-random associations between stages of logistics management maturity model and organizational life cycle model, indicating that the logistics managers must also consider the constructs discussed in two models in development projects of the maturity of logistics management. Also it was found that the more developed the stages of logistics management maturity is, higher is the average amount artifact of managerial control used by companies. It was also found that the artifact Total logistic cost analysis was more common in the companies investigated (79.8%) and Interorganizacional cost management was uncommon (28.2%). Among the recommendations for further research, it is suggested to investigate whether the current stage of logistics management maturity is related to the level of complexity of the supply chain, applying techniques to investigate the dynamics of relations between stages of the two models (which has largest influence) and seek to understand the main reasons for the low utilization of Interorganizacional cost management. Since this is a too which may make the supply chain more efficient and increase its total profitability.
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Mapping the flow Of Apparel in a Wholesale CompanyAKASH, UMAIR January 2013 (has links)
Globalization that diminishes the barriers to trade worldwide has transformed the structure of production and increased the global competition in the textile and apparel industry. Especially, the elimination of quotas on January 2005 has totally changed the whole scenario of the apparel industry. A boom has been noticed in the emerging markets. Buyers shift their maximum orders to the low cost countries to increase their profit margins. China has gained its popularity among the European and American buyers because of the cheap labor and large scales of production and has become the world’s largest exporter of textile and apparel. The traditional competitive factor among the buyers is the lower cost of the product but the changing markets trends and demand volatility pushes the buyers to focus also on quality and lead times in addition to price. Due to the huge competition among the cluster of brands, retailers and wholesalers, lead time is becoming critical as longer lead times increases the risk of bottleneck to sales. China is the most important apparel supplier for the EU (especially Germany, the UK, and France) because it provides the cost benefit to the sourcing companies, but at the same time, it increases the lead times and also has more environmental impact in terms of pollution because of the long geographical distance.This thesis highlights that there is a remarkable rise of the labor cost in China, noticed for the last couple of years, which has reduced the competitive factor of price while sourcing from China. This is also an upcoming challenge for the whole world with regards to sourcing strategies. Many sourcing companies are shifting their shares away from China in order to achieve their desired profit margins. Turkey may be an alternative sourcing destination for the European apparel buyers and wholesalers because of its competitive labor cost, favorable government policies, flexibility, sustainability, and proximity to Europe. In this thesis, a pilot study is carried out to determine the relationship and effects of lead times on sales. This thesis also describes the effects of relationships among the business partners on the supply chain flow. It is noted through several pilot studies that the organizations who work in collaboration with their supply chain partners can significantly improve their supply chain efficiency by reducing the inventories, markdowns, lead times, lost sales, and increasing forecast accuracy. There are several tools in use for collaboration such as Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI), Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Just in Time (JIT), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and Collaboration, Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment (CPFR). In this paper the CPFR implementation steps, benefits, and hindrances are discussed in detail. / Program: Master programme in Applied Textile Management
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Mapping the flow Of Apparel in a Wholesale CompanyAkash, Umair January 2013 (has links)
Globalization that diminishes the barriers to trade worldwide has transformed the structure of production and increased the global competition in the textile and apparel industry. Especially, the elimination of quotas on January 2005 has totally changed the whole scenario of the apparel industry. A boom has been noticed in the emerging markets. Buyers shift their maximum orders to the low cost countries to increase their profit margins. China has gained its popularity among the European and American buyers because of the cheap labor and large scales of production and has become the world’s largest exporter of textile and apparel. The traditional competitive factor among the buyers is the lower cost of the product but the changing markets trends and demand volatility pushes the buyers to focus also on quality and lead times in addition to price. Due to the huge competition among the cluster of brands, retailers and wholesalers, lead time is becoming critical as longer lead times increases the risk of bottleneck to sales. China is the most important apparel supplier for the EU (especially Germany, the UK, and France) because it provides the cost benefit to the sourcing companies, but at the same time, it increases the lead times and also has more environmental impact in terms of pollution because of the long geographical distance.This thesis highlights that there is a remarkable rise of the labor cost in China, noticed for the last couple of years, which has reduced the competitive factor of price while sourcing from China. This is also an upcoming challenge for the whole world with regards to sourcing strategies. Many sourcing companies are shifting their shares away from China in order to achieve their desired profit margins. Turkey may be an alternative sourcing destination for the European apparel buyers and wholesalers because of its competitive labor cost, favorable government policies, flexibility, sustainability, and proximity to Europe. In this thesis, a pilot study is carried out to determine the relationship and effects of lead times on sales. This thesis also describes the effects of relationships among the business partners on the supply chain flow. It is noted through several pilot studies that the organizations who work in collaboration with their supply chain partners can significantly improve their supply chain efficiency by reducing the inventories, markdowns, lead times, lost sales, and increasing forecast accuracy. There are several tools in use for collaboration such as Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI), Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Just in Time (JIT), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and Collaboration, Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment (CPFR). In this paper the CPFR implementation steps, benefits, and hindrances are discussed in detail. / Program: Master programme in Applied Textile Management
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以產業電子化強化紡織業競爭力之研究連榮盛, Lien, Jung-Shen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究分析重點以產品協同設計及全球運籌管理系統之導入為主軸,同時藉由商業模式(Business Model)分析、流程模式(Process Model)分析及資訊科技模式(IT Model)分析瞭解如何導入電子化系統及預估導入之可能效益。
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The challenges and solutions of Inventory management in Chinese food supply chains during the Covid-19 PandemicLiu, Xingyu, Ma, Yimeng, Wu, Yushan January 2021 (has links)
At the end of the 2019 year, the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic changes human life. People have to change their way to be more safer for working and producing. For most industries, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is huge. The number of active labor and the order is decreased, moreover, the inventory management issues appeared in this time. Hence, The related company must find a new inventory management solution for surviving in the Covid-19 pandemic. The subject of this research paper is about inventory management in Chinese food supply chains. And the purpose of this study is aim to dealing with the inventory management dilemma for the most company which related to the food industry during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses multi cases study to help readers understand the challenges and solutions of inventory management in the Chinese food industry during the Covid-19 pandemic deeply. Furthermore, this study uses qualitative research to analyze the interview data. The analysis illustrates that the resilience supply chain and the inventory costs are important for strengthening the ability of inventory management to face the risks. And this study is significant, and it can help many Chinese enterprises find a direction for the inventory management risk during the Covid-19 pandemic. Moreover, this study can also provide a foundation for the further study of risk management for inventory.
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企業導入供應鏈管理系統之個案研究 / Case study to identify appropriate process to adopt supply chain management system宋清國, Sung, Ching-Kuo Unknown Date (has links)
彈性與速度是企業進入二十一世紀賴以生存的命脈,特別是在以製造業聞名的台灣,更感受到全球運籌與彈性應變的壓力,從近來國內企業資源規劃(Enteprise Resources Planning;ERP)與供應鏈管理(Supply Chain Management; SCM)軟體的蓬勃發展,便可以知曉企業以資訊夥伴關係,建置商業快速回應系統(Quick Response;QR)提升顧客滿意度的企圖心。
最後則提出了有關供應鏈成員關係等未來研究方向:如供應鏈管理推動後所產生的效益(有形與無形效益)如何與供應鏈成員分享(主導者、上下游及最終顧客)。此外,供應鏈管理成功與否,上下游供應鏈成員間的互動、「信任」、「合作」往往扮演著關鍵性的地位,因此,應可進一步應用社會學中有關「信任」(trust)方面的領域、理論到供應鏈管理成員信任關係,及該信任關係對供應鏈管理績效的影響。 / "Supply chain management system; SCM" has been deemed as one of the useful tools for businesses to promote their competitiveness, and to build up their trust relationship with up and down stream businesses. According to the evolved business operation modes, such as precise collaboration and BTO (build to order) systems, businesses need to reconsider whether it is necessary to allocate massive resources to improve the function of their supply chains.
Traditionally, the key factors, including the necessity, effectiveness, process and appropriate timing for SCM adoption, always lack valid criteria for evaluation. This research, therefore, aims to explore the key factors that are required to achieve successful adoption of supply chains to manufacturing industry, and to provide specific references for management policy making. This research begins with elaborating the outcomes of the supply chain literatures published by international scholars. One company each from information hardware and car industries will then be chosen to conduct field study and in-depth research in order to identify the key factors for adopting SCM, and to derive conclusions helpful to optimize business operation. The
aforementioned conclusions include:
1.Exogenous factors analysis (external driving factors of SCM adoption):
(1)How does advanced information technology, which overcomes the difficulties of information transferring, processing, and analysis that help promote the adoption of SCM.
(2)How do marketing paradigm and consuming concept shifts put SCM under the spotlight.
(3)How does globalization trend urge domestic industries to adopt SCM.
(4)How does severe competition, between international and domestic businesses, makes SCM become businesses competition forces.
(5)How do information sharing and communication needs reinforce the importance of SCM.
(6)How do government incentives help impose and promote SCM.
2.Intra –business SCM:
(1)Introduce and integrate SCM based on overall business development condition.
(2)Introduce business process reengineering as the key factor to adopt SCM.
3.Inter-business SCM: To adopt integration of intra- and inter-businesses, and resource sharing as KSF.
4.Procedures to introduce SCM:
(1)Identify business strategic goal, role and purpose
(2)Forge reform vision, strategic plan and feasible resolutions.
(3)Review and design the mechanism that controls the business activities process and responsibility sharing.
(4)Establish a SCM committee, and designate a top management as its chairman.
(5)Build up trust relationship among supply chain member business.
(6)Propose an integration plan to integrate suppliers (up stream) and clients (down stream).
(7)Implement outcome-oriented approach.
(8)Provide necessary personnel training to supply chain member businesses.
(9)Incorporate the reengineering spirit into business culture.
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