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Submitted by admin tede (tede@pucgoias.edu.br) on 2016-09-13T19:39:28Z
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TÉRCIO SATHLER GARCIA.pdf: 3076929 bytes, checksum: 6f00fac125d251710359902581d98128 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-13T19:39:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
TÉRCIO SATHLER GARCIA.pdf: 3076929 bytes, checksum: 6f00fac125d251710359902581d98128 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-09-17 / This study aimed to present a settlement proposal PLMG (Multimodal Logistics
Platform of Goias), considering the State of Goias production chains contribution in the
regional economy. There was the use of economic and geographical data of the State,
mainly raised in governmental agencies, which were evaluated to identify the relevance
of productive chains in GDP in the State of Goias. Through studies and assumptions,
we could map the grip and absorption of production chains economic activities in
PLMG. In order to propose a demand with potential for absorption of PLMG, each
chain was considered according to their economic activities, given the classification of
the NCEA. After evaluating economic activities and relate them to the PLMG services,
the influences and geographical handicaps were deemed, constituting a new reality in
the participation of platform settlement. As a result of this work, a proposal for the
PLMG settlement was presented, but not sticking to the platform deployment process
in its layout details or storage mode. In conclusion, it was found that the chains that
had higher grip with PLMG are the chains of trade, agriculture and processing industry.
Individual absorption potential along with representation in Goias GDP was presented,
thus justifying the proposed settlement. / Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo apresentar uma proposta de povoamento da PLMG
(Plataforma Logística Multimodal de Goiás), considerando a contribuição das cadeias
produtivas do Estado de Goiás na economia regional. Fez-se a utilização de dados
econômicos e geográficos do Estado, levantados principalmente nos órgãos
governamentais, os quais foram avaliados para identificar a relevância das cadeias
produtivas na formação do PIB no Estado de Goiás. Por meio de estudos e
pressupostos, pôde-se mapear a aderência e a absorção das atividades econômicas
das cadeias produtivas na PLMG. Visando propor uma demanda com potencial de
absorção da PLMG, cada cadeia foi ponderada de acordo com suas atividades
econômicas, considerando a classificação do CNAE. Depois de avaliar as atividades
econômicas e relacioná-las com os serviços da PLMG, julgou-se as influências e
limitações geográficas, constituindo uma nova realidade de participação no
povoamento da plataforma. Como resultado do trabalho foi apresentada uma proposta
para o povoamento da PLMG, porém não se atendo ao processo de implantação da
plataforma no detalhamento de seu layout ou modo de armazenagem. Como
conclusões, constatou-se que as cadeias que apresentaram maior aderência com a
PLMG são as do comércio, agropecuária e indústria da transformação. Os potenciais
individuais de absorção juntamente com a representatividade no PIB Goiano foram
apresentados justificando o povoamento proposto.
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[pt] Este trabalho tem por objetivo desenvolver um modelo de
localização para terminais especializados no Brasil. Partiu-
se de um conceito de localização de plataformas logísticas,
como macro unidades de negócios que operam agregando algum
valor ao produto, estando localizadas no entorno de portos
públicos ou terminais privativos no Brasil, para se chegar
à localização de terminais especializados, que operam como
micro unidades de negócios, especializadas na prestação de
serviços para algumas cadeias logísticas. Foi utilizado
como base teórica o modelo de transbordo (transshipment
model), combinado com os modelos quantitativos de
localização de plantas capacitadas para múltiplos produtos
(multi-commodity, multi-facility and capacitated location
model), a fim de se definir qual a melhor alternativa para
uma escolha estratégica locacional. Tem-se como objetivo
específico aplicar esse modelo a uma cadeia de suprimentos
do agronegócio no Brasil que utilize um terminal
especializado como área de transbordo, escoamento e
agregação de valor de cargas com destino ao exterior. O
universo do estudo abrangeu o volume exportado de soja em
grãos, farelo de soja e óleo de soja pelo Brasil no ano de
2004, compreendendo dados pertinentes a seis (6) pontos de
origem, seis (6) portos de escoamento/ beneficiamento/
transbordo e três (3) portos de destino no exterior.
Foram apresentados os resultados do modelo para Z (menor ou
igual) 6 terminais até Z = 1 terminal
especializado e uma análise de sensibilidade à ampliação da
capacidade, ao investimento, aos custos de transporte e
preços. Foram descritos também alguns fatores
qualitativos relevantes que podem ser causadores de
entraves à localização de terminais especializados e
plataformas logísticas no Brasil. Ao final, foram
apresentadas algumas conclusões, limitações e recomendações
para a continuidade do estudo. / [en] The objective of this dissertation is to develop a facility
location model as applied
to specialized terminals in Brazilian seaports. The
dissertation starts with the logistics
platform concept, a macro business-oriented logistics units
next to seaports that operate
adding value service to products to reach specialized
terminals, which are in turn a micro
business-orientated logistics unit specialized in specific
supply chains.
The model was based on some combination of transshipment
model and multicommodity,
multi-facility and capacitated location model.
Specifically, the objective is
to apply the proposed model to a supply chain in the
Brazilian agribusiness which uses
seaport logistics platforms or specialized terminals as a
transshipment area, allowing the
application of added value services. The research universe
includes the volume of
exported soy beans, soy meal and oil from Brazil in 2004.
The data include six points of
origins in Brazil, six transshipment ports, and three world
destination seaports.
Results extending from Z (minus or equal) 6 to Z = 1
terminals are presented. Some results,
allocation flow and sensibility analysis by price,
investments, cost and capacity are also
presented. Some relevant factors which might pose
difficulties to the location of the
platforms are also discussed. Finally, some conclusions,
limitations and
recommendations for further work are also presented.
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Submitted by admin tede (tede@pucgoias.edu.br) on 2017-04-24T13:46:27Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
VERA LÚCIA FRANCISCO DIAS MARTINS.pdf: 2977477 bytes, checksum: 8f0a0765c02598f4ad1693513dc0f7b9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-24T13:46:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
VERA LÚCIA FRANCISCO DIAS MARTINS.pdf: 2977477 bytes, checksum: 8f0a0765c02598f4ad1693513dc0f7b9 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-03-13 / Based on the understanding that the Development of the Brazilian State of
Goiás is directly related to availability and quality of transportation infrastructure,
this research aimed at analyzing the project called Multimodal Logistics
Platform of the State of Goiás, which has been under execution for more than
15 years, in order to verify whether the competitive differentials once proposed
may still foster regional development, as well as to improve the State's
transportation infrastructure. For this purpose, we approached the analysis of
transportation policies, planning and programs promoted both by state and
federal government; a survey of the State’s effectiveness index in transportation
investments from 2006 to 2014, with basis on data obtained from the Goiás
Transparency Portal, State Secretariat of Management and Planning, “Portal
Brasil”, Program of Investment in Logistics and Mauro Borges Institute, as well
as a detailed analysis of the factors listed as competitive differentials of the
project was performed. This work allowed us to conclude that not only the
constant project implementation delays and interferences have compromised
the effectiveness of the results expected by PLMG regarding the aerial and rail
transport modalities and storage services, but also the low effectiveness index
of transportation infrastructure investments are factors impairing the full
development of the state. / A partir do entendimento que o Desenvolvimento do Estado de Goiás está
diretamente ligado a disponibilidade e qualidade de infraestrutura de transporte,
esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar o projeto, em andamento a mais de
15 anos, da Plataforma Logística Multimodal do Estado de Goiás, buscando
verificar se os diferenciais competitivos propostos inicialmente podem ainda
fomentar o desenvolvimento regional, bem como levantar as condições da
infraestrutura de transporte do Estado. Com esse intuito, foram analisadas as
políticas, planos e programas dos governos estadual e federal voltados para o
setor de transporte; levantado o índice de efetividade de investimento do
governo estadual neste segmento (2006 a 2014), através de dados obtidos
junto ao Portal da Transparência do Estado de Goiás, Secretaria de Estado de
Gestão e Planejamento de Goiás, Portal Brasil, Programa de Investimento em
Logística e Instituto Mauro Borges e uma analise minuciosa da situação dos
fatores elencados como diferenciais competitivos do projeto. O trabalho
permitiu concluir que os constantes adiamentos e interferências na implantação
do projeto comprometeram a efetividade dos resultados esperados pela PLMG,
principalmente nos modais aéreo e ferroviário e nos serviços de armazenagem
além do baixo índice de efetividade dos investimentos em infraestrutura de
transporte, fatores que vem impedindo o pleno desenvolvimento do estado.
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[pt] A Logística como atividade estratégica é o resultado da
combinação entre
a globalização, o aumento da oferta de produtos e de novas
tecnologias. A
constante busca por ganhos e manutenção da competitividade
diante do mercado
global fazem surgir agrupamentos de organizações na forma
de Plataformas
Logísticas que visam aglutinar diversos tipos de serviços
maximizando a eficiência dos serviços oferecidos aos
clientes, com redução dos
custos envolvidos nos processos. Esta dissertação se
propõe a fazer uma análise
qualitativa das variáveis relevantes para a implantação de
uma Plataforma
Logística, de acordo com o modelo europeu e na própria
compreensão da rede
logística. Foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica do
assunto que reuniu dados e
forneceu subsídios para um ambiente de discussão sobre a
implantação e a
viabilidade de aplicação deste modelo no Estado do Rio de
Janeiro. Em
particular, são examinadas as políticas de investimento
requeridas por essas
Plataformas, juntamente com os entraves e os principais
impactos gerados por
sua implantação. Adicionalmente a dissertação oferece um
roteiro que possa
viabilizar a implantação. / [en] Logistics a strategic activity is the result of the
combination among
globalization, the increase in the offer of products and
new tecnologies. The
constant search for profit and the sustained push for
competitivity maintenance
at global market has introduced organizations groups named
Logistics Platform
with the objective of joining various logistics types
services, maximizing the
efficiency of the services offered to customers, with
reduction the costs of this
involved. This M. Sc. Thesis proposes to make a
qualitative analyses of the
relevant variables involved in the implementation of
Logistics Platforms,
according to the European model and comprehension of
logistics net. Was
realized a bibliographic revision of subject that
reunified data and supplied
subsidies for discussion about implementation for the
application viability of this
model in the State of Rio de Janeiro. In particular, the
request for investment
politics for this Platforms are examined, with obstacles
and main impacts
generated by its implementation. In addition, the thesis
offers a routine that to
make possible is eventual implementation.
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Développement des plate-formes logistiques au Maroc : enjeux et perspectives / Development of logistics platforms in Morocco : issues and prospectsHassini, Sanaa 21 October 2015 (has links)
Depuis les années 70, la production et la commercialisation des biens et services, la circulation des capitaux et des systèmes se sont fortement internationalisées. Ce phénomène a poussé les entreprises à optimiser leurs chaînes logistiques pour rester compétitives. Le Maroc s'inscrit dans la même tendance, vue sa position géographique joue un rôle de carrefour et de hub des échanges commerciaux. Le développement d'une réelle compétitivité logistique constitue un pilier du programme gouvernemental 2010-2020, d'où le lancement de la stratégie nationale pour le développement de la compétitivité logistique, dont principalement le contrat programme régissant le développement des plateformes logistiques, dites zones logistiques multi flux. La stratégie vise la réduction du poids du coût logistique de 5 points pour 2015, la création de 70 zones logistiques dans 17 villes sur environ 3 300 hectares. La mise en œuvre de ce programme logistique nécessite un effort cohérent, s'inscrivant dans le temps et des arbitrages complexes à opérer sur des domaines ne relevant pas des prérogatives d'un seul intervenant de la chaîne logistique. À la lumière de ces propos, nous avons vu en cette problématique un enjeu majeur nécessitant des actions managériales, une réflexion académique aussi par un focus sur le principe de la Supply Chain et plus précisément la logistique des plateformes. L'agencement et la connectivité des plateformes logistiques s'avère décisionnelle pour la réussite d'une politique commerciale compétitive d'une entreprise : nous ne pouvons pas concevoir des flux juste en mouvement, in fine, ils commencent d'un point de création de valeur vers un point de consommation et que ce sont ces nœuds (plateformes) qui œuvrent pour l'optimisation de l'organisation de toute la chaîne. Un retour vers l'histoire de la logistique, ses définitions et son évolution managériale dans le temps s'avérait nécessaire pour expliciter l'approche transversale et intégrée de la chaîne logistique ; et s'attarder par la suite sur les composantes, intégration des flux physiques et d'information, sur le poids de la stratégie logistique comme arme de différenciation vis-à-vis de la concurrence et sur les leviers d'optimisation des plateformes logistiques dans ces modèles. Le dernier chapitre traitera de la compétitivité logistique au Maroc, au regard des standards précités et les axes de développement du réseau des zones logistiques comme première orientation du contrat programme logistique national. / Since earlier years, production and sales of goods and services. capital flows and systems are highly internationalized. This has led companies to optimize their supply chain to remain competitive. Morocco is part of the same trend, for its geographical position acts as a hub and crossroads of trade. The development of logistics real competitiveness is a pillar of the government program 2010-2020. Hence the launch of the national strategy for the development of logistics competitiveness, mainly the program contract governing the development of logistics platforms. The strategy aims to reduce the weight of the logistics cost of 5 points for 2015, creating 70 logistics warehouses in 17 cities on 3 300 hectares. The implementation of the logistics program requires a coherent effort, registering in time and complex trade-offs in different areas in the supply chain. In the light of these remarks, we have seen this problem a major issues requiring managerial actions, academic reflection as a focus on the basics of suppl y chain and specifically logistics platforms. The layout and connectivity of logistics platforms proves the success of a competitive sales policy of a company : we cannot just design flow, ultimately, they start a creative point value to a consumption point and that it is these nodes (platforms) working to optimize the organization of the whole chain. A return to the story of logistics was important to present it, its definitions and managerial changes over time was needed to explain the cross and integrated approach to the supply chain; and linger afterwards on the components. integration of physical and information flows. the weight of the logistics strategy as a weapon of differentiation regarding the competition and logistics platforms optimization levers in these models. The final part will present logistics competitiveness in Morocco, in view of the above standards and network development axes logistics areas as a first orientation of the national logistics program.
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A systematic approach to assess the relocation of the business centres to a logistics platform: A case study on DHL Freight AB (Sweden)Rozario, Jewel Augustine, Hamid, Osman Abdelkader January 2018 (has links)
The relocation of logistic companies’ from the inner centres to the logistic platforms significantly affects both the supply chain management and the urban sustainability development. Recently the concept of city logistics and intermodality has received a significant attention from both academics and decision makers. City logistics play a pivotal role to ensure the liveability of urban areas but, in parallel, urban freight transport also has a significant effect on the quality of life in the urban settings. Optimization of urban freight transportation have an important input in the context of sustainability and liveability of cities and urban areas reducing traffic congestion, decreasing road accidents, alleviating CO2 emissions and noise impacts. The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the relocation of a case logistics company from the city centre to a suburban area. To do this, a wide range of literature reviews pertaining the influence of peripheral logistics platform on the city sustainability were investigated. It seems that there are not well-defined models which can make a comprehensive and quantitative assessment in the context of sustainability for the relocation of business premises. Further investigation was done by conducting a case study on DHL, field observation of traffic flow. Based on all the collected information from the relevant sources, a mixed methods research was applied including a qualitative approach and a quantitative approach. A systematic approach was therefore developed in the context of sustainable development which can be used as an assessment tool for the major factors that enlighten the decision makers to consider the relocation of the logistics companies. A systematic approach was developed by this thesis which facilitates the assessment of key factors that impact the relocation decision in the context of all the three sustainable aspects: economic, social and environmental development. These impacts represent traffic congestion, time and distance of transportation, emission, cost optimization and transport mobility.
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