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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Digitalization of forest management : Next generation unsupervised monitoring using Internet of Things and Blockchain / Digitalisering av skogsförvaltning : nästa generations tillsynslös övervakning genom Internet of Things och Blockchain

Henriques, Johan, Westerlund, William January 2020 (has links)
The forest industry is a fundamental cornerstone of the Swedish economy employing over 70 000 workers on a national scale. In recent years, the industry has seen increased efforts to digitalize operations and management of forestry to reap economical rewards, improve efficiency and gain competitive advantages. Due to living nature of trees, forest-management is a critical activity within the industry; trees and forests maintained properly will reward the owner with not only greater quality and greater quantity of wood, but also a shorter realization of cash flow. Fully realized, data from UPM Skog suggests that proper forest management has the potential to increase forest returns with up to 50 percent. This thesis studies forest management in the context of digitalization with the aim of making forest monitoring more digital and intelligent. In particular, it studies unsupervised monitoring in detail, a subset of remote sensing. Applications and effects of unsupervised monitoring include but are not limited to; enable real-time management of forest inventory, improved planning, time logging to market-fluctuations and enhanced biodiversity. There are a multitude of technologies that could be utilized and applied to achieve unsupervised monitoring and the startingpoint for discussion are the technologies Internet of Things and Enterprise Blockchain. The research is carried out as a case-study utilizing qualitative semi-structured interviews as primary data collection tool combined with a rigorous literature study in the relevant technological areas. The findings of this thesis portray a trade-off between infrastructure, maintainability, precision and latency on the choice of communication technology. Further, it discusses various ways to work around the different drawbacks of specific technology choices and in what contexts they be more or less suitable. Blockchain technology can act as an enabler for multiple novel industrial applications due to is properties of immutability, transparency and trust; however, not critical for unsupervised monitoring applications in the short run. This research serves as a first step in exploring the area of Internet of Things and Blockchain applied to unsupervised monitoring of forestry. In doing so, the thesis addresses infrastructural considerations, economic feasibility as well as key implications in terms of change management. / Skogsindustrin är en hörnsten för svensk ekonomi och sysselsätter fler än 70 000 arbetare på en nationell skala. De senaste åren har industrin sett ökade satsningar mot att digitalisera förvaltning och operation av skog med syftet att nå ekonomisk avkastning, ökad effektivitet och förbättrad konkurrenskraft. Till följd av trädens levandenatur är skogsförvaltning en kritisk aktivitet inom industrin; trä och skog som underhålls på rätt sätt belönar ägaren med både höjd kvalitet på virke och högre kvantitet av virke samt snabbare realisering av kassaflöden. Data från UPM Skog uppskattar att god skogsförvaltning har potential att medföra upp till 50 procent högre avkastning från skogen. Denna uppsats studerar skogsförvaltning inom kontextet av digitalisering med syftet att göra förvaltningen mer digital och mer intelligent. Mer specifikt studeras tillsynslös övervakning (TÖ) i detalj, ett område som kan tolkas som ett subområde till fjärranalys. Tillämpningar och effekter av TÖ inkluderar men är inte begränsat till: möjliggöra real-tids förvaltning av skogsinnehav, förbättrad planering, optimerad avverkning efter marknadens fluktuationer samt också ökad biodiversitet. Det finns flertalet teknologier som kan användas och appliceras för att åstadkomma TÖ och startpunkten i denna uppsats är teknologierna Internet of Things och Enterprise Blockchain. Forskningen är utförd som en fallstudie och nyttjar kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer som primärdata samt en rigorös litteraturanalys inom relevanta teknologiområden. Undersökningsresultaten av denna fallstudie påvisar en avvägning mellan infrastruktur, underhållbarhet, precision och latens på den valda kommunikationsteknologin. Vidare undersöks olika sätt att arbeta runt olika nackdelar med de specifika teknologivalen samt utreder i vilka kontext som teknologierna är mer eller mindre lämpliga. Blockchain kan möjliggöra flertal nya industriella applikationer med hjälp av sina egenskaper som oföränderlighet, transparens och tillförlitlighet; men kan inte bedömas vara kritisk för TÖ utifrån ett kort tidsperspektiv. Denna forskning är ett första steg i att utforska området Internet of Things och Blockchain applicerat mot TÖ i skog. I detta adresseras allt från infrastrukturella frågeställningar, ekonomisk genomförbarhet samt implikationer inom förändringsledning.

Diagnosis of the Lifetime Performance Degradation of Lithium-Ion Batteries : Focus on Power-Assist Hybrid Electric Vehicle and Low-Earth-Orbit Satellite Applications

Brown, Shelley January 2008 (has links)
Lithium-ion batteries are a possible choice for the energy storage system onboard hybrid electric vehicles and low-earth-orbit satellites, but lifetime performance remains an issue. The challenge is to diagnose the effects of ageing and then investigate the dependence of the magnitude of the deterioration on different accelerating factors (e.g. state-of-charge (SOC), depth-of-discharge (DOD) and temperature). Lifetime studies were undertaken incorporating different accelerating factors for two different applications: (1) coin cells with a LixNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2-based positive electrode were studied with a EUCAR power-assist HEV cycle, and (2) laminated commercial cells with a LixMn2O4-based positive electrode were studied with a low-earth-orbit (LEO) satellite cycle. Cells were disassembled and the electrochemical performance of harvested electrodes measured with two- and three-electrode cells. The LixNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2-based electrode impedance results were interpreted with a physically-based three-electrode model incorporating justifiable effects of ageing. The performance degradation of the cells with nickelate chemistry was independent of the cycling condition or target SOC, but strongly dependent on the temperature. The positive electrode was identified as the main source of impedance increase, with surface films having a composition that was independent of the target SOC, but with more of the same species present at higher temperatures. Furthermore, impedance results were shown to be highly dependent on both the electrode SOC during the measurement and the pressure applied to the electrode surface. An ageing hypothesis incorporating a resistive layer on the current collector and a local contact resistance (dependent on SOC) between the carbon and active material, both possibly leading to particle isolation, was found to be adequate in fitting the harvested aged electrode impedance data. The performance degradation of the cells with manganese chemistry was accelerated by both higher temperatures and larger DODs. The impedance increase was small, manifested in a SOC-dependent increase of the high-frequency semicircle and a noticeable increase of the high-frequency real axis intercept. The positive electrode had a larger decrease in capacity and increase in the magnitude of the high-frequency semi-circle (particularly at high intercalated lithium-ion concentrations) in comparison with the negative electrode. This SOC-dependent change was associated with cells cycled for either extended periods of time or at higher temperatures with a large DOD. An observed change of the cycling behaviour in the second potential plateau for the LixMn2O4-based electrode provided a possible kinetic-based explanation for the change of the high-frequency semi-circle. / Litiumjonbatteriet är en möjlig kandidat för energilagring i hybridfordon och i satelliter i låg omloppsbana, men än så länge är livslängden på batterierna ett problem. Utmaningen ligger i att kunna förstå hur batteriet åldras genom att utforska hur åldringsprocessen accelereras av faktorer som laddningstillstånd, urladdningsdjup och temperatur. Livslängdsstudier för två olika typer av batterier tänkta för olika applikationer utfördes: (1) knappceller med positiva LixNi0,8Co0,15Al0,05O2-baserade elektroder studerades med en effektstödd (power-assist) hybridcykel från EUCAR, och (2) laminerade kommersiella celler med positiva LixMn2O4-baserade elektroder studerades med en satellitcykel, avsedd för en satellit med låg omloppsbana. Cellerna öppnades och de uttagna elektrodernas elektrokemiska egenskaper utvärderades i två- och tre-elektroduppställningar. Resultaten från elektrokemiska impedansmätningar för den positiva LixNi0,8Co0,15Al0,05O2-baserade elektroden tolkades med hjälp av en fysikalisk tre-elektrod modell som tog hänsyn till de i litteraturen främst föreslagna effekterna av åldring. Prestandadegraderingen av celler med nickelkemi var oberoende av cykel och laddningstillståndet där åldringen skedde, men starkt beroende av temperaturen. Den positiva elektroden visade sig vara den största orsaken till impedansökningen i batteriet. Ytfilmerna på den positiva elektroden hade en sammansättning som var oberoende av laddningstillståndet men beroende av temperaturen. Impedansresultaten från de uttagna elektroderna var starkt beroende av både laddningstillstånd och yttre tryck på elektrodytan. Det visade sig att det var tillräckligt att ta hänsyn till ett resistivt skikt på strömtilledaren och en lokal kontaktresistans mellan kolet och det aktiva materialet (som är beroende av laddningstillståndet) för att anpassa modellen till impedansdata mätt på de uttagna elektroderna. Prestandadegraderingen av celler med mangankemi påskyndades av både högre temperaturer och högre urladdningsdjup. Impedansen ökade något, då både högfrekvenshalvcirkeln och högfrekvensintercepten ändrades. Positiva elektroden hade en större degradering i kapaciteten och en större ökning i magnituden av högfrekvenshalvcirkeln (speciellt vid högre litiumjon koncentrationer i elektroden) jämfört med den negativa elektroden. Denna laddningstillståndsberoende impedans-ökning var kopplad till celler som hade cyklats under en längre tid eller vid en högre temperatur och med ett högt urladdningsdjup. Ökningen i magnituden av högfrekvenshalvcirkeln skulle kunna vara relaterad till kinetiska begränsningar eftersom cyklingsbeteendet vid andra spänningsplatån ändrades samtidigt för de LixMn2O4-baserade elektroderna. / QC 20100621


Charles William Grey (16413678) 23 June 2023 (has links)
<p>Our modern society is more dependent on its assets in space now more than ever. For<br> example, the Global Positioning System (GPS) many rely on for navigation uses data from a<br> 24-satellite constellation. Additionally, our current infrastructure for gas pumps, cell phones,<br> ATMs, traffic lights, weather data, etc. all depend on satellite data from various constel-<br> lations. As a result, it is increasingly necessary to accurately track and predict the space<br> domain. In this thesis, after discussing how space object tracking and object position pre-<br> diction is currently being done, I propose a machine learning-based approach to improving<br> the space object position prediction over the standard SGP4 method, which is limited in<br> prediction accuracy time to about 24 hours. Using this approach, we are able to show that<br> meaningful improvements over the standard SGP4 model can be achieved using a machine<br> learning model built based on a type of recurrent neural network called a long short term<br> memory model (LSTM). I also provide distance predictions for 4 different space objects over<br> time frames of 15 and 30 days. Future work in this area is likely to include extending and<br> validating this approach on additional satellites to construct a more general model, testing a<br> wider range of models to determine limits on accuracy across a broad range of time horizons,<br> and proposing similar methods less dependent on antiquated data formats like the TLE.</p>


Albert john Patrick IV (15304819) 04 June 2024 (has links)
<p>    </p> <p>Additive manufacturing (or 3D printing) is one of the manufacturing processes which is currently being explored for its applicability under space boundary conditions, also known as in-space manufacturing. The space boundary conditions specifically affect material properties which in turn affect the printability of materials in space. Printing of soft materials in space is a novel application and the intent of this research was to print the softest of materials: edible materials, as a case study. 3D food printing is a novel food delivery method of using food products to either reproduce as a more aesthetically pleasing product or to print more nutrient-diverse foods. Launch of payload carrier and the boundary conditions of low Earth orbit including a vacuum environment, microgravity, temperature fluctuations, etc. These conditions make printing difficult, and my thesis is to overcome the boundary conditions (except microgravity) using a 3D soft material printer operating within a CubeSat. A CubeSat is a small satellite usually launched as an auxiliary payload used for basic Earth observation and radio communication. The printer must be able to survive launch and operation conditions, print within a simulated space environment, and adhere to the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) specific definition of additive manufacturing. The 3D soft material printer was designed, fabricated, and tested using space and CubeSat boundary conditions for determining optimal design. Testing conditions including: (1) printing under Earth conditions showing it follows ASTM standards, (2) surviving NASA standards for vibration testing for microsatellites under launch conditions, (3) completing a print under a vacuum setting. The results of the testing would prove a small microsatellite could print in the vacuum of space and survive launch parameters. Further work would provide insight into the design of food printers being readily available in smaller sizes and its operability in microgravity condition. </p>

Propulsion System Development for the CanX-4 and CanX-5 Dual Nanosatellite Formation Flying Mission

Risi, Benjamin 04 July 2014 (has links)
The Canadian Nanosatellite Advanced Propulsion System is a liquefied cold-gas thruster system that provides propulsive capabilities to CanX-4/-5, the Canadian Advanced Nanospace eXperiment 4 and 5. With a launch date of early 2014, CanX-4/-5's primary mission objective is to demonstrate precise autonomous formation flight of nanosatellites in low Earth orbit. The high-level CanX-4/-5 mission and system architecture is described. The final design and assembly of the propulsion system is presented along with the lessons learned. A high-level test plan provides a roadmap of the testing required to qualify the propulsion system for flight. The setup and execution of these tests, as well as the analyses of the results found therein, are discussed in detail.

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