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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Náplň práce třídního učitele v současné základní škole / Responsibilities of a form master at a contemporary lower secondary school

Kodrlová, Lenka January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the definition of the responsibilities of a form master at a lower secondary school. The aim is to describe which activities should constitute the responsibilities of a form master at a lower secondary school, which activities form masters actually carry out, how their responsibilities are defined, and the way the form masters are informed about what they are expected to do. The theoretical part provides an overview of what can be found about form masters' work and their responsibilities in the specialized literature. In the practical part, documents issued by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and the Czech School Inspectorate were scrutinised using the method document analysis. The analysis has shown that these documents do not contain any lucid definition of a form master and nor do they provide any list of their responsibilities. The second research method used in this thesis is a structured interview with four form masters working at different lower secondary schools. The interviews helped to find out what responsibilities these four form masters have to carry out and how they were informed about them. The four teachers have more or less the same responsibilities; taking attendance, communicating with parents and organizing school events being the most...

Analýza školních vzdělávacích programů přírodopisu na druhém stupni základních škol / Analysis of school education programmes of natural science for lower secondary education

Roreitnerová, Daniela January 2020 (has links)
8 Abstract About fifteen years ago, the Czech education system underwent a curricular reform. Thanks to that, schools have gained more freedom, but also responsibility how education will look in their case. The implementation of the reform was accompanied by various expectations but also by misunderstandings and problems. A revision of Framework Education Programme (FEP) is now planned. At the moment, however, it is not yet clear what will be the subject or the goals of this revision. This work aims to examine the current situation in the field of natural science and to subject selected school educational programs (SEP) to quantitative analysis. SEPs are understood here as one of the possible indicators of how some ideas from the Framework Educational Programs for Lower Education were conceived and developed by teachers. The thesis focuses mainly on areas that have been newly accentuated by the curricular reform. These are topics of key competences, interconnection of subjects (either within cross-curricular topics or interdisciplinary links through selected curriculum) and last but not least the topic of methods and forms of teaching and work with the content itself. All online SEPs of Prague lower secondary schools (plus ten unpublished on the school websites) were analyzed, taking into account only the...

Argumentace v přesvědčeních a praktikách učitelů matematiky v kontextu České republiky / Argumentation in mathematics teachers' beliefs and practices in the context of the Czech Republic

Žalská, Jana January 2018 (has links)
I aim to describe how teachers' beliefs and practices influence the way mathematical argumentation is conducted in lower secondary mathematics classroom within the Czech curricular context. I present results of two studies: the first one characterises the Czech curricular context, namely, the national curricular document and aspects of justification of mathematical statements in selected series of mathematics textbooks. The second study reports on characteristics of teachers' beliefs and practices as related to argumentation on an example of six purposefully selected teachers, via interviews and observations of their lessons. Finally, I select three teachers with differing approaches to teaching and describe specific observed instances in their practices in relation to classroom norms regarding argumentation, justification of general mathematical truths, and aspects of arguments. I show how teachers' beliefs, a textbook and pupils may influence the observed arguments. The studies show that a teachers' emphasis on efficiency (fulfilling school curriculum demands) on one hand and on sense-making on the other lead to distinct implemented curricula. The curricular context and teachers' practice analysis suggest that justification of general truths is generally seen as important but without clear cognitive aims...

Reflexe čtenářství žáků deváté třídy základní školy / Reading skills reflection of the ninth grade elementary school pupils

Dufková, Diana January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on reading of the ninth grade school pupils. The aim is to evaluate the influence of school teaching of the subject Czech language and literature on pupils and their approach to reading. The theoretical part introduces key terms, importance of reading, factors influencing the reading of children and youth, reading of pubescents and deals with the role of the school in forming of reading habits. The research was carried out in the ninth grade of lower-secondary school. It was a qualitative method in the form of questionnaires. Specific research questions have been identified in cooperation with the school and the teacher. The research results - in the context of the suggestions offered by the school - provide feedback for the school and teacher.

Didaktický software pro výuku chemie na úrovni ISCED 2 / Didactic software for chemistry education at the ISCED 2 level

Sadykov, Timur January 2020 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT The current chemistry education solves problems related primarily to the setting of the curriculum contents, which would be professionally correct, appropriately extensive, and at the same time connected with current aspects of life in modern society, and to problems of teaching strategies that would stimulate the students into an interest in science and commitment to it. The main goal of this dissertation is to create an educational website with an interactive chemistry course for lower secondary schools (ISCED 2) and verify its effectiveness in school practice. The first part of the dissertation describes methods of interactive chemistry teaching supporting the increase of the students' cognitive activity and the effectiveness of the learning process using ICT. The second part characterizes the chemistry course thus created and lists various ways to apply interactive teaching in it. Our interactive course contains a total of 14 thematic units, each with 2-6 subthemes. All themes are processed with respect to the practical application of the subject matter using the listed interactive education methods. This course was tested in 2018-2020 during chemistry lessons in Kazakhstan and Czech Republic, and the students' opinions toward interactive teaching in this study were tested using a simple...

Příklady dobré praxe kariérového poradenství na základních školách / Best practices of career guidance in lower secondary schools

Lisý, Marek January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on career guidance in primary and mainly lower secondary schools. The goal of the thesis is to identify and describe the best practices of career guidance from the perspective of a lower secondary school career or educational counsellor, and also from the perspective of the education system. The theoretical part fulfills this goal by describing inspirational approaches to career guidance in selected European countries (Finland, England and France). Using in-depth semi-structured interviews, the research part examines and describes the work of six career guidance facilitators at four lower secondary schools and one upper secondary school, which were purposefully selected as possible examples of best practice. The outcome of the thesis is a detailed insight into the attitudes and approaches to career guidance of the selected respondents, description of 36 unique career guidance activities, and a set of both systemic and specific recommendations for improving the state of career guidance in lower secondary schools. Although the work is focused on lower secondary schools, its outputs are also applicable to upper secondary schools.

Language choices in the EFL classroom : A mixed-methods study at Swedish lower-secondry schools

Adolfsson, Mikaela January 2022 (has links)
Globalization has led to English being the leading language of communication providing opportunities for pupils to develop their English proficiency in different contexts. In this study, teachers’ language choices in the EFL classroom are being observed and the reasons behind them are being discussed during the following interviews. The study aims to increase our understanding of what role the English language as the primary teaching language should have in the EFL classroom at Swedish lower secondary schools to benefit pupils’ language learning in the best way possible. Four teachers, that are teaching at two different lower-secondary schools in southern Sweden participated in the study. In total four classroom observations were conducted followed by four semi-structured teacher interviews. The results found during observations and interviews were then connected to the theories of Language Mode, Translanguaging and Codeswitching. The results of the observations showed a slight difference in the use of English and Swedish during teaching. This study concludes that there is a slight variation in what role the English language has in the four observed classrooms. However, the contexts in which it was used were all coherent. Furthermore, the use of Swedish also showed a slight variation but was explained to be used as a tool for explaining, clarifying and ensuring understanding. Finally, the use of translanguaging practices was believed to have a positive effect on pupils’ learning outcomes although a slight difference was shown here as well.

Problematika chyby a chybování se zřetelem k výuce francouzštiny jako dalšího cizího jazyka na základní škole / Error in the point of view of the French as a second foreign language in the lower secondary school context

Klinka, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
Title: Error in the point of view of the French as a second foreign language in the lower secondary school context Author: Mgr. Tomáš Klinka Department: Department of Pedagogy Supervisor: Doc. PhDr. Marie Fenclová, CSc. Abstract: This thesis focuses on the subject of error in the context of Czech lower secondary school and second foreign language (L3) instruction. This work has three purposes: first, to complete the basic literature in this domain using the publications issued from the French speaking world of educational research that are not quoted in the Czech academic field. Second, to analyze how the elements that intervene in the pedagogical process treat the question of error, and third, using the conclusions obtained, to make explicit the problems which pose the present treatment of the question of error and to indicate the direction of a future research in this domain. So as to attain the first goal, we propose and comment the work of some French specialists in the field of educational science and their conclusions, mainly the typology of errors created by Astolfi. As for the second goal, our thesis provides an analysis of the official regulations concerning teaching and learning in the Czech Republic, exposes the mental representations of error with which both students and teachers...

Livsberättelser åskådliggör minnen om erfarenheter av och uppfattningar om matematik / Life stories illustrate students´ memories of experiences and perceptions of mathematics in lower secondary school

Hektor, Matilda January 2019 (has links)
Det här examensarbetet har som syfte att se om elevers minnen om sina erfarenheter av och uppfattningar om matematikundervisningen går att koppla med de olika att koppla till de valda lärandeteorierna: en sociokulturell-, en kognitivistisk och en behavioristisk lärandeteori. Syftet var också att utifrån elevers berättelser om matematikundervisning uttolka positiva och negativa ståndpunkter i relation till matematikämnet och matematikundervisning. Frågeställningarna som ställdes i undersökningen var: - Hur har elevers minnen om sina erfarenheter av matematik bidragit till deras nuvarande uppfattningar om matematikämnet? - Hur kan elevers minnen av sina erfarenheter förklaras enligt valda lärandeteorier? För att erhålla empiri inom undersökningen genomfördes fem individuella intervjuer med elever i årskurs 8. Resultatet presenteras i form av olika profiler för eleverna framskrivna som livsberättelser. Av resultatet framkom det att negativa uppfattningar om ämnet ofta grundade sig i att eleven inte förstod hur en uppgift skulle lösas, och att det då låste sig. De som upplevde matematikämnet negativt beskrev även en jobbig känsla av att det är lätt att jämföra sina egna resultat och sin kunskapsnivå med andra elever, eftersom det inom matematikämnet ofta tydligt återfinns ett rätt svar. Eleverna uttrycker att detta utmärker matematikämnet jämfört med många andra ämnen. Resultatet visade även att den främsta anledningen till att eleverna utvecklat en positiv uppfattning om ämnet är att de har levt med känslan att de klarar av att lösa uppgifter utan problem. Av resultatet framkom det också att de teman som återfanns i elevernas livsberättelser gick att relatera till- och uttolka genom fler än en lärandeteori, vilket kan tyda på att olika teorier kan förklara en bra inlärning, hur det utvecklas positiva känslor till ett ämne. De kan också förklara när det inte sker tillräckligt lärande vilket kan skapa kunskapsluckor och utveckling av negativa känslor till ämnet. / The purpose of this thesis is to find out how students´ memories about their experiences of mathematics teaching influence their perception of mathematics as subject and mathematics teaching, and if these perceptions can be connected to the chosen learning theories: a socio-cultural, a cognitive and a behavioral learning theory. Another aim of this report is to describe positive and negative positions in relation to the mathematics as subject and mathematics teaching based on students' stories about mathematics teaching. The research issues for this study are: - How have students´ memories of their experiences contributed to their current perceptions of mathematics as subject? - How can students´ memories of their experiences in mathematics be explained according to selected learning theories? To obtain empirical data within the study, five individual interviews were conducted with students in 8th grade in a school outside Stockholm. The result is presented in different profiles for the students projected as life stories. The result shows that negative perceptions about the subject were often based on the fact that they did not understand how a task would be solved, and they therefore got stuck. Those who experienced the subject of mathematics negatively experienced that it was That it is easier to compare results and knowledge within mathematics than other subjects, as there often are only one correct answer. The result also shows that the main reason why the students developed a positive opinion in relation to the subject is that they have lived with the feeling that they are able to solve tasks without problems. The result also shows that the themes that could be distinguished life stories told by the students were relatable and able to interpret through more than one learning theory. Which may indicate that different theories can explain a good learning and how positive emotions develop to a topic and explain when there is not enough learning which can create knowledge gaps and the development of negative emotions on the subject.

Konceptförslag för framtagning av undervisningsmaterial : En studie kring högstadielärares behov inom teknikundervisningen / Concept proposal for development of teaching materials : A study of teachers' needs in technology education

Wilhelmsson, Emil, Berg, Marcus January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka områden lärare anser vara problematiska att undervisa om och hur de anser att ett undervisningsmaterial bör vara utformat i teknikämnet. Utifrån deras önskemål och behov har det tagits fram ett konceptförslag som kan användas vid skapande av undervisningsmaterial för teknikundervisningen på högstadiet. Det teoretiska ramverk som används är en kvalitativ fallstudie ur ett socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv och relaterad forskning på lärande. I studien har fokusgruppsintervjuer med tekniklärare genomförts. Resultatet visar att områdena styr- och reglerteknik, informations- och kommunikationsteknik samt elektroteknik upplevs, av lärarna, som svåra att undervisa om. Vidare tyder resultatet på att ett undervisningsmaterial bör innehålla vissa specifika delar såsom tydliga uppgifter, kopplingar till läroplanen för grundskolan, förskoleklasser och fritidshem (Lgr 11) samt bedömningsmatriser. I studien redovisas ett konceptförslag som kan utgöra ett underlag till teknikundervisningen på högstadiet vilket är baserat på ABB:s och lärarnas framställda önskemål. / The aim of the study is to analyze which areas teachers consider problematic to teach and how they would like a teaching material to be designed in technology. Based on their wishes and needs, a conceptual thinking has been developed that can be used in the creation of teaching materials of technical education for lower secondary school. The theoretical framework used is a qualitative case study from a social constructive perspective and related to research about learning. The method used is focus group interviews. The informants in the focus group interviews are lower secondary school teachers in technology. Results of this study show that the areas of control engineering, information and communication technologies and electrical engineering are experienced by the teachers, as difficult to teach. Furthermore, the result indicates that a teaching material should contain certain specific elements, such as clear information, links to Lgr 11 and a grading matrix. This study presents a conceptual thinking that can constitute a proposal of technology education for lower secondary school, which is based on ABB's and teachers' requests.

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