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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kromatografi som laboration för högstadieelever : och dess påverkan på attityder gentemot kemi / Chromatography as laboratory work for students in lower secondary school : and its effects on attitudes towards chemistry

Peterson, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
Till den här undersökningen har en kromatografilaboration konstruerats. Högstadieelevers attityd gentemot kemi före och efter genomförandet av kromatografilaborationen jämförs. Genomförandet skedde vid Vetenskapens Hus i Stockholm. Även medföljande lärares upplevelse av laborationen och eventuell påverkan på elever undersöks. Frågeformulär används för undersökande av elevernas attityder gentemot kemi och intervjuer med medföljande lärare används som komplement till elevernas svar. För en grupp av de deltagande eleverna syns en förändring i attityd gentemot kemi i positiv riktning, vilket stämmer överens med elevgruppens lärares upplevelse. För den andra gruppen deltagande elever syns ingen förändring i attityd gentemot kemi, vilket stämmer överens med elevgruppens lärares upplevelse. Laborationen anses lämplig av de medföljande lärarna, oavsett om den har en affektiv påverkan på eleverna eller inte. Utifrån elevernas svar på frågeformulären och lärarintervjuerna går det att fastställa laborationens möjlighet att påverka elever affektivt, men även att denna påverkan inte är självklar. / In this report, a chromatography lab is constructed and the attitudes towards chemistry of students in lower secondary school are compared before and after the lab is carried out at Vetenskapens Hus in Stockholm. The attendant teachers’ experiences of the lab and potential effects on the students are also taken into consideration. Questionnaires are used to survey the students’ attitudes towards chemistry, and interviews with the attendant teachers are used as a complement to the students’ answers. For one group of students, a significant positive change in their attitudes towards chemistry is measured, which is consistent with their teacher’s experience. For the other group of students, there is no significant change in their attitudes towards chemistry, which is consistent with their teacher’s experience as well. The lab itself is seen as appropriate by the attendant teachers, regardless of whether it influences the students affectively or not. Based on the answers of the students and the interviews with the teachers, it is possible to conclude that the lab has the potential to influence the students affectively, but also that this influence isn’t a necessary effect of the lab.

Ett digitalt läromedel för implementering avprogrammering i matematikundervisningen på högstadiet : En studie utifrån lärares perspektiv på lärarmaterialet / A digital teaching material for the implementation of programming in the mathematics education in lower secondary school : A study from a teacher’s perspective of the teaching material

Lundkvist, Fredrica January 2018 (has links)
Den 9 mars 2017 beslutade regeringen att skolans styrdokument ska förtydligas i syfte att stärka elevernas digitala kompetens. Detta innebär bland annat att programmering från och med den 1 juli 2018 ska införas i matematikundervisningen på högstadiet och gymnasiet. En utmaning med detta är att lärare inte har kompetens eller verktyg för att implementera programmering i matematikundervisningen på ett bra sätt. Zifro är ett digitalt läromedel som försöker lösa detta problem genom att ge lärare ett material som ska vara lätt att ta till sig oavsett erfarenhet av programmering och även en pedagogisk kodmiljö för eleverna. En kvalitativ studie har genomförts med observationer och intervjuer som metod. Tre lärare och en VFU-student på olika skolor deltog i studien genom att använda två av Zifros aktiviteter i sin undervisning. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vad lärare tycker om materialet och hur det förhåller sig till läroplanen för att utveckla underlag för förbättringsmöjligheter. En slutsats från studien är att Zifro enligt lärare är ett bra läromedel och inga större förändringar behöver göras på materialet som redan finns. Det är ett av få läromedel inom programmering som existerar idag med en klar koppling till läroplanen och matematiken. Däremot behöver det finnas fler aktiviteter för att skolor eller arbetslag ska vilja köpa in det. Förutom fler aktiviteter likt de som redan finns fast inom andra matematiska områden skulle det även kunna finnas webbaserade test samt mer öppna uppgifter där eleven får vara mer kreativ. Ytterligare konkreta förslag på mindre förbättringar, som ett facit läraren kan skriva ut i pappersform, samt att Zifro kan ta fram en kurs för lärare presenteras under diskussion och slutsatser. / On March 9, 2017, the Swedish government decided that the school's governing documents should be clarified in order to strengthen students' digital skills. This means, among other things, that programming from 1 July 2018 will be included in the mathematics in lower and upper secondary school. A challenge with this is that teachers neither possess the skills or tools to properly implement programming in mathematics education. Zifro is a digital teaching aid that tries to solve this problem by giving teachers a user-friendly material regardless of programming experience and also an educational code environment for students. A qualitative study has been conducted with observations and interviews as a method. Three teachers and a VFU student at different schools in Stockholm, Sweden, participated in the study using two of ZIFRO's activities in their teaching. The purpose of the study is to investigate teachers’ opinions about the material and how it relates to the curriculum in order to develop improvement suggestions. A conclusion from the study is that, according to teachers, Zifro is a good teaching aid and no major changes are needed to the already existing material. It is one of few existing teaching materials in programming with a clear connection to the curriculum and mathematics. However, Zifro must provide more activities so that schools will want to buy it. Apart from more activities like the already existing ones, but within other mathematical fields, these activities can be web-based tests and more open tasks where the student can be more creative. Further concrete suggestions for minor improvements, as well as how Zifro could develop a course for teachers, are presented below the headings discussion and conclusions.

Elever om moderna språk : Några elevers erfarenheter om hur man bäst lär sig tyska, franska, spanska / Students about modern languages : A few students´ experiences of the best way to learn German, French, Spanish

Ziemann, Birgitta January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med min studie är att synliggöra elevers erfarenheter om vad som gör ämnet moderna språk i år 8 och 9 intressant, genom att ta reda på hur eleverna upplever sina språkstudier och studera vilka faktorer som styr deras motivation. Jag har genomfört två intervjuer med sammanlagt åtta elever i åk 8 och 9 på högstadiet. Två elever i franska , fem elever i tyska och en elev i spanska. Elevsvaren har sedan analyserats och sorterats upp utifrån uppsatsens huvudkategorier. De olika teorierna är: "mentala självbilder", "autentiska/verklighetsbaserade skoluppgifter", "growth mindset/självkänsla" och "lärarens roll". Eleverna tycker att läraren är den viktigaste källan till motivation i språkklassrummet. Andra exempel på motiverande faktorer eleverna nämner inkluderar mer muntliga verklighetsbaserade uppgifter och riligare lektionsupplägg. Några demotiverande faktorer som nämns av eleverna är att deras goda engelskakunskaper har negativ inverkan på inlärningen av det moderna språket samt att deras upplevelser av att kunna för lite på målspråket för att kunna uttrycka sig fritt.

Läsutveckling under mellan- och högstadiet : En longitudinell studie av läsfärdigheter hos elever med och utan lässvårigheter / Reading development during middle- and lower secondary school : A longitudinal study of reading abilities in students with and without reading difficulties

Stenlund, Karin January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation consists of two studies, a middle school study and a follow-up study. In the middle school study, the reading ability of a group of middle school students, of which some have reading difficulties, is described and analyzed along with the classroom conditions the students are given for the development of their reading abilities. The overall aim of the follow-up study is to describe and analyze the reading ability development in the same group of students from the beginning of middle school to the end of lower secondary school, as well as examine the students’ use of strategies in grade 9. In lower secondary school decoding, vocabulary and reading comprehension were tested like in middle school. Students’ reading comprehension was tested on both stages based on a reading comprehension test and a national test. Since the use of strategies seems to be important for students’ reading comprehension, even the use of learning strategies were examined by including a question from the PISA (2009) student questionnaire. Furthermore, six students who in the beginning of middle school had shown poor results in one or more of the reading aspects were, referred to as the small sample group and, were interviewed in grade 9 regarding their use of comprehension strategies when reading an age-appropriate historical factual text in a textbook. Analyses show that there is a small development in reading comprehension from the beginning of middle school to the end of lower secondary school. Even the development of correct reading and vocabulary is relatively small. The largest development is shown for the reading rate, but analyses show that the reason for that is not merely a more automated process of decoding. A comparison between the results in the reading comprehension tests and the national tests at both stages show higher results for the national tests, which can depend on the different aims of the two tests. Regarding learning strategies, the entire study group stated in the questionnaire that they mostly use the deeper monitoring strategies, while the students in the small sample group reported that they tended to use the more superficial memory strategies. The results of the interviews show that the small sample group as a group found it more convenient to use comprehension strategies for superficial rather than for deeper comprehension.

Nutriční chování dospívajících a jejich znalosti o výživě jako výsledek nižšího sekundárního vzdělávání / Nutritional behaviors of adolescents and their knowledge as a result of lower secondary education

Šotková, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
The thesis focuses on eating habits of adolescents and their knowledge of nutrition. In the theoretical part, the bio-psycho-social development of growing up individuals is characterized. From the nutritional behaviour's point of view, factors are mentioned that may influence eating habits of individuals along with nutritional recommendations for adolescent individuals. Data from research focused on nutritional behaviour of adolescents conducted in Czech republic and the consequences of insufficient and excessive nutrition is included into the theoretical part. The last part clarifies the implementation of nutritional themes into the Framework Education Programme for Elementary Education and education programmes and projects focusing on supporting healthy eating habits intended for schools. Goal of the practical part is to map the eating habits and knowledge of eight and ninth grade second stage students of three primary schools in Prague and third and fourth grade students of two grammar schools. To test this goal, the quantitative approach of questionnaire survey and qualitative methods of analysis of school curricula were used. The research result says that the knowledge of the selected research sample of students does not have a significant impact on their eating habits. KEYWORDS: adolescence,...

Total Physical Response v různých věkových skupinách / Total Physical Response in Different Age Groups

Pinkasová, Markéta January 2011 (has links)
A foreign language teaching method called Total Physical Response is described in the theoretical part. The originator proposes the method for any age group; despite the fact, the use of the method changes in different age groups, due to cognitive development of students and their level of English. The practical part shows opinions of present English teachers in Poděbrady and its neighborhood about usage of the method in their lessons.

Výuka angličtiny ve školách waldorfského typu / English language teaching in Waldorf schools

Kellerová, Alena January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the methodology of ELT in Waldorf lower secondary schools. The theoretical part focuses on the historical background and the philosophical premises of Waldorf pedagogy, as well as a general outline of this alternative educational approach. The subsequent chapters are dedicated to the anthroposophical concept of language and the Waldorf methodology of teaching both native and foreign languages. The goal of the practical part is to examine the distinctive features of ELT in this type of schools. The research study is based on the evaluation of the data obtained with the qualitative methods of lesson observation, namely in the 6th and the 8th forms, and interviews with the teachers. The thesis contains a survey of the Waldorf pupils' attitude towards English and the sources of their learning motivation.

-Måste det här vara som en väckelserörelse? : en studie om (det som kallas) entreprenöriellt lärande i grundskolan, utifrån Basil Bernsteins begreppsapparat / -Does this have to be like a revival movement? : a study on (what is called) entrepreneurial learning in compulsory school based on the conceptual framework of Basil Bernstein

Diehl, Monika January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this compilation thesis is to describe prerequisites for what, in a Swedish educational context, is often called ‘entrepreneurial learning’ and to examine the possible influence that this has on school practice. The study was carried out in two lower secondary schools and was guided by the following two research questions. First, how is entrepreneurial learning reflected in educational practice regarding teaching, learning and assessment? Second, how has the phenomenon of entrepreneurship been recontextualized in educational discourse through politics and policy? Basil Bernstein’s concepts and theories have consistently been the point of departure for analysis. Altogether, 52 classroom observations were made, particularly focusing on the subjects of social science, science and mathematics. In addition, 8 individual interviews with teachers and 15 group interviews with pupils were conducted. For decades, national and international policy documents have promoted the need for a creative, innovative and flexible future working force; bringing this about has highly involved the education system. In Sweden, entrepreneurship was inscribed in the curriculum in 2011, and it is meant to run like a thread throughout education. In this study the broad approach of entrepreneurship in education, which is about generating an entrepreneurial mindset, is focused. Research points out various difficulties and dilemmas regarding the implementation of entrepreneurial learning. These difficulties and dilemmas are connected to concerns about perceived difficulties in relation to differences in school subjects, pupils’ backgrounds, degree of managerial support and/or collegial consensus and cooperation. The main findings are linked to recurrent difficulties regarding teaching methods and assessments in relation to entrepreneurial learning. Curricula and syllabi express explicit learning outcomes, which both teachers and learners perceive as being challenging to combine with entrepreneurial classroom work. This in turn links to an aspect which is often addressed in research—that is, the question about whether to use traditional or entrepreneurial (progressive) teaching methods. Curricula express a need for both, and teachers often find it difficult to find a functioning balance between them, not least because of current societal discussions and demands. In many respects, the implementation of entrepreneurial learning sends mixed messages. On the one hand, pupils are meant to develop entrepreneurial skills and competencies through cooperation and interaction within groups, and, on the other hand, the essence of entrepreneurship indicates competition; this is yet another dilemma addressed in the study. The study shows that, due to the schools’ different prerequisites regarding, for instance, teachers’ approaches and understandings and the schools’ catchment areas, entrepreneurial learning is performed somewhat different. Bernstein’s concepts and theories offer tools to explain and understand different aspects, including dilemmas and difficulties in relation to both classroom practice and social discourse.

Výuka místního regionu z pohledu migrace obyvatel - příklad aplikace mezipředmětových vazeb a klíčových kompetencí žáků na základní škole

DANIELOVÁ, Karolína January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with teaching students of the lower secondary school about the topics of the local region and the migration of the population. The diploma thesis characterizes four specific methods and forms for teaching the local region from the point of view of migration. The methods are based on cross-subject relations and key competences of the students. Afterwards, the thesis is evaluated the process and the fulfilment of the objectives of the application of two teaching topics in geography lessons at the lower secondary school Vodňany in March 2019. Activation methods such as work with the map, walking in the vicinity, field lessons, etc. are often used for teaching the local region. One of the goals was also student´s active approach to geography lessons in creating their own learning activities. Part of the thesis is also an analysis of the results of a questionnaire survey focused on teaching the local region and migration from the perspective of teachers of geography and the knowledge of students about these topics. The results are favourable for the purpose of the thesis. Teachers link the topics of the local region and migration, it demonstrates that the proposed learning activities can use in the practice. Students have shown relatively good knowledge of the local region and during learning activities were able to use knowledge. In the introduction of the thesis is elaborated the theoretical part of the thesis, which is related to the themes of geography didactics, interdisciplinary relations, FEP BE, key competences, forms and methods of teaching.

So, what you’re saying is …? : A study of year 9 students’ attitudes towards and perceived knowledge of communicative competence / Så det du säger är ...? : En studie om elevers inställning till kommunikativ kompetens och upplevda kommunikativa förmåga i årskurs 9

Sandström, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
Swedes’ proficiency in English is often high up in the world rankings among the countries in which English is an L2[1]. Learners of English are routinely tested in the Swedish school system, using standardized national tests to measure how well students are doing nationwide, whilst also providing teachers with sometimes essential assistance in grading students’ language skills. At the end of year 9, students should have developed “all-round communicative skills”. But how do we determine what having “all-round communicative skills” constitutes? What are learners’ attitudes towards and perception of what they learn, how they learn it and their own present ability? What are some areas in which they believe they can improve the most, and is there a preferred way to learn a specific skill? Is communicative competence even focused on in the classroom, and if it is – how and how often? The purpose of this study is threefold: to identify how communicatively competent students in year 9 consider themselves in comparison to their peers; how much they believe that they work with communicative competence in school; and what they perceive to be their weakness and area of communicative competence that could be improved most. Secondarily, are there any differences in what is believed to be focused on in class between students and teachers? To answer these questions, an overview of the aspects that together constitutes being communicatively competent based on relevant previous research will be provided. The aims of English as a school subject in Swedish schools are studied in order to see what the goals are, according to the curriculum. After collecting data using interviews and a questionnaire, results indicate that students are not always aware of when and how classroom activities are designed to improve communicative competence. Students in general also seemingly have a varying opinion on what areas they have the most potential for improvement in. There is thus a disparity between learners’ expectations and perception of their own needs, and teachers’ opinions of what requires improvement and how learning of communicative skills is best done. [1] In the writing process, a decision was made to call English an L2 and not a FL throughout the study, since they are still trying to learn another language than their L1 in either case (Yule, 2014, p. 187).

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