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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Konsten att vara både byråkrat och medmänniska : En studie om arbetsförmedlares yrkessituation / The art of being a bureaucrat and a fellow human being at the same time : - a study into the employment counselor's work situation

Clason, Gunilla, Samuelsson, Anneli January 2010 (has links)
Vår sociologiska studie är baserad på intervjuer och en enkätundersökning. Vårt syfte är att öka allmänhetens förståelse för arbetsförmedlares yrkessituation. Vi intervjuade både arbetsförmedlare och arbetssökande med utgångspunkt att undersöka hur relationen dem emellan påverkas av lagar och regler. Vi har använt oss av kvalitativ metod då det är en förutsättning för att besvara vår problemformulering. Vi har även ett kvantitativt inslag i form av enkäter för att få bredd och generaliserbarhet.   Vi har analyserat vårt resultat utifrån sociologiska teorier. Vårt resultat, som presenteras i analysen, visar att de flesta arbetsförmedlare känner sig begränsade på grund av det strikta regelverket då de inte kan göra allt de skulle önska för sin kund. Den största begränsningen upplevs dock vara tidsbrist, vilket vi kopplar tillbaka till hur lagarna styr verksamheten. Även allmänhetens negativa syn kopplar vi tillbaka till de lagar och regler som omgärdar Arbetsförmedlingens verksamhet. / Our sociological study is based on interviews and a questionnaire survey. Our aim is to increase public understanding of employment counselor’s situation. We interviewed both employment counselor and unemployed people to explore how the relationship is influenced by laws and regulations. We have used a qualitative method because it is a prerequisite for answering our problem formulation. We also have a quantitative element in the form of surveys to get width and generalizability.   We have analyzed our results based on sociological theories. Our result, which we present in the analysis, shows that most employment counselor feel limited because of the strict rules that prohibit them to do everything they wish for their customers. The main limitation however, is perceived to be the lack of time, which we link back to the laws governing the organization. The public’s negative view we also connect back to the laws and regulations surrounding the employment service organization.

“Hagene, der vil ungetriuwe man”? Courtly Rivalry, Loyalty Conflict, and the Figure of Hagen in the Nibelungenlied

DeVane Brown, Katherine 29 August 2014 (has links)
The variety of scholarly approaches to the Middle High German poem Das Nibelungenlied has generated a wide range of conflicting analyses of the character of Hagen, a figure who plays a key role in both the plot and the interpretation of the work. This thesis proposes that viewing Hagen’s relationship with Siegfried in relation to the poem’s central theme of loyalty (triuwe) allows for an analysis that integrates both the positive and negative aspects of Hagen’s character. By examining the depiction of courtly rivalry in four contemporary Middle High German works (Herzog Ernst B, Wolfdietrich A, Tristan, and Parzival), I outline the basic features of this common medieval narrative structure and then apply the same framework to a close reading of the relationship between Hagen and Siegfried in the Nibelungenlied. I also argue that the incorporation of the courtly rivalry motif as a unifying theme of the text allows the poet to take a stance on the broader issue of loyalty conflict, a topic which appears frequently in contemporary literature and had particular relevance within the political climate of medieval Germany. My reading of the character of Hagen can thus hopefully shed new light on the thematic structure of the Nibelungenlied as well as on the relationship between the poem and the literary and historical context in which it was written.

Det är vår förbannade skyldighet! : En kvalitativ studie av hur socialsekreterare kan uppleva utrymmet för civilkurage

Berg, Camilla, Larsson, Tove January 2009 (has links)
<p>This thesis studies public service social workers' opinions regarding their ability to act with moral courage as loyalty conflicts occur. The purpose of the thesis is to describe the social workers' experiences of their possibilities to stand up for what they believe in. We made qualitative interviews with five social workers in Stockholm. In an effort to pinpoint their experiences we asked them questions about what they want but cannot do and what is stop-ping them, what they do not want to do and why, aswell as what the possible solutions would be as loyalty conflicts occur. We were able to identify five different opinions on the organisa-tional cultures and how the employees' experience the extent of their actions. The social workers agree that at the moment they are able to alert a manager should a loyalty conflict occur and neither would want to further complicate the situation by working slower.The ob-stacles for acting in a loyalty conflict is connected to the hierarchies and abuse of power and personal impediments like their own expectations and dejected opinions such as "nothing is going to change anyway". When the social worker chooses not to act it is often because of moral values.</p>

Det är vår förbannade skyldighet! : En kvalitativ studie av hur socialsekreterare kan uppleva utrymmet för civilkurage

Berg, Camilla, Larsson, Tove January 2009 (has links)
This thesis studies public service social workers' opinions regarding their ability to act with moral courage as loyalty conflicts occur. The purpose of the thesis is to describe the social workers' experiences of their possibilities to stand up for what they believe in. We made qualitative interviews with five social workers in Stockholm. In an effort to pinpoint their experiences we asked them questions about what they want but cannot do and what is stop-ping them, what they do not want to do and why, aswell as what the possible solutions would be as loyalty conflicts occur. We were able to identify five different opinions on the organisa-tional cultures and how the employees' experience the extent of their actions. The social workers agree that at the moment they are able to alert a manager should a loyalty conflict occur and neither would want to further complicate the situation by working slower.The ob-stacles for acting in a loyalty conflict is connected to the hierarchies and abuse of power and personal impediments like their own expectations and dejected opinions such as "nothing is going to change anyway". When the social worker chooses not to act it is often because of moral values.

Samverkan - ett samarbete på olika vilkor. : En vetenskaplig essä om samverkan i grundskolan mellan fritidshemslärare och klasslärare.

Anar, Orhan, Mårdh, Sofia January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna vetenskapliga essä är att skapa en bredare och djupare förståelse kring problematiken med samverkan mellan fritidshemslärare och klasslärare. I läroplanen finns brister om vad samverkan ska innehålla och hur den bör utformas och vår gemensamma uppfattning är att det fortfarande finns brister i hur arbetet med samverkan sker. Denna vetenskapliga essä vilar på en hermeneutisk metod, vilket beskrivs som en lära för tolkning och metoden används för att skapa förståelse för våra erfarenheter och dilemman. Vi är två studerande till grundlärare i fritidshem som skrivit essän, vi delar liknande arbetslivserfarenhet inom skolvärlden och liknande uppfattning om problematiken kring samverkan. Fritidshemmet skall komplettera skolan, men i det vardagliga arbetet har vi under många år erfarit hur klasslärarens behov och önskemål har prioriterats under skoltiden och vi som fritidspersonal fått lämna våra arbetsuppgifter för att agera därefter. Erfarenheten vi besitter i samband med teorier och olika synsätt från forskare ger oss förutsättningar att tolka våra dilemman och genom dessa olika perspektiv reflektera över tolkningen av begreppet samverkan samt varför bristfälliga samarbeten uppstår mellan klasslärare och fritidspersonal. Vidare visar vår undersökning på hur vi kan samverka utifrån ett pedagogiskt synsätt snarare än att agera hjälpredor och assistenter åt klassläraren. Vi undersöker även vilka faktorer som skapar en problematisk samverkan samt vilka möjligheter som finns för en godtagbar struktur för samverkan, en struktur som pedagogerna följer och en struktur som ledningen ansvarar över. Resultatet visar på att det behöver skapas tid, samhörighet, samt gemensamma mål mellan pedagogerna för att samverkan skall fungera. Vi har med denna essä skapat oss en större förståelse för begreppet samverkan, fått insyn i klasslärarens perspektiv samt insett att samverkan inte vilar på oss enskilda individer att utföra utan att man som en enhet behöver samarbeta för att nå gemensamma mål för eleverna. / The purpose of this scientific essay is to create a broader and deeper understanding of the issues surrounding collaboration between after-school care teachers and class teachers. There are gaps in the curriculum about what collaboration should include and how it should be designed, and our common understanding is that there are still gaps in how collaboration is carried out. This scientific essay is based on a hermeneutic method, which is described as a doctrine of interpretation and is used to create understanding of our experiences and dilemmas. We are two people who have written the essay and we share similar work experience within the school world and similar understanding of the issues of collaboration. The leisure-time centre should complement the school, but in daily work we have experienced for many years how the class teacher's needs and wishes have been prioritized during school time and we as after-school care staff have had to leave our work tasks to act accordingly. The experience we possess in connection with theories and different viewpoints from researchers gives us the conditions to interpret our dilemmas and through these different perspectives reflect on the interpretation of the concept of collaboration and why inadequate collaborations arise between class teachers and after-school care staff. Furthermore, our study shows how we can collaborate from a pedagogical perspective rather than acting as helpers and assistants to the class teacher. We also investigate what factors create problematic collaboration and what opportunities there are for an acceptable structure for collaboration, a structure that the teachers follow and a structure that the management is responsible for. The result shows that time, solidarity, and common goals need to be created between the teachers in order for collaboration to work. With this essay, we have created a greater understanding of the concept of collaboration, gained insight into the class teacher's perspective, and realized that collaboration does not rest on us as individuals to perform, but that we need to cooperate as a unit to achieve common goals for the students.

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