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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Measurements of luminosity and a search for dark matter in the ATLAS experiment

Pasuwan, Patrawan January 2020 (has links)
This licentiate thesis presents contributions to the luminosity measurement from the data recorded by the ATLAS detector in 2017 using a track-counting technique, as well as a search for dark matter in the ATLAS experiment using 139 fb-1 of √s = 13 TeV pp collision data delivered by the LHC from 2015 to 2018. Track-counting luminosity measurements in low-luminosity operations are performed to study the effect of low collision rates on luminosity determination. The luminosity measured in a calibration transfer procedure using the track-counting technique is used to correct the pile-up dependence observed in ATLAS’s main luminosity detector called LUCID. A search in the final state of a lepton, jets and missing transverse energy, where the final state is produced from a pair of top quarks and a spin-0 scalar/pseudoscalar mediator, is presented. A dedicated signal region is designed to target this final state in which the mediator decays into dark matter particles. The signal region covers the search in the mass plane of the mediator and the dark matter particle. Dedicated control regions are designed to estimate the top-quark background events, as well as the events where a Zboson is produced in association with the top quarks. The signal region event counts in the data have not been unblinded yet, but expected exclusion limits at 95% confidence level as a function of mediator mass are presented. Scalar and pseudoscalar mediators are expected to be excluded up to 200 and 250 GeV, respectively, for the dark matter mass of 1 GeV, and the coupling strengths of the mediator to the dark matter and Standard Model particles of 1.

The Space between the Architect and the Project

Oba, Natsumi Nancy 20 September 2016 (has links)
In the realm of architecture there is a space between the architect and the project. The thesis weaves together a collection of singular encounters with architecture, whether through reading, traveling, or designing, as if they were lines on a drawing, edges on a model, or tones on a photograph. It is in these lineaments one discovers the choreography of architecture. The project is a guesthouse for strangers located in the heart of an imagined Tokyo. The program consists of a place to arrive, guest rooms, courtyards, common areas, and a contemporary onsen. The various studies attempt to find the architecture of stillness for a stranger in an otherwise turbulent city. The drawings were rendered as representations, the models were made as explorations, and the photographs were taken as graphic confirmations. In these representations, explorations, and confirmations, there is a continuous search to establish tranquillity. It is the same tranquillity that may occupy the space between the architect and the project. / Master of Architecture

Études de luminosité de l'expérience ATLAS par le détecteur Timepix à l'aide de particules chargées à faible transfert d'énergie

Gagnon, Clara 12 1900 (has links)
Le réseau ATLAS-TPX est composé de 15 détecteurs Timepix répartis à diverses positions autour du point d’interaction IP1 (Point d’interaction 1) dans la caverne de l’expérience ATLAS (A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS) au LHC (Grand Collisionneur de Hadrons). Ce réseau de détecteurs permet de caractériser le champ de radiation et de mesurer la luminosité indépendamment de la chaîne d’acquisition de données d’ATLAS. Ses différents modes d’opération complémentent les mesures de luminosité de référence d’ATLAS, qui sont cruciales pour la détermination des mesures de sections efficaces de processus du modèle standard de la physique des particules. Ce mémoire évalue la capacité des détecteurs ATLAS-TPX à mesurer la luminosité avec la reconnaissance de traces. Cette méthode permet de filtrer certaines sources d’erreurs systématiques, telles que la radiation induite, qui affectent d’autres détecteurs de luminosité de l’expérience ATLAS. L’étude se concentre sur la détection des particules chargées à faible transfert d’énergie (LETCP) avec un détecteur ayant opéré dans de bonnes conditions de 2017 à 2018, le détecteur TPX14. Les traces laissées par les LETCP sont distinguées des autres particules par des algorithmes de classification, qui sont appliqués sur les images enregistrées par le détecteur. Lorsque des pics de luminosité ou des temps d’acquisition trop longs provoquent une superposition des traces dans les images, une technique de correction est utilisée. Le comptage de traces est converti en mesure de luminosité grâce aux périodes de collisions de référence de chaque année. Les résultats sont comparés à ceux provenant des autres détecteurs de luminosité, soit LUCID (Luminosity measurements Using Cherenkov Integration Detector), EMEC (ElectroMagnetic End Cap) et FCal (Forward Calorimeter) dans le but d’étudier la stabilité à long terme de ces luminomètres. L’entièreté des résultats obtenus diffère par moins de 3% par rapport à LUCID, le détecteur de luminosité de référence dans ATLAS. Cela prouve donc la validité de la méthode et ouvre la porte à des études de stabilité avancées. Les fluctuations statistiques observées pourront être réduites dans le futur en utilisant plus de détecteurs et en optimisant leur positionnement. / The ATLAS-TPX network is made of 15 Timepix detectors distributed at various positions around the interaction point IP1 (Interaction Point 1) in the ATLAS (A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS) cavern at the LHC (Large Hadron Collider). This detector network allows the characterization of the radiation field as well as luminosity measurements that are completely independent of the ATLAS data acquisition chain. Its different modes of operation complement the reference luminosity measurements in ATLAS, which are crucial for the measurement of cross sections of the standard model process of particle physics. This master thesis evaluates the ability of ATLAS-TPX detectors to measure the luminosity using track recognition. This method makes it possible to filter certain sources of systematic uncertainties, such as activation, which affect other luminosity detectors of the ATLAS experiment. The studies focus on detection of low energy transfer charged particles (LETCP) with a detector that operated in good conditions throughout 2017 and 2018, the TPX14. The signature traces left by LETCP are distinguished from others by classification algorithms, which are applied on the detector’s frames. When luminosity is peaking or when the acquisition time is too long and cause overlapping of the traces in the frames, a correction is applied. The track counts are converted to luminosity measurements using the reference run of each year. The results are compared to those from other luminosity detectors, namely LUCID (Luminosity measurements Using Cherenkov Integration Detector), EMEC (ElectroMagnetic End Cap) and FCal (Forward Calorimeter) in order to do long term stability studies of those luminometers. All results differ by less than 3% from LUCID’s data, the luminosity of reference in ATLAS. Therefore, the method is valid, which opens the door to advanced stability studies. The observed statistical fluctuations could be reduced in the future by using more detectors and optimizing their positioning.

From luminosity to cross-section measurements / Inclusive measurement of the ttbar cross-section using proton-proton collisions at √s =13.6 TeV with the ATLAS detector

Hügli, Cédrine 12 February 2025 (has links)
Die Messung des inklusiven ttbar-Wirkungsquerschnitts bei 13.6 TeV wird anhand von 29 fb⁻¹ an Daten des ATLAS-Detektors am LHC aus dem Jahr 2022 präsentiert. Für diese Messung sind das Zählen der Ereignisse und die genaue Bestimmung der Luminosität erforderlich, wobei die Luminositätsunsicherheit die größte Unsicherheitsquelle darstellt. Die Luminositätsbestimmung erfolgt nach dem etablierten Verfahren aus Run 2 in drei Schritten: absolute Kalibrierung mit van der Meer Scans, Transfer dieser Kalibrierung auf die physikalischen Datenaufnahmebedingungen und Stabilitätsüberprüfung. Die vorläufige Luminositätsunsicherheit für 2022 beträgt 2.2 %, hauptsächlich bedingt durch den Kalibrierungstransfer und Nicht-Faktorisierbarkeits-Effekte. Der ttbar-Wirkungsquerschnitt wird mit der b-Jet-Zählmethode im Dilepton-Endzustand gemessen und ergibt sigma(ttbar) = 850 ± 3 (stat.) ± 18 (syst.) ± 20 (lumi.) pb, was 1.5 Sigma unter der Standardmodellvorhersage liegt. Das Verhältnis der Z-Produktion zum ttbar-Wirkungsquerschnitt, sensitiv auf das Gluon-zu-Quark-PDF-Verhältnis, beträgt R(ttbar/Z) = 1.145 ± 0.003 (stat.) ± 0.021 (syst.) ± 0.002 (lumi.) und stimmt mit dem Standardmodell überein. Zusätzlich wird das Verhältnis des Wirkungsquerschnitts bei 13.6 TeV zu 13 TeV gemessen: R(13.6/13) = 1.0253 ± 0.0347, 2.4 Sigma von der Vorhersage entfernt. Diese Ergebnisse unterstützen das Standardmodell und unterstreichen die Bedeutung präziser Luminositäts- und Wirkungsquerschnittsmessungen in der Teilchenphysik. / The inclusive ttbar cross-section measurement at 13.6 TeV, based on 29 fb⁻¹ of data recorded by ATLAS at the LHC in 2022, is presented. This measurement requires event counting and accurate luminosity determination, with luminosity uncertainty as the largest source of error. The luminosity calibration follows the established Run 2 procedure, involving three stages: absolute calibration via van der Meer scans, calibration transfer from specific scan conditions to physics data-taking conditions, and stability checks. The preliminary luminosity uncertainty for 2022 is 2.2%, mainly due to calibration transfer and non-factorisation effects. The ttbar cross-section is measured using b-jet counting in the dilepton final state, yielding sigma(ttbar) = 850 ± 3 (stat.) ± 18 (syst.) ± 20 (lumi.) pb, which is 1.5 sigma below the Standard Model prediction. The ratio of Z production to the ttbar cross-section, sensitive to the gluon-to-quark PDF ratio, is R(ttbar/Z) = 1.145 ± 0.003 (stat.) ± 0.021 (syst.) ± 0.002 (lumi.), consistent with the Standard Model. Additionally, the cross-section ratio between 13.6 TeV and 13 TeV is R(13.6/13) = 1.0253 ± 0.0347, 2.4 sigma from the predicted value. These results support the Standard Model and emphasize the importance of precise luminosity and cross-section measurements in particle physics.

Exploration de la fonction de faible masse initiale dans les amas jeunes et les r ´egions de formation stellaire

Burgess, Andrew 15 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
La détermination de l'extrémité inférieure de la fonction de masse initiale (FMI) prévoit de fortes contraintes sur les théories de la formation des étoiles. IC4665 est un amas d'´étoile jeune (30Myr) et il a situe 356pc de la Terre. L'extinction est Av~ 0.59 ± 0.15 mag. WIRCam Y, J, H et K observations ont été faites par le CFHT et a comprise 10 champs (de 1.1sq.deg totale) et deux zones de contrle de 20'x20' chacun. Diagrammes couleur/magnitude et couleur/couleur ont été utilisées pour comparer les candidats sélectionnées par les modèles BT-SETTL 30 et 50Myr. Les images CH4off et CH4on ont été obtenus avec CFHT/WIRCam plus 0.11 sq.deg. dans IC348. Naines-T ont ensuite été identifiés à partir de leur couleur de 1.69μm d'absorption du méthane et trois candidats nain-T ont été trouvée avec CH4on−CH4 >0.4 mag. Extinction a été estimée à Av~ 5 − 12 mag. Les comparaisons avec les naines-T modèles, et des diagrammes couleur/couleur et magnitude, rejeter 2 entre 3 candidats en raison de leur extrême z′ − J coleur. L'objet reste n'est pas considéré comme un nain avant l'amas en raison d'un argument de densité en nombre ou l'extinction forte Av~ 12 mag, ni d'être un champ de fond nain-T qui serait devrait être beaucoup plus faible. Les modèles et les schémas de donner cet objet un type T6 préliminaires spectrale. Avec un peu de la masse de Jupiter, ce jeune candidat nain-T est potentiellement parmi les plus jeunes, des objets de masse plus faible détectée dans une région de formation d'´étoiles `a ce jour. Sa fréquence est conforme à l'extrapolation du courant lognormal FMI estime `a au domaine de masse planétaire.

Étude de la fonction de luminosité des étoiles naines blanches de type DA dans le relevé Kiso

Limoges, Marie-Michèle January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Observation of a BEH-like boson decaying into two photons with the ATLAS detector at the LHC / Observation d'un boson de type BEH se désintégrant en deux photons dans le détecteur ATLAS au LHC

Andari, Nansi 26 September 2012 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, je présente ma contribution à l'observation d'un nouveau boson au LHC avec le détecteur ATLAS dans le canal de désintégration en deux photons. Ce boson est compatible avec le boson scalaire du Modèle Standard longtemps recherché et a une masse de 126.0 +/-0.4 (stat) +/-0.4 (sys) GeV obtenue en combinant les canaux gamma gamma et ZZ. Les données utilisées sont celles collectées par l'expérience ATLAS durant l'année 2011 avec une énergie de centre de masse de 7 TeV et durant les trois premiers mois du run en 2012 avec une énergie de centre de masse de 8 TeV. La luminosité totale correspondante est de ~10 fb-1. L'excès observé a une significance locale de 4.5 sigma dans le canal gamma gamma et de 5.9 sigma en combinant tous les canaux analysés. De même, diverses contributions aux analyses des données, dans le canal H en gamma gamma, depuis l'année 2009 jusqu'en 2012 sont aussi montrées. / In this thesis, I show my contribution to the observation of a new boson at the Large Hadron Collider with the ATLAS detector in the diphoton decay channel. This boson is compatible with the long-searched scalar boson of the Standard Model and has a mass of 126.0+/-0.4+/- 0.4 (sys) GeV obtained when combining the decay channels gamma gamma and ZZ. The data used were collected in the ATLAS experiment during 2011 with a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV and during the first three months of the 2012 run with a center-of-mass energy of 8 TeV. The total corresponding luminosity is about 10 fb-1. The observed excess has a local significance of 4.5 sigma in the gamma gamma channel and has a significance of 5.9 sigma when combining all the channels used in the analysis. Moreover, diverse contributions to the H into gamma gamma analyses of the data from 2009 to 2012 are also shown.

Ferrugem asiática da soja: métodos de preservação dos urediniósporos e fatores relacionados à infecção do hospedeiro / Asian soybean rust: methods for uredospores preservation and factors related to host infection

Furtado, Gleiber Quintão 02 May 2007 (has links)
A soja é a cultura agrícola com maior extensão de área plantada no Brasil, país que se destaca no cenário mundial como o segundo maior produtor e exportador desta oleaginosa. A ferrugem asiática (FA), causada pelo fungo Phakopsora pachyrhizi, apresenta-se como um dos mais graves problemas fitossanitários da cultura da soja no Brasil, principalmente por não existirem, até o presente momento, cultivares com níveis de resistência satisfatórios. Com o objetivo de melhor se conhecer a biologia de Phakopsora pachyrhizi e alguns fatores relacionados ao processo infeccioso em soja, no presente trabalho foram avaliados: (1) Métodos de preservação de urediniósporos; (2) Influência da descontinuidade do molhamento foliar no processo infeccioso dos urediniósporos; (3) Influência da luminosidade e da superfície foliar no processo infeccioso de urediniósporos de P. pachyrhizi; (4) Influência do estádio fenológico da soja na infecção de P. pachyrhizi. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a desidratação dos esporos proporcionou maior viabilidade destes ao longo do tempo, para todas as condições de armazenamento testadas. No deep freezer foi possível preservar os esporos por até 231 dias, independente da sua condição de hidratação. No ambiente, os esporos não desidratados e desidratados permaneceram viáveis por 16 e 22 dias, respectivamente. A reversão de dormência dos esporos foi efetiva ao empregar hidratação (24h de câmara úmida) seguida ou não por choque térmico (40°C/5 minutos). Em todos os tratamentos onde se aplicou molhamento foliar descontínuo, a severidade de FA foi sempre inferior quando comparada ao molhamento contínuo, principalmente quando a interrupção do molhamento se deu após 4 horas de câmara úmida inicial. A interrupção temporária do molhamento afetou os esporos que haviam germinado, pois os mesmo não foram aptos a infectar após novo período de molhamento. Com relação à luminosidade, os urediniósporos foram aptos a infectar plantas de soja tanto na luz quanto no escuro. Porém, severidade maior foi observada quando se inoculou a superfície adaxial, com posterior incubação das plantas no escuro. Os experimentos in vitro mostraram que, na ausência de luz, houve maior germinação e maior formação de apressórios. O teor de cera epicuticular e o seu aspecto ultra-estrutural não apresentaram diferenças entre as superfícies adaxial e abaxial no cultivar BRS 154. Os cultivares BRS 154 e BRS 258, no estádio fenológico reprodutivo, R5, apresentaram menor severidade em relação aos estádios V3 e R1. O período latente médio (PLM) da FA foi 8 e 9 dias para os cultivares BRS 154 e BRS 258, respectivamente. O PLM não se diferenciou em função do estádio fenológico para ambos cultivares. Quanto à influência da idade da folha na suscetibilidade à FA, a folha 1, considerando-se o sentido base-ápice da planta, mostrou maior suscetibilidade e freqüência de infecção de P. pachyrhizi . Os resultados apresentados são essenciais, tanto por disponibilizarem informações sobre a biologia e epidemiologia do fungo, quanto por servirem como base para novos estudos, nas mais diversas áreas sobre este importante patossistema. / Soybean is the agricultural crop with the largest planted area in Brazil. The country stands out in the world scenario as the second-largest producer and exporter of this oilseed crop. The Asian rust (AR), caused by the fungus Phakopsora pachyrhizi, is one of the most serious phytosanitary problems of soybean in Brazil, especially because no cultivars exist so far with satisfactory resistance levels. In order to acquire better knowledge about the biology of Phakopsora pachyrhizi and some factors related to its infectious process in soybean, the following were evaluated in the present work: (1) Uredospore preservation methods; (2) Influence of leaf wetness discontinuity on the infectious process of uredospores; (3) Influence of luminosity and leaf surface on the infectious process of P. pachyrhizi uredospores; (4) Influence of phenological stage of soybean on infection by P. pachyrhizi . The results obtained showed that spore dehydration provided greater spore viability with time, in all storage conditions tested. Spores could be preserved for up to 231 days in the deep freezer, regardless of their hydration condition. At room temperature, non-dehydrated and dehydrated spores remained viable for 16 and 22 days, respectively. Spore dormancy reversion was effective when hydration was used (24h in humid chamber), followed or not by thermal shock (40°C/5 minutes). In all treatments where discontinuous leaf wetting was applied, AR severity was always lower when compared with continuous wetting, especially when wetting was interrupted after 4 hours of initial treatment in the humid chamber. Temporary wetness interruption affected spores that had already germinated, as these were not able to infect after a new wetness period. As to luminosity, uredospores were capable of infecting soybean plants both in the light and in the dark. However, higher severity was observed when the adaxial surface was inoculated, with later incubation of the plants in the dark. The in vitro experiments showed that there was greater germination and greater formation of appressoria in the absence of light. Epicuticular wax content and its ultrastructural aspect did not show differences between the adaxial and abaxial surfaces in cultivar BRS 154. At the R5 reproductive phenological stage, cultivars BRS 154 and BRS 258 showed smaller severity in relation to stages V3 and R1. The AR mean latent period (MLP) was 8 and 9 days for cultivars BRS 154 and BRS 258, respectively. MLP differences due to phenological stage were not detected in any of the cultivars. As to the influence of leaf age on AR susceptibility, leaf 1 showed greater susceptibility and frequency of infection by P. pachyrhizi, considering the plant base-apex direction. The results herein presented are essential, either because they make information available on the biology and epidemiology of the fungus, or because they serve as a foundation for new studies on the most diverse areas about this important pathosystem.

Henrietta Swan Leavitt e a relação período-luminosidade de estrelas variáveis

Marchi, Magali Conceição de Barros de 13 May 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T14:16:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Magali Conceicao de Barros de Marchi.pdf: 2083221 bytes, checksum: 4cf0513b9fba9944184b6431a6af9410 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-05-13 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This study has to focus on analysis of period-luminosity relationship for variable stars discovered by Henrietta Swan Leavitt in the early twentieth century. In it we present, through the analysis of documents published at that time, the path taken by Leavitt to find such a relationship as well as presenting the context in which research is embedded Leavitt. The relationship found by Leavitt had an important use in astronomy, since through it was possible to estimate the distance between stars and galaxies / Este estudo tem como foco de análise a relação período-luminosidade para estrelas variáveis encontrada por Henrietta Swan Leavitt no início do século XX. Nele buscamos apresentar, por meio da análise de documentos publicados naquela época, o caminho percorrido por Leavitt para encontrar a tal relação, bem como apresentar o contexto em que a investigação Leavitt está inserida. A relação encontrada por Leavitt teve importante uso na Astronomia, visto que por meio dela era possível estimar a distância entre estrelas e galáxias

Comunidade fitoplanctônica em ambientes lóticos sob influência do Corredor de Biodiversidade Santa Maria, Bacia do Rio Iguaçu, Paraná, Brasil / Phytoplankton community in lotic environments under the influence of Corredor de Biodiversidade Santa Maria, Iguaçu River Basin, Parana, Brazil

Servat, Liliane Caroline 23 February 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T14:38:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Liliane - corrigida.pdf: 1735621 bytes, checksum: 9e277642042840851fc3ac2d9dacd470 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-23 / Fundação Araucária / This work aimed to evaluate the influence of the riparian vegetation of Santa Maria Biodiversity Corridor on the structure and composition of the phytoplankton community, comparing two streams with different levels of riparian preservation: Apepu stream and Tenente João Gualberto stream. Samples were monthly collected, between September 2012 and August 2013. As a result, 371 taxa were identified, mainly benthic and periphytic taxa, belonging to the Classes Diatomeae and Euglenophyceae. An increase in the features density and species richness was observed from the Apepu stream (greater riparian bank) to the Tenente João Gualberto stream (smaller riparian bank. This fact may have been influenced by the shading caused by the riparian forest of station 1, since the nutrients concentrations of both environments were practically the same. However, despite showing lower values in the ecological attributes, Apepu stream presented a greater stability in the features and structure of the phytoplanktonic community during the study period. Besides, the greater equitability and similarity found in the first station indicate a greater homogeneity, when compared to Tenente João Gualberto stream. In summary, it was possible to demonstrate the importance of the riparian vegetation of Santa Maria Biodiversity Corridor for the stability of the phytoplanktonic community. / Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a influência da vegetação ciliar do Corredor de Biodiversidade Santa Maria na composição e estrutura da comunidade fitoplanctônica, comparando-se dois riachos com diferentes níveis de preservação ciliar: riacho Apepu (25º30'40.5"S 54º20'31.9"W) e Tenente João Gualberto (25º28'36.3"S 54º19'40.9"W). Amostras foram coletadas mensalmente, entre setembro de 2012 e agosto de 2013. Foram identificados 371 táxons, principalmente táxons bentônicos e perifíticos das classes Diatomeae e Euglenophyceae. Foi observado um aumento dos atributos densidade e riqueza de espécies a partir da estação com maior margem ripária (Apepu) para a estação com menor margem ripária (Tenente João Gualberto). Este fato pode ter sido influenciado pelo sombreamento causado pela mata ciliar na primeira estação, já que as concentrações de nutrientes foram pouco diferentes entre os ambientes estudados. No entanto, apesar de apresentar menores valores nos atributos ecológicos, o riacho Apepu apresentou maior estabilidade na estrutura e atributos da comunidade fitoplanctônica durante o período de estudo. Além disto, a maior equitabilidade e semelhança observadas neste estação, indicam maior homogeneidade, quando comparada com o riacho Tenente João Gualberto. Em síntese, foi possível demonstrar a importância da vegetação ripária do Corredor de Biodiversidade Santa Maria para a estabilidade da comunidade fitoplanctônica.

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