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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Designprincipers potential för värdeskapande vid tjänstefiering : Användning av designprinciper inom tjänstedesign för att skapa goda förutsättningar för värdeskapande i en tjänstefieringsprocess / The potential of designprinciples for value creation in servitization

Oksa, Johannes January 2022 (has links)
Kundupplevelsens växande betydelse i samhället har fått fler företag att uppdatera sina affärsmodeller, så att ett tidigare fokus på produkten nu istället riktas mot den mer kundfokuserade tjänsten. Denna tjänstefiering skapar stora utmaningar för kunderna, då de behöver säkerställa att tjänsten levererar ett värdeerbjudande som stämmer överens med kundens behov och förväntningar. Tjänstedesign kan skapa bättre förutsättningar för utformandet av uppskattade tjänsteupplevelser, men det finns en begränsad inblick i hur tillvägagångssättet kan vara bidragande i en tjänstefieringsprocess. Inom denna stu- die undersöks kopplingen mellan tjänstedesign och tjänstefiering, genom att rikta fokus mot att utforska huruvida designprinciper inom tjänstedesign kan vara användbara för att peka ut riktningen för ett företag i sin tjänstefieringsprocess. Detta har genomförts i kollaboration med ett företag som går igenom en tjänstefiering, där ett forskning genom design-tillvägagångssätt har anammats. Designprocessen utfördes i huvudsak med en samskapande workshop-serie, där en kundresekarta utformats och varit föremål för diskussion kring framtida möjligheter för en värdeskapande tjänst. Genom att använda designprinciperna som ett analytiskt filter kunde tjänstens nuläge utvärderas, samtidigt som målsättningar som förknippas med det eftersträvade värdet kunde skapas. Designprinciperna visade sig ha potential att vara behjälpliga i tjänstefieringsprocessen, genom att styra företagens förståelse av sitt nuläge och synliggöra konkreta förbättringsområden.

Adapting Lean User Experience Process for Enterprise Environment / Anpassning av lean användarupplevelse processerinom företag

Grama, Cristian January 2016 (has links)
Internal enterprise simulation-based software tools are complex to use. Complexity can be reduced by designing for good user experience (UX), making the interface user-friendly and more efficient for employees. However, designing UX in an innovation project is tricky. This study applied Lean UX – a user-driven process elaborated by Gothelf. The process was adapted to fit the development case of an internal simulation-based software sales-tool at Ericsson. The results of the study describe how the process was adapted and what the challenges of it were. One challenge of the study was the advanced engineering level of this particular project. A second challenge was the complex organizational structure and its users. A third challenge was the management’s limited understanding of what UX stands for. Therefore, the study concludes that even though it is challenging, the Lean UX process can be adapted for enterprise environment. Whilst the process itself was only slightly adapted, the way the process is applied takes many efforts. The challenges are further discussed from the perspective of Nielsen’s Corporate UX maturity model.

Interaction Design for Internal Corporate Tools / Interaction design för interna företags software

Kortbeek, Charlotte January 2016 (has links)
Software tools to be used by employees of large organizations rarely satisfy the end-user. They might be complex, difficult to use, not feasible in the actual work context or even worse adding to the workload of the users. This is however not that surprising, since designing for such complex organizational contexts can be challenging. Typically, such projects involve a large number of stakeholders and a diverse group of users, all with their own roles, backgrounds, wishes, needs and preferences. For large enterprises is is a challenge to create internal tools that fulfill their supporting role for the employees and at the same time take away few as possible resources from the core business. This paper reports on a research under the umbrella of the larger areas of CSCW and HCI. The project aimed at getting more insights into using a user-centered approach to the design and development of internal-tools within a large multinational corporation. Field observations from within the department were combined with design explorations in which new tools were prototyped. A model for thinking about the work setting is presented and recommendations for interaction designers aiming at applying a user-centered approach to design of internal tools are given.

Vad är en patientjournal? : En undersökning av användares mentala modeller

Jansson, Rebecka January 2015 (has links)
Allt fler svenska vårdgivare ger patienter direktåtkomst till sina patientjournaler via internet. För att göra sådana tjänster så lättanvända som möjligt är det viktigt att förstå vad användarna har för bild av vad en patientjournal är och hur den är strukturerad. I den här rapporten presenteras en undersökning av hur användare uppfattar patientjournaler. Undersökningen har omfattat intervjuer, öppen kortsortering (med inledande free-listing) och användningstest – metoder som kompletterat varandra bra. Frågor som ställts rör patientjournalens syfte, vilka som hanterar den och vad den kan innehålla. Resultaten indikerar att användarna har en gemensam kärna i sina uppfattningar av patientjournaler. Analysen begränsas av att antalet försökspersoner har varit relativt litet, men med ett större antal användare kan denna kombination av metoder vara värdefull i praktiskt utvecklingsarbete. / An increasing number of Swedish care givers are providing patients with direct access to their medical health records via the Internet. In order to make such services as easy as possible to use, it is important to understand what image the users have of what a medical health record is and how it is structured. In this thesis, an investigation of how users perceive medical health records is presented. The investigation has included interviews, card sorting (preceded by a free-listing exercise) and user testing – methods that have worked well together. Among the questions that were asked are ones about the purpose of a medical health record, who handles it and what may be in it. The results indicate that users have a common core in their perception of medical health records. The analysis is limited by the relatively low number of participants in the investigation, but with a larger number of participants, this combination of methods may be of value in practical development work.

The Impact of Good Navigation and Trust in E-commerce : The importance of navigation and trustworthiness when creating a web application for selling emission allowances

Andreasson, Lovisa, Asp, Agnes, Gustafsson, Eric, Halling, Edvin, Kristiansson, Johan, Lindhe, Axel, Nordin, Anton, Normell, Jakob, Spjuth, Gabriel January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this report was to study how the design of a web application can induce trust and navigability. To study this, a web application was created where the private consumer can buy a part of an emission allowance, tailored to the consumers’ specific needs. Since environmental companies are subject to hard audits, not only by authorities but also by the consumers, it was concluded that this type of web application is well suitable to test how design can induce trust. This web application was tested by different test groups in three iterations. The user tests made use of the Critical thinking-aloud protocol, System Usability Scale, and Smith’s Lostness formula, and consisted of two assignments followed by various questions regarding how the test subject experienced the assignments. After each iteration, the web application was altered in alignment with the feedback received from the test subjects. Each iteration had a completely different test group to ensure that the alterations were effective on a larger scale than only to address the last test group's concerns. The results from the user test improved with each iteration and after the final iteration, all test subjects were unanimous in that they experienced the web application as secure and trustworthy enough to make a payment using their debit card on the site. It was concluded that implementing a website according to existing theories and websites is important to create trust and navigability. Design, information pages, typography, colors, and shape, have an impact on trustworthiness while placement of functionality as well as popups for completed tasks improve navigability. This study can hopefully be viewed as a foundation for future research in the field of design and its impact on trustworthiness and navigability.

Designing an interface for teach pendants, with focus on novice robot users : Investigating users experience in early usage of a teach pendant

Engström, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
The thesis aimed to investigate whether an interactive application could aid novice users’ early usage with the OmniCore FlexPendant. The method followed the Double Diamond design model. An initial literature research was made including a competitive analysis, followed by a design sprint that started the concept making of the application. Thereafter several iterations of user research and prototyping were made. Final user tests were conducted on a hi-fiprototype. The result showed that a functional application based on the hi-fiprototype would aid novice users early experience of the OmniCore FlexPendant. However, the result also showed that some of the functionality shouldnot be limited for a specific application but should be available in the wholeFlexPendant. Further should the functionality overall become more interactivein order to compose the best user experience for the novice users.

Effekterna av att implementera gamification i ett bokningssystem för padelbanor / The effects of implementing gamification in a booking system for padel courts

Hallstensson, Hugo, Salomonsson, Elsa, Wadsten, Anna, Bergström, Didrik, Nylen, Philip, Ludvigsson, Olle, Sköld, Erik January 2021 (has links)
Studies show that gamification leads to increased enjoyment when using a service. Anincreased enjoyment leads in turn to increased customer loyalty. The aim of this report isto examine how gamification can be applied in order to motivate customers to return to aweb application in the conext of a booking service for padel courts. Two web applicationswere developed, one with gamification elements and one without, and were tested bytwo different groups in order to measure the percieved enjoyment. The results showedthat there was no statistically significant difference between the two web applications.The test subjects noticed gamification elements but the elements did not solely havea positive effect. Elements regarding social communication gave a positive impressionon the test subjects, while elements regarding statistics and leaderboards gave a partlynegative impression.

Designing for children with food allergies

Bogeva, Snezhana January 2021 (has links)
Around 2.5% of the world population are affected by allergies. Children and their families are part of that affected group. However, there seems to be lack of research and tools that would help and provide valuable designs for these families. This thesis explored if and how interaction design might contribute to make the everyday life easier for families with allergic children.  A design process was conducted based upon both theoretical and qualitative research. With the help of methods from interaction design, this thesis has analyzed and brainstormed possible concepts. The final result is a wearable called All-gen that helps children to scan and get feedback if their food is safe or not.

Evaluating the use of persuasive technology for guidance and motivation in heavy vehicle inspections

Lundmark, Christoffer January 2020 (has links)
Safety in the workplace is a major concern for industrial employers. Proper training, instructions, and routines are crucial for a hazard-free working environment. This thesis focuses on daily checks, a routine where operators inspect their vehicles to ensure that the machine is in good condition.The initial focus of the project was to explore solutions that could be used to educate new operators. After the research phase, involving experts in the area, the focus shifted towards a solution that would increase the ability and motivation for both new and experienced operators to perform the routine. A literature study, competitor analysis, field study, and interviews were conducted to gain further insight into the matter, and in an attempt to achieve the new objective, the area of persuasive technology and persuasive design, along with provided design guidelines, an application was created that would facilitate the execution of the daily check. These resulting prototypes were then evaluated and taken through usability testing. An evaluation of the theoretical framework is also presented. The results show that persuasive technology is a suitable approach to achieve the goal. While the prototype fulfils most of the goals and requirements, at least on a theoretical level, further development and testing should be done to attain a more quantifiable result.

En studie om navigerbarhetens påverkan på användbarhet och användares tilltro till e-handel för begagnad kurslitteratur / A study of how ease of navigation impacts usability and users’ trust in e-commerce for second-hand course literature

Alm, Jesper, Chou Chen, Johan, Danho, Sparel, Ekblom, Axel, Karlén, Jacob, Renström, Emilia, Solvang Stoltz, Oskar, Tegström, Mikaela January 2021 (has links)
The rise of e-commerce in combination with an increased interest in second-hand products have resulted in multiple marketplaces where buyers and sellers can meet. One area where marketplaces of this kind is used is course litterature, where students often buy and sell used books. The purpose of this report is to study how a web application for buying and selling second-hand course litterature can be designed to affect the perceived usability and trust mainly based on navigability. During the development stage, two user tests were conducted to study how the introduction of new functionality and design affected the usability and trust of the web application. The test results indicate that a website’s search functionality can affect its perceived navigability both negatively and positively depending on how well it meets the users’ expectations. Furhermore, the test results confirm the theory about the importance of link- and button-labels for website navigability. / Den växande e-handeln kombinerat med ett ökat intresse för begagnade varor har resulterat i flera marknadsplatser där köpare och säljare kan mötas. Ett område där marknadsplatser av detta slag används är kurslitteratur, där studenter ofta köper och säljer begagnade böcker. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur en webbapplikation för handel med begagnad kurslitteratur kan utformas för att påverka den upplevda användbarheten och tilltron med utgångspunkt i navigerbarhet. Under projektets utvecklingsfas genomfördes två andvändartester för att undersöka hur webbapplikationens användbarhet och tilltro påverkades av införandet av nya funktioner och designförändringar. Resultaten från användartesterna indikerar att en hemsidas sökfunktion kan påverka en hemsidas upplevda navigationsförmåga både negativt och positivt beroende på hur väl den möter användarnas förväntningar. Vidare bekräftar användartesternas resultat teorin om att tydliga länk- och knapptexter är av stor vikt för en hemsidas navigerbarhet

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