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Hilma af Klint : ett hermeneutiskt försökHolm, Berit Maria January 1997 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen tar upp tretton bilder som<em> Hilma af Klint </em>målade under tidsperioden 1906-1915. Bilderna ingår i en svit som kallas för <em>Bilderna till Templet</em><strong> </strong>som omfattar nästan 190 målningar. Under hennes livstid var hennes livsverk okänt för hennes samtid. Hon målade abstrakta, geometriska former och använde klara färger flera år före sina samtida konstnärskollegor. Inom ett hermeneutiskt arbetssätt ingår det olika moment som tolkning, beskrivning och analys av bilder. Uppsatsen vill belysa och ta upp hennes formspråk ur symbolisk synvinkel med hjälp av den hermeneutiska arbetsmodellen. Dels genom att göra hennes bildspråk mer begripligt och dels för att hitta gemensamma nämnare som ökar förståelsen för hennes målningar. Enligt författarens mening hade hon svårt för att förstå innehållet i bilderna, men hade en klar tanke om att bilderna speglade evolutionstanken i Skapelsen.</p> / <p>The essay includes thirteen pictures by <em>Hilma af Klint,</em> who painted these between 1906-1915. The pictures is a part ofa suite namned <em>The Paintings</em> <em>to The Temple</em> which extent almost 190 paintings. During her lifetime her life's work was unknown to her own period. She painted abstractical, geometrical forms and used bright colours many years before her contemporary artistcolleagues. Within a hermeneutical method includes different moments like, interpretation, description and analysis of pictures. The essay wants to illuminate and to lind her idiom out of a symbolic visual angle with help from the hermeneutical workrnodell. Partly making her pictorial language more clear and partly to find common factors which increase the understanding for her paintings. The author of this essay means that Hilma af Klint had some difficulties to understand the contents of her own paintings, but she had a clear thought that the pictures reflected the evolution thought in the Creation.</p>
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The Fractional Fourier Transform and Its Application to Fault Signal AnalysisDuan, Xiao 2012 May 1900 (has links)
To a large extent mathematical transforms are applied on a signal to uncover information that is concealed, and the capability of such transforms is valuable for signal processing. One such transforms widely used in this area, is the conventional Fourier Transform (FT), which decomposes a stationary signal into different frequency components. However, a major drawback of the conventional transform is that it does not easily render itself to the analysis of non-stationary signals such as a frequency modulated (FM) or amplitude modulated (AM) signal. The different frequency components of complex signals cannot be easily distinguished and separated from one another using the conventional FT. So in this thesis an innovative mathematical transform, Fractional Fourier Transform (FRFT), has been considered, which is more suitable to process non-stationary signals such as FM signals and has the capability not only of distinguishing different frequency components of a multi-component signal but also separating them in a proper domain, different than the traditional time or frequency domain.
The discrete-time FRFT (DFRFT) developed along with its derivatives, such as Multi-angle-DFRFT (MA-DFRFT), Slanted Spectrum and Spectrogram Based on Slanted Spectrum (SBSS) are tools belonging to the same FRFT family, and they could provide an effective approach to identify unknown signals and distinguish the different frequency components contained therein. Both artificial stationary and FM signals have been researched using the DFRFT and some derivative tools from the same family. Moreover, to accomplish a contrast with the traditional tools such as FFT and STFT, performance comparisons are shown to support the DFRFT as an effective tool in multi-component chirp signal analysis. The DFRFT taken at the optimum transform order on a single-component FM signal has provided higher degree of signal energy concentration compared to FFT results; and the Slanted Spectrum taken along the slant line obtained from the MA-DFRFT demonstration has shown much better discrimination between different frequency components of a multi-component FM signal.
As a practical application of these tools, the motor current signal has been analyzed using the DFRFT and other tools from FRFT family to detect the presence of a motor bearing fault and obtain the fault signature frequency. The conclusion drawn about the applicability of DFRFT and other derivative tools on AM signals with very slowly varying FM phenomena was not encouraging. Tools from the FRFT family appear more effective on FM signals, whereas AM signals are more effectively analyzed using traditional methods like spectrogram or its derivatives. Such methods are able to identify the signature frequency of faults while using less computational time and memory.
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The Girl in the Wood FrockLing, Andrea Shin January 2007 (has links)
A GIRL, forced to marry her father after he sees her playing in his dead wife’s wedding gown, runs away wearing five dresses. Four dresses are of silk and they are beautiful. The last dress is of wood. It is in this dress that the girl escapes, throwing herself into the river to float away. A prince saves the girl but treats her badly, for she wears an ugly wood frock. Her suffering is eased at night when the girl takes off the wood dress and dances in her silk ones. The prince discovers the girl in the silk dresses and falls in love. They live happily ever after.
This thesis is based on a fairy tale in which a girl’s life is changed by what she wears. In Fair Maiden Wood clothing is a means to identity. Costume is what identifies this girl as her father’s new bride, and it reveals to the shallow prince who his true love is. It is through clothing that we identify the fairy tale. But more significantly, it is through clothing that the girl experiences the outside world. The girl lives through her wood frock – it is the vessel by which she escapes the threat of incest, it is the prison that disguises her beauty from the prince; it is her armor, her cage, her temporary home.
The wood frock becomes the girl’s first architecture, protecting and sheltering the girl in the most intimate manner, controlling her most immediate environment. But its role is not limited to enclosure; the wood dress also changes the girl’s experience of her surroundings, extending her bodily influence while also constraining it. The wood dress dictates how the girl moves, how much space she needs, how others see her, and how they treat her. It is an environment, elusively defined by the dialogue between her moving body and the surface of the wood shell surrounding her, which changes the girl’s quality of existence. In this in-between silhouette is a most potent, and poetic, form of architecture.
In my thesis I continue the story of the girl in the wood frock through the design of three of her five gowns. The gowns reference the work of designers such as Cristobal Balenciaga or Issey Miyake whose clothes, by virtue of their construction and materiality, affect wearer and observer in startling and profound fashion. Their garments show a symbiotic relationship between body and shell, where the shell is not simply a passive enclosure but a responsive and independent extension of the body. My dresses are made with this symbiosis in mind, and I use their (painstaking) construction in order to propose that in clothing is the potential to create spatial environments that change fundamental perceptions by filtering and extending the wearer’s experience of the world and her effect on it. These dresses and the spaces they create are unique. They are not costumes of the everyday, used to suppress sensation in order to function; instead they are of the special day, when the girl seeks to be stimulated, enlightened, and also saved. They are dresses of heightened awareness, integrating both sense and action within their shifting boundaries, shaping a dynamic, albeit fleeting, architecture.
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Control de la legalidad de los convenios colectivos por parte de la Administración, ElTerrats Planell, José Luis 09 July 1992 (has links)
El objeto de la tesis consiste en un estudio sobre el control de la legalidad de los convenios colectivos negociados por empresarios y trabajadores para regular las condiciones de trabajo y de productividad.La tesis se centra en el papel que desempeña la Autoridad laboral en el actual marco legal de la negociación colectiva contenido en el Titulo III del la Ley 8/1980, de 10 de marzo, del Estatuto de los Trabajadores, que desarrolla en la indicada materia el articulo 37.1 de la Constitución española.Concretamente, se estudia el trámite de control de la legalidad contenido en el articulo 90.5 de la meritada ley, en relación con lo dispuesto en el articulo 160 y siguientes del Real Decreto Legislativo 521/1990, de 27 de abril, texto articulado de la Ley de Procedimiento Laboral (articulo 136 del Real Decreto Legislativo 1568/1980, de 13 de junio, texto refundido de la Ley de Procedimiento Laboral anteriormente vigente).La tesis se inicia con el comentario de los antecedentes históricos y legislativos en razón de la fuerza de arrastre histórico que los mismos tienen sobre nuestro ordenamiento laboral vigente y, muy especialmente, en lo atinente al intervencionismo del Estado en el ámbito de las relaciones colectivas de trabajo y, singularmente, en el campo de la negociación colectiva.Seguidamente, se analiza la intervención de la Autoridad laboral en materia de convenios colectivos durante el proceso negociador celebrado por empresarios y trabajadores y con posterioridad a la firma de los referidos convenios colectivos.El estudio se detiene en la fase de control administrativo de los convenios colectivos estatutarios ejercido por la Autoridad laboral, y, en especial, en el trámite de control de la legalidad de los mismos establecido en el citado articulo 90.5 del Estatuto de los Trabajadores.Sigue con el examen del papel que desempeña la Autoridad jurisdiccional y más concretamente con el análisis de la normativa procesal, anterior y vigente de aplicación al caso, dada la reciente reforma de la Ley de Procedimiento Laboral.La tesis se apoya, por su trascendencia, en las opiniones emanadas de la doctrina iuslaboralista y en los juicios dimanantes de la jurisprudencia social y constitucional.Caracterizado el convenio colectivo paradigmático como norma exponente del principio de autonomía de las partes, surge evidente la intromisión que puede generar la intervención de In Autoridad laboral en el proceso creador de estas normas así como en el control final de las mismas.La forma en que la Autoridad laboral debe ejercer el referido control de la legalidad de los convenios colectivos constituye, pues, la médula de la tesis, y ejemplifica el tránsito de un modelo intervencionista a otro caracterizado por la consagración de la autonomía colectiva.Además, se ha pretendido dar a la materia un carácter de globalidad, es decir, estudiando la actuación administrativa durante y con posterioridad a la firma de los convenios colectivos y ello dentro del marco general de las relaciones colectivas de trabajo que conceden a la Administración una actuación diversa, pero frecuentemente conectada con la especifica materia de la negociación colectiva laboral.En síntesis, el procedimiento de control de la legalidad presupone el deber de colaboración de las Autoridades laboral y jurisdiccional como mecanismo de prevención de los casos de ilegalidad y lesividad contenidos en los convenios colectivos, lo cual debe entenderse como un acto de servicio a la comunidad. / The aim of this thesis is to study the control of the legality of collective agreements negotiated by employers and workers in order to regulate working conditions and productivity. The thesis will centre on the role played by the labour Authorities in the current legal framework of collective bargaining, contained in Section III of Act 8/1980, of 10th March of the Workers' Charter, which is set out in article 31.1 of the Spanish constitution, relating to this subject. A specific study will be made of the control proceedings of the legality contained in article 90.5 of the said act, in relation to the provision in article 160 and subsequent of Legislative Royal Decree 521/1990 of 21th April, the text of which is formulated from the Labour Procedure Act. The thesis will begin with commentary on the historical and legislative background in terms of the force of historical influence it has over our current labour laws, and most particularly with regard to State interventionism in the sphere of collective labour relations and especially in the area of collective bargaining. Then, an analysis will be made of State labour intervention in matters of collective agreements during the negotiating process carried out by employers and workers and after the said collective agreements have been signed. The study will pay special attention to the phase of government control of statutory collective agreements exercised by the labour Authorities, and particular to the procedure of control of their legality as laid dorm in the said article 90.5 of the Workers' Charter. There will then be an examination of the role played by the jurisdictional Authorities, and a more detailed analysis will be made of the previous and current procedural regulations, which are applicable to the case, in view of the recent reform of the Labour Procedure Act.
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Hilma af Klint : ett hermeneutiskt försökHolm, Berit Maria January 1997 (has links)
Uppsatsen tar upp tretton bilder som Hilma af Klint målade under tidsperioden 1906-1915. Bilderna ingår i en svit som kallas för Bilderna till Templet som omfattar nästan 190 målningar. Under hennes livstid var hennes livsverk okänt för hennes samtid. Hon målade abstrakta, geometriska former och använde klara färger flera år före sina samtida konstnärskollegor. Inom ett hermeneutiskt arbetssätt ingår det olika moment som tolkning, beskrivning och analys av bilder. Uppsatsen vill belysa och ta upp hennes formspråk ur symbolisk synvinkel med hjälp av den hermeneutiska arbetsmodellen. Dels genom att göra hennes bildspråk mer begripligt och dels för att hitta gemensamma nämnare som ökar förståelsen för hennes målningar. Enligt författarens mening hade hon svårt för att förstå innehållet i bilderna, men hade en klar tanke om att bilderna speglade evolutionstanken i Skapelsen. / The essay includes thirteen pictures by Hilma af Klint, who painted these between 1906-1915. The pictures is a part ofa suite namned The Paintings to The Temple which extent almost 190 paintings. During her lifetime her life's work was unknown to her own period. She painted abstractical, geometrical forms and used bright colours many years before her contemporary artistcolleagues. Within a hermeneutical method includes different moments like, interpretation, description and analysis of pictures. The essay wants to illuminate and to lind her idiom out of a symbolic visual angle with help from the hermeneutical workrnodell. Partly making her pictorial language more clear and partly to find common factors which increase the understanding for her paintings. The author of this essay means that Hilma af Klint had some difficulties to understand the contents of her own paintings, but she had a clear thought that the pictures reflected the evolution thought in the Creation.
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司馬相如揚雄及其賦之研究簡宗梧, JIAN, ZONG-WU Unknown Date (has links)
一一品較。 /
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Communal event centre for the neighbourhoodChan, Chun-kei, Barry., 陳俊基. January 1999 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Architecture / Master / Master of Architecture
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Experience of individuals with public housing: the case of Ma On ShanKwok, Woon-ming., 郭煥明. January 1994 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Housing Management / Master / Master of Housing Management
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Breakthrough: Tech. Centre IITam, Wai-kee., 譚偉基. January 1997 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Architecture / Master / Master of Architecture
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Le personnage de la mere dans trois pieces quebecoises des annees 1980 /Tremblay, Janie. January 2001 (has links)
The various transformations that Quebec society was undergoing throughout the 1980s are reflected in the dramaturgy of the period, notably in the critique of nationalist discourse, and in the writing of hitherto marginalized groups such as women, immigrants, and gays and lesbians. / The tensions within the family unit are one of the leitmotivs of Quebec theatre in the 1980s, which usually represents the mother either as a sort of monster who suffocates her children, or as a victim of the Law of the Father. When a woman decides to speak and to redefine motherhood, this dual model of the "patriarchal mother" crumbles and the universe of the family must be reconfigured. / In this thesis, we propose a semiological analysis for each of the plays of our corpus. The first chapter analyzes Addolorata, by Marco Micone. In this play, the mother's taking possession of speech not only destabilizes her family but also calls into question established structures within the Italo-Quebecois community. The second chapter examines Marie Laberge's Aurelie, ma soeur, a play which illustrates the (re)construction of the family unit around a nonbiological maternal bond. The third and final chapter studies Michel Marc Bouchard's Les Muses orphelines, in which access to speech and to the condition of mother is achieved through lies and truth. In the conclusion of this thesis, we bring together the principal characteristics of the feminine and maternal voices which are heard in the three plays, voices which are all defined by the desire, the need to affirm their subjectivity.
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