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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Managers' perceptions of the practice of public relations in the Institute of Public Administration, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Al-Enezi, Sulaiman E. January 1993 (has links)
This study examined the perception of managers in the Institute of Public Administration (IPA), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia as to the way public relations is practiced within Saudi Arabia based on a comparison with Grunig's four models of public relations. Out of a population of 38 directors and director generals, 30 participated in a personal interview for a 79 percent response rate.A Q-sort analysis revealed two perceptions of public relations performance in the Institute. Perceptions differed based on educational experience, and managerial levels. Top managers with Ph.Ds tended to view performance as related to Grunig's Press Agentry and One-Way Information models. Fewer level employees saw performance related to the Two-Way Asymmetrical and Symmetrical models. The researcher concluded that the more higher educated level managers had a better understanding of the reality of performance of public relations in IPA. Main attitudes from the sorts of the participants showing a significantly and different attitude in how directors generals and directors perceived public relations was being practiced in the IPA. The directors generals and directors strongly held different views concerning the practice of public relations in the IPA. / Department of Journalism

The Girl in the Wood Frock

Ling, Andrea Shin January 2007 (has links)
A GIRL, forced to marry her father after he sees her playing in his dead wife???s wedding gown, runs away wearing five dresses. Four dresses are of silk and they are beautiful. The last dress is of wood. It is in this dress that the girl escapes, throwing herself into the river to float away. A prince saves the girl but treats her badly, for she wears an ugly wood frock. Her suffering is eased at night when the girl takes off the wood dress and dances in her silk ones. The prince discovers the girl in the silk dresses and falls in love. They live happily ever after. This thesis is based on a fairy tale in which a girl???s life is changed by what she wears. In Fair Maiden Wood clothing is a means to identity. Costume is what identifies this girl as her father???s new bride, and it reveals to the shallow prince who his true love is. It is through clothing that we identify the fairy tale. But more significantly, it is through clothing that the girl experiences the outside world. The girl lives through her wood frock ??? it is the vessel by which she escapes the threat of incest, it is the prison that disguises her beauty from the prince; it is her armor, her cage, her temporary home. The wood frock becomes the girl???s first architecture, protecting and sheltering the girl in the most intimate manner, controlling her most immediate environment. But its role is not limited to enclosure; the wood dress also changes the girl???s experience of her surroundings, extending her bodily influence while also constraining it. The wood dress dictates how the girl moves, how much space she needs, how others see her, and how they treat her. It is an environment, elusively defined by the dialogue between her moving body and the surface of the wood shell surrounding her, which changes the girl???s quality of existence. In this in-between silhouette is a most potent, and poetic, form of architecture. In my thesis I continue the story of the girl in the wood frock through the design of three of her five gowns. The gowns reference the work of designers such as Cristobal Balenciaga or Issey Miyake whose clothes, by virtue of their construction and materiality, affect wearer and observer in startling and profound fashion. Their garments show a symbiotic relationship between body and shell, where the shell is not simply a passive enclosure but a responsive and independent extension of the body. My dresses are made with this symbiosis in mind, and I use their (painstaking) construction in order to propose that in clothing is the potential to create spatial environments that change fundamental perceptions by filtering and extending the wearer???s experience of the world and her effect on it. These dresses and the spaces they create are unique. They are not costumes of the everyday, used to suppress sensation in order to function; instead they are of the special day, when the girl seeks to be stimulated, enlightened, and also saved. They are dresses of heightened awareness, integrating both sense and action within their shifting boundaries, shaping a dynamic, albeit fleeting, architecture.

美國軍售與入聯合國政策之比較分析:台灣 1990-2014 / A Comparative Analysis of US Weapons Sales and UN Strategy in Taiwan from 1990-2014

陳雨耕 Unknown Date (has links)
相較過去冷戰時期的輝煌,台灣現今的國際地位黯然失色許多。自從台灣退出聯合國,與美國斷交後,台灣 (中華民國)的外交地位已漸漸在政治上被孤立。當戒嚴末期,台灣迫切地想重返過去的外交榮景。然而,面對中華人民共和國的威脅時,台灣在國際社會上極為艱困地維繫自己的主權。台灣的領導人透過積極參與國際組織與互動,尤其是聯合國與美國對台軍售,來打破如此艱困的外交處境。 在三屆的總統任期中,台灣對聯合國與對美軍售策略已漸漸形成雛形。在初步研究下,美國對台軍售有可能對台灣加入聯合國政策出現影響。換言之,購得有力的武器,台灣加入聯合國的策略就越顯積極。 回顧美國與台灣政府的文獻資料,台灣領導人訪談紀錄,報章雜誌和其他官方文件與紀錄,此研究旨在檢視在三位總統(李登輝、陳水扁、馬英九)任期內 (1990 到 2014年),美國同意對台軍售與台灣加入聯合國的策略。研究結果指出美國對台軍售的武器打擊能力與台灣加入聯合國政策相關的可能性。 / Taiwan’s present international status has degraded considerably since its former glory days during the Cold War era. With its ejection out of the United Nations (UN) and a diplomatic severance with its most vital ally, the United States, Taiwan (ROC) has slowly slipped into political limbo. The island has frantically strived to pull itself back into the world community since the end of martial law. However, it has struggled to maintain its sovereignty and international status in the face of constant threat from the PRC (People’s Republic of China) . Taiwan’s leaders have sought alternative strategies to combat such adverse diplomatic conditions through increasing its membership or participation in various global organizations—particularly the United Nations, and continued arms purchases from the US. Within the span of three presidencies, there appears to be a pattern between Taiwan’s UN strategies and US approved arms sales. Upon initial research, US weapons sales appear to have an effect on UN policy. That is, the more significant the arms sale, the more aggressive Taiwan’s methods for UN participation becomes. Drawing from US and Taiwanese government records, Taiwanese presidential interviews, newspaper articles and other official documents and transcripts, this dissertation aims to examine US approved arms sales and UN strategies under three Taiwanese presidents: Lee Teng Hui, Chen Shui-Bian and Ma Ying Jeou from 1990 to 2014. The findings indicate a possible indirect correlation. Considering the weapons’ strategic capability, Taiwan’s UN strategy fluctuates accordingly.

Geotecnologias aplicadas em estudo socioeconômico da ocupação urbana : o bairro Cidade Nova do município de Timon (MA) /

Silva, Jurandi Oliveira da. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Isabel Castreghini de Freitas / Banca: Lindon Fonseca Matias / Banca: Darlene Aparecida de Oliveira Ferreira / Resumo: O problema das ocupações urbanas irregulares no Brasil é um dos temas mais estudados atualmente. Uma solução para reduzir boa parte de seus problemas é o conhecimento de sua realidade por meio de suas características socioeconômicas. Nesse contexto, o objetivo da pesquisa é determinar o perfil socioeconômico do bairro Cidade Nova no município de Timon (MA), com o auxilio de geotecnologias. Desta forma, foi realizada uma abordagem integrada, a partir de duas dimensões da análise geográfica. A caracterização socioeconômica e a análise de sua distribuição espacial. Para alcançar os objetivos, foram usadas pesquisa de campo, técnicas de cartografia digital, sistema de informação geográfica, combinadas com as modelagens de estatísticas tradicionais e da geoestatística para a elaboração de mapas temáticos através da técnica de krigagem, numa abordagem quantiqualitativa. Os resultados e a análise espacial geográfica mostram que grande parte da população do bairro Cidade Nova é constituída de famílias de baixa escolaridade e renda, e a maioria trabalha na informalidade. A utilização de técnicas de geoprocessamento por meio da integração de dados espaciais e alfanuméricos permitiu análise dos dados geográficos de forma dinâmica e eficaz, comprovando a potencialidade dessa tecnologia no auxilio da análise de dados socioeconômicos e obtenção de informações relevantes para o ordenamento, planejamento e gestão urbanos / Abstract: The problem irregular urban occupations in Brazil are one of the themes more studied now. A solution to reduce good part of their problems are the knowledge of their reality through their socioeconomic characteristics. In that context the objective of the research is to determine the socioeconomic profile of the neighborhood "Cidade Nova" in the municipal district of Timon-MA, with aid of geotecnologies. This way, an integrated approach was accomplished, starting from two dimensions of the geographical analysis. The socioeconomic characterization and the analysis space distribution, to reach the objectives were used field research, techniques of digital cartography, system of geographical information, combined with the modelling of traditional statistics and of the geostatistic for the elaboration of thematic maps through the "krigagem technique", a quantiqualitative approach. The results and the geographical space analysis show that great part of the population of the neighborhood "Cidade Nova" is constituted of families of low education, income and most work in the informality. The use of geoprocessing techniques through the space and alphanumeric integration of data, allowed analysis of the geographical data in a dynamic and effective way, proving the potentiality of that technology in aid of the analysis of socioeconomic data and obtaining of relevant information for the orderly, planning and urban administration / Mestre

The concept of law and justice in ancient Egypt, with specific reference to "The tale of the eloquent peasant"

Van Blerk, Nicolaas Johannes 31 March 2006 (has links)
This thesis discusses the interaction between the concepts of ”justice” (ma‛at) and ”law” (hpw) in ancient Egypt. Ma‛at, one of the earliest abstract terms in human speech, was a central principle and, although no codex of Egyptian law has been found, there is abundant evidence of written law, designed to realise ma‛at on earth. The king, as the highest legal authority, was the nexus between ma‛at and the law. Egyptologists have few sources of knowledge about law and justice in ancient Egypt because the ancient Egyptians used commonplace language in legal documents and they only had a few imprecise technical terms relating to law. For Egyptology to advance, therefore, we need to reappraise its sources. The Tale of the Eloquent Peasant has a strong legal background and should be treated as an additional source of information about how law and justice were perceived and carried out in ancient Egypt. / Classics and Modern European Languages / M.A. (Ancient Languages and Cultures)

Four modern Egyptian literary critics : (Al-ʿAqqād, Haykal, Ṭāhā Ḥusayn and Mandūr)

?ima?, David January 1969 (has links)
No description available.

Concepções e práticas do ensino de leitura em turmas de alfabetização em São Luís do Maranhão

Correia, Joelma Reis [UNESP] 06 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:31:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2011-01-06Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:22:48Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 correia_jr_dr_mar.pdf: 1314853 bytes, checksum: f0737e3a5239cd6c95855727616c49ef (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Esta pesquisa de doutorado tem como objetivo compreender as concepções de leitura e a sua influência na apropriação de conceitos de leitura pelos alunos por meio da análise da prática pedagógica. Orientada por esse objetivo geral busco, ainda, caracterizar as opções teórico-metodológicas que orientam a ação docente no ensino da leitura e analisar essas opções e sua influência na apropriação, pelos alunos, de conceitos de leitura. Para a efetivação do objetivo proposto foi realizada uma pesquisa em educação do tipo etnográfica com duas turmas do 2º ano do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola da Rede Municipal localizada na cidade de São Luís no Estado do Maranhão. Assim, tornaram-se sujeitos da pesquisa as duas professoras, uma de cada série, bem como seus alunos. O processo de geração de dados ocorreu durante o segundo semestre do ano de 2009, com a utilização dos seguintes instrumentos: observação participante, entrevista semi-estruturada e o caderno de Português das crianças. Os dados gerados foram analisados a partir da organização dos seguintes núcleos temáticos: a concepção de linguagem das professoras alfabetizadoras; a concepção de leitura; a metodologia do ensino da leitura; a apropriação do conceito de leitura pelos alunos e a ação da pesquisadora. Além disso, me orientei pela análise microgenética com o objetivo de centrar o olhar para o aspecto particular da situação com atenção às “pistas” significativas para extrair dados. Autores como Mikhail Bakhtin e estudiosos da área da leitura, Frank Smith, Jean Foucambert, Josette Jolibert, dentre outros, foram fundamentais para nortear a análise dos dados. As conclusões revelam que as concepções de leitura das professoras exercem grande influência na formação do conceito de leitura como ato de pronúncia, em vez de aproximar os alunos de uma concepção de leitura... / This research doctorate group has how objective understand the read conceptions and its influence on appropiation of concept of litarecy by students through the analyses of the pedagogical pratice.Guided by this general objective I moreover seek to characterize the theoretical-methodological options that guide the docent action on the teach reading and analyze these options and their influence on appropriation of reading concepts by the schoolchildren. To effectuation of the objective proposed a ethnografic research was held with two classes of the second year of High School on a municipal school located on São Luiz city on state of Maranhão. Thus, two schoolteachers became subjectives of the research, one of each classes, even as their schoolchildren. The process of data colection happened during the second semester of 2009, with the use of the following instruments: partipant observation, semi-structured interview and the portuguese workbook of the children. The data collected were analyzed from the organization of the following thematic categories: the language conception of the literacy teacher; the conception of reading; the methodology of teaching reading; the learning of reading conception by the scoolchildren and the researcher‟s action. Furthermore I also guide me by the microgenetic analyzes aiming necessarily see the particular aspect of the situation with attention of the significant “slops” to extract data. Authors like Mikhail, Bakhtin and scholars of reading area, like Frank Smith, Jean Foucambert, Josette Jolibert, and others, were fundamental for doing the data analyses. The findings reveal that the conception of reading of the schoolteachers exert great influence on concept formation of reading how a act pronunciation, instead bring the schoolchildren on a reading conception with assignment meaning and how cultural practice

Gestão da escola pública ludovicence: democratização, forma de provimento e participação

Resende, Fernanda Motta de Paula [UNESP] 25 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:33:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2011-05-25Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:25:03Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 resende_fmp_dr_mar.pdf: 596368 bytes, checksum: 1d285c3eae8c0cf64d814a0a8ffa2baa (MD5) / O presente estudo faz parte da Linha de Pesquisa sobre Política Educacional, Gestão de Sistemas Educativos e Unidades Escolares do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Estadual Paulista ―Julio de Mesquita Filho‖ e insere-se no campo de investigação sobre as questões referentes à gestão democrática da escola pública brasileira e às políticas educacionais implantadas no contexto da reconfiguração do Estado brasileiro ao longo dos anos de 1990. Seu objetivo é analisar a relação existente entre gestão democrática, forma de provimento do cargo de gestor escolar e participação na gestão da escola pública ludovicense. Tal objetivo foi perseguido devido à necessidade de aprofundamento e proliferação dos estudos em torno da gestão democrática da escola pública maranhense e a necessidade intrínseca de mudança na forma de provimento do cargo de gestor escolar na Rede Estadual de Ensino. Para tanto, buscou-se especificamente, demarcar os fundamentos teóricos acerca da temática em questão; delinear os limites e possibilidades das formas de provimento do cargo de gestor escolar; e diagnosticar a percepção dos gestores escolares da Rede Estadual de Ensino de São Luís sobre a gestão da escola pública ludovicense. A pesquisa se baseou em dois tipos de levantamento. Para o primeiro, de caráter bibliográfico e documental, foram consultados estudos e pesquisas que tratam da temática da gestão democrática da escola pública maranhense, especialmente, os que foram elaborados após a promulgação da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (LDBEN). O segundo, de caráter empírico, buscou a percepção dos sujeitos – as autoridades educacionais da SEEDUC/MA e dos gestores das unidades escolares da Rede Estadual de Ensino de São Luís – a cerca da gestão... / This present paper interpolates itself in the research line on Education Politics, management of Education Systems and School Unities of the Programme of Post-graduation on Education of the Paulista State University ―Julio Mesquita Filho‖ and also interpolates itself in the field of investigation about the questions refering the democratical management of Brazilian public school and the educational politics established in the context of the reconfiguration of the Brazilian State during the 1990‘s. Its goal is to analyse the relation between democratical management a way of providing positon of school manager and participation in the management of the Ludovicense public school. Such a goal was pursued because of the need of deepening and enlarging the studies around the democratical management of the Maranhense public school and the inherent need of changing in the form of providing the position of school manager in the State Web of Schooling, to it was aimed especifically to bound the theorical bases about the thematic taken into consideration. To outline the limits and possibilities of the forms of providing the function os school manager. To diagnose the perception of the school managers in the State Web of Schooling in São Luís (MA) about management of Ludovicense public school. The research based itself on two kinds of survey. The first one from bibliographical and documental character, when it was consulted studied and researchs wich treat of the thematical matters of the Maranhense public school‘s democratical management especifically those ones wich were elaborated after the promulgation of Law of Directives and Bases of National Education (LDBEN). The second one, from empirical character, aimed to get the perception of the actors – the education authorities at SEEDUC/MA and that one of managers... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

Entre a teoria e a prática: o projeto político-pedagógico do curso de medicina da UFMA

Carvalho Filho, Caio José de [UNESP] 27 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:33:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2011-05-27Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:23:32Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 carvalhofilho_cj_dr_mar.pdf: 1708457 bytes, checksum: 6b04d1b8f52d6d246726c823643bd44a (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Unidade Ffc / A presente investigação discute o processo de implantação do novo Projeto Político Pedagógico do Curso de Medicina da Universidade Federal do Maranhão (UFMA). Apresenta uma pesquisa com os estudantes das quatro primeiras turmas que freqüentaram este novo currículo. A partir do trabalho de campo, objetiva: discutir as bases teóricas do novo projeto, incluindo a Pedagogia das Competências, as Metodologias Ativas de Aprendizagem e a Aprendizagem baseada em Problemas; analisar o percurso da implantação, englobando as suas redefinições e dificuldades; contextualizar as mudanças do ensino médico na UFMA com a história e as grandes questões colocadas no campo da Educação Médica. Numa investigação de cunho quali-quantitativo, utiliza-se da análise de conteúdo para investigar os discursos dos alunos captados em questionários, em perguntas abertas, fechadas, baseadas na escala de Likert e em comentários livres. A análise dos resultados produziu como conclusões: o processo de implantação do novo projeto pedagógico encontrou graves dificuldades, levando à redefinição das suas diretrizes metodológicas, em razão de condições estruturais do curso e da universidade deficientes, com precário apoio de laboratório e de suporte à pesquisa, imprescindíveis para a utilização das novas metodologias; dificuldades inerentes à implantação de um sistema baseado em diretrizes construtivistas, que determina mudanças nas teorias implícitas de ensino e aprendizagem de professores e alunos; fraco envolvimento de professores e alunos no processo; apoio pedagógico e programas de capacitação docente insuficientes; falhas na elaboração, discussão e do projeto curricular com a comunidade universitária... / This investigation approaches the process for the implantation of the new Political Pedagogic Project for the Medical Course at the Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA). It presents a research involving students from the first four classes that attended this new curriculum. From the starting point of field work it aims at: discussing the new project‟s theoretical bases, including Competence-based Pedagogy, Active Learning Methodologies and Problem-based Learning; evaluating the implantation path, encompassing its redefinitions and difficulties; and contextualizing changes within medical teaching in the UFMA by means of exploring history and major issues that were advanced in the field of Medical Education. In a quality-quantitative investigation, researchers resorted to the content analysis of questionnaires bearing data from students in open and closed questions based on Likert scale and free commentaries. Analysis of results provided the following conclusions: the implantation process of the new pedagogical project was hampered by serious issues, which led to the redefinition of its methodological guidelines due to the course‟s structural conditions and ill-functioning universities lacking laboratorial support to research, an item of invaluable importance to include new methodologies; detection of inherent difficulties to the implantation of a system based on constructivist guidelines which determine changes within implicit theories for teaching and learning directed to teachers and students; uninspired participation of teachers and students in the process; inadequate pedagogical support and faculty development programs in order to improve teachers' performance; failure in the elaboration… (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

Concepções e práticas do ensino de leitura em turmas de alfabetização em São Luís do Maranhão /

Correia, Joelma Reis. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Dagoberto Buim Arena / Banca: Lázara Nanci de Barros Amâncio / Banca: Maria Rosa Rodrigues Martins de Camargo / Banca: Cyntia Graziella Guizelim Simõees Girotto / Banca: Stela Miller / Resumo: Esta pesquisa de doutorado tem como objetivo compreender as concepções de leitura e a sua influência na apropriação de conceitos de leitura pelos alunos por meio da análise da prática pedagógica. Orientada por esse objetivo geral busco, ainda, caracterizar as opções teórico-metodológicas que orientam a ação docente no ensino da leitura e analisar essas opções e sua influência na apropriação, pelos alunos, de conceitos de leitura. Para a efetivação do objetivo proposto foi realizada uma pesquisa em educação do tipo etnográfica com duas turmas do 2º ano do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola da Rede Municipal localizada na cidade de São Luís no Estado do Maranhão. Assim, tornaram-se sujeitos da pesquisa as duas professoras, uma de cada série, bem como seus alunos. O processo de geração de dados ocorreu durante o segundo semestre do ano de 2009, com a utilização dos seguintes instrumentos: observação participante, entrevista semi-estruturada e o caderno de Português das crianças. Os dados gerados foram analisados a partir da organização dos seguintes núcleos temáticos: a concepção de linguagem das professoras alfabetizadoras; a concepção de leitura; a metodologia do ensino da leitura; a apropriação do conceito de leitura pelos alunos e a ação da pesquisadora. Além disso, me orientei pela análise microgenética com o objetivo de centrar o olhar para o aspecto particular da situação com atenção às "pistas" significativas para extrair dados. Autores como Mikhail Bakhtin e estudiosos da área da leitura, Frank Smith, Jean Foucambert, Josette Jolibert, dentre outros, foram fundamentais para nortear a análise dos dados. As conclusões revelam que as concepções de leitura das professoras exercem grande influência na formação do conceito de leitura como ato de pronúncia, em vez de aproximar os alunos de uma concepção de leitura... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This research doctorate group has how objective understand the read conceptions and its influence on appropiation of concept of litarecy by students through the analyses of the pedagogical pratice.Guided by this general objective I moreover seek to characterize the theoretical-methodological options that guide the docent action on the teach reading and analyze these options and their influence on appropriation of reading concepts by the schoolchildren. To effectuation of the objective proposed a ethnografic research was held with two classes of the second year of High School on a municipal school located on São Luiz city on state of Maranhão. Thus, two schoolteachers became subjectives of the research, one of each classes, even as their schoolchildren. The process of data colection happened during the second semester of 2009, with the use of the following instruments: partipant observation, semi-structured interview and the portuguese workbook of the children. The data collected were analyzed from the organization of the following thematic categories: the language conception of the literacy teacher; the conception of reading; the methodology of teaching reading; the learning of reading conception by the scoolchildren and the researcher‟s action. Furthermore I also guide me by the microgenetic analyzes aiming necessarily see the particular aspect of the situation with attention of the significant "slops" to extract data. Authors like Mikhail, Bakhtin and scholars of reading area, like Frank Smith, Jean Foucambert, Josette Jolibert, and others, were fundamental for doing the data analyses. The findings reveal that the conception of reading of the schoolteachers exert great influence on concept formation of reading how a act pronunciation, instead bring the schoolchildren on a reading conception with assignment meaning and how cultural practice / Doutor

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