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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur synliggör man de tysta barnen i förskolan : En essä om om hur vi som pedagoger ska kunna stärka de "tysta" barnen

Rådh, Lotta January 2016 (has links)
Jag har i mitt skrivande reflekterat kring min egen kunskap och erfarenhet samt har genom mina tankar kopplat till relevant litteratur. Reflektionerna har till större del varit runt mitt dilemma men även kring mycket annat som rör den dagliga verksamheten. Jag har även reflekterat kring hur jag ser på mig själv som pedagog och min egen yrkesroll. I min essä har jag utforskat kring mitt dilemma om hur jag ska kunna synliggöra de barn som hamnar utanför ramarna i barngruppen, och som inte tar lika stor plats som de barn som hörs och syns mest. Jag tar upp några situationer i min berättelse som tydligt visar detta då Pelle som mitt dilemma handlar om mer eller mindre exkluderar sig själv från den övriga barngruppen och från verksamheten i helhet. Pelle isolerar sig från de andra barnen och vill hellre leka för sig själv, om inte Sofia är på förskolan, för då vill han bara leka med henne. Att Pelle inte heller pratar med någon av vare sig pedagoger eller kompisar, utöver Sofia, gör inte situationen enklare. Mitt dilemma handlar om min osäkerhet och min frustration som blivande förskollärare över att inte veta hur jag ska förhålla mig till eller lyckas kommunicera med barn som Pelle. I min uppsats har jag använt mig av olika metoder som skrivande och reflektion. Genom att pendla mellan olika tolkningar, reflektioner samt upplevelser har jag försökt göra egna tolkningar, och skapa förståelse kring dem, för att sedan kunna lägga dem till mina erfarenheter. Med hjälp av min handledare och min arbetsgrupp har jag arbetat fram min text och har haft mycket nytta av gruppens gemensamma men även min och handledarens enskilda reflektionssamtal. Det har varit lärorikt och jag tycker själv att jag har både kunnat och vågat se på mig själv med kritiska ögon, men också fått merförståelse kring ämnet. Syftet med den här essän är att jag söker efter svar på frågor om hur jag som pedagog hur jag som pedagog ska kunna synliggöra de tysta barnen och få dem att känna sig inkluderade i grupp och verksamhet. Till min hjälp har jag studerat litteratur och reflekterat kring det jag läst för att på så sätt finna svar på mina frågor. Jag tar även upp och poängterar vikten av begreppet "bygga broar" då förskolan ska ha ett gott samarbete med föräldrar och andra anhöriga. / examinationsarbete

Reps or agents or both: Managers' rationale behind how to organize the sales function : About the rationale of decision-makers in manufacturing companies of the Swedish prefabricated wooden house industry behind the organization of sales forces.

Köhler, Florian January 2016 (has links)
Problem - Decision makers shape the structure of the sales function, but it is unclear how they go about it and why. The rationale for making certain decisions need to be analyzed in order to understand why different decision makers apply different sales strategies. Topic - The Swedish prefabricated wooden house industry consists of many actors with no clear market leader. The sales force seems to mainly consists of external sales agents (manufacturers' representatives, also called reps), though some manufacturers also employ direct sales agents at the manufacturing company. Prefabricated wooden houses corresponded to 86% of all building permits requested during 2015. Purpose - This thesis aims to explore decision-makers' rationale behind the organization of manufacturers' sales forces in the Swedish prefabricated wooden house industry. Method - Semi-structures interviews with decision makers at manufacturing companies in the Swedish prefabricated wooden house industry have been conducted in order to fulfill the purpose of this study. The empirical findings are then analyzed based on theory that has been collected through partly inductive, partly deductive approaches. Main results - Decision makers use different arguments to justify their strategies. Many different rationale applied translates into no clear pattern besides the one that there seems to be no clear pattern. Arguments for a rationale decision are given without analytical proof for an assumption. Some interviewees are in essence for an integrated sales force, though might also work with reps.

"Porque quiero casarme con un varón hermoso de la orilla del mar" Un análisis de lo grotesco femenino de María Josefa en La casa de Bernarda Alba

Lindgren, Lovisa January 2014 (has links)
This essay is an analysis of the character María Josefa in the play 'The House of Bernarda Alba' (1936) by Federico García Lorca. It is hypothesized that the character of María Josefa can be considered a distorting mirror of the femininity presented in the play, and that through María Josefa this femininity is both revealed and problematized. The analysis adopts theories from the field of the (female) grotesque, using terminology both from Mikhail Bakhtin and Mary Russo. Throughout the analysis it is demonstrated how the character of María Josefa challenges the boundaries and norms which are dictated by Bernarda to control the women of the house. These conventions are challenged by María Josefa with the use of her loud speech, her dressed up appearance, and in her physical resistance. In this manner María Josefa is creating and embodying an alternate feminine view that is uncovered through her consistent provocation and by making herself into "a spectacle", a transboundary behaviour that is well interpreted within the theories of carnival, the grotesque body, and the spectacle of the female grotesque.

The Meaning of Being an Oncology Nurse: Investing to Make a Difference

Davis, Lindsey Ann 13 September 2012 (has links)
The landscape of cancer care is evolving and as a result nursing care continues to develop and respond to the changing needs of oncology patients and their families. There is a paucity of qualitative research examining the experience of being an oncology nurse on an inpatient unit. Therefore, a qualitative study using an interpretive phenomenological approach has been undertaken to discover the lived experience of being an oncology nurse. In-depth tape recorded interviews has been conducted with six oncology nurses who worked on two adult inpatient oncology units. Van Manen’s (1990) interpretive phenomenological approach has been used to analyze the data by subjecting the transcripts to an analysis both line by line and as a whole. The overarching theme of the interviews is: Investing to Make a Difference. The themes that reflect this overarching theme are: Caring for the Whole Person, Being an Advocate, Walking a Fine Line, and Feeling Like You are Part of Something Good. Oncology nurses provide care for their patients through a holistic lens that further enhances how they come to know their patients. Over time, relationships with patients and families develop and these nurses share that balancing the emotional aspects of their work is key in being able to continue to invest in their work and in these relationships. Their investment is further evident as oncology nurses continuously update their knowledge, for example, of treatment regimes, medication protocols, and as they champion their patients wishes and needs. As nurses develop their own identities as oncology nurses, they in turn enhance the team with their emerging skill and knowledge. These research findings serve to acknowledge the meaning of oncology nurses’ work and inform the profession’s understanding of what it means to be an oncology nurse.

The role of banks in transition economies : a case study of China with an emphasis on non-performing loans

Zhang, Wei January 2011 (has links)
This research evaluates the factors that caused unprecedented high levels of non-performing loans (NPLs) in Chinese banks and the measures that have been taken to deal with them. In examining the surrounding issues recommendations are made, which might resolve or at least ameliorate China's non-performing loans problem. An extensive literature is drawn upon and a systematic examination of the factors that were responsible for China's NPLs is presented. The research aims and objectives, and the subsequent research themes were identified after conducting field research in Chinese banks. Six managers in Chinese banks were interviewed and their views on non-performing loans in their respective banks were obtained. These banks included: the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, the China Construction Bank, the Bank of China, the Agricultural Bank of China, the State and Development Bank and Citic Bank. The results of the interviews were used to design the questionnaire, which was distributed to 16 different banks. These banks are broadly representative of the main types of bank within China and include four state-owned commercial banks, seven joint-stock commercial banks, three foreign banks, one policy bank and one city commercial bank. Content analysis and descriptive statistical techniques were used to analyse the data and the findings revealed that lending managers generally lack adequate incentives to make efficient lending decisions. Moreover, although political interference in bank lending is quite widespread within China, it is not the only issue and certainly not the major issue in explaining why managers have a tendency to select inefficient projects. The measures taken to deal with NPLs in Chinese banking are also examined and the findings suggest that these have not been totally effective in resolving the problem.

Partnernas upplevelser av att leva med en person med demenssjukdom. : En litteraturöversikt. / Partners' experiences of living with a person with dementia. : A literature review

Myrta, Arbnesha, Smoljan, Martina January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Demenssjukdom är ett samlingsbegrepp för olika symtom och förändringar i hjärnan. Det är förknippat med stigande ålder men tillhör inte det normala åldrandet. Det finns inget botemedel mot demens endast symtomlindrande behandling. Demensdiagnosen påverkar inte bara individen med demenssjukdom utan även hens partner. Konflikter uppstod på grund av oförståelse och okunskap. Vårdandet av en person med demenssjukdom var ansträngande och svårigheter att tillfredsställa sina egna och livskamratens behov blev en del av vardagen.   Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva partnernas upplevelser av att leva med en person med demenssjukdom. Metod: Litteraturöversikt med kvalitativ design och deduktiv ansats. Antonovskys begrepp begriplighet, hanterbarhet och meningsfullhet har använts som teoretisk referensram. Vetenskapliga artiklar har analyserats utifrån Fribergs femstegsmodell. Resultat: Partner upplevde brister i information och stöd från hälso- och sjukvård. De kände rädsla, skuld, oro och ångest på grund av obegripligheten kring sjukdomsförloppet och framtiden. Livet uppfattades som svårt att hantera och frustrerande på grund av förlusten av den personen de levt med. Trots olika begränsningar hittade partner meningsfullhet i situationen och det skapade strategier som motiverade dem att fortsätta vårda sin livskamrat. Slutsatser: Vårdande partnernas hälsa, vardag och framtid påverkades av att leva med en person med demens. De riskerade sin egen hälsa, förlorade meningsfullt socialt umgänge samt att partnern kände osäkerhet inför framtiden. Trots det ville många partner fortsätta ta hand om sin livskamrat. / Background: Dementia is a collective term for various symptoms and changes in the brain. It is associated with increasing age but is not part of the normal aging process. There is no cure for dementia only symptomatic treatment. Dementia affects not only the individual with dementia but also the partner. Conflicts arose because of misunderstanding and lack of knowledge. The care of a person with dementia was demanding and difficulty in satisfying their own and the needs of their life partner became part of everyday life. Aim: The aim was to describe the partners ' experiences of living with a person with dementia. Method: Literature review with qualitative design and deductive approach. Antonovsky's concept of comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness has been used as a theoretical reference framework. Scientific articles have been analyzed according to Friberg's five-step model. Results: Partners experience lack of information and support from health care professionals. They feel fear, guilt and anxiety because of the uncertainty surrounding the progression of the disease and the future. Life was difficult to manage and frustrating due to loss of the person they have lived with. Despite various restrictions found in the partner situation and purpose created strategies that motivated them to continue caring for their life partner. Conclusions: The caring partners ' health, everyday lives and futures were affected by living with a demented life partner. The partners risked their own health, lost meaningful social intercourse, and felt uncertainty about the future. Despite that, many partners would continue to take care of their life partner.

Anhörigvårdares upplevelser av att vårda sin närstående med diagnotiserad Alzheimers sjukdom

Landfeldt, Markus, Sukiasyan, Hmayak January 2016 (has links)
Introduktion: Idag finns det ungefär 160 000 personer i Sverige som har någon form av demens, och risken att drabbas utav demens ökar med stigande ålder. Alzheimers är den vanligaste formen av demenssjukdom. Personer som befinner sig tidigt i sin Alzheimers utveckling klarar sig relativt bra med ett begränsat stöd från sin omgivning. Att vårda sin närstående med Alzheimers är krävande, och det ställs stora krav på den som är omvårdnadsansvarig. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att beskriva anhörigvårdares upplevelse av att vårda sin närstående som lever med diagnotiserad Alzheimers sjukdom. Syftet är också att beskriva de valda artiklarnas undersökningsgrupper. Metod: En beskrivande litteraturstudie. Data har samlats in via PubMed och 10 artiklar valdes ut till denna litteraturstudie. Artiklarna var av antigen kvalitativ eller kvantitativ ansats. Resultat: Resultatet baseras på fem underrubriker utifrån anhörigvårdarnas upplevelser: "Upplevselsen av den psykiska påfrestningen", "brist på stöd och information", "upplevelsen av att vårda sin närstående utifrån ett genusperspektiv", "livsstilsförändringar" och "förväntningar och farhågor". Slutsats: Anhörigvårdarna är i stort behov av stöd och rådgivning både från sin sociala omgivning, men framförallt ifrån sjukvårdens olika institutioner. Sjuksköterskan har en viktig roll att fylla. Sjuksköterskan ska tillgodose både den som är drabbad utav Alzheimers, men även dennes anhöriga med individanpassad information och stöttning. / Introduction: Today, there are about 160 000 people in Sweden who have some form of dementia, and the risk out of dementia increases with age. Alzheimer's is the most common form of dementia. Persons who are early in their development of Alzheimer cope relatively well with limited support from their surroundings. Caring for relatives with Alzheimer's are demanding, and it places great demands on the care that is responsible. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe the experience of family caregivers for their relatives who live with diagnosed Alzheimer's disease. The aim is also to describe the selected articles study groups. Method: A descriptive literature. Data was collected via PubMed and 10 articles were selected for this study. The articles were of either qualitative or quantitative approach. Results: The results are based on five sub-headings based on family caregivers: "Feels notification of mental stress", "lack of support and information", "the experience of caring for their loved one from a gender perspective", "lifestyle changes" and "expectations and concerns". Conclusion: family caregivers are in great need of support and advice both from their social environment, but above all from different healthcare institutions. The nurse has an important role to play. The nurse will satisfy both the afflicted out of Alzheimer's, but also his family with personalized information and jacking.

An investigation of Swedish beauty vloggers’ use of code-switching between Swedish and English / En undersökning av svenska skönhetsvideobloggares användande av kodväxling mellan svenska och engelska

Hultgren Korkis, Jenny January 2019 (has links)
Much research has been done in the area of code-switching; that is, changing from one language to another in the middle of the same utterance, especially in bilingual communities. Yet, there seems to be little research done on code-switching between English and Swedish among Swedish young adults. In this study, the speech of four different young beauty vloggers will be investigated with regard to their use of code-switching between English and Swedish. All four have Swedish as their first language. The results show that the amount and the types of code-switching differ between the four vloggers in the study.  The results also show that code-switching occurs relatively frequently, and that it is especially common to use English words and expressions with Swedish morphology. This is also supported by previous studies. Furthermore, two areas were found to be especially prone to code-switching: commerce (i.e. the make-up industry with imported brands and names), and youth culture; i.e. the vloggers seem to want to code-switch to be trendy and to communicate something about their identity.

Produção de sentido em programas de tevê: representações femininas e modelos de consumo / Produção de sentido em programas de tevê: representações femininas e modelos de consumo

Almeida, Bibiana Stohler Sabença de 21 June 2011 (has links)
A presente pesquisa visa ao estudo da produção de sentido nos programas do canal por assinatura GNT, tendo como base a representação dessas telespectadoras e os modelos de consumo sugeridos pelos próprios programas (estímulo às práticas de consumo). Para tanto, foram selecionados os seguintes programas: 1. Menu Confiança, voltado à alimentação; 2. Super Bonita Transforma, com a temática beleza; 3. Tamanho Único, específico à moda. A partir da seleção proposta, temos a oportunidade de compreender o percurso do enunciador (éthos), sua projeção até as telespectadoras GNT (páthos) e o contexto dessa produção, marcado por um determinado tempo/espaço (cronotopo). Delineamos, portanto, três conceitos ao entendimento da produção de sentido nesses programas: éthos, páthos e cronotopo, estudados e revisitados, aqui, pelos autores Maingueneau (2008), Fiorin (2008), Discini (2009), Trindade & Barbosa (2007). Dessa forma, esta dissertação tem como propósito analisar a enunciação dos episódios de cada programa, bem como seus efeitos de sentido, observando suas sugestões de consumo, ou seja, como, quando e onde essas mulheres irão consumir os produtos tematizados pela alimentação, beleza e moda. Nossa hipótese é de que tais modelos de consumo contemporâneos são capturados por meio de esquemas de informação, cuja forma de apresentação exerce influência ao direcionamento do consumo, segundo Van Dijk (1996). Ao inferir uma ação-programada a este público-alvo, a mulher GNT pode incorporar a ação-aprendida em seu comportamento e usá-la no cotidiano, estudos de Batista (2008). Vale lembrar que a apreensão desse sentido dar-se-á como um todo, numa disposição contínua e, não separadamente, conforme divisão tradicional estabelecida entre emissão e recepção. Com esta perspectiva técnica, o trabalho propõe a construção de hipóteses, cujos apontamentos possam contribuir com estudos futuros sobre os efeitos da mensagem junto à Recepção. / This search achieves the study of meaning and sense effects about television production, specially, in the programming of GNT channel. Its to discover the woman representations and the consumer models into the programs GNT. So, we chose these programs: Menu Confiança (it relatives to food), Super Bonita Transforma (it relatives to beauty) and Tamanho Único (it relatives to fashion). After this selection, we will work with the following concepts: éthos, to understand the emission actor; páthos, to understand the reception passion and cronotopo, to understand the time/space in the history. We worked with these researchers: Maingueneau (2008), Fiorin (2008), Discini (2009), Trindade & Barbosa (2007). By the way, the search intends to analyze the programs speeches, its effects and the consumer suggestions. The focus is to know how, when and where this kind of woman will consume food, beauty and fashion. Our hypothesis has been concerned that the consumer models could be explained by the means of information directions, Van Dijk (1996). Beside of this, when this woman will learn an action, it could be expected in her comportment. In the same time, she could apply that experience for her life, Batista (2008). Its worthwhile to comprehension the totally sense, not to share it in the emission or reception side. This perspective complains future studies about reception and sense effects.

Análise comparativa dos modelos Drum-Buffer-Rope e Constant Work-In-Process em um ambiente com montagem e produção contra pedido. / Comparative analysis of Drum-Buffer-Rope and Constant Work-in-Process models in a make-to-order assembly flow shop.

Mariz, Fernanda Barreto de Almeida Rocha 22 January 2019 (has links)
Os modelos de programação e controle Constant Work-In-Process (CONWIP) e Drum-Buffer-Rope (DBR) são mecanismos bastante conhecidos na literatura de Planejamento e Controle da Produção, especialmente, pela robustez e bom desempenho. Esses modelos já foram comparados, sobretudo, em ambientes do tipo flow shop. Há muitos trabalhos que apontam o DBR como superior, outros que sugerem equivalência entre ambos e, em menor proporção, casos onde o CONWIP foi melhor. Contudo, estudos comparativos em ambientes mais complexos, como sistemas com montagem, ainda são escassos na literatura. Diante do exposto, a presente tese visa comparar o CONWIP e o DBR em um ambiente de montagem (assembly flow shop) contra pedido. Para tanto, foram desenvolvidos dois modelos de simulação por eventos discretos e um experimento hierárquico-cruzado, com os seguintes fatores: modelo de programação e controle, posição do gargalo, severidade do gargalo e limite de buffer. Os mecanismos foram avaliados quanto aos indicadores tempo médio de fluxo, lead time médio, utilização do gargalo, percentual de ordens atrasadas e atraso médio. Os resultados demonstraram que, para o ambiente em análise, os modelos se mostraram estatisticamente semelhantes, havendo diferenças significativas apenas para a variável tempo médio de fluxo, o que ratifica e estende conclusões de estudos anteriores. Há evidências de que o CONWIP realiza um controle mais efetivo do estoque em processo e não é significativamente afetado pelas diferentes posições do gargalo. Para o CONWIP, os melhores resultados foram identificados quando a restrição estava no início do sistema, enquanto que para o DBR os melhores resultados foram quando o gargalo estava na última estação da linha de fabricação (operação anterior a montagem). / The Constant Work-In-Process (CONWIP) and Drum-Buffer-Rope (DBR) scheduling and control models are well known mechanisms in the Production Planning and Control literature, especially for robustness and good performance. These models have already been compared, especially, to flow shop environments. There are many papers that point to DBR as superior, others that suggest equivalence between both and, less often, cases were CONWIP was better. However, comparative studies in more complex environments, such as assembly systems, are still rare in the literature. Therefore, this thesis aims to compare CONWIP and DBR in a make-to-order assembly flow shop environment. For that, two models of discrete event simulation and a crossed and nested experiment were developed, with the following factors: scheduling and control model, bottleneck position, bottleneck severity and buffer limit. The mechanisms were evaluated with respect to the indicators mean flow time, mean lead time, bottleneck utilization, percentage tardy and mean tardiness. The results showed that, for the environment under analysis, the models were statistically similar, with significant differences only for the variable mean flow time, which ratifies and extends the conclusions from previous studies. There is evidence that CONWIP performs more effective control of order release and is not significantly affected by the different bottleneck positions. For the CONWIP, the best results were identified when the constraint was at the beginning of the system, while for the DBR the best results were when the bottleneck was at the last station of the manufacturing line (before assembly operation).

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