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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The sovereignty of islands: a contemporary methodology for the determination of rights over natural maritime resources

Katter, Dominic Henley January 2003 (has links)
ABSTRACT " Once it was said that the law followed the flag. Now, international law is everywhere. Its influence increases. " Sovereignty is no longer an intra-national concept within International Law. It now involves a greater consideration of issues concerning the global community. This thesis develops a practical methodology for the determination of sovereignty over maritime natural resources. Customary international law regarding the use of resources within the maritime zones of islands on the high seas is rapidly developing. Traditional tests, such as the discovery and occupation of islands, are no longer the primary focus of the determination of sovereignty. The methodology expressed in this thesis is an application and adaptation of the current state of the international laws regarding islands within the high seas. This argument has its foundation in the new international treaties, recent decisions of the International Court of Justice, the Permanent Court of Arbitration and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. It unifies the latest determinations and theoretical legal perspectives of these bodies to produce a single methodology. This work provides an original and substantial contribution to the knowledge and understanding of sovereignty issues within International Law. The Chapters of this thesis and their sub-headings progressively illuminate the individual elements of a distinctive formula for determining the sovereignty of islands within the high seas. The Chapters form a template for this methodology, which is applied to the Falkland Islands. Thus, each chapter is a step towards the determination of sovereignty. This modus operandi can be applied to new disputes in this realm, such as those filed with the International Court of Justice. Since 1982, the definitive ownership of the Falkland Islands proper has been determined, if not by International Law, then by warfare. However, conflict over the use of natural resources in the maritime zones continues.

廿一世紀中共海權思想演進及海軍戰略之研究 / The Evolution of China's Maritime Thinking and the Research of Navy's Strategic Development in 21 Century

洪志銨, Hung, Chih An Unknown Date (has links)
回顧中共海權及海軍的發展及21世紀現行海權發展目標、作為、法令依據等。其海軍力量的發展如同其經濟成長情形一樣快速起飛,很自然成為西方矚目焦點,特別是建立遠洋艦隊的企圖,更引起外界高度關注。依中共海軍規劃,希望在2050年具備並達到遂行遠洋作戰的能力和目標。 進入21世紀, 2003年至2011年,即便是在國際金融危機的衝擊下,中國經濟仍達到了10.7%的平均增速。2011年,中共經濟總量超越日本,成為世界第二大經濟體,也意味著中共海權的發展伴隨著經濟正高速的發展,期與世界大國站立於同一水平。1982年4月聯合國通過了「聯合國海洋法公約」,於1994年11月正式生效,此法的公佈使得海洋權再分配進入了新階段,不僅確立了12海浬領海制度、200海浬專屬經濟區制度、大陸架制度及國際海底區域與資源是全人類共同繼承的財產和公海管理制度等。「聯合國海洋法公約」的生效,對中共而言不僅是提供近300萬平方公里海洋國土的法律依據,使中共站在維護國家基本利益與主權的角度上有理有據的發展海權作為。在此時空環境下,中共積極地將海軍戰略調整為更具主動性的「近海防禦」之區域性戰略,逐步擴大到太平洋「第二島鏈」的遠洋海軍。藉由經濟發展支撐海權,透過海權的維護來牽引經濟發展加快實現國防現代化,尤其海上武裝力量的建設,使其能確保海上行動自由,保障海上交通運輸和海洋安全。 在中共挾其綜合國力快速增長的同時,可預見的中共逐漸發展的海權及海軍戰略,勢必影響區域間各國的緊張及美、日等國的約制與挑戰。一場軍備競賽正開始中,中共海軍已逐漸由區域性海軍向全球性遠洋海軍發展與布局,進而發展成為海陸複合的強國。 / The purpose of this study is to retrospect the development of China's Navy and maritime right as well as its goals, operations and related laws. Its maritime power improves rapidly in coordinate with its economic growth. Obviously, Beijing attempts to establish the deep waters fleet capability which is also so-called "Blue Sea", resulting in the attention of western powers. Therefore, PRC (People's Republic of China) is going to have the deep waters military capabilities in 2050 according to China's force building schedule. At first, China's economy growth rate reaches 10.7 percentages on average from 2003 to 2011. In 2011, its economic trade overpasses Japan to be the 2nd largest country all over the world, indicating that its economic achievement already reach the level of advanced nations. Secondly, the United Nations passed "United Nations Maritime Convention" in April, 1982 and took in effect in November, 1994. This pact not only redistribute the maritime right into new phase by clarifying 12 nautical miles of territorial waters, 200 nautical miles of economic waters and the continental shelf, but also state that all the maritime resources belong to all the human beings. Moreover, the Act facilitates China's gaining maritime territory for 3 million square meters and provides the judicial basis to maintain its national interests and sovereignty. Through this specific phenomenon, Beijing actively adjusts its naval strategy from coastal waters to deep waters reaching the field of 2nd Island Chain. The maritime right facilitates economic development and modernizes its national defense abilities, especially on setting up the armed maritime power to safeguard the maritime transportation and sea lane security. Lastly, with the combined power development, China's maritime right and naval strategy will cause unrest in the region as well as the constraints and challenges from US and Japan. As predicted, there will have an armament race when Beijing develops its naval strategy from coastal waters to deep waters. China will gradually transform into a super power.

Política internacional dos oceanos : caso brasileiro sobre o processo diplomático para a plataforma continental estendida / International ocean policy : Brazilian case of the diplomatic process for the extended continental shelf brazilian case of the diplomatic process for the extended continental shelf

Marroni, Etiene Villela January 2013 (has links)
A diversidade do uso do espaço oceânico e a antiga concepção da “doutrina da liberdade dos mares” forçou uma readequação do ordenamento político-econômico e espacial do ecossistema oceânico. Este redirecionamento, que envolveu o sistema internacional, originou uma nova geopolítica ou uma nova ordem global para o planejamento espacial oceânico, nos termos da Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre o Direito do Mar (CNUDM). Em razão de tais alterações, contextualizar-se-á a história do mar territorial brasileiro, em 1970, e suas implicações políticas nacionais e internacionais. Após, serão averiguadas as coalizões integradas pelo Brasil em uma aparente “batalha diplomática”, que se estendeu além de nove anos, envolveu mais de 130 países e originou um dos tratados mais bem sucedidos da história: a Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre o Direito do Mar. A partir de então, dentre outras conquistas, os Estados Partes garantiram o seu direito legal ao solo e subsolo marinho, mediante submissões para a plataforma continental além das 200 milhas náuticas, definidos no artigo 76 da Convenção. Tal conquista possibilitou aos países em desenvolvimento e a pequenas nações insulares acesso a valiosos recursos naturais, como o petróleo, gás e minerais. Os Estados costeiros, signatários da Convenção, passaram a ter assegurado o direito de reivindicar seu território submerso, ou a plataforma continental estendida, para até 350 milhas náuticas. Com a nova regulamentação, a análise das submissões passou a ser feita pela Comissão de Limites da Plataforma Continental (CLPC), organismo derivado da CNUDM, onde especialistas, selecionados segundo o critério de equidade geográfica, aceitam, modificam ou rejeitam as reivindicações. Demonstrar-se-á procedimentos adotados por Estados costeiros (insulares ou arquipelágicos) ao solicitar a ampliação de seus limites oceânicos, o modo dos especialistas brasileiros trabalharem a ampliação da plataforma continental estendida e de que forma foi feito o planejamento e o gerenciamento em termos políticos, através da Comissão Interministerial para os Recursos do Mar. Finalmente, averiguar-se-á se o Governo do Brasil terá condições de assumir tal responsabilidade, considerando o possível aumento de suas fronteiras e a capacidade do Estado, em termos científicos, tecnológicos e políticos, de internalizar e cumprir os preceitos da Convenção em sua política nacional para o mar. / The diversity of uses of the oceanic space and the old conception of “freedom of the seas doctrine” has compelled an adaptation of the political-economic and spatial legal framework for the oceanic ecosystem. This changing of direction encompassed the international system and has given rise to a new geopolitics for the legal framework of oceanic spaces around the globe, in terms of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Because of such modifications, this study contextualizes the history of Brazilian territorial sea in 1970 and its political implications, on the national as well as on the international level. After that, it examines the alliances Brazil has formed, engaging in a so called “diplomatic battle”. This process went on for over nine years, comprised more than 130 countries and originated one of the most successful treaties in history: the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Since then, the signatory states managed to secure their legal rights over the maritime soil and subsoil by means of submissions for the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles, as defined by the Convention in its article 76. This achievement was of utmost importance because it enabled developing countries and small island states to access valuable natural resources such as oil, gas and minerals. Every coastal state who has signed the Convention acquired the right to claim its underwater territory or extended continental shelf up to 350 nautical miles from its coast. Due to the new regulations, the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) began to undertake the analysis of submissions. This Commission is a body set up by the UNCLOS, in which experts, selected according to the criterion of geographic equity will accept, modify or reject claims. Furthermore, this study aims to account for procedures taken by coastal, insular, and archipelagic states when claiming the extension of its oceanic limits, with the main focus on measures taken by Brazil. More specifically, it intends to explain how Brazilian experts have brought about the expansion of the extended continental shelf and in which way planning and management, in political terms, can be carried out through the Interministerial Commission for Maritime Resources. Ultimately, it will be examined if the Brazilian government is able to assume such responsibility in the face of the growth of its borders and the capability of the state, in scientific, technological and political terms, of incorporating and enforcing the precepts of the Convention in its national policy for the seas.

Política internacional dos oceanos : caso brasileiro sobre o processo diplomático para a plataforma continental estendida / International ocean policy : Brazilian case of the diplomatic process for the extended continental shelf brazilian case of the diplomatic process for the extended continental shelf

Marroni, Etiene Villela January 2013 (has links)
A diversidade do uso do espaço oceânico e a antiga concepção da “doutrina da liberdade dos mares” forçou uma readequação do ordenamento político-econômico e espacial do ecossistema oceânico. Este redirecionamento, que envolveu o sistema internacional, originou uma nova geopolítica ou uma nova ordem global para o planejamento espacial oceânico, nos termos da Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre o Direito do Mar (CNUDM). Em razão de tais alterações, contextualizar-se-á a história do mar territorial brasileiro, em 1970, e suas implicações políticas nacionais e internacionais. Após, serão averiguadas as coalizões integradas pelo Brasil em uma aparente “batalha diplomática”, que se estendeu além de nove anos, envolveu mais de 130 países e originou um dos tratados mais bem sucedidos da história: a Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre o Direito do Mar. A partir de então, dentre outras conquistas, os Estados Partes garantiram o seu direito legal ao solo e subsolo marinho, mediante submissões para a plataforma continental além das 200 milhas náuticas, definidos no artigo 76 da Convenção. Tal conquista possibilitou aos países em desenvolvimento e a pequenas nações insulares acesso a valiosos recursos naturais, como o petróleo, gás e minerais. Os Estados costeiros, signatários da Convenção, passaram a ter assegurado o direito de reivindicar seu território submerso, ou a plataforma continental estendida, para até 350 milhas náuticas. Com a nova regulamentação, a análise das submissões passou a ser feita pela Comissão de Limites da Plataforma Continental (CLPC), organismo derivado da CNUDM, onde especialistas, selecionados segundo o critério de equidade geográfica, aceitam, modificam ou rejeitam as reivindicações. Demonstrar-se-á procedimentos adotados por Estados costeiros (insulares ou arquipelágicos) ao solicitar a ampliação de seus limites oceânicos, o modo dos especialistas brasileiros trabalharem a ampliação da plataforma continental estendida e de que forma foi feito o planejamento e o gerenciamento em termos políticos, através da Comissão Interministerial para os Recursos do Mar. Finalmente, averiguar-se-á se o Governo do Brasil terá condições de assumir tal responsabilidade, considerando o possível aumento de suas fronteiras e a capacidade do Estado, em termos científicos, tecnológicos e políticos, de internalizar e cumprir os preceitos da Convenção em sua política nacional para o mar. / The diversity of uses of the oceanic space and the old conception of “freedom of the seas doctrine” has compelled an adaptation of the political-economic and spatial legal framework for the oceanic ecosystem. This changing of direction encompassed the international system and has given rise to a new geopolitics for the legal framework of oceanic spaces around the globe, in terms of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Because of such modifications, this study contextualizes the history of Brazilian territorial sea in 1970 and its political implications, on the national as well as on the international level. After that, it examines the alliances Brazil has formed, engaging in a so called “diplomatic battle”. This process went on for over nine years, comprised more than 130 countries and originated one of the most successful treaties in history: the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Since then, the signatory states managed to secure their legal rights over the maritime soil and subsoil by means of submissions for the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles, as defined by the Convention in its article 76. This achievement was of utmost importance because it enabled developing countries and small island states to access valuable natural resources such as oil, gas and minerals. Every coastal state who has signed the Convention acquired the right to claim its underwater territory or extended continental shelf up to 350 nautical miles from its coast. Due to the new regulations, the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) began to undertake the analysis of submissions. This Commission is a body set up by the UNCLOS, in which experts, selected according to the criterion of geographic equity will accept, modify or reject claims. Furthermore, this study aims to account for procedures taken by coastal, insular, and archipelagic states when claiming the extension of its oceanic limits, with the main focus on measures taken by Brazil. More specifically, it intends to explain how Brazilian experts have brought about the expansion of the extended continental shelf and in which way planning and management, in political terms, can be carried out through the Interministerial Commission for Maritime Resources. Ultimately, it will be examined if the Brazilian government is able to assume such responsibility in the face of the growth of its borders and the capability of the state, in scientific, technological and political terms, of incorporating and enforcing the precepts of the Convention in its national policy for the seas.

Política internacional dos oceanos : caso brasileiro sobre o processo diplomático para a plataforma continental estendida / International ocean policy : Brazilian case of the diplomatic process for the extended continental shelf brazilian case of the diplomatic process for the extended continental shelf

Marroni, Etiene Villela January 2013 (has links)
A diversidade do uso do espaço oceânico e a antiga concepção da “doutrina da liberdade dos mares” forçou uma readequação do ordenamento político-econômico e espacial do ecossistema oceânico. Este redirecionamento, que envolveu o sistema internacional, originou uma nova geopolítica ou uma nova ordem global para o planejamento espacial oceânico, nos termos da Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre o Direito do Mar (CNUDM). Em razão de tais alterações, contextualizar-se-á a história do mar territorial brasileiro, em 1970, e suas implicações políticas nacionais e internacionais. Após, serão averiguadas as coalizões integradas pelo Brasil em uma aparente “batalha diplomática”, que se estendeu além de nove anos, envolveu mais de 130 países e originou um dos tratados mais bem sucedidos da história: a Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre o Direito do Mar. A partir de então, dentre outras conquistas, os Estados Partes garantiram o seu direito legal ao solo e subsolo marinho, mediante submissões para a plataforma continental além das 200 milhas náuticas, definidos no artigo 76 da Convenção. Tal conquista possibilitou aos países em desenvolvimento e a pequenas nações insulares acesso a valiosos recursos naturais, como o petróleo, gás e minerais. Os Estados costeiros, signatários da Convenção, passaram a ter assegurado o direito de reivindicar seu território submerso, ou a plataforma continental estendida, para até 350 milhas náuticas. Com a nova regulamentação, a análise das submissões passou a ser feita pela Comissão de Limites da Plataforma Continental (CLPC), organismo derivado da CNUDM, onde especialistas, selecionados segundo o critério de equidade geográfica, aceitam, modificam ou rejeitam as reivindicações. Demonstrar-se-á procedimentos adotados por Estados costeiros (insulares ou arquipelágicos) ao solicitar a ampliação de seus limites oceânicos, o modo dos especialistas brasileiros trabalharem a ampliação da plataforma continental estendida e de que forma foi feito o planejamento e o gerenciamento em termos políticos, através da Comissão Interministerial para os Recursos do Mar. Finalmente, averiguar-se-á se o Governo do Brasil terá condições de assumir tal responsabilidade, considerando o possível aumento de suas fronteiras e a capacidade do Estado, em termos científicos, tecnológicos e políticos, de internalizar e cumprir os preceitos da Convenção em sua política nacional para o mar. / The diversity of uses of the oceanic space and the old conception of “freedom of the seas doctrine” has compelled an adaptation of the political-economic and spatial legal framework for the oceanic ecosystem. This changing of direction encompassed the international system and has given rise to a new geopolitics for the legal framework of oceanic spaces around the globe, in terms of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Because of such modifications, this study contextualizes the history of Brazilian territorial sea in 1970 and its political implications, on the national as well as on the international level. After that, it examines the alliances Brazil has formed, engaging in a so called “diplomatic battle”. This process went on for over nine years, comprised more than 130 countries and originated one of the most successful treaties in history: the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Since then, the signatory states managed to secure their legal rights over the maritime soil and subsoil by means of submissions for the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles, as defined by the Convention in its article 76. This achievement was of utmost importance because it enabled developing countries and small island states to access valuable natural resources such as oil, gas and minerals. Every coastal state who has signed the Convention acquired the right to claim its underwater territory or extended continental shelf up to 350 nautical miles from its coast. Due to the new regulations, the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) began to undertake the analysis of submissions. This Commission is a body set up by the UNCLOS, in which experts, selected according to the criterion of geographic equity will accept, modify or reject claims. Furthermore, this study aims to account for procedures taken by coastal, insular, and archipelagic states when claiming the extension of its oceanic limits, with the main focus on measures taken by Brazil. More specifically, it intends to explain how Brazilian experts have brought about the expansion of the extended continental shelf and in which way planning and management, in political terms, can be carried out through the Interministerial Commission for Maritime Resources. Ultimately, it will be examined if the Brazilian government is able to assume such responsibility in the face of the growth of its borders and the capability of the state, in scientific, technological and political terms, of incorporating and enforcing the precepts of the Convention in its national policy for the seas.

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