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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelling and controlling a bio-inspired flapping-wing micro aerial vehicle

Smith, David Everett 17 January 2012 (has links)
The objective of this research is to verify the three degree of freedom capabilities of a bio-inspired quad flapping-wing micro aerial vehicle in simulation and in hardware. The simulation employs a nonlinear plant model and input-output feedback linearization controller to verify the three degree of freedom capabilities of the vehicle. The hardware is a carbon fiber test bench with four flapping wings and an embedded avionics system which is controlled via a PD linear controller. Verification of the three degree of freedom capabilities of the quad flapping-wing concept is achieved by analyzing the response of both the simulation and test bench to pitch, roll, and yaw attitude commands.

Étude de la substance blanche par diffusion tensiorelle : tractographie des fibres d'association de la région temporo-pariéto-occipitale

Bérubé, Josée January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

QV: the quad winged, energy efficient, six degree of freedom capable micro aerial vehicle

Ratti, Jayant 21 April 2011 (has links)
The conventional Mini and Large scale Unmanned Aerial Vehicle systems span anywhere from approximately 12 inches to 12 feet; endowing them with larger propulsion systems, batteries/fuel-tanks, which in turn provide ample power reserves for long-endurance flights, powerful actuators, on-board avionics, wireless telemetry etc. The limitations thus imposed become apparent when shifting to Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs) and trying to equip them with equal or near-equal flight endurance, processing, sensing and communication capabilities, as their larger scale cousins. The conventional MAV as outlined by The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is a vehicle that can have a maximum dimension of 6 inches and weighs no more than 100 grams. Under these tight constraints, the footprint, weight and power reserves available to on-board avionics and actuators is drastically reduced; the flight time and payload capability of MAVs take a massive plummet in keeping with these stringent size constraints. However, the demand for micro flying robots is increasing rapidly. The applications that have emerged over the years for MAVs include search&rescue operations for trapped victims in natural disaster succumbed urban areas; search&reconnaissance in biological, radiation, natural disaster/hazard succumbed/prone areas; patrolling&securing home/office/building premises/urban areas. VTOL capable rotary and fixed wing flying vehicles do not scale down to micro sized levels, owing to the severe loss in aerodynamic efficiency associated with low Reynolds number physics on conventional airfoils; whereas, present state of the art in flapping wing designs lack in one or more of the minimum qualities required from an MAV: Appreciable flight time, appreciable payload capacity for on-board sensors/telemetry and 6DoF hovering/VTOL performance. This PhD. work is directed towards overcoming these limitations. Firstly, this PhD thesis presents the advent of a novel Quad-Wing MAV configuration (called the QV). The Four-Wing configuration is capable of performing all 6DoF flight maneuvers including VTOL. The thesis presents the design, conception, simulation study and finally hardware design/development of the MAV. Secondly, this PhD thesis proves and demonstrates significant improvement in on-board Energy-Harvesting resulting in increased flight times and payload capacities of the order of even 200%-400% and more. Thirdly, this PhD thesis defines a new actuation principle called, Fixed Frequency, Variable Amplitude (FiFVA). It is demonstrated that by the use of passive elastic members on wing joints, a further significant increase in energy efficiency and consequently reduction in input power requirements is observed. An actuation efficiency increase of over 100% in many cases is possible. The natural evolution of actuation development led to invention of two novel actuation systems to illustrate the FiFVA actuation principle and consequently show energy savings and flapping efficiency improvement. Lastly, but not in the least, the PhD thesis presents supplementary work in the design, development of two novel Micro Architecture and Control (MARC) avionics platforms (autopilots) for the application of demonstrating flight control and communication capability on-board the Four-Wing Flapping prototype. The design of a novel passive feathering mechanism aimed to improve lift/thrust performance of flapping motion is also presented.

A Design Procedure for Flapping Wings Comprising Piezoelectric Actuators, Driver Circuit, and a Compliant Mechanism

Chattaraj, Nilanjan January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Flapping-wing micro air vehicle (MAV) is an emerging micro-robotic technology, which has several challenges toward its practical implementation. Inspired by insect flight, researchers have adopted bio-mimicking approach to accomplish its engineering model. There are several methods to synthesize such an electromechanical system. A piezoelectric actuator driven flapping mechanism, being voltage controlled, monolithic, and of solid state type exhibits greater potential than any conventional motor driven flapping wing mechanism at small scale. However, the demand for large tip deflection with constrained mass introduces several challenges in the design of such piezoelectric actuators for this application. The mass constraint restricts the geometry, but applying high electric field we can increase the tip deflection in a piezoelectric actuator. Here we have investigated performance of rectangular piezo-actuator at high electric field. The performance measuring attributes such as, the tip deflection, block force, block moment, block load, output strain energy, output energy density, input electrical energy, and energy efficiency are analytically calculated for the actuator at high electric field. The analytical results suggest that the performance of such an actuator can be improved by tailoring the geometry while keeping the mass and capacitance constant. Thereby, a tapered piezoelectric bimorph cantilever actuator can provide better electromechanical performance for out-of-plane deflection, compared to a rectangular piezoelectric bimorph of equal mass and capacitance. The constant capacitance provides facility to keep the electronic signal bandwidth unchanged. We have analytically presented improvement in block force and its corresponding output strain energy, energy density and energy effi- ciency with tapered geometry. We have quantitatively and comparatively shown the per- formance improvement. Then, we have considered a rigid extension of non-piezoelectric material at the tip of the piezo-actuator to increase the tip deflection. We have an- alytically investigated the effect of thick and thin rigid extension of non-piezoelectric material on the performance of this piezo-actuator. The formulation provides scope for multi-objective optimization for the actuator subjected to mechanical and electrical con- straints, and leads to the findings of some useful pareto optimal solutions. Piezoelectric materials are polarized in a certain direction. Driving a piezoelectric actuator by high electric field in a direction opposite to the polarized direction can destroy the piezo- electric property. Therefore, unipolar high electric field is recommended to drive such actuators. We have discussed the drawbacks of existing switching amplifier based piezo- electric drivers for flapping wing MAV application, and have suggested an active filter based voltage driver to operate a piezoelectric actuator in such cases. The active filter is designed to have a low pass bandwidth, and use Chebyshev polynomial to produce unipolar high voltage of low flapping frequency. Adjustment of flapping frequency by this voltage driver is compatible with radio control communication. To accomplish the flapping-wing mechanism, we have addressed a compatible dis- tributed compliant mechanism, which acts like a transmission between the flapping wing of a micro air vehicle and the laminated piezoelectric actuator, discussed above. The mechanism takes translational deflection at its input from the piezoelectric actuator and provides angular deflection at its output, which causes flapping. The feasibility of the mechanism is investigated by using spring-lever (SL) model. A basic design of the com- pliant mechanism is obtained by topology optimization, and the final mechanism is pro- totyped using VeroWhitePlus RGD835 material with an Objet Connex 3D printer. We made a bench-top experimental setup and demonstrated the flapping motion by actuating the distributed compliant mechanism with a piezoelectric bimorph actuator.

Etude de la sensibilité au vent latéral d'un mini-drone à capacité de vol stationnaire / Study of the sensitivity to the lateral wind of a Mini Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with VTOL flight capabilities

Gomez Ariza, David 28 November 2013 (has links)
Dans l’évolution actuelle de mini-drones à décollage et atterrissage vertical, configurations convertibles de type “tilt-rotors” et “tilt-body” sont de plus en plus souvent utilisées. Ces configurations se sont avérées être très sensibles à l’effet du vent latéral quand ils sont en vol de transition ou tout simplement en vol à basse vitesse. Pour cette raison, une bonne compréhension du comportement d’un proprotor et de l’interaction proprotor-voilure à incidence est nécessaire pour la conception de ce type de drones. Un modèle à l’échelle du mini-drone MiniREC a été testée à la soufflerie S4 de type Eiffel de l’ISAE pour comprendre le comportement de la charge aérodynamique du proprotor au cours de la transition du vol vertical au vol horizontal. Aussi, pour observer l’effet d’échelle et étudier le type de proprotor utilisé normalement par les MAV, une deuxième expérience pour proprotors à incidence a été réalisée à la soufflerie SaBRE. Un anémomètre à film chaud a été utilisé pour caractériser le sillage de l’hélice. Les résultats expérimentaux ont montré la grande incidence de ces forces sur la stabilité longitudinale du drone à des angles d’incidence élevés. Il a également été montré que l’écoulement généré par un proprotor au incidence est de nature très instable, cequi rend sa modélisation complexe. D’un point de vue numérique, l’étude de l’hélice à l’incidence a été faite en utilisant l’hypothèse de Glauert pour un disque actuateur au incidence. Les résultats analytiques sont comparés avec les résultats expérimentaux obtenus à partir des mesures à film chauden 2D et une simulation CFD d’un disque actuateur au incidence chargé avec une charge moyenne équivalente aux valeurs de poussée expérimentales SaBRE et une simulation URANS CFD de l’hélice complète. En outre, les résultats de l’expérience S4 ont été comparés au modèle de Ribner pour les hélices en lacet et le modèle de Young qui est une modification statistique de l’analyse Ribner. La modification proposée du modèle de Ribner donne de bons résultats pour les rotors seul, même à des angles d’attaque élevés. Toutefois, il a été clairement démontré que son amélioration ou un nouveau modèle sont nécessaires afin de prévoir correctement la poussée et les forces produites par proprotors simples et co-axiaux. Pour cela un méthode quasi-stationnaire du premier ordre basée sur la théorie de la dynamique des éléments pales a été développée. Enfin, un prototype aérodynamique avec une sensibilité réduite au vent latéral a été conçu, construit et testé dans la soufflerie S4. Le test a montré que la première conclusion à propos de la contribution du proprotor à la sensibilité longitudinaletotale des mini-drones était justifiée et que la nouvelle configuration fait un candidat idéal pour lesconceptions futures de mini-drones basculant à décollage et atterrissage vertical. / In the current development of VTOL mini-UAS and MAVs, configurations like tilt proprotors and tilt-body are being applied more and more often. These types of configurations have shown to be very sensitive to the effect of the lateral wind when they are in transition flight or simply in low speed flight. For this reason a correct understanding of the behavior of a proprotor and the proprotor-wing interaction at incidence is necessary for the design and conception of this type ofUAS. A scaled model of the MiniREC mini-UAS was tested at the ISAE S4 Eiffel type wind tunnel to understand the aerodynamic load behavior of the proprotor during the transition from vertical flight to horizontal flight. Also, to observe the effect of the scale and study the type of proprotor usednormally by MAVs, a second experiment for proprotors at incidence was conducted at the SaBRE wind tunnel. A hot film anemometer was used to characterize the propeller wake. The experimental results showed the great impact of these loads over the longitudinal stability of the drone at highangles of incidence. It was also shown that the nature of the flow for a proprotor at incidence ishighly unsteady which makes its modeling a complex process. From a numerical point of view the study of the propeller at incidence was done using the Glauert’s hypothesis for an actuator disk at incidence. The analytic results are compared with experimental results obtained from the 2D hot film measurements and a CFD simulation of an actuator disk at incidence loaded with a mean load equivalent to experimental SaBRE thrust values and URANS CFD simulation of the full propeller. The results of the S4 experiment were also compared to Ribner’s model for propellers in yaw and the Young’s model which is a statistical modification of Ribner’s analysis. The present modification of Ribner’s model gives good results for single rotors even at high angles of attack. However it wasclearly shown that some improvement or a new model were needed to correctly predict the thrustand the off-axis loads produced by single and coaxial proprotors. For this a first order quasi-steady method based on blade element momentum theory was developed. Finally an aerodynamic prototype(with reduced sensitivity to the lateral wind) was designed on these bases, built and tested in theS4 wind-tunnel. The test showed that the initial conclusion about the contribution of the proprotorto the total longitudinal sensitivity of the mini-UAS were justified and that the new configuration showed a reduced sensitivity to the lateral wind which makes it a perfect candidate for future designs of tilt-body VTOL mini-UAS .

Robotic hummingbird: design of a control mechanism for a hovering flapping wing micro air vehicle

Karasek, Matej 21 November 2014 (has links)
<p>The use of drones, also called unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), is increasing every day. These aircraft are piloted either remotely by a human pilot or completely autonomously by an on-board computer. UAVs are typically equipped with a video camera providing a live video feed to the operator. While they were originally developed mainly for military purposes, many civil applications start to emerge as they become more affordable.<p><p><p>Micro air vehicles are a subgroup of UAVs with a size and weight limitation; many are designed also for indoor use. Designs with rotary wings are generally preferred over fixed wings as they can take off vertically and operate at low speeds or even hover. At small scales, designs with flapping wings are being explored to try to mimic the exceptional flight capabilities of birds and insects. <p><p><p>The objective of this thesis is to develop a control mechanism for a robotic hummingbird, a bio-inspired tail-less hovering flapping wing MAV. The mechanism should generate moments necessary for flight stabilization and steering by an independent control of flapping motion of each wing.<p><p><p>The theoretical part of this work uses a quasi-steady modelling approach to approximate the flapping wing aerodynamics. The model is linearised and further reduced to study the flight stability near hovering, identify the wing motion parameters suitable for control and finally design a flight controller. Validity of this approach is demonstrated by simulations with the original, non-linear mathematical model.<p><p><p>A robotic hummingbird prototype is developed in the second, practical part. Details are given on the flapping linkage mechanism and wing design, together with tests performed on a custom built force balance and with a high speed camera. Finally, two possible control mechanisms are proposed: the first one is based on wing twist modulation via wing root bars flexing; the second modulates the flapping amplitude and offset via flapping mechanism joint displacements. The performance of the control mechanism prototypes is demonstrated experimentally. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Viscous Vortex Method Simulations of Stall Flutter of an Isolated Airfoil at Low Reynolds Numbers

Kumar, Vijay January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The flow field and forces on an isolated oscillating NACA 0012 airfoil in a uniform flow is studied using viscous vortex particle method. The simulations are carried out at very low chord (c) based Reynolds number (Re=1000), motivated by the current interest in development of Micro Air Vehicles (MAV). The airfoil is forced to oscillate in both heave and pitch at different normalized oscillation frequencies (f), which is represented by the non-dimensional reduced frequency fc/U).( From the unsteady loading on the airfoil, the net energy transfer to the airfoil is calculated to determine the propensity for the airfoil to undergo self-induced oscillations or flutter at these very low Reynolds numbers. The simulations are carried out using a viscous vortex particle method that utilizes discrete vortex elements to represent the vorticity in the flow field. After validation of the code against test cases in the literature, simulations are first carried out for the stationary airfoil at different angles of attack, which shows the stall characteristics of the airfoil at this very low Reynolds numbers. For the airfoil oscillating in heave, the airfoil is forced to oscillate at different reduced frequencies at a large angle of attack in the stall regime. The unsteady loading on the blade is obtained at different reduced frequencies. This is used to calculate the net energy transfer to the airfoil from the flow, which is found to be negative in all cases studied. This implies that stall flutter or self-induced oscillations are not possible under the given heave conditions. The wake vorticity dynamics is presented for the different reduced frequencies, which show that the leading edge vortex dynamics is progressively more complex as the reduced frequency is increased from small values. For the airfoil oscillating in pitch, the airfoil is forced to oscillate about a large mean angle of attack corresponding to the stall regime. The unsteady moment on the blade is obtained at different reduced frequencies, and this is used to calculate the net energy transfer to the airfoil from the flow, which is found to be positive in all cases studied. This implies that stall flutter or self-induced oscillations are possible in the pitch mode, unlike in the heave case. The wake vorticity dynamics for this case is found to be relatively simple compared to that in heave. The results of the present simulations are broadly in agreement with earlier stall flutter studies at higher Reynolds numbers that show that stall flutter does not occur in the heave mode, but can occur in the pitch mode. The main difference in the present very low Reynolds number case appears to be the broader extent of the excitation region in the pitch mode compared to large Re cases studied earlier. region in the pitch mode compared to large Re cases studied earlier.

Biomimicry of the Hawk Moth, Manduca sexta (L.): Forewing and Thorax Emulation for Flapping-Wing Micro Aerial Vehicle Development

Moses, Kenneth C. 01 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Development of Deployable Wings for Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Using Compliant Mechanisms

Landon, Steven D. 06 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs) have recently gained attention due to their increased ability to perform sophisticated missions with less cost and/or risk than their manned counterparts. This thesis develops approaches to the use of compliant mechanisms in the design of deployable wings for small UAVs. Although deployable wings with rigid-link mechanisms have been used in the past to maintain flight endurance while minimizing required storage volume, compliant mechanisms offer many advantages in manufacturability and potential space savings due to function sharing of components. A number of compliant, deployable wing concepts are generated and a classification system for them is formed. The pool of generated concepts serves as a basis for stimulating future concept ideas. A methodology is also proposed for evaluating concepts for a given application. The approach to developing compliant designs for certain applications is illustrated through two example designs, which demonstrate key portions of the proposed design process. Each is modeled and analyzed to demonstrate viability.

Fiber Optic Sensor Interrogation Advancements for Research and Industrial Use

Kunzler, Wesley Mont 17 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Spectrally-based fiber optic sensors are a rapidly maturing technology capable of sensing several environmental parameters in environments that are unfitting to electrical sensors. However, the sensor interrogation systems for this type of sensors are not yet fit to replace conventional sensor systems. They lack the speed, compact size, and usability necessary to move into mainstream test and measurement. The Fiber Sensor Integrated Monitor (FSIM) technology leverages rapid optical components and parallel hardware architecture to move these sensors across the research threshold into greater mainstream use. By dramatically increasing speed, shrinking size, and targeting an interface that can be used in large-scale industrial interrogation systems, spectrally-based fiber optic sensors can now find more widespread use in both research labs and industrial applications. The technology developed in this thesis was demonstrated by producing two advanced interrogators: one that was one half the size of commercially available systems, and one that accelerated live spectral capture by one thousand times – both of which were operated by non-developers with little training.

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