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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Pensionärer om de e nån skillnad” : Kategoriseringsmetoder i serviceinteraktioner / “Seniors if that matters” : Categorization Methods in Service Encounters

Förell, Sara January 2023 (has links)
Denna uppsats bidrar till forskningen om social och språklig kategorisering i interaktion genom att undersöka kategoriseringsmetoder i serviceinteraktioner. Uppsatsen undersöker vilka metoder personal, kunder och personal och kunder tillsammans använder sig av för att identifiera kunderna som pensionärer i samband med rabatt, samt vilka metoder som används för att hantera aspekter av kategoriseringen pensionär som inte har med serviceärendet i sig att göra. Teoretiskt och metodologiskt bygger undersökningen på Conversation Analysis (CA), Membership Categorization Analysis (MCA) och multimodal interaktionsanalys. Studiens data består av 18 videoinspelade, transkriberade samtal vid teaterkassor. I studien identifieras och analyseras tre metoder för kategorisering: alternativa kategorier, överlämnande självkategorisering och retrospektiv nyansering. Analysen av metoderna visar bland annat att olika typer av deltagare behandlar olika aspekter av kategoriseringen som olika känsliga och olika relevanta, att deltagarna orienterar sig mot kategoriseringen som ett gemensamt projekt och att det vid vissa skeden i de i för övrigt målfokuserade servicesamtalen finns utrymme för kunder som kategoriserats som pensionärer att ge uttryck för personliga nyanseringar och positioneringar i förhållande till kategorin pensionär.

Water management strategies towards sustainable agricultural development, taking Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) and brackish water utilization into Account: Case Study: Auja, LJV, Palestine.

Shawahna, Ayman A.M 28 November 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Using Multi-criteria analysis and GIS to determine the brown bear denning habitat : a case study in Sånfjället National Park, Sweden

Jia, Yanjing, Liu, Zihan January 2011 (has links)
Human disturbance as the main factor influencing the habitat of brown bear (Ursus arctos) has occurred frequently with the development of human society. How to reduce and prevent the conflict between human and brown bears is considered as an important question for brown bear conservation, management and public safety. Sånfjället National Park has one of the densest bear populations in Sweden. Many tourists are attracted to visit bears each year. Through this study, the most possibility brown bear denning habitat in Sånfjället National Park was determined by using Multi-Criteria Analysis. A customized habitat distribution map generator was programmed within the Microsoft Visual Basic® for Applications (VBA) in ArcGIS. Three themes were designed in the map generator, i.e., the human impact emphasis weighted, neutral weighted themes and customized weighted theme. Customized weighted theme was produced for user discovering denning habitat results with user-defined weights. Comparing the final maps generated from the human impact emphasis weighted and neutral weighted themes, human influence concentrated in the south area of the National Park. The trails near Sveduterget should be changed to avoid human disturbance in the bear denning period.

Médecine non-conventionnelle et psycho-oncologie : évaluation de l’impact des Médecines Complémentaires et Alternatives (MCA) chez les patients atteints de cancer / Unconventional movement in oncology : the impact of CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medecines) in patients with cancer

Suissa, Veronique 13 September 2017 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur le mouvement non conventionnel en oncologie et tend à évaluer l’impact des MCA conjointement en termes de bénéfices, de risques et de dérives chez les patients atteints de cancer. Notre démarche comparative explore le vécu de 32 patients utilisant ou non les MCA, de façon complémentaire ou alternative aux traitements curatifs. Un entretien semi-directif unique a été mené auprès de chaque patient dans l’objectif d’identifier les processus communs et distincts entre les différents groupes. Un livret de questionnaire leur a également été remis afin de rendre compte des caractéristiques du mouvement hétérodoxe. L’analyse du discours révèle que le recours aux MCA influence positivement le vécu de la maladie sur l’ensemble des dimensions de la personne, mais détériore la représentation de la médecine allopathique et la relation soignant/soigné. Le refus de traitements curatifs chez les utilisateurs de MCA est lié à un univers de croyances invalidantes qu’ils développent. L’analyse des échelles suggère que le recours aux MCA améliore la perception de la santé globale, réduit la symptomatologie dépressive, mais reste sans effet sur l’anxiété. Le recours alternatif aux MCA est lié aux croyances d’attribution causale interne et de contrôle religieux, mais pas à celle d’un contrôle sur l’évolution de la maladie. L’intégration des MCA en oncologie apparaît pertinente et nécessaire pour améliorer la prise en charge des malades, mais doit pouvoir se déployer avec prudence et de façon progressive au regard des risques et des dérives de certaines pratiques hétérodoxes. / This study examines the unconventional movement in Oncology and aim to assess the impact of CAM jointly in terms of benefits, of risks and derivatives in patients with cancer.Our comparative approach explores the experience of 32 patients using or not the CAM of complementary or alternative to curative treatments. A unique semi directive interview was conducted with each patient in order to identify common and distinct processes between differents groups. A questionnaire booklet was also been handed them to end to account characteristics of the unconventional movement.Analysis of the speech shows that the use of CAM affects positively the experience of the illness across the dimensions of the person, but deteriorates the representation of allopathic medicine and the patient-caregiver relationship. The refusal of curative treatments among users of CAM is linked to a universe of disabling beliefs they develop.The analysis of scales suggests that the use of CAM improves the perception of global health, reduces the depressive symptomatology, but has no effect on anxiety. The alternative use of CAM is related to internal causal attribution and control beliefs, but not to control over the course of the disease. The integration of CAM in oncology appears relevant and necessary to improve the care of patients, but should be able to be deployed with caution and progressively in the light of the risks and derivatives of certain heterodox practices.

Being a physiotherapist : professional role, utilization of time an d vocational strategies

Bergman, Birgitta January 1989 (has links)
In a research series carried out between 1984 and 1988 in the county of Västerbotten in northern Sweden, various aspects of the professional role and work of physiotherapists were studied. A variety of research methods were used: questionnaires (n = 163), a time budget study (n = 149), and a qualitative interview (n = 24). Physiotherapy was considered varied and creative, but not well defined or very specific in its objectives. Physiotherapy is still a predominantly female profession, though the proportion of male physiotherapists was increasing. The proportion entering full-time employment in physiotherapy increased due both to the greater number of male graduates and the increasing number of women working full-time. A partial internal division of work between the sexes has arisen. More women than men are employed in in-patient care, while proportionately more men worked outside institutions. Most respondents were firmly in control of their treatment methods, but were somewhat restricted in their freedom to decide whom to treat, and when to terminate treatment. Few had carried out any research concerning treatment and results. The time budget study showed that the treatment of patients took up on average 33% of the physiotherapists’ gross working hours and was the largest single task. Continuing education accounted for 5%, development work for 1% and the remaining occupational tasks for 38%. Occupational area was the most important factor in explaining the distribution of working hours, when other factors were kept constant. Neither sex nor gender markedly affects the carrying out of tasks other than treatment. Nor does professional post particularly affect time utilization other than for administrative tasks. This profession has a double objective: care and service more generally and to provide physiotherapy in particular—both equally important. In order to improve the quality of physiotherapy, and at the same time to extend their own specific, theoretical body of knowledge, a number of physiotherapists have reappraised and extended their concept of the profession to include management and research in their everyday work. Conclusion: The fact that occupational area exercises such a profound influence on the work of physiotherapists, taken together with the slight influence that professional post has, reveals that the individual physiotherapist must be prepared to play a broadly defined professional role. There seems to be a wealth of skill and expertise available within the profession, which could, however, be more efficiently used if the management and organization of physiotherapy service were better adapted to serve its objectives, and if these were better delineated and communicated. / digitalisering@umu.se

Analytisk Hierarkisk Process och Analystisk Nätverksprocess : Metodutvärdering

Svensson, Susanna, Wallström, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
Rädslan för att bli utsatt för ett brott och därmed bygga upp en otrygghetskänsla kan hämma människor att välja en specifik väg eller att vistas på speciella platser. Gävle kommun arbetar kontinuerligt för att skapa en trygg och säker miljö för invånarna där den upplevda tryggheten är lika viktig som den faktiska. Eftersom trygghet är något som påverkar alla i samhället applicerades denna studie på en GIS-baserad multikriterieanalys (MKA) på tryggaste vägvalet för gång- och cykeltrafikanter i Gävle kommun. Analysteknikerna analytisk hierarkisk process (AHP) och analytisk nätverksprocess (ANP) tillämpades för att utvärdera hur respektive teknik påverkade resultatet i en MKA. Målet med studien var att analysera skillnaderna mellan AHP och ANP samt hur de påverkar resultatet, identifiera hur kriterier och vikt styr trygghetsanalysen samt formulera förslag på andra appliceringsområden. För att erhålla lokal kännedom om samt rangordning av relevanta kriterier, ur trygghetsperspektiv vid samhällsplanering, utfördes intervjuer med en trafikplanerare, en landskapsarkitekt samt en översiktsplanerare vid Gävle kommun. Kartlagren som användes erhölls från Gävle kommun, Lantmäteriet samt Gävle Energi. Programvaror för databearbetning och analys var ArcGIS, ERDAS Imagine samt SuperDecisions.  Analysresultatet visade att de tryggaste områdena är Esplanaden i centrala Gävle, norra delen av stadsdelen Sätra samt Hille i norra Gävle. Platsbesöket gav en stark bild av att villaområden kändes tryggast utifrån gång- och cykeltrafikanters behov. De primära kriterierna att vara nära belysning, ha fri sikt, att det är människor i rörelse (relaterat till byggnader och busshållplatser) samt att vara långt ifrån tunnlar uppfylldes i olika villaområden runtom i Gävle. Fördelen med AHP var att den är enkel att bygga upp och kan tydligt visualisera hur olika parametrar påverkar varandra i en hierarkisk struktur. ANP däremot var något mer avancerad även i ett enkelt nätverk, men påverkades inte av den som utförde de parvisa jämförelserna på samma sätt som i AHP, eftersom det är svårare att förutse vilken rangordning de olika kriterierna tilldelas när klustren har inre och yttre beroende samt återkoppling till varandra. / The fear of being a victim of a crime can hamper people to choose a specific path or to reside in specific locations, and thus build up a sense of insecurity. Gävle kommun have a continuously work to create a safe and secure environment for residents, where the perceived safety is as important as the actual. Because safety is something that affects all of society the study was applied on a GIS-based multi-criteria analysis (MCA) for the safest route selection for pedestrians and cyclists in Gävle. The analysis techniques analytical hierarchical process (AHP) and analytic network process (ANP) was applied to evaluate how each technology affected the result in MCA. The aim of the study was to analyze the differences between the techniques and how they affect the results, identify the criteria and how weight control safety analysis, and formulate suggestions for other application areas. To obtain local knowledge and ranking of relevant criteria interviews with a traffic planner, a landscape architect and an overview planner at Gävle kommun was conducted. Software for data processing and analysis was ArcGIS, ERDAS Imagine and SuperDecisions. After analyzing the results a site visit were performed. The site visit gave indications of the residential areas as safe due to the needs of a pedestrian or cyclist. The primary criteria are to be close to lighting, have a clear view, that there are people in motion (related to buildings and bus stops) and to be far from tunnels met in residential areas in different parts of Gävle. One advantage with the AHP was the simplicity of the hierarchical structure and the easy way of demonstrating the results. ANP on the other hand was more complex due to the network model. The pairwise comparisons did not get as much influence from the decision maker as in the AHP.

GIS-baserad multikriterieanalys för placering av små modulära reaktorer i Sveriges fjärde elområde

Johnson, Hugo, Langerbeck, Axel January 2023 (has links)
Med den nuvarande situationen med ökade oroligheter i Europa, bristande elproduktion och en utveckling mot mer elektrifierade samhällen så har ett behov för hållbara energikällor uppstått. Många länder har börjat satsa på små modulära reaktorer (SMR) istället för storskaliga kärnkraftverk då de kan serietillverkas och är enkla att bygga vilket gör dem kostnadseffektiva. Denna studie fokuserade på var den mest optimala placeringen av SMR är inom elområde 4 om man bortser från 17 kap 6a§ miljöbalken. Elområde 4 valdes då det är det elområdet som producerar allra minst och har störst underskott av el. Detta gjordes med hjälp av en multikriterieanalys (MKA) och en efterföljande känslighetsanalys med totalt sex restriktionskriterier och nio faktorer med anvisningar hämtade från svensk lagstiftning, tidigare studier och internationella atomenergiorganet (IAEA). För att bedöma placeringen genomfördes en viktsättning med hjälp av intervjuer och enkäter med fyra olika personer med olika expertisområden inom kärnkraft. För att relatera faktorernas vikter till varandra användes Analytisk Hierarki process (AHP)-metoden vid skapandet av den genomsnittliga viktsättningen. En MKA-karta gjordes för att ta reda på vart den mest optimala platsen är utifrån den genomsnittliga viktsättningen samt en egen karta för de olika experternas egna viktsättningar. Det följdes upp av en känslighetsanalys med en faktor i taget (OAT) metoden och genom att eliminera en faktor i taget för att avgöra ifall den mest optimala platsen ändras och procentuellt hur mycket som arean ändras mellan de olika modellerna. Resultatet visar att den mest optimala platsen att placera en SMR är runtom Barsebäck, där det har stått ett storskaligt kärnkraftverk sedan tidigare. Man kan dra slutsatsen att känslighetsanalysen är robust och att den inte påverkas mycket av förändringar. / With the current situation of increased tension in Europe, inadequate electricity production, and a move towards more electrified societies, there has arisen a need for sustainable energy sources. Many countries have started investing in small modular reactors (SMR) instead of large-scale nuclear power plants as they can be mass-produced and are easy to build, making them cost-effective. This study focused on the most optimal location for SMRs within the fourth electrical bidding zone, disregarding section 17-chapter 6a§ of the Swedish Environmental Code. Bidding zone four was chosen as it produces the least amount of electricity and has the largest deficit. This was done using a multicriteria analysis (MCA) and a subsequent sensitivity analysis with a total of six restriction criteria and nine factors considering guidelines taken from Swedish legislation, previous studies on the subject, and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). To evaluate the placement interviews and questionnaires with four different people with different areas of expertise in nuclear power were carried out as a basis for the average weighting. The Analytic Hierarchy process (AHP) where used to evaluate the factors relative weights to each other. An average MCA map was made to determine the most optimal location based on the average weighting and a separate map for the different experts' own weightings. This was followed by a sensitivity analysis using one factor at a time (OAT) method, and by eliminating a factor to determine how the most optimal location changes, and the percentage of how much the area changes between the different models. The results show that the most optimal site to place an SMR is around Barsebäck where there was a large-scale nuclear power plant previously. One can conclude that the sensitivity analysis is robust and is not significantly impacted by changes.

Development of the Taiwanese Mandarin Main Concept Analysis and Linguistic Communication Measure: Normative and Preliminary Aphasic Data

Yeh, Chun-chih 01 January 2014 (has links)
Aphasia is a language disorder resulting from damage to brain areas that control language expression and reception. Clinically, the narrative production of Persons with Aphasia (PWA) provides valuable information for diagnosis of aphasia. There are several types of assessment procedures for analysis of aphasic's narrative production. One of them is to use quantification systems, such as the Cantonese Linguistic Communication Measure (CLCM; Kong & Law, 2004) or the Main Concept Analysis (MCA; Kong, 2009), for objective quantification of aphasic's discourse. The purposes of this study are (1) to translate the MCA and CLCM to a Taiwanese Mandarin Main Concept Analysis (TM-MCA) and a Taiwanese Mandarin Linguistic Communication Measure (TM-LCM), respectively, and (2) to validate them based on normal speakers and PWA in Taiwan. In the pilot study, a total of sixteen participants, eight certified speech-language pathologists (SLPs) and eight normal speakers, were invited to establish the Taiwanese Mandarin main concepts related to the four sets of sequencial pictures created by Kong in 2009. The language samples from eight normal speakers were then used to determine the informative words (i-words) in the picture sets. In the main study, thirty-six normal speakers and ten PWA were recruited to perform the same picture description tasks. The elicited language samples were analyzed using both the TM-MCA and TM-LCM. The results suggested that both age and education affected the oral discourse performance. Significant differences on the measures in TM-MCA and indices in TM-LCM were noted between the normal and aphasic groups. It was also found that overall aphasia severity affected the picture description performances of PWA. Finally, significant correlations between some of the TM-MCA measures and TM-LCM indices were noted. In conclusion, both the TM-MCA and TM-LCM are culturally appropriate to the Taiwanese Mandarin population. They can be used to supplement standardized aphasia tests to help clinicians make more informative decisions not only on diagnosis but also on a treatment plan of aphasia.

Probabilistic Risk Analysis in Transport Project Economic Evaluation

Lieswyn, John January 2012 (has links)
Transport infrastructure investment decision making is typically based on a range of inputs such as social, environmental and economic factors. The benefit cost ratio (BCR), a measure of economic efficiency (“value for money”) determined through cost benefit analysis (CBA), is dependent on accurate estimates of the various option costs and net social benefits such as reductions in travel time, accidents, and vehicle operating costs. However, most evaluations are deterministic procedures using point estimates for the inputs and producing point estimates for the outputs. Transport planners have primarily focused on the cost risks and treat risk through sensitivity testing. Probabilistic risk analysis techniques are available which could provide more information about the statistical confidence of the economic evaluation outputs. This research project report investigated how risk and uncertainty are dealt with in the literature and guidelines. The treatment of uncertainty in the Nelson Arterial Traffic Study (ATS) was reviewed and an opportunity to apply risk analysis to develop probabilities of sea level rise impacting on the coastal road options was identified. A simplified transport model and economic evaluation case study based on the ATS was developed in Excel to enable the application of @RISK Monte Carlo simulation software. The simplifications mean that the results are not comparable with the ATS. Seven input variables and their likely distributions were defined for simulation based on the literature review. The simulation of seven variables, five worksheets, and 10,000 iterations takes about 30 seconds of computation time. The input variables in rank order of influence on the BCR were capital cost, car mode share, unit vehicle operating cost, basic employment forecast growth rate, and unit value of time cost. The deterministically derived BCR of 0.75 is associated with a 50% chance that the BCR will be less than 0.6, although this probability is partly based on some statistical parameters without an empirical basis. In practice, probability distribution fitting to appropriate datasets should be undertaken to better support probabilistic risk analysis conclusions. Probabilities for different confidence levels can be reported to suit the risk tolerance of the decision makers. It was determined that the risk analysis approach is feasible and can produce useful outputs, given a clear understanding of the data inputs and their associated distributions.

Konstruktion av sjukdomsidentiteter : En diskursanalytisk studie om identitetskonstruktion på ett internetbaserat stödforum för utmattningssyndrom / Construction of illness identities : A discourse analytic study about identity construction in an internet-based support forum for burnout

Aarts, Karolina, Andersson, Isabella January 2018 (has links)
I denna studie har ett internetbaserat stödforum för utmattningssyndrom analyserats i syfte att bidra med ny kunskap om identitetsskapande i interaktion, mellan individer med egen erfarenhet av utmatningssyndrom. Studien har utgått från en diskurspsykologisk inramning och sökt svar på frågeställningarna; I) vilka föreställningar om sjukdomsidentiteter förhandlas fram på ett internetbaserat stödforum för utmattningssyndrom? och II) hur konstrueras normalitet inom ramen för de sjukdomsidentiteter som produceras? Analys av medlemskategoriseringar har använts som huvudsakligt analytiskt verktyg vilket syftat till att synliggöra vilka kategorier som gjorts relevanta av forumdeltagarna. Analysen visar fem identitetspositioner vilka uttryckts som att vara: sjuk, utmattad, kunnig, inte ensam och snart bättre. På forumet görs försäkringskassan till en utanför- grupp vilket stärker gemenskapen av sjukdom bland forumdeltagarna. Denna gemenskap legitimerar att dela med sig av egna erfarenheter av utmattningssyndrom och att positionera sig som kunniga gentemot vårdapparaten. Samtidigt synliggör analysen hur forumdeltagarna konstruerar samsyn kring normalitet i utmattningen och vad som anses som normal sjukskrivningsperiod med anledning av utmattningssyndrom. I sin tur möjliggörs också identitetspositionen av att vara på bättringsvägen.

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