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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

High School Students' Epistemic Beliefs About News as a Knowledge Source

Michaelson, Mary Kathleen January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Engaging Technologies of the Self with Youth: A Critical Contemplative Pedagogy Action Research Project

Moyer, Matthew Aron 17 July 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Reklamens könsroller

Frykler, Frida January 2016 (has links)
Today’s stream of information is massive. Children and teenagers are exposed to information and advertising daily. The requirement to be able to sort and review the messages behind the advertising is fast becoming more important. This study has been made on 8- year-old pupils, in which they studied analysing advertisements for one lesson and then they were interviewed individually. The purpose of this study was to see if eight-year-old children are aware of the way advertisements describe gender and how you in a pedagogical way can teach children to critically examine media, above all advertising.   One of the questions asked is: Can eight-year-old children see specific gender roles in advertising? By studying former research and carrying out this study the writer of this essay has tried to answer the questions.   Through the study it was apparent that the 8- year- old pupils had difficulties to grasp the gender roles and see the messages behind advertising. It is important to learn more about media and advertising in early ages to be able to criticize the messages in media. / Dagens informationsflöde är stort. Barn och ungdomar exponeras för information och reklam dagligen. Det ställer stora krav på att kunna sortera informationen och kritiskt kunna granska budskapen bakom reklam. Tidningsreklam är något som barn träffar på ofta och många gånger ter sig dessa reklambilder stereotypt för könsroller.   Undersökningen har gjorts genom en kvalitativ studie på elever som är i åtta års ålder, där de hade ett lektionstillfälle i reklamanalys som sedan följdes upp med enskilda intervjuer.   Syftet var att se om barn i åtta års ålder är medvetna om reklamens framställning av könroller och hur man på ett pedagogiskt sätt kan ge barn verktyg att kritiskt granska medier, framför allt reklamen.   En av frågorna som har ställts är: Kan barn i åtta års ålder utläsa specifika könsroller i en reklambild? Genom studier av tidigare forskning och den genomförda undersökningen har författaren sökt svar på frågorna.   I resultatet kan man utläsa att respondenterna i studien hade svårt att se könsrollerna och se till reklambildens bakomliggande budskap. Det är viktigt att lära sig mer om media och reklam i tidiga åldrar för att kritiskt kunna granska dess budskap.

"Man vill ha Likes! : En kvalitativ studie om ungdomars kunskaper och ageranden vid text- och bildpublicering på sociala medier / "Peopel want Likes!" : A qualitative study of young people's knowledge and behavior when publicizing text and images using social media platforms.

Huatorpet, Elin January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate what knowledge 16 year old highschool students have when it comes to text- and imageposting on social media and how they act on the basis of their skills and attitudes on text and image publishing. An important aspect of this was to investigate the impact of young people 's identity in relation to text- and image posting on social media as this according to research is a big part of what motivates young people in their everyday practices (Buckingham, 2008). The essay questions was , What is young people’s experience on posting text- and image on social media? How aware are young people at the pros and cons on posting text and images on social media? What are young people's attitudes about text and image posting? And how do young people act on the basis of experience , awareness and attitude? Which role plays identity in their actions? To seek answers to my questions and achieve the aim of the thesis was conducted three semi-structured focusgroup interviews in collaboration with two high schools. The results have been reported, interpreted and analyzed by pattern-seeking.   The theoretical framework used in this paper is the research and theories of primarily media researchers who have distinguished themselves in the Media and Youth research, For example, Ulla Carlsson, David Buckingham, Sonia Livingstone and Kristen Drotner. I have primarily studied books with different themes within the topic of identity, Media literacy, children , media and culture. Through these researchers and their theories I could gather knowledge about young people's media habits and identity processes in relation to media use. Media Literacy during the course of the study proved to be a very important topic and especially the book Children and Youth in The Digital Media Culture, editor Ulla Carlsson, contains a lot of interesting theories and reflections on the subject. Through the various articles in the book I have gained an understanding and knowledge on the topic Media Literacy, a topic that most of the researchers argue is so important, but seems to be forgotten, or even not taken into consideration in schools. This study showed that young people are living a life where the boundary between the physical and the digital world is in principle non-existent but that several of the youngsters lacked guidance and support when it came to things that happened on the internet. Despite the fact that the digital world is as integrated into the physical world in the lives of young people, adults are not present in the young people's life’s on the internet. However, one of the schools in this study had focused on teaching Media Literacy and these young people showed a greater confidence and security in their virtual living. These young people had a clearer strategy and awareness of the risks of social media. The researchers' strong argumentation for educations in Media Literacy in schools teach from the youngsters in this study to be highly relevant arguments, however, Media Literacy seems to be a forgotten subject in schools , a subject that in most schools is’nt taken into consideration. Why? Is it the lack of time or the lack of knowledge about the youngsters or the subject?   Some interesting conclusions could be drawn from the focusgroup interviews in this study and it was that there is a big difference in how knowledge is achieved amoung the students. The girls had knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of text and picture published by particularly bad experiences and had thus learned how best to act on social media and the internet. The boys, however had media and information education in school and experienced social media as a relatively safe place to stay on. This in theory could be due to differences between the sexes when girls are generally more vulnerable in society, but also according to researchers it could have to do with Media Literacy. Media Literacy is currently no compulsory element in the curriculum, but can pose a big difference to young people 's digital lifestyle. Why let go of the children in the digital world when we hold their hands in the physichal?

Critical mathematics and critical literacy for indigenous students in an urban alternative high school program: an action research study

Hunter, Todd 13 January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this action research study was to improve the education of Indigenous students enrolled at an inner-city urban alternative high school for adolescent mothers and/or mothers-to-be. Seven adult students agreed to participate in this study, as did the English Language Arts teacher who facilitated the critical literacy classroom activities. The study investigated the impact that critical mathematics and critical literacy activities had on developing students’ critical consciousness (Freire, 2000), which is a key component of transformative learning (Mezirow, 1997). The findings indicate that the cumulative effect of the critical curricular activities enacted during this study led to critical consciousness development in students, and thereby contributed to a more transformative learning experience for them. The findings also indicate that action research was integral to changing the mathematics and English Language Arts classroom practices in this study. / February 2017

A Survey of Teachers’ Media Literacy in Chinese Vocational Schools

Zhang, Xiaohan, Neumann, Jörg, Köhler, Thomas 26 October 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Media in the context of education, especially new media like Web 2.0, has attracted the public’s attention for more than a decade now. Trendsetting research and publications have been carried out and published in this field and so it remains a popular topic nowadays. This paper focusses on the descriptions of media-pedagogic activities and attitudes of Chinese teachers in vocational education schools. Therefore, the research methodology and main findings of the empirical study, which involved questionnaires at Chinese vocational schools, will be presented.

Appreciating Our Diversity: Using Digital Media Creation and Consumption to Develop and Evaluate Critical Thinking and Analytical Skills for Students in the Digital Culture

Mujallid, Amjaad, Mujallid, Amjaad January 2016 (has links)
Meaning-making in today's digital culture, using digital media, raises the need for enhanced critical thinking and analytical skills. To be literate in digital media, one must know how to use digital tools, but one is also required to develop intellectual, social, and cultural competencies to be able to interpret messages in multimodal texts, which include written text, sound, and images. This research explored the experiences of two foreign students in higher education who participated in a six-week online workshop called "improving your digital-media skills." In the online workshop, the students completed a project-based activity in which each week they worked on one step toward finishing their projects. The weekly curriculum aimed to develop particular skill of digital-media literacy to access, analyze, evaluate, and create digital media materials. Throughout this study, the data was gathered and analyzed to answer two general questions: 1) How does a project-based activity of digital media creation and consumption impact students' critical thinking and analytical skills in the digital culture? 2) How does students' awareness of cultural diversity influence the choices they make in digital media production? Seeking answers to these two questions, the study employed qualitative case study methods including participant-observation, field notes, questionnaires, interviews, and digital media products analysis. The analysis revealed that the workshop had a great impact on the students' critical analysis and evaluation skills than on critical thinking skills. There was also a noticeable increase in the students' critical thinking skills when using digital media out of the academic settings. Both participants were affected by their experience of living abroad, and this factor influenced their thinking and teaching methods. Cultural identities appeared in their thinking and choices in some parts of the workshop. This study was an initial inquiry into the importance of acquiring cultural competencies along with critical digital-media literacy in order to accept the diversity in education and appreciate our differences.

A epistemologia da educomunicação em aferição: por uma configuração do habitus do paradigma educomunicativo / The epistemological sufficiency of educommunication in gauging: for a contextualization of the habitus of the Educommunication Paradigm

Messias, Claudio 20 February 2017 (has links)
O estudo situa o conceito \'educomunicação\' enquanto área do campo da inter-relação comunicação/educação. Há, para tanto, revisão epistemológica que contempla o tempo histórico da formação do pensamento prevalente na Escola Crítica Latino-americana de Comunicação, com reflexos nas relações de ensino-aprendizagem. Uma investigação, pois, compreendida por fenômenos socio-históricos da comunicação e da educação e centrada no protagonismo de uma audiência que pode ser compreendida tanto como parte das relações dialógicas da comunicação mediada pela tecnologia como presente nas interações, cognitivas, no espaço da educação formal e não-formal. Da condição de receptor de conteúdos e enunciados hegemonicamente produzidos pela mídia e pelas representações de Estado, mercado e Igreja, aqui postas como hegemonia plena, o sujeito social da contemporaneidade apropria-se das linguagens e, mediante uso de plataformas tecnológicas diversas, aceita ou não os processos comunicacionais que integra, com suficiência para alterá-los ao passo em que também é parte (re)produtora de iguais fluxos de informação. Tais fenômenos configuram o habitus no Paradigma Educomunicativo, uma vez que o indivíduo é aqui compreendido como tendo visão crítica nata, sob permanente influência dominadora das forças do Estado, mas com suficiência para romper com os modelos de desenvolvimento vigentes. É desse contexto que surge o questionamento acerca da competência \'educar para os meios\', parte conceitual da educomunicação, considerando que os processos de letramento transcorrem sob a égide das forças dominadoras da hegemonia. A contextualização do habitus no Paradigma Educomunicativo é feita, epistemologicamente, mediante revisão bibliográfica acerca do trajeto histórico de formação do conceito educomunicação. / The study was carried out to situate the concept of \'educommunication\' as an area of the field of the communication/education interrelation. Therefore, there is an epistemological revision that contemplates the historical time of the formation of the prevailing thought in the Latin American Critical School of Communication with reflexes in the teaching-learning relations. Hence, it is an investigation comprehended by socio-historical phenomena of communication and education, and centered in the protagonism of an audience that can be understood both as part of the dialogic relations of communication mediated by technology, and as present in the interactions, cognitions, in the formal and non-formal spaces of education. From the condition of recipient of contents and statements hegemonically produced by the media, and by the representations of State, market, and Church, here understood as full hegemony, the social subject of contemporaneity appropriates himself of languages through the use of different technological platforms, and accepts or not the communicational processes he integrates with sufficiency to change them to the step where he is also a (re)productive part of information flowing. Such phenomena configure the habitus of the Educommunication Paradigm, since the individual is here comprehended as having a critical natural vision under permanent dominating influence of the forces of the State, but with sufficiency to break the current models of development. From this context arises the questioning about the competence for the teaching of a broadly educational environment; a conceptual part of educommunication, considering that the processes of literacy proceed under the aegis of the dominant powers of hegemony. The contextualization of the habitus in the Educommunicative Paradigm is done, epistemologically, through a literature review about the historical development of the educommunication concept.

Broken Glass Everywhere: Deconstructing Popular Identities Through Critical Hip Hop Literacy

Kelly, Lauren Leigh January 2016 (has links)
In a society consumed by ever-increasing media and technology, it is more important now than ever that public schools provide their students with the skills and tools necessary to analyze, interpret, deconstruct, and construct popular media images and messages. Consequently, it is the role of educators to engage with popular media in the classroom, not simply for the sake of student motivation, but for the purpose of supporting students in meaningful literacy practices. This study analyzes classroom dialogue and students’ written responses throughout a semester-long English elective course entitled, “Hip Hop Literature and Culture,” in a public high school in New York. This course was designed as a means to engage students in critical media literacy (CML) practices. Through this qualitative case study, the researcher sought to better understand how students are understanding and responding to the popular media that surrounds them, and how academic engagement with such media within a class context impacts their understandings of self, youth culture, popular culture and the social structures that ultimately impact their lives.

Educação audiovisual popular no Brasil - panorama, 1990-2009 / Media Literacy in Brazil an overview 1990 2009.

Cirello, Moira Toledo Dias Guerra 11 May 2010 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta um mapeamento da experiência de oficinas e cursos livres audiovisuais gratuitos no Brasil, entre 1990 e 2009, a partir dos desafios, práticas e trajetórias pedagógicas compartilhadas pelas entidades que os promovem. Buscou-se estabelecer as principais intencionalidades, sistematizar meios comuns e apresentar meios extraordinários utilizados para promovê-las, bem como refletir sobre os principais resultados obtidos, na tentativa de identificar como e quando encontram o melhor de seu potencial. Para tanto realizamos e aplicamos 198 questionários e entrevistas, com profissionais oriundos de 70 entidades de todo o país, cujos resultados serviram de ponto de partida para as análises subsequentes. Os dados coletados e análises realizadas indicaram que os profissionais de tais entidades revisitam e em alguma medida recriam princípios filosóficos, teorias e práticas de campos correlatos da educação, especialmente do subcampo que identificamos como o das educações alternativas e democráticas. As entidades vêm alcançando excelentes resultados sob parâmetros diversos, o que sugere que tais princípios filosóficos, teorias e práticas integradas à promoção de aprendizados como o audiovisual têm potencial para promover a superação de desafios crônicos do âmbito das escolas formais e inspirar o desenvolvimento de políticas públicas. / The present work introduces a mapping of the experience of cost-free media workshops and courses in Brazil, between 1990 and 2009, based on the shared educational challenges, practices and histories of the entities that provide them. The aim was to establish major intents, systemize common strategies and present extraordinary strategies that are used to provide them, as well as reflect on the major results obtained, with view to identifying how and when they achieve their best potential. For that purpose we have designed and employed 198 questionnaires and interviews with professionals from 70 entities around the country, the result of which served as an offset for subsequent analyses. The collected data and the analyses carried out have shown that the professionals from such entities revisit and to some extent recreate theories, practices and philosophical principles from correlated fields of education, especially from the subfield we have identified as pertaining to alternative and democratic education. These entities have been achieving excellent results by many standards, which suggests that such theories, practices and philosophical principles integrated to the promotion of literacies, such as media literacy have a potential to encourage the overcoming of chronic challenges faced by formal schools and to bring about the development of public policies.

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