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Utmaningar för regional cykelplanering i Stockholm : En jämförande studie av regional cykelplanering genom mellankommunal samverkan i Köpenhamn och Stockholm / Challenges in regional bicycle planning in Stockholm : A comparative study of regional bicycle planning through municipality cooperation in Copenhagen and StockholmGremalm, Robert, Lindau, Emma January 2017 (has links)
För att möta de växande storstadsregionernas framtida krav gällande trängsel och hållbarhet i transportsektorn måste cykeln prioriteras regionalt. En undersökning av Stockholms- och Köpenhamnsregionen görs med syftet att lyfta fungerande tillvägagångssätt för planering av regionala cykelvägnät genom samverkan. Syftet ska besvaras med två frågeställningar. Dels vilka åtgärder som är utpekade i plandokumenten och dels hur samverkan i regionen ser ut i praktiken. Planerna för utbyggnaden av Stockholms regionala cykelvägnät är mycket lika Köpenhamns, vilka har setts som föregångsexempel för det regionala cykelkansliet. De regionala och kommunala dokumenten anger standarder för utformning, drift, underhåll och finansiering av regionala cykelstråk. Kompletterande till planerna är upplevda erfarenheter kring samverkansprocesserna i praktiken. Mellankommunal samverkan i regionerna sker via det regionala cykelkansliet i Stockholm respektive sekretariatet i Köpenhamn. I Köpenhamn arbetar kommunerna gemensamt genom hela processen med ett cykelstråk, söker statlig medfinansiering och skriver samarbetsavtal gällande en överenskommen standard. I Stockholmsregionen arbetar kommunerna mer självständigt, söker själva statlig medfinansiering och samverkar mer gällande drift, underhåll och skyltning. Kommunerna i Köpenhamn var medverkande från början vid framtagandet av den regionala cykelplanen till skillnad från kommunerna i Stockholm, vilka hade en mer marginaliserad samverkan. Att låta kommunerna vara delaktiga i processen är viktigt för att integrera tänkandet kring regionala cykelstråk i kommunerna. Åtgärder vilka skulle kunna införas i Stockholm med Köpenhamn som inspiration innefattar att göra plats för cykeln i gaturummet genom bekostnad på bilens, att samtliga kommuner längs ett regionalt cykelstråk arbetar närmare tillsammans för att säkerställa en god standard och att utöka det regionala cykelkansliet. Att utöka kansliet genom exempelvis en styrgrupp som kontrollerar regionens standard, samt mer anställda, skulle skapa förutsättningar för mer handlingskraftiga väghållare i regionen. Vidare skulle det vara intressant för Stockholm att likt Köpenhamn arbeta för att skapa mer gena vägar för cykeln, genom att låta cykeln gå över grönområden, vatten och större trafikleder utan att ta hänsyn till andra trafikslag. / To be able to meet the growing needs of the future regarding traffic jams and sustainability in the traffic sector, the bike must be prioritized in the region. An investigation of the Stockholm and Copenhagen region will be made with the purpose to look at good regional planning for the bicycle grid through cooperation of the municipalities. The report will look more closely at proposed actions in planning documents and how the cooperation looks in reality. The plans for the making of the Stockholm regional bicycle grid is quite similar to the ones in Copenhagen, which has been seen as a great example for the regional plans in Stockholm. The regional och municipality plans contains standards of shape, maintenance, and finance of the regional bicycle lanes. In additional to the plans is experiences of the cooperation processes in real life. Cooperation between the municipalities in the region is made via the the regional bicycle council in Stockholm and Copenhagen. In Copenhagen, the municipalities work together through the whole process of making a regional bicycle lane, they apply for state financing together and write a contract of cooperation which states that they must keep to the agreed standards. I the region of Stockholm the municipalities work more independently, they apply for state financing themselves and only cooperates regarding maintenance and signage. The municipalities of Copenhagen were involved from the start in the process of making the regional bicycle plan. The municipalities of Stockholm had a more marginalized role. It is important to let the municipalities be a part of the process regarding integrating the thinking about the regional bicycle lanes in the municipalities. Actions which could be implemented in Stockholm with Copenhagen as an inspiration includes making more space for the bicycle on the streets while decreasing space for the car, that all the involved municipalities of regional bicycle lane cooperates closely to make safe a great standard and to also increase the size of the regional bicycle council. The council could contain a group which is responsible to see to that all the regional lanes has the same standard. The council can also grow in personnel to make sure that all the municipalities have the conditions which is needed to make the bicycle more prioritized. Stockholm could also like Copenhagen work to create routes for the bicycle which work more as a shortcut through green belts, over water and over highways without having to consider the routes of cars.
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Vilken roll har överförmyndarverksamhetens organiseringsform? : En studie om tjänstepersoners uppfattningar i fyra mindre kommuner / What is the role of the organizational form of the chief guardians? : A study about officials perceptions in four smaller municipalitiesNilsson, Carl January 2022 (has links)
My research problem is that there are different ways to organize a chief guardians office at the same time as the Deputy Inquiry (2021:36) gives suggestions on making one type of organization form mandatory. The chief guardians are not uniform and the muncipalities can organize their chief guardians office in different ways. At the same time, the Deputy Inquiry (2021:36) have given a proposals to restrict municipal self government in order to ensure increased quality and legal certainty in the exercise of authority through a certain type of organization.The purpose of my thesis is to shed light on muncicipalities choice of organizational form for their chief guardians office and officials perceptions of its advantages and disadvantages of the same. The thesis theoretical framework is partly organizations as instruments, partly the values of democray, rule of law and efficiency. I use a qualitative reserach design where my material consists of interviews and public documents. My conclusion is that there are different reasons/purposes for the chosen forms of organization. The purposes are not identical with each other. The purposes also differs between whether the chief guardians office is conducted in-house or through collaboration.My thesis shows that the pros and cons of the different types of form of organization differs.Regardless of whether the organization is in collaboration or under its own auspeices, the bord of chief guardian or chief guardian can contribute to organizational structures that can have different advantages and disadvantages. Chief guardians that are organized via intermunicipal collboration can easily recruit personel, has judicial competence and has more personel. They also contribute to increased uniformity over a larger geographic area. But they can also have negative effects such as can be derived from structure. An unexpected but interesting finding that emerged during my work is to be ”made visible”. In my analysis Iargue that democracy maybe is the value that underlies efficieny and rule of law.There are perceptions about a most appropriate way to organize the chief guardians office of. My conclusion is that the joint committe is perceived to be the most appropriate form of organization.
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Effekter av mellankommunal samverkan : om skalfördelar och demokratiska implikationer / Effects of intermunicipal cooperation : a study regarding benefits of scale and democratic implicationsFlemgård, Johan January 2019 (has links)
Swedish local governments participate in different forms of intermunicipal cooperation in particular policy fields to achieve benefits of scale. This is often thought to improve efficiency and/or facilitate recruitment of experts and other competent personnel, aspects which are considered deficient in many municipalities as a consequence of demographical changes. Intermunicipal cooperation has become a widely used measure to face these challenges.However, there is little empirical evidence supporting that benefits of scale are realized – and the many forms of cooperation municipalities participate in is considered to affect local governments’ democratic anchorage negatively due to the principal-agent problem that arises. In this essay the effects of intermunicipal cooperation have been studied in an explorative way, with both quantitative and qualitative methods. Firstly, the effects on efficiency and need of additional personnel are examined with descriptive statistics from local government environmental inspection (food safety). Secondly, interviews have been conducted with local politicians and local government head officials exploring how the democratic deficit arising from intermunicipal cooperation is perceived from a transaction cost perspective. The interviewees represent a total of four municipalities (medium or small sized), two of which engage in a joint committee in local government environmental authority (which includes food control), the other two engage in a joint administration in the same policy field.The findings from the descriptive statistical analysis does not give solid evidence of improved efficiency or improved organizational competencies. However, the interviewees percieve these aspects as improved by intermunicipal cooperation. The findings from the qualitative approach is that the democratic deficit is perceived as problematic by the local politicians, but that several circumstances influence how problematic it really is. If the municipality needs cooperation to function, and the cooperation delivers satisfactory service, the principal-agent problem is more likely to be tolerated by the principal i.e. the citizens. Other factors seem to matter as well, factors such as: which policy field the cooperation is conducted, if the service is kept in the municipality’s vicinity, and if there is trust between the cooperating municipalities.
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