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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

HIGH LOADED ANAEROBIC MESOPHILIC DIGESTION OF SEWAGE SLUDGE : An evaluation of the critical organic loading rate and hydraulic retention time for the anaerobic digestion process at Käppala Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP).

Gärdeklint Sylla, Ibrahima Sory January 2020 (has links)
Käppala wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) has, during a few years, observed an increase in organic loading rate (OLR) in the mesophilic anaerobic digester R100, due to an increased load to the WWTP. The digestion of primary sludge at Käppala WWTP is today high loaded, with a high organic loading rate (OLR) and low hydraulic retention time (HRT). This study aims to evaluate the effect of the maximum OLR and the minimum HRT for the anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge and to investigate further actions that can be taken into consideration in case of process problems in the digestion. The study consists of (a) a practical laboratory experiment of 6 pilot-scale reactors to investigate how the process stability is affected when the OLR increases and the HRT decreases. (b) A mass balance calculation based on the energy potential in the feeding sludge and the digested sludge. (c) A study of the filterability of the digested sludge. (d) The construction of a forecasting model in Excel, to predict when digester R100 will reach its maximum OLR and minimum HRT. The result of the study shows that the maximum OLR for Käppala conditions is 4.9 g VS dm-3 d-1, meaning that R100 will reach its maximum organic load around the year 2031. An OLR of 4.5-4.9 and an HRT of 12 days is optimal for R100, according to the present study. Keeping the anaerobic digestion process in balance is vital when it comes to the outcome of energy in the anaerobic digestion process. Pushing the process to produce more gas can become counterproductive since a high OLR can lead to process imbalance, which in turn leads to low biogas production. Imbalance in the digestion process can occur fast; therefore, the margin for overload in the anaerobic digestion process must be significant. The methane concentration in the converted biogas and the pH level in the reactor are the best stability parameters for the conditions at Käppala. Ammonia is the less efficient stability parameter since it did not predict or detect any instability during the experimental process. Furthermore, the OLR and HRT have a significant impact on the needed quantity for dewatering polymer. The higher digestion of organic material in the sludge, the bigger the need for the polymer to take care of the rest material.

Vznik organických molekul iniciovaný procesy o vysoké hustotě energie v planetárních atmosférách / Formation of organics molecules initiated by high-power density energy events in planetary atmospheres

Kamas, Michal January 2010 (has links)
The focused laser beam delivered by the high-power laser system PALS was used for laboratory simulation of high-energy-density events in a planetary atmosphere. Several model gas mixtures were prepared to mimic the mildly reducing early Earth's atmosphere (CO-N2-H2O) as well as the atmosphere of Saturn's moon Titan and the strongly reducing early Earth's atmosphere (CH4-N2-H2O). In situ investigation of transient species generated by the laser-induced dielectric breakdown in the gaseous mixtures was performed by optical emission spectroscopy (OES). Final products of laser-plasma initiated chemical reactions were identified and determined by advanced mass-spectrometry (SIFT-MS) and absorption FT-IR spectroscopy. High-power laser system SOFIA was utilized to simulate in our laboratory a high-velocity impact into the icy satellites of the outer planets of the Solar system. OES was engaged in probing the plasmas produced by the SOFIA beam focused on ice surfaces (water, methanol, formamide), while final products were analyzed by means of gas chromatography (GC/MS) and mass-spectrometry (SIFT-MS).

high loaded anaerobic mesophilic digestion of sewage sludge : An evaluation of the critical organic loading rate and hydraulic retention time for the anaerobic digestion process at Käppala Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP).

Sylla, Ibrahima January 2020 (has links)
Käppala wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) has, during a few years, observed an increase in organic loading rate (OLR) in the mesophilic anaerobic digester R100, due to an increased load to the WWTP. The digestion of primary sludge at Käppala WWTP is today high loaded, with a high organic loading rate (OLR) and low hydraulic retention time (HRT). This study aims to evaluate the effect of the maximum OLR and the minimum HRT for the anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge and to investigate further actions that can be taken into consideration in case of process problems in the digestion. The study consists of (a) a practical laboratory experiment of 6 pilot-scale reactors to investigate how the process stability is affected when the OLR increases and the HRT decreases. (b) A mass balance calculation based on the energy potential in the feeding sludge and the digested sludge. (c) A study of the filterability of the digested sludge. (d) The construction of a forecasting model in Excel, to predict when digester R100 will reach its maximum OLR and minimum HRT. The result of the study shows that the maximum OLR for Käppala conditions is 4.9 g VS dm-3 d-1, meaning that R100 will reach its maximum organic load around the year 2031. An OLR of 4.5-4.9 and an HRT of 12 days is optimal for R100, according to the present study. Keeping the anaerobic digestion process in balance is vital when it comes to the outcome of energy in the anaerobic digestion process. Pushing the process to produce more gas can become counterproductive since a high OLR can lead to process imbalance, which in turn leads to low biogas production. Imbalance in the digestion process can occur fast; therefore, the margin for overload in the anaerobic digestion process must be significant. The methane concentration in the converted biogas and the pH level in the reactor are the best stability parameters for the conditions at Käppala. Ammonia is the less efficient stability parameter since it did not predict or detect any instability during the experimental process. Furthermore, the OLR and HRT have a significant impact on the needed quantity for dewatering polymer. The higher digestion of organic material in the sludge, the bigger the need for the polymer to take care of the rest material.

Analysis and modelling of ozone pre-treatment of sludge for biogas production / Analys och modellering av ozonförbehandling av slam för biogasproduktion

Prasad, Gokul January 2022 (has links)
Ozonförbehandling av avloppsvattenslam har diskuterats i litteraturen som en potentiell metod för att öka biogasproduktionen och minska slamvolymen. I detta arbete utvecklades en numerisk modell för att simulera effekten av ozonförbehandling på biogasproduktion genom anaerobrötning. Modellen bygger på en befintlig modell från litteraturen. Den antar att ozonering leder till en förbättring av hydrolyssteget samtidigt som de övriga stegen (acidogen, acetogen och metanogen) lämnas opåverkade. Modellen kan förutsäga biogasproduktionen för ett givet substrat förutsatt att den matas in i sin makromolekylära koncentration. Modellen är validerad mot fyra uppsättningar data från laboratorieexperiment rapporterade i litteraturen. Även genomförbarhetanalys och känslighetsanalys av modellen studerades. Skillnad i simulerade och experimentella data beräknades för olika ozondoser och en regressionsplot gjordes för att studera robustheten och noggrannheten hos modellen. / Ozone pretreatment of wastewater sludge has been discussed in the literature as a potential method for increasing biogas production and reducing sludge volume. In this work, a numerical model to simulate the effect of ozone pretreatment on biogas production by anaerobic digestion was developed. The model is based on an existing model from the literature. It assumes that ozonation leads to an enhancement of the hydrolysis step while leaving the other steps (acidogenic, acetogenic and methanogenic) unaffected. The model can predict the biogas production for any given substrate provided it is being inputted in its macromolecular concentration. The model is validated against four sets of data from laboratory experiments reported in the literature. Feasibility and sensitivity analysis of the model was also studied. Difference in the simulated and experimental data were calculated for different ozone dosages and a regression plot was made to study the robustness and accuracy of the model.

Optimization of a two-step anaerobic treatment of wastewater from the Pulp and Paper Industry

Bard, Sara January 2022 (has links)
Under de senaste 30 åren så har antalet massa- och pappersbruk minskat medan den totala produktionen av massa och papper har ökat. En högre produktion per bruk tillsammans med en hårdare miljölagstiftning, sätter ett högre tryck på vattenreningen på varje bruk. I flera massa- och pappersbruk så är vattenreningen en av faktorerna som begränsar produktionen av massa och papper. Dessutom så renas oftast restvattnet från massa- och pappersbruken med aerob rening som kräver mycket elektricitet och som producerar slam. För att minska kostnaden av vattenreningen och för att öka kapaciteten, så kan en anaerob vattenrening användas före den aeroba reningen. Fördelar med att ha en anaerob rening före den aeroba reningen är att den minskar belastningen av organiskt material på den aeroba reningen, värdefull biogas produceras, anaerob rening producerar mindre slam och kräver mindre elektricitet. Däremot så innehåller restvattnet från massa- och pappersbruk en hög halt av sulfat, vilket har orsakat en instabil biogasproduktion på flera existerande anläggningar. En potentiell lösning på detta är att använda en ytterligare anaerob reaktor före den biogasproducerande reaktorn, med syftet att reducera sulfat. Syftet med detta projekt var att optimera en anaerob två-stegs process för att få en effektiv biogasproduktion och för en stabil process. I projektet har två upp-flöde anaerob packad bädd (UAPB) reaktorer använts. Den första reaktorn var anrikad med sulfatreducerande bakterier före starten av projektet och den andra reaktorn innehöll metanogener. Processvatten från ett massa- och pappersbruk som använder barrträd som råmaterial och gör termomekanisk massa, användes i projektet. Den anaeroba två-stegs processen optimerades genom att minska retentionstiden i båda reaktorerna; genom att undersöka alternativ för att minska sulfidkoncentrationen i inflödet till biogasreaktorn; och genom att minska tillsatsen av näringsämnen till processvattnet. Stabiliteten av två-stegsprocessen mättes genom att analysera sulfat, sulfid och COD innehållet med spektrofotometri; genom att analysera pH; genom att analysera innehållet av metan i biogasen med gaskromatografi; och genom att analysera flyktiga fettsyror i utflödet med högtrycksvätskekromatografi. Resultaten visade att processen var stabil när retentionstiden för den sulfatreducerande reaktorn och biogasreaktorn var 0.3 dagar respektive 1.5 dagar. Effektiviteten av borttagningen av sulfat och COD i den sulfatreducerande reaktorn var 82% respektive 31%. Innehållet av metan i biogasen i den sulfatreducerande reaktorn var 53% i genomsnitt. I biogasreaktorn var borttagningen av COD 32% och metanhalten i biogasen var 31% i genomsnitt. Den totala borttagningen av COD för tvåstegsprocessen var 61%, när reaktorerna var kopplade via en uppsamlingsflaska. Biometanpotentialen i processvattnet och i utflödet från den sulfatreducerande reaktorn var 147 NmL CH4/g VS respektive 47 NmL CH4/g VS. Slutsatsen av projektet är att processen var stabil när retentionstiden för den sulfatreducerande reaktorn och biogasreaktorn var 0.3 dagar respektive 1.5 dagar, motiverat med stabiliteten av borttagning av sulfat och COD. Däremot var metanpotentialen för utflödet från den sulfatreducerande reaktorn bara 32% jämfört med processvattnet och nedbrytbarheten av COD var lägre i utflödet än i processvattnet. Eftersom den sulfatreducerande reaktorn var stabil vid de testade förhållandena så skulle det vara intressant att testa en enstegsprocess i en UAPB reaktorpilot i framtiden. Det skulle även vara intressant att minska retentionstiden i biogasreaktorn för att se om metanhalten i biogasen ökar. / In the past 30 years, the number of P&P mills have decreased while the total production of pulp and paper have increased. A higher production per mill together with a stringent environmental legislation puts a high pressure on the wastewater treatment of P&P mills. In several P&P mills the wastewater treatment is one of the factors limiting the production of pulp and paper. In addition, the wastewater is usually treated with aerobic treatment that consumes a high amount of electricity and produces sludge. To decrease the cost of the wastewater treatment and to increase the treatment efficiency, an anaerobic treatment can be used before the aerobic treatment. Advantages of having an anaerobic treatment before the aerobic treatment is that it reduces the organic loading of the aerobic treatment, valuable biogas is produced, anaerobic treatment produce less sludge and requires less electricity. However, the wastewater of P&P mills is rich in sulphate, which have resulted in an unstable biogas production. A potential solution for this to have another anaerobic reactor before the biogas producing reactor, with the purpose to remove sulphate. The aim of this project was to optimize a two-step anaerobic treatment for an effective biogas production and for a stable process. In the project, two UAPB reactors were used. The first bioreactor (hereafter pretreatment reactor) was enriched with sulphate reducing bacteria before the start of the project while the second reactor contained methanogens (hereafter biogas reactor). Wastewater from a P&P mill using the TMP process and soft wood as raw material was used in this project. The anaerobic two-step process was optimized by decreasing the HRT of both reactors, by investing alternatives to decrease the sulphide in the influent to the biogas reactor and by decreasing the addition of nutrients to the process water. The stability of the two-step process was measured by analysing the sulphate, sulphide and COD content spectrophotometrically; by analysing pH; by analysing the methane content in the headspace of the reactors with GC and by analysing the VFA content in the effluents using HPLC. The results showed that the process was stable when the HRT of the pretreatment reactor and biogas reactor was 0.3 days and 1.5 days, respectively. The removal efficiency of sulphate and COD in the pretreatment reactor was 82% and 31%, respectively. The methane content in the biogas of the PT reactor was 53% in average. The COD removal efficiency of the biogas reactor was 32% and there was in average 31% methane in the biogas. The average total COD removal efficiency of the two-step process was 61% when the reactors were coupled via a collection tank. The biomethane potential of the process water and the effluent of the pretreatment reactor was 147 NmL CH4/g VS and 47 NmL CH4/g VS, respectively. The process was stable when the HRT of the pretreatment reactor and biogas reactor was 0.3 days and 1.5 days, respectively, considering the stability of the sulphate and COD removal efficiency. However, the BMP of the effluent of the PT reactor was only 32% of the BMP of the process water and the degradability of the COD was lower in the effluent. Since the PT reactor exhibited stability at the tested conditions, it would be interesting to try it as a one-step process in a pilot UAPB reactor in the future. In the future, research is needed to investigate if the methane content in the headspace of the biogas reactor can be increased by decreasing the HRT of the reactor.

Adapta??o e valida??o do Question?rio de Job Crafting e sua rela??o com estados positivos no trabalho / Adaption and validation of the Job Crafting Questionnaire and its relationship with positive states at work

Devotto, Rita Pimenta de 14 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2017-02-14T14:22:15Z No. of bitstreams: 1 RITA PIMENTA DE DEVOTTO.pdf: 4782655 bytes, checksum: 8a2b52204f5ddcd14488022a1724b387 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-14T14:22:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RITA PIMENTA DE DEVOTTO.pdf: 4782655 bytes, checksum: 8a2b52204f5ddcd14488022a1724b387 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-14 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The central theme of this master thesis are the proactive behaviours at work called job crafting. Job crafting consists of informal individual initiatives to modify the work, in order to optimize resources and demands and or to make it more engaging and rewarding. Individuals shape their work experience through actions that redefine the tasks and relationships involved in the work, as well as through cognitive changes in the way they perceive work. The theoretical model of job crafting proposes that such actions take place at different organizational contexts and are independent of the degree of autonomy, complexity and authority involved in each work. Since its emergence in the qualitative research in 2001, the proactive approach of job crafting has attracted growing interest from researchers and practitioners, as an alternative that explains and highlights the energetic and daily efforts of the individual to change their working environment. In Brazil, research in job crafting is at an early stage. Five different interconnected studies were undertaken to deepen the theoretical and empirical knowledge about job crafting and to advance its research in Brazil. The first study presents a systematic review of the international scientific literature on job crafting. Evidences revealed an increase of scientific publications about the construct, driven by the development of measures. We found a lack of production in our context and the need to adapt measures to assess the construct and promote empirical research about job crafting in Brazil. The second study, which theoretically introduces the theme, aimed to meet the need to contribute to a chapter about job crafting for book to be published in Brazil. The chapter situates the job crafting approach, revises its conceptualization in the international literature, describes the state of the art in the evaluation of the construct, portrays the main antecedents and outcomes of job crafting according to recent empirical studies and discusses some benefits and practical implications. The third study presents the adaptation and validation of the Job Crafting Questionnaire to the Brazilian context. We conducted two studies with professionals in Brazil to investigate the internal structure of the instrument through exploratory and confirmatory techniques. The results indicated that the instrument presented adequate psychometric characteristics, being a valid measure for assessing job crafting in general populations in Brazil. The fourth study presents a systematic review and a meta-analysis on the relationship between job crafting and well-being. The positive relationship between both constructs was corroborated. We found that the job crafting has a greater effect on the positive dimension of the well-being. This study also brought evidences of a significant difference between the effect of job crafting on occupational and general well-being measures, indicating a better performance of the latter. Finally, we undertook an exploratory study about the job demands-resources model in the Brazilian context. Drawing on the network analysis technique, we investigated the relationships between the variables of working conditions, work engagement, job crafting and well-being, predicted by the job demands-resources model. Results supported some relationships predicted by the theoretical model. However, the job crafting, which predicted work engagement, did not happen at the expenses of the working conditions (resources and demands). This finding indicates the need to investigate other intrinsic precedents of job crafting. These five products of the master?s thesis advance research in job crafting in Brazil. / A tem?tica central da presente disserta??o s?o os comportamentos proativos no trabalho denominados de job crafting. Tais comportamentos consistem em iniciativas individuais informais que buscam modificar o trabalho, para otimizar seus recursos e demandas e ou para torn?-lo mais envolvente e gratificante. Os indiv?duos moldam sua experi?ncia de trabalho atrav?s de a??es que redefinem as tarefas e as rela??es envolvidas no trabalho, bem como por meio de mudan?as cognitivas na forma de perceber o seu trabalho. O modelo te?rico do job crafting prop?e que tais a??es acontecem em diferentes contextos organizacionais e s?o independentes do grau de autonomia, complexidade e autoridade envolvidos no trabalho. Desde o seu surgimento na pesquisa qualitativa em 2001, a perspectiva proativa do job crafting tem despertado crescente interesse de pesquisadores e profissionais, como uma alternativa que explica e salienta os esfor?os proativos e cotidianos do indiv?duo para alterar seu contexto de trabalho. No Brasil, a pesquisa em job crafting encontra-se em est?gio inicial. Foram empreendidos cinco estudos diferentes e interconectados que buscaram aprofundar o conhecimento te?rico e emp?rico sobre o job crafting e avan?ar sua pesquisa no Brasil. O primeiro estudo apresenta uma revis?o sistem?tica da produ??o cient?fica internacional sobre o job crafting. Verificou-se um crescimento de publica??es cient?ficas sobre o construto, impulsionado pelo desenvolvimento de medidas. Constatou-se a aus?ncia de produ??o no nosso contexto e a necessidade de adaptar medidas para aferir o construto e impulsionar a pesquisa emp?rica sobre o job crafting no Brasil. O segundo estudo introduz teoricamente a tem?tica e objetivou atender ? necessidade de contribuir com um cap?tulo sobre job crafting para um livro ainda in?dito no Brasil1. O cap?tulo situa a abordagem do job crafting, revisa sua conceptualiza??o na literatura internacional, descreve o estado da arte na avalia??o do construto, retrata os principais antecedentes e desfechos do job crafting de acordo com recentes estudos emp?ricos, e discute alguns benef?cios e implica??es pr?ticas. O terceiro estudo apresenta a adapta??o e valida??o do Job Crafting Questionnaire para o contexto brasileiro. Conduziu-se dois estudos com profissionais no Brasil para investigar a estrutura interna do instrumento por meio de t?cnicas explorat?rias e confirmat?rias. Os resultados indicaram que o instrumento apresentou caracter?sticas psicom?tricas adequadas, sendo uma medida v?lida para avalia??o do job crafting em popula??es gerais no Brasil. O quarto estudo apresenta uma revis?o sistem?tica e uma metan?lise sobre a rela??o do job crafting com o bem-estar. Corroborou-se a rela??o positiva entre ambos construtos. Constatou-se um maior efeito do job crafting sobre a dimens?o positiva do bem-estar. Verificou-se a exist?ncia de uma diferen?a significativa entre o efeito do job crafting nas medidas de bem-estar ocupacionais e gerais, indicando um melhor desempenho destas ?ltimas. Por fim, apresenta-se um estudo explorat?rio sobre o modelo de recursos e demandas no trabalho no contexto brasileiro. Valendo-se da t?cnica de an?lise de redes, foram investigadas as rela??es previstas no modelo de recursos e demandas no trabalho, entre as vari?veis de condi??es de trabalho, engajamento no trabalho, job crafting e bem-estar. Os resultados corroboram algumas rela??es previstas no modelo te?rico. Por?m o job crafting, apesar de preditor do engajamento no trabalho, n?o aconteceu em virtude das condi??es de trabalho (recursos e demandas). Este achado indica a necessidade de investigar outros precedentes de natureza intr?nseca do job crafting. Estes cinco produtos da disserta??o avan?am o conhecimento sobre a pesquisa em job crafting no Brasil.

Variability of summer CH4 and CO2 flux rates in and between three large Swedish lakes : A spatio-temporal field study / Sommarvariation i CH4- och CO2-flöden i och mellan tre stora svenska sjöar : En rumslig och tidsmässig fältstudie

Nilsson, Isak, Seifarth, Filip January 2020 (has links)
Understanding of natural greenhouse gas (GHG) cycles is crucial for making GHG budgets, which work as basis in climate change and global warming policy programs. Lakes as a source for GHG activity have only recently been included in global GHG budgets, and most studies of lake GHG flux rates are conducted on lakes &lt;10 km2, which only comprise roughly half of the global lake area—making data of large lake flux rates scarce. CO2 and CH4 are the primary contributors of GHGs, and lakes house production processes and receive these gasses via lateral transport. This study utilized a floating chamber method with CO2 sensors to study CH4 and CO2 flux rates from three large Swedish lakes. To do this, chambers were anchored at shallow depth, as well as passively drifted on open water. Sampling was conducted during two periods in the summer 2019, late June–early July and August. For CH4, spatial difference was found between deep and shallow transects within lakes, no temporal difference was found between study periods. Difference between lakes within the deep and shallow chamber groups was found. One possible instance of deep-water ebullition was recorded, and a correlation between CH4 flux rate and water temperature was observed. For CO2, no difference between deep and shallow chambers or measurement periods was found. One instance within the deeper chamber group was found to be different between two of the lakes, despite all three lakes being of different size, depth and trophic state. The study results indicate CO2 water concentrations near saturation with atmosphere during the sampling periods. No correlation between CO2 flux rate and water temperature was observed. Unexpected small-scale variability patterns in CO2 flux was observed while chambers were passively drifting. While some observed patterns for the two gases could be explained by previous findings, some of our observations could not be explained on the basis of previous literature, highlighting the need for further study of GHG flux rates from large lakes. / Förståelsen av naturliga växthuscykler är avgörande för att göra budgetar för växthusgaser, eftersom dessa uppskattningar och budgetar agerar som grund i policyprogram för arbete med klimatförändringar och global uppvärmning. Sjöar har endast nyligen inkluderats i globala växthusgodsbudgetar som en källa för växthusgasutsläpp, och de flesta studier av flödeshastigheter genomförs på sjöar &lt;10 km2, vilka endast utgör ungefär hälften av den globala sjöarealen –vilket leder till att data om växthusgasflöden från stora sjöar saknas. CO2och CH4 är de mest potenta växthusgaserna, och sjöar hyser produktionsprocesser samt tar emot dessa gaser från kringliggande miljöer. Denna studie nyttjade en kammarmetod med CO2-sensorer för att studera CH4och CO2-flödeshastigheter från tre stora svenska sjöar. Detta gjordes dels genom att ankra kammare på grunt djup, och dels genom att låta kammare driva passivt på öppet vatten. Provtagningen genomfördes under två perioder sommaren 2019, slutet av juni-början av juli och augusti. För CH4 hittades rumslig skillnad mellan djupa och grunda transekter i sjöar, men ingen tidsmässig skillnad hittades mellan studieperioder. Skillnader mellan sjöar i de djupa och grunda kammargrupperna hittades. Ett möjligt fall av metanbubblor från djupt vatten registrerades, liksom en korrelation mellan CH4-flödeshastighet och vattentemperatur. För CO2 hittades ingen skillnad mellan djupa och grunda kammare eller mätperioder. En skillnad i den djupa kammargruppen hittades mellan två av sjöarna, trots att alla tre var av olika storlek, djup och trofiklass. Studiens resultat indikerar att koncentrationer av CO2 i vatten var nära mättnad med atmosfären under studieperioderna. Ingen korrelation mellan CO2-flödeshastighet och vattentemperatur observerades. Oväntade småskaliga variabilitetsmönster i CO2-flöde observerades medan kamrar drev passivt. Medan vissa observerade mönster för de två gaserna kan förklaras av tidigare kunskap, kan andra av våra observationer inte förklaras av tidigare litteratur, och detta tydliggör behovet av fortsatt forskning på växthusgasflöden från stora sjöar. / <p>We also thank the METLAKE project funded by the European Research Council (ERC; grant agreement No 725546).</p> / METLAKE (ERC; grant agreement No 725546)

Liquid Natural Gas : A study of the environmental impact of LNG in comparison to diesel / Flytande Naturgas : En studie om LNG:s klimatpåverkan i jämförelse med diesel

Edfors, Jonas, Bremberg, Robin January 2021 (has links)
Liquefied Natural Gases (LNG) has been an alternative fuel in the marine industry for several years, but lately, the amount of ships that have been powered by methane has increased a lot. Some of the reasons for this is because LNG does not contain any sulfur and releases less nitrogen oxides than traditional maritime fuels. In this essay, LNG will be compared to diesel from an environmental perspective with focus on CO2 emissions and its equivalents. International Maritime Organization (IMO) implemented Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) requirements that adjusts how much CO2 is allowed in the exhaust gas per produced kilowatt-hour (kWh). However, these requirements will increase in intervals in the future, the next one is coming 2022 for specific ship types. The method that is used to compare the fuels is Mole-calculations for LNG as well as diesel, then calculate the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and its equivalents they release. The results show that under optimal conditions, LNG was the superior choice. However, the maritime industry might have a problem with the requirements that will be introduced to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2050. / Flytande Naturgas (LNG) har under flera år funnits som ett alternativt bränsle inom sjöfarten, men på senare tid så har skeppen som drivs av metan ökat markant. En anledning till detta är att LNG innehåller inget svavel samt släpper ut mindre NOX jämfört med traditionella bränslen. I denna uppsats så kommer LNG att jämföras mot diesel ur ett klimatperspektiv med fokus på koldioxidutsläpp och dess ekvivalenter. International Maritime Organisation (IMO) har infört Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) krav som justerar hur mycket CO2 man får släppa ut per kilowattimme (kWh), dessa krav kommer dessutom att öka i flertalet intervaller i framtiden, varav nästa intervall redan sker i 2022 för speciella fartygstyper. Metoden som användes för att jämföra bränslena var att beräkna mol-innehållet för både LNG samt diesel, sen från den beräknade data se hur mycket koldioxid (CO2) inklusive ekvivalenter de släppte ut. Resultatet visade att under optimala förutsättningar så var LNG ett klart bättre alternativ än diesel. Däremot så kan sjöfarten ha ett problem inom framtiden från de krav som berör växthusgaser som kommer att ställas från och med 2050.

Greenhouse gas emissions from three large lakes during the autumn 2020 / Växthusgasutsläpp från tre stora sjöar under hösten 2020

Bohlin, Veronica, Anderö Nordqvist, Anja January 2021 (has links)
Methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are two greenhouse gases and main drivers of global climate change. Lakes are known to be a source of CH4 and CO2 to the atmosphere. While the importance of these emissions is clear, their magnitudes and regulation are still uncertain due to the scarcity of flux measurement data from lakes. Most previous flux measurements have been carried out on lakes &lt;10 km2 and the extrapolations are not representative of large lakes directly. Recent research has led to a growing recognition of the great importance of lakes as a source of emissions. Still, the relationship between environmental variables, lake properties and seasonal changes and the variability between and within lakes raises several question marks. Larger scale studies of greenhouse gases are needed to determine the spatial and temporal dynamics that exist. In this study, a floating chamber method and manual sampling was used to investigate the spatiotemporal variability and influencing variables of CH4 flux and concentration, as well as dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and pCO2aq (partial pressure of CO2 in the water). The sampling was conducted during five weeks in September and October 2020 in three large Swedish lakes. Our results generally showed varying CH4 values between the three lakes, indicating that nutrients affect the amount and emission of CH4. A pattern was found where the CH4 was higher near the shore and at a shallower depth. There was a correlation between CH4 concentration and the environmental variables wind speed and air- and water temperatures. Our DIC values were high in two of the lakes and low in one, all lakes’ DIC differed significantly from each other. The pCO2 did not have any difference within the lakes, and there was no difference between the lakes except in one case. Both DIC and pCO2 correlated with air- and water temperature. This study displays the large spatiotemporal variability within and between large lakes and that representative values for large lakes require more measurements under different conditions to distinguish how greenhouse gases emit and flux between lakes and atmosphere. / Metan (CH4) och koldioxid (CO2) är två växthusgaser och stora drivkrafter för globala klimatförändringar. Sjöar är kända för att vara en källa för CH4 och CO2 till atmosfären. Trots att betydelsen av dessa utsläpp är tydlig är deras storlek och reglering fortfarande osäker på grund av brist på flödesmätdata från sjöar. De flesta tidigare flödesmätningarna har utförts på sjöar &lt;10 km2 och det har påvisats att extrapoleringar inte är direkt representativa för stora sjöar. Ny forskning har lett till ett mer allmänt erkännande av sjöars stora betydelse som källa till utsläpp. Trots detta väcker förhållandet mellan miljövariabler, sjöegenskaper, säsongsförändringar och variationen mellan och inom sjöar flera frågetecken. Storskaliga studier om växthusgaser behövs för att bestämma den rumsliga och tidsmässiga dynamiken som finns. I denna studie användes en kammarmetod och manuell provtagning för att undersöka spatiotemporal variabilitet och miljövariabler som kan påverka CH4 flöde och koncentration, samt upplöst oorganiskt kol (DIC) och pCO2aq (partial trycket av CO2 i vattnet). Provtagningen genomfördes under fem veckor i september och oktober 2020 i tre stora svenska sjöar. Våra resultat visade generellt varierande CH4 värden mellan de tre sjöarna, vilket indikerade att näringsämnen påverkar mängd och utsläpp av CH4. Ett mönster noterades där CH4 var högre nära stranden och på ett grundare djup. Det fanns ett samband mellan CH4 koncentration och miljövariablerna vindhastighet och luft- och vattentemperatur. DIC-värdena var höga i två av sjöarna och låga i en, alla sjöarnas DIC skiljde sig signifikant från varandra. pCO2 hade ingen skillnad inom sjöarna, och det fanns ingen skillnad mellan sjöarna utom i ett fall. Både DIC och pCO2 korrelerade med luft- och vattentemperatur. Studien visar den stora spatiotemporala variationen inom och mellan stora sjöar och att representativa värden för stora sjöar kräver fler mätningar under olika förhållanden för att urskilja hur växthusgaser emitterar och flödar mellan sjöar och atmosfär.

The feasibility of using macroalgae from anaerobic digestion as fertilizer in Grenada : A literature study of the potential use of residue as fertilizer in Grenada, and a complementary laboratory study to evaluate the biogas potential / Möjligheten att använda macroalger från anaerobisk rötning som gödningsmedel i Grenada : En litteraturstudie om potentialen att använda avfallet som gödningsmedel i Grenada, och en kompletterande laboratoriestudie för att uppskatta biogaspotentialen

Sterley, Anna, Thörnkvist, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
Coastal areas in Grenada and the Caribbean are experiencing an abundance of stranded macroalgae. Climate change and eutrophication are probable causes of this inconvenience. This leads to logistic and economic dilemmas for the Caribbean societies. Research of methods to benefit from the algal bloom is therefore valuable for a sustainable future in these countries. Studies of biogas and fertilizer production are initiated around the world, but a large scale production is absent. Therefore, this thesis scrutinize the requirements for producing biofertilizer from biogas by examine the content of macroalgae and the conditions in Grenada. To achieve this, a literature study and a miniature biogas experiment were conducted. Grenada would presumably benefit from substituting synthetic fertilizer with biofertilizer from macroalgae utilized in biogas production. The positive aspects includes the recirculation of nutrients, development of renewable energy and autonomous fertilizer production. Further research of the definite macroalgae content is essential to determine the exact extent and conditions of the fertilizer utilization. / Kustområden i Grenada och Karibien är drabbat av större mängder strandade makroalger. Klimatförändringar och övergödning är de huvudsakliga orsakerna till denna olägenhet. Detta leder till logistiska och ekonomiska problem för samhällen i Karibien. Det är därför av värde att forska på metoder för att försöka nyttja algblomningen, för en hållbar framtid i dessa länder. Studier på biogasproduktion och gödselmedelstillverkning av makroalger har utvecklats på senare tid, men en storskalig produktion är fortfarande frånvarande. Därför ska denna avhandling granska kriterierna för att använda biogödsel från biogasproduktion genom att undersöka makroalgernas innehåll, och Grenadas förutsättningar för att genomföra detta. För att uppnå detta så har en litteraturstudie och ett mindre biogasexperiment genomförts. Grenada skulle förmodligen dra fördel av att byta ut syntetiskt gödningsmedel med biogödningsmedel från biogasproduktion med makroalger. De positiva aspekterna av detta är recirkulationen av näringsämnen, etablering av förnyelsebara energikällor, samt självständig gödselproduktion. Vidare forskning på det exakta innehållet i makroalger är väsentligt för att kunna bestämma utsträckningen och förhållandena för gödselmedelsanvändningen.

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