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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Complexes organométalliques d'or(III) et de cuivre(III) et leur réactivité vis-à-vis des substrats π / Gold(III) and Copper(III) Organometallic Complexes and their Reactivity toward π-substrates

Blons, Charlie 18 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la synthèse de composés d'Au(III) et de Cu(III) ainsi que sur l'étude de leur stabilité et de leur réactivité vis-à-vis de substrats p. Une approche conjointe expérimentale et théorique a été exploitée afin d'accéder à des complexes capables d'induire des processus d'insertion migratoire. Le premier chapitre aborde de manière globale la chimie organométallique de l'or et du cuivre sur le plan bibliographique. L'importance du degré d'oxydation +III est mis en évidence par la description des principaux exemples ayant contribué à la compréhension des processus associés à l'accès et la réactivité des complexes d'Au(III) et de Cu(III). Le second chapitre traite de la synthèse de deux complexes p-arènes d'Au(III) par insertion migratoire d'oléfines dans la liaison Au-C(sp)2 d'un composé (P,C) cyclométallé. Les interactions entre les systèmes aromatiques et l'or ont été mises en évidence par RMN, DFT et DRX pour un des complexes. Sur la base de cette réactivité, un processus d'arylation directe de l'éthylène a été mis en évidence. Le chapitre trois a pour objet la mise au point d'une réaction d'hydroarylation intermoléculaire d'alcynes catalysée par des complexes de type [(P,C)Au(III)(OAcF)2]. Ces derniers se sont avérés très actifs et robustes en présence d'acide trifluoroacétique. La réaction a pu être généralisée à un large panel de substrats et une étude comparative, notamment avec des complexes (N,C) cyclométallés, a mis en évidence la supériorité des complexes (P,C) pour l'hydroarylation des alcynes. Le quatrième chapitre expose la stratégie envisagée pour le développer d'un processus d'oligomérisation de l'éthylène catalysé par le cuivre. Une approche prédictive basée sur les calculs DFT a permis de mettre en évidence des insertions migratoires plus aisées dans les liaisons Cu(III)-C que dans les Cu(I)-C. Deux stratégies d'accès aux complexes de Cu(III) par addition oxydante de liaisons C-I sur des précurseurs de Cu(I) ont été évaluées théoriquement. Les calculs les plus favorables ont orienté le choix des modèles de ligands envisagés dans les chapitres cinq et six. Le cinquième chapitre aborde l'étude expérimentale associée à la première stratégie d'accès au Cu(III) : l'addition oxydante intramoléculaire dirigée par des ligands naphthylphosphine et naphthylamine peri-iodées. [...] / The present work deals with the synthesis of Au(III) and Cu(III) compounds and the study of their stability and reactivity toward p substrates. An experimental and theoretical approach has been used in order to access complexes capable of undergoing migratory insertion processes. The first chapter delivers a bibliographic overview of the organometallic chemistry of gold and copper. The importance of the high oxidation state +III is highlighted by the description of important examples having contributed to the understanding of processes associated to the access and reactivity of Au(III) and Cu(III) complexes. The second chapter describes the synthesis of two p-arene Au(III) complexes by migratory insertion of olefins in the Au-C(sp)2 bond of a (P,C) cyclometallated complex. Interactions between the metallic center and the aromatic systems have been characterized by NMR, DFT and XRD for one of the complexes. Based on this insertion reactivity, a process of direct arylation of ethylene has been evidenced. The third chapter concerns the development of an intermolecular hydroarylation of alkynes process, catalyzed by [(P,C)Au(III)(OAcF)2] complexes. These have shown great activity and robustness in presence of trifluoroacetic acid. The reaction has been generalized to a broad substrate scope and a comparative study has been carried on, especially with (N,C) cyclometallated complexes, showing the superiority of (P,C) complexes for the hydroarylation of alkynes. The fourth chapter presents the envisioned strategy to develop a copper-catalyzed oligomerization of ethylene process. A predictive approach based on DFT calculations permitted to evidence easier migratory insertions in the Cu(III)-C bond than in the Cu(I)-C bond. Two strategies for the access to Cu(III) species have been theoretically evaluated. The most favourable calculations have oriented the choice of ligand models used in chapters five and six. The fifth chapter deals with the experimental study related to the first strategy of access to Cu(III) species: the directed intramolecular oxidative addition by peri-iodo napthylphosphine and naphthylamine ligands. [...]

Les potentialités entrepreneuriales des Marocains résidents à l'étranger de retour (MRE) : Une approche comparatiste avec les créateurs d'entreprise marocains locaux. / Entrepreneurial potentialities of the Moroccan residents abroad who have returned : A comparative approach with local Moroccan business creators.

Karbouai, Khalid 15 November 2017 (has links)
L’objectif de cette recherche consiste à identifier et comparer les potentialités de l'entrepreneur migrant de retour à celles de son homologue Local. Rappelons que bien qu'un nombre important de recherches a traité l'entrepreneuriat et les caractéristiques entrepreneuriales, aucune, à notre connaissance, n'a étudié les potentialités de l'entrepreneur migrant de retour. Le souci de combler le manque de recherches gestionnaires et de contribuer au débat scientifique sur cette thématique nous a conduit à nous appuyer sur deux principaux paradigmes des traits et des faits de l'entrepreneur pour asseoir le concept de potentialités entrepreneuriales. Le corpus théorique obtenu s'appuie sur le modèle d'Yvon GASSE. Il établit un lien entre les différentes approches des traits et faits (caractéristiques et comportements), intègre les facteurs extrinsèques (milieu) et conduit à faire émerger le modèle conceptuel de notre thèse. Ce corpus théorique est relayé par le questionnaire adapté de Gasse qui a été administré à un échantillon de 393 entrepreneurs Marocains MRE (40%) et Locaux (60%). Les MRE sont les Marocains Résidents à l’Etranger revenus au Maroc pour créer leur entreprise. Les Locaux sont ceux qui résident depuis toujours au Maroc et qui sont entrepreneurs. Ce sont donc deux types d'entrepreneurs d'origine Marocaine mais avec des parcours de vie différents (migrants et non-migrants). Les 393 questionnaires sont soumis aux techniques multidimensionnelles d’analyse de données approfondies. Les résultats obtenus permettent de répondre à notre question de recherche : le niveau des potentialités de l’entrepreneur migrant de retour est diffèrent de celui de l’entrepreneur Local. L'expérience migratoire a permis à l'entrepreneur MRE de développer un niveau de potentialités entrepreneuriales plus élevé que celui de son homologue Local. De tels résultats font émerger des leviers originaux pouvant alimenter les dispositifs d’accompagnement endogènes. Leur combinaison au test de Cronbach fournit une grille réduite et adaptée du modèle de Gasse augurant un accompagnement différencié des futurs entrepreneurs MRE et Locaux. / The objective of this research is to identify and compare the potentiality of the return migrant entrepreneur back to those of his Local counterpart. It should be recalled that while a significant number of research has addressed entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial characteristics, none, to our knowledge, has studied the potential of the returning migrant entrepreneur in relation to his Local counterpart. The concern to fill the lack of managerial research and to contribute to the scientific debate on this topic has led us to rely on two main paradigms of the traits and the facts of the entrepreneur to establish the concept of entrepreneurial potentials. The theoretical corpus obtained is based on the model of Yvon GASSE. It establishes a link between the different approaches of traits and facts (characteristics and behaviors), incorporates extrinsic factors (middle) and leads to the emergence of the conceptual model of our thesis. This theoretical corpus is relayed by the adapted questionnaire of Gasse which was administered to a sample of 393 Moroccan entrepreneurs MRE (40%) and Local (60%). The MRE are Moroccan residents abroad who have returned to Morocco to create their business. The premises are those who have always been resident in Morocco and who are entrepreneurs. They are therefore two types of entrepreneurs of Moroccan origin but with different life paths (migrant and non-migrant). The 393 questionnaires are subject to multi-dimensional data analysis techniques. The results obtained allow us to answer our research question: the level of the potential of the returning entrepreneur is different from that of the Local contractor. The migratory experience has enabled the MRE entrepreneur to develop a higher level of entrepreneurial potential than that of his Local counterpart. Such results are emerging from the original levers that can feed the endogenous accompaniment devices. Their combination with the Cronbach test provides a reduced and adapted grid of the Gasse model, auguring a differentiated accompaniment of future MRE and Local entrepreneurs.

Stora bostadsfastigheter på landsbygden med skogsskiften. Hur påverkar förändrad tillämpning av fastighetsbildningslagen bosättningen på landsbygden? : <em>En undersökning i Gävle, Ockelbo och Hofors kommun.</em>

Bergefur, Jill, Warberg, Karin January 2009 (has links)
<p>Historiskt sett har bostadsfastigheter begränsats till den areal som krävs för att fastigheten väsentligen ska få karaktär av en bostadstomt. En ökad efterfrågan på ett attraktivt landsbygdsboende resulterade i ändringar av fastighetsbildningslagen, vilket gjorde det möjligt att bilda stora bostadsfastigheter med kombinerat ändamål, helt i linje med den gällande glesbygdspolitiken. Fortfarande fanns det dock restriktioner mot att tillföra skogsmark till bostadsfastigheter för att skydda det produktiva skogsbruket. Lantmäteriet tog därför fram arbetsrekommendationer för att underlätta möjligheten att tillföra skogsskiften, bland annat för uttag av husbehovsved. Denna studie hade syftet att undersöka hur lagändringen med efterföljande arbetsrekommendationer påverkat bildandet av stora bostadsfastigheter på landsbygden.</p><p>Varför människor flyttar är en viktig fråga för både forskare inom området och politiker, eftersom regionalpolitik bör anpassas till var människor vill bo och varför de väljer att flytta dit. Tidigare studier har framförallt fokuserat på ekonomiska flyttmotiv, men boendemiljöns och naturens inverkan har belysts alltmer under de senare åren. Den betydelse fastighetens fysiska utformning har för flyttbeslutet är dock mindre utrett. Vi har därför undersökt om och hur dessa fastigheter påverkat bosättningen på landsbygden inom de utvalda kommunerna. Studien bestod dels av en postenkät till de fastighetsägare som innehar dessa stora bostadsfastigheter med ingående skogsskiften, dels semistrukturerade intervjuer med lantmätare som genomfört dessa förrättningar.</p><p>Sammantaget såg vi att stora bostadsfastigheter med skog och mark var en anledning till den kontraurbanisering som skett eftersom flera av de flyttskäl som angetts varit svåra att uppnå med en annan typ av fastighet. Även om lantmätarnas bedömning skiljde sig när det gällde detaljer så uppfylldes det huvudsakliga syftet att bilda lämpliga och attraktiva bostadsfastigheter utan att det produktiva skogsbruket skadats. Slutsatsen att de fastigheter som bildats upplevs som attraktiva drog vi genom att de som flyttat till dessa fastigheter utnyttjade de möjligheter som fanns med detta boende.</p> / <p>Historically, residential property is limited to the area needed for the property to substantially have the character of a residential plot. An increased demand for an attractive rural housing resulted in changes to property law, which made it possible to form large residential properties with combined purposes, all in line with the existing rural policy. Still, however, there were restrictions to bring forest land to residential plots for the protection of the productive forestry. The Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority (Lantmäteriet) have therefore created working recommendations to facilitate the opportunity to incorporate forest plots, including the collection of firewood for household use. This study had the aim to investigate how the amended legislation, with subsequent work recommendations influenced the formation of large residential properties in rural areas.</p><p>Why people move is an important issue for both researchers in the field and politicians, as the regional policy should be adapted to where people want to live and why they choose to move there. Previous studies have mainly focused on economic motives, but the living environment and nature’s impact has been increasingly highlighted in recent years. The importance of the property’s physical design for the decision to move, however, is less investigated. We have therefore examined whether and how those properties affected settlement in rural areas within the selected municipalities. The study consisted partly of a postal questionnaire to the property owners who hold these large residential properties with forest parcels included and semi-structured interviews with surveyors who carried out these missions.</p><p>Overall, we saw that large residential properties with forest and land was a reason for the counter-urbanization that has taken place because many of the migratory reasons given have been difficult to achieve with a different type of property. Although surveyors’ assessment differed in terms of details the main purpose to create appropriate and attractive residential properties without the productive forest damaged was fulfilled. We made the conclusion that the property formed, perceived as attractive by those who moved to these properties because they took advantage of the opportunities available with this accommodation.</p>

Stora bostadsfastigheter på landsbygden med skogsskiften. Hur påverkar förändrad tillämpning av fastighetsbildningslagen bosättningen på landsbygden? : En undersökning i Gävle, Ockelbo och Hofors kommun.

Bergefur, Jill, Warberg, Karin January 2009 (has links)
Historiskt sett har bostadsfastigheter begränsats till den areal som krävs för att fastigheten väsentligen ska få karaktär av en bostadstomt. En ökad efterfrågan på ett attraktivt landsbygdsboende resulterade i ändringar av fastighetsbildningslagen, vilket gjorde det möjligt att bilda stora bostadsfastigheter med kombinerat ändamål, helt i linje med den gällande glesbygdspolitiken. Fortfarande fanns det dock restriktioner mot att tillföra skogsmark till bostadsfastigheter för att skydda det produktiva skogsbruket. Lantmäteriet tog därför fram arbetsrekommendationer för att underlätta möjligheten att tillföra skogsskiften, bland annat för uttag av husbehovsved. Denna studie hade syftet att undersöka hur lagändringen med efterföljande arbetsrekommendationer påverkat bildandet av stora bostadsfastigheter på landsbygden. Varför människor flyttar är en viktig fråga för både forskare inom området och politiker, eftersom regionalpolitik bör anpassas till var människor vill bo och varför de väljer att flytta dit. Tidigare studier har framförallt fokuserat på ekonomiska flyttmotiv, men boendemiljöns och naturens inverkan har belysts alltmer under de senare åren. Den betydelse fastighetens fysiska utformning har för flyttbeslutet är dock mindre utrett. Vi har därför undersökt om och hur dessa fastigheter påverkat bosättningen på landsbygden inom de utvalda kommunerna. Studien bestod dels av en postenkät till de fastighetsägare som innehar dessa stora bostadsfastigheter med ingående skogsskiften, dels semistrukturerade intervjuer med lantmätare som genomfört dessa förrättningar. Sammantaget såg vi att stora bostadsfastigheter med skog och mark var en anledning till den kontraurbanisering som skett eftersom flera av de flyttskäl som angetts varit svåra att uppnå med en annan typ av fastighet. Även om lantmätarnas bedömning skiljde sig när det gällde detaljer så uppfylldes det huvudsakliga syftet att bilda lämpliga och attraktiva bostadsfastigheter utan att det produktiva skogsbruket skadats. Slutsatsen att de fastigheter som bildats upplevs som attraktiva drog vi genom att de som flyttat till dessa fastigheter utnyttjade de möjligheter som fanns med detta boende. / Historically, residential property is limited to the area needed for the property to substantially have the character of a residential plot. An increased demand for an attractive rural housing resulted in changes to property law, which made it possible to form large residential properties with combined purposes, all in line with the existing rural policy. Still, however, there were restrictions to bring forest land to residential plots for the protection of the productive forestry. The Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority (Lantmäteriet) have therefore created working recommendations to facilitate the opportunity to incorporate forest plots, including the collection of firewood for household use. This study had the aim to investigate how the amended legislation, with subsequent work recommendations influenced the formation of large residential properties in rural areas. Why people move is an important issue for both researchers in the field and politicians, as the regional policy should be adapted to where people want to live and why they choose to move there. Previous studies have mainly focused on economic motives, but the living environment and nature’s impact has been increasingly highlighted in recent years. The importance of the property’s physical design for the decision to move, however, is less investigated. We have therefore examined whether and how those properties affected settlement in rural areas within the selected municipalities. The study consisted partly of a postal questionnaire to the property owners who hold these large residential properties with forest parcels included and semi-structured interviews with surveyors who carried out these missions. Overall, we saw that large residential properties with forest and land was a reason for the counter-urbanization that has taken place because many of the migratory reasons given have been difficult to achieve with a different type of property. Although surveyors’ assessment differed in terms of details the main purpose to create appropriate and attractive residential properties without the productive forest damaged was fulfilled. We made the conclusion that the property formed, perceived as attractive by those who moved to these properties because they took advantage of the opportunities available with this accommodation.

Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the South Pacific breeding grounds : an allocation from feeding areas and an abundance estimate of whales specific to French Polynesia waters

Gibb, Giselle Renee 09 July 2009 (has links)
South Pacific humpback whales were devastated by commercial whaling in their Antarctic feeding areas during the 20th century. Understanding migratory connections and current abundance of these isolated breeding stocks is crucial for the allocation of historical Antarctic catches in population dynamic models used to assess current recovery. However, only a small number of migratory connections have been documented between Oceania breeding stocks within the South Pacific and feeding areas in the Antarctic. In addition, little is known about abundance of these stocks which encompass a vast oceanic region. For this thesis I first used mixed-stock analysis (MSA) to allocate migratory connections from four Antarctic feeding areas (n=142) to seven South Pacific breeding stocks (n=1,373), including four in Oceania, based on genetic marker frequencies. The use of this method was justified by the breeding stocks showing genetic differentiation at the haplotype level with an F[subscript ST] value of 0.027 (p-value <0.001). The results showed a relatively strong connection of Western Australia to Antarctic Area IV, Tonga to the border of Antarctic Area VI/I, Colombia to the Antarctic Peninsula, and a split allocation of Eastern Australia and New Caledonia to Antarctic Area V. This study provides the first population-level information supporting previous individual-based studies that humpback whale migration may not necessarily be direct north south. Next, utilizing capture-recapture methodology of unique humpback whale fluke photographs, I estimated abundance of one of the least studied Oceania breeding stocks, French Polynesia, a stock which also showed no significant migratory allocation using MSA. Taking into consideration the possible advantages of using Quality Control (QC) photographs to minimize bias in matching, estimates were generated using the complete photo catalogue and also using only photographs adhering to QC criteria. I found that the choice of using QC has an effect on the abundance generated and discuss the implications of this finding. Despite the photo catalogue used, the French Polynesia stock is estimated to number less than 1,900 individuals. Lastly, to provide additional information on the French Polynesia stock I used photo-identification to compare French Polynesia whales to whales in the Antarctic Peninsula and Strait of Magellan (Antarctic Area I), a possible migratory connection suggested by previous microsatellite genotyping. No conclusive matches were found. Although this does not discount the possibility of a few migrants traveling between these regions it does indicate the Antarctic Peninsula and the Strait of Magellan are not primary feeding areas of French Polynesia. This new information regarding abundance and migration of French Polynesia whales is important for the Comprehensive Assessment of Southern Hemisphere humpback whales. This document is currently being completed as the International Whaling Commission considers the next critical steps in recovery for Oceania humpback whales stocks. / Graduation date: 2010

Making the modern migrant : work, community, and struggle in the federal Migratory Labor Camp Program, 1935-1947

Martínez-Matsuda, Verónica 24 January 2011 (has links)
During the New Deal, the Farm Security Administration (FSA) developed what is arguably one of the most provocative and far-reaching programs for farm workers undertaken by the U.S. federal government to date. Through the Migratory Labor Camp Program the FSA promised to efficiently funnel workers to fulfill the agricultural industry’s labor demands while providing migrants modern, up-to-date housing and services to alleviate the well-documented substandard conditions many faced. Most scholars have analyzed the camps primarily as sites of labor, capital, and state regulation. Rather than view the camp program as simply a government effort to more efficiently coordinate the nation’s farm labor market, this study argues that the services, programs, and activities FSA officials administered in the camps sought to regulate and transform significant and often intimate social and cultural aspects of migrants’ daily lives. By examining the role of the camps’ architecture, medical clinics, nurseries and elementary schools, as well as the “self-governing” camp committees and councils, this dissertation engages in a gendered analysis of labor to reveal how the federal camps were unique dual-purpose domestic and labor spaces. Analyzing the camps as simultaneous productive and reproductive sites allows us to see them as part of a contested terrain in which complex issues of identity, community, citizenship, and labor were negotiated on a daily basis, affecting U.S. farm labor and race relations well beyond the perimeters of the federal camps. / text

Predictive modeling of migratory waterfowl

Kreakie, Betty Jane 20 October 2011 (has links)
Several factors have contributed to impeding the progress of migratory waterfowl spatial modeling, such as (1) waterfowl’s reliance on wetlands, (2) lack of understanding about shifts in distributions through time, and (3) large-scale seasonal migration. This doctoral dissertation provides an array of tools to address each of these concerns in order to better understand and conserve this group of species. The second chapter of this dissertation addresses issues of modeling species dependent on wetlands, a dynamic and often ephemeral habitat type. Correlation models of the relationships between climatic variables and species occurrence will not capture the full habitat constraints of waterfowl. This study introduces a novel data source that explicitly models the depth to water table, which is a simulated long-term measure of the point where climate and geological/topographic water fluxes balance. The inclusion of the depth to water table data contributes significantly to the ability to predict species probability of occurrence. Furthermore, this data source provides advantages over traditional proxies for wetland habitat, because it is not a static measure of wetland location, and is not biased by sampling method. Utilizing the long-term banding bird data again, the third chapter examines the behavior of waterfowl niche selection through time. By using the methods developed in chapter two, probability of occurrence models for the 1950s and the 1990s were developed. It was then possible to detect movements in geographic and environmental space, and how movements in these two spaces are related. This type of analysis provides insight into how different bird species might respond to environment changes and potentially improve climate change forecasts. The final chapter presents a new method for predicting the migratory movement of waterfowl. The method incorporates not only the environmental constraints of stopover habitat, but also includes likely distance and bearing traveled from a source point. This approach uses the USGS’ banding bird database; more specifically, it relies on banding locations, which have multiple recoveries within short time periods. Models made from these banding locations create a framework of migration movement, and allow for predictions to be made from locations where no banding/recovery data are available. / text

Lorsque l'imaginaire migratoire rencontre les réalités de la migration : parcours de migrants volontaires et qualifiés de l'Afrique de l'Ouest au Québec

Michaud, Valérie 08 1900 (has links)
Différentes réalités et contextes actuels mondiaux font en sorte que de plus en plus de gens envisagent la migration comme projet de vie. La présente recherche s’intéresse à l’imaginaire migratoire comme facteur de mobilité, mais également comme facteur de modulation des réactions et du regard qu’entretiendra le migrant en rapport avec son vécu migratoire. Ainsi, la réflexion s’amorce en Afrique de l’Ouest, tandis que de jeunes Africains instruits et qualifiés élaborent un projet de migration volontaire vers le Canada, plus précisément dans la région du Québec. C’est investi de leur désir de l’Ailleurs, des représentations de l’Occident, de leur besoin de se réaliser et de l’impossibilité qu’ils rencontrent à accéder à la vie professionnelle souhaitée en Afrique qu’ils migrent vers le Canada. Quoiqu’ils soient dotés d’une détermination et d’un optimisme considérable, la rencontre entre l’imaginé et le quotidien de la vie au Québec comme immigrant et comme émigrant n’est pas toujours facile. Elle viendra révéler la profondeur du rêve, des mythes et des ambitions; les failles intérieures individuelles, les valeurs et les ambivalences de chacun, mais surtout la capacité qu’aura l’individu à revoir son imaginaire, à effectuer la réappropriation de son expérience migratoire et à élaborer de nouveaux projets. L’écart vécu par le sujet entre l’imaginé et le rencontré nous questionnera sur ce que véhiculent les messages et les images en circulation sur le Canada et l’Occident. Aussi, il témoignera de la prédominance de la préparation factuelle et psychologique de l’individu pour anticiper et mieux accueillir les réalités du parcours migratoire. / Different realities and contexts in today’s world are causing more and more people to consider migration as a life plan. This study is interested in their imagined migration as a mobility factor, but also as a modulation factor in the reactions and views of migrants in relation to their migration experience. Thus, this study begins in West Africa, where young educated and qualified Africans eagerly plan their migration to Canada, and Quebec in particular. Their migration to Canada is fuelled by a longing to go abroad, representations of the West, their quest for self-fulfillment and the impossibility of achieving their desired career plans in Africa. Although they are filled with a great deal of determination and optimism, the clash between what they imagined and the reality of daily life in Quebec as immigrants and emigrants is not always easy. This study will not only reveal the depth of their dreams, myths and ambitions, but their individual flaws, values and uncertainties, and above all, their ability to re-examine their imagined migration, reclaim the migration experience and make new plans. The difference between the imagined experience and the actual experience will lead us to question what conveys the messages and images that circulate about Canada and the West. Moreover, it will demonstrate the predominance of the factual and psychological preparation undertaken by individuals to anticipate and more readily accept the realities of the migration experience.

Au coeur des institutions d'immigration : dispositifs, gestion et contrôle migratoire au Canada

Haince, Marie-Claude 07 1900 (has links)
Cette étude propose une analyse critique du système d’immigration canadien à partir d’un examen détaillé du processus de sélection des immigrants de la catégorie « travailleurs qualifiés ». Il s’agit d’interroger le rapport des sociétés canadienne et québécoise à l’immigration en se focalisant sur la manière dont l’État opère à travers la gestion de l’exclusion/inclusion des immigrants et de saisir ce qui est en jeu lors du processus d’immigration en cernant les effets qui s’actualisent sur ceux qui sont impliqués dans ce processus. Spécifiquement, il s’agit de voir comment diverses représentations de l’immigrant se sont cristallisées dans le temps, influant sur les représentations actuelles. Il ne s’agit pas tant d’en interroger les conditions d’émergence que de voir quels effets elles produisent. Il importe également d’identifier les différentes stratégies et pratiques à l’œuvre dans le processus d’immigration. Partant d’un cas singulier, il est possible de dégager des dynamiques plus larges tout en rendant manifestes les liens entre des tendances globales en matière d’immigration (marchandisation et sécurisation) et leurs articulations à une politique nationale. Cette recherche s’articule autour de trois approches – une anthropologie des institutions, une anthropologie de l’État, de la bureaucratie et des bureaucrates et une anthropologie des politiques. L’intrication de celles-ci place la focale sur plusieurs éléments constitutifs du dispositif entourant l’immigration, notamment les institutions canadienne et québécoise d’immigration, les textes législatifs et réglementaires, les politiques, les discours, les diverses mesures et procédures mises en œuvre, les pratiques des employés de ces institutions, etc. À travers une problématisation du rapport à l’immigration, il s’agit de retracer les mutations et les déplacements de ce rapport et de les réinscrire dans une historicité pour voir comment l’immigration et les immigrants ont été constitués comme sujet. Concrètement, l’horizon historique sur lequel prend corps la gestion actuelle de l’immigration est interrogé. La compréhension de la mise en œuvre du contrôle migratoire au Canada repose également sur un examen des politiques d’immigration actuelles. Il s’agit de faire ressortir les catégories implicites participant à la constitution du « sujet-immigrant » en partant des catégorisations bureaucratiques et administratives pour interroger la construction de catégories polarisées – « commodité » et « menace » – entrant en jeu dans la fabrication de l’immigrant « parfait ». Les données ethnographiques, elles, permettent de comprendre les stratégies et les pratiques quotidiennes s’actualisant au sein des institutions d’immigration, de dégager les effets qu’elles produisent sur les immigrants – processus de désubjectivation/resubjectivation, négation de l’histoire de vie, relégation à une simple catégorie préétablie – et d’examiner les micropolitiques à l’œuvre. Enfin, les arguments développés sont ensuite réinscrits dans des logiques plus larges de la gestion des migrations contemporaines. Marchandisation et sécurisation de l’immigration sont effectivement au cœur du dispositif entourant l’immigration, elles sont les principes d’actualisation de la gestion migratoire et permettent de réguler indirectement les flux migratoires, favorisant les circulations pouvant être bénéfiques pour le Canada et restreignant celles qui pourraient être « menaçantes ». En somme, cette recherche permet de saisir en quoi consiste la gestion de l’immigration au Canada. / This study offers a critical analysis of the Canadian immigration system through a detailed examination of the process of an immigrant’s selection from within the category of “skilled workers.” It questions the relationship between the Canadian and Quebecois society and immigration by focusing on the way the state operates through the management of the exclusion/inclusion of immigrants, while trying to understand what is at stake during the immigration process by underlining the effects which that unfold upon those involved in this process. Specifically, the study seeks to see how various representations of the immigrant have crystallized over the time, in turn influencing current representations. It is not a matter of questioning the conditions of their emergence, but rather to see the effects they produce. It is also important to identify the range of strategies and practices at work in the immigration process. Starting with a particular case, it is possible to highlight wider dynamics and make apparent the links between global trends in immigration (commodification and securitization) and their articulations with a specific national policy. This research is articulated around three approaches: an anthropology of institutions, an anthropology of the state, bureaucracy and bureaucrats and an anthropology of policy. The intricacies between these approaches places the focus on several constitutive elements of the apparatus surrounding immigration, in particular Canadian and Quebecois immigration institutions, legislative and statutory texts, policies, speeches, diverse measures and procedures implemented, the practices of employees within these institutions, etc. Through a “problematisation” of the relationship to immigration, the aim is to retrace the transformations and movements of this relationship and to recast it in its historicity so as to see how immigration and immigrants are constituted as subjects. More succinctly, it is a questioning of the historic horizon within which the current management of immigration takes shape. This understanding of the implementation of migratory control in Canada is also based on an examination of current immigration policies. It seeks to highlight the implicit categories associated with the constitution of the “subject-immigrant,” starting from bureaucratic and administrative categorizations, in order to question the construction of polarized categories – “commodity” and “threat” – accompanying the “manufacturing” of the “perfect” immigrant. The ethnographic data provided allows an understanding of the strategies and daily practices that are materialized within immigration institutions in order to highlight the effects they produce on immigrants – processes of desubjectivation/resubjectivation, negation of personal life history, reduction to a simple preestablished category – and to examine the micropolitics at work. Finally, the arguments are recast into a wider logics of contemporary migration management. The commodification and securitization of immigration are effectively at the heart of the apparatus surrounding immigration, the “actualisation principles” of the migratory management that allow the indirect regulation of migratory flows that facilitate circulation deemed “beneficial” for Canada, while, at the same time, restricting those who could be “threatening”. In short, this research allows us to understand what consists of the management of immigration in Canada. / Thèse de doctorat réalisée dans le cadre d'une cotutelle entre l'Université de Montréal et l'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris

Au coeur des institutions d'immigration : dispositifs, gestion et contrôle migratoire au Canada

Haince, Marie-Claude 07 1900 (has links)
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