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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aller étudier en France : enquête sociologique sur une jeunesse de Russie / Go study in France : sociological research about Russian youth

Gilyuk, Oxana 03 July 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une analyse de cent entretiens biographiques menés auprès de jeunes ressortissants de l’ancienne URSS, nés principalement dans les années 1980-1990 et – pour deux tiers d’entre eux – devenus étudiants d’établissements d’études supérieures en France. La migration étudiante depuis la Russie vers la France est ainsi son objet principal d’investigation, précisé en comparant les cas de Russes mobiles internationalement et de ceux qui n’avaient pas connu – au moment de l’enquête – d’expérience d’études à l’étranger. La comparaison mobilité/non-mobilité fait ressortir les conditions qui amènent à souhaiter un voyage d’études dans un autre pays, ainsi que les actions qui s’effectuent pour sa mise en œuvre. La notion de carrière migratoire, constituée de trois phases – conception, préparation du départ, séjour –, est dans un premier temps mobilisée afin de montrer d’une part que ce n’est pas avec l’arrivée dans un pays étranger que la migration commence, mais avec la préparation du départ – cette dernière, si elle aboutit, étant la phase clé de la carrière –, et d’autre part que la migration doit être comprise comme une action, que les descriptions de contextes permettant de migrer ne suffisent pas à expliquer et qui demande ainsi à être analysée le plus finement possible. Dans un second temps, le terme de socialisation est proposé pour rendre compte de l’espace social de possibilité de concevoir et réaliser un départ étudiant à l’étranger. La distribution inégale des compétences en langues étrangères en Russie contemporaine est mise en évidence, ainsi que le processus – nommé « socialisation à l’étranger » – de formation des représentations quant aux pays occidentaux, faisant souhaiter un départ. Enfin, quelques dispositions sont repérées – comme la disposition volontaire ou la disposition au dilettantisme – qui autorisent à concevoir et à réaliser le départ étudiant ; les processus de constitution desdites dispositions sont reconstruits, permettant de constater à la fois une relative hétérogénéité et une sélectivité du recrutement d’étudiants internationalement mobiles. Cette thèse constitue un apport à la sociologie des migrations, ainsi qu’aux études sur la Russie. Avec son terrain national, peu étudié et associé à un ensemble de stéréotypes – répandus y compris dans le monde scientifique –, elle ambitionne aussi de contribuer à la sociologie de la socialisation, soucieuse de saisir des mécanismes généraux de la formation et de la transformation des individus dans la société. / This thesis presents an analysis of a hundred biographical interviews with young people from the former USSR, born mainly in the 1980-1990s, two thirds of them having become students at the higher educational establishments in France. Thus, student migration from Russia to France is the main object of research, specified by comparing the cases of internationally mobile Russians and those who – at the moment of the investigation – did not have any experience of studying abroad. The comparison between mobility and non-mobility has revealed the conditions which make one want to study abroad, as well as actions undertaken to implement it. The notion of migratory career, which comprises three stages, namely design, preparation of departure, and stay, is on the one hand used to show that, first, it is not with the arrival in a foreign country that migration starts, but with the preparation for departure – this stage, if successful, being the crucial stage in the career – and second, that migration must be understood as an action that routine exposure of contexts allowing to migrate is not sufficient to explain and thus requires to be described as precisely as possible. On the other hand, the term socialization is suggested to explain the social space that enables one to conceive and implement student departure abroad. The unequal access to foreign language skills in contemporary Russia is highlighted, as well as the process – named “foreign socialization” – of the formation of representations about western countries, which makes one wish to depart. Finally, a number of dispositions, such as voluntary or amateur dispositions, are outlined that allow to conceive and implement the departure, and the processes of their appearance are retraced, allowing at the same time to reveal a relative heterogeneity and selectivity of recruitment of internationally mobile students. This thesis provides a contribution to the sociology of migration, as well as to Russian studies. Having a national field that remains little studied and associated with a number of stereotypes, widespread in the scientific world as well, it has an ambition to contribute to the sociology of socialization, which cares to capture general mechanisms of the formation and transformation of individuals in the society. / Настоящая диссертация предлагает анализ ста биографических интервью с выходцами из бывшего СССР, родившимися преимущественно в 1980-1990 годах и – в случае двух третьих опрошенных – ставших студентами высших учебных заведений во Франции. Студенческая миграция из России во Францию представляет, таким образом, главный объект исследования данной работы, уточненный с помощью сравнения случаев русских студентов, обучающихся или обучившихся за рубежом, и тех, среди их сверстников и соотечественников, кто не имел – в момент интервью – подобного опыта. Сопоставление мобильность/не мобильность позволило выявить условия, которые способствуют формированию желания учиться в другой стране, а также действия, которые предпринимаются для осуществления этого желания. Понятие «карьеры» (Беккер, Гоффман, Дармон), состоящей из трех фаз – концепция, приготовление отъезда, пребывание в другой стране –, использовано в первой части диссертации с целью показать, что, с одной стороны, миграция начинается не с прибытия за границу, а с приготовления отъезда – данная фаза является, в случае ее успешного завершения, ключевой фазой миграционной карьеры – и что, с другой стороны, миграция должна быть понята как действие, требующее отдельного детального анализа, и для изучения которого описания национального или интернационального контекста не являются достаточными. Во второй части термин «социализация» (Бурдье, Дармон, Лаир) предложен для того, чтобы выявить социальное пространство, позволяющее задумать и осуществить студенческую миграцию. Неравный доступ к изучению иностранных языков в современной России упомянут с этой целью, а также процесс возникновения представлений о загранице, которые содействуют зарождению желания мигрировать. Описаны, наконец, роль и формирование других социальных качеств, часто натурализированных или психологизированных опрошенными («воля» и т.д.) и благоприятствующих реализации студенческой миграции. Оставаясь селективным, социальное пространство последней является, таким образом, относительно разнородным.Данная диссертация представляет собой вклад в социологию миграции и в изучение России. Эмпирический материал о студентах и молодых специалистах из России, страны недостаточно изученной и ассоциирующейся с рядом стереотипов, в том числе и в научном мире, позволяет также обогатить размышления о механизмах формирования и трансформации человека, члена общества.

Migratory experiences and perceptions towards pregnancy applications : Comparing insights from natives and immigrants living in Sweden

Thaduri, Sharanya January 2021 (has links)
Increasing number of pregnancy applications (apps) are complementing healthcare systems to educate expectants and improve their maternal well-being. Using similar kind of applications for people from multicultural background might have varied impact on their pregnancy experiences. Especially for immigrants, cultural beliefs first set in their home country, might conflict with practices followed in country of residence and information provided in digital resources. This study aimed to compare the perceptions on pregnancy app usage by first-time expectants living in Sweden from native and migrant perspectives. Data was collected using semi-structured interviews through an online platform, Zoom, and explored the users’ opinions on app’ usage. Twelve first-time expectants were recruited through snowball sampling technique using social media group. Data was then analyzed using thematic qualitative analysis. The findings indicate the importance of understanding healthcare practices and social support in country of residence. Participants expressed that they developed a connection with unborn through pregnancy apps. However, app usage raised conflicts between user expectations from knowledge gained by apps and information provided by healthcare system, also exposed potential problems faced by immigrants due to different approaches followed by Swedish healthcare system. Participants using English apps expressed that they are receiving updates according to American healthcare system, while participants using Swedish apps asserted that they are getting relevant information adapted to Swedish society. The study advocates that the apps are not well-suited for migratory background users and provided possible solutions to improve existing pregnancy apps for maximum number of users to benefit.

Analysis of "Observer Effect" in Logbook Reporting Accuracy for U.S. Pelagic Longline Fishing Vessels in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico

Morrell, Thomas J 02 May 2019 (has links)
Commercial pelagic longline fishers within the U.S. Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean are required to report all fishing interactions per each gear deployment to NOAA’s Vessel Logbook Program of the Southeast Fisheries Science Center to quantify bycatch, increase conservation efforts, and avoid jeopardizing the existence of vulnerable species listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). To provide additional accuracy, the Pelagic Observer Program (POP) of the SEFSC deploys professionally trained observers on longline vessels to produce a statistically reliable subset of longline fisheries data. A comparison of self-reported (“unobserved”) datasets versus observer-collected (“observed”) datasets showed a general consistency for most target species but non-reporting or under-reporting for a number of bycatch species and “lesser-valued” target species. These discrepancies between catch compositions and abundancies regarding targeted species, species of bycatch concern, and species of minimum economic value can provide insight into increased fisheries regulations, stricter requirements, or additional observer coverage.

Extraterritorialidad, poesía migratoria, Jorge Boccanera, Fabio Morábito y Eduardo Chirinos / Extraterritorialité, poésie migratoire, Jorge Boccanera, Fabio Morábito et Eduardo Chirinos / Extraterritoriality, migratory poetry, Jorge Boccanera, Fabio Morábito and Eduardo Chirinos

Pineda Domínguez, Octavio 18 November 2016 (has links)
Les œuvres des “poètes migratoires” génèrent un certain nombre de questions. La poésie, est-elle le genre littéraire adapté pour exhiber l’éloignement ? Et dans ce cas, est-il possible de déceler les marques expressives qui caractérisent la poésie des expatriés ? Notre recherche s’intéresse à la relation entre l’écriture poétique et l’étrangéité, à partir de l’analyse des œuvres de trois poètes latino-américains expatriés. Jorge Bocanera (1952), Argentin exilé au Mexique et installé des années plus tard au Costa Rica ; Fabio Morabito (1955) Italo-mexicain qui écrit en espagnol, langue qu’il adopte après son arrivée au Mexique ; et le Péruvien Eduardo Chirinos (1960-2016), “exilé” circonstanciel aux USA pour des raisons professionnelles. La poésie de ces migrants approfondit la visión d’un éparpillement existentiel, qui se ressent dans une identification désorientée, au-delà même de l’identité nationale. Leur “poésie migratoire” est habitée par cette “expatriation”, faisant du mot un foyer en mouvement, un rejet voire une intégration. Grace à des marques spatio-temporelles, à des références thématiques au bestiaire et à l’enfance, en plus des reflets de la rhétorique, le texte poétique est capable d’évoquer le voyage et de devenir voyage lui-même. / Building on the poetic works of the migrant poet questions arise. Is poetry the appropriate genre to exhibit displacement? In which case, is it possible to identify the expressive traits to define the poetry of displaced poets? Our research is focusing on the relation between the poetic writing and foreignness, through the analysis of the works of three Latin American displaced poets: Jorge Boccanera (1952), Argentine exiled in Mexico and abroad, and years later in Costa Rica; Fabio Morábito (1955), Italo-Mexican who writes in Spanish, a language which was adopted after settling in Mexico; and the Peruvian Eduardo Chirinos (1960-2016), circumstantial exiled in the United States, where he moved due to academic and professional reasons. The poetry of these migrants deepens into an existential dispersion, which has impacts on a disorientated identification, beyond national identity. Their «migratory poetry» transits through foreignness, turning the word into a moving home, into rejection, or even into integration. By means of temporary space traits, thematic references to the bestiary and to childhood, and reflections of the rhetoric, the poetic text is able to evoke the travel and also able to be a travel itself. / A partir de la obra del poeta migrante surgen distintas preguntas. ¿Es la poesía el género adecuado para exhibir el distanciamiento? En cuyo caso, ¿se pueden detectar marcas expresivas que definan la poesía de los desplazados? Nuestra investigación se interesa por la relación entre la escritura poética y la extranjería, a través del análisis de la obra de tres poetas latinoamericanos desplazados: Jorge Boccanera (1952), argentino exiliado en México y extranjero, años después, en Costa Rica; Fabio Morábito (1955), italomexicano que escribe en español, una lengua adoptada tras su arribo a México; y el peruano Eduardo Chirinos (1960-2016), exiliado circunstancial en EEUU, donde se traslada por motivos académicos y laborales. La poesía de estos migrantes profundiza en una dispersión existencial, que repercute en una identificación desubicada, más allá de la identidad nacional. Su «poesía migratoria» transita la extranjería, convirtiendo la palabra en hogar en movimiento, en rechazo, o incluso en integración. Por medio de marcas espaciotemporales, referencias temáticas al bestiario y a la infancia, y reflejos de la retórica, el texto poético es capaz de evocar el viaje y ser viaje.

Konzeption migrierbarer Benutzungsschnittstellen in der industriellen Automatisierungstechnik

Baron, Lukas, Braune, Annerose 20 February 2019 (has links)
Die zunehmende Gewöhnung von Benutzern an neue Interaktionskonzepte und Endgeräte ermöglicht deren Einführung in industriellen Umgebungen. Daraus folgen Anwendungsszena-rien, in denen es, selbst während der Bearbeitung einer einzelnen Arbeitsaufgabe, zu häufigen Änderungen in der Zusammensetzung der verwendeten Geräte kommt. Dies motiviert die Entwicklung migrierbarer Benutzungsschnittstellen (MUI). In diesem Beitrag stellen wir zu-nächst die anerkannte Theorie der MUIs vor, inklusive verschiedener Klassifikationsmerkma-le und spiegeln diese an den Anforderungen der Automatisierungstechnik. Anhand dessen diskutieren wir anschließend zwei Anwendungsszenarien. Die Analyse verwandter Arbeiten zeigt auf, dass existierende Ansätze nur eingeschränkt in diesen Szenarien eingesetzt werden können. Am Ende stellen wir eine Fallstudie vor, die die Anwendbarkeit von MUIs in industriel-len Prozessvisualisierungen demonstriert.:1. Einleitung 2. Migratorische Benutzungsschnittstellen 2.1 Einführung 2.2 Klassifikationsmerkmale 3. Anforderungen industrieller Visualisierungen an ein migratorisches UI 3.1 Anforderungen an Software und Engineering 3.2 Struktur und Funktionalität 3.3 Diskussion 4. Beispielhafte Anwendungsszenarien 5. Fallstudie 5.1 Existierende Prototypen 5.2 Konzeption einer Migrationslösung 6. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick / Due to familiarization of users with modern interaction concepts and devices, they become interesting for industrial environments as well. These devices enable use cases where users change the set of applied devices, even during handling one single task. This fosters the de-sign of migratory user interfaces (MUI) which can be transferred freely between devices, in order to follow according to a user’s device changes. Hence, in this paper the generally ac-cepted theory, including a set of identified classifiers for MUIs, is being analyzed with respect to the demands of the domain of industrial process visualizations. Moreover, we discuss two use cases. Our review of the related work revealed only a limited applicability in those use cases. In order to demonstrate an MUI’s usefulness in industrial process visualizations, we finally present our own case study.:1. Einleitung 2. Migratorische Benutzungsschnittstellen 2.1 Einführung 2.2 Klassifikationsmerkmale 3. Anforderungen industrieller Visualisierungen an ein migratorisches UI 3.1 Anforderungen an Software und Engineering 3.2 Struktur und Funktionalität 3.3 Diskussion 4. Beispielhafte Anwendungsszenarien 5. Fallstudie 5.1 Existierende Prototypen 5.2 Konzeption einer Migrationslösung 6. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick


MAYARA SOARES DA SILVA 23 December 2020 (has links)
[pt] Devido à grave crise política e econômica enfrentada pela Venezuela, há uma entrada massiva de venezuelanos no Brasil. Em resposta a esse grande fluxo migratório que o país enfrenta, o governo brasileiro mobilizou a Operação Acolhida, visando ordenar a fronteira, controlar o fluxo migratório e interiorizar os migrantes e refugiados venezuelanos. Dentro desse contexto, essa dissertação tem como objetivo analisar a atuação da Força Aérea Brasileira (FAB) nessa Operação, com vista a aprimorar o processo logístico e o desempenho da FAB em operações futuras de mesma natureza. Ademais, pretende-se reduzir a lacuna de pesquisa sobre o impacto desse fluxo migratório no Brasil e sobre o trabalho das Forças Armadas em missões humanitárias. Para tanto, é realizada uma análise operacional através da comparação dos processos mapeados pela FAB com um modelo de referência de processos de resposta a desastres da literatura acadêmica. Em seguida, é realizada uma análise estratégica de forças, fraquezas, oportunidades e ameaças da FAB nessa resposta. Como resultado, no que tange a análise operacional, essa dissertação mostra que em desastres diferentes a resposta da FAB pode apresentar processos distintos, visto que não há uma doutrina específica relativa à resposta a desastres. Além disso, é sugerida a inclusão de novos processos ao modelo já existente na literatura. Já na análise estratégica, é ratificada a importância de algumas características dos militares encontradas na literatura. E por fim, são propostas estratégias objetivando melhorar o desempenho futuro da FAB em outras missões humanitárias. / [en] Due to the political and economic crisis faced by Venezuela, there is a massive entry of Venezuelans in Brazil. In response to this significant migratory flow faced by the country, the Brazilian government mobilized the Welcome Operation, aiming at organizing the border, controlling the migratory movement and interiorizing the Venezuelan migrants and refugees. In this context, this dissertation seeks to analyze the performance of the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) in this Operation, to improve the logistical process and the FAB s performance in future operations of the same nature. Furthermore, the research intends to reduce the research gap on the impact of this migratory flow in Brazil and on the work of the Armed Forces in humanitarian missions. To this end, an operational analysis is carried out by comparing the processes mapped by the FAB with a reference model of disaster response processes in the academic literature. Then, a strategic analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the FAB in this response is carried out. As a result, concerning the operational analysis, this dissertation shows that in different disasters, the FAB s response can present different processes, since there is no specific doctrine related to disaster response. Also, the inclusion of new processes to the model already existing in the literature is suggested. In the strategic analysis, the importance of some characteristics of the military found in the literature is ratified. Finally, strategies are proposed to improve FAB s future performance in other humanitarian missions.

The effect of migratory activity of waterfowl on the evolution and ecology of influenza A viruses.

Fries, Anthony Charles January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Population connectivity: combining methods for estimating avian dispersal and migratory linkages

Ibarguen, Siri B. 30 March 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Reproductive Timing of Passerines in Urbanizing Landscapes

Shustack, Daniel P. 10 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Ecology and conservation of Neotropical-Nearctic migratory birds and mixed-species flocks in the Andes

Colorado, Gabriel J. 07 January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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