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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modélisation et analyse pluriannuelles du fonctionnement hydrologique et énergétique de deux écosystèmes dominants au Sahel agropastoral (Sud-Ouest Niger)

Velluet, Cécile 06 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Le Sahel est particulièrement exposé à la variabilité de la mousson Ouest-Africaine dont les répercussions socio-économiques peuvent prendre un caractère dramatique. Cette région est en outre confrontée à l'une des plus fortes croissances démographiques jamais observées, se traduisant par une pression toujours plus forte sur de faibles ressources naturelles et un environnement fragile. Dans ce contexte, un enjeu important se situe dans notre capacité à proposer des outils aidant au suivi des ressources hydriques et végétales, et permettant d'anticiper les impacts climatiques et anthropiques à moyen terme sur ces ressources. Pour cela, il est indispensable d'étudier et mieux comprendre les processus d'échanges d'énergie et de matière à l'interface terre-atmosphère, qui contribuent à la régulation de la mousson d'une part et gouvernent le cycle hydrologique local et le développement végétal d'autre part. Les travaux réalisés s'inscrivent dans cette problématique, portant précisément sur l'analyse des cycles de l'eau et de l'énergie en région sahélienne sous les effets combinés du climat et de l'activité humaine. La démarche s'appuie sur une méthodologie alliant observations in situ et modélisation à base physique. L'étude a été réalisée dans la région centrale du Sahel, dont le système agricole traditionnel associe pastoralisme et cultures pluviales en alternance avec la jachère. Elle s'est appuyée sur le réseau d'observations éco-hydrologiques et énergétiques acquises en continu durant 7 années (2005-2012) par l'Observatoire AMMA CATCH au Sud-Ouest Niger. La qualité et la cohérence de ces observations ont permis de dresser des grands traits du fonctionnement éco-hydrologique des deux couverts végétaux les plus répandus dans la région : cultures de mil et jachères arbustives. Les observations ne permettent cependant pas à elles seules d'établir des bilans complets aux différentes échelles temporelles d'intérêt (infra-journalière à interannuelle). Une modélisation couplée détaillée des cycles de l'énergie et de l'eau a par conséquent été élaborée pour ces deux couverts, à l'aide du modèle de transferts sol-plante-atmosphère SiSPAT. Etalonné sur une période de 2 ans, le modèle a ensuite été validé sur les 5 autres années d'observation, en contraignant les paramètres du modèle à des valeurs physiquement réalistes. En bon accord avec les observations, cette modélisation pluriannuelle s'est révélée être un outil d'analyse précieux, intégrant toute la pertinence, la richesse et la cohérence du jeu de données. La représentativité de la période étudiée a permis d'en exploiter les résultats pour (1) analyser l'impact de la variabilité climatique sur les bilans d'eau et d'énergie aux différentes échelles temporelles et (2) fournir une première climatologie des flux et stocks d'eau et d'énergie à l'interface sol-végétation-atmosphère, à ces mêmes échelles. Les similitudes et différences de fonctionnement éco-hydrologique et énergétique entre écosystèmes ont été mises en évidence. Par exemple, l'évapotranspiration représente plus de 80% des précipitations annuelles et près de la moitié du rayonnement global au cœur de la mousson pour les deux sites. Sa distribution saisonnière et son partitionnement en évaporation du sol et transpiration des plantes diffèrent néanmoins entre les deux écosystèmes, tout comme le ruissellement, et le drainage sous la zone racinaire. Ce dernier apparaît significatif pour le champ de mil mais pas pour la jachère. Une analyse de sensibilité des processus aux caractéristiques du sol et du couvert a été réalisée. La robustesse des résultats produits devrait leur permettre de servir de référence pour les études des processus hydrologiques et énergétiques dans cette région. La modélisation ainsi construite présente un potentiel évident pour des études prospectives, relatives notamment au changement climatique ou à une évolution des pratiques agricoles.

Avaliação de políticas públicas: um estudo de caso do Programa Mulheres Mil em Alagoas com enfoque na eficiência, eficácia e efetividade / Evaluation of public policies: a case study of the Mulheres Mil Program in Alagoas focusing on efficiency, effectiveness and impact

Almeida, Daniel Cabral de 29 August 2018 (has links)
The evaluation of government programs can provide a better use of the resources invested, as well as providing social policy makers and program managers with insights into the design of more consistent policies and more effective public management. The objective of this study is to elaborate an evaluation of the Thousand Women Program in Alagoas, specifically to examine the effectiveness of the program by verifying compliance with the objectives proposed by the program, identifying the impact on the lives of participating women, analyzing the cost-effectiveness of the Program together with the efficiency of its processes and finally to elaborate a proposal for improvement. The research, in the form of na exploratory study, of a qualitative nature, was carried out through a case study, using documentary research techniques, the survey method and the participant research. After establishing the parameters for measuring the efficiency, effectiveness and effectiveness of the Program, these were applied in practice, using as basis the courses carried out in the city of Campo Alegre, Alagoas. It was verified that the Program can be effective in meeting the objectives, effective as the transformation of the local reality with some reservations and inefficient. / A avaliação de programas governamentais pode proporcionar uma melhor utilização dos recursos aplicados, além de fornecer aos formadores de políticas sociais e aos gestores de programas dados importantes para o desenho de políticas mais consistentes e para a gestão pública mais eficaz. O objetivo deste estudo consiste em elaborar uma avaliação do Programa Mulheres Mil em Alagoas, mais especificamente pretende examinar a eficácia por meio da verificação do atendimento aos objetivos propostos pelo programa, identificar o impacto causado na vida das mulheres participantes, analisar a relação custo-efetividade do Programa juntamente com a eficiência de seus processos e por fim elaborar uma proposta de melhoria. A pesquisa, na forma de estudo exploratório, de natureza qualitativa, foi realizada por meio de estudo de caso, utilizando como técnicas a pesquisa documental, o método survey e a pesquisa participante. Após o estabelecimento dos parâmetros para aferição da eficiência, eficácia e efetividade do Programa, estes foram aplicados na prática, utilizando como base os cursos realizados no município de Campo Alegre, Alagoas. Verificou-se que o Programa consegue ser eficaz quanto ao atendimento dos objetivos, efetivo quanto a transformação da realidade local com algumas ressalvas e pouco eficiente.

Nitrogen Tetroxide to Mixed Oxides of Nitrogen: History, Usage, Synthesis, and Composition Determination

Andrew W Head (11181636) 22 November 2021 (has links)
<div>Since as early as the 1920s, dinitrogen tetroxide (N2O4) has been regarded as a promising oxidizer in rocket propulsion systems. In more recent times, its predecessor, mixed oxides of nitrogen (MON), remains a top contender among oxidizers, due to its unique characteristics such as low freezing temperature and compatibility with common spacecraft materials. Today, these N2O4-based oxidizers are the preferred choice in many upper stages, launch escape systems, reaction control systems, liquid apogee engines, and in-space primary propulsion systems. N2O4-based oxidizers are a key factor in rocket propulsion, and thoroughly understanding their history, development, characteristics, synthesis, and composition analysis are crucial for space exploration today and into the future.<br><br></div><div>To fully understand and predict the physical properties of a MON sample, it is important to measure and quantify its chemical composition. The recommended method for MON composition analysis, as prescribed by the Department of Defense’s Defense Specification (MIL-SPEC) document on N2O4, involves the oxidation of NO and dinitrogen trioxide (N2O3) in the MON sample to determine their amounts. An equation unofficially called the “MIL-SPEC equation” is then used to determine the amount of NO needed to mix with N2O4 to synthesize that particular MON sample. However, no explanation is given as to how the equation was derived, or its significance.<br><br></div><div>This thesis aims to collect and organize key information on the synthesis, handling, and composition analysis of MON propellant. First, the history of development of N2O4-based oxidizers was researched, and current and future uses of N2O4 and MON propellants were identified. Then a method for synthesis and composition analysis was devised and tested. Water contamination was expected of skewing the results, so the process of water contamination was examined analytically. Then a detailed derivation of the MIL-SPEC equation was conducted, to fully understand its mechanics. An attempt was then made to reverse-engineer an unexplained numerical value in the equation, labeled by the author as the “solubility factor”. Several derivations were provided with varying degrees of complexity, producing alternative solubility factors of varying accuracies. Finally, experimental data was applied to these derived, hypothetical solubility factors and the MIL-SPEC solubility factor, with the intent of determining whether improvements could be made to the MON composition determination process.<br><br></div><div>The results suggest that the MIL-SPEC equation is sufficient for providing a relatively accurate measurement of the composition of a MON sample, while also being easy to implement, both in taking the necessary measurements and in conducting the numerical calculation. However, some minor adjustments to the equation could produce consistently more accurate composition measurements without adding any more difficulty or complication.</div>

Eco-Driving of Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs)

Kavas Torris, Ozgenur 23 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Nano-particles In Multi-scale Composites And Ballistic Applications

Gibson, Jason 01 January 2013 (has links)
Carbon nanotubes, graphene and nano sized core shell rubber particles have all been extensively researched for their capability to improve mechanical properties of thermoset resins. However, there has been a lack of research on their evaluation for energy absorption in high velocity impact scenarios, and the fundamental mechanics of their failure mechanisms during highly dynamic stress transfer through the matrix. This fundamental research is essential for laying the foundation for improvement in ballistic performance in composite armor. In hard armor applications, energy absorption is largely accomplished through delamination between plies of the composite laminate. This energy absorption is accomplished through two mechanisms. The first being the elongation of the fiber reinforcement contained in the resin matrix, and the second is the propagation of the crack in between the discreet fabric plies. This research aims to fundamentally study the energy absorption characteristics of various nano-particles as reinforcements in thermoset resin for high velocity impact applications. Multiple morphologies will be evaluated through use of platelet, tubular and spherical shaped nano-particles. Evaluations of the effect on stress transfer through the matrix due to the combination of nano sized and micro scale particles of milled fiber is conducted. Three different nano-particles are utilized, specifically, multi-walled carbon nanotubes, graphene, and core shell rubber particles. The difference in surface area, aspect ratio and molecular structure between the tube, platelet and spherical nano-particles causes energy absorption through different failure mechanisms. This changes the impact performance of composite panels enhanced with the nanoparticle fillers. Composite panels made through the use of dispersing the various nano-particles iv in a non-contact planetary mixer, are evaluated through various dynamic and static testing, including unnotched cantilever beam impact, mixed mode fracture toughness, split-Hopkinson bar, and ballistic V50 testing. The unnotched cantilever beam testing showed that the addition of milled fiber degraded the impact resistance of the samples. Addition of graphene nano platelets unilaterally degraded impact resistance through the unnotched cantilever beam testing. 1.5% loading of MWCNT showed the greatest increase in impact resistance, with a 43% increase over baseline. Determining the critical load for mixed mode interlaminar shear testing can be difficult for composite panels that bend without breaking. An iterative technique of optimizing the coefficient of determination, R2 , in linear regression is developed for objectively determining the point of non-linearity for critical load. This allows for a mathematical method of determination; thereby eliminating any subjective decision of choosing where the data becomes non-linear. The core shell rubber nano particles showed the greatest strain energy release rate with an exponential improvement over the baseline results. Synergistic effects between nano and micro sized particles in the resin matrix during transfer of the stress wave were created and evaluated. Loadings of 1% milled carbon fiber enhanced the V50 ballistic performance of both carbon nanotube and core shell rubber particles in the resin matrix. However, the addition of milled carbon fiber degrades the impact resistance of all nano-particle enhanced resin matrices. Therefore, benefits gained from the addition of microsized particles in combination with nano-sized particles, are only seen in high energy impact scenarios with micro second durations. v Loadings of 1% core shell rubber particles and 1% milled carbon fiber have an improvement of 8% in V50 ballistic performance over the baseline epoxy sample for 44 mag single wad cutter gas check projectiles. Loadings of 1% multi-walled carbon nanotubes with 1% milled carbon fiber have an improvement of 7.3% in V50 ballistic performance over the baseline epoxy sample. The failure mechanism of the various nano-particle enhanced resin matrices during the ballistic event is discussed through the use of scanning electron microscope images and Raman spectroscopy of the panels after failure. The Raman spectroscopy data shows a Raman shift for the fibers that had an enhancement in the V50 performance through the use of nano-particles. The Raman band for Kevlar® centered at 1,649 cm-1 stemming from the stretching of the C==O bond of the fiber shows to be more sensitive to the residual axial strain, while the Raman band centered at 1,611 cm-1 stemming from the C-C phenyl ring is minimally affected for the CSR enhanced panels due to the failure mechanism of the CSR particles during crack propagation.

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