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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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VANESSA CORDEIRO MARQUES 04 December 2020 (has links)
[pt] Na dissertação, busca-se verificar, partindo da trilogia As Mil e Uma Noites – O inquieto (Vol. 1), O desolado (Vol. 2) e O encantado (Vol. 3) –, dirigida pelo cineasta português Miguel Gomes, como a obra trata o processo da montagem para pensar as questões políticas de Portugal. Abordaremos a montagem como uma prática de construção do pensamento – a partir de Didi- Huberman – para além de uma etapa da produção fílmica. Cabe aqui refletir, em que medida, através de elementos heterogêneos como a utilização do livro como dispositivo narrativo, o cenário, a escolha de atores e não-atores e o embaralhamento entre a realidade e a ficção, os filmes produzem o dissenso (no sentido de Jacques Rancière) fazendo pensar as relações entre estética e política. Nossa hipótese é de que esses filmes retomam lugares concretos para reconstruílos de forma inventiva, forjando a possibilidade de um espaço em que a esfera coletiva tenha peso efetivo – tensionando assim as relações de poder estabelecidas. / [en] Having the trilogy As mil e uma Noites: O inquieto (Vol. 1), O desolado (Vol. 2) e O encantado (Vol. 3) [Arabian nights: The restless ones (Vol. 1), The desolate one (Vol. 2) and The enchanted one (Vol.3) directed by the Portuguese movie maker Miguel Gomes as a starting point, this research aims to analyze how his work deals with the editing process as a tool to think over political issues in Portugal. From Didi-Huberman perspective, the editing as a thought-building practice will be dealt as beyond a mere phase of the movie production. At this point, reflections can be made on what extent the usage of heterogeneous elements, such as the use of the book as a narrative device, the setting, the choice of actors and non-actors, and the shuffle between reality and fiction, films can produce dissent (as in Jacques Rancière) and, as a result, leading to reflections about the relationship between aesthetics and politics. The hypothesis is that these pictures have their take on certain concrete places by rebuilding them inventively, thus enabling a modulate space in which the collective sphere has an effective weight able on tensing the established power relations.

Deep Learning Strategies for Overcoming Diagnosis Challenges with Limited Annotations

Amor del Amor, María Rocío del 27 November 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] En los últimos años, el aprendizaje profundo (DL) se ha convertido en una de las principales áreas de la inteligencia artificial (IA), impulsado principalmente por el avance en la capacidad de procesamiento. Los algoritmos basados en DL han logrado resultados asombrosos en la comprensión y manipulación de diversos tipos de datos, incluyendo imágenes, señales de habla y texto. La revolución digital del sector sanitario ha permitido la generación de nuevas bases de datos, lo que ha facilitado la implementación de modelos de DL bajo el paradigma de aprendizaje supervisado. La incorporación de estos métodos promete mejorar y automatizar la detección y el diagnóstico de enfermedades, permitiendo pronosticar su evolución y facilitar la aplicación de intervenciones clínicas de manera más efectiva. Una de las principales limitaciones de la aplicación de algoritmos de DL supervisados es la necesidad de grandes bases de datos anotadas por expertos, lo que supone una barrera importante en el ámbito médico. Para superar este problema, se está abriendo un nuevo campo de desarrollo de estrategias de aprendizaje no supervisado o débilmente supervisado que utilizan los datos disponibles no anotados o débilmente anotados. Estos enfoques permiten aprovechar al máximo los datos existentes y superar las limitaciones de la dependencia de anotaciones precisas. Para poner de manifiesto que el aprendizaje débilmente supervisado puede ofrecer soluciones óptimas, esta tesis se ha enfocado en el desarrollado de diferentes paradigmas que permiten entrenar modelos con bases de datos débilmente anotadas o anotadas por médicos no expertos. En este sentido, se han utilizado dos modalidades de datos ampliamente empleadas en la literatura para estudiar diversos tipos de cáncer y enfermedades inflamatorias: datos ómicos e imágenes histológicas. En el estudio sobre datos ómicos, se han desarrollado métodos basados en deep clustering que permiten lidiar con las altas dimensiones inherentes a este tipo de datos, desarrollando un modelo predictivo sin la necesidad de anotaciones. Al comparar el método propuesto con otros métodos de clustering presentes en la literatura, se ha observado una mejora en los resultados obtenidos. En cuanto a los estudios con imagen histológica, en esta tesis se ha abordado la detección de diferentes enfermedades, incluyendo cáncer de piel (melanoma spitzoide y neoplasias de células fusocelulares) y colitis ulcerosa. En este contexto, se ha empleado el paradigma de multiple instance learning (MIL) como línea base en todos los marcos desarrollados para hacer frente al gran tamaño de las imágenes histológicas. Además, se han implementado diversas metodologías de aprendizaje, adaptadas a los problemas específicos que se abordan. Para la detección de melanoma spitzoide, se ha utilizado un enfoque de aprendizaje inductivo que requiere un menor volumen de anotaciones. Para abordar el diagnóstico de colitis ulcerosa, que implica la identificación de neutrófilos como biomarcadores, se ha utilizado un enfoque de aprendizaje restrictivo. Con este método, el coste de anotación se ha reducido significativamente al tiempo que se han conseguido mejoras sustanciales en los resultados obtenidos. Finalmente, considerando el limitado número de expertos en el campo de las neoplasias de células fusiformes, se ha diseñado y validado un novedoso protocolo de anotación para anotaciones no expertas. En este contexto, se han desarrollado modelos de aprendizaje profundo que trabajan con la incertidumbre asociada a dichas anotaciones. En conclusión, esta tesis ha desarrollado técnicas de vanguardia para abordar el reto de la necesidad de anotaciones precisas que requiere el sector médico. A partir de datos débilmente anotados o anotados por no expertos, se han propuesto novedosos paradigmas y metodologías basados en deep learning para abordar la detección y diagnóstico de enfermedades utilizando datos ómicos e imágenes histológicas. / [CA] En els últims anys, l'aprenentatge profund (DL) s'ha convertit en una de les principals àrees de la intel·ligència artificial (IA), impulsat principalment per l'avanç en la capacitat de processament. Els algorismes basats en DL han aconseguit resultats sorprenents en la comprensió i manipulació de diversos tipus de dades, incloent-hi imatges, senyals de parla i text. La revolució digital del sector sanitari ha permés la generació de noves bases de dades, la qual cosa ha facilitat la implementació de models de DL sota el paradigma d'aprenentatge supervisat. La incorporació d'aquests mètodes promet millorar i automatitzar la detecció i el diagnòstic de malalties, permetent pronosticar la seua evolució i facilitar l'aplicació d'intervencions clíniques de manera més efectiva. Una de les principals limitacions de l'aplicació d'algorismes de DL supervisats és la necessitat de grans bases de dades anotades per experts, la qual cosa suposa una barrera important en l'àmbit mèdic. Per a superar aquest problema, s'està obrint un nou camp de desenvolupament d'estratègies d'aprenentatge no supervisat o feblement supervisat que utilitzen les dades disponibles no anotades o feblement anotats. Aquests enfocaments permeten aprofitar al màxim les dades existents i superar les limitacions de la dependència d'anotacions precises. Per a posar de manifest que l'aprenentatge feblement supervisat pot oferir solucions òptimes, aquesta tesi s'ha enfocat en el desenvolupat de diferents paradigmes que permeten entrenar models amb bases de dades feblement anotades o anotades per metges no experts. En aquest sentit, s'han utilitzat dues modalitats de dades àmpliament emprades en la literatura per a estudiar diversos tipus de càncer i malalties inflamatòries: dades ómicos i imatges histològiques. En l'estudi sobre dades ómicos, s'han desenvolupat mètodes basats en deep clustering que permeten bregar amb les altes dimensions inherents a aquesta mena de dades, desenvolupant un model predictiu sense la necessitat d'anotacions. En comparar el mètode proposat amb altres mètodes de clustering presents en la literatura, s'ha observat una millora en els resultats obtinguts. Quant als estudis amb imatge histològica, en aquesta tesi s'ha abordat la detecció de diferents malalties, incloent-hi càncer de pell (melanoma spitzoide i neoplàsies de cèl·lules fusocelulares) i colitis ulcerosa. En aquest context, s'ha emprat el paradigma de multiple instance learning (MIL) com a línia base en tots els marcs desenvolupats per a fer front a la gran grandària de les imatges histològiques. A més, s'han implementat diverses metodologies d'aprenentatge, adaptades als problemes específics que s'aborden. Per a la detecció de melanoma spitzoide, s'ha utilitzat un enfocament d'aprenentatge inductiu que requereix un menor volum d'anotacions. Per a abordar el diagnòstic de colitis ulcerosa, que implica la identificació de neutròfils com biomarcadores, s'ha utilitzat un enfocament d'aprenentatge restrictiu. Amb aquest mètode, el cost d'anotació s'ha reduït significativament al mateix temps que s'han aconseguit millores substancials en els resultats obtinguts. Finalment, considerant el limitat nombre d'experts en el camp de les neoplàsies de cèl·lules fusiformes, s'ha dissenyat i validat un nou protocol d'anotació per a anotacions no expertes. En aquest context, s'han desenvolupat models d'aprenentatge profund que treballen amb la incertesa associada a aquestes anotacions. En conclusió, aquesta tesi ha desenvolupat tècniques d'avantguarda per a abordar el repte de la necessitat d'anotacions precises que requereix el sector mèdic. A partir de dades feblement anotades o anotats per no experts, s'han proposat nous paradigmes i metodologies basats en deep learning per a abordar la detecció i diagnòstic de malalties utilitzant dades *ómicos i imatges histològiques. Aquestes innovacions poden millorar l'eficàcia i l'automatització en la detecció precoç i el seguiment de malalties. / [EN] In recent years, deep learning (DL) has become one of the main areas of artificial intelligence (AI), driven mainly by the advancement in processing power. DL-based algorithms have achieved amazing results in understanding and manipulating various types of data, including images, speech signals and text. The digital revolution in the healthcare sector has enabled the generation of new databases, facilitating the implementation of DL models under the supervised learning paradigm. Incorporating these methods promises to improve and automate the detection and diagnosis of diseases, allowing the prediction of their evolution and facilitating the application of clinical interventions with higher efficacy. One of the main limitations in the application of supervised DL algorithms is the need for large databases annotated by experts, which is a major barrier in the medical field. To overcome this problem, a new field of developing unsupervised or weakly supervised learning strategies using the available unannotated or weakly annotated data is opening up. These approaches make the best use of existing data and overcome the limitations of reliance on precise annotations. To demonstrate that weakly supervised learning can offer optimal solutions, this thesis has focused on developing different paradigms that allow training models with weakly annotated or non-expert annotated databases. In this regard, two data modalities widely used in the literature to study various types of cancer and inflammatory diseases have been used: omics data and histological images. In the study on omics data, methods based on deep clustering have been developed to deal with the high dimensions inherent to this type of data, developing a predictive model without requiring annotations. In comparison, the results of the proposed method outperform other existing clustering methods. Regarding histological imaging studies, the detection of different diseases has been addressed in this thesis, including skin cancer (spitzoid melanoma and spindle cell neoplasms) and ulcerative colitis. In this context, the multiple instance learning (MIL) paradigm has been employed as the baseline in all developed frameworks to deal with the large size of histological images. Furthermore, diverse learning methodologies have been implemented, tailored to the specific problems being addressed. For the detection of spitzoid melanoma, an inductive learning approach has been used, which requires a smaller volume of annotations. To address the diagnosis of ulcerative colitis, which involves the identification of neutrophils as biomarkers, a constraint learning approach has been utilized. With this method, the annotation cost has been significantly reduced while achieving substantial improvements in the obtained results. Finally, considering the limited number of experts in the field of spindle cell neoplasms, a novel annotation protocol for non-experts has been designed and validated. In this context, deep learning models that work with the uncertainty associated with such annotations have been developed. In conclusion, this thesis has developed cutting-edge techniques to address the medical sector's challenge of precise data annotation. Using weakly annotated or non-expert annotated data, novel paradigms and methodologies based on deep learning have been proposed to tackle disease detection and diagnosis in omics data and histological images. These innovations can improve effectiveness and automation in early disease detection and monitoring. / The work of Rocío del Amor to carry out this research and to elaborate this dissertation has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Universities under the FPU grant FPU20/05263. / Amor Del Amor, MRD. (2023). Deep Learning Strategies for Overcoming Diagnosis Challenges with Limited Annotations [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/200227 / Compendio

Conception, fabrication et mise à l'épreuve d'une presse commerciale d'extraction du jus de la biomasse du sorgho sucré et du millet perlé sucré

Lefebvre, Nicholas 27 January 2024 (has links)
La demande en énergies renouvelables est en constante augmentation. Le maïs est le plus utilisé en Amérique du Nord pour la production de bioéthanol. Toutefois, sa culture est exigeante et son utilisation pour des fins énergétiques est controversée. De nouvelles plantes énergétiques comme le millet perlé et le sorgho sucrés ont alors été explorées. Ces plantes poussent très bien dans des sols de moindre qualité, requièrent peu d'amendements et tolèrent bien le manque d'eau. Par ailleurs, aucune technique n'a été mise au point pour extraire le jus de leur biomasse directement à la ferme. L'objectif principal de ce travail de recherche était de concevoir et fabriquer une presse commerciale permettant d'extraire efficacement le jus de la biomasse du sorgho et du millet perlé sucrés et aussi intégrer une chambre d'accumulation de blocs de bagasse pour former des balles d'ensilage dédiées à l'alimentation animale. Un cahier des charges a d'abord permis de spécifier les critères de conception à respecter. Un remue-méninge et une matrice de décision ont par la suite été utilisés pour déterminer la meilleure solution répondant aux besoins. Finalement, une conception et une optimisation par ordinateur ont permis de produire le concept final. La presse et la chambre d'accumulation de blocs de bagasse ont été fabriquées au Département des sols et de génie agroalimentaire de l'Université Laval. Aussi, un système d'attache des blocs de bagasse a été intégré à la presse afin d'évaluer la faisabilité d'une valorisation de la bagasse sous forme de balles d'ensilage rectangulaires. Plusieurs essais intensifs au champ ont permis de tester le système presse/chambre d'accumulation de blocs de bagasse et de se prononcer sur son efficacité. Ce système a été testé avec succès et les résultats obtenus indiquent que la presse est capable de traiter 1.75 m³ de biomasse à la fois (environ 700 kg). Des taux d'extraction de 45 L de jus par 100 kg de biomasse ont été atteints, ce qui dépasse de loin les taux obtenus antérieurement à l'aide de petits prototypes de presse. Parmi les méthodes d'attache testées, l'enrobage dans un tube de plastique s'est avéré le plus adéquat. L'instrumentation installée sur la presse a permis de maximiser l'information obtenue lors des essais, ce qui a permis de mieux optimiser les cycles de pressage. Les données recueillies grâce à l'instrumentation ont permis de développer un modèle prédictif de la quantité de jus recueillie suite au pressage de la biomasse. L'information supplémentaire a aussi permis de caractériser les efforts internes subis par la presse lors des essais, ce qui permettra de mieux optimiser la structure d'un prochain prototype afin de réduire sa masse et donc les coûts de fabrication. Il est par ailleurs recommandé de réaliser d'autres essais incluant la biomasse de millet perlé sucré afin d'améliorer le modèle proposé et en étendre les limites d'utilisation. Des modèles plus étendus et précis permettront de mieux évaluer les étendues de la rentabilité du processus de pressage. / Demand for renewable energy is on the rise now more than ever. Right now, corn is the most used crop for ethanol production. It is, however, the most demanding crop to grow and its use as an energy source is controversial. For that reason, new energy crops like sweet pearl millet and sweet sorghum have been explored. Those plants grow easily on low potential soils, require little fertilizers and resist drought. However, no method is currently available to extract the juice from the biomass directly on the farm. The main objective of this research work was to design, build, and test a commercial scale press that extracts efficiently the juice from the biomass of sweet sorghum and sweet pearl millet and to integrate an attachment system to wrap the bagasse as silage bales. A design specification sheet first regrouped the design criteria. A brainstorm and a decision matrix were then used to determine the most adequate solution that best suites our requirements. Finally, computer aided design and optimisation allowed to produce the final solution. The press and bale forming attachment were built at the Department of Soil and Agri-Food Engineering of Université Laval. Also, a bagasse attachment system was integrated to the press in order to assess the feasibility of valorising the bagasse as rectangular silage bales. Intensive field trials allowed testing the press/bale attachment system and determining its efficiency. The system has been used with success and the results showed that the press is able to process 1.75 m³ (approx. 700 kg) at a time. Extraction rates of up to 45 L of juice per 100 kg of biomass were obtained, which surpassed results from previous tests with small scale press prototypes. Among the attachment methods tested, wrapping the blocs in a plastic tube proved to be the most adequate option. The instrumentation installed on the press allowed maximising the data obtained during the tests, which made it possible to better optimise the pressing cycles. The data was also used to develop a predictive model of the juice extraction from the biomass. The additional data also allowed better characterising the internal mechanical forces experienced by the press. This will be useful in optimizing the structure of another eventual prototype to reduce its mass and consequently manufacturing costs. Further tests including the biomass of sweet pearl millet are however recommended to refine the extraction model and expand its limits. More extensive and precise models will allow better assessing the limits of the pressing process profitability.

Reliability prediction of electronic products combining models, lab testing and field data analysis

Choudhury, Noor January 2016 (has links)
At present there are different reliability standards that are being used for carrying out reliability prediction. They take into consideration different factors, environments and data sources to give reliability data for a wide range of electronic components. However, the users are not aware of the differences between the different reliability standards due to the absence of benchmarks of the reliability standards that would help classify and compare between them. This lack of benchmark denies the users the opportunity to have a top-down view of these different standards and choose the appropriate standard based on qualitative judgement in performing reliability prediction for a specific system. To addres this issue, the benchmark of a set of reliability standards are developed in this dissertation. The benchmark helps the users of the selected reliability standards understand the similarities and differences between them and based on the evaluation criterion defined can easily choose the appropriate standard for reliability prediction in different scenarios. Theoretical reliability prediction of two electronic products in Bombardier is performed using the standards that have been benchmarked. One of the products is matured with available incident report from the field while the other is a new product that is under development and yet to enter in service. The field failure data analysis of the matured product is then compared and correlated to the theoretical prediction. Adjustment factors are then derived to help bridge the gap between the theoretical reliability prediction and the reliability of the product in field conditions. Since the theoretical prediction of the product under development could not be used to compare and correlate any data due to unavailability, instead, the accelerated life test is used to find out the product reliability during its lifetime and find out any failure modes intrinsic to the board. A crucial objective is realized as an appropriate algorithm/model is found in order to correlate accelerated test temperature-cycles to real product temperature-cycles. The PUT has lead-free solder joints, hence, to see if any failures occurring due to solder joint fatigue has also been of interest. Additionally, reliability testing simulation is a performed in order to verify and validate the performance of the product under development during ALT. Finally, the goal of the thesis is achieved as separate models are proposed to predict product reliability for both matured products and products under development. This will assist the organization in realizing the goal of predicting their product reliability with better accuracy and confidence. / För närvarande finns det olika tillförlitlighetsstandarder som används för att utföra tillförlitlighet förutsägelse. De tar hänsyn till olika faktorer, miljöer och datakällor för att ge tillförlitlighetsdata för ett brett spektrum av elektronikkomponenter. Men användarna inte är medvetna om skillnaderna mellan de olika tillförlitlighetsstandarder på grund av avsaknaden av riktmärken för tillförlitlighetsstandarder som skulle hjälpa klassificera och jämföra mellan dem. Denna brist på jämförelse förnekar användarna möjlighet att få en top-down bakgrund av dessa olika standarder och välja lämplig standard baserad på kvalitativ bedömning att utföra tillförlitlighet prognos för ett specifikt system. För att lösa detta problem, är riktmärket en uppsättning av tillförlitlighetsstandarder som utvecklats i denna avhandling. Riktmärket hjälper användarna av de utvalda tillförlitlighetsstandarder förstå likheter och skillnader mellan dem och på grundval av bedömningskriteriet definieras kan enkelt välja lämplig standard för pålitlighet förutsägelse i olika scenarier. Teoretisk tillförlitlighet förutsäga två elektroniska produkter i Bombardier utförs med hjälp av standarder som har benchmarking. En av produkterna är mognat med tillgängliga incidentrapport från fältet, medan den andra är en ny produkt som är under utveckling och ännu inte gå in i tjänsten. Analysen av den mognade produkten fält feldata jämförs sedan och korreleras till den teoretiska förutsägelsen. Justeringsfaktorer sedan härledas för att överbrygga klyftan mellan den teoretiska tillförlitlighet förutsägelse och tillförlitligheten av produkten i fältmässiga förhållanden. Eftersom den teoretiska förutsägelsen av produkt under utveckling inte kan användas för att jämföra och korrelera alla data på grund av otillgängligheten, i stället är det accelererade livslängdstest som används för att ta reda på produktens tillförlitlighet under dess livstid och reda ut eventuella felmoder inneboende till styrelsen . Ett viktigt mål realiseras som en lämplig algoritm /modell finns i syfte att korrelera accelererade provningen temperaturcykler på verkliga produkttemperatur cykler. PUT har blyfria lödfogar därmed att se om några fel inträffar på grund av löda gemensam trötthet har också varit av intresse. Dessutom är tillförlitlighet testning simulering en utförs för att verifiera och validera produktens prestanda under utveckling under ALT. Slutligen är målet med avhandlingen uppnås som separata modeller föreslås att förutsäga produktens tillförlitlighet för både förfallna och produkter under utveckling. Detta kommer att hjälpa organisationen att förverkliga målet att förutsäga deras tillförlitlighet med bättre noggrannhet och förtroende.

A highly porous flexible Metal–Organic Framework with corundum topology

Grünker, Ronny, Senkovska, Irena, Biedermann, Ralf, Klein, Nicole, Lohe, Martin R., Müller, Philipp, Kaskel, Stefan 31 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
A flexible Metal–Organic Framework Zn4O(BenzTB)3/2 (DUT-13) was obtained by combination of a tetratopic linker and Zn4O6+ as connector. The material has a corundum topology and shows the highest pore volume among flexible MOFs. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

A justiça perdida nas Mil e Uma Noites

Barbosa, Luciana Hsiao Tebaldi de Queiroz 16 May 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:21:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luciana Hsiao Tebaldi de Queiroz Barbosa.pdf: 968055 bytes, checksum: d2e2e0b42fc0b5138415c4f8eb77ff77 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-05-16 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This dissertation investigates the notion of justice embedded in the Arab-Islamic philosophy from the standpoint of the representational imagery provided in the One Thousand and One Nights (often known in English as the Arabian Nights). In so doing, this paper provides a comparative analysis of the ontological gnoseology of law and justice in the philosophical thinking of Western civilization and the Arab-Islamic culture to establish the dynamic character and autopoietic quality of the objects. The bibliographical research and the comparative method are of great importance on the research methodologies presented in this dissertation. The importance is justified by the fact that the Western civilization has a poor understanding of the islamic law and the concept of justice in Islam, and therefore this dissertation intends to contribute to a better understanding of such concepts. However, the study has an innovative trend, having as the core a prominent literary of Arab-Muslim culture which is the fantastic book One Thousand and One Nights. The value of justice is relative, since the presented hypothesis is answered by the autopoietic character of the Law and by consequence, of the justice. As a result, we can gather a better understanding of the context of the Arab-Muslim world, for greater tolerance among the people and exercising the gift of charity, the supreme manifestation of love, being able to contemplate a more peaceful and harmonious coexistence of human beings on earth / A presente dissertação tem por objetivos a intelecção da justiça no pensamento filosófico oriental árabe-muçulmano, sob o espectro do Livro das Mil e Uma Noites e a análise comparativa entre a ontognoseologia do direito e da justiça no pensamento jusfilosófico ocidental e na tradição oriental árabe-islâmica, buscando o caráter dinâmico e a poética dos objetos. A pesquisa bibliográfica e o método comparativo perfazem eminentes nas metodologias de pesquisa que instruem o presente trabalho. A importância justifica-se no fato de que o mundo ocidental pouco compreende o direito islâmico e o conceito de justiça no Islã, e por conseguinte, o presente trabalho pretende contribuir para uma melhor compreensão de tais conceitos. Contudo, o estudo possui um viés inovador, que é ter como cerne o expoente literário da cultura árabe-muçulmana que é o fantástico livro das Mil e Uma Noites. O valor da justiça é relativo, pois a hipótese aventada responde-se pelo caráter autopoiético do direito e por consequencia, da justiça. Como resultado, pode-se inferir uma melhor compreensão do contexto do mundo árabe-muçulmano, para uma maior tolerância entre os homens e o exercício do dom da caridade, a suprema manifestação do amor, tendo-se possibilidade de vislumbrar uma convivência harmônica e mais pacífica dos homens sob a face da terra

Mem?rias de um sargento de mil?cias, de Manuel Ant?nio de Almeida : do encalhe ? reedi??o

Barbar?, Maria L?cia de Azambuja 29 March 1996 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:38:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 136667 B.pdf: 6018897 bytes, checksum: 83005330f74355ae60417efc4d8b929c (MD5) Previous issue date: 1996-03-29 / The question that pervades this work is: why would a work so poorly received at the time of its publication may become a successful model some decades later? . This study ? which focuses on the analysis, reading and critical reception of a work ? is based on the theory of the aesthetics of reception. Hans Robert Jauss theoretical work analyzes the reception of the book Mem?rias de um Sargento de Mil?cias through the history of literature, the horizon of expectations and aesthetic distance. The studies of Wolfgang Iser focuses on the interaction between the text and the reader, what provides the foundations for the analysis of indeterminations and gaps that allowed the transformation of the narrative into a aesthetic object. As it was said earlier, the objective that guides this study is to analyze the transformation of the novel, from stranded to one of the most successful Brazilian books. To achieve this objective, this work is divided into five chapters which focuses on the production, reading and reception of the work. Thus, the aim is to demonstrate the reasons why the novel that took shy responsiveness throughout the 19th century became so prestigious in the 20th century. / A quest?o que permeia este trabalho ?: Por que uma obra t?o mal recebida na ?poca de sua publica??o pode tornar-se um modelo de sucesso algumas dezenas de anos mais tarde?. Para realizar tal estudo ? cujo foco ? a an?lise, a leitura e a recep??o cr?tica de uma obra ? optou-se pela teoria denominada est?tica da recep??o. Para a realiza??o do estudo da recep??o e da an?lise de Mem?rias de um sargento de mil?cias, do trabalho te?rico de Hans Robert Jauss, o introdutor da mencionada linha, aproveitou-se, principalmente, o que diz respeito ? hist?ria da literatura, ao horizonte de expectativas e ? dist?ncia est?tica. Os estudos de Wolfgang Iser, centrados na intera??o entre o texto e o leitor, fornecem os fundamentos para a an?lise das indetermina??es e lacunas que permitiram a transforma??o da narrativa em objeto est?tico. Como j? se disse anteriormente, a quest?o que norteia este estudo ? a transforma??o do romance, antes encalhado, em uma das obras brasileiras com maior sucesso de p?blico. Para atingir esse objetivo, o trabalho est? dividido em cinco cap?tulos que d?o conta da produ??o, da leitura e da recep??o da obra. Desse modo, visa-se demonstrar os motivos pelos quais o romance obteve t?mida receptividade ao longo do s?culo XIX e foi t?o prestigiado no s?culo XX.

Vulgarisation d’un caractère prometteur d’adaptation à la variabilité environnementale : où peut-on promouvoir le photopériodisme des variétés de mil etsorgho sous les climats actuels et futurs en Afrique de l’Ouest ? / Scaling up a promising trait for adaptation to environmental variability : Where can photoperiod sensitivity be promoted under current and changing climates in West Africa?

Sako, Aichata Founé Mohamed 04 June 2015 (has links)
Structurée en trois principaux chapitres, cette étude présente une approche pluridisciplinaire en combinant desanalyses spatiales et temporelles de la variabilité interannuelle des saisons de pluies d’une base de données agroclimatique,des essais phénologiques mensuelles d’une sélection de variétés photopériodiques de mil et de sorgholocales et améliorées, et l’utilisation conjointe d’un modelé de culture calibre pour les effets de la latitude et d’unSystème d’Information Géographique (SIG). Elle permet de tirer des conclusions originales et d’identifier lesenvironnements cibles prometteurs pour la vulgarisation des variétés de mil et de sorgho photopériodiques enAfrique de l’Ouest. Elle met en évidence l’existence de relations significatives entre les réponses phénologiques,le degré de sensibilité à la photopériode des variétés et les facteurs environnementaux, dont les principales sont :‒ La variabilité interannuelle des pluies en Afrique de l’Ouest durant les cinquante dernières années (1950-2000) est marquée par une diminution globale de la pluviométrie annuelle caractérisée par une variabilitéaccrue des dates de début de saison des pluies dans les latitudes basses que dans les latitudes élevées etune variabilité interannuelles des dates de fin de saison plus notable sur les latitudes du Nord plus quedans les basses latitudes au sud.‒ La distribution spatiale des variétés de mil et de sorgho photopériodiques est étroitement liée à larépartition spatiale et temporelle de la variabilité des dates de débuts et de fin de la saison de pluies. Lesvariétés photopériodiques se localisent essentiellement dans les basses latitudes ou la variabilité des datesde début de saison est plus élevée que celle des dates de fin de saison plus stable.‒ La réponse phénologique des variétés de mil et de sorgho photopériodiques est strictement dépendantede la date de semis et de la latitude. Les effets de la latitude sur la phénologie et la réactionphotopériodique des variétés est proportionnelle à la distance entre la zone de culture d’une variété et salatitude d’origine.‒ Le modèle de développement des céréales photopériodiques « Impatience » calibré et corrigé à cet effet(effet de la latitude) prévois et défini avec plus de précision les zones d’adaptation variétale optimale pourles variétés de mil et de sorgho photopériodiques en Afrique de l’Ouest.‒ L’adéquation entre la durée du cycle phénologique calibrée par le modèle de culture corrigé de l’effet dela latitude et celle observée dans les systèmes agraires à base de mil et de sorgho photopériodiques dansles agro-systèmes villageois au Mali valide le modèle les cartes d’adaptation variétale optimale. / Structured in three main chapters; this study addresses multidisciplinary approach combining spatial and temporalanalysis of interannual variability of rainfall, multi-locations trials of a large and representative sample of photoperiodicvarieties of sorghum and millet combined with a photoperiod response crop model and Geographic Information System(GIS). It allowed identifying specific target environment to promote the vulgarization of photoperiodic varieties ofsorghum and millet in West Africa. This study depicted significant relationships between phenology, PP sensitivityresponses and environmental factors, where the mains components are listed below:‒ The interannual rainfall variability in West Africa over the past fifty years (1950-2000) was marked by ageneral decrease in annual rainfall characterized by high variability in the onset of growing period at lowerlatitudes and an increase in the interannual variability of the end of growing period in the northern latitudeswith least significant variability through climatic periods.‒ The spatial distribution of PP sensitivity varieties of millet and sorghum is closely related to the spatial andtemporal distribution of the interannual variability of the onset and end dates of growing period. Photoperiodsensitive varieties are located mainly at lower latitudes where the interannual variability in the onset of thegrowing period is much higher than the end of the growing period.‒ Phonological response and expression of photoperiod sensitivity are strictly dependent on sowing date andlatitude. Effects of latitude on the expression of photoperiod sensitivity and phenology are proportional tolatitude.‒ The "impatience" sub-crop model calibrated and corrected for latitudinal effect predicts and identifies moreaccurately optimal varietal adaptation areas for sorghum and millet varieties in West Africa.‒ The adequacy between calibrated duration of the phonological cycle by the crop model adjusted for latitudinaleffect and that observed in farming systems in agro-systems in Mali, allowed to validate the predicted optimalvarietal adaptation maps by defined the model.

Luigi Pirandello: Tensões e Conflitos em um, Nenhum e Cem Mil / Luigi Pirandello, the Tensions and Conflicts in um, Nenhum e Cem Mil

Peres, Terezinha Marta de Paula January 2011 (has links)
PERES, Terezinha Marta de Paula. Luigi Pirandello: tensões e conflitos em Um, nenhum e cem mil. 2011. 132f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de Literatura, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras, Fortaleza-CE, 2011. / Submitted by Liliane oliveira (morena.liliane@hotmail.com) on 2012-07-16T14:23:10Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2011_DIS_TMPPERES.pdf: 3088130 bytes, checksum: 99d3b01ee47248a5a05776a32d1a036d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Josineide Góis(josineide@ufc.br) on 2012-07-24T11:28:40Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2011_DIS_TMPPERES.pdf: 3088130 bytes, checksum: 99d3b01ee47248a5a05776a32d1a036d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-07-24T11:28:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2011_DIS_TMPPERES.pdf: 3088130 bytes, checksum: 99d3b01ee47248a5a05776a32d1a036d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / The present research, entitled Luigi Pirandello, the tensions and conflicts in Um, nenhum e cem mil (1926), aims at discussing how the Italian writer Luigi Pirandello (1867 -1936) took part in the social tensions of his time, how his geographic moves occurred, moves which imply in relating the author to the historic process of his time as well as his intellectual formation and how his search for a place in the intellectual world happened. For carrying on this investigation, we counted on the help of Pierre Bourdieu in his The rules of the art (1996) and Dominique Maingueneau in O contexto da obra literária (1991) in order to understand the circumstances in which Pirandello did his work. We also intend to investigate the author’s interactive relationship with the society of his time in what concerns the customs, beliefs, traditions and, above all, his interaction with the traditional literature, his position as a reader, how much he absorbed influences from it, and to what extent he interpreted and recreated them in his literary work. For a clearer view of the author’s relations to tradition, we will discuss the concepts of “influence” and “desreading” under the theoretical support of Harold Bloom in his Anguish of influence (1991) as well as Sandra Nitrini’s Compared Literature (2010). As a conclusion of this research, we analyze Pirandello’s position from his Um, nenhum e cem mil (1926), how he overcame his predecessors and how he elaborated a new work where a brand-new literary style is clearly viewed. For such analysis, we counted on the theoretical support of Roland Barthes’s Zero degree in whiting (1993) and Harold Bloom’s A map of desleitura (1995) and Arcangelo Leone de Castris’s Storia di Pirandello (1978), among others. We herein discussed the paths through which Pirandello wandered, using for such the analytical, descriptive, interpretative and comparative methods in the pursuit of a better understanding of his building process of a new poetry, which confers to Luigi Pirandello a different voice in the twentieth-century western literature. / Esta pesquisa, intitulada Luigi Pirandello: Tensões e Conflitos em Um, nenhum e cem mil (1926), pretende discutir como o escritor italiano Luigi Pirandello (1867-1936) participou das tensões sociais de sua época, como se deram seus deslocamentos geográficos, que implicam em relacionar o autor ao processo histórico de seu tempo; sua formação intelectual e como aconteceu sua trajetória em busca de uma posição como escritor dentro do “campo literário”. Para realizar esta investigação, contamos com o apoio teórico de Pierre Bourdieu, em As regras da arte (1996), e Dominique Maingueneau, em O contexto da obra literária (1991), com o propósito de compreender em que circunstâncias o autor compôs sua obra. Pretendemos também verificar as relações de interação do autor com a sociedade de seu tempo, no tocante aos costumes, às crenças, às tradições e, principalmente, às relações de interação com obras tradicionais, no intuito de averiguar suas experiências como leitor, a absorção que fez dessas leituras e de que maneira as interpretou e as recriou em sua arte literária. Para um melhor entendimento sobre o processo de compreensão do autor, em relação à tradição, discutiremos os conceitos de “influência” e “desleitura”, sob o apoio teórico de Harold Bloom, em A angústia da influência (1991), bem como de Sandra Nitrini, em Literatura Comparada (2010). Como conclusão da pesquisa, analisamos o posicionamento de Luigi Pirandello como romancista, a partir de Um, nenhum e cem mil (1926), como superou seus precursores e como elaborou uma nova obra, na qual se identifica um estilo novo de fazer Literatura. Para essa análise, contamos com o apoio teórico de Roland Barthes, em O grau zero da escritura (1993), de Harold Bloom, em Um mapa da desleitura (1995), de Arcangelo Leone de Castris, em Storia di Pirandello (1978), entre outros, com a intenção de discutir os caminhos do escritor, através dos métodos analítico, descritivo, interpretativo e comparativo, para uma melhor compreensão da construção de uma nova poética, a qual confere a Luigi Pirandello uma voz diferente na Literatura Ocidental, no século XX e entre seus leitores atuais.

Programa Mulheres Mil no Instituto Federal de Sergipe: interfaces com a educação e o trabalho

Oliveira, Maria Auxiliadora Silva Moreira 11 October 2013 (has links)
This study aims to analyze the Thousand Women Program (PROMIL), developed at Instituto Federal de Sergipe (IFS), Campus Aracaju, and their interfaces with the policies of education and work, noting that the goals proposed by the Program, at the national are in Sergipe being achieved, specifically those that relate to the integration of recent grads in the labor market, increasing schooling and self-esteem. Backed up in the analysis of the categories work and education in the context of capitalism, assuming that the work is a fundamental element of human sociability and sought to understand how other complex social specific - like education - contribute to the reproduction the capitalist mode of production, with a focus on professional education. It is a qualitative study that is referenced in the method historicaldialectical- materialist and the bibliographical and documentary. The research consisted of sixty (60) women, students, alumni, the first and the third class PROMIL Campus Aracaju, and three (03) of the 1st program managers in Sergipe. The sample consisted of 12 (twelve) students discharged. For data collection forms were applied, with open and closed questions, managers and students discharged from that program. The results obtained in the study indicate that although there are no major difficulties in the operation of the Program, in the context of IFS / Aracaju, there is a gap between the objectives proposed by PROMIL nationwide and achievements in Sergipe, especially with regard to insertion and / or return of women to the labor market and the increase in schooling these. There is a greater range goal that are intended to improve the self-esteem of women participating in the program. / Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar o Programa Mulheres Mil (PROMIL), desenvolvido no Instituto Federal de Sergipe (IFS), Campus Aracaju, e suas interfaces com as políticas de Educação e Trabalho, observando se os objetivos propostos pelo referido Programa, na esfera nacional, estão, em Sergipe, sendo alcançados, especificamente aqueles que se referem à inserção das egressas no mercado de trabalho, elevação da escolaridade e da autoestima. Respaldou-se na análise das categorias Trabalho e Educação no contexto do capitalismo, partindo do princípio de que o Trabalho é elemento fundante da sociabilidade humana e procurou compreender a forma como outros complexos sociais específicos - a exemplo da Educação -, contribuem para a reprodução do modo de produção capitalista, com foco na Educação Profissional. É um estudo de caráter qualitativo que se referenciou no método materialista-histórico-dialético e nas pesquisas bibliográfica e documental. O universo da pesquisa foi constituído por 60 (sessenta) mulheres, estudantes egressas da primeira e terceira turma do PROMIL, Campus Aracaju; e os 03 (três) primeiros gestores do Programa em Sergipe. A amostra se constituiu de 12(doze) estudantes egressas. Para a coleta de dados foram aplicados formulários, com perguntas abertas e fechadas, a gestores e estudantes egressas do referido Programa. Os resultados obtidos na pesquisa indicam que apesar de não haver maiores dificuldades na operacionalização do Programa, no contexto do IFS/Aracaju, há um distanciamento entre os objetivos propostos pelo PROMIL em âmbito nacional e os resultados alcançados em Sergipe, principalmente no que diz respeito à inserção e/ou retorno das mulheres ao mercado de trabalho e a elevação da escolaridade destas. Há um maior alcance do objetivo que tem como propósito melhorar a autoestima das mulheres participantes do Programa.

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