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Strained Ge channel p-type metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors grown on SiââxGex/Si virtual substratesLee, Minjoo L., Leitz, Christopher W., Cheng, Zhiyuan, Antoniadis, Dimitri A., Fitzgerald, Eugene A. 01 1900 (has links)
We have fabricated strained Ge channel p-type metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (p-MOSFETs) on Siâ.âGeâ.â virtual substrates. The poor interface between silicon dioxide (SiOâ) and the Ge channel was eliminated by capping the strained Ge layer with a relaxed, epitaxial silicon surface layer grown at 400° C. Ge p-MOSFETs fabricated from this structure show a hole mobility enhancement of nearly 8 times that of co-processed bulk Si devices, and the Ge MOSFETs have a peak effective mobility of 1160 cm²/V-s. These MOSFETs demonstrate the possibility of creating a surface channel enhancement mode MOSFET with buried channel-like transport characteristics. / Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA)
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We are chosen : Jewish narratives in Galveston, Montreal, New York, and Buenos Aires /Bergoffen, Wendy H., January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2004. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 192-207). Also available on the Internet.
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Residential mobility and the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program factors predicting mobility and the residential decision-making process of recipients /Teater, Barbra A., January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 2006. / Title from first page of PDF file. Includes bibliographical references (p. 235-243).
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Attrition and Mobility: Analysis of the Educational and Employment History of Teacher Education Graduates at the University of Tennessee, KnoxvilleWishart, William B 01 May 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to compare the employment retention and mobility patterns of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville’s fifth year post-baccalaureate intern program completers with those of the alternative C licensure program participants employed between 2001 and 2005 in Tennessee public schools. A comparison of program groups was conducted from the perspective of attrition, as well as mobility, and how this related to teacher preparation variables including grade point average, Praxis scores, and program type. Attrition was measured for each year as the number and percentage of each group or cohort not returning the following year to teach in a Tennessee public school and was disaggregated by and program type. A multi-year attrition rate for each program type group was also calculated for three and five year periods. The Socio Economic Status (SES) of initial and final school placements was analyzed and compared to determine the number and percentage of each cohort working in low socio-economic schools (as defined by the Title I participation/designation). Data related to school placement were also utilized to determine the number and percentage of those who transferred to or away from low socio-economic schools.
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Performing and making use of mobility predictionFrançois, Jean-Marc 22 May 2007 (has links)
Mobility prediction is defined as guessing the next access point(s) a mobile
terminal will join so as to connect to a (wired or wireless) network. Knowing
in advance where a terminal is heading for allows taking proactive measures so
as to mitigate the impact of handovers and, hence, improve the network QoS.
This thesis analyzes this topic from different points of view. It is divided
into three parts.
The first part evaluates the feasibility of mobility prediction in a real
environment. It thus analyzes a mobility trace captured from a real network to
measure the intrinsic entropy of the nodes motion and to measure the
effectiveness of a simple prediction method.
The second part investigates how to perform mobility prediction. Firstly,
it examines a generic prediction scheme based on a simple machine learning
method; this scheme is evaluated under various conditions. Secondly, it shows
how the pieces of information that are most useful for the prediction algorithm
can be obtained.
The third part studies how knowing the probable next access point of a mobile
terminal allows one to improve the QoS of the network considered. We deal
with two situations. We first show how the handover blocking rate
of a cellular network can be decreased thanks to resource reservation. We
then propose a new routing protocol for delay tolerant networks (i.e. an ad
hoc network where packets must be delayed in the absence of an end-to-end path)
that assumes that the contacts between the nodes can be (imperfectly) predicted.
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Laser-based ion mobility spectrometry for sensing of aromatic compoundsLöhmannsröben, Hans-Gerd, Beitz, Toralf, Luadien, Robert, Schultze, Rainer January 2004 (has links)
The drift time spectra of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), alkylbenzenes and alkylphenylethers were recorded with a laser-based ion mobility (IM) spectrometer. The ion mobilities of all compounds were determined in helium as drift gas. This allows the calculation of the diffusion cross sections (Omegacalc) on the basis of the exact hard sphere scattering model (EHSSM) and their comparison with the experimentally determined diffusion cross sections (Omegaexp). These Omegaexp/Omegacalc-correlations are presented for molecules with a rigid structure like PAH and prove the reliability of the theoretical model and experimental method. The increase of the selectivity of IM spectrometry is demonstrated using resonance enhanced multiphoton ionisation (REMPI) at atmospheric pressure, realized by tuneable lasers. The REMPI spectra of nine alkylbenzenes and alkylphenylethers are investigated. On the basis of these spectra, the complete qualitative distinction of eight compounds in a mixture is shown. These experiments are extended to alkylbenzene isomer mixtures.
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Mobilitetskontor/nätverk : En analys av faktorer som påverkar arbetet med hållbara transporterBarrsäter, Carin, Sarady, Ilse January 2005 (has links)
Ett av dagens stora miljöproblem är den ökande växthuseffekten. Användningen av fossila bränslen stiger varje år, industri, elproduktion och bostadsuppvärmning står för tre fjärdedelar av den totala förbrukningen i världen. Den sista fjärdedelen bidrar biltrafiken med genom dess användning av fossila bränslen som drivmedel. Sveriges regering har satt upp mål om att Sverige ska minska sina utsläpp av växthusgaser med 4 % under perioden 2008-2012, i förhållande till utsläppsnivån 1990. Målet beräknas dock bli svårt att uppnå, främst på grund av ökande utsläpp från trafiksektorn. 2001 lade Regeringen fram en klimatproposition som innehöll flera olika strategier för att uppnå klimatmålet, bland annat klimatinvesteringsprogrammet - Klimp. Investeringsprogrammet syfte är att minska utsläppen av växthusgaser och bidra till energiomställning och energibesparing. En viktig del inom Klimp är folkbildning och informationssatsningar. Syftet med folkbildning och informationssatsningarna är att öka medvetenheten hos allmänheten om klimatproblematiken och den egna livsstilen. Uppsatsens syfte är att studera förutsättningar för metoden mobility management och främjandet av hållbara transportlösningar genom analyser av tre mobilitetsnätverk/kontor i Sverige: Lund, Linköping och Norrköping. I Norrköping ligger fokus på det planerade arbetet, på vad kommunens mobilitetsstrateg och nätverksdeltagarna ser som viktiga mål, frågor och utmaningar gällande främjandet av hållbara transportlösningar i kommunen. Lunds mobilitetskontor har funnits sedan 1998 och studien riktar in sig på att ta fram faktorer som har betydelse för hur arbetet med mobility management fungerar. Linköping har varit i gång i lite mer än ett år och även här studeras tillvägagångssätt och betydande faktorer. Analysen visar att arbetet med att uppnå beteendeförändring hos allmänheten är svårt och att stödet hos politiker, samt att ställa krav i upphandlingar, är mycket viktigt för att kunna uppnå en förändring mot hållbar utveckling inom transportsektorn.
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Algorithms and Protocols Enhancing Mobility Support for Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Bluetooth and ZigbeeGarcía Castaño, Javier January 2006 (has links)
Mobile communication systems are experiencing a huge growth. While traditional communication paradigms deal with fixed networks, mobility raises a new set of questions, techniques, and solutions. This work focuses on wireless sensor networks (WSNs) where each node is a mobile device. The main objectives of this thesis have been to develop algorithms and protocols enabling WSNs with a special interest in overcoming mobility support limitations of standards such as Bluetooth and Zigbee. The contributions of this work may be divided in four major parts related to mobility support. The first part describes the implementation of local positioning services in Bluetooth since local positioning is not supported in Bluetooth v1.1. The obtained results are used in later implemented handover algorithms in terms of deciding when to perform the handover. Moreover local positioning information may be used in further developed routing protocols. The second part deals with handover as a solution to overcome the getting out of range problem. Algorithms for handover have been implemented enabling mobility in Bluetooth infrastructure networks. The principal achievement in this part is the significant reduction of handover latency since sensor cost and quality of service are directly affected by this parameter. The third part solves the routing problems originated with handovers. The main contribution of this part is the impact of the Bluetooth scatternet formation and routing protocols, for multi-hop data transmissions, in the system quality of service. The final part is a comparison between Bluetooth and Zigbee in terms of mobility support. The main outcome of this comparison resides on the conclusions, which can be used as a technology election guide. The main scientific contribution relies on the implementation of a mobile WSN with Bluetooth v1.1 inside the scope of the ”Multi Monitoring Medical Chip (M3C) for Homecare Applications” European Union project (Sixth Framework Program (FP6) Reference: 508291) offering multi-hop routing support and improvements in handover latencies with aid of local positioning services.
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Essays on Discrimination and CorruptionWaisman, Gisela January 2008 (has links)
The thesis consists of four papers, summarized as follows. "Do attitudes towards immigrants matter?" analyses the consequences of negative attitudes towards immigrants to Sweden. If attitudes changed from the average level to the most positive level, the wage earned by a well educated immigrant from a non developed country would increase by 12%. This change in attitudes would increase the welfare of immigrants from Africa and Asia, through their wage and local amenities, by an equivalent to one third of their wage and the welfare of immigrants from South America and Eastern Europe by one fourth of their wage if they are well educated, and one tenth otherwise. In "Who is hurt by discrimination?", the effects of discrimination of immigrants on the labour market are studied in a search and wage-bargaining setting, including a risk of losing skills during the experience of unemployment. The negative effects of discrimination in the form of higher unemployment and lower wages spread to all workers, immigrants and natives, in all sectors of the economy. An increase in the share of immigrants in the economy exacerbates the problem of discrimination. In "Complementary controls of corruption", a theoretical model shows that when the judiciary and the media are more dependent and the elections less competitive, corruption flourishes. The three institutions are shown to be complementary. The empirical analysis indicates that the dependence of the judiciary and the media has a positive effect on perceived corruption and that the media is complementary with both the judiciary and the electoral system. "Decision making in the ECB's Governing Council -- Should minutes and forecasts be published ?" analyses if the publication of forecasts and minutes of the meetings of the Governing Council could have a negative effect due to the influence of governments on their representatives' votes. The information provided is shown to reduce their influence and benefit the Executive Board.
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Spaces, mobilities and youth biographies in the New Sweden : Studies on education governance and social inclusion and exclusionLindgren, Joakim January 2010 (has links)
The main theme of this thesis is the relation between education governance and social inclusion and exclusion. Overall the thesis is based on a life history approach were biographical interviews with young people are complemented with other contextual data such as survey data, longitudinal statistics, interviews with local politicians and school actors and local reports. Data were generated in three Swedish areas: a rural area in the North, an advantaged segregated area, and a disadvantaged segregated area in the South. The thesis consists of four articles that use the concepts of biography, space, and mobility. Article 1. examines the increasing usage of biographical registers in school. It suggests that biography as a form of education governance serves to construct the students as both objects for assessment and as a relay for continuous self-assessment. As such, this is a socio-political technology that is important to acknowledge in order to understand processes of social inclusion and exclusion. Article 2. addresses the following empirically generated question: How is it possible to understand the fact that disadvantaged students from a segregated area have such optimistic future orientations in relation to further education and work? Building on life history interviews with a small sample of refugee youth from a disadvantaged segregated area the paper presents a concept labelled Utopian diaspora biography (UDB). UDB describes a process whereby a high level of aspiration concerning education and labour is accumulated as a consequence of the social, temporal and spatial dynamic of the biography. Article 3. is an attempt to develop new understandings about local production of social inclusion and exclusion in a decentralised, individualised and segregated school landscape. Using a wide range of data the article suggests that local differences concerning schooling and the outcomes of schooling – both in terms of statistical patterns and the identities produced – are interrelated and are based on an amalgamation of local policy implementation, material conditions and spatially guided representations. Article 4. deploys the concept of mobility in order to explore how space and class become related to education and social inclusion and exclusion in the three chosen areas as young people are spatially situated but move, want to move, dream about moving, try to move, and fail to move through, in and out of different forms of communities. This paper shows that the possibilities of moving to desired places on the education- and labour market are unequally distributed between young people and between places. The analysis also seeks to move beyond schematic typologies such as those of ‘immobile working class’ and ‘mobile middle class’ by exploring how mobility is made meaningful and how notions about mobility are structured and enable action. In summary, the thesis contributes to the discussion on processes of inclusion and exclusion in contemporary society. These processes are understood as inter-disciplinary problematics that include the social production of spatiality, historicality, and sociality at both the societal level and on the level of identity. Crucial aspects concern aestheticisation and performativity in education which imply an increasing focus on discursive, or textual, dimensions of identity formation and the competitive strategies developed by students in order to secure social inclusion through the marketing of oneself. Under these circumstances, new identities and new forms of social inclusion and exclusion are produced.
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