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Teknik för en flerskiktadwebbapplikationPettersson, Jonnie January 2008 (has links)
The report analyses if some common problems can be avoided by using modern technology. As a reference system “Fartygsrapporteringssystemet” is used. It is an n-tier web application built with modern technology at time, 2003-2004. The aim is to examine whether ASP.Net MVC, Windows Communication Foundation, Workflow Foundation and SQL Server 2005 Service Broker can be used to create an n-tier web application which also communicate with other systems and facilitate automated testing. The report describes the construction of a prototype in which the presentation layer uses ASP.Net MVC to separate presentation and business logic. Communication with the business layer is done through the Windows Communication Foundation. Hard coded processes are broken out and dealt with by Workflow Foundation. Asynchronous communication with other systems is done by using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Broker. The results of the analysis is that these techniques can be used to create a n-tier web application, but that ASP.Net MVC, which at present only available in a preview release, is not sufficiently developed yet.
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Formal specification of industry foundation class concepts using engineering ontologiesVenugopal, Manu 14 November 2011 (has links)
Architecture, Engineering, Construction (AEC) and Facilities Management (FM) involve domains that require a very diverse set of information and model exchanges to fully realize the potential of Building Information Modeling (BIM). Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) provides a neutral and open schema for interoperability. Model View Definitions (MVD) provide a common subset for specifying the exchanges using IFC, but are expensive to build, test and maintain. A semantic analysis of IFC data schema illustrates the complexities of embedding semantics in model views. A software engineering methodology based on formal specification of shared resources, reusable components and standards that are applicable to the AEC-FM industry for development of a Semantic Exchange Module (SEM) structure for IFC schema is adopted for this research. This SEM structure is based on engineering ontologies that are capable of developing more consistent MVDs. In this regard, Ontology is considered as a machine-readable set of definitions that create a taxonomy of classes and subclasses, and relationships between them. Typically, the ontology contains the hierarchical description of important entities that are used in IFC, along with their properties and business rules. This model of an ontological framework, similar to that of Semantic Web, makes the IFC more formal and consistent as it is capable of providing precise definition of terms and vocabulary. The outcome of this research, a formal classification structure for IFC implementations for the domain of Precast/ Prestressed Concrete Industry, when implemented by software developers, provides the mechanism for applications such as modular MVDs, smart and complex querying of product models, and transaction based services, based on the idea of testable and reusable SEMs. It can be extended and also helps in consistent implementation of rule languages across different domains within AEC-FM, making data sharing across applications simpler with limited rework. This research is expected to impact the overall interoperability of applications in the BIM realm.
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Neukonzeption und Implementierung einer Newsletterkomponente für das Content Management System Joomla 1.5.xButschke, Mandy 28 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Joomla! ist eines der beliebtesten Open Source Web Content Management Systeme. Seine Popularität verdankt das System vor allem den vielfältigen Möglichkeiten zur Anpassung der Applikation an die individuellen Bedürfnisse der Nutzer unter Anwendung zahlreicher Erweiterungen. Mit Einführung der Version 1.5 wurde jedoch ein nahezu vollständig überarbeitetes System veröffentlicht, welches nunmehr einen durchgehend objektorientierten Ansatz verfolgt und Erweiterungen entsprechend der Model-View-Controller Architektur umsetzt. Dies hat zur Folge, dass eine Vielzahl bereits bestehender Erweiterungen nicht mit Joomla! 1.5 kompatibel sind.
So auch die Newsletter-Komponente MkPostman 1.6 Beta des Chemnitzer Unternehmens „das Medienkombinat“. Die Firma stellte daher die Aufgabe, die Erweiterung im Rahmen einer Masterarbeit auf Basis des bestehenden Newsletter-Systems an das neue Joomla!-Framework anzupassen. Das Hauptaugenmerk lag dabei auf der Implementierung der überarbeiteten Erweiterung.
Die vorliegende Ausarbeitung erläutert jedoch weniger die technischen Details dieser Umsetzung, sondern stellt die theoretischen Überlegungen und damit den Hintergrund der Entstehung des neuen Newsletter-Systems in den Mittelpunkt. So versucht sie zunächst ein Verständnis für das Potential, aber auch die Anforderungen eines Newsletter-System aufzubauen, indem wichtige ökonomische, rechtliche und technische Aspekte betrachtet werden. Im Zuge dessen wird näher auf den Begriff des Newsletters eingegangen.
Weiterhin ist eine kurze Einführung in das Gebiet des Content Managements essentiell, um aufzuzeigen, worin dessen Idee liegt und wie diese mit Hilfe von Software umgesetzt werden kann. Dabei werden nicht nur der allgemeine Aufbau und die Funktionalitäten eines Content Management Systems genauer in Augenschein genommen, sondern vor allem das Open Source Web Content Management System Joomla! kurz vorgestellt.
Um eine genauere Vorstellung davon zu bekommen, welche Mindestanforderungen an die neu zu entwickelnde Newsletter-Anwendung gestellt werden, folgt eine Untersuchung der aktuellen Komponente MkPostman 1.6 Beta hinsichtlich ihres Funktionsumfangs und ihrer Beschaffenheit. Ferner werden die Ergebnisse einer Beurteilung der Gebrauchstauglichkeit des Systems aus Sicht der derzeitigen Anwender präsentiert und die Erfordernisse der Nutzer an die neu zu entwickelnde Erweiterung ermittelt.
Basierend auf den bis dahin getätigten Erkenntnissen erfolgt schließlich die Konzeption des neuen Newsletter-Systems, welches sowohl bereits bestehende als auch neue Elemente integriert. Dabei werden in erster Linie der anvisierte Aufbau sowie einige wichtige Funktionalitäten dargestellt.
Schlussendlich wird kurz erläutert, wie die geplanten Grundfunktionen umgesetzt wurden und welche Möglichkeiten sich im Zuge einer Weiterentwicklung des entstandenen Systems ergaben.
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Performance Evaluation of PHP Frameworks (CakePHP and CodeIgniter) in relation to the Object-Relational Mapping, with respect to Load TestingFayyaz, Ali Raza, Munir, Madiha January 2014 (has links)
Context: Information technology is playing an important role in creating innovation in business. Due to increase in demand of information technology, web development has become an important field. PHP is an open source language, which is widely used in web development. PHP is used to develop dynamic web pages and it has the ability to connect with database. PHP has some good features i.e. cross platform compatibility, scalability, efficient execution and is an open source technology. These features make it a good choice for developers to choose PHP for web development. The maintenance of an application becomes difficult and performance being considerably reduced, if PHP is to be used without using its frameworks. To resolve these issues, different frameworks have been introduced by web development communities on the internet. These frameworks are based on Model, View, Controller design pattern. These frameworks provide, different common functionalities and classes in the form of helpers, components, and plug-in to reduce the development time. Due to these features like robustness, scalability, maintainability and performance, these frameworks are mostly used for web development in PHP, with performance being considered the most important factor. Objectives:The objective of this thesis is to compare and analyze the affect of data abstraction layer (ORM) on the performance of two PHP frameworks. These two frameworks are CakePHP and CodeIgniter. CAKEPHP has built-in support of object-relational mapping (ORM) but CodeIgniter has no built-in support of object-relational mapping (ORM). We considered load testing and stress testing to measure the performance of these two frameworks. Methods: We performed the experiment to show the performance of CakePHP (with ORM) and CodeIgniter (no ORM) frameworks. We developed two applications in both the PHP frameworks, with the same scope and design and measured the performance of these applications, with respect to load testing, with automated testing tool. The results have been obtained by testing the performance of both the applications on local and live servers. Conclusions:After analyzing the results we concluded that CodeIgniter is useful for small and medium sized applications. But CAKEPHP is good for large and enterprise level applications, as in stress conditions the CAKEPHP performed better than CodeIgniter on both local and live environment.
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An efficient tool for customer data imports into Ipendo PlatformWestin, Simon January 2011 (has links)
This thesis aims to investigate the theory, processes and implementation details behind the development of a web application purposed to validate and import customer data into Ipendo Platform, an online web portal for managing intellectual property (IP) rights. Ipendo Systems, the company behind Ipendo Platform, required a solution that could improve efficiency and reliability over their current script-based validation and import process. The software produced during this thesis only partly solves the problems of current import methods by providing a tool for importing a specific type of customer data. It does however provide the infrastructure for the validation and importation of other types of customer data (platform objects). These extensions would however require more time than allocated for this thesis. The development has taken place over a period of ten weeks during which several decisions has been made regarding areas such as the chosen development process, system architecture and more concrete implementation details of the software’s different functionality. These decisions will be discussed and motivated with the help of referenced development theory, examples and figures. The delivered solution successfully validates and imports the supported platform objects, while providing an interactive user interface for the user to work within. It also provides architecture ready for extension with new validations and import modules for all types of platform objects. Finally, the results obtained with the developed tool points to a large increase in efficiency for the supported platform object.
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Utvärdering och implementering av administrationsgränssnitt för säkerhets- och integrationsplattformen CESPBengtsson, Åke January 2011 (has links)
Cybercom Group AB har en kombinerad säkerhets- och integrationsplattform kallad CESP, Cybercom Enhanced Security Platform. I CESP finns bl.a. en autentiseringstjänst, åtkomstkontroll, loggning och logganalys. Det finns även ett webbaserat administrationsgränssnitt för att komma åt och administrera tjänsterna. Examensarbetet har gått ut på att utvärdera och omforma adminis-trationsgränssnittet för att göra gränssnittet mer enhetligt och lättarbetat. Examensarbetet har varit inriktat på att ge utvecklarna ett stöd för vidare utveckling med fokus på användbarhet och avslutades med en utvärdering mellan den »gamla« och »nya« administrationsportalen. Examensrapporten kommer ta upp hela arbetsprocessen indelat i dess fyra faser; undersökning, design, implementation och utvärdering. Examensarbetet har lett till en implementation av en begränsad del i en administrationsportal samt en omfattande pappersprototyp som visar hur en vidare implementation av administrationsportalen kan se ut. Resultatet av utvärderingen visade inte på någon signifikant skillnad mellan den »gamla« och »nya« administrationsportalen, detta till stor del p.g.a. felaktigt val av utvärderingsmetod som inte var lämpad att utvärdera två olika system.
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Language Manager Version 2.0 / Language Manager Version 2.0Karlsson, Nina January 2013 (has links)
This report describes an examination project made for the IT consultingcompany Sogeti. The purpose of the project was to develop and modify the translation tool Language Manager (LM) built by Sogeti to be used for translating applications. Employees at Sogeti considered some disadvantages with Language Manager, version 1.0 which among others was that language files for projects were saved at two locations. Partly in resource maps among with the source code of the applications and partly in a database. This was dual work for employees at Sogeti and it also caused redundancy inthe system. Also employees at Sogeti thought that the managing of projects and versioning did not adapt to how the system was needed to be used. The destination by the examination project was to remove the database and only use XML-files to handle languages, and also to make the new Language Manager easier to work with. New users should easily understand how to handle terms and translation in the new application and no manual should be needed to perform tasks. Language Manager version 2.0 should be written in C# .Net Framework 4.5 and the graphical user interface should be created with Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). Sogeti wished for the Model-View-ViewModel pattern (MVVM) to be implemented. The new tool was supposed to be robust and simple with a future-safe architecture. / Den här rapporten beskriver ett examensarbete som genomfördes åt IT-konsultbolaget Sogeti med syfte till att vidareutveckla och omarbeta översättningsverktyget Language Manager (LM) som var tillverkat av Sogeti och som användes till att översätta applikationer. Anställda på Sogeti ansåg att det fanns vissa nackdelar med Language Manager version 1.0 som bland annat var att språkfiler för projekt lagrades på två platser. Dels i resursmappar tillsammans med applikationernas källkod och dels i en databas. Detta medförde dubbelt arbete för de anställda på Sogeti när de arbetade med Language Manager och det orsakade även redundans i systemet. På Sogeti ansåg man även att hanteringen av projekt och versionshanteringen av språkdata i Language Manager version 1.0 inte passade ihop med hur man arbetade med programmet. Målet med examensarbetet var att avlägsna databasen och endast arbeta med XML-filer som förvaring av språk och att Language Manager version 2.0 skulle bli enklare och mer lättarbetat. Nya användare skullemed lätthet förstå hur hantering av termer och översättning skulle göras utan hjälp av manual. Det nya översättningsverktyget skulle skrivas i C# .Net Framework 4.5 och Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) skulle användas för att implementera det grafiska gränssnittet tillsammans med Model-View-ViewModel-mönstret (MVVM).Särskild inriktning skulle framför allt vara mot robusthet, enkelhet och med en framtidssäker arkitektur.
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Přizpůsobení metodiky MMSP pro vývoj webových aplikací v ASP.NET MVC a její využití na reálném projektu / Adapting the methodology MMSP for development web applications in ASP.NET MVC and its usage on a real projectVelemínský, Filip January 2016 (has links)
The subject of this thesis was agile development on ASP.NET web development platform. The main goal was to create new methodology MMSP - ASP.NET MVC by adjusting methodology MMSP for development in ASP.NET MVC framework, which was mainly achieved through the definition of new objects in the methodology. Text describes four newly created roles (eg. Database specialist) which are responsible for application development. Text also defines or modifies several tasks (eg. Database design) and work products (eg. Data model). All added objects were integrated into the methodology by adjusting its life cycle. At first, thesis was generally focused on the development of web applications, defined their characteristics and analyzed the possibilities of using agile development. Then the MMSP methodology was presented and verified its suitability for the planned extension. Furthermore, there was described the ASP.NET MVC framework, its architecture and basic characteristics. In the last chapter of this thesis methodology MMSP-ASP.NET MVC was verified on the example of development database management web application for the Anthropological Department of the National Museum in Prague.
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Řízení a monitorování klimatu ve skupinách terárií / Control and monitoring of climate in groups of terrariumsPavlišin, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to propose a system for monitoring and regulation the climate in groups of terrariums using Raspberry Pi platform and with subsequent well-arranged representation through the web server. Each group of terrariums has its own measure and regulation device Arduino NANO that wirelessly communicates with central computer Raspberry Pi. The measured values are stored in the MySQL database in central computer. These values are then graphically displayed on the web page. Limit values for regulation and regulation times can also be set through web page.
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Mobilní aplikace pro sdílené nakupování / Mobile App for Shared ShoppingŠťastná, Barbora January 2020 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to create a mobile application for the Android operating system, which makes organizing a community shopping easier for its users and their friends. Each user can build a community of their own that offers collective purchasing of products, or can offer their products for purchase. They categorize these offers to their channels and their friends choose only those channels that they find interesting. If their friends accept their offer, they see the necessary information about their individual purchases. Thus, this application enables users to offer shared purchasing to their friends e.g. at a grower from whom these people could not buy individually. They can procure quality produce together at a competitive price and they can also reduce production of plastic packaging by purchasing as a group.
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