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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effect of Capillary Dimensions On Die Swell of Molten Polymers

Thanh, Dang Huu 01 1900 (has links)
<p> The effect of capillary dimensions on the die swell of molten polymers is investigated. Low and high density polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene are used to make investigation It is found the die swell decreases vii th L/D. The plot of die swell index (d/D) vs. L/D has the shape of anexponential decay curve. </p> <p> Bagley's decaying equation is used to fit the data. The effect of Deborah number on die swell phenomenon is also studied. 'I'he relationship between the recoverable shear strains of infinitely long capillary and the one with dimensions ratio L/D is obtained. This relationship could be used to estima te the die swell of short capillary from its value at equilibrium and polymer characteristics. </p> / Thesis / Master of Engineering (MEngr)

Electrolytic Reduction of Iron Oxides in Molten Salt with a Mineralogical Investigation of Magnetite Ore of Tapuli / Elektrolytisk reduktion av järnoxider i smält salt med en mineralogisk undersökning av magnetitmalm från Tapuli

Fernö, Elina January 2023 (has links)
This master's thesis covers an investigation of the reduction behavior of different iron oxides when electrolytically reduced with molten salt electrolysis (MSE). The tested iron oxides were wüstite (FeO), hematite (Fe2O3), magnetite (Fe3O4) and magnetite ore concentrate from the Tapuli deposit in Pajala, Norrbotten, Sweden. The properties of the Tapuli magnetite ore and magnetite ore concentrate were analysed from a mineralogical perspective to evaluate how the raw ore material influences the concentrate and its reduction by the MSE technology. The electrolytic experiments were performed in an Inconel 625 cell body within a pit-furnace. The different iron oxides were tested separately. The reduction samples were constructed of one or three iron oxide briquettes of 20 g each within a molybdenum mesh attached on a molybdenum tray with molybdenum wires. The molten electrolyte was kept at 500°C with an applied voltage of 1.7 or 2.1 V. The used electrolyte was sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The mineralogical examination shows that the Tapuli ore varies in composition between different locations of the deposit with respect to magnetite grain size and skarn composition and grain size. Point analyses with Laser Ablation Single Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-SC-ICP-MS) on magnetite grains in thin sections from five drill cores fromdifferent parts of the deposit show that the element composition in the magnetite grains vary between the samples. Core-to-rim analyses for Fe, Mg, Mn and Al reveal relatively homogenous grades throughout the grains, with a few exceptions. Phase analysis with XRD shows that reduction has occurred in all tested iron oxides. Without prevention, the reduction products from trials on Fe2O3, Fe3O4 and magnetite ore concentrate show distinct XRD peaks of the by-product NaFeO2. According to XRD, the addition of Na2O seems to have reduced the NaFeO2 formation. Interestingly, no NaFeO2 was formed in the FeO trials. This might be explained by the absence of Fe3+ in FeO. The variation of the current-time curves of the trials is interpreted to depend on the voltage applied, the number of briquettes, briquette decomposition and Na2O addition. Electrolysis in molten NaOH can be used to reduce iron oxides. Despite this, NaOH might not be a suitable electrolyte for this process due to its interaction with Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 resulting information of NaFeO2. Na2O can be used as an additive to prevent formation of NaFeO2 but sharply decreases the current response, thus having an apparent negative effect on the process efficiency. Another preventive measure that can be tested is to calibrate the process voltage to decompose the NaFeO2 but not NaOH. Due to the shown interaction tendency of NaOH, other electrolytes should however be considered for this process. Regarding the Tapuli ore concentrate, more tests are needed to draw conclusions about how the trace elements effects its electrolytic behavior. / Denna masteruppsats avhandlar en undersökning av reduktionsbeteendet hos olika järnoxider vid elektrolytisk reduktion i saltsmälta (molten salt electrolysis (MSE)). Järnoxiderna som har testats är wüstit (FeO), hematit (Fe2O3), magnetit (Fe3O4) och magnetitmalmkoncentrat från malmfyndigheten Tapuli i Pajala, Norrbotten, Sverige. Malmkoncentratets egenskaper har analyserats ur mineralogisk synvinkel för att utvärdera hur den råa malmens mineralogi påverkar koncentratet och dess reduktionsbeteende vid elektrolys i saltsmälta. Elektrolysexperimenten utfördes i cellkropp av Inconel 625 placerad i en gropugn. De olika järnoxiderna testades separat. Reduktionsproverna utgjordes av en eller tre järnoxidbriketter på 20 g inuti ett molybdennät, fastvirade på en molybdenbricka med molybdentråd. Den smälta elektrolyten hölls vid en temperatur av 500°C med en applicerad spänning av 1.7 eller 2.1 V. Elektrolyten som användes var natriumhydroxid (NaOH). Den mineralogiska undersökningen visar att tapulimalmens sammansättning varierar mellan olika delar av fyndigheten med avseende på magnetitens kornstorlek och skarnets sammansättning och kornstorlek. Punktanalyser med Laser Ablation Single Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-SC-ICP-MS) på magnetitkorn i tunnslip från fem olika borrkärnor visar att elementkoncentrationerna i magnetitkornen varierar mellan proverna. Core-to-rim-analyser på magnetitkornen visar att halterna av Fe, Mg, Mn och Al är tämligen homogena genom hela magnetitkornet med undantag av några få avvikande punkter. Fasanalys med XRD indikerar att reduktion har skett i alla försök. Utan prevention visar reduktionsprodukterna från försöken på Fe2O3, Fe3O4 och magnetitmalmkoncentrat klara indikationer av biprodukten NaFeO2. Enligt XRD verkar tillsats av Na2O ha minskat bildningen av Na2O för Fe2O3, Fe3O4 och Tapuli magnetitmalmkoncentrat. Intressant är att ingen NaFeO2 bildades i försöken med FeO. Förklaringen till detta skulle kunna vara avsaknaden av Fe3+ i FeO. De varierande ström-tidkurvorna från försöken tolkas bero på den applicerade spänningen, antalet briketter, brikettsönderdelning och tillsats av Na2O. Elektrolys i smält NaOH kan användas för att reducera järnoxider. Trots detta kanske NaOH inte är lämplig som elektrolyt i denna process, detta på grund av dess påvisade interaktion med Fe2O3 och Fe3O4 som resulterar i bildning av NaFeO2. Na2O kan tillsättas för att förhindra bildning av NaFeO2 men har en kraftigt negativ effekt på strömstyrkan i processen vilket minskar processens effektivitet. En annan preventiv åtgärd som kan testas är att kalibrera processens spänning så att NaFeO2 sönderdelas men inte NaOH. På grund av den konstaterade interaktionstendensen hos NaOH bör andra elektrolyter tas i beaktande för denna process. Angående magnetitmalmskoncentratet från Tapuli behövs fler tester för att dra slutsatser kring hur spårelementen påverkar dess uppförande vid smältelektrolys.

Interaction entre un fluide à haute température et un béton : contribution à la modélisation des échanges de masse et de chaleur / Interaction between a fluid at high temperature and a concrete : contribution to the modeling of heat and mass transfer

Introïni, Clément 19 November 2010 (has links)
Lors d'un hypothétique accident grave de réacteur à eau sous pression, un mélange de matériaux fondus, appelé corium, issu de la fusion du cœur peut se relocaliser dans le puits de cuve constitué par un radier en béton. Les codes d'évaluation réacteur pour simuler la phénoménologie de l'interaction corium-béton sont basés sur une description à grande échelle des échanges qui soulève de nombreuses questions, tant sur la prise en compte des phénomènes multi-échelles mis en jeu que sur la structure adoptée de la couche limite au voisinage du front d'ablation. Dans ce contexte, l'objectif principal de ce travail consiste à aborder le problème de la structure de la couche limite par simulation numérique directe. Ce travail s'inscrit dans le cadre plus général d'une description et d'une modélisation multi-échelle des échanges, c'est-à-dire de l'échelle locale associée au voisinage du front d'ablation jusqu'à l'échelle du code d'évaluation réacteur. Une telle description multi-échelle des échanges soulève le problème de la description locale de l'écoulement multiphasique multiconstituant mais aussi le problème du changement d'échelle et en particulier le passage de l'échelle locale à l'échelle de description supérieure dite macroscopique associée aux mouvements convectifs dans le bain de corium. Parmi les difficultés associées au changement d'échelle, nous nous intéressons à la problématique de la construction de conditions aux limites effectives ou lois de parois pour les modèles macroscopiques. Devant la complexité du problème multiphasique multiconstituant posé au voisinage du front, cette contribution a été abordée sur un problème modèle. Des conditions aux limites dites effectives ont été construites dans le cadre d'une méthode de décomposition de domaine puis testées pour un problème d'écoulement laminaire de convection naturelle sur parois rugueuses. Mˆeme si le problème traité reste encore éloigné des applications visées, cette contribution offre de nombreuses perspectives et constitue une première étape d'une modélisation multiéchelle des échanges pour la problématique de l'interaction corium-béton. Dans le cas plus complexe des écoulements multiphasiques multiconstituants et devant les difficultés expérimentales associées, le développement de lois de parois pour les outils existants aux échelles de description supérieures nécessite, au préalable, de disposer d'un outil de simulation numérique directe de l'écoulement au voisinage du front d'ablation. L'outil développé dans ce travail correspond à un modèle de Cahn-Hilliard/Navier-Stokes pour un mélange diphasique (liquide-gaz) compositionnel (corium-béton fondu) s'appuyant sur une description du système selon trois paramètres d'ordre associés respectivement aux fractions volumiques du gaz et aux deux espèces miscibles de la phase liquide ainsi que sur une décomposition de l'énergie libre selon une contribution diphasique et compositionnelle. Les équations de transport sont dérivées dans le cadre de la thermodynamique des processus irréversibles et résolues sur la base d'une application éléments finis de la plate-forme PELICANS. Plusieurs expériences numériques illustrent la validité et les potentialités d'application de cet outil sur des problèmes diphasiques et/ou compositionnels. Enfin, à partir de l'outil développé, nous abordons par simulation numérique directe une étude de la structure de la couche limite au voisinage du front d'ablation pour des bétons siliceux et silico-calcaire. / In the late phases of some scenario of hypothetical severe accident in Pressurized Water Reactors, a molten mixture of core and vessel structures, called corium, comes to interact with the concrete basemat. The safety numerical tools are lumped parameter codes. They are based on a large averaged description of heat and mass transfers which raises some uncertainties about the multi-scale description of the exchanges but also about the adopted boundary layer structure in the vicinity of the ablation front. In this context, the aim of this work is to tackle the problem of the boundary layer structure by means of direct numerical simulation. This work joins within the more general framework of a multi-scale description and a multi-scale modeling, namely from the local scale associated with the vicinity of the ablation front to the scale associated with the lumped parameter codes. Such a multi-scale description raises not only the problem of the local description of the multiphase multicomponent flow but also the problem of the upscaling between the local- and the macro-scale which is associated with the convective structures within the pool of corium. Here, we are particularly interested in the building of effective boundary conditions or wall laws for macro-scale models. The difficulty of the multiphase multicomponent problem at the local scale leads us to consider a relatively simplified problem. Effective boundary conditions are built in the frame of a domain decomposition method and numerical experiments are performed for a natural convection problem in a stamp shaped cavity to assess the validity of the proposed wall laws. Even if the treated problem is still far from the target applications, this contribution can be viewed as a first step of a multi-scale modeling of the exchanges for the molten core concrete issue. In the more complicated case of multiphase multicomponent flows, it is necessary to have a direct numerical simulation tool of the flow at the local scale to build wall laws for macro-scale models. Here, the developed tool corresponds to a Cahn-Hilliard/Navier-Stokes model for a two-phase compositional system. It relies on a description of the system by three volume fractions and on a free energy composed by a two-phase part and a compositional part. The governing equations are derived in the frame of the thermodynamic of irreversible processes. They are solved on the basis of a finite element application of the object-oriented software component library PELICANS. Several numerical experiments illustrate the validity and the potentialities of application of this tool on two-phase compositional problems. Finally, using the developed tool, we tackle by means of direct numerical simulation the problem boundary layer structure in the vicinity of the ablation front for limestone-sand and siliceous concretes.

Evaluation of Electrochemical Storage Systems for Higher Efficiency and Energy Density

Martino, Drew J 25 January 2017 (has links)
Lack of energy storage is a key issue in the development of renewable energy sources. Most renewables, especially solar and wind, when used alone, cannot sustain a reliably constant power output over an extended period of time. These sources generally generate variable amounts of power intermittently, therefore, an efficient electrical energy storage (EES) method is required to better temporally balance power generation to power consumption. One of the more promising methods of electrical energy storage is the unitized regenerative fuel cell (UFRC.) UFRCs are fuel cells that can operate in a charge-discharge cycle, similar to a battery, to store and then to subsequently release power. Power is stored by means of electrolysis while the products of this electrolysis reaction can be recombined as in a normal fuel cell to release the stored power. A major advantage of UFRCs over batteries is that storage capacity can be decoupled from cell power, thus reducing the potential cost and weight of the cell unit. Here we investigate UFRCs based on hydrogen-halogen systems, specifically hydrogen-bromine, which has potential for improved electrode reaction kinetics and hence cheaper catalysts and higher efficiency and energy density. A mathematical model has been developed to analyze this system and determine cell behavior and cycle efficiency under various conditions. The conventional H2-Br2 URFCs, however also so far have utilized Pt catalysts and Nafion membranes. Consequently, a goal of this work was to explore alternate schemes and materials for the H2-Br2 URFC. Thus, three generations of test cells have been created. The first two cells were designed to use a molten bromide salt, ionic liquid or anion exchange membrane as the ion exchange electrolyte with the liquids supported on a porous membrane. This type of system provides the potential to reduce the amount of precious metal catalyst required, or possibly eliminate it altogether. Each cell showed improvement over the previous generation, although the results are preliminary. The final set of results are promising for anion exchange membranes on a cost basis compared Nafion. Another promising energy storage solution involves liquid methanol as an intermediate or as a hydrogen carrier. An alternative to storing high-pressure hydrogen is to produce it on-board/on-site on demand via a methanol electrocatalytic reformer (eCRef), a PEM electrolyzer in which methanol-water coelectrolysis takes place. Methanol handling, storage, and transportation is much easier than that for hydrogen. The hydrogen produced via methanol eCref may then be used in any number of applications, including for energy storage and generation in a standard H2-O2 PEM fuel cell. The mathematical modeling and analysis for an eCref is very similar to that of the HBr URFC. In this work, a comprehensive model for the coelectrolysis of methanol and water into hydrogen is created and compared with experimental data. The performance of the methanol electrolyzer coupled with a H2-O2 fuel cell is then compared for efficiency to that of a direct methanol fuel cell data and was found to be superior. The results suggest that an efficient and small paired eCRef-fuel cell system is potentially be a cheaper and more viable alternative to the standard direct methanol fuel cell. Both the H2-Br2 URFC and the methanol eCref in combination with a H2-O2 fuel cell have significant potential to provide higher energy efficiency and energy density for EES purposes.

Contribution à l’étude électrochimique du système P2-NaxCoO2 : synthèse et caractérisation de nouveaux oxydes lamellaires ordonnés (A/A’)CoO2 (A, A’ = Li, Na, Ag) / Electrochemical study of the P2-NaxCoO2 system : synthesis and characterizations of new ordered lamellar oxides (A/A')CoO2 (A,A'=Li, Na, Ag)

Berthelot, Romain 03 December 2010 (has links)
Selon le taux de sodium, par exemple de bonnes caractéristiques thermoélectriques pour les phases riches en sodium, ainsi que la supraconductivité pour certaines compositions (x ~ 0.3) hydratées, en font un exemple de choix pour étudier les corrélations entre la structure et les propriétés. La première partie de ce travail utilise l’électrochimie et la technique de batteries au sodium pour explorer en détail et de manière continue le diagramme de phase de ce système (pour x ≥ 0.5), en particulier avec un suivi in situ par diffraction des rayons X de l’intercalation d’ions sodium. Les compositions monophasées sont caractérisées par un potentiel électrochimique propre, et leur stabilité thermique relative est étudiée lors de cyclages à différentes températures.Dérivant de P2-NaxCoO2, le système ordonné OP4-(Li/Na)CoO2 se caractérise également par des propriétés thermoélectriques remarquables. La seconde partie de ce travail approfondit la connaissance de ce système caractérisé par une intercalation alternée des ions lithium et sodium. A partir de cet empilement, par des échanges ioniques topotactiques, trois nouveaux empilements théoriquement simulés sont expérimentalement mis en évidence et caractérisés. Il s’agit des polytypes inédits O4-LiCoO2 et D4-AgCoO2, ainsi que de l’empilement OD4-(Li/Ag)CoO2, premier exemple d’une intercroissance NaCl / delafossite au sein d’une même structure lamellaire. / The P2-NaxCoO system exhibits various outstanding physical phenomena such as promising thermoelectric properties (for x ~ 0.7) and superconductivity for hydrated compositions. The first part of the present study uses electrochemistry through sodium batteries to deeply explore the P2-NaxCoO2 phase diagram (for x ≥ 0.5) in a continuous way, with especially an in situ XRD experiment that follows sodium ions intercalation. Peculiar single-phase compositions are characterized by a specific electrochemical voltage, and their relative thermal stability is studied through electrochemical cycling at various temperatures.The second part of this project deals with the ordered OP4-(Li/Na)CoO2 system which also exhibits promising thermoelectric features. Its structure is characterized by an alternate intercalation of lithium and sodium ions. Using this system, topotactic ionic exchanges enable to obtain three new stackings, O4-LiCoO2, D4-AgCoO2, and the OD4-(Li/Ag)CoO2 which are first simulated, experimentally evidenced and then characterized. The OD4 stacking is thefirst example of a NaCl / delafossite intergrowth in the same layered structure.

Study of the electromagnetic pumping systems of molten metals and molten salts / Etude des systèmes électromagnétiques de pompage pour les métaux et les sels fondus

Roman, Cristian Robert 29 January 2014 (has links)
Les préoccupations actuelles concernant l'exploitation sécuritaire des centrales nucléaires existantes et la conception d’architectures spéciales envisagées pour la quatrième génération de réacteurs nucléaires se combinent avec l’intérêt plus prononcé pour l'efficacité et la fiabilité de l'équipement d'un système énergétique. Cela fait que dans un souci de meilleure compréhension et optimisation basée sur des moyens modernes de conception assistée par l’ordinateur, l'étude de différentes parties de ces systèmes fait de plus en plus l’objet de recherches approfondies. . Parmi les types proposés pour la quatrième génération de réacteurs nucléaires font partie ceux ayant comme agent de refroidissement les sels fondus, respectivement le sodium fondu. En raison de leurs propriétés physiques, les sels fondus et le sodium liquide ont le potentiel d'être déplacés par les pompes électromagnétiques. Cet ouvrage est à la fois une étude approfondie des phénomènes qui se produisent en raison de l'écoulement du fluide dans le champ électromagnétique d’une pompe électromagnétique - interaction magnétohydrodynamique - et un rapport sur les capacités et les avantages des outils informatiques modernes pour faciliter la conception et l'optimisation des pompes électromagnétiques. Afin d’atteindre l'objectif principal de la thèse, notamment une meilleure compréhension des phénomènes interdépendants spécifique à l’opération des pompes électromagnétiques, deux objectifs secondaires ont été considérés. Le premier objectif concerne la pleine exploitation des modèles électromagnétiques numériques en éléments finis afin d'obtenir autant d'informations que possible sur le comportement des pompes électromagnétiques, dans l’hypothèse où on ne tient pas compte de l'écoulement des fluides. Le deuxième objectif était la construction des modèles numériques qui réunissent l’électromagnétisme et la dynamique des fluides, respectivement des modèles numériques qui regroupent les deux phénomènes caractérisant l’écoulement magnétohydrodynamique dans les canaux des pompes électromagnétiques. Dans l'étude dédiée au pompage électromagnétique de sels fondus, la thèse met en évidence des problèmes spécifiques liés à la génération de forces électromagnétiques dans les fluides faibles conducteurs d'électricité et fournit des résultats sur les applications où le pompage électromagnétique de sels fondus peut être efficace. À l’aide des modèles électromagnétiques nous avons obtenu des informations importantes sur l'influence du nombre de pôles électromagnétiques et de la fréquence d’alimentation sur la caractéristique Pression - Vitesse des pompes annulaires à induction. Ils ont été analysés le phénomène de blindage créé par les parois métalliques - avec des répercussions négatives sur les performances de la pompe, les effets de freinage exercés à l'entrée et à la sortie du canal de la pompe et la relation entre la capacité de surcharge hydrodynamique et la caractéristique Pression - Vitesse des pompes à induction. Une section spéciale a été consacrée à l'analyse de la dépendance de la force électromagnétique du temps et de l’espace et à l’étude de non-uniformitées des quantités de nature électromagnétique en direction azimutale dans les pompes annulaires à induction.Dans le chapitre qui traite de l'interaction magnétohydrodynamique à base de modèles couplés, ils sont proposés deux modèles qui couplent l'électromagnétisme et l’écoulement. Ils sont présentés les avantages des modèles couplés, en matière de la précision des résultats, par rapport aux modèles électromagnétiques. Il est également présenté l'évolution des profils de vitesse, de densité de force et de courant sous l'influence du champ électromagnétique et de l’écoulement de sodium à vitesses différentes. Les contributions de la thèse sont complétées par des observations importantes sur les méthodes de travail et les logiciels utilisés tout au long de l'étude. / The actual concerns with respect to safe operation of existing nuclear plants and to designing special architectures envisaged for the fourth generation of nuclear reactors, corroborated with the increasing interest for efficiency and reliability of any equipment belonging to an energetic system, make that more and more research endeavors to be devoted to the study of various parts of these systems for a better understanding and optimization based on modern techniques of computer aided design. Among the types proposed for the fourth generation of nuclear reactors belong those that have as cooling agent molten salts, respectively liquid sodium. Many reactors of previous generations use mechanical pumps of special design for driving the coolants. Molten salts and liquid sodium, thanks to their physical properties, have the potential to be driven using electromagnetic pumps. Although the technology of electromagnetic pumping of electroconductive fluids was developed since the first half of the last century, currently it undergoes a revival due to the reconsideration of its multiple technological and security advantages. This work is both an intimate study of the phenomena that occur as a result of the electroconductive fluids flow in the electromagnetic field of an electromagnetic pump – magnetohydrodynamic interaction - and a report on the capabilities and advantages of modern computational tools to facilitate design and optimization of electromagnetic pumps.To achieve the principal goal of deeper understanding of the interdependent phenomena specific to electromagnetic pumps operation, two auxiliary objectives were considered. The first is related to the full exploitation of electromagnetic finite element models in order to retrieve as much information as possible about electromagnetic pumps behavior in a simplifying hypothesis that does not take into account the fluid dynamics. The second auxiliary objective is to build numerical models that couple the electromagnetism and the fluid dynamics, namely the two interdependent physics that govern the magnetohydrodynamic flow through channels of electromagnetic pumps.In the section dealing with the study of electromagnetic pumping of molten salts, the thesis highlights specific problems related the generation of electromagnetic forces in fluids with low electrical conductivity and provides results with respect to applications where electromagnetic pumping of molten salts can be effective. With the electromagnetic numerical models were obtained important data about the influence of the number of electromagnetic poles and supply frequency on the Pressure – Velocity characteristic of annular linear induction pumps. Were analyzed the shielding effect generated by the metallic walls - with negative repercussions on pumps performances, braking effects exerted at pump inlet and pump outlet and the connection between the overload capacity and Pressure – Velocity characteristic of induction pumps. A special portion was devoted to the analysis of the time and space dependence of the electromagnetic force and to the study of the non-uniformities of electromagnetic quantities in azimuth direction of annular linear induction pumps.In the chapter devoted to the magnetohydrodynamic interaction through coupled models, the thesis proposes two models that couple the electromagnetism and the fluid flow, one realized using multiphysic software and the second by coupling two different softwares. There are presented the advantages of the coupled models with respect to the results accuracy in comparison with electromagnetic models. It is presented the evolution of velocity, force and current densities profiles under the influence of the electromagnetic field and of different sodium mean velocities.The contributions of the thesis are completed with significant observations related to the study methods and software tools used along the study process. / Preocupările actuale în legătură cu exploatarea în siguranță a centralelor nucleare existente și în legătură cu proiectarea arhitecturilor speciale de reactoare nucleare pentru generația a patra,coroborate cu interesul tot mai pronunțat pentru eficiența și fiabilitatea oricărui echipament dintr-un sistem energetic, fac ca tot mai multe demersuri de cercetare să se îndrepte spre studiul diverselor subansamble ale acestor sisteme pentru o mai buna înțelegere și optimizare pe baza mijloacelor moderne de proiectare asistată de calculator. Din rândul tipurilor propuse pentru generația a patra de reactoare nucleare fac parte și cele care au ca agent de răcire săruri topite, respectiv sodiu topit. Multe reactoare nucleare de generație anterioară folosesc ca mijloc de antrenare a fluidelor de răcire pompe mecanice de construcție specială. Sărurile topite ăi sodiul lichid, datorită proprietăților fizice,au potențialul de a fi recirculate cu ajutorul pompelor electromagnetice. Deși tehnologia pompării electromagnetice a fluidelor electroconductoare a fost dezvoltată încă din prima parte a secolului trecut, în prezent cunoaște o renaștere datorită reconsiderării multiplelor avantaje tehnologice și de securitate în exploatare. Lucrarea de față este atât un studiu al fenomenelor intime ce au loc ca urmare a curgerii fluidelor electroconductoare în câmpul electromagnetic al pompelor electromagnetice – interacțiune magnetohidrodinamică - cât și un raport despre capabilitățile și avantajele uneltelor moderne de calcul de a înlesni proiectarea și optimizarea pompelor electromagnetice. Pentru a atinge scopul principal al tezei, și anume o înțelegere mai adâncă a fenomenelor interdependente specifice funcționării pompelor electromagnetice, au fost considerate două obiective secundare. Primul obiectiv se referă la exploatarea la maximum a modelelor electromagnetice numerice în element finit cu scopul de a obține cât mai multe informații cu putință despre comportamentul pompelor electromagnetice în ipoteza care nu ia în considerare curgerea fluidelor. Al doilea obiectiv a fost construirea unor modele numerice care cuplează electromagnetismul și curgerea, respectiv, cuplează modelele numerice ale celor două fenomene ce caracterizează curgerea magnetohidrodinamică din canalele pompelor electromagnetice. În partea dedicată studiului pompării electromagnetice a sărurilor topite, teza evidențiază problemele specifice legate de generarea forțelor electromagnetice în fluide slab conductoare electric și oferă rezultate cu privire la aplicațiile unde pomparea electromagnetică a sărurilor topite poate fi eficientă. Cu ajutorul modelelor electromagnetice s-au obținut date importante despre influența numărului de poli electromagnetici și frecvența de alimentare asupra caracteristicii Presiune – Viteză a pompelor electromagnetice inelare de inducție. Au fost analizate fenomenul de ecranare creat de peretii metalici – cu repercursiuni negative asupra performanțelor pompelor, efectele de frânare exercitate la intrarea și la ieșirea din canalul de pompare și legătura dintre capacitatea de suprasarcină hidrodinamică și caracteristica Presiune – Viteză a pompelor de inducție. O secțiune specială a fost consacrată analizei dependenței de timp și a variației de la punct la punct a forței electromagnetice, precum și studiului neuniformităților mărimilor de natură electromagnetic în direcție azimutală în pompele inelare de inducție. În capitolul despre interacțiunea magnetohidrodinamică pe baza modelelor cuplate, se propun două modele ce cuplează electromagnetismul și curgerea fluidelor, unul realizat cu ajutorul unui singur software și al doilea realizat prin cuplarea a două software-uri diferite. Sunt prezentate avantajele modelelor cuplate din punctul de vedere al acurateței rezultatelor în comparație cu modelele electromagnetice …

Cratus: Molten Salt Thermal Energy Storage

Pratt, Benjamin Michael 26 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Design and Optimization of a Sodium-Molten Salt Heat Exchanger for Concentrating Solar Power applications

Guccione, Salvatore January 2020 (has links)
Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) is one of the most promising renewable energybased electricity generation technologies to deal with the increasing demand of power consumption and environmental sustainability. With the aim of achieving the 2020 SunShot cost target for CSP of 60 USD/MWh, the United States Department of Energy presented, in May 2018, the Gen3 CSP initiative. In particular, the CSP Gen3 Liquid-Phase Pathway proposes to design a CSP system adopting liquid sodium as Heat Transfer Fluid (HTF) in the receiver, advanced high-temperature molten chloride salt as storage fluid and supercritical CO2 (sCO2) Brayton cycle as power cycle. Within this framework, the aim of this master thesis was to design the sodium-chloride salt Heat Exchanger (HX) by developing both a heat exchanger model and a sodiumsalt-sCO2 system model. To pursue these purposes, a completely new Modelica-based HX model was developed and added to the SolarTherm library. Furthermore, as an extension of earlier models, the sodium-salt-sCO2 CSP system (NaSaltsCO2System) was implemented in SolarTherm, by incorporating the HX model and linking it with other new and existing component models. As for the HX, a general model was developed for shell and tube heat exchangers, based on the TEMA guidelines, with the possibility of being customized in terms of media adopted, constraints, boundary conditions, and correlations. The model performs an optimization in order to select the internal geometry configuration that optimizes a user-defined objective-function. By employing the implemented HX model in the NaSaltsCO2System, the sodium-salt heat exchanger was designed aiming at minimizing the Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE), providing a complete geometry description, and an estimation of the performances and costs. The resulting NaSaltsCO2System model was found to be robust and able to perform annual simulations that allowed to estimate the energy performances of the CSP plant, as well as the LCOE. Considering the sodium-salt-sCO2 CSP system characterized by a receiver capacity of 543 MWth, 12 hours of Thermal Energy Storage (TES), and a 100 MWe power block, the LCOE resulted equal to 72.66 USD/MWh. The sodium-salt HX design that minimizes the LCOE resulted in a single-shell/single tube pass configuration, with vertical alignment, characterized by an overall height of 15 m, and a shell diameter of 1.8 m. It represents the 3.2% of the total capital cost of the plant. An interesting system-level optimization was then carried out on the combined receiver-heat exchanger block. It regarded the variation of the Log Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD) of the HX and highlighted the possibility to drop the LCOE down to 68.54 USD/MWh. The techno-economic investigations and the sensitivity analysis showed the flexibility and robustness of the HX model, as well as the importance of the NaSaltsCO2System. The latter lays the groundwork to explore potential improvements of this new generation of CSP systems, which can play a fundamental role in the future global energy mix. / Termisk solkraft (CSP) är en av de mest lovande elproduktionsteknologierna baserade på förnybar energi. Den kan bidra till hanteringen av den ökande efterfrågan på energi och miljömässig hållbarhet. I syfte att uppnå 2020 SunShot-kostnadsmålet för CSP på 60 USD/MWh presenterade USA:s energidepartement Gen3 CSPinitiativet. I synnerhet föreslår CSP Gen Liquid-Phase Pathway att utforma ett CSPsystem som använder flytande natrium som värmeöverföringsvätska i mottagaren, smält kloridsalt med hög temperatur som lagringsvätska, samt superkritisk CO2 (sCO2) Brayton-cykel som kraftcykel. Syftet för detta examensarbete var att utforma natriumkloridsaltets primära värmeväxlare genom att utveckla både en värmeväxlarmodell (HX) modell och en natriumsalt-sCO2-systemmodell. För att fullfölja dessa syften utvecklades HX-modellen först, sedan implementerades natriumsalt-sCO2 CSP-systemet NaSaltsCO2System. Båda verktygen utvecklades med hjälp av Modelica som programmeringsspråk. De finns nu tillgängliga i det öppna SolarTherm-biblioteket. När det gäller HX utvecklades en allmän modell för skal- och rörvärmeväxlare med möjligheten att anpassas när det gäller antagna medium, begränsningar, gränsvillkor och korrelationer. Dessutom utförde modellen en optimering för att välja den interna geometri-konfigurationen som optimerar en användardefinierad objektiv-funktion. Genom att använda den implementerade HX-modellen i NaSaltsCO2System designades natriumsalt-värmeväxlaren, vilket gav en fullständig konfiguration-beskrivning och en uppskattning av prestanda och kostnader. Den utvecklade NaSaltsCO2System-modellen visade sig vara robust och kapabel till att utföra simuleringar på årsbasis. Detta gjorde det möjligt att uppskatta CSP-anläggningens energiprestanda samt LCOE. Det utvecklade natriumsalt-sCO2 CSP-systemet som känneteckna des av en mottagarkapacitet på 543 MWth, 12 timmars TES och ett 100 MWe power block, resulterade i en LCOE på 72.66 USD/MWh. Natrium-salt HX-konstruktionen som minimerade LCOE resulterade i en enskalig/enkel rörpassningskonfiguration, med vertikal inriktning, kännetecknad av en total höjd av 15 m och en skaldiameter på 1.8 m. Det motsvarade 3.2% av anläggningens totala kapitalkostnad. Den mest intressanta systemoptimeringen genomfördes på det kombinerade blocket bestående av mottagare och värmeväxlare. Den behandlade variationen av HX:s LMTD och framhöll möjligheten att sänka LCOE till 68.54 USD/MWh. De teknisk-ekonomiska undersökningarna och känslighetsanalysen visade flexibiliteten och robustheten i HX-modellen, liksom vikten av NaSaltsCO2Systemet. Den senare lägger grunden för att utforska potentiella förbättringar av denna nya generation av CSP-system, som kan spela en grundläggande roll i den framtida globala energimixen.

Validating results from the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment by use of turbulent CFD simulations : A study of a modified U-tube shell-and-tube primary heat exchanger and radiator with molten salts

Akner, Malcolm January 2021 (has links)
Background Nuclear reactors utilizing molten fuels rather than solid fuels show a massive advantage in energy yield, waste handling and safety features. The only successful reactor utilizing a molten fuel was called the ‘Molten Salt Reactor Experiment’ (MSRE), built and operated in the Oak Ridge national laboratory (ORNL) in Tennessee, U.S.A. during the 1960s. The molten salts in question are fluoride compounds under the name of “FLiBe”. In this thesis, the heat exchangers of the MSRE are modelled and simulated, with the aim to test whether current computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software and mathematical models can accurately predict molten salt heat transfer behaviour.  Methods All programs used are open-source and/or free-access to facilitate open collaboration between researchers in this growing field. All models and findings produced in this thesis are free to use for future research. The program Onshape was used to draw CAD-models based on hand-drawn technical documents released by ORNL. Several programs, e.g., Simscale and Salome, were used to create high detailed meshes of the heat exchangers. The CFD software Simscale and OpenFOAM have been used to simulate the heat exchangers, using the 𝑘 − 𝜔 𝑆𝑆𝑇 Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) turbulence model to perform a multiregion conjugate heat transfer (CHT) analysis. The program Paraview has been used for all post-processing on the large datasets.  Results A working toolchain with open-source programs for CFD has been identified. Highly detailed, full-scale and accurate CAD-drawings of the two heat exchangers have been produced. Models have been finely meshed, containing tens of millions of cells, with good quality measures. The simulations produced physically sound and valuable data: Great heat transfer predictive capability with high accuracy to the data presented by ORNL. Pressure data showed a consistent over-prediction with a factor of ~2. Possibility of error within the MSRE measurement.  Conclusions CHT using modern turbulence methods work well for the intended purpose and can be used by industry to simulate molten salt heat transfer. Open-source programs perform well and can be used by researchers to share ideas and progress. Doubts around certain measurements from the MSRE, showing large uncertainties. Future projects have been outlined to continue the work performed in this thesis. Molten salt reactors show fantastic promise as an energy generation method and should be seriously considered for the future of clean, reliable energy.

Contribution à la mise au point d'une démarche rationnelle de sélection des traitements de surface : illustration dans le cas des dispositifs de fonderie de l'aluminium. Contribution to a comprehensive selection of surface treatments: the case of aluminium foundry devices.

D'Ans, Pierre J.D. 09 January 2009 (has links)
Sélectionner des traitements de surface pour l’industrie nécessite de prendre en compte : les propriétés à conférer au substrat, la nature et la géométrie de celui-ci et les caractéristiques du milieu extérieur. Certaines combinaisons de ces paramètres rendent difficile la sélection d’un traitement unique, d’où le recours à des multitraitements de surface. Dès lors, se posent les questions suivantes : - Utiliser des multitraitements de surface peut se faire en scindant les différentes requêtes en sous-ensembles, de manière à ce que chaque traitement réponde à l’un d’eux. Dans quel ordre ces requêtes doivent-elles être introduites par rapport au substrat ? - Comment sélectionner les traitements de surface répondant à chaque requête individuelle ? - Comment classer des multitraitements en termes d’adéquation au problème posé ? Dans ce travail, les première et troisième questions sont abordées, en explorant les requêtes concernant habituellement les dispositifs de moulage de l’aluminium : - Résistance aux contraintes d’origine thermique. - Résistance à la corrosion par les métaux fondus. - Résistance au frottement. L’analyse de la bibliographie relative aux traitements de surface utilisés dans ces systèmes a été analysée et des « architectures »-types ont été identifiées (chapitre 3). On prévoit, par exemple, un traitement conférant la résistance à la fatigue superficielle, ainsi qu’un revêtement étanche et résistant à l’aluminium fondu. Une barrière thermique est parfois préconisée. Pour chacune des architectures, des traitements de surface individuels peuvent être sélectionnés. Un « facteur de performance » permettant de classer les solutions par rapport au problème de la fatigue thermique a été construit (chapitre 4) et discuté dans deux situations : - Lorsqu’un revêtement est présent, et que les contraintes d’origine thermique (différence de dilatation thermique couche-substrat) menacent de le rompre lors de l’immersion dans un milieu corrosif à haute température. Des essais de corrosion dans de l’aluminium fondu ont été réalisés sur un acier revêtu par du nitrure de chrome dopé à l’aluminium, synthétisé par déposition physique en phase vapeur (chapitre 5 – collaboration : Inasmet). - Lorsque des variations thermiques rapides menacent de rompre le substrat et la (les) couches. Des essais de fatigue thermique ont été réalisés sur de l’acier à outils pour travail à chaud non traité, boruré ou recouvert d’un multitraitements (zircone yttriée / NiCrAlY / boruration / acier). Le revêtement en zircone yttriée a été obtenu par projection par plasma. L’essai de fatigue thermique a été modélisé et le facteur de performance, discuté (chapitre 6). Au chapitre 7, les architectures-types ont été introduites dans une méthodologie de sélection des multi-traitements de surface, qui a été appliquée dans deux cas : - Celui des moules de fonderie, devant résister à la fatigue thermique et à la corrosion par l’aluminium fondu. Le facteur de performance a été extrapolé à d’autres situations qu’aux chapitres 5 et 6. Les solutions habituellement proposées pour résoudre ce problème sont retrouvées. - Celui de deux pièces en acier frottant l’une contre l’autre en présence d’aluminium fondu. To select surface treatments, one must account for the required functional properties, the substrate features and the solicitations the substrate must endure. Certain combinations of these parameters make it difficult to select a single surface treatment, a reason why several successive treatments are preferred. To select them, one needs to determine: - How to divide the several requests into groups and how to stack up these groups from the substrate to the outer surface, so that each treatment deals with one specific group of requests/properties. - How to select individual layers for each group of properties. - How to rank the multi-treatments in terms of relevance for a given application. In this work, one tries to answer the first and the third questions, by studying the case of aluminium foundry, in which the industrial devices frequently face the following solicitations: - Thermal stress (thermal fatigue, thermal expansion mismatch). - Presence of corrosive molten metal. - Sliding wear. In the literature, several “standard” architectures are proposed (chapter 3), like a diffusion layer reducing superficial fatigue plus a corrosion barrier layer. A thermal barrier coating is also sometimes proposed. For each of these architectures, one can select individual treatments. To rank them, one devised a “performance index” for thermal stress (chap.4), which is discussed for two cases: - For large differences between layer and substrate thermal expansion coefficients, when both are put into contact with a high temperature corrosive medium, the layer may be damaged. One discusses this case by examining the corrosion caused by molten aluminium for a steel substrate coated by anticorrosive chromium nitride doped with aluminium. The layer is produced by physical vapour deposition (chap. 5 – cooperation: Inasmet). - Repeated fast surface temperature transients can also damage the substrate and/or the layer by thermal fatigue. One conducted thermal fatigue tests with samples of hot work tool steel, respectively untreated, simply borided and protected by a multilayer. In the last case, top coat is yttria stabilised zirconia, followed by a nickel superalloy and then a borided layer (undercoat). One synthesized the zirconia coating by plasma spray and one modelled the thermal fatigue (chap. 6). In chap. 7, architectures from chap. 2 are introduced in a multi-treatment selection routine, which is applied in two cases: - Foundry moulds for molten aluminium, withstanding both thermal fatigue and corrosion. The devised performance index is extrapolated beyond the tests of chap. 5 and 6 to treatments for this industrial application, thereby quantifying their respective merits. - A foundry device exposed to molten metal and sliding wear.

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