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Propagation of Photons through Optical Fiber: Spin-Orbit Interaction and Nonlinear Phase ModulationVitullo, Dashiell 21 November 2016 (has links)
We investigate two medium-facilitated interactions between properties of light upon propagation through optical fiber. The first is interaction between the spin and intrinsic orbital angular momentum in a linear optical medium. This interaction gives rise to fine structure in the longitudinal momenta of fiber modes and manifests in rotational beating effects. We probe those beating effects experimentally in cutback experiments, where small segments are cut from the output of a fiber to probe the evolution of both output polarization and spatial orientation, and find agreement between theoretical predictions and measured behavior.
The second is nonlinear optical interaction due to cross- and self-phase modulation between the complex-valued temporal amplitude profile of pump pulses and the amplitude profiles of generated signal and idler pulses in optical fiber photon-pair sources utilizing the four-wave mixing process named modulation instability. We develop a model including the effects of these nonlinear phase modulations (NPM) describing the time-domain wave function of the output biphoton in the low-gain regime. Assuming Gaussian temporal amplitude profiles for the pump pulse, we numerically simulate the structure of the biphoton wave function, in symmetric and asymmetric group velocity matching configurations. Comparing the overlap of the joint temporal amplitudes with and without NPM indicates how good of an approximation neglecting NPM is, and we investigate the effects of NPM on the Schmidt modes. We find that effects of NPM are small on temporally separable sources utilizing symmetric group velocity matching, but appreciably change the state of temporally entangled sources with the same group velocity matching scheme. For sources designed to produce entangled biphotons, our simulations suggest that NPM increases the Schmidt number, which may increase entanglement resource availability with utilization of a phase-sensitive detection scheme. We find that NPM effects on temporally separable sources designed with asymmetric group velocity matching produce non-negligible changes in the state structure. The purity is unaffected at perfect asymmetric group velocity matching, but if the pump is detuned from the correct wavelength, the purity degrades. The largest changes to the state due to NPM occur in long fibers with long pulse durations and low repetition rates.
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Combining Value and Momentum Strategies in the Swedish Stock Market : How market anomalies can be exploited to outperform stock market indexNilsson, Maximiliam, Bylund Månsson, Gottfrid January 2019 (has links)
Value and momentum strategies have been heavenly researched in financial academic literature. In this essay, different portfolios based on value and momentum strategies have been constructed to examine if it is possible to exploit market anomalies to outperform market returns. Both value and momentum is seen as two market anomalies according to earlier literature. The test were made on the Swedish market, and all data were collected from the Nasdaq OMX Stockholm Large Cap list. The findings includes a significant outperformance of market returns in nearly all portfolio tested, as well as lower standard deviations for some. However, an empirical asset pricing model, based on four factors from the Swedish market were constructed to seek explanation for the results. Overall the factor variables were rejected on their statistical significances, except for the market factor which were statistical significant for all portfolios except one.
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Momentum strategies on the Swedish marketBergsten, Simon January 2019 (has links)
Comparing the performance of a pure momentum strategy with a strategy based on intermediate past returns on OMXS 1999-2018, this study shows that a pure momentum strategy significantly outperforms a strategy based on intermediate past returns. The pure momentum strategy delivers significant returns, primarily for portfolios based on shorter formation and holding periods. Furthermore, this study show that these significant returns are not due to loading on common systematic risk factors. Moreover, this study shows that by implementing a scaling component to the pure momentum strategy, investors can mitigate the crash risk in momentum strategies to some extent.
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Size, Value and Momentum in Frontier Markets : Testing for Fama-French-Carhart Factors and Market Efficiency in Frontier MarketsPetersen, John N., Spieker, Sven January 2019 (has links)
As more and more investors look to diversify their portfolios further, their attentions have moved past emerging markets in recent years, towards the so-called frontier markets. Frontier markets are less developed and liquid than emerging markets but offer tremendous opportunities for investors willing to allocate capital into them. This thesis will look into the applicability of global, as well as Frontier Fama-French-Carhart four-factor models within these markets and what the consequences are in terms of the efficient market hypothesis. The factor models will try to explain returns based on Size, Value and Momentum, as the literature has shown that asset pricing models tend to have difficulties explaining these strategies. Our findings indicate that Global Fama-French factors do partially explain long-only returns, yet Frontier Fama-French-Carhart factors appear more suitable. However, the results indicate that there is a factor missing in Frontier Fama-French-Carhart factors, which could explain the excess returns. Moreover, as we did not find statistically significant and positive intercepts for all applied Momentum strategies against the Frontier and Global Fama-French-Carhart factors (not even in the robustness test), we cannot reject the weak efficient market hypothesis. However, dollar-neutral Size and Value strategies (also the combined portfolio with dollar-neutral Momentum) seem to consistently outperform Frontier and Global factors.
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Sobre o perfil de Compton do átomo de hélio / On the Compton profile of the helium atomOrnellas, Fernando Rei 25 June 1976 (has links)
Em vista de recentes determinações experimentais do perfil de Compton (Eisenberger, Phys. Rev., A2, 1678(1970); Wellenstein e Bonham, Phys. Rev., A7, 1568(1973}, procuramos efetuar um estudo comparativo de cálculos teóricos do perfil de Compton para o átomo de hélio (1S). Para tal, o conjunto de funções de onda elaboradas por Shull e L6wdin (J.Chem.Phy., 23, 1362(1955); 23, 1565(1955}; 30, 617(1959} mostrou-se bastante adequado, visto que permitiu observar a influência da função de onda no cálculo de perfil de Compton. Nossos resultados mostram em contraste à idéia geralmente aceita, que mesmo funções de onda igualmente boas para o cálculo da energia podem fornecer perfis de Compton com um erro maior que o experimental. Alem disso, apresentamos um conjunto de novos dados para o perfil de Compton e para a distribuição radial de momentum. Procuramos, também explicar essas discrepâncias relacionando-as com a transformada de Fourier da função de onda no espaço de configuração. / In view of the recent experimental determination of the Compton profile (Eisenberger, Phys., Rev., A2,1678(1970); Wellenstein and Bonham, Phys, Rev., A7, 1568(1973), we have performed a comparative study of theoretical calcu1ation of the Compton profile for the helium atom (1S). For such, the set of wave functions elaborated by Shull and Löwdin (J.Chem. Phys., 23, 1362(1955); 23, 1565(1955); 30, 617(1959) show itself specially suftable since it was possible to observe the influence af the wave functions on the calculated profile. Our results show in, contrast to general accepted idea, that even equally good wave functions in the energy sense may give theoretical profiles in error greater than the experimental one. Besides, we have presented a set of new data for the Compton profile and radial momentum distribution. A1so we have tried to explain the source of these discrepancies relating them to the Fourier transformation of the wave function in the configuration space.
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Espaço do momento: modelos da química quântica / Momentum Space: Quantum Chemistry ModelsHermoso, Willian 17 September 2008 (has links)
Em um curso tradicional de Química Quântica, os modelos estudados para ilustrar algumas das ferramentas da Mecânica Quântica relevantes para a compreensão da estrutura da matéria no nível atômico e molecular são apresentados no que se convencionou chamar, numa apresentação mais formal, de representação da posição. Nesta representação, o estado do sistema é descrito por uma função de onda dependente das posições das partículas que o constituem. Isso leva o estudante de química a uma concepção distorcida de que na natureza os estados dos sistemas devem ser obrigatoriamente descritos em termos das posições de suas partículas. Aqui mostramos que essa não é a única forma de abordar quanticamente a descrição de um sistema físico. Uma outra forma é servir-se da representação do momento, onde a função de estado depende do momento de cada uma das partículas. Existem dois caminhos para se obter as funções de estado na representação do momento. Uma delas é fazer-se a transformada de Fourier das funções de estado na representação da posição, e a outra é buscar resolver a equação de Schrödinger diretamente na representação do momento. Neste trabalho, foram discutidas essas duas abordagens para os modelos mais comuns estudados num curso de Química Quântica, sendo eles: a partícula na caixa, o oscilador harmônico, o átomo de hidrogênio, o átomo de hélio, o íon-molécula de hidrogênio (H2 +) e a molécula de hidrogênio (H2). Buscou-se mostrar uma perspectiva diferente na descrição desses sistemas bem como uma abordagem matemática distinta da usual e, também, as dificuldades, principalmente matemáticas, de sua aplicação e ensino num curso de Química Quântica. / In a conventional course in Quantum Chemistry, the models usually presented to illustrate the use of some quantum mechanical tools that are relevant for a comprehension of the structure of matter at the atomic and molecular levels are approached in a way that has been termed, in a more formal presentation, as position representation. In this representation, the state of a system is described by a wavefunction that is dependent on the positions of all particles that define the system. As a consequence of this presentation, chemistry students assimilate a distorted conception that in nature the state of a system must necessarily be described in terms of particles positions. Here we show that this is not the only way to approach quantum mechanically the description of a physical system. In an alternative way, known as momentum representation, the state function is expressed in a way that it is explicitly dependent on the momentum of each particle. There are two ways to obtain wavefunctions in the momentum representation. In of them, use is made of a Fourier transform of the wavefunctions in the position representation, and in the other one, an attempt is made to solve Schroedinger´s equation directly in the momentum representation. In this work, we have discussed these two approaches by examining the most common models studied in a Quantum Chemistry course, namely: the particle in a box, the harmonic oscillator, the hydrogen atom, the helium atom, the hydrogen molecular ion, and the hydrogen molecule. We have tried to show a different physical perspective in the description of these systems as well as a distinct mathematical approach than the usual one, and also the difficulties, mainly mathematical, of applying and teaching this representation in a Quantum Chemistry course.
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Conservação de momento angular em sistemas mecânicos dissipativos / Conservation of angular momentum in dissipative mechanical systemsSantos, Lucas Ruiz dos 14 February 2012 (has links)
Objetiva-se discutir e explorar as consequências da conservação do momento angular em situações físicas que apresentem dissipação de energia. Frequentemente, sistemas mecânicos dissipativos são omitidos nas formulações matemáticas da mecânica clássica. No entanto, a conservação da energia mecânica é uma idealização drasticamente incompatível, a longos períodos de tempo, com a maioria das situações reais. Apesar de parecer controversa, esta abordagem é compreensível desde que é incluída na dissipação toda a complexidade dos sistemas mecânicos, os quais não podemos modelar completamente. Espera-se assim que os resultados obtidos sejam parcialmente comprovados em experimentos, sendo que a discrepância é atribuída à parte desconhecida do fenômeno, que muitas vezes é considerada irrelevante para fins práticos. Devido à mencionada complexidade de fenômenos dissipativos, a postura adotada nesta dissertação foi analisar específicos exemplos, de natureza distinta, simplificados, que apresentem as duas propriedades em questão. Concentrou-se especialmente no problema de dissipação de energia em corpos deformáveis na ausência de estímulos externos. / The goal of this work is to study physical systems where angular momentum is a conserved quantity while energy is dissipated. It is a common practice among people working on classical mechanics to neglect energy dissipation. While this hypothesis leads to beautiful mathematical theories, it is strongly violated by the majority of real world systems. The physical complexity of the many ways in which energy is dissipated turns the mathematical modelling of dissipative forces troublesome. There is essentially no general mathematical model for dissipative forces in good agreement with a wide range of experiments. This is in contrast to the very few accepted conservative force models: gravity, elasticity and magneto-electricity. The dissipative force model usually varies among the various physical situations. So, in this work several systems where energy is dissipated while angular momentum is conserved will be considered. The main example will be the motion of a deformable body free from external forces and torques.
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Investigations on momentum distributions and disorder in strongly out-of-equilibrium trapped Bose gases / Investigações nas distribuições de momento e na desordem em gases de Bose armadilhados fortemente fora do equilíbrioVivanco, Franklin Adán Julca 27 June 2017 (has links)
From almost one century, Bose-Einstein condensation has become progressively more important especially due to its connection with superfluidity, superconductivity and manybody physics. Nowadays quantum gases are powerful experimental tools to discover new physics and to emulate systems in condensed matter due to their versatility and very high control. Despite the increasing use of quantum gases as platforms for studying many problems in physics, their comprehension is very limited if we consider systems that are out-of-equilibrium due to the lack of experimental controllability of all the parameters involved in these systems. Another limitation in the understanding of this kind of systems comes from the limitation of the theoretical frameworks used to understand non-equilibrium dynamics, although many efforts have been made in this direction. Hence, many interesting phenomena in non-equilibrium quantum systems have not yet been discovered or well understood from a theoretical and experimental point of view, and thus its physics have not been the focus of much attention, although this situation has recently changed due to the rapid development of experimental techniques which enables a better control of parameters of these systems. Motivated by this progress, we study non-equilibrium Bose gases in the search of turbulence using an oscillatory excitation performed in a Bose-Einstein condensate of 87Rb atoms. In this thesis, we describe these experiments and characterize our non-equilibrium quantum system through some quantifiers. One of these quantifiers is a dimensionless value that represent the exponent γ obtained from the cascade of the transverse momentum distribution ñ(k). ñ(k) is obtained from absorption images of atoms in expansion using the time-of-flight technique in a well defined range of momenta. We analyze the dependence of γ with the amount of the pumped energy, and we found a steady-value which describe a well-established non-equilibrium regime. Also, it is analyzed the viability of using the fluctuations statistics in order to extract some quantifier from the power-spectrum of the fluctuations assuming that it represents an analog to the energy spectrum, due to the consideration of the time-of-flight technique. From the powerspectrum it is extracted an exponent, in the same range as for ñ(k), and compared with γ 2, that will be the exponent for the pseudo-energy spectrum in the kinetic dominated regime. Finally, we consider, again with the time-of-flight technique, the continuous Shannon entropy as quantifier that measure the disorder of the excited clouds and study their dependence with the pumped energy. These studies show us that there is an out-ofequilibrium regime that takes place when we inject a fixed quantity of energy into the system. / Desde há quase um século a condensação de Bose-Einstein vem se tornando cada vez mais importante, especialmente devido à sua forte conexão com superfluidez, supercondutividade e física de muitos corpos. Hoje em dia, os gases quânticos são poderosas ferramentas experimentais para descobrir-se nova física e para emular sistemas em matéria condensada devido à sua grande versatilidade e altíssimo controle. Apesar do uso crescente de gases quânticos como plataformas para se estudar diversos problemas na física, sua compreensão é muito limitada se considerarmos sistemas que estão fora de equilíbrio, devido à falta de controle experimental de todos os parâmetros envolvidos deste tipo de situações. Outra limitação na compreensão deste tipo de sistemas vem da limitação das abordagens teóricas usadas para entender a dinâmica em regimes de não equilíbrio, embora muitos esforços tem sido feitos nessa direção. Assim, muitos fenômenos interessantes em sistemas quânticos fora do equilíbrio ainda não foram descobertos ou bem compreendidos do ponto de vista teórico e experimental, e portanto, sua física não tem sido foco de muita atenção, embora esta situação tenha mudado recentemente devido ao rápido desenvolvimento de técnicas experimentais que permitem um melhor controle dos parâmetros destes sistemas. Motivados por estes progressos, estudamos aqui gases de Bose fora do equilíbrio, na busca de turbulência, através de excitações oscilatórias em um condensado de Bose-Einstein de átomos de 87Rb. Nesta tese, descrevemos estes experimentos e caracterizamos o nosso sistema quântico fora do equilíbrio através de alguns quantificadores. Um desses quantificadores é o valor adimensional que representa o expoente γ obtido da de cascata na distribuição de momento transversal ñ(k). ñ(k) é obtido da imagem de absorção da nuvem atômica em expansão usando a técnica de tempo de voo em um intervalo de momento bem definido. É analisada a dependência de γ com energia bombeada e encontramos um valor constante o qual descreve um regime de não equilíbrio bem estabelecido. Analisamos também a viabilidade do uso da estatística das flutuações para extrair algum quantificador do espectro de potências das flutuações, supondo que ele representa um análogo ao espectro de energia, devido à consideração da técnica de tempo de voo. Do espectro de potências é extraído outro expoente, no mesmo intervalo que para ñ(k), e este é comparado com γ 2, que por sua vez, pode ser considerado como o expoente do espectro de pseudo-energia no regime cinético dominado. Finalmente, consideramos, novamente com a técnica do tempo de voo, a entropia continua de Shannon como quantificador que mede a desordem das nuvens excitadas e estuda sua dependência com a energia bombeada. Estes estudos mostram que há um regime do fora de equilíbrio bem definido que acontece quando injetamos uma quantidade fixa de energia no sistema.
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Imaging laser-induced fragmentation of molecular beams, from positive to negative moleculesBerry, Benjamin January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Physics / Itzhak Ben-Itzhak / The use of ultrafast lasers allows one to study and even control quantum mechanical systems on their natural timescales. Our aim is to study the fragmentation of small molecules in strong laser fields as a means to gain understanding of molecular dynamics and light-matter interactions.
Our research group has utilized fast, positively charged molecular ion beams as targets to study and control fragmentation by strong laser fields. This approach allows for detection of all molecular fragments including neutrals, and a coincidence three-dimensional momentum imaging technique is used to characterize the fragmentation.
A natural extension of these types of studies is to expand the types of molecular systems that can be studied, from positively charged molecules to neutral and negatively charged molecules. To that end, the primary technical development of this dissertation involved the generation and use of fast, negatively charged molecular beams. Using fast molecular anion beams as targets allows for the study of fragmentation in which all fragments are neutral. As a demonstration, we employ this capability to study F2- dissociation and photodetachment. The dissociation pathways are identified and used to evaluate the initial vibrational population of the F2- beam. The role of dissociation in photodetachment is also explored, and we find that it competes with other dissociative (F+F) and non-dissociative (F2) photodetachment mechanisms. Also highlighted are studies of fragmentation of LiO-, in which the dissociation into Li+O- fragments provides information about the structure of Li O-, including the bond dissociation energy, which was found to be larger than values based on theory. Studies of the autodetachment lifetimes of Li O- were also performed using a pump-probe technique.
Additional experimental advancements have made successful pump-probe studies of the ionization of HD+ and Ar2+ possible. Enhancement in the ionization of dissociating HD+ and Ar2+ was observed at surprisingly large internuclear separation where the fragments are expected to behave like separate atoms. The analysis methods used to quantify this enhancement are also described.
Finally, the production of excited Rydberg D* fragments from D2 molecules was studied utilizing a state-selective detection method. The carrier-envelope phase dependence of D* formation was found to depend on the range of excited final states of the atomic fragments. We also measured the excited state population of the D* fragments.
Together, the studies presented in this work provide new information about fragmentation of positive, negative, and neutral molecules in strong laser fields, and the experimental developments serve as building blocks for future studies that will lead to a better understanding of molecular dynamics.
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Role of timeouts in table tennis examinedKarlsson, Michaela, Sandéhn, Alexandra January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of the present study was to examine the role of timeouts in competitive elite table tennis in relation to psychological momentum (PM). To that end, archival data from elite top-international matches (N= 48) was firstly examined to gather information on when timeouts are most taken, and whether these have any objective influence on subsequent performance (set outcome and ultimately match outcome). Secondly, similar archival data for Swedish League matches (N= 36) was examined and interviews with elite coaches from the highest Swedish league (N= 6) at these given matches were carried out to gain further knowledge and understanding on the role and use of timeouts in competitive elite table tennis. Findings showed that timeouts were mostly called following a sequence of three consecutive lost points; that is, coaches used timeouts to break negative PM. However, findings also showed that these given timeouts had no objective impact on neither set nor match outcomes; that is, sets and matches were ultimately lost. Future research examining the subjective coach-player experience revolving around timeouts is needed to comprehend potential ‘secondary’ purposes when calling timeouts and, subsequently, understand timeouts role in table tennis fully.
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