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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Esplanadskolan – ett postmodernt skolpalats vid Årstafältet / Esplanade Elementary School – a postmodern, monumental school in Årstafältet

Sanning, Sofia, Eriksson, Alexander January 2018 (has links)
Lördagen den 26:e maj år 2018 sätts första spaden i marken för ett av vår tids största bostadsprojekt. Årstafältet, en i dag lantlig lunga i närmaste Söderort, skall under de nästkommande tolv åren bebyggas till två femtedelar med bostäder och i en avsevärt mer urban kontext erbjuda boende till 15 000 nya stockholmare – ett bostadsprojekt vars omfattning motsvarar hela Nynäshamns befolkning, eller en femtedel av Kungsholmens. Den nya detaljplanen, vars motto är "en plats för möten" och vars ledord är "variation", förordar att den nya bebyggelsen skall präglas av variation i höjder, former och stilar. I enlighet med detaljplanens ledord och kandidatarbetets program har vi gestaltat en skolbyggnad för 540 elever i åldrarna 10 till 16 år, som med en postmodern, eklektisk ansats förenat element och inspiration från många olika stilbildningar, och där de varierande miljöernas utformning ej underordnar sig någon enskild arkitektonisk princip, utan också i sig utgör en plats för möten – mellan tider, stilar, material och element. Esplanadskolan har utformats som ett postmodernt skolpalats, där kunskapens enastående värde och institutionens oerhörda vikt befästs i sin monumentalitet. Esplanadskolan riktar sig utåt till såväl den nya som befintliga stadsdelar som ett landmärke och symbolbyggnad, där en stor del av lokalerna är öppna för allmänheten utanför skoltid, och avser i sina inre rumsligheter att erbjuda skolungdomen intresseväckande och varierande lokaler, med ett vinterträdgårdsatrium, en monumental spiraltrappa och en fresnelprismatisk ljusobelisk som sammanbindande nav. / On Saturday May 26th, A.D. 2018, the ground work is initiated for one of our time’s most expansive housing projects. Årstafältet, a predominately natural park in southern Stockholm, will during the next twelve years be urbanized to two fifths of its total area, giving context for an entirely new urban quarter, accomodating 15 000 new Stockholmers. The scale of the housing project is comparable to the whole population of Nynäshamn, or one fifth of Kungsholmen’s. The new zoning plan has the motto “a place for meetings”, and its main principle is “variation”. The zoning plan requests that the new buildings should be characterized by a variation in different heights, forms and styles. In accordance with the main principle of the zoning plan, and with the program of the degree project, we have designed a school building for 540 pupils in the ages of 10 to 16 years, which embodies a postmodern, eclectical approach, in uniting diverse architectural elements and inspiration from many different historical styles, and in the standpoint that the diversity of elements and physical environments is not subordinated to any one architectural principle. The school is in itself a place of meetings – between epochs, styles, materials and elements. Esplanade Elementary School has been designed as a postmodern, monumental school, where the awesome dignity of knowledge, as well as the massive importance of the school as a societal institution, is fortified in the architecture’s monumentality. Esplanade Elementary School directs itself as a landmark and symbol to both old and new contexts in its urban vicinity, opening up its doors for the public in many aspects outside of school hours. It also aspires to offer its pupils physical environments which evoke their immersive interest and in its diversity allow for the phenomenological compatibility of equally diverse environmental preferences. The main elements which make up the directional essence of the interior environments are the Botanical atrium, the monumental spiral staircase and the Obelisk of Light, composed of hundreds of naturally and artificially lighted fresnel prisms.

Fences are like Ghosts are like Monuments : ephemeral social agreements under the neoliberal rule

Jansson, Herkules January 2024 (has links)
This essay delves into the intricate dynamics of Berzelii Park, focusing on the interaction between the mesh fence constructed in 2016 and the Raoul Wallenberg monuments. It examines the fence as a nationalist monument, revealing its transformative impact on the communal space and highlighting its role in shaping memories, identity, and ideological conflicts within the urban landscape. Through qualitative text analysis and theoretical frameworks on monumentality, phenomenology, and bordering, the study navigates layers of exclusion, memory, and identity formation within the park. The collision between nationalist symbolism and the narratives of memory becomes a focal point for nuanced discussions about memory and identity formation. The conclusions of the research questions reveal how the fence transcends its functional simplicity and becomes a symbol of nationalist ideology and exclusionary practices. It interprets the mesh fence in Berzelii Park as a nationalist monument by examining its impact on the park's communal space and the narratives it depicts. Furthermore, the study explores the significance of the fence in relation to the Raoul Wallenberg monuments, complicating the dynamics between these elements in the park's location. The essay provides insight into the complexity of urban spaces and the continual redefinitions of collective identities and memories. / Denna uppsats fördjupar sig i den besvärande dynamiken i Berzelii Park, med fokus på samverkan mellan nätstängslet som restes 2016 och Raoul Wallenberg-monumenten. Den studerar stängslet som ett nationalistiskt monument, avslöjar dess transformativa inverkan på det gemensamma rummet och belyser dess roll i att forma minnen, identitet och ideologiska stridigheter i stadslandskapet. Genom kvalitativ textanalys och teoretiska fackverk rörande monumentalitet, fenomenologi, och gränsdragning navigerar studien i lager av utanförskap, minne och identitetsbildning inom parkens gränser. Kollitionen mellan nationalistisk symbolism och minnets narrativ blir en samlingspunkt för nyanserade diskussioner om minnes- och identitetsskapande. Forskningsfrågornas slutsatser avslöjar hur stängslet överskrider sin funktionella enkelhet och blir en symbol för nationalistisk ideologi och exkluderande metoder. Den tolkar nätstängslet i Berzelii Park som ett nationalistiskt monument genom att undersöka dess inverkan på parkens gemensamma utrymme och de berättelser som stängslet skildrar. Vidare utforskar studien stängslets betydelse i förhållande till Raoul Wallenberg-monumenten, vilket komplicerar dynamiken mellan dessa element på platsen i parken. Uppsatsen ger inblick i stadsrummets komplexitet och ständiga omdefinieringar av kollektiva identiteter och minnen.

Identités funéraires, variants biologiques et facteurs chronologiques : une nouvelle perception du contexte culturel et social du Cerny (Bassin parisien, 4700-4300 avant J.-C.) / Funerary identities, biological diversity and chronological factors : a new perception of the cultural and social context of the cerny culture (Paris Bassin, 4700-4300 BC)

Thomas, Aline 12 December 2011 (has links)
Au cours du Ve millénaire avant notre ère, le Bassin parisien voit l’émergence des premières nécropoles et du monumentalisme funéraire. Associé à la culture de Cerny, ces vestiges offrent un observatoire privilégié des mutations sociales que connaissent les communautés du Néolithique moyen en France. À partir d’une approche archéo-anthropologique, nous livrons ici un bilan complet de la population Cerny, au niveau général, à l’échelle des trois types de site (à structure de type Passy, plats et à sépulture sous dalle), et au niveau de chaque nécropole. Les sites de Passy, Balloy, Gron, Escolives-Sainte-Camille, Vignely (La Noue Fenard et La Porte aux Bergers), Chichery, Orville, Malesherbes (Les Marsaules et La Chaise), qui réunissent l’essentiel des squelettes Cerny mis au jour (n=160), font l’objet de cette étude. Quel que soit le niveau scalaire, le croisement des paramètres biologiques et archéologiques est systématisé et soumis à la décision statistique. Les résultats s’inscrivent dans un cadre interprétatif fiable grâce à de nouvelles datations 14C. Les analyses intra-sites révèlent différentes modalités sélectives des défunts et, parfois, le rassemblement codifié de sépultures en différents loci. Le statut des inhumés et leur fonction sociale jouent un rôle prépondérant dans la structuration des sites. Deux modèles organisationnels, dont un, répété de nécropole en nécropole, illustre une hiérarchisation des statuts à l’intérieur des structures monumentales. La correspondance de ces mêmes statuts en nécropoles plates suggère que l’identité sociale des défunts n’est pas la seule raison d’être du monumentalisme funéraire. Enfin, la dualité du Cerny, traditionnellement rattachée à deux manifestations diachroniques de la culture, doit être reconsidérée. La différenciation typologique évidente entre les longs couloirs de type Passy et les sépultures sous dalles de type Malesherbes, est ici soutenue par une distinction d’ordres funéraire et biologique, indépendamment du facteur chronologique, remettant en question l’unité culturelle du Cerny. / During the 5th millennium B.C., the Paris Basin sees the emergence of the first necropoles and funerary monumentality. Associated with the Cerny culture, these vestiges offer a privileged insight into the social transformations of Middle Neolithic communities in France. Following an archaeo-anthropological approach, we present a full assessment of the Cerny population as a whole, according to the three types of sites (Passy type structures, extended flat sites and slab graves) and with regard to each necropolis. The sites of Passy, Balloy, Gron, Escolives-Sainte-Camille, Vignely (La Noue Fenard and La Porte aux Bergers), Chichery, Orville, Malesherbes (Les Marsaules and La Chaise), which comprise the bulk of Cerny skeletons uncovered (n=160), constitute the object of this study. The cross-referencing of biological and archaeological parameters is systematized and subjected to statistical reasoning, regardless of the scalar value. These results, combined with new 14C dates, provide a reliable interpretive framework. Intrasite analyses reveal different modes of selection of the deceased and, occasionally, codified grouping of burials into separate loci. The rank of the dead and their social status play a predominant role in the structuring of the sites. Two models of organisation, one of which is repeated in every necropolis, illustrate the social stratification operating within monumental structures. The presence of individuals of similar status in flat necropoles suggests that the social identity of individuals is not the raison d'être of monumental graves. Moreover, the duality of the Cerny culture, traditionally seen as two diachronic manifestations of this culture, must now be reconsidered. The clear typological distinction between the long passage tombs of the Passy type and the slab graves of the Malesherbes type is herein upheld on both funerary and biological levels, regardless of chronology, thus calling the Cerny cultural unity into question.

Brno 1945 - 1975 v kontextu československé architektury. Specifika brněnské architektury v celorepublikovém kontextu. / Brno in the years 1945 - 1975 in context of the czechoslovak architdcture. Specifics of Brno architecture in context the nationwide

Vrabelová, Renata Unknown Date (has links)
The aim of my thesis is the current look and evaluation of architecture from the period of real socialism in Brno, since liberation in 1945 to the period of normalization in the seventies of the twentieth century, till 1975 (including duration of the implementation of the buildings). Emphasis put on realizations which are important from the nationwide perspective

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