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Padrões genético-morfológicos em populações de Culex quinquefasciatus (Diptera: Culicidae). / Genetic and morphological patterns in populations of Culex quinquefasciatus (Diptera:Culicidade).Camila Moratore 27 May 2009 (has links)
O diptero Culex quinquefasciatus, devido ao seu interesse médico, tem sido alvo de diversas tentativas de controle populacional que acabam enfrentando como fator limitante a microevolução. Para verificar a presença de variação populacional indicativa de microevolução, foram coletadas e comparadas amostras de dois locais dentro do Estado de São Paulo: O Parque Ecológico do Tietê, no município de São Paulo e em Pariquera-Açú, no Vale do Ribeira. A análise morfométrica das asas revelou que há diferença de forma e tamanho entre as populações e que o dimorfismo sexual é evidente e a assimetria bilateral alar é pouco pronunciada nas duas populações. A micrografia de ovos mostrou diferenças interpopulacionais quanto à altura dos tubérculos do exocórion. O padrão de bandas observado na análise do DNA ribossômico foi homogêneo. O fluxo gênico entre essas populações parece reduzido, fato que reflete diretamente a dinâmica dispersional desses mosquitos, fenômeno que pode ter implicações diretas na transmissão de eventuais doenças veiculadas por esses insetos. / Culex quinquefasciatus is a pantropical synanthropic species of great medical interest. Several attempts to control this species have fail due to its microvelution of resistance to insecticides. In order to detect populational variation indicative of microevolution, two populational samples from State of São Paulo were compared: São Paulo municipality (Park Ecológico do Tietê) and Pariquera-Açú municipality. Biological parameters were wing morphometrics, exochorion micrography and ribosomal DNA. Wings characters revealed shape and size divergencies between populations. Exochorion were also interpopulationally different. Polymorphisms observed may be a result of genetic differentiation. rDNA was homogeneous intra and interpopulationally. Gene flow between populations appears to be reduced, which may be closely related to the dispersional dynamics of these mosquitoes. Such interpretation is relevant to a better understanding of transmission of diseases by these insects.
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Etude des patrons de variation intraspécifique et de covariation chez les éléments conodontes / Patterns of intra-specific variation and covariation in conodont elementsSouquet, Louise 18 December 2018 (has links)
L'évolution est le produit de deux grands facteurs: l'environnement et le développement. Il est donc important de déterminer l'impact de ces deux forces lorsque l'on s'intéresse à l'évolution morphologique d'un organe. Pour cela, il est utile d'étudier l'évolution en temps profond, seul moyen d'observer les mécanismes en action sur de longs intervalles de temps et les réponses à des variations environnementales majeures. Le but de ce travail de thèse est de mieux comprendre l'évolution d'une espèce fossile: le conodonte. Ce vertébré marin dépourvus de mâchoire possède un appareil buccal composé de structures minéralisées semblables à des dents, appelées éléments conodontes. Leur fort taux d’évolution, leur enregistrement fossile long et sub-continu, et la taille importante de leurs populations font de ces éléments conodontes un modèle de choix pour répondre aux questions évolutives en temps profond. Dans la littérature, peu d'études ont tentées de quantifier la forme de ces éléments, et aucune dans un cadre développemental. Grâce à la découverte de fossiles exceptionnellement préservés, ainsi qu'à l'établissement d'une méthodologie pour quantifier les patrons de variation morphologique et de covariation de ces éléments, plusieurs facettes de l'évolution de la forme chez ces éléments ont pu être étudiées. Nous avons entre autre établis l'existence de covariations entre certains traits morphologiques, illustrant les contraintes faisant pression sur ceux-ci. Certaines contraintes sont considérées comme développementales et d'autres potentiellement mécaniques. Des directions évolutives sont également mises en évidence, contraintes par le développement qui canalise ainsi l'évolution. A l'échelle inter-genre, nous avons démontré un lien entre les changements environnementaux (notamment des variations de température) et ces directions évolutives. Ces résultats démontrent un effet croisé des forces développementales (contraignant les morphologies possible) et les forces environnementales (sélectionnant les morphologies en fonction des changements de conditions) dans l'évolution des éléments conodontes. Nous proposons des évènements d'hétérochronie comme mécanisme sous-jacent à cette évolution, potentiellement contrôlés par la température océanique. La quantification de la forme est également utilisée pour tenter de clarifier la taxonomie des neogondolellides au Trias inférieur. Ces travaux démontrent le potentiel du conodonte en tant qu'organisme modèle pour étudier l'évolution en temps profond. / Evolution is the result of two main factors: the environment and the development. In this context, untangling the impact of these two forces on the morphological evolution of a structure is of major importance. To do so, studying evolution in deep time is useful, as it is the only way to observe the mechanisms in action over a long time interval and the responses to major environmental variations. In this thesis, we aim to better understand the evolution of a fossil species: the conodont. These marine jawless vertebrates possess a feeding apparatus composed of mineralized structures comparable to teeth, called conodont elements. Their high evolutionary rate, their long and sub-continuous fossil record, and their large populations made them a relevant model to conduct evolutionary studies in deep time. In the literature, only a few studies attempt to quantify the shape of conodont elements, and never in a developmental framework. With the discovery of new exceptionally preserved fossils, and the establishment of a methodology to quantify the patterns of morphological variation and covariations in these elements, the morphological evolution of conodont elements have been studied from different angles. We have established the existence of covariations between some morphological characters, illustrating the constraints on possible morphologies. Some constraints are considered developmental, while others are potentially mechanical. Evolutionary directions are highlighted, channelled by developmental constraints. At the inter-genera scale, we demonstrated a relationship between environmental changes (especially temperature variations) and these evolutionary directions. The results revealed a combined effect of the developmental forces (that constrain the initial possible morphologies) and the evolutionary forces (selecting the fittest morphologies depending on conditions) in the conodont elements evolution. We proposed heterochrony as underlying mechanism for these patterns, potentially driven by oceanic temperature. Shape quantification is also used in an attempt to clarify the neogondolellids taxonomy of the early Triassic. This work demonstrates the conodont's potential as model organism to study evolution in deep time.
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Evaluation of the Taxonomy of Phacelia purshii (Hydrophyllaceae)Levy, Foster 01 January 2021 (has links)
Phacelia purshii, one of a few phacelias with fringed corolla lobes, has historically been described as a variety of Phacelia fimbriata or as a distinct species. The geographical range is centered on the Ohio River Valley extending north to Pennsylvania, east to the Blue Ridge, and south to Alabama. Two related species were described, Phacelia bicknellii and Phacelia boykinii, but these names were rarely used in floras or applied to herbarium specimens. A morphometric and geographic analysis of herbarium specimens showed that the description of P. bicknellii corresponds to male sterile plants and therefore does not warrant taxonomic recognition. In a sample of 280 specimens, latitudinal variation was evident in a suite of characters, some of which were associated with the historical distinction between P. purshii and P. boykinii. Two previously unrecognized diagnostic characters, pubescent ovaries and pubescent abaxial surfaces of corolla lobes, distinguished plants from the southern part of the geographic range. Both pubescence characters had a relatively abrupt transition from more or less present to absent and these corresponded to southern and northern localities, respectively. Pedicel length, the historical diagnostic character for P. boykinii, had a bimodal distribution. A discriminant function correctly assigned > 94% of specimens to northern and southern morphs when the morphs were defined by ovary pubescence. The morphological and geographical data provide for accurate diagnosis of specimens and therefore support taxonomic recognition of the southern form. That form is recognized not as a distinct species, but as a variety of P. purshii, Phacelia purshii var. boykinii.
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Discharge-Suspended Sediment Relations: Near-channel Environment Controls Shape and Steepness, Land Use Controls Median and Low Flow ConditionsVaughan, Angus A. 01 May 2016 (has links)
We analyzed recent total suspended solids (TSS) data from 45 gages on 36 rivers throughout the state of Minnesota. Watersheds range from 32 to 14,600 km2 and represent a variety of distinct settings in terms of topography, land cover, and geologic history. Our study rivers exhibited three distinct patterns in the relationship between discharge and TSS: simple power functions, threshold power functions, and peaked or negative power functions. Differentiating rising and falling limb samples, we generated sediment rating curves (SRC) of form TSS = aQb, Q being normalized discharge. Rating parameters a and b describe the vertical offset and steepness of the relationships. We also used the fitted SRCs to estimate TSS values at low flows and to quantify event-scale hysteresis.
In addition to quantifying the watershed-average topographic, climatic/hydrologic, geologic, soil and land cover conditions, we used high-resolution lidar topography data to characterize the near-channel environment upstream of gages. We used Random Forest statistical models to analyze the relationship between basin and channel features and the rating parameters. The models enabled us to identify morphometric variables that provided the greatest explanatory power and examine the direction, form, and strength of the partial dependence of the response variables on individual predictor variables. The models explained between 43% and 60% of the variance in the rating curve parameters and determined that Q-TSS relation steepness (exponent) was most related to near-channel morphological characteristics including near-channel local relief, channel gradient, and proportion of lakes along the channel network. Land use within the watershed explained most variation in the vertical offset (coefficient) of the SRCs and in TSS concentrations at low flows.
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Wing Shape Variation In A Damselfly: Effects Of Range Margins And LatitudeKristensson, Desirée January 2021 (has links)
An optimal wing shape is necessary for the survival of winged insects since it enables different survival strategies and is expected to vary between environments due to different selection pressures. However, few studies have explored wing shape variation across the whole range of a species. In this study, geographic variation in wing shape in male Lestes sponsa was examined from 14 localities along a latitudinal gradient in Europe. The wings were analyzed using a comparative geometric morphometric approach, where the different shapes were digitized, statistically analyzed, and visualized on thin spline deformation grids. The results showed significant differences in wing shape in both the fore- and hindwings between locations. Wings at some localities showed a slender appearance with a narrow tip, and wings from other localities showed a broader appearance with a convex tip. A significant trend in wing shape was found from the central populations to the northern one. However, no continuous trend in wing shape was found across the latitudinal range suggesting that local abiotic or biotic factors might drive the difference observed.
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A New Variety of Phacelia Dubia (Hydrophyllaceae) and a Summary of Variation and Biogeography of the P. Dubia ComplexLevy, Foster, Hou, Zhujun Helen, Taylor-Bennetts, Stacy 01 October 2021 (has links)
Occurrences of Phacelia dubia in the Piedmont of South Carolina have been taxonomically enigmatic. Prior work had shown that there was partial reproductive isolation when plants from South Carolina were hybridized with any of the other varieties but evidence of morphological differentiation was lacking. In this study, a new morphological analysis showed South Carolina plants differed significantly in corolla lobe size, sepal size, and leaf dissection in comparisons with neighboring varieties, P. dubia var. dubia and P. dubia var. georgiana. A preponderance of evidence showing differentiation from all other varieties supports recognition of a new variety, P. dubia var. rionensis. Field work and an updated analysis of herbarium records showed the new variety is found in nine contiguous counties in the central and northern Piedmont of South Carolina and two counties in the inner Coastal Plain. We posit a hypothesized biogeographic pathway based on migration of a P. dubia ancestor from the Great Plains or Mexico to the Nashville Basin cedar glades, then to South Carolina piedmont granite outcrops, followed by a migration south to Georgia and Alabama piedmont granite outcrops and a separate migration north to rocky woodlands in North Carolina.
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Limbic Morphometry in Individuals with Schizophrenia and Their Nonpsychotic SiblingsSlate, Rachael Olivia 22 June 2021 (has links)
The limbic system is hypothesized to play a critical role in pathophysiology of schizophrenia, with abnormalities thought to contribute to the expression of various aspects of the cognitive deficits and clinical symptoms. Psychosis is understood as highly heritable and family members, specifically non-affected siblings, while not displaying overt signs of the disorder, often exhibit features similar to those observed in patients, though to a lesser degree. The overarching aim of this project was to investigate the integrity of limbic circuitry in a sample of patients with schizophrenia and their non-affected siblings and examine its potential relationship with various clinical features of the illness. Cortical thickness of the entorhinal, parahippocampal, cingulate, and orbitofrontal cortices; as well as subcortical surface shape of the hippocampus and amygdala were the focus of this study. Findings from this study reveal relative similarity in limbic integrity between individuals with schizophrenia and theirnon-affected siblings, which are both disparate from healthy individuals. This suggests aspects of the neurobiological underpinnings of psychosis, particularly limbic regions, are genetically influenced regardless of symptom expression and are latent features in non-affected family members. Relationships between positive symptomatology and shape abnormalities of subcortical structures suggest a potential substrate for clinical characteristics in psychosis not evident in non-ill siblings.
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Human activities over the years, especially the unconventional exploitation of oil sands deposits, downstream on the Athabasca River (AR), might have affected the water quality and ecological integrity of the river basin, thereby presenting a threat to the environment and human health. There have been concerns that the oil sands process-affected waters stored in tailing ponds may be percolating to surface waters as well as underground waters, contaminating neighboring watersheds with a cocktail of chemicals including Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). PAHs are present both naturally and from human activities as pollutants in the environment. Forest fires, geologic activities, and oil seeps are examples of natural sources of PAHs in the environment. The major sources of PAHs in the Athabasca region are leaching of oil sands deposits and contamination from oil sands production. On occasions, forest fires contribute PAHs in the area. There has been no comparative data on the exposure of PAHs to fish along the AR and Slave River. I used an integrative monitoring of selected fishes as an indicator to achieve four objectives: i) describe the spatial and seasonal distribution of measurable concentrations of products of biotransformation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PBPAH) in bile of fish; ii) determine the levels of parent PAHs in the muscle of fish, and extrapolate the data to estimate potential risk to human consumers, and to identify which species and geographic regions, if any, pose the greatest risk to humans; iii) use patterns of contamination to provide a scientific basis for elucidating the source of contamination; and iv) perform fish health investigation by collecting morphometric health measures and perform a systematic assessment of the occurrence of lesions in the fishes. I sampled whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis), jackfish/northern pike (Esox luscius), walleye (Sander vitreus), goldeye (Hiodon alosoides) and burbot (Lota lota) from Fort McMurray, Fort McKay, and Fort Chipewyan in Alberta, and from Fort Smith and Fort Resolution on the Slave River in the Northwest Territories. The rationale for selecting fishes included: their abundance along the basin (some have short ranges, e.g., northern pike); their dietary/nutritional and cultural significance to communities in the area; their feeding strategy, such as benthic, supra-benthic, or pelagic, trophic status, and patterns of migration and habits of spawning. I addressed the first objective in Chapter 2, where the total PBPAHs were determined. Concentrations of products of biotransformation of 2 and 3-ringed, 4-ringed, and 5-ringed PAHs were measured using synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy. Spatial and seasonal differences were observed with greater concentrations of PBPAHs in samples of bile of fish collected from Fort McKay as well as greater concentrations of PBPAHs in bile of fish collected during summer compared to those collected in other seasons. Overall, PBPAHs were greater in fishes of lower trophic levels and fishes more closely associated with sediments. In particular, goldeye (Hiodon alosoides), consistently contained greater concentrations of all the PBPAHs studied. In Chapter 3, I achieved the second objective by measuring levels of parent PAHs in muscle of selected fishes and extrapolated the results to determine potential human health risks due to fish consumption. Dorsal muscle of fishes from upstream reaches of the AR close to oil sands extraction and upgrading activities, contained greater concentrations of individual PAHs than concentrations in muscle of fishes from further downstream in the Slave River. Risks posed by PAHs to humans were assessed using a B[a]P equivalents approach. According to the risk assessment results, the average lifetime risk of additional cancers for humans who consumed fish was less than 10-6. In Chapter 4, alkylated PAHs were also measured in fish muscle to achieve the third objective. The general presence of naphthalenes and phenanthrenes and the evaluation of molecular ratios (i.e., LMW/HMW alkyl-PAHs) allowed me to conclude that the major source of pollution is petrogenic, probably due to increases in oil sand activities around Fort McMurray and Fort McKay. I achieved the fourth objective in Chapter 5 by studying the health status and potential effects of industrial development on individuals of economically and culturally significant fishes. A resurgence in condition factor of all species after a low in 2011 was observed. Annual variation was also observed in condition factor and the incidence of anomalies or lesions. Morphometric data demonstrated relatively consistent health among fishes in both the Athabasca and Slave rivers. Analysis of condition factor and somatic indices did not demonstrate consistent differences along the river system. Overall, the health of fish as determined by the metrics employed in this study, does not appear to be adversely affected by the current level of development in the Alberta oil sands region. The data presented in this dissertation make invaluable contribution to the much needed monitoring program in the Athabasca and Slave Rivers. Overall, my findings provide baseline data on fish health, concentrations of parent and alkylated PAHs, and products of biotransformation of PAH in five species of large-bodied fishes consumed by humans in communities in the Lower Athabasca and Slave River basin. These results will be useful for establishing the status and trends and spatial distribution of PAHs during monitoring of the lower Athabasca basin and most importantly, as a valuable reference point before any potential permitted discharges of wastewaters from processing of oil sands to the AR.
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Genetičke i morfometrijske karakteristike dva tipa kranjske pčele / Genetic and morphometric caracteristics of two types of cornual beesPihler Ivan 12 April 2012 (has links)
<p>Morfometrijske analize su rañena merenjem krilne nervature 540 uzoraka krila<br />pčela sa 9 lokaliteta u Vojvodini. Izračunato je 16 uglova (A1, A4, B3, B4, D7, E9, G7,<br />G18, H12, J10, J16, K19, L13, M17, O26, Q21) koje zaklapa krilna nervatura i 4 indeksa<br />(Ci, Pci, Dbi, Ri), ukupno 20 mera. Izračunate su prosečne vrednosti i utvrñena je<br />statistička značajnost razlika izmeñu pčela iz regona Srema i Bačke i pčela iz regiona<br />Banata, takoñe je izvršeno i poreñenje pčela svih lokaliteta sa DAWINO standardima za<br />5 rasa pčela (Apis mellifera carnica, Apis mellifera macedonica, Apis mellifera mellifera,<br />Apis mellifera ligustica i Apis mellifera caucasica).<br />Analizom varijanse izračunatih 20 osobina krilne nervature, utvrñeno je da samo<br />kod osobine A4 nisu utvrñene statistički značajnie razlike izmeñu posmatranih<br />lokaliteta, dok su u 19 osobina utvrñene statistički značajne razlike.<br />Utvrñivanjem statističke značajnosti razlika, pčela iz regiona Srema i Bačke i pčela<br />iz regiona Banata, utvrñeno je da 45% osobina ne pokazuju statistički značajne razlike,<br />dok 45% osobina pokazuje statistički vrlo značajne razlike (P<0,01) i 10% osobina<br />pokazuje statistički značajne razlike (P<0,05).<br />Uporeñivanjem dobijenih vrednosti 20 parametera krilne nervature, pomoću ztesta,<br />sa DAWINO standardima za pet rasa pčela, utvrñeno je da na bazi celog uzorka<br />statistički nema značajnih razlika kod osobina A4 i D7 sa A. m. carnica, kod osobina<br />H12, G18 i B4 sa A. m.macedonica i kod osobina J16 i B4 poreñeno sa rasom A.<br />m.ligustica. Kod pčela iz regiona Srema i Bačke utvrñeno je da statistički nema značajnih<br />razlika kod osobina A4, B3, D7 i G18 uporeñeno sa A.m. carnica, kod osobina H12 i B4<br />uporeñeno sa A. m.macedonica i kod osobina G18, K19, J16 i Q21 uporeñeno sa rasom<br />A. m.ligustica, dok kod pčela iz regiona Banata utvrñeno je da statistički nema značajnih<br />razlika kod osobina A4, E9, D7 i J10 uporeñeno sa A.m. carnica, kod osobina H12, J10,<br />L13 i PCi uporeñeno sa A. m.macedonica i kod osobina B4, J16 i PCi uporeñeno sa<br />rasom A. m.ligustica.<br />Ocena genetičke povezanosti, unutar populacijska raznolikost i struktura<br />populacije, dva tipa pčela u Vojvodini, izračunata je na bazi varijacije alela 25 lokusa<br />mikrosatelita. Izvršena je genetska tipizacija sledećih mikrosatelita: A8, A14, A24, A29,<br />A43, A79, A88, A113, Ac11, Ac88, Ac139, Ac306, Ap15, Ap68, Ap85, Ap90, Ap223,<br />Ap224, Ap226, Ap249, Ap273, Ap274, Ap288, At168, At188. 92% ili 23 lokusa su se<br />pokazali kao polimorfni u uzorcima pčela iz Srema i Bačke, a 88% ili 22 lokusa su se<br />pokazali kao polimorfni u uzorcima pčela iz Banata. Izračunata heterozigotnost na nivou<br />cele populacije se nije statistički značajno razlikovala od očekivane heterozigotnosti.<br />Utvrñeno je da dobijene genetičke razlike izmeñu analiziranih pčela iz regiona Srema i<br />Bačke i retgiona Banata nisu dovoljne da se ove dve populacije mogu smatrati<br />razdvojenim.</p> / <p> Morphometric analyses have been done by measuring the wing nervature in<br /> 540 samples of bees, collected from nine localities in Vojvodina. 16 angles<br /> formed by wing nervation have been calculated(A1, A4, B3, B4, D7, E9, G7,<br /> G18, H12, J10, J16, K19, L13, M17, O26, Q21) as well as four indexes (Ci, PCI,<br /> DBI , R), a total of 20 measures. The average values have been calculated and<br /> statistical significant differences in bees from Srem, Backa and Banat region<br /> determined. Five breeds of bees from these regions have been compared to<br /> Dawino standards.<br /> The analyses of the variance of calculated 20 features of wing nervature indicate<br /> that statistically significant differences in monitored localities have not been found<br /> only in A4, on the other hand in 19 properties significant differences have been<br /> discovered.<br /> Established statistically significant differences between breeds from Srem<br /> and Backa regions reveale that 45% properties do not show any statistically<br /> important differences, while 45% features show very important statistical<br /> differences (P<0,01) and 10% show statistically important differences (P<0,05).<br /> It has been established by comparing the obtained values of 20 parametres<br /> of wing nervature by means of z test to DAWINO standards for five breeds of<br /> bees that, based on the whole sample, there are no significant differences in<br /> features A4 and D7 in A.m. carnica, in features H12, G18 and B4 in A.m.<br /> macedonica and features J16 and B4 compared to A.m. ligustica. As for bees from<br /> Srem and Backa region,there are statistically no significante differences in<br /> features A4, B3, D7 and G18 compared to A.m. carnica, features H12 and B4<br /> compared to A.m. macedonica and features G18, K19, J16 and Q21 compared to<br /> A.m. ligustica, while in bees from Banat region, statistically there are no<br /> significant differences in features A4, E9, D7 and J10 compared to A.m. carnica,<br /> features H12, J10, L13 and Pci compared to A.m. macedonica and features B4,<br /> J16 and Pci compared to A.m. ligustica.<br /> The evaluation of genetic correlation, the diversity of bees population and<br /> population structure of two types of bees in Vojvodina have been established on<br /> the basis of allels variations in 25 locus microsatelites.The following<br /> microsatelites have been standardized – A8,A14,A24,A29, A43, A79, A88, A113,<br /> Ac11, Ac88, Ac139, Ac306, Ap15, Ap68, Ap85, Ap90, Ap223, Ap224, Ap226,<br /> Ap249, Ap273, Ap274, Ap288, At168, At188. 92% or 23 locus have shown as<br /> polymorphs in bees from Srem and Backa and 88% or 22 locus samples have<br /> shown as polzmorphs in bees samples from Banat and Backa region. The whole<br /> population calculated heterozygosity has not shown statistically significant<br /> differrence from expected heterozygisity. It has been established that the obtained<br /> genetic differences between the analysed bees from Srem and Backa region and<br /> Banat region are not significant to indicate two populations.</p>
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Spatial Analysis of Retinal Pigment Epithelium MorphologyHuang, Haitao 12 August 2016 (has links)
In patients with age-related macular degeneration, a monolayer of cells in the eyes called retinal pigment epithelium differ from healthy ones in morphology. It is therefore important to quantify the morphological changes, which will help us better understand the physiology, disease progression and classification. Classification of the RPE morphometry has been accomplished with whole tissue data. In this work, we focused on the spatial aspect of RPE morphometric analysis. We used the second-order spatial analysis to reveal the distinct patterns of cell clustering between normal and diseased eyes for both simulated and experimental human RPE data. We classified the mouse genotype and age by the k-Nearest Neighbors algorithm. Radially aligned regions showed different classification power for several cell shape variables. Our proposed methods provide a useful addition to classification and prognosis of eye disease noninvasively.
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