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Diagnóstico e epidemiologia de doenças parasitárias encontradas na inspeção post-mortem de espécies abatidas comercialmente / Epidemiology and diagnosis of parasitic diseases found in post-mortem inspection of slaughter speciesMarmitt, Iuri Vladimir Pioly 25 February 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-02-25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / No Brasil, a produção pecuária tem papel importante na economia. As doenças parasitárias dos animais de produção causam grande impacto produtivo na produção pecuária, e também, devido ao caráter zoonótico de algumas delas, podem oferecer riscos à saúde humana. O serviço de inspeção veterinária se encarrega de realizar os controles necessários para evitar que produtos contaminados cheguem ao consumo humano. A planificação dos diagnósticos realizados na inspeção post-mortem, aliada ao cruzamento com os dados de origem dos animais, é uma importante ferramenta para elencar quais as doenças mais prevalentes e quais os principais fatores epidemiológicos envolvidos nestas doenças, auxiliando na tomada de decisões para efetuar medidas de controle. Para tanto foram realizados dois estudos: Um estudo para investigar a prevalência geral de lesões correspondentes a cisticercose, hidatidose e fasciolose em carcaças de bovinos, suínos, ovinos e bubalinos abatidos em matadouros-frigoríficos de todo o estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, inspecionados pelo Serviço de Inspeção Estadual (SIE) da Secretaria da Agricultura, Pesca e Agronegócio do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, no período de Dezembro de 2012 a Maio de 2013. Os suínos abatidos nas condições deste estudo não apresentaram casos de cisticercose, e obtiveram uma prevalência de lesões por doenças parasitárias de 0,007%, demonstrando níveis mínimos de contaminação. Os bovinos apresentaram índices baixos de cisticercose (0,6%), porém os índices de fasciolose (6,5%) e hidatidose (4,6%) demonstram que o estado ainda é endêmico para estas doenças. Nos abates de ovinos obteve-se prevalência alta para hidatidose (15,5%), demonstrando a doença ainda como um risco desta atividade. O conhecimento de tais dados pode servir de base para o planejamento de controle das doenças e também para avaliação da eficácia dos sistemas produtivos em manter os rebanhos livres de doenças. O segundo estudo avaliou a influência das diferentes idades e diferentes sistemas de terminação na prevalência de Hemoncose e/ou a presença de formas adultas de Haemonchus spp em bovinos no momento do abate. O sistema de manejo na recria e terminação alterou significativamente a prevalência de Haemonchus spp. em bovinos abatidos. Novilhos Superprecoces têm 5,91 vezes mais chance de estarem parasitados por Haemonchus spp. no momento do abate do que bovinos abatidos com mais de 36 meses de idade. As contagens de ovos de helmintos por grama de fezes em Novilhos Superprecoces foram significativamente superiores as de bovinos com idade tradicional de abate. Ressalta-se a importância da detecção do parasitismo por inspeção no abate e exame laboratorial das fezes, para servir de norte para a avaliação da eficácia de programas sanitários e detectar possíveis falhas ou riscos de manejo, possíveis causadores de prejuízos nos sistemas pecuários. / In Brazil, livestock production plays an important role in the economy. Parasitic diseases of livestock cause great impact on production, and also due to zoonotic characteristics of some of them, may offer risks to human health. The veterinary inspection service is in charge of the necessary controls to prevent contaminated products from reaching the human consumption. The planning of diagnoses made by post-mortem inspection, together with the linkage with the data of animal origin, is an important tool to determine what the most prevalent diseases and what the main epidemiological factors involved in these diseases, assisting in making decisions to make control measures. Therefore, we conducted two studies: A study to investigate the overall prevalence of lesions corresponding cysticercosis, hydatidosis and fascioliasis in beef, swine, sheep and buffaloes slaughtered in all abattoirs inspected by the State Inspection Service (SIE) of the Secretariat of Agriculture, Fisheries and Agribusiness State of Rio Grande do Sul, in the period December 2012 to May 2013. The pigs slaughtered in the conditions of this study showed no cases of cysticercosis, and obtained a prevalence of injuries parasitic diseases of 0.007%, showing minimum levels of contamination. The cattle have low rates of cysticercosis (0.6%), but the prevalences of fascioliasis (6.5%) and hydatid disease (4.6%) show that the state is still endemic for these diseases. In sheep slaughter gave high prevalence for cystic echinococcosis (15.5%), demonstrating the disease still is a risk of this activity. Knowledge of such data can serve as a basis for disease control planning and also to evaluate the effectiveness of production systems to keep livestock free of diseases. The second study evaluated the influence of different ages and different finishing systems in the prevalence of hemoncosis and or the presence of adult stages of Haemonchus spp in cattle at slaughter. The management system in growing and finishing influences significantly the prevalence of Haemonchus spp. in slaughtered cattle. Super-young steers have 5.91 times more likely to be infected with Haemonchus spp. at slaughter than slaughtered bovine animals over 36 months of age. The helminth egg counts per gram of feces in Super-young steers were significantly higher than those of traditional cattle slaughter age. We emphasize the importance of detection of parasitism by inspection at slaughter and laboratory examination of feces to serve guidance for the evaluation of the effectiveness of health programs and detect possible failures or risks managements, which are possible causes of losses in livestock systems.
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Memória da imigração síria e libanesa nos vales dos rios Acre e Purus - 1900-1975 / Memory of Syria and Lebanese immigration in the valleys of the rivers Purus and Acre - 1900-1975Valmir Freitas de Araújo 24 March 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa analisa a presença de imigrantes sírios e libaneses no Acre, a partir de duas perspectivas distintas. Na primeira, partimos da análise das memorias reminiscentes de dois descendentes da segunda geração de imigrantes, cujas narrativas, reconstituem a trajetória de vida de seus pais, descrevendo as estratégias e os arranjos sociais necessários para conviverem, se estabelecerem e se integrarem à sociedade acolhedora. As narrativas demonstram o entrelaçamento entre o discurso idealizado sobre a memória dos antepassados com a história de vida dos próprios narradores. Na segunda abordagem, pesquisamos em fontes judiciais elementos que demonstrassem a interação dos imigrantes, enquanto grupo, com a sociedade local. Para tanto, analisamos os processos post mortem para compreendermos o perfil dos imigrantes no Acre: como viviam; se casados ou solteiros; em que trabalhavam; como o grupo interagia internamente e com a sociedade local; como morriam; qual o patrimônio que conseguiram formar ao longo da vida; quem era beneficiado com heranças. Nos Inquéritos Policiais e Processos Criminais, analisamos a interação entre homens sírios e libaneses com mulheres brasileiras, e a forma como delitos impactantes (estupros, defloramento e espancamentos) praticados por estes imigrantes contra mulheres locais eram encarados pela sociedade e pelo poder público. / This research analyses the presence of the Syrian and Lebanese immigrants in Acre (Brazil), from two different perspectives. In first perspective, we start from the analysis of two descendants of the second generation of immigrants reminiscent memories, whose narratives recount the life trajectory of their parents, describing strategies and the social arrangements needed to mingle, settle and integrate into the welcoming society. The narratives demonstrate the intertwining between the idealized discourse on the memory of their ancestors with the life story of the own narrators. In the second approach, we research judicial sources elements that demonstrate the interaction of immigrants as a group with the local society. To this end, we examined post mortem procedures to understand the profile of immigrants in Acre: how they lived; if they were married or single; which were their jobs; how they interacted internally and with the local society; how they died; what equity they could form over the life; who was benefited with inheritances. In the Police Investigations and Criminal Prosecutions, we analyze the interaction between Syrian and Lebanese men with Brazilian women, and how impactful delicts (rape, deflowering and beatings) practiced by these immigrants against local women were regarded by society and by the Government.
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Uso da microextração por sorbente empacotado (MEPS) para preparo de amostras em análises toxicológicas envolvendo fármacos benzodiazepínicos / Microextraction by packed sorbent (MEPS) for sample preparation in toxicological analyses involving benzodiazepinesLoraine Rezende Togni 17 April 2018 (has links)
A microextração por sorbente empacotado (MEPS) é uma técnica de preparo de amostras ainda pouco utilizada no âmbito da toxicologia, em que os mesmos princípios da extração em fase sólida convencional são adaptados para uma escala miniaturizada. As principais vantagens da técnica estão associadas ao pequeno volume de amostra e de solventes utilizados, à possibilidade de realizar múltiplas extrações com um mesmo cartucho e à facilidade de automação. Os benzodiazepínicos possuem grande relevância na toxicologia dada sua ampla utilização e seus efeitos que podem, por exemplo, comprometer a capacidade de dirigir, além do uso abusivo, e como drogas facilitadoras de crimes. Neste trabalho, um método de MEPS foi desenvolvido e otimizado para a determinação de sete benzodiazepínicos e seus produtos de biotransformação (diazepam, clonazepam, flunitrazepam, alprazolam, bromazepam, 7-aminoflunitrazepam e nordiazepam) utilizando 100 µL de amostra de sangue total post mortem. Após a extração, os eluatos foram analisados por cromatografia líquida em fase reversa acoplada a espectrometria de massas. O método foi validado de acordo com as recomendações do Scientific Working Group for Forensic Toxicology, apresentando linearidade adequada de 5 a 500 ng.mL-1 . Os valores de exatidão (90,4 a 109,5%), precisão intra-dia (2,5 a 10,7 %CV) e inter-dia (1,1 a 8,0 %CV) também foram satisfatórios. MEPS foi realizada mais de 60 vezes com a mesma fase extratora sem evidências de contaminação cruzada. Dez amostras reais fornecidas pelo Instituto Médico Legal de São Paulo foram analisadas. Foram quantificados diazepam, nordiazepam, clonazepam e bromazepam. Os resultados encontrados em cada uma das amostras foram comparados com dados da literatura. / Microextraction by packed sorbent (MEPS) is a sample preparation technique still little used in toxicology, where the same principles of conventional solid phase extraction are adapted to a miniaturized scale. The main advantages of the technique are associated with the small volume of sample and solvents required, the possibility of performing multiple extractions with the same cartridge and ease process automation. Benzodiazepine drugs are relevant in toxicology because of their widespread use, and effects (which may, for example, compromise the ability to drive vehicles), abuse and records as crime-facilitating drugs. In this work, a MEPS method was developed and optimized for a determination of seven benzodiazepines and their metabolites (diazepam, nordiazepam, clonazepam, flunitrazepam, 7-aminoflunitrazepam, alprazolam, and bromazepam) using 100 µL of post mortem whole blood. After extraction, the eluates were analyzed by reversed-phase liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. The method was validated according to the recommendations of the Scientific Working Group for Forensic Toxicology, presenting adequate linearity from 5 to 500 ng.mL-1 . The values of accuracy (90.4 to 109.5%), intra-day precision (2.5 to 10.7 %CV) and inter-day (1.1 to 8.0 %CV) also presented satisfactory results. MEPS was performed more than 60 times with the same extractive phase without compromising the results with the evidence of carryover. Institute of Legal Medicine were submitted to analysis by MEPS-LC-MS/MS. In these samples, the following analytes were quantified: diazepam, nordiazepam, clonazepam and bromazepam. The results found in each of the samples were compared with data from the literature.
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Représenter la mort : le remploi d'images photographiques post mortem en art contemporain / Representing death : the post mortem photographic re-employment in contemporary artDe Siqueira, Daniella Géo 10 January 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’examen du mode d’opération du remploi photographique en art contemporain, et en spécial celui d’images photographiques post mortem. Avec l’appui de différentes théories qui portent sur la photographie et l’observation de plusieurs oeuvres de remploi photographique, ce travail étudie,d’une part, les problématiques d’ordre génétique et théorique spécifiques à cette pratique contemporaine. De l’autre, ce travail traverse des perspectives historiques et aussi anthropologiques à propos de l’homme face au corps mort pour, en tenant en compte des différents aspects des transformations du rapport de la société occidentale à la mort, observer les effets sur la production de la photographie contemporaine. Dans ce contexte, l’étude identifie les deux types majeurs d’images photographiques post mortem remployées – les deux associé à la violence – et analyse, en suite, les nouveaux rapports symboliques proposés par un nombre d’oeuvres. Cet étude cherche à observer à quoi répond ces oeuvres de remploi d’images photographique post mortem et, en même temps, à observer que l’oeuvre de remploi photographique, en tant que pratique artistique qui vise la révision et la critique des représentations, contribue néanmoins pour la construction d’une représentation de la mort selon les perspectives contemporaines auxquelles elles répondent. / This thesis focuses on the examination of the operation mode of the photographic re-employment incontemporary art, and in special of post mortem photographic images. With the support of various theories that focus on photography and the observation of several photographic re-employment artworks, this study examines, on the one hand, genetic and theoretical problematic that are specific to this contemporary practice. On the other, this work crosses historical and also anthropological perspectives on humans facing the dead body, taking into account different aspects of the transformations in Western society’s relationship to death, in order to observe the effects on contemporary photography production. In this context, this study identifies two major types of postmortem photographic images re-employed – both associated with violence –, and then analyses the newsymbolic relations proposed by a number of artworks. This study seeks to observe to what these artworks that re-employ post mortem photographic images respond to, and at the same time, seeks toobserve that the photographic re-employment, as an artistic practice that aims to review and criticize representations, contributes however, for the construction of a representation of death within the very contemporary perspectives, which they respond to.
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Att (s)kapa en identitet : En kvantitativ analys av rekonstruktiv arkeologi och dess etiska aspekter / Creating an identity : A quantitative investigation of reconstructive archaeology and their ethical aspectsJansson, Linnea January 2024 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen studerar vilka individer som forskare utför en ansiktsrekonstruktion på och vilka etiska aspekter som kan ligga till grund för arbetet. Syftet är att ta reda på vilka personer som det är vanligast att göra en rekonstruktion på samt hur forskare ställer sig till etiska problem. Studien utgår ifrån att etik är ett problematiskt begrepp och att det inte alltid är lätt och självklart hur vi ska förhålla oss till det Fallstudierna utgörs av publikationer mellan 2019–2024, vilket är totalt 16 stycken fallstudier med 27 individer. Ytterligare begränsning har gjorts då fallstudien i fråga måste kunna svara på individens ursprungliga geografiska placering, datering, fyndkontext, ålder och kön. Status är ännu en kategori som används, men där har inte alla fallstudier konkretiserat vilket skikt individen tillhör och därför har det i några fall, med hjälp av fallstudien gjorts en egen tolkning. Generellt visar det sig vara vuxna män, samt individer från nyare tid med ursprunglig geografisk plats i Europa. De flesta visar sig också vara av låg status som återfunnits på en gravplats. Fallstudierna analyseras också efter om de har några etiska reflektioner, vilket fyra av 16 fallstudier har. / This essay studies which individuals’ researchers perform a facial reconstruction on and which ethical aspects that might form the basis of the work. The purpose is to find out which people are the most commonly reconstructed, and how researchers approach ethical. The study assumes that ethics is a problematic concept and that it is not always easy and obvious how we should relate to it. The case studies consist of publications between 2019–2024, which is a total of 16 case studies with 27 individuals. A further limitation has been made as the case study in question must be able to answer the individual’s original geographical location, dating, find context, age and gender. Status is yet another category that is used, but not all case studies have specified which stratum the individual belongs to and therefor in some cases, with the help of the case study, an interpretation has been made. Generally, it turns out to be adult men, as well as individuals from more recent times with an original geographical location in Europe. Most also turn out to be of low status found in burial sites. The case studies are also analyzed according to whether they have any ethical reflections, which four out of 16 case studies have.
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Determinação do intervalo pós-morte por espectroscopia de fluorescência / Determination of post-mortem interval using in situ tissue optical fluorescenceEstracanholli, Éverton Sérgio 17 July 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho estamos propondo um novo método para a determinação do intervalo pós-morte, tendo em vista a necessidade de métodos que forneçam resultados em um curto período de tempo de análise e, ao mesmo tempo, tenha uma precisão semelhante à dos métodos utilizados atualmente. Além disso, é muito importante que sua aquisição seja viável para as instituições interessadas em tal análise, seja para fins como perícia criminal, instituições de pesquisa, instituto médico-legal ou para re-implante de órgãos amputados. Com estas motivações, o objetivo do trabalho é verificar se a técnica de espectroscopia de fluorescência apresenta sensibilidade suficiente para diferenciar os tecidos que estão em diferentes estágios de decomposição, uma vez que a técnica já tem sido muito utilizada para caracterização de tecidos biológicos com outras aplicações. Durante a realização do trabalho e análise dos dados obtidos (espectros de fluorescência), consideradas as dificuldades encontradas para a caracterização temporal das informações, são propostas formas de análise pertinentes. Dentre as análises realizadas, é apresentado o cálculo de análise em componentes principais, onde a diagonalização de matrizes de covariância permite identificar os padrões nos espectros obtidos. Uma interpretação dos dados obtidos de um primeiro grupo de animais utilizados (ratos da raça Wistar) foi feita, criando modelos matemáticos que descrevam as variações observadas em função do tempo, e logo a seguir foi realizado o processo de validação, onde o modelo matemático é posto à prova através da determinação do intervalo pós-morte de outro grupo de animais, cujos valores são conhecidos - estes dados, porém, não foram utilizados para a criação do modelo. A seguir, os resultados obtidos neste trabalho foram comparados com alguns resultados encontrados na literatura obtida, de onde foi possível concluir que o trabalho respondeu positivamente às expectativas. / In this study we propose a new method to evaluate the post-mortem interval, due to a need for methods that simultaneously provide results in a short analysis period of time and present accuracy similar to the methods currently used. Furthermore, it is very important to emphasize that the acquisition system must be practical and accessible in relations to costs getting possible the utilization for different institutions as: judicial expertise, research institutions, medical-legal institutes or to re-implantation of organ amputees. With these goals as motivation, the purpose of this study was to validate the fluorescence spectroscopy as a technique sufficiently sensitive to distinguish tissues in several stages of decomposition, since this technique has been widely used for characterization of biological tissue with other applications. Considering the difficulties found for temporal characterizations obtained by fluorescence spectra analysis any relevant ways of analysis were proposed. Among them we presented the Principal Components Analysis calculation, on which the diagonalization of covariance matrices allows us to identify standard in the obtained spectra. The interpretation of the data obtained from a first group of animals (breed: Wistar rats) was realized, creating mathematical models that describe the changes observed over time. Immediately after, the validation process was applied, where the mathematical model was tested, determining the post-mortem interval of another animals group whose values was known. However these data was not used to create the model. Afterwards, the results obtained in this study were compared to those from literature, and this comparison gotten possible to conclude that the study showed a positive response to the expectations.
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La reconstruction 3D de coupes histologiques donne lieu à une nouvelle modalité tridimensionnelle que nous désignons par Imagerie Post Mortem ou IPM. Après avoir proposé une classification des études mettant en jeu l'histologie et concernant le cerveau, nous décrivons dans ce travail de thèse deux protocoles de constitution d'IPM cérébrale. Le premier protocole concerne les animaux de type rongeurs. Il comprend l'acquisition et l'extraction en séries de données anatomiques (coupes histologiques marquées) et fonctionnelles (coupes autoradiographiques). Ces étapes sont suivies de l'alignement et du coalignement des coupes histologiques pour constituer un volume anatomique et un volume fonctionnel spatialement cohérents et recal és entre eux, permettant de mener des analyses 3D. Le deuxième protocole concerne les animaux de type primates. Il décrit une méthode complète de mise en correspondance d'images in vivo et post mortem. Un volume de coupes histologiques est obtenu par coalignement avec des photographies prises lors de la coupe. Une normalisation d'intensité inter-coupes robuste est proposée pour rendre également cohérent tridimensionnellement en intensité ce volume. Enfin, une déformation élastique est estimée entre le cerveau post mortem et le cerveau dans sa géométrie in vivo (représenté par l'IRM) pour corriger les différences de volume inhérentes à l'histologie. La réalisation d'atlas du thalamus, puis une confrontation avec une segmentation réalisée in vivo en IRM de diffusion par une nouvelle méthode par classification sont présentées comme applications directes de ce protocole. Nous concluons ce travail par diverses perspectives d'utilisation de l'IPM.
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A Second Generation Ex-Vivo Accommodation Simulator: Design and CalibrationNankivil, Derek 01 January 2008 (has links)
Presbyopia is the progressive decrease in accommodative ability with age, and it implies a major loss of visual function. Presbyopia is the only condition of the eye which affects everyone who lives beyond 50 years of age. As part of a joint effort, the Ophthalmic Biophysics Center at the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute and the Vision Cooperative Research Centre at the University of New South Wales, developed two different ex-vivo accommodation simulators (EVAS) to examine the mechanisms of accommodation and presbyopia, and to test and validate new ophthalmic surgical procedures such as lens refilling. The purpose of this thesis is to mechanically and optically calibrate the second generation instrument (EVASII), and to compare it to the first generation design (EVASI). To validate the optical measurements of EVASII, an optical calibration has been performed, yielding a lens power measurement system with a mean accuracy of ±0.56D. To enhance the optical capabilities and tissue dissection options, the mechanics of mounting the tissue has been improved by using magnetic mounts, and the mechanical calibration of EVASII, yielded a force measurement system with a mean uncertainty of ±0.81g Also, a comparison of EVASII and EVASI has been performed, showing that the results of the two systems are significantly different; however, both systems successfully simulate accommodation. Thus, general trends concerning efficacy and optimization of surgical procedures as well as age related accommodative changes can be compared for each individual system.
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Desecrated covenant, deprived burial: threats of non-burial in the Hebrew BibleMansen, Frances Dora 12 March 2016 (has links)
The non-burial motif in the Hebrew Bible borrows language, imagery, and rhetorical strategies from its ancient West Asian milieu. Despite its many attestations in TANAKH, this motif often is overlooked in biblical research. Past scholarship relied on Delbert Hillers's form-critical and comparative work, which identified several occurrences of a biblical "curse of no burial" that shares stereotypical terminology with Mesopotamian treaty-curses. Nevertheless, Hillers's classification of the "curse of no burial" as a treaty-curse obstructed the identification of the majority of biblical references to non-burial. As one type of threatened or actualized post-mortem punishment, deprivation of burial appears explicitly and as the intended result of another threatened or performed act of violence. Revising Hillers's typology, I propose a description of references to non-burial that considers the following characteristics: 1) elements of post-mortem abuse; 2) agent; 3) victim; 4) reason; and 5) intended result. The identification of non-burial as post-mortem abuse, recognizable by the presence of stereotypical terminology in these five interpretive categories, broadens the net of non-burial references beyond the scope of treaty-curses. Over forty examples of the non-burial motif appear across thirteen biblical books. In-depth interpretations of six of these references to non-burial (Num 14:28-35; Deut 28:26; 1 Sam 17:44-47; 1 Kgs 14:10-11; Isa 14:18-20; Jer 8:1-3) scrutinize literary contexts, lexical features, and rhetorical functions.
The non-burial motif appears in several different types of socio-literary contexts, and it functions as a literary weapon within biblical authors' ideologically-shaped rhetorical compositions. Rhetorical-historical interpretation and social-anthropological theory clarify implications of deprived funerary rites. In biblical and extra-biblical examples, the non-burial motif is used to: 1) shame victims and their communities; 2) eradicate the victims' identity; and 3) bolster the identity of the agent. When the victim's identity depends upon its relationality with the agent (i.e., Israel's vassaldom to YHWH's suzerainty), the imposition of post-mortem punishment redefines the dynamics of the relationship.
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Avaliação das causas de condenações de perus (Meleagris Gallopavo) em 2005 e 2006 no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul / Turkeys´( Meleagris gallopavo)condemnations causes avaliation in 2005 and 2006 at Rio Grande do SulSchlestein, Aline 20 August 2007 (has links)
In Brazil, in 2006, 35.650.000 turkeys were slaughtered, totalizing 353,278 ton, 156,056 were exported generating a cambial prescription of US$ 262.820.985, 00. Objecting evaluate the occurred convictions in turkeys slaughter in the Rio Grande do Sul were evaluated the spread sheets of turkeys conviction under fiscalization in the Rio Grande do Sul ´s Federal Supervision (RS), in the period of January of 2005 until December of 2006. The results demonstrates that almost of the eight million turkeys carcasses (7.984.528 birds), 19.9% had some kind of postmortem condemnation. Most condemnations were partial 1.539.939 (97.1%) and 46,628 (2.9%) were totally condemned. The principal causes of partial condemnations were: contusion/breaking (7.025%), abscess (3.698%), contamination (2.942%), callus of chest (1.995%), arthritis (1.428%), airsacculitis (1.101%), dermatosis (0.937%) and excessive scald (0.056%). The causes of total postmortem condemnation were: repugnant aspect (0.255%), wasting (0.085%), excessive scald (0.077%), airsacculitis (0.040%), colibacillosis (0.033%) and contamination (0.025%). It was observed that the most of these condemnations are related to the imperfections in the transport and in the slaughter process of these animals showing the necessity of improvements, as corrective actions that can minimize bruises, harm bleeding, like others. / No Brasil, em 2006, foram abatidos 35.650.000 perus, totalizando 353.278 toneladas. Destes 156.056 foram exportadas gerando uma receita cambial de US$ 262.820.985,00. Com o objetivo de avaliar as condenações ocorridas no abate de perus no Rio Grande do Sul foram estudadas as planilhas de condenação de perus sob a fiscalização do Serviço de Inspeção Federal (SIF) no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (RS), no período de janeiro de 2005 até dezembro de 2006. Os resultados demonstram que dos quase oito milhões de perus abatidos no Estado (7.984.528 aves), 19,9% foram condenados. Destes 1.539.939 (97,1%) foram condenados parcialmente e 46.628 (2,9%) foram condenados totalmente. As principais causas de condenação parcial foram por: contusão/fratura (7,025%), abscesso (3,698%), contaminação (2,942%), calo de peito (1,995%), artrite (1,428%), aerossaculite (1,101%), dermatose (0,937%) e escaldagem excessiva (0,056%). E as principais causas de condenação total foram: aspecto repugnante (0,255%), caquexia (0,085%), escaldagem excessiva (0,077%), aerossaculite (0,040%), colibacilose (0,033%) e contaminação (0,025%). Sendo que se observou que as maiorias destas condenações estão relacionadas à falhas no transporte e no processo de abate desses animais traduzindo a necessidade de melhorias, como ações corretivas que podem minimizar contusões, má sangria, entre outras.
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