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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proposta de Interven??o para Auxiliar a Reabilita??o Motora e Cognitiva de Pacientes com Acidente Vascular Cerebral

Moura, Daniela Maria de Sousa 18 April 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:37:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DanielaMSM_DISSERT.pdf: 4082020 bytes, checksum: 582f4cba12178e1488b311a92ab35b62 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-04-18 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Stroke is the leading cause of combined motor and cognitive disability worldwide. The rehabilitation of stroke patients is mostly directed towards motor recovery through the training of the affected member under supervision of a Physical Therapist. In the present study we introduce a new approach for both cognitive and motor therapy, which relies on motor imagery of the upper limbs and working memory training. This therapy should be utilized as an adjuvant to physical therapy. Ten individuals (5 men and 5 women) were selected for the pilot study, all of them in the acute phase of the first ischemic stroke episode. The control group had 5 individuals who were submitted to physical therapy only, whilst the other 5 patients in the experimental group also performed the cognitive and motor training with a video game specially built for this study. Two patients left the experimental group before the end. Total training lasted for 9 weeks, 2 times a week, for half an hour. Patients reported they enjoyed playing the game, even though it required a lot of mental effort, according to them. Plus, they considered it had a beneficial influence in their activities of daily living. No side effects were reported. Preliminary results suggest there is a difference between groups in cognitive and upper limb motor evaluation following the intervention. It is important to notice that our conclusions are limited due the small sample number. Overall, this work is supported by other studies in literature focused in rehabilitation with motor imagery and working memory and indicate a continuity of the research, increasing total training hours / O Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC) ? a principal causa de disabilidade motora e cognitiva combinadas em todo o mundo. Atualmente, a reabilita??o dos pacientes com AVC ? voltada principalmente para a recupera??o motora e envolve o treinamento do membro afetado sob supervis?o de fisioterapeuta. Neste projeto, apresentamos a proposta de uma terapia inovadora que combina o treinamento de imag?tica motora do membro superior e mem?ria operacional para permitir a melhora da capacidade motora e cognitiva de pacientes com AVC. A proposta ? que a terapia seja administrada como coadjuvante ? fisioterapia. Dez indiv?duos (5 homens, 5 mulheres) foram selecionados para participar do estudo-piloto, todos na fase aguda do primeiro epis?dio de AVC isqu?mico. Cinco participantes foram designados aleatoriamente para compor o grupo controle, realizando apenas a fisioterapia, e os outros cinco formaram o grupo experimental, aliando o tratamento fisioter?pico ao treinamento da imag?tica motora e da mem?ria operacional em um jogo de computador especialmente criado para este estudo. Dois dos pacientes do grupo experimental abandonaram a pesquisa durante a sua realiza??o. O treinamento foi realizado ao longo de 9 semanas, 2 vezes por semana, durante meia hora. Os pacientes relataram apreciar a utiliza??o do jogo como complemento da fisioterapia. Informaram tamb?m que realizavam um esfor?o mental durante a sua realiza??o e que consideravam que o mesmo teve uma influ?ncia positiva nas suas atividades de vida di?ria. N?o foram relatados efeitos adversos. Os resultados preliminares sugerem uma diferen?a entre os grupos na avalia??o cognitiva realizada com o teste neuropsicol?gico WAIS, especificamente nos subtestes relacionados com a mem?ria operacional, e no teste de avalia??o motora de Fugl Meyer, na fun??o do membro superior. ? importante notar que as nossas conclus?es s?o limitadas pelo pequeno tamanho da amostra. Outros resultados dispon?veis na literatura d?o suporte a terapia focada na utiliza??o de imag?tica motora e de mem?ria operacional que apontam para continuidade do trabalho, com um aumento na carga hor?ria total de treinamento

Motos de Portugal, Indústria e Design

Maia Barbosa, Emanuel Fernando 07 March 2016 (has links)
[EN] The present thesis studies the Portuguese motorcycle brands and models. The results of this industry were determined by the circumstances of the country's modernization through the XX century. This thesis is divided into two parts, beginning with the story of the motorcycle in the world and in Portugal. The production of motorcycles in Portugal starts in the beginning of the century reaching its peak on the 60s and 70s. Following the Portuguese revolution of 1974 and until the end of the century, the industry declines with the competition allowed by Portugal's entry into the European Community. The second part develops the objectives of the research, connecting the project to industrial design, with the design of a database model that caracterizes and organizes all the Portuguese brands and models by typology, according to its design characteristics. Finally, the conclusion presents a synthesis of the produced work with the objective of stimulating the development of future research projects about this theme, based on the results of this study. / [ES] En este trabajo de investigación se estudian las marcas y modelos de motocicletas realizadas en Portugal, cuyas características principales fueron determinadas por las circunstancias de modernización del país que se vivió a lo largo del siglo XX. El estudio se divide en dos partes. La primera revisa históricamente el mundo de las motocicletas y sus hitos más importantes, centrándose posteriormente en el contexto de Portugal. La producción de motocicletas en este país se desarrolla en todo el siglo pasado, alcanzando su apogeo en los años 60 y principios de los 70. Después de la Revolución de "los claveles" en 1974 hasta el final del siglo, se asiste a una disminución gradual de la producción nacional, alimentada por la entrada de Portugal en la Comunidad Europea. La segunda parte de la investigación vincula este proceso con el diseño industrial. Se desarrollan los objetivos específicos del estudio con el diseño de un modelo de base de datos que permite realizar un trabajo de campo centrado en organizar por tipo y características todas las marcas y modelos de motocicletas producidas en Portugal, destacando los elementos de diseño más notables. Las conclusiones recogen el producto final de este proceso de investigación, condensando los resultados más estimables del trabajo de campo realizado, con la intención principal de abrir perspectivas y crear estímulos para recuperar en lo posible un proyecto industrial de primer orden, al tiempo que se concretan posibilidades de desarrollo en cuanto a la eventualidad de plantear proyectos de investigación futuros desde los resultados que ofrecen este estudio. / [CA] En aquest treball de recerca s'estudien les marques i models de motocicletes realitzades a Portugal, les característiques principals de les quals van ser determinades per les circumstàncies de modernització del país que es va viure al llarg del segle XX. L'estudi es divideix en dues parts. La primera revisa històricament el món de les motocicletes i les seues fites més importants, centrant-se posteriorment en el context de Portugal. La producció de motocicletes en aquest país es desenvolupa en tot el segle passat, aconseguint el seu apogeu en els anys 60 i principis dels 70. Després de la Revolució de "els clavells" en 1974 fins al final del segle, es vas agafar a una disminució gradual de la producció nacional, alimentada per l'entrada de Portugal en la Comunitat Europea. La segona part de la recerca vincula aquest procés amb el disseny industrial. Es desenvolupen els objectius específics de l'estudi amb el disseny d'un model de base de dades que permet realitzar un treball de camp centrat a organitzar per tipus i característiques totes les marques i models de motocicletes produïdes a Portugal, destacant els elements de disseny més notables. Les conclusions arrepleguen el producte final d'aquest procés de recerca, condensant els resultats més apreciables del treball de camp realitzat, amb la intenció principal d'obrir perspectives i crear estímuls per a recuperar en la mesura que sega possible un projecte industrial de primer ordre, al mateix temps que es concreten possibilitats de desenvolupament quant a l'eventualitat de plantejar projectes de recerca futurs des dels resultats que ofereixen aquest estudi. / Maia Barbosa, EF. (2016). Motos de Portugal, Indústria e Design [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61449

Iniciativa privada na educação pública: a Fiat e o Programa Moto Perpétuo / Iniciativa privada na educação pública: a Fiat e o Programa Moto Perpétuo

Gonçalves Junior, Oswaldo 20 September 2004 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como meta confrontar estudos teóricos sobre a problemática das ações sociais de empresas com os resultados de um estudo de caso sobre o Programa Moto Perpétuo da Fiat Automóveis S.A. que, durante cinco anos (1997 a 2001), voltou-se à doação de kits de materiais paradidáticos para milhares de escolas de diferentes regiões do Brasil. Apesar do amplo alcance do Programa, base na qual seus promotores se apoiaram para afirmar tratar-se da maior parceria da iniciativa privada com o governo federal dentro do Acorda Brasil! Está na hora da Escola - programa do Ministério da Educação dedicado a estimular a participação da iniciativa privada através de ações em prol da educação -, não havia, até o momento, nenhum estudo que demonstrasse os efeitos práticos dessa ação, seja na melhoria da educação (propósito declarado como motivação principal para sua existência), seja nas implicações de um redimensionamento das esferas pública e privada, assunto que acalora muitos debates na atualidade. Diante dessas constatações, optou-se pela realização de levantamento e leitura de diferentes fontes que tratam, de maneira direta ou não, da chamada responsabilidade social de empresas. Além de passo fundamental para uma adequada abordagem do objeto estudado, em última instância, esta etapa possibilitou subsidiar inferências mais amplas sobre este tema que condensa interesses conflitantes, na maioria das vezes expressos por discursos de promoção e de crítica mais afeitos às ideologias que espelhados no significado concreto de muitas dessas ações sociais. Numa outra parte, mediante informações obtidas com a realização de entrevistas e pelo levantamento e exame de diversos documentos, se analisou o Programa Moto Perpétuo. Como um exemplo da atuação privada junto ao setor público, pôde-se verificar que as correntes expectativas da eficiência de gestão e transferência de recursos em quantidade e qualidade suficientes não se concretizaram. Não obstante, os números sobre o Programa que foram divulgados (alunos e escolas beneficiadas e montante de recursos investidos), comparativamente altos diante de outras iniciativas deste tipo, foram componentes do êxito na construção de uma imagem positiva por parte dos promotores dessa ação junto a setores da opinião pública. Na somatória dessas constatações e de outros aspectos analisados, foi possível demonstrar que prevaleceram interesses de ordem comercial em detrimento das motivações declaradas da iniciativa de ajuda à educação. Apesar de não se poder afirmar que a iniciativa tenha resultado num avanço privado redefinidor do caráter público dos sistemas estadual e municipal de ensino atingidos pelo Programa, há indícios de que a implementação do Moto Perpétuo esteve condicionada pelas relações público (governo federal) - privado (empresa do setor automobilístico), representando um inédito capítulo centrado na educação, frente a um panorama no qual sobressaem historicamente acordos de ajuda mútua de caráter político-econômico. / The aim of this research is to confront theoretical studies about the problematic of social actions promoted by private companies with the results of a case study focusing the Moto Perpétuo Program sponsored by Fiat automobiles S.A. which, for five years (1997 a 2001), donated kits of educational materials to thousands of schools from different regions of Brazil. Despite the ample reach of the Program, in which its promoters based themselves to assert that it was the biggest partnership of a private institution with the Brazilian Federal Government Program of Education Acorda Brasil! Está na hora da escola (Wake up Brazil! It´s time of school) destined to encourage private institutions to act for the education there wasn t, up to now, any study that could demonstrate the practical effects of this action, whether it was for the educational improvement (declared purpose as the main motivation for its existence), or in the implications to reassess the extent of the public and private spheres, a question that heats many debates nowadays. In the face of these observations, it was opted to do a reading and research from different sources that deal, directly or not, with the business social responsibility. More than a fundamental step for an appropriated approach of the studied object, this stage permitted to subsidise broader inferences about this subject, which condenses conflicting interests, frequently expressed by speeches of promotion and criticism more accustomed to ideologies than mirrored in the concrete meaning of many of these social actions. In another part, the Moto Perpétuo Program was analysed by the information obtained from interviews and researches. As an example of the private acting in the public sector, it was verified that the current expectations of management efficiency and transfer of resources, in quantity and quality, didn t come true. Nevertheless, the data published about the Program (resources invested, students and schools benefited) comparatively high in the face of other initiatives like that, were components of success in the construction of a positive image made by the promoters of this action for the public opinion. In the sum of these observations and other aspects analysed, it was possible to demonstrate that commercial interests prevailed over the declared motivations to assist the education. Although it was not possible to assert that the initiative has resulted in a private advancement redefining the public nature of the State and Municipal system of teaching reached by the Program, there are evidences that the implementation of the Moto Perpétuo was conditioned by the relationship between the public (Federal Government) and the private (automobiles company), representing an unheard-of chapter centred on the education, facing a survey that stands out agreements of mutual help of political-economical nature.

Iniciativa privada na educação pública: a Fiat e o Programa Moto Perpétuo / Iniciativa privada na educação pública: a Fiat e o Programa Moto Perpétuo

Oswaldo Gonçalves Junior 20 September 2004 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como meta confrontar estudos teóricos sobre a problemática das ações sociais de empresas com os resultados de um estudo de caso sobre o Programa Moto Perpétuo da Fiat Automóveis S.A. que, durante cinco anos (1997 a 2001), voltou-se à doação de kits de materiais paradidáticos para milhares de escolas de diferentes regiões do Brasil. Apesar do amplo alcance do Programa, base na qual seus promotores se apoiaram para afirmar tratar-se da maior parceria da iniciativa privada com o governo federal dentro do Acorda Brasil! Está na hora da Escola - programa do Ministério da Educação dedicado a estimular a participação da iniciativa privada através de ações em prol da educação -, não havia, até o momento, nenhum estudo que demonstrasse os efeitos práticos dessa ação, seja na melhoria da educação (propósito declarado como motivação principal para sua existência), seja nas implicações de um redimensionamento das esferas pública e privada, assunto que acalora muitos debates na atualidade. Diante dessas constatações, optou-se pela realização de levantamento e leitura de diferentes fontes que tratam, de maneira direta ou não, da chamada responsabilidade social de empresas. Além de passo fundamental para uma adequada abordagem do objeto estudado, em última instância, esta etapa possibilitou subsidiar inferências mais amplas sobre este tema que condensa interesses conflitantes, na maioria das vezes expressos por discursos de promoção e de crítica mais afeitos às ideologias que espelhados no significado concreto de muitas dessas ações sociais. Numa outra parte, mediante informações obtidas com a realização de entrevistas e pelo levantamento e exame de diversos documentos, se analisou o Programa Moto Perpétuo. Como um exemplo da atuação privada junto ao setor público, pôde-se verificar que as correntes expectativas da eficiência de gestão e transferência de recursos em quantidade e qualidade suficientes não se concretizaram. Não obstante, os números sobre o Programa que foram divulgados (alunos e escolas beneficiadas e montante de recursos investidos), comparativamente altos diante de outras iniciativas deste tipo, foram componentes do êxito na construção de uma imagem positiva por parte dos promotores dessa ação junto a setores da opinião pública. Na somatória dessas constatações e de outros aspectos analisados, foi possível demonstrar que prevaleceram interesses de ordem comercial em detrimento das motivações declaradas da iniciativa de ajuda à educação. Apesar de não se poder afirmar que a iniciativa tenha resultado num avanço privado redefinidor do caráter público dos sistemas estadual e municipal de ensino atingidos pelo Programa, há indícios de que a implementação do Moto Perpétuo esteve condicionada pelas relações público (governo federal) - privado (empresa do setor automobilístico), representando um inédito capítulo centrado na educação, frente a um panorama no qual sobressaem historicamente acordos de ajuda mútua de caráter político-econômico. / The aim of this research is to confront theoretical studies about the problematic of social actions promoted by private companies with the results of a case study focusing the Moto Perpétuo Program sponsored by Fiat automobiles S.A. which, for five years (1997 a 2001), donated kits of educational materials to thousands of schools from different regions of Brazil. Despite the ample reach of the Program, in which its promoters based themselves to assert that it was the biggest partnership of a private institution with the Brazilian Federal Government Program of Education Acorda Brasil! Está na hora da escola (Wake up Brazil! It´s time of school) destined to encourage private institutions to act for the education there wasn t, up to now, any study that could demonstrate the practical effects of this action, whether it was for the educational improvement (declared purpose as the main motivation for its existence), or in the implications to reassess the extent of the public and private spheres, a question that heats many debates nowadays. In the face of these observations, it was opted to do a reading and research from different sources that deal, directly or not, with the business social responsibility. More than a fundamental step for an appropriated approach of the studied object, this stage permitted to subsidise broader inferences about this subject, which condenses conflicting interests, frequently expressed by speeches of promotion and criticism more accustomed to ideologies than mirrored in the concrete meaning of many of these social actions. In another part, the Moto Perpétuo Program was analysed by the information obtained from interviews and researches. As an example of the private acting in the public sector, it was verified that the current expectations of management efficiency and transfer of resources, in quantity and quality, didn t come true. Nevertheless, the data published about the Program (resources invested, students and schools benefited) comparatively high in the face of other initiatives like that, were components of success in the construction of a positive image made by the promoters of this action for the public opinion. In the sum of these observations and other aspects analysed, it was possible to demonstrate that commercial interests prevailed over the declared motivations to assist the education. Although it was not possible to assert that the initiative has resulted in a private advancement redefining the public nature of the State and Municipal system of teaching reached by the Program, there are evidences that the implementation of the Moto Perpétuo was conditioned by the relationship between the public (Federal Government) and the private (automobiles company), representing an unheard-of chapter centred on the education, facing a survey that stands out agreements of mutual help of political-economical nature.

Analýza českých televizních motoristických magazínů / Analysis of czech televisin automotive magazines

Bureš, David January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis Analysis of Czech television automotive magazines is to describe characteristic elements of television format entitled motoring (or automotive) magazine. This thesis defines the basic terms typical for the issue, describes the history of motoring magazines in the Czech television environment and through the use of content analysis determines content of today's motoring magazines broadcasted in the Czech television environment. Results of the content analysis are afterwards explained by analysis of historical documents and by an interview with one of the authors of television motoring magazine. The content of the magazines (Auto Moto Revue, Autosalon and Garáž) is also aligned with the British motoring show Top Gear and with the original form of Auto Moto Revue, which ranks among the oldest television motoring magazines in the world.

Contribution à la modélisation et au contrôle de compresseurs. Application à la gestion de l'air dans les systèmes piles à combustible de type PEM

M'Boua, Jérémie 07 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
La pile à combustible se présente comme l'une des sources sûres du temps post pétrole ; cependant elle a du mal à s'imposer du fait de la non-maîtrise de nombreux aspects, notamment du système auxiliaire tel que le groupe moto-compresseur assurant l'alimentation en air de la pile, et qui consomme près de 20% de son énergie. Une meilleure maîtrise du système groupe moto-compresseur permettra d'accroître le rendement énergétique. La thèse présentée a été mené dans la continuité du projet du laboratoire SET de l'UTBM de mise en place d'une plate-forme Hardware-in-The-Loop (HIL) de conception de moto-compresseurs pour l'alimentation en air de pile à combustible PEMFC dédiée aux véhicules. La thèse a donc porté sur la modélisation d'un compresseur volumétrique de type Roots tri-lobes et du développement d'un modèle et du contrôle d'un système assurant l'alimentation en air d'une pile à combustible. Dans la première phase du travail, des études sont menées sur les différentes technologies de compresseurs (turbocompresseurs, compresseurs volumétriques) afin de voir leurs possibles intégrations dans un système d'alimentation en air d'une pile à combustible. Ces études montrent que même si le compresseur centrifuge et le compresseur scroll semblent être plus adaptés, le compresseur Roots-tri-lobes reste un candidat potentiel du fait de ces nombreux avantages : efficacité volumétrique, rendement, compacité, peu d'émission sonore, etc. La seconde phase porte sur le développement d'un modèle du compresseur Roots tri-lobes basé sur la détermination analytique des volumes de contrôle et de toutes les sections de fuite en fonction de l'angle de rotation avec un minimum d'hypothèses simplificatrices. Un modèle thermodynamique est associé au modèle géométrique afin de déterminer les autres grandeurs tels que la pression (P), la température (T) et les débits massiques (q). Le modèle est implémenté en VHDL-AMS pour la simulation. La troisième phase permet de valider le modèle, en mettant en place un banc d'essais dimensionné, automatisé, équipé de capteurs et un système d'acquisition et de commande dSPACE. Les résultats simulés comparés à l'expérimentation montrent des résultats très satisfaisant. La dernière phase de ces travaux consiste à la modélisation d'un système d'alimentation en air à partir d'éléments constitutifs de base c'est-à-dire : le compresseur Roots tri-lobes, le collecteur, et une vanne. Le modèle ainsi conçu est validé à partir du même banc d'essais, mais cette fois avec l'ajout d'une vanne papillon pour le contrôle de la pression. Deux dispositifs de contrôle à savoir : proportionnel intégral et la logique floue sont proposés pour le contrôle du système. L'implémentation des contrôleurs sur le banc d'essais permet de valider les travaux de modélisation et de simulation.

Interiorizing informality: resituating adaptable mixed-use housing within its urban vernacular. Kambi Moto, Nairobi Kenya.

Kivutha, Kathleen Kwekwe 20 October 2010 (has links)
My Interior Design practicum is an inquiry about the nature of urban informality through the study of present and emerging urban vernaculars within Kambi Moto, an informal area in Nairobi Kenya. I argue that unique vernacular characteristics manifest in everyday living and can be captured through the experience and knowledge of self-builders, entrepreneurs and dwellers within informal settlements. An understanding of these vernacular characteristics is instrumental in the designing of meaningful and effective social housing prototypes. The main methods used to document vernacular characteristics include, post occupancy evaluations (POEs), time diaries, photographs and observation. Within an interior design context, these tools helped describe the spatial needs, wants and desires of the everyday dwellers of Kambi Moto. The four resulting compact housing configurations support one-to-ten member households with provisions for a home-based business (HBB) or a rental unit. All units have an adaptable rooftop with a garden.

Interiorizing informality: resituating adaptable mixed-use housing within its urban vernacular. Kambi Moto, Nairobi Kenya.

Kivutha, Kathleen Kwekwe 20 October 2010 (has links)
My Interior Design practicum is an inquiry about the nature of urban informality through the study of present and emerging urban vernaculars within Kambi Moto, an informal area in Nairobi Kenya. I argue that unique vernacular characteristics manifest in everyday living and can be captured through the experience and knowledge of self-builders, entrepreneurs and dwellers within informal settlements. An understanding of these vernacular characteristics is instrumental in the designing of meaningful and effective social housing prototypes. The main methods used to document vernacular characteristics include, post occupancy evaluations (POEs), time diaries, photographs and observation. Within an interior design context, these tools helped describe the spatial needs, wants and desires of the everyday dwellers of Kambi Moto. The four resulting compact housing configurations support one-to-ten member households with provisions for a home-based business (HBB) or a rental unit. All units have an adaptable rooftop with a garden.

O impacto das políticas ambientais na Zona Franca de Manaus: estudo de caso na multinacional Moto Honda da Amazônia S.A.

Lima, Maria Valdélia Lima de 30 April 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-11T13:52:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao-Maria de Lima.pdf: 1791543 bytes, checksum: 3b68e74f7ddb6293d10ebf14618d2d9c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-04-30 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Environmental problems are avolumaram over the centuries, precisely according to the failure of the market system to efficiently allocate natural resources. Thus, the reversal of these problems requires decisive intervention of the state. The regulatory role of the state is strategic for encouraging the emergence of the compromise between multiple interests of the company, investors, companies, among others. A key related to the choice of public policies environmental concerns available to the company in internalise the environmental cost, necessity that derives from the impact of environmental policies on prices and costs. The main forms of public intervention in the environmental area are characterized by various measures such as: the use of economic instruments (taxation, subsidies, markets for rights of use); rules and regulations; surveillance, among others. It is also characterized by means of sectoral policies adopted, and some that are considered of greater importance. The processes of change in the use and coverage of the earth came in discussions of global environment a few decades, from the concept that processes that occur on the surface of the planet affect the climate. From studies that showed the relationship between the change of albedo due terrestrial changes on the surface that influenced the exchange of energy between the surface-atmosphere at the local level, studies pointing terrestrial ecosystems as a source of carbon storage and can influence the global climate and studies related to the contribution of evapotranspiration in the water cycle as another major factor, both in scale impact on local regional, came to light, and still are targets of many jobs. / Os problemas ambientais se avolumaram ao longo dos séculos, precisamente em função da falha do sistema de mercado em alocar eficientemente os recursos naturais. Assim, a reversão desses problemas requer intervenção decisiva do Estado. O papel regulador do Estado é estratégico por favorecer a emergência do compromisso entre interesses múltiplos da sociedade, investidores, empresas, entre outros. Um aspecto fundamental relacionado à escolha das políticas públicas ambientais diz respeito à disposição da sociedade em internalizar o custo ambiental, necessidade que decorre do impacto das políticas ambientais sobre os preços e custos. As principais formas de intervenção pública na área ambiental caracterizamse por medidas diversas como: a utilização de instrumentos econômicos (taxação, subsídios, mercados de direitos de uso); normas e regulamentos; fiscalização, dentre outros. Também se caracterizam por meio das políticas setoriais adotadas, sendo algumas, consideradas de maior relevância. Os processos de mudança do uso e na cobertura da terra entraram nas discussões globais de meio ambiente há algumas décadas, a partir do conceito de que processos que ocorrem na superfície do planeta influenciam o clima. A partir de estudos que demonstraram a relação entre a modificação do albedo terrestre devido as mudanças na superfície que influenciavam a troca de energia entre a superfície-atmosfera em escala local, estudos apontando os ecossistemas terrestres como fonte e armazenador de carbono podendo influenciar o clima global e estudos relacionados à contribuição da evapotranspiração no ciclo da água como outro grande fator de impacto tanto em escalas local quanto regional, vieram a tona, e ainda hoje são alvos de muitos trabalhos.

Quantification des causes des accidents de deux / trois-roues motorisés et de leurs conséquences corporelle (approche épidémiologique)s / Quantification of causes of motorized two/three-wheelers accidents and injury consequences (epidemiological approach)

Wu, Dan 02 October 2018 (has links)
Contexte : les deux-roues motorisés (2RM) sont en forte évolution et la vulnérabilité de leurs usagers est de plus en plus manifeste. En 2013, dans le monde, les usagers de 2RM ont compté pour 23 % de la mortalité routière, devant les piétons (22 %). Dans ce contexte, la sécurité des usagers de 2RM est devenue une préoccupation sérieuse dans la plupart des pays. Contrairement à beaucoup de problèmes de santé publique, les principaux facteurs de l'insécurité routière en 2RM sont connus. L'enjeu d'aujourd'hui est surtout de quantifier leur effet sur la survenue d'accidents et d'évaluer les effets des quelques dispositifs de protection disponibles. Les objectifs de cette thèse sont de mieux connaitre les problèmes d'interaction entre les conducteurs de 2RM et les automobilistes selon différentes situations accidentelles (en particulier en intersection), de quantifier les effets des facteurs à l'origine de la survenue des accidents issus de la perte de contrôle du 2RM, et de mesurer l'efficacité des dispositifs de protection portés par les usagers de 2RM (casque intégral, blouson de moto, pantalon de moto, gants, bottes ou chaussures montantes et protection dorsale). Données : la réalisation des objectifs de la thèse s'appuie sur les données du projet VOIESUR, les données du Registre des accidents de la circulation du Rhône et les données recueillies au moyen d'une enquête postale réalisée auprès de 7 148 usagers de 2RM accidentés entre 2010 et 2014 identifiés par le Registre du Rhône. Résultats : Le problème de détectabilité des motos au niveau des intersections est confirmé. Dans la même situation d'interaction entre deux véhicules en intersection, un automobiliste a plus de difficulté à détecter une moto qu'à détecter un véhicule léger. Les facteurs suivants sont associés à la survenue des accidents de type perte de contrôle : alcool, type de moto, jour de l'accident, sinuosité de la route, adhérence de la route et vitesse. Nous soulignons le fait qu'une mauvaise adhérence de la route augmente considérablement le risque de perte de contrôle, en particulier lorsque la dégradation de l'adhérence est inattendue pour les motocyclistes en raison de la présence de gravillons, de corps gras, de nids de poule, etc. sur la route. En cas d'accident, les vêtements dédiés à la moto protègent les usagers des blessures. Ils sont efficaces pour éviter les dermabrasions et les plaies cutanées, mais ne semblent pas protéger des blessures plus graves telles que fracture, luxation ou entorse, sauf pour les bottes ou chaussures montantes qui réduisent le risque de fracture de la cheville ou du pied. Concernant les plaques dorsales, aucune efficacité n'a été montrée. Les casques intégraux protègent mieux le visage de l'usager du 2RM comparés aux non-intégraux, alors qu'aucune différence de protection du crâne ou du cerveau n'est mise en évidence entre les deux types de casques. Conclusion : Nos résultats mettent en évidence le problème de détectabilité d'un 2RM par les automobilistes en intersection et l'importance de l'état de la chaussée dans les accidents associés à une perte de contrôle du 2RM par son conducteur. Il est fortement recommandé pour les automobilistes de bien faire attention aux véhicules prioritaires venant de la gauche ou d'en face avant de tourner à gauche, particulièrement aux 2RM venant d'en face. L'amélioration de l'état de la chaussée et une signalisation adaptée représentent aussi un enjeu fort pour la sécurité des usagers de 2RM. Nos résultats soutiennent la recommandation faite par les organismes de sécurité routière du port plus systématique des équipements vestimentaires chez les usagers de 2RM. Enfin, nos résultats encouragent l'utilisation d'un casque intégral chez les usagers de 2RM afin de mieux protéger le visage / Background: Motorized two-wheelers (MTW) are evolving rapidly and the vulnerability of their users is becoming more obvious. MTW users were the most vulnerable road users, accounting for 23 % of all road traffic fatalities worldwide in 2013, in front of pedestrians (22 %). In this context, the safety of MTW users has become a serious concern in most countries. In contrast to many public health problems, the main factors of MTW road safety have been identified. The issue today is to quantify their effects on the occurrence of accidents and to measure the effects of protective devices. The present thesis aims to better understand the interaction problems between MTW drivers and automobilists according to different accident configurations (in particular at intersection), to identify and assess the effect of critical factors on the risk of MTW loss-of-control crashes, and to measure the effectiveness of protective clothing (motorcycle jacket, trousers, gloves, knee-high or ankle boots, back protection) for MTW users. Data: This study used MTW accident data collected in a French project VOIESUR, injury data from the Rhône Registry, plus data collected by means of a postal survey which was conducted among 7148 MTW riders injured between 2010 and 2014 and identified in the Rhône Registry. Results: We confirmed the problem of motorcycle detection for other road users. In the similar conditions, the motorists have more difficulty to detect a motorcycle than a car oncoming, in particular at intersections. The following factors are associated with the occurrence of motorcycle loss-of-control accidents: alcohol use, motorcycle type, weekend vs. weekday, road alignment, road adhesion and traveling speed. We emphasize that poor road adhesion significantly increases the risk of losing control, especially when deteriorated road adhesion is encountered unexpectedly, due to the presence of loose gravel, ice, oil, potholes, etc. on the roadway. In case of accident, motorcycle clothing protects users from injury. It can protect riders against injuries such as dermabrasion and laceration, but not against more serious injuries, such as fracture and sprain, except for boots, which reduce foot-and-ankle fracture risk. No effect of dorsal protectors was shown. Full-face helmets provide significantly greater protection against facial injury than do other helmets. However, no significant difference of protection against skull or brain injury is found between the two types of helmets. Conclusion: Our results highlight the problem of MTW detection for motorists at intersections and the important role of road conditions in the occurrence of accidents resulting from loss of control of MTW. It is recommended for motorists to pay extra attention to priority vehicles oncoming from their left or the opposite direction, before turning left at an intersection, especially to MTW. Regular road maintenance and immediate installment of appropriate warning signs concerning road deterioration are also highly recommended in consideration of MTW safety. Finally, our results support road safety organizations’ recommendation that protective clothing be worn: this should be more systematic for MTW users, the same for the use of full-face helmets

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