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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of Digitalization in Steel Industry : Economic Impacts & Investment Model / Effekter av digitalisering i stålindustrin : Ekonomisk påverkan & investeringsmodell

Cheng, Jenny, Westman, Josefin January 2020 (has links)
The awareness and interest for digitalization have increased tremendously during recent years. However, many companies are struggling to identify the economic benefits and often face long payback time and large initial investment costs. This study aims to assess the potential economic effects from digitalization projects in the steel production industry. The study begins by elucidating central concept like, digitization, digitalization, digital transform and the link between digitalization and automation. Furthermore, the study identifies effects of digitization at production level from an internal efficiency perspective, based on existing literature. On this basis, an investment tool for digitization projects has been developed, consisting of three different analyzes; a level of automation analysis, a quantitative analysis and a qualitative analysis. To continue, the investment model has been applied to a potential investment of a smart automatic crane. The results from all three analyses provided positive results and incentives to initiate the project. As a result of poor data collection and rigid data, only one effect could be accounted for in the quantitative analysis, which generated a net present value of nearly 12 MSEK over a tenyear period. The most critical parameter proved to be the timing of initiating the project. / Medvetenheten och intresset för digitalisering har ökat enormt under de senaste åren. Många företag kämpar emellertid med att identifiera de ekonomiska fördelarna och möter ofta långa återbetalningstider och stora initiala investeringskostnader. Denna studie syftar till att utvärdera de potentiella ekonomiska effekterna av digitaliseringsprojekt i stålproduktionsindustrin. Studien börjar med att redogöra för vad digitalisering är samt kopplingen mellan digitalisering och automation. Vidare identifierar studien effekter av digitalisering på produktionsnivå ur ett internt effektivitetsperspektiv baserat på befintlig litteratur. Baserat på detta har ett investeringsverktyg för digitaliseringsprojekt utvecklats, bestående av tre olika analyser; en automationsgradsanalys, en kvantitativ analys och en kvalitativ analys. Investeringsmodellen har dessutom tillämpats på en potentiell investering i form av en smart automatkran. Resultaten från samtliga tre analyser var positiva och utgjorde incitament till att initiera projektet. Som ett resultat av bristande datainsamling och ostrukturerade data kunde kostnadsbesparingen från endast en effekt redovisas i den kvantitativa analysen, vilken genererade ett nuvärde på nästan 12 MSEK under en tioårsperiod. Den mest kritiska parametern visade sig vara tidpunkten för att implementera projektet.

Främja resiliens i den svenska stadsplaneringen mot urbana värmeöar : En fallstudie av Gävle, Sundsvall och Uppsala stad

Reuithe, Karin, von Friesendorff, Filip January 2024 (has links)
Klimatförändringarnas påverkan på stadsmiljöer blir alltmer påtagligt med ökande frekvenser av extrema väderfenomen, vilket kräver resilienta städer med förmågan att anpassas till framtida störningar. Urbaniseringen förtätar städerna och leder till mer hårdgjord mark och minskad vegetation som kan resultera i fenomenet urbana värmeöar. Fenomenet koncentrerar och förlänger värmen i städer, vilket hotarmänniskors hälsa, särskilt under extrema värmeböljor. Värmeöar är väldokumenterade globalt men är en förbisedd fråga i Sverige. Examensarbetets syfte var därför att öka förståelsen kring värmeöar för svenska kommuner och myndigheter med exempel från städerna Gävle, Sundsvall och Uppsala. Målen var att föreslå resilienta planeringsåtgärder som både kan förbättra det pågående arbetet mot värmeöar samt nya inslag från internationell forskning.Studiens metoder var litteraturstudie, dokumentstudie av översiktsplaner (ÖP) samtintervjuer. En spatial multikriterieanalys (MKA) användes för att skapa farokartor av var värmeöar kan uppstå. Kriterier valdes genom litteratur, viktades med analytisk hierarkiprocess samt genomgick en känslighetsanalys. Farokartorna valideradessedan med Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskaps (MSB) värmekartering. Resultaten visade att värmeöar behandlades på en övergripande nivå i ÖP. Varierade kunskaper om fenomenet framkom av respondenter från både kommuner och myndigheter. Flera utmaningar, möjligheter och planeringsåtgärder identifierades iarbetet mot värmeöar. Resiliens framhölls som ett nyckelkoncept i stadsplaneringen för att beakta olika klimatrisker där värmeöar är ett exempel. Litteraturstudien gav förslag på resilienta planeringsåtgärder i arbetet mot värmeöar som kan användas i svensk stadsplanering, vilka sedan sammanställdes. För att skapa resilienta städer krävs både reduceringsåtgärder (minska den byggda miljöns påverkan på stadsvärme)samt hanteringsåtgärder (förebyggande arbeten för att minska människors värmeexponering).  Farokartorna visade att värmeöar framför allt kan uppstå i bostads-, handels- och industriområden. MKA som metod för kartläggning av värmeöar överensstämdedelvis med marktemperaturer från MSB:s värmekartering. Slutsatsen av studien var att värmeöar behöver uppmärksammas mer i den svenska stadsplaneringen. Utmaningarna inkluderade att inkorporera värmefrågor i befintlig bebyggelse, medan möjligheterna fanns i fler planeringsunderlag och detaljerade kartläggningar. Främjandet av resiliens, särskilt genom reducerings- och hanteringsåtgärder,behöver utvecklas i Sverige för att stärka planeringsarbetet mot värmeöar i både nutida och framtida stadsplanering. / The impact of climate change on urban environments is becoming increasinglyapparent with higher frequencies of extreme weather phenomena, which requires resilient cities with the ability to adapt to future disturbances. Urbanization densifies cities and leads to more hard surfaces and reduced vegetation which can result in urban heat islands (UHI). This phenomenon concentrates and prolongs heat in citieswhich threatens human health, especially during extreme heat waves. UHI are well documented globally but are an overlooked issue in Sweden.  The aim of the study was therefore to increase the understanding of UHI for Swedish municipalities and authorities with examples from the cities of Gävle, Sundsvall and Uppsala. The goals were to propose resilient planning measures that can both improve the ongoing work against UHI as well as new elements from international research. The study's methods were a literature study, a document study of comprehensive plans (översiktsplan) and interviews. A spatial multicriteriaanalysis (MCA) was used to create hazard maps of where UHI can occur. Criteria were selected through literature, weighted using analytic hierarchy process and underwent a sensitivity analysis. The hazard maps were validated with the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency’s (MSB) heat mapping. The results showed that UHI were treated at an overall level in comprehensiveplans. Varied knowledge about the phenomenon emerged from respondents from both municipalities and authorities. Several challenges, opportunities and planning measures were identified in the work against UHI. Resilience was highlighted as a key concept in urban planning to consider various climate risks where UHI are an example. The literature study provided suggestions for resilient planning measures in the work against UHI that can be used in Swedish urban planning, which were then compiled. To create resilient cities, both reduction measures (reducing the built environment's impact on urban heat) and management measures (preventive work to reduce people's heat exposure) are required.  The hazard maps showed that UHI mainly occur in residential, commercial and industrial areas. MCA as a method for UHI mapping partially matches ground temperatures from MSB's heat mapping. The conclusion of the study was that UHIneed more attention in Swedish urban planning. Challenges included incorporating heating issues into existing buildings, while the opportunities were in more planning documents and detailed mapping. The promotion of resilience, especially through reduction and management measures, needs to be developed in Sweden to strengthen the planning against UHI in both present-day and future urban planning.

Massbalans : En kvantitativ studie med fokus på effektivisering / Mass Balance : A qualitative study targeting efficiency

Wiss, Filip, Gustafsson, Vanessa, Olsson, David January 2024 (has links)
Syfte och mål - Studien syftade till att identifiera förbättringsmöjligheter och rekommendationer för effektiv masshantering. Målet var att effektivisera masshanteringen med fokus på massbalans och därmed minska både naturresurser och klimatpåverkan för transport till och från anläggningsprojekt. Metod - Studien använde sig av kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer, litteraturstudie samt multikriterieanalys. Resultat - Studiens resultat visade att tidiga utredningar i projekteringsskedet, snabbare handläggningstider, och effektiv logistik och tydliga massdispositionsplaner är centrala för effektiv masshantering inom anläggningsprojekt. Resultaten gav därmed praktiska riktlinjer för att effektivisera masshanteringen inom anläggningsbranschen och därmed förbättrad hållbarhet. Analys – Litteraturstudie och intervjuer analyserades. En multikriterieanalys genomfördes för att välja det bästa sättet att hantera massor med fokus på faktorer som tid, ekonomi och miljöpåverkan. Tidiga utredningar i projekteringsstadiet rankades högst bland sju alternativa åtgärder för effektiv masshantering enligt multikriterieanalysen. Diskussion - Betydelsen av tidiga utredningar, snabbare handläggningstider och en välplanerad logistik framhölls som viktiga åtgärder för att effektivisera masshanteringen. Diskussionen betonade också behovet av kompetenta chefer och tydliga massdispositionsplaner för att främja projektens ekonomi och hållbarhet. Trots utmaningar i multikriterieanalysen visade resultaten enighet mellan tidigare forskning och intervjuer, vilket stärkte studiens reliabilitet och validitet. Studien möjliggjorde en generalisering som kan gynna flera entreprenadföretag inom anläggningsbranschen genom att dra nytta av studiens resultat. Nyckelord – Anläggningsprojekt, effektivisering, hållbarhet, massbalans, masshantering, multikriterieanalys. / Purpose and Objectives – The study aimed to identify improvement opportunities and recommendations for efficient mass management. The goal was to make mass management more efficient with a focus on mass balance, thereby reducing both natural resources usage and climate impact associated with transportation to and from construction projects. Methodology – The study used qualitative semi-structured interviews, literature review, and a multicriteria analysis. Results – The study's findings indicated that early investigations in the design phase, faster processing times, and efficient logistics and clear mass disposal plans are crucial for effective mass management within construction projects. The results provided practical guidelines for making mass management more efficient in the construction industry and thereby improving sustainability. Analysis – Literature review and interviews were analysed. A multicriteria analysis was conducted to select the best way to handle masses, focusing on factors such as time, cost, and environmental impact. Early investigations in the design stage ranked highest among seven alternative measures for efficient mass management according to the multicriteria analysis. Discussion – The importance of early investigations, faster processing times, and carefully planned logistics was emphasized as crucial steps to improve mass management. The discussion also highlighted the need for skilled managers and clear mass disposal plans to promote project economics and sustainability. Despite facing challenges in multicriteria analysis, the results showed agreement with previous research and interviews, which strengthened the study's reliability and validity. The study enabled generalization, potentially benefiting many construction companies in the industry by using its findings. Keywords – Construction projects, efficiency, mass balance, mass management, multicriteria analysis, sustainability.

Utilisation de systèmes d'information géographique pour l'évaluation des risques liés à la dégradation du pergélisol. Étude de cas : Tasiujaq, Nunavik, Québec

Grandmont, Katerine 08 1900 (has links)
Les régions nordiques à pergélisol seront largement affectées par l'augmentation prévue des températures. Un nombre croissant d’infrastructures qui étaient autrefois construites avec confiance sur des sols gelés en permanence commencent déjà à montrer des signes de détérioration. Les processus engendrés par la dégradation du pergélisol peuvent causer des dommages importants aux infrastructures et entrainer des coûts élevés de réparation. En conséquence, le contexte climatique actuel commande que la planification des projets dans les régions nordiques s’effectue en tenant compte des impacts potentiels de la dégradation du pergélisol. Ce mémoire porte sur l’utilisation de systèmes d’information géographique (SIG) appliqués à l’évaluation du potentiel d’aménagement des territoires situés en milieu de pergélisol. En utilisant une approche SIG, l’objectif est d’élaborer une méthodologie permettant de produire des cartes d'évaluation des risques afin d’aider les collectivités nordiques à mieux planifier leur environnement bâti. Une analyse multi-échelle du paysage est nécessaire et doit inclure l'étude des dépôts de surface, la topographie, ainsi que les conditions du pergélisol, la végétation et les conditions de drainage. La complexité de l'ensemble des interactions qui façonnent le paysage est telle qu'il est pratiquement impossible de rendre compte de chacun d'eux ou de prévoir avec certitude la réponse du système suite à des perturbations. Ce mémoire présente aussi certaines limites liées à l’utilisation des SIG dans ce contexte spécifique et explore une méthode innovatrice permettant de quantifier l'incertitude dans les cartes d'évaluation des risques. / Northern regions underlain by permafrost will largely be affected by the projected increase in air temperature. A growing number of structures that were once built with great confidence on perennially frozen soils are already starting to show signs of deterioration. Processes caused by permafrost degradation can cause significant damages to infrastructure and require high costs of repair. The current climatic context therefore commands that the implementation of projects in permafrost regions follows a well-thought planning in order to account for the potential impacts of permafrost degradation. This thesis focuses on the use of geographic information systems (GIS) applied to the identification of the development potential of communities located in permafrost regions. Using a GIS approach, the goal is to develop a methodology to produce risk-assessment maps to help northern communities better plan their built environment. A multi-scale analysis of the landscape is necessary and should include the investigation of surficial deposits, topography, as well as permafrost, vegetation and drainage conditions. The complexity of all the interactions that shape the landscape is such that it is virtually impossible to account for all of them or to predict with certainty the response of the system following disturbances. This research also presents some of the limitations to the use of GIS in this specific context and explores an innovative method for quantifying uncertainty in risk-assessment maps.

Utilisation de systèmes d'information géographique pour l'évaluation des risques liés à la dégradation du pergélisol. Étude de cas : Tasiujaq, Nunavik, Québec

Grandmont, Katerine 08 1900 (has links)
Les régions nordiques à pergélisol seront largement affectées par l'augmentation prévue des températures. Un nombre croissant d’infrastructures qui étaient autrefois construites avec confiance sur des sols gelés en permanence commencent déjà à montrer des signes de détérioration. Les processus engendrés par la dégradation du pergélisol peuvent causer des dommages importants aux infrastructures et entrainer des coûts élevés de réparation. En conséquence, le contexte climatique actuel commande que la planification des projets dans les régions nordiques s’effectue en tenant compte des impacts potentiels de la dégradation du pergélisol. Ce mémoire porte sur l’utilisation de systèmes d’information géographique (SIG) appliqués à l’évaluation du potentiel d’aménagement des territoires situés en milieu de pergélisol. En utilisant une approche SIG, l’objectif est d’élaborer une méthodologie permettant de produire des cartes d'évaluation des risques afin d’aider les collectivités nordiques à mieux planifier leur environnement bâti. Une analyse multi-échelle du paysage est nécessaire et doit inclure l'étude des dépôts de surface, la topographie, ainsi que les conditions du pergélisol, la végétation et les conditions de drainage. La complexité de l'ensemble des interactions qui façonnent le paysage est telle qu'il est pratiquement impossible de rendre compte de chacun d'eux ou de prévoir avec certitude la réponse du système suite à des perturbations. Ce mémoire présente aussi certaines limites liées à l’utilisation des SIG dans ce contexte spécifique et explore une méthode innovatrice permettant de quantifier l'incertitude dans les cartes d'évaluation des risques. / Northern regions underlain by permafrost will largely be affected by the projected increase in air temperature. A growing number of structures that were once built with great confidence on perennially frozen soils are already starting to show signs of deterioration. Processes caused by permafrost degradation can cause significant damages to infrastructure and require high costs of repair. The current climatic context therefore commands that the implementation of projects in permafrost regions follows a well-thought planning in order to account for the potential impacts of permafrost degradation. This thesis focuses on the use of geographic information systems (GIS) applied to the identification of the development potential of communities located in permafrost regions. Using a GIS approach, the goal is to develop a methodology to produce risk-assessment maps to help northern communities better plan their built environment. A multi-scale analysis of the landscape is necessary and should include the investigation of surficial deposits, topography, as well as permafrost, vegetation and drainage conditions. The complexity of all the interactions that shape the landscape is such that it is virtually impossible to account for all of them or to predict with certainty the response of the system following disturbances. This research also presents some of the limitations to the use of GIS in this specific context and explores an innovative method for quantifying uncertainty in risk-assessment maps.

Avalia??o da Inser??o de Gera??o Distribu?da no Sistema de Distribui??o de Energia El?trica Brasileiro Utilizando M?todos Multicrit?rio / Evaluation of the Distributed Generation Insertion in the Brazilian Electric Distribution Network Using Multicriteria Methods

Dematt?, Ricardo Dantas 28 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2017-08-09T17:49:34Z No. of bitstreams: 1 RICARDO DANTAS DEMATTE.pdf: 2862053 bytes, checksum: b9419efebad5f62cec88e8d25dde8f3d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-09T17:49:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RICARDO DANTAS DEMATTE.pdf: 2862053 bytes, checksum: b9419efebad5f62cec88e8d25dde8f3d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-28 / Nowadays, one of the main challenges in the world is the generation of electricity in a sustainable and renewable way, aiming to gradually reduce the generation based on fuels that cause a high environmental impact such as coal, oil, and nuclear energy. The emission and accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere and the consequent global warming has convinced public opinion that the use of low environmental impact technologies should play a prominent role in energy production. Distributed generation using renewable sources presents itself as a worldwide trend to meet part of the demand for electricity. In this way, this work proposes a multicriteria evaluation of the main sources of energy used in the Brazilian electrical system, from the economic, technical and socio-environmental point of view. In this sense, it is also an evaluation of the impacts of the insertion of the distributed generation into the Brazilian electricity distribution network. / Um dos principais desafios encontrados no mundo atualmente ? a gera??o de energia el?trica de forma sustent?vel e renov?vel, visando diminuir gradativamente a gera??o baseada em combust?veis que causam um grande impacto ambiental como o carv?o, petr?leo e energia nuclear. A emiss?o e acumula??o de CO2 na atmosfera e o consequente aquecimento global tem convencido a opini?o p?blica que o uso de fontes de energia de baixo impacto ambiental devem ocupar papel de destaque na produ??o de energia. A gera??o distribu?da utilizando fontes renov?veis apresenta-se como uma tend?ncia mundial para atender parte da demanda por energia el?trica. Desta forma, este trabalho prop?e uma avalia??o multicrit?rio das principais fontes de energia utilizadas no sistema el?trico brasileiro, sob o ponto de vista econ?mico, t?cnico e socioambiental. Neste sentido, tamb?m ? foi realizada uma avalia??o dos impactos da inser??o da gera??o distribu?da na rede de distribui??o de energia el?trica brasileiro.

Fragilidade ambiental potencial da bacia hidrogr?fica do rio Jequitinhonha, Minas Gerais, Brasil

Fran?a, Luciano Cavalcante de Jesus 26 January 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Jos? Henrique Henrique (jose.neves@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-08-17T22:50:17Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) luciano_cavalcante_jesus_franca.pdf: 8536092 bytes, checksum: 448d28dd9ed3febc9eafc32bf9208be2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-10-05T19:39:21Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) luciano_cavalcante_jesus_franca.pdf: 8536092 bytes, checksum: 448d28dd9ed3febc9eafc32bf9208be2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-05T19:39:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) luciano_cavalcante_jesus_franca.pdf: 8536092 bytes, checksum: 448d28dd9ed3febc9eafc32bf9208be2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018 / Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (UFVJM) / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / A degrada??o ambiental em seu contexto geral ? uma realidade presente em todo o Brasil, que vem desencadeando problemas de ordem ambiental, econ?mica e social, muitas vezes permanentes, outras contorn?veis dado o avan?o da pesquisa em restaura??o e conserva??o de ecossistemas degradados. Estudos de fragilidade ambiental potencial direcionam a compreens?o da susceptibilidade ? degrada??o em bacias hidrogr?ficas, e podem auxiliar na prioriza??o de ?reas no planejamento ambiental, ordenamento territorial, restaura??o, conserva??o e preserva??o florestal e de solos. O objetivo desta investiga??o cient?fica foi de realizar uma an?lise da fragilidade ambiental potencial da bacia hidrogr?fica do rio Jequitinhonha, na por??o do estado de Minas Gerais. A metodologia utilizada foi baseada no estabelecimento de graus de fragilidade, de baixo ? extremamente alto, a partir de avalia??o muticriterial de um conjunto de planos de informa??es ambientais: declividade do terreno, classes de solos, dom?nios geol?gicos, hierarquia de drenagens e pluviosidade. Aplicou-se o m?todo de hierarquiza??o para tomada de decis?es e determina??o da import?ncia dos crit?rios por meio do Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), bem como a obten??o do ?ndice e raz?o de consist?ncia da matriz AHP. Para os procedimentos de an?lises em planilhas de dados, utilizou-se o software Excel, e para as an?lises em plataforma SIG, o software ArcGis 10.3.1. A classe de fragilidade ambiental potencial com maior representatividade ? a denominada m?dia fragilidade, e ocorre em uma extens?o de 19.244,1 km?, equivalente a 30% da ?rea total da bacia hidrogr?fica, que ? de 66.319 km?. Uma ?rea de 12.430,57 km? (19,4%) da bacia apresenta fragilidade baixa, 18.540,93 km? (28,9%) sob levemente baixa, e as classe alta e extremamente alta, representam 10.519,63 km? (16,4%) e 3.416,15 km? (5,3%), respectivamente. A Raz?o de Consist?ncia (RC) calculada para a matriz de pondera??o de hierarquiza??o dos crit?rios para a ?lgebra de mapas, foi de 0,0781, dentro dos limites de coer?ncia e confiabilidade aceit?veis pela metodologia AHP. A condi??o de maior ou menor fragilidade ambiental potencial, revela-se principalmente ao grau de prote??o quanto a cobertura vegetal nativa, no contexto das formas de ocupa??o do territ?rio e impactos ambientais sob o qual a bacia hidrogr?fica est? sujeita, condi??es que direcionam ou n?o ? degrada??o dos solos. Destaca-se que, al?m dos resultados obtidos neste estudo, s?o necess?rias outras investiga??es que complementem e testem a combina??o de novos crit?rios, que englobem tamb?m distintos focos de aplicabilidade e tomadas de decis?o nas ci?ncias florestal, ambiental e agr?ria. / Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Ci?ncia Florestal, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2018. / The environmental degradation in its general context is a reality present throughout Brazil, which has been unleashing environmental, economic and social problems, which are often permanent, others that are contrived due to the progress of research in restoration and conservation of degraded ecosystems. Potential environmental fragility studies guide the understanding of susceptibility to degradation in watersheds, and may assist in the prioritization of areas in environmental planning, land management, restoration, forest and soil conservation and preservation. The objective of this scientific investigation was to analyze the potential environmental fragility of the Jequitinhonha river basin in the state of Minas Gerais. The methodology used was based on the establishment of degrees of fragility, from low to extremely high, based on a multi-criteria assessment of a set of environmental information plans: terrain slope, soil classes, geological domains, drainage hierarchy and rainfall. The hierarchical method was applied for decision making and determination of the importance of the criteria through the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), as well as obtaining the index and consistency ratio of the AHP matrix. For the analysis procedures in spreadsheets, the software Excel was used, and for the analyzes in platform GIS, the software ArcGis 10.3.1. The class of potential environmental fragility with greater representativeness is the denominated average fragility, and occurs in an extension of 19.244,1 km ?, equivalent to 30% of the total area of the watershed, that is of 66.319 km ?. An area of 12,430.57 km? (19.4%) of the basin presents low fragility, 18,540.93 km? (28.9%) under slightly low, and the upper and extremely high class represent 10,519.63 km? (16.4 %) and 3,416.15 km? (5.3%), respectively. The Consistency Ratio (RC) calculated for the hierarchy matrix of the criteria for map algebra was 0.0781, within the limits of coherence and reliability acceptable by the AHP methodology. The condition of greater or lesser potential environmental fragility is mainly due to the degree of protection of native vegetation cover, in the context of the forms of occupation of the territory and environmental impacts under which the river basin is subject, conditions that degradation of soils. In addition to the results obtained in this study, further research is required to complement and test the combination of new criteria, which also encompasses different foci of applicability and decision making in the forest, environmental and agrarian sciences.

Fragilidade ambiental potencial da bacia hidrogr?fica do Rio Jequitinhonha, Minas Gerais, Brasil / Potential environmental fragility of the hydrographic basin of Jequitinhonha River, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Fran?a, Luciano Cavalcante de Jesus 26 January 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Luciano Fran?a (lucianodejesus@florestal.eng.br) on 2018-03-06T00:03:11Z No. of bitstreams: 3 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Declaracao Orientadora.pdf: 1388830 bytes, checksum: e157d539359c6d1e74bcc641d6e7d190 (MD5) Disserta??o Luciano Cavalcante de Jesus Fran?a.pdf: 8643521 bytes, checksum: ad5a66f3b0d0e6337cfe0945a3405b26 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-03-06T12:06:00Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 3 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Declaracao Orientadora.pdf: 1388830 bytes, checksum: e157d539359c6d1e74bcc641d6e7d190 (MD5) Disserta??o Luciano Cavalcante de Jesus Fran?a.pdf: 8643521 bytes, checksum: ad5a66f3b0d0e6337cfe0945a3405b26 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-06T12:06:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Declaracao Orientadora.pdf: 1388830 bytes, checksum: e157d539359c6d1e74bcc641d6e7d190 (MD5) Disserta??o Luciano Cavalcante de Jesus Fran?a.pdf: 8643521 bytes, checksum: ad5a66f3b0d0e6337cfe0945a3405b26 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / A degrada??o ambiental em seu contexto geral ? uma realidade presente em todo o Brasil, que vem desencadeando problemas de ordem ambiental, econ?mica e social, muitas vezes permanentes, outras contorn?veis dado o avan?o da pesquisa em restaura??o e conserva??o de ecossistemas degradados. Estudos de fragilidade ambiental potencial direcionam a compreens?o da susceptibilidade ? degrada??o em bacias hidrogr?ficas, e podem auxiliar na prioriza??o de ?reas no planejamento ambiental, ordenamento territorial, restaura??o, conserva??o e preserva??o florestal e de solos. O objetivo desta investiga??o cient?fica foi de realizar uma an?lise da fragilidade ambiental potencial da bacia hidrogr?fica do rio Jequitinhonha, na por??o do estado de Minas Gerais. A metodologia utilizada foi baseada no estabelecimento de graus de fragilidade, de baixo ? extremamente alto, a partir de avalia??o muticriterial de um conjunto de planos de informa??es ambientais: declividade do terreno, classes de solos, dom?nios geol?gicos, hierarquia de drenagens e pluviosidade. Aplicou-se o m?todo de hierarquiza??o para tomada de decis?es e determina??o da import?ncia dos crit?rios por meio do Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), bem como a obten??o do ?ndice e raz?o de consist?ncia da matriz AHP. Para os procedimentos de an?lises em planilhas de dados, utilizou-se o software Excel, e para as an?lises em plataforma SIG, o software ArcGis 10.3.1. A classe de fragilidade ambiental potencial com maior representatividade ? a denominada m?dia fragilidade, e ocorre em uma extens?o de 19.244,1 km?, equivalente a 30% da ?rea total da bacia hidrogr?fica, que ? de 66.319 km?. Uma ?rea de 12.430,57 km? (19,4%) da bacia apresenta fragilidade baixa, 18.540,93 km? (28,9%) sob levemente baixa, e as classe alta e extremamente alta, representam 10.519,63 km? (16,4%) e 3.416,15 km? (5,3%), respectivamente. A Raz?o de Consist?ncia (RC) calculada para a matriz de pondera??o de hierarquiza??o dos crit?rios para a ?lgebra de mapas, foi de 0,0781, dentro dos limites de coer?ncia e confiabilidade aceit?veis pela metodologia AHP. A condi??o de maior ou menor fragilidade ambiental potencial, revela-se principalmente ao grau de prote??o quanto a cobertura vegetal nativa, no contexto das formas de ocupa??o do territ?rio e impactos ambientais sob o qual a bacia hidrogr?fica est? sujeita, condi??es que direcionam ou n?o ? degrada??o dos solos. Destaca-se que, al?m dos resultados obtidos neste estudo, s?o necess?rias outras investiga??es que complementem e testem a combina??o de novos crit?rios, que englobem tamb?m distintos focos de aplicabilidade e tomadas de decis?o nas ci?ncias florestal, ambiental e agr?ria. / Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Ci?ncia Florestal, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2018. / The environmental degradation in its general context is a reality present throughout Brazil, which has been unleashing environmental, economic and social problems, which are often permanent, others that are contrived due to the progress of research in restoration and conservation of degraded ecosystems. Potential environmental fragility studies guide the understanding of susceptibility to degradation in watersheds, and may assist in the prioritization of areas in environmental planning, land management, restoration, forest and soil conservation and preservation. The objective of this scientific investigation was to analyze the potential environmental fragility of the Jequitinhonha river basin in the state of Minas Gerais. The methodology used was based on the establishment of degrees of fragility, from low to extremely high, based on a multi-criteria assessment of a set of environmental information plans: terrain slope, soil classes, geological domains, drainage hierarchy and rainfall. The hierarchical method was applied for decision making and determination of the importance of the criteria through the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), as well as obtaining the index and consistency ratio of the AHP matrix. For the analysis procedures in spreadsheets, the software Excel was used, and for the analyzes in platform GIS, the software ArcGis 10.3.1. The class of potential environmental fragility with greater representativeness is the denominated average fragility, and occurs in an extension of 19.244,1 km ?, equivalent to 30% of the total area of the watershed, that is of 66.319 km ?. An area of 12,430.57 km? (19.4%) of the basin presents low fragility, 18,540.93 km? (28.9%) under slightly low, and the upper and extremely high class represent 10,519.63 km? (16.4 %) and 3,416.15 km? (5.3%), respectively. The Consistency Ratio (RC) calculated for the hierarchy matrix of the criteria for map algebra was 0.0781, within the limits of coherence and reliability acceptable by the AHP methodology. The condition of greater or lesser potential environmental fragility is mainly due to the degree of protection of native vegetation cover, in the context of the forms of occupation of the territory and environmental impacts under which the river basin is subject, conditions that degradation of soils. In addition to the results obtained in this study, further research is required to complement and test the combination of new criteria, which also encompasses different foci of applicability and decision making in the forest, environmental and agrarian sciences.

Méthodologie d’analyse de la capacité à innover et à exporter des PME manufacturières et de procédés : identification et caractérisation d'un espace commun en vue de l'élaboration d'un outil multicritères d'aide à la décision / Methodology for analyzing the innovation and export capabilities of SMEs working in the manufacturing and process sector : Identification and characterization of a conceptual common space with a view to building a multicriteria decision-making tool

Enjolras, Manon 25 November 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse vise à proposer une méthodologie d’évaluation de la capacité à innover et à exporter des PME manufacturières et de procédés. Cette méthodologie est basée sur l’identification et la caractérisation d’un espace commun innovation/export représentant les activités, ressources, compétences qu’une PME doit mobiliser en priorité pour améliorer de façon simultanée ses performances concernant l’innovation et l’export, tout en réduisant l’effort associé à cette montée en performance. Ce travail contribue à la recherche scientifique à travers différents aspects. Tout d’abord, la relation innovation/export en PME, traditionnellement pensée de façon causaliste, a été envisagée à travers le prisme du paradigme de la complexité. Cette contribution théorique a permis d’aboutir à l’identification d’un espace commun conceptuel innovation/export. Puis, cet espace commun a été caractérisé à travers l’identification d’activités conjointes. L’identification de ces activités conjointes est un apport à la fois théorique et managérial car en améliorant une de ces activités, les entreprises actionnent un seul levier qui se répercute simultanément en matière d’innovation et d’export. Dans le contexte des PME, pour qui le manque de ressources est une difficulté capitale, cela prend tout son sens. Enfin, une méthodologie d’évaluation de la capacité à innover et à exporter basée sur cet espace commun a été conçue de façon à proposer un outil multicritères d’aide à la décision dédié aux PME. Cet outil a finalement été testé auprès de PME manufacturières et de procédés de la région Lorraine / This research work aims to suggest a methodology for analyzing the innovation and export capabilities of SMEs working in the manufacturing and process sectors. This methodology is based on the identification and the characterization of a conceptual innovation/export common space representing the activities, the resources, the skills that a SME has to mobilize first and foremost in order to improve in a simultaneous way its performances concerning innovation and export. Working on the activities included in the common space allows the reduction of the effort associated with this performance improvement. This work contributes to the scientific research through various aspects. First of all, the innovation / export relationship in SMEs, traditionally thought in a causal way, was envisaged through the prism of the complexity paradigm. This theoretical contribution allowed the identification of an innovation/export common space. Then, this common space was characterized through the identification of joint activities. The identification of these joint activities is both a theoretical and managerial contribution because by improving one of these activities, companies activate a single lever which echoes simultaneously on innovation and export capabilities. In the context of SMEs, for whom the lack of resources is a major difficulty, it makes perfect sense. Finally, an evaluation methodology of the innovation and export capabilities based on this common space was designed so as to propose a multicriteria decision-making tool dedicated to SMEs. This tool was finally tested within manufacturing and process SMEs of the Lorraine region

Sistema de suporte à decisão espacial aplicado à análise da vulnerabilidade dos recursos hídricos na bacia Guapi-Macacu / RJ. / Spatial decision support system applied to analysis of the water resources vulnerability in Guapi-Macacu/RJ river basin.

Carlos Eduardo Gonçalves Ferreira 10 July 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / No contexto do planejamento e gestão dos recursos hídricos em bacias hidrográficas, é crescente a demanda por informações consistentes relativas ao estado do ambiente e pressões ambientais de forma integrada, para que possam informar à população e subsidiar atividades do setor público e privado. Essa demanda pode ser satisfeita com a modelagem e integração em um Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG), com propriedades e funções de processamento que permitem sua utilização em ambiente integrado. Desta forma, neste trabalho é apresentada uma metodologia para a avaliação muticriterial dos recursos hídricos de bacias hidrográficas, que vai desde a seleção de indicadores e definição dos pesos, até a execução de avaliações e espacialização de resultados. Esta metodologia é composta por duas fases: avaliação da vulnerabilidade dos recursos hídricos de uma bacia hidrográfica a partir do uso de sistemas de suporte à decisão espacial, e, avaliação da qualidade das águas através da adaptação de um Índice de Qualidade das Águas. Foi adotada uma base de conhecimento, sistemas de suporte à decisão, SIG e uma ferramenta computacional que integra estes resultados permitindo a geração de análises com cenários da vulnerabilidade dos recursos hídricos. Em paralelo, a qualidade das águas das sub-bacias hidrográficas foi obtida a partir da adaptação do cálculo do Índice de Qualidade das águas proposto pela Companhia de Tecnologia de Saneamento Ambiental (CETESB) e aplicação do Índice de Toxidez. Os resultados mostraram sub-bacias com seus recursos hídricos mais ou menos vulneráveis, bem como sub-bacias com toxidez acima da legislação. A avaliação integrada entre áreas mais vulneráveis e que apresentam menor qualidade e/ou maior toxidez poderá nortear a tomada de decisão e projetos visando a conservação dos recursos hídricos em bacias hidrográficas. / In the context of planning and management of water resources in river basins, there is growing demand for consistent information concerning the state of the environment and environmental pressures in an integrated manner, that can inform the population and support the activities of the public and private sectors. This demand can be satisfied with the modeling and integration in Geographic Information Systems, with properties and processing functions that allow their use in integrated environment. Thus, this dissertation presents a methodology for muticriterial assessing of water resources in river basins, from the selection of indicators and definition of the weights, to running assessments and spatial representation of the results. This methodology consists of two phases: assessing the vulnerability of water resources of a watershed from the use of spatial decision support systems, and assessment of water quality by adapting a Water Quality Index. Knowledge base, decision support systems, GIS and a computing tool were adopted to integrates these results and allow the generation of scenarios of the vulnerability of water resources. In parallel, the water quality of sub-basins is obtained by from an adaptation of calculation of the water quality index proposed by the Company of Environmental Sanitation Technology (CETESB) and applying the Toxicity Index. The results showed sub-basins, with its water resources more or less vulnerable, as well as sub-basins with toxicity above the permitted. Integrated assessment of vulnerable areas and have lower quality and / or greater toxicity may guide the decision making activities and projects aimed at conserving water resources in river basins.

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