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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Image Segmentation Based On Variational Techniques

Altinoklu, Metin Burak 01 February 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, the image segmentation methods based on the Mumford&amp / #8211 / Shah variational approach have been studied. By obtaining an optimum point of the Mumford-Shah functional which is a piecewise smooth approximate image and a set of edge curves, an image can be decomposed into regions. This piecewise smooth approximate image is smooth inside of regions, but it is allowed to be discontinuous region wise. Unfortunately, because of the irregularity of the Mumford Shah functional, it cannot be directly used for image segmentation. On the other hand, there are several approaches to approximate the Mumford-Shah functional. In the first approach, suggested by Ambrosio-Tortorelli, it is regularized in a special way. The regularized functional (Ambrosio-Tortorelli functional) is supposed to be gamma-convergent to the Mumford-Shah functional. In the second approach, the Mumford-Shah functional is minimized in two steps. In the first minimization step, the edge set is held constant and the resultant functional is minimized. The second minimization step is about updating the edge set by using level set methods. The second approximation to the Mumford-Shah functional is known as the Chan-Vese method. In both approaches, resultant PDE equations (Euler-Lagrange equations of associated functionals) are solved by finite difference methods. In this study, both approaches are implemented in a MATLAB environment. The overall performance of the algorithms has been investigated based on computer simulations over a series of images from simple to complicated.

Dynamique holomorphe et arbres de sphères

Arfeux, Matthieu 09 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l'introduction d'une compactification des familles de fractions rationnelles dynamiquement marquées de degré d>1 utilisant la compactification de Deligne-Mumford dans le cas particulier du genre zéro. Nous montrerons que les éléments du compactifié peuvent être identifiés à des revêtements d'arbres de sphères dynamiques dont nous donnerons quelques propriétés propres. Dans ce cadre nous pouvons retrouver les résultats démontrés à ce jour par J. Kiwi sur les limites renormalisées sans utiliser les espaces de Berkovich et ré-interpréter d'autres travaux.

Compactness Theorems for The Spaces of Distance Measure Spaces and Riemann Surface Laminations

Divakaran, D January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Gromov’s compactness theorem for metric spaces, a compactness theorem for the space of compact metric spaces equipped with the Gromov-Hausdorff distance, is a theorem with many applications. In this thesis, we give a generalisation of this landmark result, more precisely, we give a compactness theorem for the space of distance measure spaces equipped with the generalised Gromov-Hausdorff-Levi-Prokhorov distance. A distance measure space is a triple (X, d,µ), where (X, d) forms a distance space (a generalisation of a metric space where, we allow the distance between two points to be infinity) and µ is a finite Borel measure. Using this result we prove that the Deligne-Mumford compactification is the completion of the moduli space of Riemann surfaces under the generalised Gromov-Hausdorff-Levi-Prokhorov distance. The Deligne-Mumford compactification, a compactification of the moduli space of Riemann surfaces with explicit description of the limit points, and the closely related Gromov compactness theorem for J-holomorphic curves in symplectic manifolds (in particular curves in an algebraic variety) are important results for many areas of mathematics. While Gromov compactness theorem for J-holomorphic curves in symplectic manifolds, is an important tool in symplectic topology, its applicability is limited by the lack of general methods to construct pseudo-holomorphic curves. One hopes that considering a more general class of objects in place of pseudo-holomorphic curves will be useful. Generalising the domain of pseudo-holomorphic curves from Riemann surfaces to Riemann surface laminations is a natural choice. Theorems such as the uniformisation theorem for surface laminations by Alberto Candel (which is a partial generalisation of the uniformisation theorem for surfaces), generalisations of the Gauss-Bonnet theorem proved for some special cases, and topological classification of “almost all" leaves using harmonic measures reinforces the usefulness of this line on enquiry. Also, the success of essential laminations, as generalised incompressible surfaces, in the study of 3-manifolds suggests that a similar approach may be useful in symplectic topology. With this motivation, we prove a compactness theorem analogous to the Deligne-Mumford compactification for the space of Riemann surface laminations.

Fonction de Hilbert non standard et nombres de Betti gradués des puissances d'idéaux / Non-standard Hilbert function and graded Betti numbers of powers of ideals

Lamei, Kamran 18 December 2014 (has links)
En utilisant le concept des fonctions de partition , nous étudions le comportement asymptotique des nombres de Betti gradués des puissances d’idéaux homogènes dans un polynôme sur un corp.Pour un Z-graduer positif, notre résultat principal affirme que les nombres de Betti des puissances est codé par un nombre fini des polynômes. Plus précisément, Z^2 peut être divisé en un nombre fini des régions telles que, dans chacun d’eux, dimk Tor^{S}_{i} (I^t,k)μ est un quasi-polynôme en (μ,t). Ce affine, dans une situation graduée, le résultat de Kodiyalam sur nombres de Betti des puissances dans [33].La déclaration principale traite le cas des produits des puissances d’idéaux homogènes dans un algèbre Z^d -graduée , pour un graduer positif, dans le sens de [37] et il est généralise également pour les filtrations I -good.Dans la deuxième partie, en utilisant la version paramétrique de l’algorithme de Barvinok, nous donnons une formule fermée pour les fonctions de Hilbert non-standard d’anneaux de polynômes, en petites dimensions. / Using the concept of vector partition functions, we investigate the asymptotic behavior of graded Betti numbers of powers of homogeneous ideals in a polynomial ring over a field. For a positive Z-grading, our main result states that the Betti numbers of powers is encoded by finitely many polynomials. More precisely, Z^2 can be splitted into a finite number of regions such that, in each of them, dim_k Tor^{S}_{i} (I^t,k)μ is a quasi-polynomial in (μ,t). This refines, in a graded situation, the result of Kodiyalam on Betti numbers of powers in [33]. The main statement treats the case of a power products of homogeneous ideals in a Z^d -graded algebra, for a positive grading, in the sense of [37] and it is also generalizes to I -good filtrations . In the second part , using the parametric version of Barvinok’s algorithm, we give a closed formula for non-standard Hilbert functions of polynomial rings, in low dimensions.

Hypereliptické křivky a jejich aplikace v kryptografii / Hyperelliptic curves and their application in cryptography

Perzynová, Kateřina January 2010 (has links)
Cílem této práce je zpracovat úvod do problematiky hypereliptických křivek s důrazem na konečná pole. T práci je dále popsán úvod do teorie divizorů na hypereliptických křivkách, jejich reprezentace, aritmetika nad divizory a jejich využití v kryptografii. Teorie je hojně demonstrována příklady a výpočty v systému Mathematica.

Ideals generated by 2-minors: binomial edge ideals and polyomino ideals

Mascia, Carla 11 February 2020 (has links)
Since the early 1990s, a classical object in commutative algebra has been the study of binomial ideals. A widely-investigated class of binomial ideals is the one containing those generated by a subset of 2-minors of an (m x n)-matrix of indeterminates. This thesis is devoted to illustrate some algebraic and homological properties of two classes of ideals of 2-minors: binomial edge ideals and polyomino ideals. Binomial edge ideals arise from finite graphs and their appeal results from the fact that their homological properties reflect nicely the combinatorics of the underlying graph. First, we focus on the binomial edge ideals of block graphs. We give a lower bound for their Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity by computing the two distinguished extremal Betti numbers of a new family of block graphs, called flower graphs. Moreover, we present a linear time algorithm to compute Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity and Krull dimension of binomial edge ideals of block graphs. Secondly, we consider some classes of Cohen-Macaulay binomial edge ideals. We provide the regularity and the Cohen-Macaulay type of binomial edge ideals of Cohen-Macaulay cones, and we show the extremal Betti numbers of Cohen-Macaulay bipartite and fan graphs. In addition, we compute the Hilbert-Poincaré series of the binomial edge ideals of some Cohen-Macaulay bipartite graphs. Polyomino ideals arise from polyominoes, plane figures formed by joining one or more equal squares edge to edge. It is known that the polyomino ideal of simple polyominoes is prime. We consider multiply connected polyominoes, namely polyominoes with holes, and observe that the non-existence of a certain sequence of inner intervals of the polyomino, called zig-zag walk, gives a necessary condition for the primality of the polyomino ideal. Moreover, by computational approach, we prove that for all polyominoes with rank less than or equal to 14 the above condition is also sufficient. Lastly, we present an infinite class of prime polyomino ideals.

Equations de type Vortex et métriques canoniques

Keller, Julien 28 October 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Soit $M$ une variété projective lisse. Soit $\mathscr{F}$ une filtration holomorphe sur $M$, c'est à dire une filtration d'un fibré vectoriel holomorphe $\mathcal{F}$ induite par des sous-fibrés. Nous introduisons une notion de Gieseker stabilité pour de tels objets puis donnons une condition analytique équivalente en terme de métriques sur $\mathcal{F}$, dites équilibrées au sens de S.K. Donaldson, provenant d'une construction de la Théorie des Invariants Géométriques. Si le fibré $\mathcal{F}$ peut être muni d'une métrique $h$ solution de l'équation $\boldsymbol{\tau}$-Hermite-Einstein étudiée par \'lvarez-C\'{o}nsul et Garc\'a-Prada:<br />$$\sqrt\Lambda F_h = \sum_i \widetilde_i\pi^_$$<br />alors nous prouvons que la suite de métriques équilibrées existe, converge et sa limite est, à un changement conforme, solution de l'équation précédente. De ce résultat nous déduisons, par réduction dimensionnelle, un théorème d'approximation dans le cas des équations Vortex de Bradlow ainsi que leurs généralisations aux équations couplées Vortex.

Multiscale Active Contour Methods in Computer Vision with Applications in Tomography

Alvino, Christopher Vincent 10 April 2005 (has links)
Most applications in computer vision suffer from two major difficulties. The first is they are notoriously ridden with sub-optimal local minima. The second is that they typically require high computational cost to be solved robustly. The reason for these two drawbacks is that most problems in computer vision, even when well-defined, typically require finding a solution in a very large high-dimensional space. It is for these two reasons that multiscale methods are particularly well-suited to problems in computer vision. Multiscale methods, by way of looking at the coarse scale nature of a problem before considering the fine scale nature, often have the ability to avoid sub-optimal local minima and obtain a more globally optimal solution. In addition, multiscale methods typically enjoy reduced computational cost. This thesis applies novel multiscale active contour methods to several problems in computer vision, especially in simultaneous segmentation and reconstruction of tomography images. In addition, novel multiscale methods are applied to contour registration using minimal surfaces and to the computation of non-linear rotationally invariant optical flow. Finally, a methodology for fast robust image segmentation is presented that relies on a lower dimensional image basis derived from an image scale space. The specific advantages of using multiscale methods in each of these problems is highlighted in the various simulations throughout the thesis, particularly their ability to avoid sub-optimal local minima and their ability to solve the problems at a lower overall computational cost.

On Partial Regularities and Monomial Preorders

Nguyen, Thi Van Anh 28 June 2018 (has links)
My PhD-project has two main research directions. The first direction is on partial regularities which we define as refinements of the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity. Main results are: relationship of partial regularities and related invariants, like the a-invariants or the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of the syzygy modules; algebraic properties of partial regularities via a filter-regular sequence or a short exact sequence; generalizing a well-known result for the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity to the case of partial regularities of stable and squarefree stable monomial ideals; finally extending an upper bound proven by Caviglia-Sbarra to partial regularities. The second direction of my project is to develop a theory on monomial preorders. Many interesting statements from the classical theory of monomial orders generalize to monomial preorders. Main results are: a characterization of monomial preorders by real matrices, which extends a result of Robbiano on monomial orders; secondly, leading term ideals with respect to monomial preorders can be studied via flat deformations of the given ideal; finally, comparing invariants of the given ideal and the leading term ideal with respect to a monomial preorder.

Mathematical modelling of image processing problems : theoretical studies and applications to joint registration and segmentation / Modélisation mathématique de problèmes relatifs au traitement d'images : étude théorique et applications aux méthodes conjointes de recalage et de segmentation

Debroux, Noémie 15 March 2018 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous proposons d'étudier et de traiter conjointement plusieurs problèmes phares en traitement d'images incluant le recalage d'images qui vise à apparier deux images via une transformation, la segmentation d'images dont le but est de délimiter les contours des objets présents au sein d'une image, et la décomposition d'images intimement liée au débruitage, partitionnant une image en une version plus régulière de celle-ci et sa partie complémentaire oscillante appelée texture, par des approches variationnelles locales et non locales. Les relations étroites existant entre ces différents problèmes motivent l'introduction de modèles conjoints dans lesquels chaque tâche aide les autres, surmontant ainsi certaines difficultés inhérentes au problème isolé. Le premier modèle proposé aborde la problématique de recalage d'images guidé par des résultats intermédiaires de segmentation préservant la topologie, dans un cadre variationnel. Un second modèle de segmentation et de recalage conjoint est introduit, étudié théoriquement et numériquement puis mis à l'épreuve à travers plusieurs simulations numériques. Le dernier modèle présenté tente de répondre à un besoin précis du CEREMA (Centre d'Études et d'Expertise sur les Risques, l'Environnement, la Mobilité et l'Aménagement) à savoir la détection automatique de fissures sur des images d'enrobés bitumineux. De part la complexité des images à traiter, une méthode conjointe de décomposition et de segmentation de structures fines est mise en place, puis justifiée théoriquement et numériquement, et enfin validée sur les images fournies. / In this thesis, we study and jointly address several important image processing problems including registration that aims at aligning images through a deformation, image segmentation whose goal consists in finding the edges delineating the objects inside an image, and image decomposition closely related to image denoising, and attempting to partition an image into a smoother version of it named cartoon and its complementary oscillatory part called texture, with both local and nonlocal variational approaches. The first proposed model addresses the topology-preserving segmentation-guided registration problem in a variational framework. A second joint segmentation and registration model is introduced, theoretically and numerically studied, then tested on various numerical simulations. The last model presented in this work tries to answer a more specific need expressed by the CEREMA (Centre of analysis and expertise on risks, environment, mobility and planning), namely automatic crack recovery detection on bituminous surface images. Due to the image complexity, a joint fine structure decomposition and segmentation model is proposed to deal with this problem. It is then theoretically and numerically justified and validated on the provided images.

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