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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modeling diarrheagenic E. coli infections and co-infections: specific roles of diet and pathogen

Ledwaba, Solanka Ellen 03 1900 (has links)
PhD (Microbiology) / Department of Microbiology / Diarrhoea is still a major problem worldwide. Enteric pathogens such as Enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC), Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) and Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) have been reported to cause diarrhoea in children under the age of 5 years. The incidences of these pathogens are due to factors such as poor water quality, sanitation and hygiene practices. Infections with these pathogens result in diarrhoea and have been reported to result in severe disease outcomes more especially in children under 2 years of age. EPEC infections have been well studied using in vitro analyses, with studies highlighting the adherence traits, proteins and virulence genes involved in pathogenesis and inflammatory responses. EPEC is characterized by localized adherence with microcolony formation at the site of infection. In vivo studies have reported on human EPEC infection. However, the current animal models have not been able to replicate clinical outcomes (such as diarrhoea and weigh loss) of EPEC infection similar to humans. Therefore, there is still a need for a suitable small animal model that mimic clinical outcomes of human EPEC infections in vivo. Children living in poor environmental conditions are more susceptible to diarrhoeal pathogens. Furthermore, the incidences of children being exposed to co-infections (more than one pathogen at the same time) is relatively high. The EAEC/EPEC (A/P) and EPEC/ETEC (P/T) co-infections have been increasingly detected in children with and without diarrhoea. It has been suggested that patients infected with these co-infections might result in severe disease outcome than those infected with single pathogens. Pathogens are constantly evolving and the microbe-microbe interaction in the host can result in these pathogens competing for the same niche and thus result in increased virulence. Interaction of co-infections can lead to increased inflammatory responses thus affecting the infected host. The first objective of this study was to develop an EPEC murine model using weaned C57BL/6 mice that have been pretreated with antibiotic cocktail. Mice were orally infected with wild-type (WT) typical EPEC, bfp- and escN mutant strains. The WT had transient weight loss and wet stools with mucous; and the bfp- infected mice also had transient weight loss and bloody stool appearance. Increase in inflammatory biomarkers MPO, LCN-2, CRP, IL-6 and SAA were observed in the WT and bfp- infected mice. The mice infected with escN mutant did not exhibit any weight changes and the stools were similar to the uninfected mice. Furthermore, no inflammatory biomarkers were observed in mice infected with the escN mutant. Metabolic perturbations were observed in WT EPEC infected mice at day 3 post infection with the TCA cycle metabolites (reduced succinate, citrate, fumarate, cis-aconitate) being excreted at lower quantities indicating that the energy production in the infected mice was greatly affected. The second objective of this study was to determine the interaction between the P/T coinfections using in vitro and in vivo analyses. In vitro, human colorectal tumour 8 (HCT-8) cells were infected with single strains of ETEC, EPEC and both the pathogens and incubated for 3 hours. After infection the cells were analysed for bacterial adherence using real-time PCR. The single strains adhered at the same rate similar to the P/T coinfected cells. IL-8, as a marker of inflammatory response, was measured using ELISA. The results indicated that the P/T co-infected cells had a significant increase in IL-8 response higher than the single infections. The P/T co-infections were further analysed in vivo using the EPEC murine model developed in this study. Interestingly, mice infected with P/T co-infections developed severe diarrhoea accompanied with significant increased weight loss and some mice died during the 3-day infection period. The inflammatory responses MPO, LCN-2 and SAA were higher in the co-infected mice indicating a synergistic effect. The bfp and eltA virulence genes were significantly increased in the P/T co-infections. The third objective of this study was to determine the interaction between A/P coinfections using in vitro and in vivo analyses. HeLa cells and HCT-8 cells were infected with EAEC, EPEC and both the pathogens at the same time in order to determine adherence and inflammatory responses. EAEC adherence was higher than EPEC and A/P co-infections adherence. A/P co-infections did not have increased IL-8 response in HCT-8 cells when compared to EAEC alone. The virulence genes involved in EPEC adherence and Type 3 Secretion System (bfp, eae, tir, ler, per, espB and espA) were significantly reduced in A/P co-infected cells. An interesting adherence trait was observed between the A/P co-infections in HeLA cells, EAEC was found to adhere around EPEC altering the localized adherence pattern. The A/P co-infections were further analysed using the EPEC murine model developed in this study. The A/P infected mice had diminished weight changes and EAEC shedding was enhanced when EPEC was present. Faecal inflammatory biomarkers MPO and LCN-2 in A/P infected mice did not have any additive effect. The findings of this study contributed significantly to the knowledge of human EPEC infection in weaned C57BL/6 mice, highlighting clinical outcomes, inflammatory responses and metabolic perturbations. Furthermore, this study also highlighted the interaction of P/T and A/P co-infections using in vitro and in vivo analyses in order to determine the disease severity and outcomes. It was observed in this study that coinfections can result in either synergistic or antagonistic effects. Further studies are therefore, required in order to understand the underlying mechanisms that are involved during co-infections and this can further assist in the development of therapeutic interventions. / NRF

Le rôle des cellules souches mésenchymateuses médullaires dans la leucémie myélomonocytaire chronique / The Role of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia

Jego, Chloé 30 October 2019 (has links)
La leucémie myélomonocytaire chronique (LMMC) est une hémopathie myéloïde rare du sujet âgé. Les caractéristiques cliniques, génétiques et moléculaires de la maladie sont bien connues. L’expression très hétérogène de la maladie ne peut être expliquée par la seule hétérogénéité génétique du clone leucémique. Les altérations épigénétiques jouent manifestement un rôle important. Le rôle de facteurs extrinsèques issus du microenvironnement est plus obscur. La niche hématopoïétique est le siège d’interactions entre cellules. Deux schémas non-exclusifs d’altération primaire ou secondaire de la niche sont proposés. Le premier implique que l’émergence d’un clone hématopoïétique modifie son environnement. Le second postule que le premier évènement dans l’émergence d’une hémopathie clonale est une altération de l’environnement. Mon travail de thèse a étudié les altérations du microenvironnement médullaire chez les patients et leur impact sur la physiopathologie de la maladie selon 2 axes: 1) la mise au point d’un modèle murin de reconstitution de la niche hématopoïetique humaine et 2) la caractérisation des cellules souches mésenchymateuses des patients. Dans une première partie, j’ai transposé un modèle rapporté en 2016 à l’étude de la LMMC. Ce modèle de greffe de cellules médullaires humaines chez la souris immunodéprimée s’est avéré difficilement reproductible. Dans la seconde partie, j’ai analysé les cellules souches mésenchymateuses de patients atteints de LMMC. J’ai identifié la production excessive d’IGFBP2 (Insuline-like Growth Factor Binding Protein 2), conséquence probable d’une dérégulation épigénétique. Le séquençage des CSM à l’échelle unicellulaire a révélé une restriction de l’hétérogénéité de ces cellules dont une fraction seulement produit IGFBP2. Finalement, j’ai montré qu’IGFBP2 favorise la différenciation des progéni-teurs myéloïdes vers la lignée monocytaire. IGFBP2 pourrait donc contribuer à amplifier la monocytose caractéristique de cette maladie.En conclusion, la LMMC s’accompagne de modifications des cellules de la niche hématopoÏétique dont certaines produisent des quantités excessive d’IGFBP2. La recherche de l’origine de ce dérèglement et de son importance dans la progression de la maladie permettra d’évaluer l’intérêt potentiel d’une neutralisation de cette cytokine à des fins thérapeutiques. / Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML, is a rare myeloid hemopathy of the elderly. Clinical, genetic and molecular characteristics of the disease are well-known. The highly heterogeneous expression of the disease can’t be solely explained by genetic heterogeneity of the leukemic clone. Epigenetic alterations obviously play an important role. However, the role of extrinsic factors from the medullar microenvironment in CMML physiopathology is still poorly understood. The hematopoietic niche hosts a lot of bi-directionnal interactions between cells. Two non-exclusive schemes of primary and secondary alterations of the niche can be proposed. First postulate implies that the emergence of a hematopoietic clone alters its environment. The second one supposes that the first event causing the emergence of a clonal hemopathy is an alteration of the environment. My PhD work consisted of studying medullar alterations in patients and their impact on CMML physiopathology upon 2 axes: 1) to set up a murine model of human hematopoietic niche reconstitution 2) to caracterise mesenchymal stem cells from CMML patient ex vivo. During the first part of my PhD, I adapted a model published in 2016 to CMML. This model of human MSC graft in immunodeficient mice proved to be hardly reproducible. During the second part, I analysed of CMML patients MSC. I identified an excessive production of IGFBP2 (Insuline-like Growth Factor Binding Protein 2) probably secondary to an epigenetic disregulation. Single cell RNA sequencing revealed a restriction of MSC heterogeneity of which only a fraction produces IGFBP2. Finally, I showed that IGFBP2 favors myeloid progenitors differenciation towards monocytic lineage. IGFBP2 could therefore contribute to the amplification of CMML characteristic monocytosis.To conclude, CMML goes along with modifications of hematopoietic niche cells, some of which produce excessive amounts of IGFBP2. Investigation on the origin of this alteration and its significance in disease progression should allow to evaluate the potential interest of its neutralization for therapeutic strategies.

Nanoformulations de nystatine pour une efficacité antifongique améliorée

Melkoumov, Alexandre 08 1900 (has links)
Hypothèse : Le nanobroyage d'une suspension de nystatine augmentera son efficacité antifongique in vitro et in vivo. Méthode : Une nanosupension de nystatine a été obtenue en utilisant le broyage humide. Elle a été caractérisée pour sa distribution de taille des particules et pour sa teneur en principe actif. L'activité in vitro a été évaluée contre les souches de C. albicans SC5314 et LAM-1 aux concentrations 12.5 μg/mL jusqu'à 5000 μg/mL. L'efficacité in vivo a été évaluée en utilisant un modèle murin de candidose oropharyngée. Résultats : La taille médiane des particules de la nanosuspension de nystatine a été réduite de 6577 nm à 137 nm. L'analyse CLHP a demontré une teneur de 98.7 ± 0.8%. L'activité in vitro de la nanosuspension était supérieure à la suspension aux concentrations 100 μg/mL à 5000 μg/mL. La charge fongique orale était inférieure dans le groupe traité par la nanosuspension comparativement aux autres groupes. La survie des souris était aussi supérieure. / Hypothesis : Nanomilling of a nystatin suspension will increase its antifungal efficacy in vitro and in vivo. Methods: A nystatin nanosuspension was obtained using wet bead milling. It was characterized for its particle size distribution and for its drug content. In vitro activity was evaluted against C. albicans strains SC5314 and LAM-1 at concentrations of 12.5 μg/mL up to 5000 μg/mL. The in vivo efficacy was evaluated using a murine model of oropharyngeal candidiasis. Results: Median particle size of the nystatin nanosuspension was reduced from 6577 nm to 137 nm. HPLC analysis demonstrated a content assay of 98.7 ± 0.8%. In vitro activity of the nanosuspension was superior to the suspension’s at concentrations ranging from 100 μg/mL to 5000 μg/mL. Oral fungal burdens were inferor in the nanosuspension group compared to the suspension and saline groups. Mice survival was also superior in the nanosuspension group.

Nanoformulations de nystatine pour une efficacité antifongique améliorée

Melkoumov, Alexandre 08 1900 (has links)
Hypothèse : Le nanobroyage d'une suspension de nystatine augmentera son efficacité antifongique in vitro et in vivo. Méthode : Une nanosupension de nystatine a été obtenue en utilisant le broyage humide. Elle a été caractérisée pour sa distribution de taille des particules et pour sa teneur en principe actif. L'activité in vitro a été évaluée contre les souches de C. albicans SC5314 et LAM-1 aux concentrations 12.5 μg/mL jusqu'à 5000 μg/mL. L'efficacité in vivo a été évaluée en utilisant un modèle murin de candidose oropharyngée. Résultats : La taille médiane des particules de la nanosuspension de nystatine a été réduite de 6577 nm à 137 nm. L'analyse CLHP a demontré une teneur de 98.7 ± 0.8%. L'activité in vitro de la nanosuspension était supérieure à la suspension aux concentrations 100 μg/mL à 5000 μg/mL. La charge fongique orale était inférieure dans le groupe traité par la nanosuspension comparativement aux autres groupes. La survie des souris était aussi supérieure. / Hypothesis : Nanomilling of a nystatin suspension will increase its antifungal efficacy in vitro and in vivo. Methods: A nystatin nanosuspension was obtained using wet bead milling. It was characterized for its particle size distribution and for its drug content. In vitro activity was evaluted against C. albicans strains SC5314 and LAM-1 at concentrations of 12.5 μg/mL up to 5000 μg/mL. The in vivo efficacy was evaluated using a murine model of oropharyngeal candidiasis. Results: Median particle size of the nystatin nanosuspension was reduced from 6577 nm to 137 nm. HPLC analysis demonstrated a content assay of 98.7 ± 0.8%. In vitro activity of the nanosuspension was superior to the suspension’s at concentrations ranging from 100 μg/mL to 5000 μg/mL. Oral fungal burdens were inferor in the nanosuspension group compared to the suspension and saline groups. Mice survival was also superior in the nanosuspension group.

La Canettose, une maladie infectieuse émergente dans la corne de l'Afrique / Canettosis, an emerging infectious disease in the Horn of Africa

Bouzid, Feriel 24 November 2017 (has links)
La tuberculose est l’une des maladies infectieuses mortelles les plus fréquentes, causée par des mycobactéries tuberculeuses dont principalement M. tuberculosis. Notre thèse a porté sur Mycobacterium canettii caractérisée par un morphotype lisse et un temps de génération plus court que M. tuberculosis. Notre revue de la littérature a montré que moins d'une centaine de cas d’infection à M. canettii ont été rapportés majoritairement à Djibouti située dans la Corne de l’Afrique. Ensuite, notre étude prospective de la tuberculose pulmonaire à Djibouti a mesuré une prévalence d’infections à M. canettii de 4%. A travers un modèle murin d’infection par gavage, nous avons observé la translocation de M. canettii des intestins vers la circulation lymphatique et sanguine ; suivie par une dissémination principalement vers les poumons et les ganglions lymphatiques. Cette étude a alors démontré que M. canettii peut infecter les individus par voie orale et a révélé que M. canettii peut interagir avec le tissu adipeux brun. Ensuite, à travers des modèles cellulaires d’infection, nous avons montré que les pré-adipocytes bruns pourraient constituer une cible potentielle des mycobactéries tuberculeuses et que M. canettii ne persiste pas dans les adipocytes matures contrairement à M. tuberculosis. En conclusion, nous avons apporté des connaissances nouvelles sur l’infection à M. canettii : sa prévalence, son mode de transmission ainsi que de nouvelles pistes sur de possibles réservoirs environnementaux. L’ensemble de ces données suggèrent que l’infection à M. canettii doit être considérée comme une entité clinique distincte de la tuberculose que nous proposons de nommer « Canettose ». / Tuberculosis is one of the most frequent deadly infectious diseases worldwide, caused by tuberculous mycobacteria including mainly M. tuberculosis. Our thesis focused on Mycobacterium canettii characterized by a smooth morphotype and a shorter generation time than M. tuberculosis. Our review of the literature showed that less than one hundred cases of M. canettii infection have been reported in Djibouti situated in the Horn of Africa. Then, our prospective microbiological study of pulmonary tuberculosis in Djibouti measured a prevalence of M. canettii lung infections of 4%. Through a mouse model by gavage, we observed the translocation of M. canettii from the intestines to the lymphatic and blood circulation; followed by dissemination mainly to the lungs and lymph nodes. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that M. canettii can follow the digestive tract to infect individuals and revealed also that M. canettii can interact with brown adipose tissue. Then, through cell infection models, we have shown that brown pre-adipocytes may be a potential target for tuberculous mycobacteria and that M. does not persist in mature adipocytes contrary to M. tuberculosis. In conclusion, this work allowed to bring new knowledge about M. canettii infection: its prevalence, its mode of transmission as well as new avenues on possible environmental reservoirs. All of these data suggest that M. canettii infection should be considered as a distinct clinical entity from tuberculosis. We propose to name "Canettosis" the M. canettii infection.

Activation fibroblastique et nouvelles approches thérapeutiques dans la Sclérodermie systémique / Fibroblast activation and new therapeutic approaches in systemic sclerosis

Kavian, Niloufar 20 June 2012 (has links)
Le stress oxydant joue un rôle majeur dans le déclenchement et le développement de la sclérodermie systémique (ScS). Nous avons mis au point un modèle murin où la maladie est déclenchée par divers types de stress oxydant, puis nous avons exploré les différentes voies d'activation des fibroblastes sous l'effet des formes réactives de l'oxygène, afin de déterminer d'éventuelles cibles thérapeutiques. Pour apprécier les effets d’un stress oxydant chronique, des solutions contenant différents oxydants ont été injectées dans la peau de souris BALB/c et BALB/c SCID. Les solutions contenant le radical hydroxyl OH° ou HOCl ont induit une maladie caractérisée, comme la ScS diffuse, par une fibrose cutanée et viscérale, et des auto-anticorps anti-ADN topoisomérase-1. Les sérums de ces souris contenaient de grandes quantités de dérivés oxydés des protéines et induisaient la prolifération des fibroblastes et la production de formes réactives de l’oxygène par les cellules endothéliales. Une fibrose pulmonaire de moindre importance était induite chez les souris BALB/c SCID. Grâce à ce nouveau modèle murin de SSc, nous avons démontré que le stress oxydant était directement responsable des anomalies observées dans les fibroblastes, les cellules endothéliales et le système immunitaire. Nous avons ensuite utilisé ce modèle pour analyser les voies d’activation fibroblastique dans la ScS. Dans les fibroblastes des souris exposées à HOCl, on observe une dérégulation des voies des récepteurs Notch, des récepteurs aux cannabinoïdes, et des récepteurs au PDGF. On observe les mêmes dérégulations ex vivo dans les fibroblastes de patients atteints de SSc diffuse. Nous avons ainsi observé une amélioration clinique significative chez les souris sclérodermiques traitées avec un inhibiteur de l’activation de Notch, avec un agoniste des récepteurs aux cannabinoïdes, et avec des inhibiteurs de tyrosine-kinase ciblant le récepteur au PDGF. Puisque les fibroblastes sclérodermiques ont un phénotype activé et produisent de forts taux de formes réactives de l’oxygène, nous avons enfin mis à profit cette particularité pour induire l’apoptose sélective de ces cellules dans le derme des souris. Le trioxyde d’arsenic, molécule cytotoxique utilisée en thérapeutique humaine, augmente la production cellulaire de formes réactives de l’oxygène au-delà d’un seuil létal et induit ainsi l’apoptose des fibroblastes sclérodermiques. L’utilisation in vivo de cette molécule dans notre modèle murin prévient la fibrose cutanée et viscérale, et les anomalies endothéliales. Le trioxyde d’arsenic a un effet comparable dans le modèle murin de ScS associée à la réaction du greffon contre l’hôte en détruisant les lymphocytes T CD4+ alloréactifs activés et les cellules dendritiques plasmacytoïdes responsables de l’activation du système immunitaire. Les formes réactives de l’oxygène sont donc impliquées dans l’induction des lésions observées au cours de la ScS. Dans notre modèle, le rôle du système immunitaire intervient dans l'auto-entretien et l’extension systémique de la maladie. Le stress oxydant contribue à la dérégulation de diverses voies de signalisation dont les voies des récepteurs Notch, des récepteurs aux cannabinoïdes et du PDGF dans les fibroblastes. La modulation de ces voies permet d’obtenir une amélioration clinique chez les souris sclérodermiques, tout comme l’utilisation du trioxyde d’arsenic qui entraîne la délétion spécifique des fibroblastes sclérodermiques surpoduisant des formes réactives de l’oxygène. Le trioxyde d’arsenic montre également une efficacité intéressante dans le modèle de sclérodermie associée à la maladie du greffon contre l’hôte via la délétion des lymphocytes T CD4+ alloréactifs. / We defend the thesis that the oxidative stress plays a major role in the initiation and the development of systemic sclerosis. To demonstrate this thesis, we designed an original mouse model: BALB/c and BALB/SCID mice were injected intra-dermally with prooxidative agents, bleomycin or PBS for 6 weeks. Hypochlorite and hydroxyl radicals induced cutaneous and lung fibrosis in BALB/c mice, in association with anti-DNA topoisomerase-1 auto-antibodies that characterize human diffuse systemic sclerosis. Pulmonary fibrosis was less extensive in BALB/c SCID mice submitted to the same protocol. In this model of HOCl-induced systemic sclerosis, cutaneous fibroblasts display a hyperactivated phenotype that prompted us to investigate several pathways of cellular activation. The NOTCH pathway and the PGDF-receptor pathways were found upregulated in the skin of HOCl-mice. DAPT (a gamma secretase inhibitor that prevents NOTCH cleavage), Sunitinib (an inhibitor of PGDF-receptor phosphorylation), and WIN-55,212, an agonist of the cannabinoid receptors 1 and 2, dramatically improved the clinical, histological and biological signs of systemic sclerosis in the HOCl model.In our model as in patients with SSc, activated fibroblasts produce reactive oxygen species that exert an autocrine effect on their own proliferation and collagen synthesis. By analogy with tumor cells that undergo apoptosis upon cytotoxic treatment that triggers an oxidative stress beyond a lethal threshold, we showed that activated fibroblasts can be selectively killed by the cytotoxic molecule arsenic trioxide (As2O3) that generates intracellular ROS. In the mouse model of sclerodermatous-graft versus host disease (Scl-GVHD), daily intra-peritoneal injections of As2O3 abrogated the clinical symptoms (diarrhea, alopecia, vasculitis, fibrosis of the skin and visceral organs) and specifically induced the apoptosis of activated CD4+ T cells and plasmacytoid dendritic cells. Those data provide a rationale for the evaluation of As2O3 in the management of patients affected by systemic sclerosis or chronic GVHD.

Myeloid cells induce neurofibromatosis type 1 aneurysm formation through inflammation and oxidative stress

Downing, Brandon David January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) is a genetic disorder resulting from mutations in the NF1 tumor suppressor gene. Neurofibromin is the protein product of NF1 and functions as a negative regulator of Ras activity in both hematopoietic and vascular wall cells, which are critical for maintaining blood vessel homeostasis. NF1 patients are predisposed to chronic inflammation and premature cardiovascular disease, including development of large arterial aneurysms, which may result in sudden death secondary to their rupture. However, the molecular pathogenesis of NF1 aneurysm formation is completely unknown. Utilizing a novel model of Nf1 murine aneurysm formation, we demonstrate that heterozygous inactivation of Nf1 (Nf1+/-) results in enhanced aneurysm formation with myeloid cell infiltration and increased reactive oxygen species in the vessel wall. Using cell lineage-restricted transgenic mice, we show that loss of a single Nf1 allele in myeloid cells is sufficient to recapitulate the Nf1+/- aneurysm phenotype in vivo. Additionally, oral administration of simvastatin, a statin with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, significantly reduced aneurysm formation in Nf1+/- mice. Finally, the antioxidant apocynin was administered orally and also resulted in a significant reduction of Nf1+/- aneurysms. These data provide genetic and pharmacologic evidence that neurofibromin-deficient myeloid cells are the central cellular triggers for aneurysm formation in a novel model of NF1 vascular disease, implicated oxidative stress as the key biochemical mechanisms of NF1 aneurysm formation and provide a potential therapeutic target for NF1 vasculopathy.

Cell type-dependent differential activation of ERK by oncogenic KRAS or BRAF in the mouse intestinal epithelium

Brandt, Raphael 10 March 2023 (has links)
Kolorektale Karzinome (CRC) zeigen eine heterogene Ätiologie. Die Progression prämaligner Vorläufer zu CRC unterscheidet (U) sich in Morphologie, molekularen Veränderungen und Interaktion mit der Tumorumgebung. CRC weisen oft onkogene Mutationen in KRAS und BRAF auf. Diese steigern die MAPK Signalwegaktivität (Mpa). Obwohl sie im selben Signalweg wirken, sind KRAS und BRAF auf die CRC-Entitäten U verteilt. Dabei ist KRAS häufiger im sogenannten konventionellen und BRAF im serratierten Weg zu CRC mutiert. In dieser Studie nutzte ich murine intestinale Organoide (iO), die induzierbare (Ind) KRAS oder BRAF Onkogene exprimieren. Große U zwischen KRAS und BRAF zeigten sich sowohl in Signaltransduktion (ST) als auch im Phänotyp. Phosphoprotein-, ERK-Reporter-, scRNA-Seq und EM-Analysen ergaben eine starke Mpa durch BRAF, die zu hoher Expression von MAPK-Zielgenen und Verlust der epithelialen Integrität führte. iO nach KRAS-Ind blieben intakt, korrelierend mit moderater, zelltypspezifischer (ZS) Mpa in sekretorischen und undifferenzierten Zellen. Die meisten Enterozyten waren Mpa-negativ. ERK-Reporter zeigten: Das ZS Muster der Mpa ist nicht nur gegenüber KRAS, sondern auch dem Entzug von Wachstumsfaktoren stabil. Dies spricht für eine intrinsische, robuste Regulierung der Mpa. BRAF-Ind Mpa setzte die ZS Regulierung der MAPK außer Kraft und schädigte das Gewebe, im Einklang mit einer oberen Grenze tolerabler Mpa. Die ZS Mpa wurde in CRC-Zelllinien bestätigt, deren Mpa durch KRAS aber nicht BRAF U ausfiel. Ferner, nutzte ich iO mit bCatenin+KRAS-Ind, um den konventionellen Weg zu CRC zu modellieren. Die Kombination führte zu synergistischen Effekten, die sich in EGFR-unabhängigem Wachstum und der Aufhebung der ZS Mpa-Blockade äußerten, die durch eine Verschiebung der Differenzierung zu mehr Progenitorzellen bewirkt wurde. Zusammenfassend konnte ich U in der Mpa durch KRAS oder BRAF im Darmepithel feststellen, was dazu beiträgt, deren Rollen in der CRC-Genese zu bestimmen. / Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a disease with heterogeneous etiology. Premalignant lesions follow distinct routes of progression to carcinoma reflected by differences in morphology, molecular alterations and the tumor environment. Mutant KRAS and BRAF are frequent, leading to MAPK pathway activation (Mpa), which is relevant for CRC therapy. Despite acting in the same pathway, mutant KRAS and BRAF segregate to different entities, as KRAS is more frequent in the conventional- and BRAF being specific for the serrated route to CRC. I used murine intestinal organoids (iO) expressing inducible oncogenic KRAS or BRAF to study the impact of oncogenes in primary cells. I found marked differences in signal transduction and phenotype. Phospho-protein, ERK-reporter, scRNA-seq and EM data showed strong Mpa upon BRAF induction followed by ERK-target gene expression leading to tissue disruption. In contrast, KRAS left the tissue intact resulting in less and cell type-dependent Mpa limited to secretory cells, a subset of late-stage enterocytes and undifferentiated crypt cells. Most enterocytes were irresponsive to KRAS. The pattern of Mpa was robust towards KRAS or growth factor depletion arguing in favor of intrinsic, resilient MAPK regulation. In iO, BRAF-induced Mpa could break this cell type-specific regulation, indicating an upper limit of tolerable Mpa. I validated these findings in CRC cell lines that differed in Mpa in response to oncogenic KRAS but not BRAF. Finally, I used iO expressing an inducible form of stabilized bCatenin in combination with KRAS to mimic events frequently found in the conventional pathway to CRC. Expression of KRAS and bCatenin synergized in driving EGFR independent growth and breaking the villus-specific block of Mpa by altering differentiation towards progenitor cell types. In summary, this study emphasizes differences between Mpa induced by oncogenic KRAS or BRAF which helps clarifying their nature in different etiological routes to CRC genesis.

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