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Remoção de compostos odoríferos de águas de abastecimento através de processos de aeração, dessorção gasosa e nanofiltraçãoZat, Michely January 2009 (has links)
As atividades humanas em bacias hidrográficas introduzem nos cursos de água nutrientes que aceleram o processo natural de eutrofização, favorecendo a ocorrência de florações de algas e cianobactérias. Estas florações se caracterizam por um crescimento explosivo destes microrganismos. Entre os diversos impactos negativos trazidos pelas florações está a emissão potencial dos compostos 2-metilisoborneol (MIB) e geosmina (GEO), os quais conferem gosto e odor de mofo e terra a água. Estes compostos não são totalmente removidos pelos processos convencionais de tratamento de água – clarificação química, filtração em meio granular e desinfecção com cloro, e permanecem na água até seu consumo, ocasionando alto índice de rejeição do produto por parte da população consumidora. Desta forma, a pesquisa foi planejada para avaliar alternativas de processos de tratamento visando à remoção de compostos odoríferos na água. Além de MIB e geosmina, foram feitas investigações relativas a remoção de ferro (Fe+2), manganês (Mn+2) e enxofre (H2S), nos processos estudados. Estas formas são normalmente encontradas em ambientes redutores, como águas subterrâneas e no hipolímnio de lagos e reservatórios, podendo contribuir para a deterioração das características organolépticas da água, ocasionando gosto e odores desagradáveis na água potável. Os processos estudados na pesquisa foram aeração em cascata, dessorção gasosa e nanofiltração. Os mecanismos do primeiro e segundo processos são: a oxidação de formas reduzidas e a dessorção de compostos voláteis e gases da água para o ar. O sistema de nanofiltração remove contaminantes da água através de retenção física imposta pelo tamanho dos poros da membrana. / Human activities in watersheds introduce nutrients to water bodies, accelerating the natural process of eutrophication and favoring the occurrence of algae and cyanobacterial blooms. The blooms are characterized by explosives growths of those microorganisms. Among the several negative impacts brought by the blooms is the potential emission of the compounds 2-methylisoborneol (MIB) and geosmin (GEO), which confer earthy and moldy taste and odor to drinking water. MIB and GEO are not completely removed by the conventional water treatment processes – chemical clarification, granular filtration and chorine disinfection, causing consumer’s rejection of the distributed drinking water This research was planned to evaluate the capability of alternative treatment processes to remove odorous compounds from water. Besides MIB and geosmin, the research encompassed tests with iron (Fe+²), manganese (Mn+²) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S). These species are usually found in reduced environments such as lake and reservoir hypolimnion and groundwater. They can cause problems associated with color, taste and odor in drinking water. Processes studied in the research were cascade aeration, air stripping and nanofiltration. Prevailing mechanisms in the first two processes are oxidation of the reduced forms by air oxygen and stripping of volatile compounds and gases dissolved in water to air. Nanofiltration systems remove contaminants dissolved in water by physical retention imposed by the membrane pore size.
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Estudo da recuperação de lignossulfonatos de baixa massa molar por nanofiltração / Low molecular weight lignosulfonates recovery by nanofiltrationSilva, Denilton da 17 December 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Leila Peres / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Quimica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-11T09:27:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: Na indústria de papel e celulose os processos de separação por membranas, como a ultrafiltração (UF) e a nanofiltração (NF), são utilizados para a recuperação de diversas espécies presentes nos resíduos da digestão da madeira que são atrativos para outras aplicações, tais como a lignina e açúcares, e em especial os lignossulfonatos, auxiliando também na recirculação de água do processo e na redução do teor poluente do efluente. Devido à sua gama de aplicações, existe hoje um mercado próprio de industrialização de lignossulfonatos obtidos a partir de subprodutos da indústria de papel, contexto em que se insere o interesse deste trabalho que teve como objetivo o estudo da recuperação por nanofiltração, no retentado, da fração de lignossulfonatos de baixa massa molar (<5000 g/mol) que não é recuperada pelo processo prévio de ultrafiltração do efluente de indústria de papel com processo sulfito, empregando membranas poliméricas comerciais NF e NF270, fornecidas pela Filmtec, Dow Liquid
Separations, EUA. Os experimentos e as análises foram realizados de acordo com um planejamento experimental fatorial 2² (duas variáveis, dois níveis), em duplicata, onde as variáveis de processo estudadas foram: tipo de membrana e a pressão. As variáveis de resposta estudadas foram: fluxo de permeado, retenção baseada nos sólidos totais e na absorbância UV-VIS, massa molar média, condutividade e pH. A temperatura utilizada foi de 45°C e a placa suporte com 43,7% de área perfurada. O planejamento experimental possibilitou a determinação de modelos matemáticos para a previsão do fluxo de permeado de água pura e fluxo de permeado de amostra de lignossulfonato em função das variáveis estudadas, e para estes parâmetros os melhores resultados foram alcançados com as variáveis em nível superior: membrana NF270 e pressão 24 bar. A avaliação da retenção de lignossulfonatos, tanto através da análise de sólidos totais (diminuição de até 51,79% no teor de sólidos totais), bem como através da leitura de absorbância UV 280 nm (diminuição de até 84,26%, na absorbância), apresentou os melhores resultados com as variáveis em nível inferior: membrana NF e pressão 18 bar, como era esperado. Na análise da massa molar média de lignossulfonatos, realizada por Cromatografia de Permeação em Gel (GPC), o processo de nanofiltração apresentou capacidade de fracionamento, com Massa Molar Ponderal Média ( w M ) de 1994 g/mol para a alimentação, 2327 g/mol para o retentado e 1043 g/mol para o permeado. Para o estudo do conteúdo iônico (condutividade e pH) os resultados não apresentaram significância estatística. Estudo preliminar também foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a influência da área perfurada da placa-suporte da membrana no fluxo de permeado e permeabilidade hidráulica, utilizando-se três diferentes tipos de placa metálica como suporte para as membranas, todas com área total filtrante de membrana de 15,90 cm², mas com diferentes áreas perfuradas em relação à área total filtrante: 25,3%, 36,5% e 43,7% de área perfurada, respectivamente. Este estudo apresentou melhores resultados de fluxo para a maior área perfurada, indicando que para comparações entre valores de fluxo de permeado obtidos em células de fluxo perpendicular, é fundamental a informação da área perfurada da placa-suporte / Abstract: Membrane separation processes like ultrafiltration (UF) and nanofiltration (NF) are used in the pulp and paper industry to the recovery of several species present in the wood digest waste that are interesting to other applications as lignin, sugars and specially lignosulfonates, improving the recirculation of the water in the pulping process and the reduction of the pollutants in the waste water as well. Due to their wide range of applications, there is presently a specific market for lignosulfonates obtained from paper industry as byproducts, context where this study is inserted. The main objective is to recover by nanofiltration (NF) the low molecular weight lignosulfonates fraction (<5000 g/mol) from the permeate produced in a previous current ultrafiltration process of the paper industry effluent with sulphite process, using polymeric membranes NF and NF270, supplied by Filmtec, Dow Liquid Separations, USA. The assays and the analysis where conducted according to a 22 full factorial design (two variables, two levels), where the studied independent variables were: type of membrane and pressure. The studied dependent variables were: permeate flux, retention based on total solids and on UV-VIS absorbance, average molecular weight, conductivity and pH. The temperature used was 45°C and the perforated area of the support plate was 43.7%. The used full factorial design enabled the determination of mathematical models to predict the permeate flux of pure water and of lignosulfonate samples as a function of the studied variables. The best results to these parameters were achieved with the variables at the superior level values: membrane NF270 and pressure of 24 bar. The evaluation of the lignosulfonates retention using the total solids data (decrease of up to 51.79% in total solids in the permeate) or using the UV 280 nm absorbance data (decrease of up to 84.26% in absorbance in the permeate), as expected presented the best results with the variables at the inferior level values: membrane NF and pressure of 18 bar. In the analysis of the averaged molecular weight of lignosulfonates obtained by Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC), the nanofiltration process presented fractioning capacity with Averaged Molecular Weight ( w M ) of 1994 g/mol to the sample, 2327 g/mol to the concentrated and 1043 g/mol to the permeated. The results have not presented statistical significance to the ionic content (conductivity and pH). Preliminary study were also conducted to estimate the influence of perforated area (%) of metallic plates used to support the membranes in the permeate flux and hydraulic permeability, using three different types of metallic support plates, each one with a total filtration membrane area of 15.90 cm2, but with different perforated areas (%)
related to the total filtration area: 25.3%, 36.5% and 43.7%. This study presented better water permeate flux results to the biggest perforated area, indicating that when comparing permeate flux values obtained in perpendicular flux cells, the information of the perforated area (%) of the support plate is important / Doutorado / Ciencia e Tecnologia de Materiais / Doutor em Engenharia Química
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Hybrid membrane processes in industrial water treatment:separation and recovery of inorganic compoundsJuholin, P. (Piia) 29 November 2016 (has links)
Industrial wastewaters are complex waters, which can contain a large variety of compounds such as heavy metals and salts as well as nutrients, e.g. nitrogen compounds and phosphorous. Prevention of wastewater formation is not always possible and therefore new more efficient water treatment techniques are needed. Legislation also supports the use of more efficient water treatment techniques, which can lead to better purification results and the recovery of valuable compounds from wastewaters. One technique, which has been of interest, is membrane technology. Membrane technology can separate heavy metals, salts and nutrients effectively, also at low concentrations, which is not always possible with conventional water treatment methods.
The main disadvantage of membrane technologies is membrane fouling, which reduces the membrane permeate flux and separation efficiency. In this thesis membrane techniques were combined into hybrid processes to increase the efficiency of water treatment to reduce fouling and to widen the application areas of membrane technologies, as well as to increase the awareness of the benefits gained when using hybrid membrane processes in wastewater treatment. Three different hybrid membrane processes were applied. Catalytically active nanofiltration membranes were used to purify real mine wastewaters from harmful compounds, including sulphate. A catalytic layer reduced the membrane fouling tendency. Micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration was applied successfully to the separation of heavy metals from phosphorous-rich wastewater of a fertilizer company to achieve selective separation. In addition, reverse osmosis and membrane distillation were applied to the concentration of heavy metals, a metalloid and nitrogen compounds containing synthetic wastewater efficiently. High volume concentration factor was achieved with the RO-MD process.
In this thesis high heavy metal, metalloid, and salt removal efficiencies were achieved with all hybrid membrane techniques. Hybrid membrane techniques were also categorized based on their properties. The study provides new knowledge on hybrid membrane techniques in the removal of inorganic compounds from industrial waters. / Tiivistelmä
Teollisuuden jätevedet voivat sisältää kohonneita haitta-ainepitoisuuksia, kuten raskasmetalleja ja suoloja. Teollisuuden jätevedet voivat sisältää myös ravinteita, esimerkiksi typen yhdisteitä ja fosforia. Jätevesien syntymistä ei aina voida ennaltaehkäistä, ja siksi uusille entistä tehokkaammille vedenkäsittelymenetelmille on tarvetta. Lisäksi myös lainsäädäntö vaatii entistä tehokkaampaa vesien puhdistusta, mikä osaltaan edistää entistä tehokkaampien puhdistustekniikoiden kehitystä sekä erotettujen aineiden talteenottoa. Yksi aktiivisen tutkimuksen kohteena oleva vesienkäsittelyssä käytetty menetelmä on kalvoerotustekniikka. Kalvoerotustekniikoilla voidaan erottaa tehokkaasti raskasmetalli-ioneja, sulfaattia ja ravinteita, kuten typpiyhdisteitä teollisuuden jätevesistä myös alhaisissa pitoisuuksissa, missä yleisesti käytettävät menetelmät voivat olla tehottomia.
Yksi kalvoerotusmenetelmien ongelma on kalvojen likaantuminen, mikä alentaa kalvojen erotustehokkuutta ja vähentää tuottavuutta. Tässä tutkimuksessa kalvojen likaantumistaipumista on vähennetty yhdistämällä kalvoerotustekniikoita muihin erotusmenetelmiin hybriditekniikoiksi. Tässä työssä on tutkittu kolmea eri hybridimenetelmää. Sinkkioksidilla pinnoitettuja nanosuodatuskalvoja tutkittiin ja verrattiin kaupallisiin nanosuodatuskalvoihin kaivosteollisuuden vesien puhdistuksessa mm. sulfaatista. Katalyyttipinnoite muutti kalvoja vähemmän likaantuviksi, ja näin menetelmän tehokkuus parani. Miselliavusteisella ultrasuodatuksella erotettiin fosforipitoisesta lannoitetehtaan jätevedestä raskasmetalleja selektiivisesti, ja näin mahdollistettiin fosforin uudelleenkäyttö. Kolmannessa tutkimuskohteessa konsentroitiin kalvotislauksen ja käänteisosmoosin yhdistelmällä raskasmetalli- ja typpiyhdisteitä sisältävää synteettistä jätevettä pieneen tilavuuteen.
Työssä saavutettiin korkeita raskasmetallien ja suolojen erotustehokkuuksia kaikilla käytetyillä tekniikoilla. Työssä arvioitiin myös yhteenvetona erilaisten hybridimembraanitekniikoiden eroja ja ominaisuuksia ja tekniikoita jaoteltiin menetelmien ominaisuuksien mukaan. Työ antoi uutta tietoa hybridimembraanitekniikoista epäorgaanisten aineiden erotuksessa teollisuuden vesistä.
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Rejection and critical flux of calcium sulphate in a ceramic titanium dioxide nanofiltration membraneAhmed, Amer Naji January 2013 (has links)
This thesis describes the rejection efficiency and the fouling behaviour of calcium sulphate solutes in a 1 nm tubular ceramic titanium dioxide nanofiltration membrane. Calcium sulphate is considered as one of the greatest scaling potential inorganic salts that responsible for membrane fouling which represents a main challenge in the expansion of membrane processes for desalination of brackish and saline water. The surface charge type and magnitude for the composite amphoteric TiO_2 membrane were characterised using streaming potential measurements. Electrokinetic membrane experiments were conducted in a background electrolyte comprising 0.01 M (NaCl). The zeta potential was estimated from the measured streaming potential using the Helmoholtz-Smoluchowski equation and the surface charge density was subsequently calculated using the Gouy-Chapman and Graham equations. The experimental results showed that the membrane was negatively charged at neutral pH and its iso-electrical point (i.e.p) was at pH of 4.0. The rejection behaviour of calcium sulphate at three different initial concentrations (0.001, 0.005 and 0.01 M) were investigated compared to other naturally occurring minerals (NaCl, Na_2 SO_4, CaCl_2) in single salt solutions. The rejection experiments were conducted at five different applied trans-membrane pressures ranged from 1.0 to 5.0 bars. Salt retention measurements showed that the rejection sequence was R (CaSO_4) > R (Na_2 SO_4) > R (CaCl_2) > R (NaCl). This rejection sequence behaviour showed an inverse relationship with the diffusion coefficients of the four salts. The salt with the lowest diffusion coefficient (CaSO_4) showed the highest rejection (43.3%), whereas that with the highest diffusion coefficient showed the lowest rejection. The rejection of calcium sulphate solution at saturation concentration was also conducted after a suspension solution of 0.015 M (CaSO_4) was prepared and filtered. The ionic analysis for calcium sulphate permeates indicated that, for the negatively charged TiO_2 membrane, the rejection for bivalent anion (SO_4^(2-) ) was higher than that of the bivalent cation (Ca^(2+) ).The critical flux (CF) experiments were carried out at six trans-membrane pressure ranged from 1.0 to 6.0 bars to identify the form and the onset of calcium sulphate fouling (as gypsum) using different concentrations below saturation concentration (0.001, 0.005, 0.01 M) and at saturation concentration. Two different flux-pressure techniques have been applied and compared to determine the critical flux values; these are: step by step technique and standard stepping technique. The obtained critical flux results from both measuring techniques (for all the four sessions) confirmed that the critical flux was reached and exceeded. The present work indicated that the resulting critical flux values from both measuring procedures were decreased as the ionic strengths of the calcium sulphate solutes were increased. A mathematical model has been proposed to identify the key parameters that affect the transport performance inside the TiO_2 nanofiltration membrane. The original Donnan steric pore model (DSPM) was used to simulate the rejection of 0.01 M sodium chloride as a reference solution. The membrane effective pore radius was estimated using two different transport models, both of these models depend on the permeation test of uncharged solute (glucose). The Donnan potential was determined based on the membrane effective fixed charge density which was determined by supposing that the membrane surface charge was uniformly distributed in the void volume of cylindrical pores. The theoretical rejection of NaCl solute for the present DSPM model was found to be in agreement with the experimental data.
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Uklanjanje visokog sadržaja organskih i neorganskih polutanata iz podzemnih voda Vojvodine primenom nanofiltracije / Organic and inorganic polutants high content removal from Vojvodina groundwater by application of nanofiltrationKukučka Miroslav 23 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Cilj ovog rada je ispitivanje mogućnosti uklanjanja visokih koncentracija organskih i neorganskih materija iz vodenih rastvora „Cross-Flow“ nanofiltracijom primenom spiralno uvijenih membrana. Mogućnosti separacije NOM-a, amonijum-jona i ukupnog arsena su ispitivane na koncentratima-otpadnim vodama dobijenim iz industrijskih nanofiltracionih uređaja i obuhvaćeni su eksperimentima serije NFCP. Izdvajanje visokih koncentracija jona kalcijuma, magnezijuma, gvožđa i mangana je ispitivano iz prirodnih podzemnih voda i izvedeno je u eksperimentima serije NFWP. Određeni su optimalni fluksevi i transmembranski pritisci, kao i koncentracije doziranja kompleksirajućih supstanci. Dobijeni poluindustrijski rezultati su praktično primenjivi u velikoj skali za pripremu pijaće vode kako iz dubokih, tako i iz plitkih akvifera. Primena prikazanih rezultata u pripremi vode za piće od vode dubokih izdani uz značajne uštede resursa je namenjena prvenstveno lokacijama u Panonskom basenu. Tretman bunarske vode plitkih izdani je pogodan posebno zbog dodatka organskih kompleksirajućih agenasa koji supstituišu uobičajene postupke deferizacije i demanganizacije i na taj način znatno smanjuju kako investicione, tako i eksploatacione troškove postrojenja. Dobijeni rezultati su poslužili kao osnova za izradu idejnog rešenja industrijskog postrojenja za kondicioniranje pijaće vode od bunarske vode duboke izdani iz regiona grada Zrenjanina, kao i izradu idejnog rešenja industrijskog postrojenja za kondicioniranje pijaće vode od bunarske vode plitke izdani regiona grada Bačke Palanke za naseljeno mesto Despotovo.</p> / <p>The goal of this thesis was to examine removal possibility of high concentrations of organic and inorganic matter from aquatic solution using “Cross-flow” spiral wound nanofiltration membranes. Natural organic matter, ammonia ions and total arsenic removal was examined using concentrates – waste water obtained from industrial nanofiltration plant and they present NFCP experiment series. Removal of high concentrations of calcium, magnesium, iron and manganese ions was a part of NFWP experiments and was conducted using natural groundwater. Optimal fluxes and transmembrane pressures, as well as complexing substances dosage concentrations were determined. Obtained results in semi industrial scale are practically applicable on the large scale plants for drinking water preparation from deep wells, as well as from shallow aquifers. Application of presented results, concerning drinking water preparation from deep wells with significant savings of water resources, is designed especially for locations in Pannonia basin. Shallow aquifer well water treatment is applicable in practice especially because of addition of organic complexation agents that substitutes conventional deferization and manganese removal methods ultimately reducing investment and exploitation costs. On the basis of obtained results, industrial plant that produces drinking water from Zrenjanin aquifer deep well was designed. Furthermore, potable water industrial plant was designed that used shallow aquifer well water located in Bačka Palanka region, settlement Despotovo.</p>
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Post Treatment Alternatives For Stabilizing Desalinated WaterDouglas, Susaye 01 January 2009 (has links)
The use of brackish water and seawater desalination for augmenting potable water supplies has focused primarily on pre-treatment, process optimization, energy efficiency, and concentrate management. Much less has been documented regarding the impact of post-treatment requirements with respect to distribution system. The goals of this study were to review current literature on post-treatment of permeate water, use survey questionnaires to gather information on post-treatment water quality characteristics, gather operation information, review general capital and maintenance cost, and identify appropriate "lessons learned" with regards to post-treatment from water purveyors participating in the Project. A workshop was organized where experts from across the United States, Europe and the Caribbean active in brackish and seawater desalination, gathered to share technical knowledge regarding post-treatment stabilization, identify solutions for utilities experiencing problems with post-treatment, note lessons learned, and develop desalination water post-treatment guidelines. In addition, based on initial workshop discussions, the iodide content of reverse osmosis and nanofiltration permeate from two seawater desalination facilities was determined. The literature review identified that stabilization and disinfection are required desalination post-treatment processes, and typically are considerations when considering 1) blending, 2) re-mineralization, 3) disinfection, and 4) materials used for storage and transport of product water. Addition of chemicals can effectively achieve post-treatment goals although considerations relating to the quality of the chemical, dosage rates, and possible chemical reactions, such as possible formation of disinfection by-products, should be monitored and studied. The survey gathered information on brackish water and seawater desalination facilities with specific regards to their post-treatment operations. The information obtained was divided into seven sections 1) general desalination facility information, 2) plant characteristics with schematics, 3) post-treatment water quality, 4) permeate, blend, and point of entry quality, 5) post-treatment operation, 6) operation and maintenance costs, 7) and lessons learned. A major consideration obtained from the survey was that facilities should conduct post-treatment pilot studies in order to identify operational problems that may impact distributions systems prior to designing the plant. Effective design and regulation considerations will limit issues with permitting for the facility. The expert workshop identified fourteen priority issues pertaining to post-treatment. Priority issues were relating to post-treatment stabilization of permeate water, corrosion control, disinfection and the challenges relating to disinfection by-product (DBP) formation, water quality goals, blending, and the importance of informing the general public. For each priority issues guidelines/recommendations were developed for how facilities can effectively manage such issues if they arise. One of the key priorities identified in the workshop was related to blending of permeate and formation of DBPs. However, it was identified in the workshop that the impact of iodide on iodinated-DBP formation was unknown. Consequently, screening evaluations using a laboratory catalytic reduction method to determine iodide concentrations in the permeate of two of the workshop participants: Tampa Bay and Long Beach seawater desalination facilities. It was found that the permeate did contain iodide, although at levels near the detection limit of the analytical method (8 [micro]g/L).
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Effects of oxidation states of Copper (Cu), Nickel (Ni), Palladium (Pd) and Silver (Ag) on rejection by nanofiltration membranesBrooms, Thabo John 06 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M. Tech.(Chemistry)--Vaal University of Technology)), 2010 / Mining industry produces metals which are economical and serve as high valuable commodities in South Africa. This country is regarded as the world leading producer of precious metals such as platinum group metals (PGMs). Silver (Ag), which is also a precious metal, contribute to the country’s economy wealth due to its significance during industrial applications. Base metals such as copper (Cu) and nickel (Ni), though they are low valued, play a significant role in the republics economic wealth. Mining wastewater contains some of these metals, which end up polluting the environment. A possibility to recover this was investigated using NF membranes. Mine effluent was simulated by using relevant reagents.
Characterization of NF90, NF- and NF270 membranes, was done by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), clean water permeability, single charged salts of NaCl and MgCl2 and binary mixture of NaCl/MgCl2 studies. All the rejection experiments were conducted at pH 2.0 with varying pressure and concentrations. Flux measurements indicated that water permeability through the membranes trend, NF270 > NF90 > NF-. The experiments were performed at pressures of 5 bar, 10 bar, 15 bar and 20 bar.
For NF90 membrane, a rejection of Na+ monovalent ion in 20 ppm solution was less than of Mg2+ (divalent) ion. Percentage rejections of 90% (Na+) and 98% (Mg2+) were achieved. NF- had rejection of 83% and 90% for Na+ and Mg2+, respectively. In the case of NF270, the membrane had rejection of 92% (Na+) and 94% (Mg2+), respectively.
At 100 ppm, all three membranes showed a decreasing trend in rejection while increasing pressure. For binary-solution mixture, Mg2+ ion still had the highest rejection compared to Na+ ion with about 94% and 85% on NF90 than on NF270 and NF-. The high rejection of divalent ion as compared to monovalent ion for charged solutes was due to solute size and electrostatic interaction between the membrane surface layer and the solute.
In the case of transition metal rejection studies, Pd2+ ion had an average of 90%, with Ni2+ ion ≈ 95% and Cu2+ ion ≈ 98% as single salts on NF90 compared to NF270 and NF-. However, as for binary and trinary solution mixture, the competition amongst ions was high, where Pd2+ ion rejection was ≈ 99,0%, while Ni2+ and Cu2+ ions was > 90% on NF90 and NF-. Therefore it was excluded from the tests. For the monovalent metal ions (Ag+ and Cu+), the rejection was > 90% in almost all concentrations mixtures. During membrane fouling evaluation, AgCl salt fouled the most, compared to other metal ions, forming a concentration polarization accumulation on the membrane surface for both 20 and 100 ppm solutions. This situation leads to cake layer formation which causes a flux decline, reduces membrane life time and lowers the rejection performance of NF membranes.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of three commercial polymeric membranes (NF90, NF270 and NF-) during rejection of the metal
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Potential of waste-derived VFAs-bearing effluents as an external carbon source for MBBR denitrification of domestic wastewater / Potentialen av avfallshärledda VFA-bärande substrat som en extern kolkälla för MBBR-denitrifiering av avloppsvattenManafi Khosroshahi, Seyed Reza January 2022 (has links)
In conventional wastewater treatment plants, methanol, ethanol, and acetate are used as carbon source for the denitrification process in the biological nutrient removal. However, growing concern regarding economical costs and carbon footprints from the fossil-based production of these chemicals have forced the companies to look for other alternatives. VFAs have shown a great potential in replacing the conventionally used carbon sources. If implemented this will result in lower chemical cost and a drastic decrease in carbon footprint as well as striving WWTPs towards sustainable development. In this work denitrification has been analysed using different variations of VFAs such as fermented potato protein liquor, food waste and chicken manure VFA. This was done using a basic laboratory setup of a denitrification reactor which used basic stirring agitation and nitrogen purging to ensure anoxic conditions. Nutrients and excess sCOD were added to ensure the highest denitrification rates. The denitrifying biomass was collected at Gryaab AB in the form of k1-carriers making this process a MBBR. The most influential characteristic of the VFAs is the distribution of the acids in the VFA effluent. Butyric acid along with caproic acid showed the best potential for efficient denitrification. The possibility of concentration of VFA effluent showed a high potential when using a nanofiltration system. A C/N ratio of 4.5 conventionally used when methanol is added showed to be the most optimal condition for VFA addition. The combination of VFAs together with conventional used carbon sources showed the best potential in denitrification efficiency proving to be as good or even better than pure synthetic ones. VFAs effluents showed the best potential in removing the intermediate nitrite from the wastewater at high rates. Overall, VFAs shown a great potential for replacing conventionally used carbon sources, demonstrating the potential of substitution, which if implemented will result in lower carbon footprint and a strive towards sustainable development.
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Strategic Assessment of Drinking Water Production Systems Environmental impacts from a Life cycle perspective : A case study of Norrvatten future drinking water production alternatives / Strategisk bedömning av dricksvattenproduktion. Miljöpåverkan ur ett livscykelperspektiv : En fallstudie av Norrvattens framtida alternative för dricksvattenproduktionAggarwal, Rahul January 2020 (has links)
Climate change is a global challenge that requires proactive action from municipalities, companies, and other organizations to prioritize sustainability in their daily operations. In the past few decades, life cycle assessment (LCA) approach has been successfully applied for environmental assessments in the drinking water sector. In this study, this approach has been used to present a comparative evaluation of the potential environmental impacts associated with nine different process alternatives for future drinking water production at Norrvatten. This study is a pioneering one that explores the potential of LCA as a decision support tool to prioritize and optimize environmental impacts during the operational phase in Swedish drinking water production. The nine alternatives are designed for the year 2050 to meet the average daily demand of 208 MLD for the 14 municipalities in the northern Stockholm region that Norrvatten supplies with drinking water. Out of the nine alternatives, the alternative based on direct filtration of raw water on nanofiltration membranes came out as the most environmentally friendly solution due to the use of renewable electricity from hydro and wind power. The results indicate that the potential environmental impacts are dominated by the use of chemicals in all alternatives, which in turn depends on the energy sources used for chemical production that are mostly dominated by fossil-based non-renewable sources. The impacts due to transportation and energy consumption are relatively less in Swedish drinking water production. Moreover, filtration through granulated activated carbon (GAC) is the most environmentally damaging treatment step, but regeneration of saturated GAC induces positive impacts in all alternatives. Among environmental impact categories, categories related to fine particulate matter formation; global warming, human carcinogenic toxicity, and human non-carcinogenic toxicity are the most significant in all alternatives. Several of the treatment technologies included in the nine alternatives, such as Nanofiltration, have only been tested on a pilot scale and have not been used for drinking water production at Norrvatten. So this study should be followed up and supplemented with better representative inventory data relevant to the Swedish context in order to contribute more effectively in making the future Swedish drinking water production more sustainable and environmentally friendly. Also, this study is based on the most recently available data that may not be valid in 2050 and the latest trends to substitute non-renewable energy sources with renewable sources may reduce the impacts due to chemical production and transportation in the future. Moreover, this LCA study does not include any aspects of water quality and treatment costs. Hence, while comparing different alternatives, the quality of the treated water and its production cost must also be taken into account. / Klimatförändringar är en global utmaning som kräver proaktivt agerande från kommuner, företag och andra organisationer för att prioritera hållbarhet i sin dagliga verksamhet. Under de senaste decennierna har livscykelanalys (LCA) använts för miljöbedömningar inom VA-sektorn. I denna studie har detta tillvägagångssätt använts för att presentera en jämförande utvärdering av den potentiella miljöpåverkan som är förknippad med den framtida dricksvattenproduktionen vid Norrvatten. Med hjälp av LCA så jämförs nio olika processalternativ för den framtida produktionen och kan på så sätt bidra till att prioritera och optimera processval utifrån miljösynpunkt. De nio alternativen är utformade för år 2050 för att tillgodose den genomsnittliga dagliga efterfrågan på 208 MLD för de 14 kommuner i norra Stockholmsregionen som Norrvatten försörjer med dricksvatten. Av nio alternativ kom alternativet baserat på direkt filtrering av råvatten på nanofiltreringsmembran som den mest miljövänliga lösningen på grund av användningen av förnybar el från vatten- och vindkraft. Resultaten indikerar att de potentiella miljöeffekterna domineras av användning av kemikalier i samtliga alternativ, vilket i i sin tur beror på de energikällor som används för kemikalieproduktion domineras av fossilbaserade energibärare. Effekterna på grund av transport och energiförbrukning är relativt låg i svensk dricksvattenproduktion. Filtrering genom granulerat aktivt kol (GAC) det mest miljöbelastande behandlingssteget, men regenerering av mättad GAC ger positiva effekter i alla alternativ. Bland kategorier för miljöpåverkan så är kategorier relaterade till bildning av fina partiklar; global uppvärmning, mänsklig cancerframkallande toxicitet och mänsklig icke-cancerogen toxicitet de viktigaste i alla alternativ. Flera av de behandlingstekniker som ingår i de nio alternativen, såsom Nanofiltration, har enbarts testats i pilotskala och inte använts för dricksvattenproduktion vid Norrvatten. Så denna studie bör följas upp och kompletteras med data som är relevanta för förhållanden vid Vättern Denna studie baseras också på tillgängliga data som kanske inte är giltiga 2050 och de senaste trenderna för att ersätta icke förnybara energikällor med förnybara källor som kan minska effekterna på grund av kemisk produktion och transport i framtiden. Dessutom innehåller denna LCA-studie inga aspekter av vattenkvalitet och behandlingskostnader.. Vid jämförelse av olika alternativ måste även kvaliteten på det behandlade vattnet och dess produktionskostnad beaktas.
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Implementación de tecnología de membranas para la valorización de los compuestos fenólicos presentes en las aguas residuales de la industria de producción de aceite de olivaSánchez Arévalo, Carmen María 20 October 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] El sector agroalimentario constituye una de las industrias con mayor relevancia. Durante la producción de aceite de oliva, se generan grandes volúmenes de subproductos, destacando el alperujo, que contiene todos los restos de la aceituna que permanecen una vez que se ha extraído el aceite. Se trata de un subproducto con una elevada carga orgánica, lo que puede suponer un riesgo ambiental si no se gestiona adecuadamente. Por otro lado, el alperujo es rico en compuestos fenólicos, los cuales tienen un elevado interés industrial, debido a sus propiedades antioxidantes. Esto representa una oportunidad excelente para valorizar el alperujo, recuperando compuestos de interés y reduciendo la carga contaminante del residuo. En esta Tesis Doctoral, se ha abordado este reto, en el marco de la Tecnología de Membranas. En primer lugar, se llevó a cabo la optimización de un proceso de extracción sólido-líquido asistida por ultrasonidos, para extraer los compuestos fenólicos presentes en el alperujo. Se obtuvieron resultados satisfactorios tanto con mezclas de etanol/agua como con agua pura. Además, se llevó a cabo una caracterización detallada de los metabolitos presentes en los extractos derivados del alperujo, de forma que se determinaron más de 50 compuestos. En las siguientes etapas, se emplearon tanto los extractos obtenidos con etanol/agua 50:50 (v/v) como los acuosos. En cuanto a estos últimos, se trataron mediante ultrafiltración, seleccionando las membranas UP005 y UH030, debido a su adecuada productividad y eficacia en términos de rechazo a la demanda química de oxígeno. Los compuestos fenólicos fueron recuperados con mayor pureza en el permeado de este proceso. A continuación, esta corriente de permeado fue sometida a un proceso de nanofiltración, empleando la membrana NF270 (DuPont), para llevar a cabo la concentración de los compuestos fenólicos previamente purificados. Además, se demostró la viabilidad de esta membrana, NF270, para separar compuestos fenólicos de bajo peso molecular y azúcares, empleando disoluciones modelo con una composición basada en las aguas residuales de la industria oleícola. Los extractos hidroalcohólicos de alperujo también fueron tratados mediante procesos de membrana. Previamente, se llevó a cabo una revisión exhaustiva de la literatura científica relacionada con la ultrafiltración en medio orgánico. A continuación, se evaluó un proceso de ultrafiltración para purificar los extractos de alperujo preparados con etanol/agua 50:50 (v/v), obteniendo resultados satisfactorios en cuanto a la estabilidad de las membranas (empleando las membranas UF010104 y UF010801v3, de la casa comercial SolSep BV, y UP005, de Microdyn Nadir) y la recuperación de compuestos fenólicos en el permeado. Para aumentar la pureza de estos compuestos fenólicos y abordar su fraccionamiento, se estudió un proceso de nanofiltración con disolventes orgánicos, empleando una disolución simulada, cuyo disolvente fue etanol/agua 50:50 (v/v), y con una composición basada en el permeado del proceso de ultrafiltración (con la membrana UP005) en medio orgánico. La membrana NF270 fue la más destacada, debido a su notable densidad de flujo de permeado. Además, esta membrana rechazó adecuadamente los compuestos no deseados, como azúcares y ácidos, lo que facilitó la recuperación satisfactoria de los compuestos fenólicos en el permeado. Considerando los resultados obtenidos, se propuso un proceso integrado basado en la extracción de estos compuestos con etanol/agua 50:50 (v/v), la ultrafiltración de este extracto, con la membrana UP005, para llevar a cabo su purificación, la nanofiltración, con la membrana NF270, de la corriente de permeado obtenida previamente, para aumentar la pureza y fraccionar los compuestos fenólicos y, finalmente, la concentración de la corriente de permeado obtenida durante la nanofiltración, mediante un proceso de ósmosis reversa, empleando la membrana NF90 (DuPont) que rechazó apropiadamente los compuestos fenólicos. / [CA] El sector agroalimentari constitueix una de les indústries amb major rellevància. Durant la producció d'oli d'oliva, es generen grans volums de subproductes, entre els quals destaca l'alperujo, que conté totes les restes de l'oliva que romanen una vegada que s'ha extret l'oli. Es tracta d'un subproducte amb una elevada càrrega orgànica, la qual cosa pot suposar un gran risc ambiental. D'altra banda, l'alperujo és ric en compostos fenòlics, els quals tenen un elevat interés industrial, degut a les seues propietats antioxidants. Aquest contingut en compostos bioactius representa una oportunitat excel·lent per a valorar l'alperujo, recuperant compostos d'interés i reduint la càrrega contaminant del residu. En aquesta Tesi Doctoral, s'ha abordat aquest repte, en el marc de la Tecnologia de Membranes. En primer lloc, es va dur a terme l'optimització d'un procés d'extracció sòlid-líquid assistida per ultrasons, per a extraure els compostos fenòlics presents a l'alperujo. Es van obtindre resultats satisfactoris tant amb mescles d'etanol/aigua com amb aigua pura. A més, es va dur a terme una caracterització detallada dels metabòlits presents en els extractes derivats de l'alperujo, de manera que es van determinar més de 50 compostos. En les següents etapes del procés, es van emprar tant els extractes obtinguts amb etanol/aigua 50:50 (v/v) com els extractes aquosos. Quant a aquests últims, es van tractar mitjançant ultrafiltració, estudiant les membranes, seleccionant les membranes UP005 i UH030, a causa de la seua adequada productivitat i eficàcia en termes de rebuig a la demanda química d'oxigen. Els compostos fenòlics van ser recuperats amb major puresa al permeat d'aquest procés. A continuació, el corrent de permeat obtinguda durant l'etapa d'ultrafiltració va ser sotmesa a un procés de nanofiltració, emprant la membrana NF270 (DuPont), per a dur a terme la concentració dels compostos fenòlics prèviament purificats. A més, es va demostrar la viabilitat d'aquesta membrana, NF270, per a separar compostos fenòlics de baix pes molecular i sucres, emprant dissolucions model. Els extractes hidroalcohòlics d'alperujo també van ser tractats mitjançant processos de membrana. Prèviament, es va dur a terme una revisió exhaustiva de la literatura científica relacionada amb la ultrafiltració al mig orgànic. A continuació, es va avaluar un procés d'ultrafiltració per a purificar els extractes d'alperujo preparats amb etanol/aigua 50:50 (v/v), obtenint resultats satisfactoris quant a l'estabilitat de les membranes (emprant les membranes UF010104 i UF010801v3, de la casa comercial SolSep BV, i UP005, de Microdyn Nadir) i la recuperació de compostos fenòlics, els quals es van obtindre en el corrent de permeat. Per augmentar la puresa d'aquests compostos fenòlics i abordar el seu fraccionament, es va estudiar un procés de nanofiltració amb dissolvents orgànics, utilitzant una dissolució simulada, que el seu dissolvent va ser etanol/aigua 50:50 (v/v), i amb una composició basada en el permeat del procés d'ultrafiltració al mig orgànic. D'entre totes les membranes, la membrana NF270 va ser la més destacada, a causa de la seua notable densitat de flux de permeat. A més, aquesta membrana va rebutjar adequadament els compostos no desitjats, com a sucres i àcids, la qual va facilitar la recuperació satisfactòria dels compostos fenòlics en el permeat. Considerant els resultats obtinguts, es va proposar un procés integrat basat en l'extracció d'aquests compostos amb etanol/aigua 50:50 (v/v), la ultrafiltració d'aquest extracte, amb la membrana UP005, per a dur a terme la seua purificació, la nanofiltració, amb la membrana NF270, del corrent de permeat obtinguda prèviament, per augmentar la puresa i fraccionar els compostos fenòlics i, finalment, la concentració del corrent de permeat obtinguda durant la nanofiltració, mitjançant un procés d'osmosi reversa, emprant la membrana NF90 (DuPont) que va rebutjar apropiadament els compostos fenòlics. / [EN] The agri-food sector is one of the industries with higher international relevance. During olive oil production, large volumes of by-products are generated. Among them, the wet olive pomace stands out. It contains all the olive components remaining after the olive oil extraction. This by-product has a high organic load, which may represent an environmental risk if it is not properly disposed. On the other side, the wet olive pomace is rich in phenolic compounds, which have high industrial interest due to their antioxidant properties. This content in bioactive compounds represents an excellent opportunity to valorize the wet olive pomace, recovering compounds of interest and reducing the contaminant load of the residue. In this Doctoral Thesis, this challenge has been addressed, in the framework of Membrane Technology. First, an ultrasound-assisted solid-liquid extraction was optimized to extract the phenolic compounds from wet olive pomace. Satisfactory results were obtained, both with mixtures of ethanol/water and with pure water. Furthermore, a detailed characterization of the metabolites present in the extracts derived from wet olive pomace was conducted. More than 50 compounds were determined. During the following stages, both the extracts obtained with ethanol/water 50:50 (v/v) and the aqueous extracts were considered. The aqueous extracts were treated by ultrafiltration, selecting the UP005 and UH030 membranes, due to their suitable productivity and efficacy, in terms of the rejection of the chemical oxygen demand. The phenolic compounds were recovered at a higher purity in the permeate. Afterwards, the ultrafiltration permeate was treated by nanofiltration, employing the NF270 membrane (DuPont), in order to concentrate the previously purified phenolic compounds. Moreover, the feasibility of the NF270 membrane to separate low-molecular-weight phenolic compounds from sugars was demonstrated. To that end, simulated solutions, with a composition based on olive mill wastewaters, were employed. The hydroalcoholic extracts of wet olive pomace were also treated by membrane processes. Previously, an exhaustive review of the scientific literature related to organic-solvent ultrafiltration was addressed. Later, it was evaluated an ultrafiltration process to purify the wet olive pomace extracts prepared with ethanol/water 50:50 (v/v). Satisfactory results were obtained, regarding the membranes stability (UF010104 and UF010801v3, from the manufacturer SolSep BV, and UP005, from Microdyn Nadir) and the recovery of phenolic compounds. These molecules were obtained in the permeate stream. To increase the purity of the phenolic compounds and address their fractionation, an organic-solvent nanofiltration process was studied. A simulated solution, whose solvent was ethanol/water 50:50 (v/v), was employed. The composition of this solution was based on the UP005 permeate obtained in organic media. Among all the evaluated membranes, the NF270 membrane stood out due to the high permeate flux. Furthermore, this membrane properly rejected the unwanted compounds, such as sugars and acids. This allowed the satisfactory recovery of phenolic compounds in the permeate stream, after their purification and fractionation. Considering these results, an integrated process was proposed. It was based on the extraction of the compounds of interest with ethanol/water 50:50 (v/v), and a further ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, and reverse osmosis process. The ultrafiltration of the extract was performed with the UP005 membrane to conduct its purification. Then, the UP005 permeate was nanofiltered, employing the NF270 membrane to enhance the purity of the phenolic compounds and fractionate them. Finally, the NF270 permeate was concentrated by means of a reverse osmosis process, employing the NF90 membrane (DuPont), which suitably rejected the phenolic compounds. / Sánchez Arévalo, CM. (2023). Implementación de tecnología de membranas para la valorización de los compuestos fenólicos presentes en las aguas residuales de la industria de producción de aceite de oliva [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/198859 / Compendio
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