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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The narcissistic personality disorder / empirical studies

Ritter, Kathrin 06 October 2014 (has links)
Die Narzisstische Persönlichkeitsstörung (NPS) wird aufgrund der inkonsistenten Konzeptualisierung stark diskutiert. Ziel der Studie war es, NPS-Patienten zu untersuchen, um mit empirischen Daten die Validität und klinische Relevanz der NPS zu diskutieren. Es wurden zwei epidemiologische Studien durchgeführt. Studie 1 betrachtet die allgemeine psychische Belastung und Komorbidiätsraten, Studie 5 schaut auf die Stabilität und Remissionsrate der Diagnose und der diagnostischen Kriterien. Studie 1 fand eine erhöhte allgemeine psychische Belastung und hohe Komorbiditätsraten für affektive Störungen und Störungen durch Substanzkonsum, Studie 5 fand eine moderate Remissionsrate von 53%. In Studie 2 und 3 wurden selbstbezogene Kognitionen und Emotionen untersucht. Studie 2 erforschte die explizite und implizite Selbstwertschätzung. Es zeigte sich, dass die NPS mit einem niedrigen expliziten aber einem unbeeinträchtigten impliziten Selbstwert einhergeht. Studie 3 betrachtete Schamneigung bei der NPS. NPS-Patienten zeigten eine höhere explizite und implizite Schamneigung. Das indiziert, dass die narzisstische Vulnerabilität (niedriger expliziter Selbstwert, hohe explizite und implizite Schamneigung) bei NPS-Patienten eine Rolle spielt. In Studie 4 wurde die kognitive und emotionale Empathie untersucht. NPS-Patienten zeigten eine niedrigere emotionale Empathie aber eine unbeeinträchtigte kognitive Empathie. Die Ergebnisse passen zur aktuellen Kritik, dass die diagnostischen Kriterien zu eng sind, um die NPS adäquat zu beschreiben. Studien 1–3 geben Hinweise für die narzisstische Vulnerabilität, die nicht in den diagnostischen Kriterien repräsentiert wird, Studie 4 bringt Hinweise für eine ungestörte kognitive Empathie, was konträr zum diagnostischen Kriterium „Empathiemangel“ ist, und Studie 5 stellt die Beschreibung der NPS als stabiles andauerndes Muster in Frage. Implikationen für weitere Forschung und für die klinische Praxis werden diskutiert. / Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is discussed due to its inconsistent conceptualization. The aim of this study was to investigate a sample of NPD patients to collect empirical evidence and discuss the validity and clinical relevance of NPD. Two epidemiological studies are included in this thesis. Study 1 focused on the general mental stress of NPD patients and assesses comorbidities, Study 5 looks at the stability and remission rate of the diagnosis and its criteria. Study 1 found that NPD is associated with general mental stress and high comorbidity rates for affective disorders and substance use disorders, Study 5 found that NPD demonstrates a moderate remission rate of about 53%. In Study 2 and 3, self-related cognitions and emotions were examined. Study 2 investigated explicit and implicit self-esteem. It was determined that NPD is associated with a lower explicit self-esteem and an unaffected implicit self-esteem. Study 3 focused on shame-proneness in NPD. Patients with NPD showed significantly higher explicit and implicit shame-proneness. These results indicate that the narcissistic vulnerability characterized by low explicit self-esteem and high explicit and implicit shame-proneness is necessary in inpatients with a NPD. In Study 4 cognitive and emotional empathy were examined. NPD patients displayed impairment in emotional empathy while cognitive empathy was unaffected. In summary, the findings are in line with the critique that the diagnostic criteria are too narrow to describe the entire manifestation of the disorder. Study 1-3 presented evidence for the narcissistic vulnerability that is not represented by the current diagnostic criteria, Study 4 provided evidence for an unaffected cognitive empathy that is contrary to the seventh diagnostic criteria “lack of empathy”, and Study 5 calls the stable pattern of long duration into question. Implications for further research and clinical practice are discussed.

Psychologie des leaders narcissiques organisationnels

Ouimet, Gérard 04 1900 (has links)
Résumé Le premier article de la thèse se veut une revue systématique des données empiriques mettant en lumière les antécédents à la base de l’émergence du leadership narcissique dans les organisations, ses composantes psychologiques ainsi que ses incidences tant pour les organisations que pour leurs membres. Conséquemment, cette étude brosse initialement une recension détaillée des principaux facteurs idiosyncrasiques, culturels, environnementaux et structurels participant à la manifestation du leadership narcissique dans les organisations. Par la suite, elle en sonde la teneur en isolant l’existence de cinq composantes psychologiques, soit le charisme, l’influence intéressée, la motivation fallacieuse, l’inhibition intellectuelle et la considération simulée. Enfin, elle souligne les conséquences négatives de son actualisation dont les principales sont : la production de prises de décisions volatiles et risquées; la création d’un climat organisationnel toxique; la destruction de la confiance des subordonnés; la détérioration de l’efficacité organisationnelle; l’émergence d’une gestion dysfonctionnelle; et la manifestation de comportements non-éthiques. Le deuxième article s’avère une analyse comparative de deux types de leadership se révélant, de prime abord, trompeusement analogues. Ces deux types sont le leadership transformationnel et le leadership narcissique. Quoique se situant aux antipodes en matière de satisfaction de besoins (influence idéalisée versus influence intéressée), de promotion de visions (motivation inspirationnelle versus motivation fallacieuse), de réceptivité à la rétroaction d’autrui (stimulation intellectuelle versus inhibition intellectuelle) et de traitement des relations interpersonnelles (considération individualisée versus considération simulée), les leaderships transformationnel et narcissique partagent entre eux un élément commun : le charisme du leader. C’est précisément cette dernière caractéristique, conférant à son détenteur un puissant halo magnétisant, qui se révèle le creuset de la spéciosité du leadership narcissique opérant essentiellement lors des tout premiers contacts avec le leader. En fait, le charisme du leader narcissique sert en quelque sorte de fard, composé de charme et de fascination, masquant une décevante réalité psychologique et dont les propriétés captieuses s’étiolent rapidement. Le troisième article de la thèse est une étude conceptuelle examinant la structuration idiosyncrasique des criminels en col blanc ayant commis des fraudes financières se chiffrant à plusieurs dizaines de millions de dollars. Exploitant le croisement des deux dimensions fondamentales de l’agression, soit sa fonction (proactive ou réactive) et sa forme (directe ou indirecte), cette étude propose une taxonomie archétypique de différents types de psychopathie susceptible de mieux cerner la psychologie du criminel en col blanc d’envergure. L’agression est dite proactive lorsqu’elle est motivée par des impératifs de prédation indépendants de l’état émotionnel de l’individu. L’action de l’individu prédateur est intentionnelle et instrumentale. Elle vise l’atteinte d’objectifs préétablis avant l’actualisation de l’agression. Par contre, elle est considérée réactive lorsque la préservation de l’intégrité physique ou psychologique de l’individu est l’objet d’une menace émergeant de son environnement externe immédiat. Dans ce cas, la réaction agressive de l’individu est émotionnellement conditionnée. Par ailleurs, nonobstant la nature de sa fonction, l’agression peut s’exprimer directement ou indirectement. Elle est considérée directe lorsqu’elle a pour cible l’agressé en tant que tel. La forme physique d’agression peut être physique (sévices corporels) ou verbale (menaces et insultes). Par contre, lorsqu’elle emprunte des modes d’expression plus subtils, tels les rumeurs, l’humour malicieux et la tromperie, l’agression est dite indirecte. Le pairage des deux dimensions fondamentales de l’agression permet la construction d’un modèle d’analyse bidimensionnelle englobant quatre types de psychopathie, à savoir les psychopathies parasitique (préservation indirecte), colérique (préservation directe), cynégétique (prédation directe) et sympathique (prédation indirecte). C’est précisément cette dernière forme de psychopathie, le type sympathique caractérisé par un étaiement idiosyncrasique narcissico-machiavélique, qui traduit le mieux la psychologie des criminels en col blanc d’envergure. Enfin, le quatrième et dernier article de la présente thèse se propose d’explorer une problématique de recherche n’ayant reçu que très peu d’attention de la part des membres de la communauté scientifique, à savoir l’examen de l’adéquation d’un modèle dimensionnel du narcissisme pathologique inspiré du modèle développé par Roche, Pincus, Lukowitsky, Ménard et Conroy (2013). Au moyen d’une étude de cas exploratoire, il a été possible d’associer la vulnérabilité narcissique au segment décompensatoire (échec des stratégies inadaptées d’agrandissement de soi) du modèle théorique inspiré de celui de Roche et al. (2013) et ce, conformément à ses prescriptions. En effet, la comparaison des résultats de l’un des deux participants de l’étude, madame H, obtenus lors des deux saisies de données espacées d’un intervalle d’une année, indique une diminution de la vulnérabilité narcissique lors de la période de re-compensation. En outre, cette diminution est accompagnée de celle de la grandiosité narcissique. En somme, la relation positive entre les deux dimensions du narcissisme pathologique se révèle, sur un plan longitudinal, constante dans les deux segments – compensatoire (recours à des stratégies inadaptées d’agrandissement de soi) et décompensatoire – du modèle théorique inspiré de celui de Roche et al. (2013). Par ailleurs, les résultats obtenus auprès des deux participants à l’étude de cas, monsieur B et de madame H, s’avèrent éclairants eu égard à la prépondérance respective de chacune des dimensions (grandiosité et vulnérabilité) narcissiques en fonction des segments compensatoire et décompensatoire du modèle théorique inspiré de celui de Roche et al. (2013). Se trouvant en mode de compensation narcissique lors des deux saisies de données, monsieur B affiche une grandiosité narcissique supérieure à sa vulnérabilité narcissique. Cette constatation respecte en tous points les prescriptions théoriques du modèle. Quant à madame H, qu’elle soit en mode de compensation ou de décompensation narcissique (postulat non démontré eu égard aux prescriptions du modèle théorique utilisé), sa vulnérabilité narcissique demeure constamment plus élevée que sa grandiosité narcissique. Théoriquement, selon les prescriptions du modèle, la prépondérance devrait être observée chez la dimension « grandiosité narcissique » en période de compensation. De toute évidence, les données obtenues auprès de madame H s’écartent de ces prescriptions. / The first article of the thesis offers a systematic review of the empirical data highlighting the precursors to the emergence of narcissistic leadership in organizations, its psychological components, as well as its impact on both organizations and their members. Accordingly, this study begins by compiling a detailed list of the main idiosyncratic, cultural, environmental and structural factors at play in the manifestation of narcissistic leadership in organizations. It then explores their nature by identifying the existence of five psychological components: charisma, self-interested influence, deceptive motivation, intellectual inhibition and simulated consideration. Finally, it underscores the negative consequences of the emergence of narcissistic leadership, including, notably: the production of volatile and risky decision making; the creation of a toxic organizational climate; the destruction of subordinates’ trust; the degradation of organizational effectiveness; the emergence of dysfunctional management; and the manifestation of unethical behaviour. The second article proposes a comparative analysis of two types of leadership that appear at first glance to be deceptively similar. These two types of leadership are transformational leadership and narcissistic leadership. Although diametrically opposed in terms of the satisfaction of needs (idealized influence versus self-interested influence), the promotion of visions (inspirational motivation versus deceptive motivation), the receptiveness to feedback (intellectual stimulation versus intellectual inhibition) and the treatment of interpersonal relations (individualized consideration versus simulated consideration), transformational and narcissistic leadership share a common element: the charisma of the leader. This charisma places a powerful, magnetic halo on the head of the leader and it is precisely this characteristic that is the crucible of the deceptive attractiveness of narcissistic leadership that is felt upon the very first contact with the leader. In fact, the narcissistic leader’s charisma serves as a sort of mask that combines charm and fascination to conceal a disappointing psychological reality and whose attractive qualities quickly fall away. The third article of the thesis is a conceptual study of the idiosyncratic patterns of white-collar criminals who have committed fraud in the tens of millions of dollars. Based on the intersection of the two basic dimensions of aggression – i.e., its function (proactive or reactive) and its form (direct or indirect), this study proposes an archetypal taxonomy of the different types of psychopathy with a view to gaining a better understanding of the psychology of large-scale white-collar criminals. Aggression is said to be proactive when it is motivated by predatory imperatives that are independent of the individual’s emotional state. The action taken by the predatory individual is intentional and instrumental. Its aim is to meet predetermined objectives prior to the actualization of the aggressive behaviour. On the other hand, it is considered reactive when the preservation of the individual’s physical or psychological integrity is threatened by the immediate, external environment. In this case, the individual’s aggressive reaction is emotionally conditioned. Moreover, notwithstanding the nature of its function, aggression can be expressed directly or indirectly. It is considered direct when it targets the victim specifically. The form of the aggression can be physical (bodily injury) or verbal (threats and insults). On the other hand, when it is expressed in more subtle forms, such as rumours, malicious jokes and deception, the aggression is said to be indirect. Pairing the two main dimensions of aggression allows for the construction of a two-dimensional model of analysis encompassing four types of psychopathy, namely: parasitic psychopathy (indirect preservation), choleric psychopathy (direct preservation), cynegetic psychopathy (direct predation) and sympathetic psychopathy (indirect predation). It is precisely this last form of psychopathy – the sympathetic form characterized by a narcissistic and Machiavellian underpinnings idiosyncratic – that best reflects the psychology of large-scale white-collar criminals. Finally, the fourth and last article of this thesis proposes to explore a research problem that has received very little attention from members of the scientific community, namely how adequate is a dimensional model of pathological narcissism based on the model developed by Roche, Pincus, Lukowitsky, Ménard and Conroy (2013). On the basis of exploratory case study, it was possible to link narcissistic vulnerability to decompensatory segment (failure of maladaptive self-enhancement strategies) of this model. This linkage conforms to the hypothesis of the model. Indeed, the results of one of two study participants, Ms. H, indicate a decrease of narcissistic vulnerability in the re-compensatory period. Furthermore, this decrease is accompanied by a decrease of narcissistic grandiosity. In others words, on a one year longitudinal plane, the positive relationship between the two dimensions (narcissistic grandiosity and vulnerability) of pathological narcissism is found to be constant in two segments – compensation (use of maladaptive self-enhancement strategies) and decompensation – of the theoretical model based on the model of Roche et al. (2013). Moreover, the results for two study participants, Mr. B and Ms. H, prove to be enlightening according to respective preponderance of each narcissistic dimension of theoretical model based on the model developed by of Roche et al. (2013). In tests in 2012 and in 2013, Mr. B displays greater narcissistic grandiosity greater than narcissistic vulnerability, and was deemed to be in compensatory mode. This observation conforms to the hypothesis of the model. As for Ms. H, her narcissistic vulnerability remains consistently much higher than her narcissistic grandiosity. Theoretically, whether she is in narcissistic compensatory or decompensatory mode (unproven assumption in view of the theoretical model used), narcissistic vulnerability should only be dominant in the period of decompensation. Obviously, the results of Ms. H do not conform to the model.

Dispositifs orioplastiques pour des jeunes en souffrances d’exclusion : nouvelles perspectives de medium malléable dans la clinique du social ? / Orioplastic settings for young people suffering from exclusion related psychological troubles : new perspectives for pliable medium in clinical social psychology ?

Demetriades, Christakis 23 September 2011 (has links)
Sur la scène de l’insertion se réactiveraient et se déploieraient les souffrances d’exclusion de certains jeunes, « souffrances narcissiques et identitaires » (R. Roussillon) qui révéleraient un « collapsus topique » (C. Janin) entre les « espaces du lien inter et trans-subjectif et l’espace intra-psychique » (R. Kaës).Le clinicien est alors invité à proposer des dispositifs cliniques susceptibles de libérer la scène de l’insertion des effets mortifères de la répétition traumatique.A partir d’un travail clinique de 20 ans au sein des Missions Locales pour l’insertion des jeunes, qui accueillent tous les ans plus de 1.2 millions de jeunes en France, l’auteur propose la mise en place de dispositifs orioplastiques au sein de ces institutions. Il emprunte à la plasticienne A.Stella la notion d’ « orioplastie », qui associe le grec orio (limite) et plastie, du grec ancien plassein (façonner, mouler), aux origines d’une qualité, la plasticité, la malléabilité. Il étudie trois dispositifs étroitement articulés, un dispositif individuel et deux groupaux et tend à dégager à la fois leurs caractéristiques, en matière d’espace et de temps, qui leur conféreraient une qualité de « medium malléable » (R. Roussillon, M. Milner) et les processus qu’ils permettraient de déployer en matière de « double travail psychique de liaison » (C. Vacheret), en référence à la « double limite » d’ A. Green.Il ouvre ainsi la question d’une éventuelle nouvelle étape de la psychiatrie publique, qui consisterait à se déployer dans les institutions du social et de l’insertion, afin de contribuer à une meilleure prise en compte des questions de la précarité et de l’exclusion, et pose les questions des conditions d’exercice et des limites de ce travail. / The social and professional integration process appears to reactivate exclusion related psychological troubles, defined as the « narcissistic disturbances of the sense of identity » (R. Roussillon) revealing a « topical collapse » (C. Janin) between the « the inter- and trans-subjective and the intra-psychic spaces » (R. Kaës). The role of the clinical psychologist is to propose clinical settings capable of ridding this process of the negative effects of traumatic repetition.The author, based on 20 years of clinical experience in Missions Locales, social structures for reintegration which welcome more than 1.2 million young people in France every year, proposes the deployment in these institutions of orioplastic settings. The notion of « orioplasty » is borrowed from the artist A.Stella who derives the terms from the Greek words orio (limit) and plassein (to shape or mold). The study of three tightly linked protocols, one for individuals and two for groups, simultaneously highlights their characteristics involving space and time, conferring them with the quality of a « pliable medium » (R. Roussillon, M. Milner), and the processes, both psychological and social, involving a « dual mental linking process » (C. Vacheret), in reference to the « double limit » of A. Green, that they permit to establish.Thus, the author raises the question of a new stage in public sector psychiatry which would consist of going into the institutions of social integration in order to better take into account the problems of social insecurity and exclusion, and addresses the question of the conditions and the limits involved in this new approach.

Jeux et enjeux de la violence infantile : pour une métapsychologie du geste / "Infantil violence" : plays and issues : for a metapsychology of the gesture

Durozard, Claire 29 September 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse explore la clinique de l’enfant violent au travers du concept de « violence infantile » qui permet d’en dégager toutes les potentialités et de maintenir un regard créatif sur les « cliniques de l’extrême ». Loin de défendre un point de vue innéiste ou déficitaire, cette thèse envisage le recours à l’acte violent, chez des enfants présentant des troubles de la personnalité « narcissiques-identitaires », comme le témoin des faillites précoces de l’organisation du narcissisme. Au-delà de ses aspects manifestes, la « violence infantile » constitue donc un organisateur central des pathologies narcissiques dont nous retrouvons les traces jusque dans la vie adulte. Son articulation avec le geste explore la manière dont l’enfant a pu trouver à organiser sa vie pulsionnelle au contact de l’objet maternel. En lieu et place du jeu de la destructivité, l’enfant a fait l’expérience d’une destruction. La thèse envisage les destins du geste spontané confronté à un environnement qui ne s’est pas laissé utiliser. La « violence infantile » témoigne d’un jeu de bébé qui aurait dégénéré, elle est envisagée comme une tentative d’exploration de la psyché de l’objet. Cela implique des remaniements du cadre et de la posture du clinicien, qui l’engagent corporellement, condition nécessaire pour qu’une symbolisation des enjeux précoces contenus dans la « violence infantile » puisse avoir lieu. / In this thesis, the violent child’s clinical exploration is questionned using the concept of « infantile violence », which allows us to extract all the potentialities and to maintain a creative view on the extreme situations of subjectivity. In this work, children with serious personality disorder using violent acts are considered as witnesses of early failures of narcissistic organization. « Infantile violence » constitutes a central organizer of the narcissistic pathologies whose traces may be found in the adult state. His articulation with the gesture explores the way by which the child has organized his instinctual life in contact with the maternal object. In state of playing destructivity the child has experimented destruction.This work discusses the destiny of a spontaneous gesture which is confronted by an environment that does not allow for it to be used. « Infantile violence » shows a baby’s play that could have been degenerated, it is seen as an attempt to explore the object’s psyche. These facts involve revisions of setting and clinician’s posture. This leads him to a corporal engagement which is a necessary condition to allow an infantile violence symbolization.

O pai e seu filho surdo: um olhar psicanalítico

Marzolla, Ana Cristina 26 October 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:37:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana Cristina Marzolla.pdf: 943080 bytes, checksum: 1ba24f4ff2eb81d6f0ee728fea3e59cd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-10-26 / A series of psychoanalysis studious that have dealt with the question of the relationship of parents with a child who has some disability, pointed to the difficulty of access to the father by child, and also that the kind of relationship that the mother establishes with the disabled child makes impossible any human projection over this. This means that the father the man is affected differently? There are few studies about the relationship of the father with the deaf son. It s possible to say that there is deafness to the speech of the father, and this way is legitimated that the child, in the case, deaf, is a son (daughter) of the mother. This study aims to give voice to the famer and enable a listening, so it can dismantle some preconceptions about him, more specifically, about his absence. Interviews were made with three listener parents with a deaf son (daughter) of different groups, in order to verify whether or not happening in elaborative-significant changes in the male genitors psychic world derived from a longer period of preparation of the narcissistic wound set up by the imperfection of the child. The work follows the models of a clinical-qualitative research and the analysis of the collected data was made from a psychoanalytical reference. It became well obvious that the participating parents closely monitor their sons (daughters), but because of the narcissistic uproar caused by the detection of the deafness of him (her), they feel at fault with the child. Moreover, there was evidence of some difficulty in the aim to fulfill the ban on fusional ties mother-deaf child / Uma série de estudiosos da psicanálise que se ocuparam com a questão da relação dos pais com um filho que apresenta alguma deficiência, apontou para a dificuldade de acesso ao pai pela criança, e também que o tipo de relação que a mãe estabelece com o filho deficiente torna impossível qualquer projeção humana sobre este. Isto significa que o pai o homem , é afetado de forma diferente? Há poucos estudos sobre a relação do pai com o filho surdo. Pode-se dizer que há uma surdez para a fala do pai, e desta forma fica legitimado que a criança, no caso, surda, é filha da mãe. Este estudo objetiva dar voz ao pai e possibilitar uma escuta, para que se possam desmontar algumas preconcepções em relação a ele, mais especificamente, sobre sua ausência. Foram realizadas entrevistas-consultas com três pais ouvintes com filho(a) surdo(a) de faixas etárias diferentes, no intuito de verificar se aconteciam ou não modificações elaborativo-significativas no mundo psíquico dos genitores masculinos, oriundas de um período mais longo de elaboração da ferida narcísica instaurada pela imperfeição do filho. O trabalho segue os moldes de uma pesquisa clínico-qualitativa e a análise dos dados levantados foi feita a partir de referencial psicanalítico. Ficou bem evidenciado que os pais participantes acompanham de perto seu (sua) filho(a), mas, em função do abalo narcísico provocado pela detecção da surdez desse(a), sentem-se em falta com o(a) filho(a). Além disso, evidenciou-se certa dificuldade no sentido de cumprirem a interdição de laços fusionais mãe-filho(a) surdo(a)

O medo e os vínculos sociais no Brasil / The fear and social links in Brazil

Durand, Marina 10 June 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T20:21:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 o medo e os vinculos sociais no brasil.pdf: 1006706 bytes, checksum: f6cb177b7ba54a36ecdf1f4afe47bb70 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-06-10 / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo / The subject matter of this study is the link between unequal persons; organized by command-obedience relationships so as to configure the terms dominant-dominated. The link is a notion that embraces simultaneously the social relationships and the psychical process underneath them; thus it s a useful theoretical tool when the matter of the investigation are psychosocial processes. The analysis of command-obedience relationships points to the presence of elements of paternalistic culture, even in openly capitalist work relationships. The effects of this culture hit the worker s subjectivity, making more complex the effort to fight for his rights. Workers oscillate between two forms of ordination of the link; the moral one, keen to the paternalistic culture, alternates with the interest-aimed ordination, proper of the capitalist means of production. One can observe how the ideology of the work system uses emotional disposition and traditional significants in order to achieve its profit goals. There s a special interest in following some of the effects or paternalistic culture on social life, such as: the difficulty to exert authority even when one is entitled to, to stand for one s rights and to cope with corrupt authorities. There are also the subjective effects, specially the paranoid feeling, the threat represented by autonomy issues and the lowering of self-esteem, resulting of narcissistic gaps associated to the lack of public property sense. To identify with one s aggressor implies living with a negative sense of one s own ideal. One consequence is self-rejection, experienced by Brazilians as a rule. I suggest there are structural conflicts both in our subjectivity and bidding, leading us to live as first and second rate people; the answers are manifold, but each one will have to deal with this question his own way. Brazil is a name that lives within us, and the place where we live. The way by which the law is enforced by many authorities who don t represent it, but end up substituting it, intensifies the echoes of paternalistic culture. The thesis outline starts from a nucleus: the analysis of work relations among damaged workers in order to identify the processes that lead to work accidents. Furthermore, it seeks to mesurate work relations as relationships between dominant and subaltern classes, pervaded by mistrust . The social status of dependency and the subjection bond are also common terms to both situations, the enduring repressed element is the wish for autonomy, to be one s own person as opposite to be the one who serves. The analysis of the praxis from professional members of the public health system indicates the construction of a psychical and ideological organization with premises that are distinct from paternalism. Therefore, the other won t represent an opportunity to demonstrate some sort of superiority but a chance to offer the better one has to offer instead. This reciprocity might establish links, which are less sadist-masochist and more in agreement to the genital organization of the libido, that is to say, fertile to both. The diference, in this case, has no qualities added / A matéria deste estudo é o vínculo entre desiguais, organizado por relações de mando-obediência de forma a configurar os termos dominante-dominado. O vínculo é uma noção que abrange simultaneamente a relação social e o processo psíquico a ela subjacente, por isso é um instrumento teórico útil quando o interesse da investigação são processos psicossociais. A análise das relações de mando-obediência indica a presença de elementos da cultura paternalista, mesmo em relações de trabalho francamente capitalistas. Os efeitos desta cultura atingem a subjetividade do trabalhador tornando mais complexo o esforço de lutar por seus interesses. Os operários oscilam entre duas formas de ordenação do vínculo; a ordenação moral, própria da cultura paternalista, se alterna com a ordenação por interesse, própria do modo capitalista de produção. Observamos como a ideologia da organização de trabalho utiliza as disposições emocionais e significantes tradicionais para melhor realizar seus objetivos de lucro. É de especial interesse acompanhar alguns dos efeitos da cultura paternalista sobre a vida social, como a dificuldade para autorizar-se diante do que se tem efetivamente autoridade, fazer valer direitos e conviver com autoridades corruptas. Há também os efeitos sobre a subjetividade, em especial o sentimento paranóide, a ameaça que representa formas de autonomia, o rebaixamento da auto-estima, resultado de falhas narcísicas associadas à carência de sentido do que é público. A identificação com o agressor coloca o problema de vivermos com um ideal cujo sentido é negativo em relação ao sujeito. Uma conseqüência é a rejeição do brasileiro por ele mesmo. Sugiro haver conflitos estruturantes da nossa subjetividade e dos vínculos, levando-nos a viver como gente de primeira e de segunda; as respostas são diversas, mas cada um terá de se haver com esta questão. Brasil é um nome que nos habita e que habitamos. A maneira como se pratica a lei, em que muitas vezes a autoridade não a representa, mas acaba por substituí-la intensifica as ressonâncias da cultura paternalista. O desenho da tese é partir de um núcleo: análise das relações de trabalho com trabalhadores acidentados para identificar os processos que conduzem ao acidente de trabalho. A seguir, dimensionar a relação de trabalho como relação entre classes dominantes e subalternas, permeia a essas relações a suspeição. A condição social de dependência e o vínculo de sujeição também são termos comuns a ambas situações, o elemento que permanece reprimido é a ânsia por autonomia, ser par si em contraposição ser para servir. A análise da práxis de profissionais da rede pública de saúde indica a construção de uma organização psíquica e ideológica com pressupostos distintos dos paternalistas, de forma que o outro não seja ocasião para demonstrar uma superioridade qualquer , mas de oferecer a ele o que se tem de melhor, construindo, com reciprocidade, um vínculo com menos características sado-masoquistas e mais em conformidade com a organização genital da libido, ou seja, fecundo para ambos. A diferença, no caso, não tem adjetivação

O medo e os vínculos sociais no Brasil / The fear and social links in Brazil

Durand, Marina 10 June 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T14:56:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 o medo e os vinculos sociais no brasil.pdf: 1006706 bytes, checksum: f6cb177b7ba54a36ecdf1f4afe47bb70 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-06-10 / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo / The subject matter of this study is the link between unequal persons; organized by command-obedience relationships so as to configure the terms dominant-dominated. The link is a notion that embraces simultaneously the social relationships and the psychical process underneath them; thus it s a useful theoretical tool when the matter of the investigation are psychosocial processes. The analysis of command-obedience relationships points to the presence of elements of paternalistic culture, even in openly capitalist work relationships. The effects of this culture hit the worker s subjectivity, making more complex the effort to fight for his rights. Workers oscillate between two forms of ordination of the link; the moral one, keen to the paternalistic culture, alternates with the interest-aimed ordination, proper of the capitalist means of production. One can observe how the ideology of the work system uses emotional disposition and traditional significants in order to achieve its profit goals. There s a special interest in following some of the effects or paternalistic culture on social life, such as: the difficulty to exert authority even when one is entitled to, to stand for one s rights and to cope with corrupt authorities. There are also the subjective effects, specially the paranoid feeling, the threat represented by autonomy issues and the lowering of self-esteem, resulting of narcissistic gaps associated to the lack of public property sense. To identify with one s aggressor implies living with a negative sense of one s own ideal. One consequence is self-rejection, experienced by Brazilians as a rule. I suggest there are structural conflicts both in our subjectivity and bidding, leading us to live as first and second rate people; the answers are manifold, but each one will have to deal with this question his own way. Brazil is a name that lives within us, and the place where we live. The way by which the law is enforced by many authorities who don t represent it, but end up substituting it, intensifies the echoes of paternalistic culture. The thesis outline starts from a nucleus: the analysis of work relations among damaged workers in order to identify the processes that lead to work accidents. Furthermore, it seeks to mesurate work relations as relationships between dominant and subaltern classes, pervaded by mistrust . The social status of dependency and the subjection bond are also common terms to both situations, the enduring repressed element is the wish for autonomy, to be one s own person as opposite to be the one who serves. The analysis of the praxis from professional members of the public health system indicates the construction of a psychical and ideological organization with premises that are distinct from paternalism. Therefore, the other won t represent an opportunity to demonstrate some sort of superiority but a chance to offer the better one has to offer instead. This reciprocity might establish links, which are less sadist-masochist and more in agreement to the genital organization of the libido, that is to say, fertile to both. The diference, in this case, has no qualities added / A matéria deste estudo é o vínculo entre desiguais, organizado por relações de mando-obediência de forma a configurar os termos dominante-dominado. O vínculo é uma noção que abrange simultaneamente a relação social e o processo psíquico a ela subjacente, por isso é um instrumento teórico útil quando o interesse da investigação são processos psicossociais. A análise das relações de mando-obediência indica a presença de elementos da cultura paternalista, mesmo em relações de trabalho francamente capitalistas. Os efeitos desta cultura atingem a subjetividade do trabalhador tornando mais complexo o esforço de lutar por seus interesses. Os operários oscilam entre duas formas de ordenação do vínculo; a ordenação moral, própria da cultura paternalista, se alterna com a ordenação por interesse, própria do modo capitalista de produção. Observamos como a ideologia da organização de trabalho utiliza as disposições emocionais e significantes tradicionais para melhor realizar seus objetivos de lucro. É de especial interesse acompanhar alguns dos efeitos da cultura paternalista sobre a vida social, como a dificuldade para autorizar-se diante do que se tem efetivamente autoridade, fazer valer direitos e conviver com autoridades corruptas. Há também os efeitos sobre a subjetividade, em especial o sentimento paranóide, a ameaça que representa formas de autonomia, o rebaixamento da auto-estima, resultado de falhas narcísicas associadas à carência de sentido do que é público. A identificação com o agressor coloca o problema de vivermos com um ideal cujo sentido é negativo em relação ao sujeito. Uma conseqüência é a rejeição do brasileiro por ele mesmo. Sugiro haver conflitos estruturantes da nossa subjetividade e dos vínculos, levando-nos a viver como gente de primeira e de segunda; as respostas são diversas, mas cada um terá de se haver com esta questão. Brasil é um nome que nos habita e que habitamos. A maneira como se pratica a lei, em que muitas vezes a autoridade não a representa, mas acaba por substituí-la intensifica as ressonâncias da cultura paternalista. O desenho da tese é partir de um núcleo: análise das relações de trabalho com trabalhadores acidentados para identificar os processos que conduzem ao acidente de trabalho. A seguir, dimensionar a relação de trabalho como relação entre classes dominantes e subalternas, permeia a essas relações a suspeição. A condição social de dependência e o vínculo de sujeição também são termos comuns a ambas situações, o elemento que permanece reprimido é a ânsia por autonomia, ser par si em contraposição ser para servir. A análise da práxis de profissionais da rede pública de saúde indica a construção de uma organização psíquica e ideológica com pressupostos distintos dos paternalistas, de forma que o outro não seja ocasião para demonstrar uma superioridade qualquer , mas de oferecer a ele o que se tem de melhor, construindo, com reciprocidade, um vínculo com menos características sado-masoquistas e mais em conformidade com a organização genital da libido, ou seja, fecundo para ambos. A diferença, no caso, não tem adjetivação

A dicção ensaístico-ficcional do personagem-escritor na narrativa brasileira contemporânea / The essay-fictional diction of the character-writer in the contemporary Brazilian narrative

CAMARGO, Flávio Pereira 24 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T16:29:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FLAVIO PEREIRA CAMARGO.pdf: 1480039 bytes, checksum: 36569b5479da5d28b954010a35fed89b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-24 / In our research, we propose initially to rescue some of the current trends of contemporary Brazilian prose fiction in order to introduce the reader to some of its main lines of force, especially a metafictional narrative, produced in the late twentieth century and early twenty-first century. To accomplish this bibliographical study, we chose to divide it into two parts. In the first part, entitled A narrativa brasileira contemporânea, comprising two chapters, we have made some considerations about the concept of contemporary literature, as we did a rescue of the critical reception of Brazilian literature produced in recent decades, followed by an extensive discussion on the issues constituent of metafictional narrative. In the second part, titled A encenação do fazer literário na prosa de ficção brasileira contemporânea, we propose to effectively analyze narrative and discursive strategies employed by Sérgio Sant'Anna, Antonio Fernando Borges and Rubem Fonseca in the preparation of his metafictional novels, respectively: Um crime delicado (1997), Braz, Quincas & Cia (2002), e Diário de um fescenino (2003), dedicating to each of these works a specific chapter in which we seek to highlight the discursive and narrative strategies employed by the authors in the construction process and elaboration of his novels, in order to explain the different manifestations of the contemporary metafictional narrative. / Em nossa pesquisa, nos propomos, inicialmente, a resgatar algumas das tendências da prosa de ficção brasileira contemporânea com o objetivo de apresentar ao leitor algumas de suas principais linhas de força, com destaque para a narrativa metaficcional, produzida no final do século XX e início do século XXI. Para realizar esse estudo de cunho bibliográfico, optamos por dividi-lo em duas partes. Na primeira parte, intitulada A narrativa brasileira contemporânea, composta por dois capítulos, tecemos algumas considerações acerca do conceito de contemporâneo em literatura, assim como faremos um resgate da recepção crítica da literatura brasileira produzida nas últimas décadas, seguido de uma ampla discussão sobre os aspectos constitutivos da narrativa metaficcional. Na segunda parte, intitulada A encenação do fazer literário na prosa de ficção brasileira contemporânea, nos propomos a analisar efetivamente as estratégias narrativas e discursivas empregadas por Sérgio Sant Anna, Antonio Fernando Borges e Rubem Fonseca na elaboração de seus romances metaficcionais, respectivamente: Um crime delicado (1997), Braz, Quincas & Cia (2002), e Diário de um fescenino (2003), dedicando a cada uma dessas obras um capítulo específico nos quais procuramos evidenciar as estratégias narrativas e discursivas empregadas pelos autores no processo de construção e de elaboração de seus romances, de modo a explicitar as distintas manifestações da narrativa metaficcional na contemporaneidade.

The role of narcissistic entitlement, right-wing authoritarianism, social dominance orientation, conformity to masculine gender norms, and religious orientation in the prediction of prejudice toward lesbians and gay men

Adelman, Andrew Lee 15 October 2013 (has links)
This study introduces narcissistic entitlement as a correlate of homonegative attitudes and behaviors and examines the relative strength of relations along with established correlates of right-wing authoritarianism (RWA), social dominance orientation (SDO), conformity with masculine norms, and intrinsic religious orientation. It also tests the role of negative attitudes towards lesbian women and gay men (ATLG) in mediating the relationship between the predictor variables and gay- and lesbian-rejecting and affirming behaviors. Implications for what these findings may offer psychologists are discussed, as are ways findings may inform the political process. Earlier studies support the link between entitlement and homonegativity (Exline, et al., 2004). Narcissism was positively related to dominance, neuroticism, social anxiety, and more aggressive/sadistic and rebellious/distrustful interpersonal styles (Emmons, 1984). Entitled narcissists are quick to take offense (McCullough, et al., 2003), externalize blame (Campbell, et al., 2000), and derogate or attack those who provide ego-threatening feedback or social rejection (Bushman, et al., 2003; Konrath, et al., 2006). Entitlement increases the risk of the narcissist becoming prone to hostile and reactive aggression and extreme violence, even without an ego-threat (Bushman, et al., 2003; Reidy, et al., 2008). Participants were recruited through the Department of Educational Psychology subject pool and data was collected by online survey. Given the focus on heterosexual men's attitudes toward lesbian women and gay men, participants were excluded from analysis if they identified as female, bisexual, or homosexual. Results indicated that entitlement, RWA, and intrinsic religiosity, but not conformity to masculine norms or SDO, were related uniquely to ATLG. ATLG was also related uniquely with measures of behavior, positively to gay- and lesbian-rejecting behaviors, and negatively with gay- and lesbian-affirming behaviors. ATLG was found to significantly mediate the links of entitlement and RWA with lesbian- and gay-rejecting behaviors. Results also indicated that the indirect link of intrinsic religious orientation with lesbian- and gay-rejecting behaviors was significant. Additionally, ATLG significantly mediated the links of entitlement with lesbian- and gay-affirming behaviors. Such an examination advances research and practice by identifying unique correlates of homonegative attitudes and the mechanisms through which they are related to lesbian- and gay-rejecting and -affirming behaviors. / text

Psychologie des leaders narcissiques organisationnels

Ouimet, Gérard 04 1900 (has links)
Résumé Le premier article de la thèse se veut une revue systématique des données empiriques mettant en lumière les antécédents à la base de l’émergence du leadership narcissique dans les organisations, ses composantes psychologiques ainsi que ses incidences tant pour les organisations que pour leurs membres. Conséquemment, cette étude brosse initialement une recension détaillée des principaux facteurs idiosyncrasiques, culturels, environnementaux et structurels participant à la manifestation du leadership narcissique dans les organisations. Par la suite, elle en sonde la teneur en isolant l’existence de cinq composantes psychologiques, soit le charisme, l’influence intéressée, la motivation fallacieuse, l’inhibition intellectuelle et la considération simulée. Enfin, elle souligne les conséquences négatives de son actualisation dont les principales sont : la production de prises de décisions volatiles et risquées; la création d’un climat organisationnel toxique; la destruction de la confiance des subordonnés; la détérioration de l’efficacité organisationnelle; l’émergence d’une gestion dysfonctionnelle; et la manifestation de comportements non-éthiques. Le deuxième article s’avère une analyse comparative de deux types de leadership se révélant, de prime abord, trompeusement analogues. Ces deux types sont le leadership transformationnel et le leadership narcissique. Quoique se situant aux antipodes en matière de satisfaction de besoins (influence idéalisée versus influence intéressée), de promotion de visions (motivation inspirationnelle versus motivation fallacieuse), de réceptivité à la rétroaction d’autrui (stimulation intellectuelle versus inhibition intellectuelle) et de traitement des relations interpersonnelles (considération individualisée versus considération simulée), les leaderships transformationnel et narcissique partagent entre eux un élément commun : le charisme du leader. C’est précisément cette dernière caractéristique, conférant à son détenteur un puissant halo magnétisant, qui se révèle le creuset de la spéciosité du leadership narcissique opérant essentiellement lors des tout premiers contacts avec le leader. En fait, le charisme du leader narcissique sert en quelque sorte de fard, composé de charme et de fascination, masquant une décevante réalité psychologique et dont les propriétés captieuses s’étiolent rapidement. Le troisième article de la thèse est une étude conceptuelle examinant la structuration idiosyncrasique des criminels en col blanc ayant commis des fraudes financières se chiffrant à plusieurs dizaines de millions de dollars. Exploitant le croisement des deux dimensions fondamentales de l’agression, soit sa fonction (proactive ou réactive) et sa forme (directe ou indirecte), cette étude propose une taxonomie archétypique de différents types de psychopathie susceptible de mieux cerner la psychologie du criminel en col blanc d’envergure. L’agression est dite proactive lorsqu’elle est motivée par des impératifs de prédation indépendants de l’état émotionnel de l’individu. L’action de l’individu prédateur est intentionnelle et instrumentale. Elle vise l’atteinte d’objectifs préétablis avant l’actualisation de l’agression. Par contre, elle est considérée réactive lorsque la préservation de l’intégrité physique ou psychologique de l’individu est l’objet d’une menace émergeant de son environnement externe immédiat. Dans ce cas, la réaction agressive de l’individu est émotionnellement conditionnée. Par ailleurs, nonobstant la nature de sa fonction, l’agression peut s’exprimer directement ou indirectement. Elle est considérée directe lorsqu’elle a pour cible l’agressé en tant que tel. La forme physique d’agression peut être physique (sévices corporels) ou verbale (menaces et insultes). Par contre, lorsqu’elle emprunte des modes d’expression plus subtils, tels les rumeurs, l’humour malicieux et la tromperie, l’agression est dite indirecte. Le pairage des deux dimensions fondamentales de l’agression permet la construction d’un modèle d’analyse bidimensionnelle englobant quatre types de psychopathie, à savoir les psychopathies parasitique (préservation indirecte), colérique (préservation directe), cynégétique (prédation directe) et sympathique (prédation indirecte). C’est précisément cette dernière forme de psychopathie, le type sympathique caractérisé par un étaiement idiosyncrasique narcissico-machiavélique, qui traduit le mieux la psychologie des criminels en col blanc d’envergure. Enfin, le quatrième et dernier article de la présente thèse se propose d’explorer une problématique de recherche n’ayant reçu que très peu d’attention de la part des membres de la communauté scientifique, à savoir l’examen de l’adéquation d’un modèle dimensionnel du narcissisme pathologique inspiré du modèle développé par Roche, Pincus, Lukowitsky, Ménard et Conroy (2013). Au moyen d’une étude de cas exploratoire, il a été possible d’associer la vulnérabilité narcissique au segment décompensatoire (échec des stratégies inadaptées d’agrandissement de soi) du modèle théorique inspiré de celui de Roche et al. (2013) et ce, conformément à ses prescriptions. En effet, la comparaison des résultats de l’un des deux participants de l’étude, madame H, obtenus lors des deux saisies de données espacées d’un intervalle d’une année, indique une diminution de la vulnérabilité narcissique lors de la période de re-compensation. En outre, cette diminution est accompagnée de celle de la grandiosité narcissique. En somme, la relation positive entre les deux dimensions du narcissisme pathologique se révèle, sur un plan longitudinal, constante dans les deux segments – compensatoire (recours à des stratégies inadaptées d’agrandissement de soi) et décompensatoire – du modèle théorique inspiré de celui de Roche et al. (2013). Par ailleurs, les résultats obtenus auprès des deux participants à l’étude de cas, monsieur B et de madame H, s’avèrent éclairants eu égard à la prépondérance respective de chacune des dimensions (grandiosité et vulnérabilité) narcissiques en fonction des segments compensatoire et décompensatoire du modèle théorique inspiré de celui de Roche et al. (2013). Se trouvant en mode de compensation narcissique lors des deux saisies de données, monsieur B affiche une grandiosité narcissique supérieure à sa vulnérabilité narcissique. Cette constatation respecte en tous points les prescriptions théoriques du modèle. Quant à madame H, qu’elle soit en mode de compensation ou de décompensation narcissique (postulat non démontré eu égard aux prescriptions du modèle théorique utilisé), sa vulnérabilité narcissique demeure constamment plus élevée que sa grandiosité narcissique. Théoriquement, selon les prescriptions du modèle, la prépondérance devrait être observée chez la dimension « grandiosité narcissique » en période de compensation. De toute évidence, les données obtenues auprès de madame H s’écartent de ces prescriptions. / The first article of the thesis offers a systematic review of the empirical data highlighting the precursors to the emergence of narcissistic leadership in organizations, its psychological components, as well as its impact on both organizations and their members. Accordingly, this study begins by compiling a detailed list of the main idiosyncratic, cultural, environmental and structural factors at play in the manifestation of narcissistic leadership in organizations. It then explores their nature by identifying the existence of five psychological components: charisma, self-interested influence, deceptive motivation, intellectual inhibition and simulated consideration. Finally, it underscores the negative consequences of the emergence of narcissistic leadership, including, notably: the production of volatile and risky decision making; the creation of a toxic organizational climate; the destruction of subordinates’ trust; the degradation of organizational effectiveness; the emergence of dysfunctional management; and the manifestation of unethical behaviour. The second article proposes a comparative analysis of two types of leadership that appear at first glance to be deceptively similar. These two types of leadership are transformational leadership and narcissistic leadership. Although diametrically opposed in terms of the satisfaction of needs (idealized influence versus self-interested influence), the promotion of visions (inspirational motivation versus deceptive motivation), the receptiveness to feedback (intellectual stimulation versus intellectual inhibition) and the treatment of interpersonal relations (individualized consideration versus simulated consideration), transformational and narcissistic leadership share a common element: the charisma of the leader. This charisma places a powerful, magnetic halo on the head of the leader and it is precisely this characteristic that is the crucible of the deceptive attractiveness of narcissistic leadership that is felt upon the very first contact with the leader. In fact, the narcissistic leader’s charisma serves as a sort of mask that combines charm and fascination to conceal a disappointing psychological reality and whose attractive qualities quickly fall away. The third article of the thesis is a conceptual study of the idiosyncratic patterns of white-collar criminals who have committed fraud in the tens of millions of dollars. Based on the intersection of the two basic dimensions of aggression – i.e., its function (proactive or reactive) and its form (direct or indirect), this study proposes an archetypal taxonomy of the different types of psychopathy with a view to gaining a better understanding of the psychology of large-scale white-collar criminals. Aggression is said to be proactive when it is motivated by predatory imperatives that are independent of the individual’s emotional state. The action taken by the predatory individual is intentional and instrumental. Its aim is to meet predetermined objectives prior to the actualization of the aggressive behaviour. On the other hand, it is considered reactive when the preservation of the individual’s physical or psychological integrity is threatened by the immediate, external environment. In this case, the individual’s aggressive reaction is emotionally conditioned. Moreover, notwithstanding the nature of its function, aggression can be expressed directly or indirectly. It is considered direct when it targets the victim specifically. The form of the aggression can be physical (bodily injury) or verbal (threats and insults). On the other hand, when it is expressed in more subtle forms, such as rumours, malicious jokes and deception, the aggression is said to be indirect. Pairing the two main dimensions of aggression allows for the construction of a two-dimensional model of analysis encompassing four types of psychopathy, namely: parasitic psychopathy (indirect preservation), choleric psychopathy (direct preservation), cynegetic psychopathy (direct predation) and sympathetic psychopathy (indirect predation). It is precisely this last form of psychopathy – the sympathetic form characterized by a narcissistic and Machiavellian underpinnings idiosyncratic – that best reflects the psychology of large-scale white-collar criminals. Finally, the fourth and last article of this thesis proposes to explore a research problem that has received very little attention from members of the scientific community, namely how adequate is a dimensional model of pathological narcissism based on the model developed by Roche, Pincus, Lukowitsky, Ménard and Conroy (2013). On the basis of exploratory case study, it was possible to link narcissistic vulnerability to decompensatory segment (failure of maladaptive self-enhancement strategies) of this model. This linkage conforms to the hypothesis of the model. Indeed, the results of one of two study participants, Ms. H, indicate a decrease of narcissistic vulnerability in the re-compensatory period. Furthermore, this decrease is accompanied by a decrease of narcissistic grandiosity. In others words, on a one year longitudinal plane, the positive relationship between the two dimensions (narcissistic grandiosity and vulnerability) of pathological narcissism is found to be constant in two segments – compensation (use of maladaptive self-enhancement strategies) and decompensation – of the theoretical model based on the model of Roche et al. (2013). Moreover, the results for two study participants, Mr. B and Ms. H, prove to be enlightening according to respective preponderance of each narcissistic dimension of theoretical model based on the model developed by of Roche et al. (2013). In tests in 2012 and in 2013, Mr. B displays greater narcissistic grandiosity greater than narcissistic vulnerability, and was deemed to be in compensatory mode. This observation conforms to the hypothesis of the model. As for Ms. H, her narcissistic vulnerability remains consistently much higher than her narcissistic grandiosity. Theoretically, whether she is in narcissistic compensatory or decompensatory mode (unproven assumption in view of the theoretical model used), narcissistic vulnerability should only be dominant in the period of decompensation. Obviously, the results of Ms. H do not conform to the model.

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