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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Differential Games Guidance Laws for Aerospace Applications

Bardhan, Rajarshi January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis addresses several aerospace guidance and decision making problems using both no cooperative and cooperative game theoretical solution concepts in the differential games framework. In the first part of the thesis, state dependent Riccati equation (SDRE) method has been extended to a zero-sum nonlinear differential games setting. This framework is used to study problems of intercepting a manoeuvring target, with and without terminal impact angle constraints, in the zero-sum differential games theory perspective. The guidance laws derived according to the proposed method are in closed from and online implementable. In the second part of the thesis, cooperative game theoretic concepts are applied to make a group of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) achieve rendezvous, in a given finite time horizon. An algorithm has been proposed that enables the UAVs to realize Nash bargaining solution. In this context, criteria for time consistency of a cooperative solution of nonzero-sum linear quadratic differential games have been studied. The problems where the UAVs try to achieve rendezvous by implementing cooperative game theoretic strategies, based on local information structure only, is also addressed.

Redukce strategických her na jejich Best-Response ekvivalenty / Reduction of Strategic Games to their Best-Response Equivalents

Godula, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The main goal of this masther thesis is design and implementation of library for reduction of strategy profiles of strategy games in normal form. Logics of library functionality will be based on suitable heuristics founded on methods of iterative elimination of dominated strategies and FDDS. Functionality of resultant library will be demonstrated on convenient problems.

Global and local Q-algebrization problems in real algebraic geometry

Savi, Enrico 10 May 2023 (has links)
In 2020 Parusiński and Rond proved that every algebraic set X ⊂ R^n is homeomorphic to an algebraic set X’ ⊂ R^n which is described globally (and also locally) by polynomial equations whose coefficients are real algebraic numbers. In general, the following problem was widely open: Open Problem. Is every real algebraic set homeomorphic to a real algebraic set defined by polynomial equations with rational coefficients? The aim of my PhD thesis is to provide classes of real algebraic sets that positively answer to above Open Problem. In Chapter 1 I introduce a new theory of real and complex algebraic geometry over subfields recently developed by Fernando and Ghiloni. In particular, the main notion to outline is the so called R|Q-regularity of points of a Q-algebraic set X ⊂ R^n. This definition suggests a natural notion of a Q-nonsingular Q-algebraic set X ⊂ R^n. The study of Q-nonsingular Q-algebraic sets is the main topic of Chapter 2. Then, in Chapter 3 I introduce Q-algebraic approximation techniques a là Akbulut-King developed in collaboration with Ghiloni and the main consequences we proved, that are, versions ‘over Q’ of the classical and the relative Nash-Tognoli theorems. Last results can be found in in Chapters 3 & 4, respectively. In particular, we obtained a positive answer to above Open Problem in the case of compact nonsingular algebraic sets. Then, after extending ‘over Q’ the Akbulut-King blowing down lemma, we are in position to give a complete positive answer to above Open Problem also in the case of compact algebraic sets with isolated singularities in Chapter 4. After algebraic Alexandroff compactification, we obtained a positive answer also in the case of non-compact algebraic sets with isolated singularities. Other related topics are investigated in Chapter 4 such as the existence of Q-nonsingular Q-algebraic models of Nash manifolds over every real closed field and an answer to the Q-algebrization problem for germs of an isolated algebraic singularity. Appendices A & B contain results on Nash approximation and an evenness criterion for the degree of global smoothings of subanalytic sets, respectively.

Conception et synthèse de molécules hétérocycliques comme inhibiteurs d’enzymes et médiateurs d’interaction protéine-protéine

Kiyeleko, Scarlett 08 1900 (has links)
La nature contient un grand nombre de molécules naturelles à visée thérapeutique. Depuis plusieurs années, la chimie médicinale ne cesse de s’en inspirer afin de développer de nouvelles thérapies pour améliorer le quotidien des personnes atteintes de certaines pathologies. Cette thèse traitera de la conception de molécules hétérocycliques comme inhibiteurs d’enzymes et médiateurs d’interactions protéine-protéine. Les molécules bioactives sont la pierre angulaire de la chimie thérapeutique. Depuis la découverte de l’Aspirine en 1899, elles n’ont cessé d’impacter la société à plusieurs niveaux et ont contribué à l’amélioration de la qualité de vie des patients. Il y a cependant, plusieurs pathologies pour lesquelles il n’existe à ce jour aucun remède, ce qui met en exergue les limitations de la chimie médicinale et implique le développement de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques. La stéato-hépatite non-alcoolique ou NASH (Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis) est une maladie caractérisée par une accumulation de graisses dans le foie, menant à la formation de tissus cicatriciels sur le foie. Ces derniers altèrent les fonctions hépatiques du foie et peuvent mener à la cirrhose si aucun traitement n’est administré. A ce jour, il existe aucun médicament pour guérir de NASH. La serine-thréonine kinase 25 (STK25) est une sérine-thréonine kinase, qui serait impliquée dans le développement de la maladie de NASH. Ainsi, le premier chapitre de cette thèse rapporte la synthèse de triazolo-oxazines comme inhibiteurs potentiels de STK25. Il s’agit de la première approche inhibitrice rapportée dans la littérature. Des tests biologiques ont été effectués et la modélisation moléculaire des triazolo-oxazines a été réalisée. Face au problème de pharmacorésistance et l’absence de remèdes pour certaines maladies, il y a un besoin urgent pour de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques est présent. Depuis quelques années, les dégradeurs ciblés de protéines suscitent un engouement. En effet, ces derniers induisent la dégradation de protéines défectueuses en recrutant les complexes de ligase E3. Cette stratégie vient pallier l’absence de sites de liaison, caractéristique de plusieurs protéines impliquées dans le développement de cancers. Parmi les dégradeurs de protéines, il y a les agrafes moléculaires et les PROTACs. Dans le second chapitre de cette thèse, la synthèse de molécules hétérocycliques comme ligand de la ligase E3 DCAF15 pour le développement éventuel de nouveaux PROTACS sera rapportée. L’outil de modélisation moléculaire a permis la sélection de molécules indoliques comportant le motif -lactame et pyrrolidine . Bien qu’ils aient été synthétisés comme un mélange racémique, des tests pour la synthèse asymétrique de ces derniers seront également discuter. Les maladies infectieuses ravagent les pays de l’Amérique latine et l’Afrique subsaharienne. Les ressources insuffisantes, les conditions sanitaires et l’instabilité des régimes politiques rendent difficile l’administration et l’acheminement de traitements. Parmi ces maladies infectieuses, il y a la leishmaniose, la trypanosomiase humaine africaine et la trypanosomiase humaine américaine lesquelles sont toutes causés par des protozoaires. Dans le troisième chapitre, des molécules hétérocycliques, comportant le motif imidazolo-oxazine seront synthétisés comme candidats potentiels pour le traitement de ces maladies infectieuses. / Nature has provided an infinite number of bioactive small molecules for therapeutic benefits. For many years, it has inspired medicinal chemistry to develop new therapies to improve the well-being of humankind. This thesis will be about the conception of heterocyclic small molecules as enzyme inhibitors and protein-protein interaction mediators. Small molecules are the cornerstone of therapeutic chemistry. Since the discovery of Aspirin in 1899, small molecules have had a significant impact on several levels and have contributed to the improvement of quality of life. Nonetheless, many diseases still have no remedy; hence there exists a need for new therapeutic strategies. Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, (NASH) is a disease characterized by a buildup of fat in the liver, leading to the formation of scars on the liver. These scars will affect the different functions of the liver and can even lead to cirrhosis if not treated. Up until now, there is no drug for NASH. STK25 is a serine-threonine kinase, suspected to be involved in the mechanism of action of NASH. The first chapter in this thesis involves the synthesis of triazolo-oxazines as potential STK25 inhibitors for NASH treatment. It is the first example of an enzymatic approach for NASH treatment. The synthesis of potential inhibitors was designed based of molecular modeling of other inhibitors targeting CDK. In a second chapter, a new approach of small molecules degraders that recruits E3 ligases complexes for the degradation of protein is described. Among the small molecule degraders, there are molecular glues and PROTACs. This chapter will describe the design and the synthesis of heterocyclic molecules as DCAF15 ligands for the eventual development of new PROTACs. Molecular docking has been useful for the selection of the - lactams et pyrrolidines small molecules. Infectious diseases have tremendous consequences in Latin America and Africa. The lack of means, health hazards and the political instability of governments make difficult the supply and administration of treatments. Among the infectious diseases, there are Leishmaniasis, human African trypanosomiasis, human American trypanosomiasis, which are caused by bacteria. In the third chapter, imidazolo-oxazine small molecules will be synthesized as potential candidates for the treatment of these parasitic infections.

Essays on Agricultural and Financial Markets in Pakistan

Chaudhry, Muhammad Imran January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Análisis de Modelos de Negocio para Operadores de Redes 5G Soportados por Network Slicing

Moreno Cardenas, Edison Yuver 15 July 2024 (has links)
[ES] La tesis doctoral se enmarca en la línea de investigación de Economía y Regulación de las Telecomunicaciones, dentro del programa de Doctorado en Telecomunicaciones por la Universitat Politècnica de València. A lo largo del desarrollo de la tesis, se participó en los siguientes proyectos de I+D: Slicing dinámico en redes de acceso radio 5G - ATLAS (PGC2018-094151B-I00) y Evolución de la red de acceso hacia 6G para servicios masivos y de baja latencia (PID2021-123168NB-I00). Asimismo, se realizó una estancia doctoral en el IMT Atlantique en Rennes, Francia. Los resultados obtenidos se publicaron en una revista científica de ámbito internacional. En esta tesis, se estudia dos modelos de negocios y dos modelos de red para la compartición de recursos en redes de quinta generación (5G), enfocándose en servicios como Comunicaciones Ultra Confiables de Baja Latencia (URLLC), Banda Ancha Móvil Mejorada (eMBB) y Comunicaciones Masivas de Tipo Máquina (mMTC), y utilizando Network Slicing (NS). Se proponen dos escenarios. El escenario Red Compartida (SN) es una red 5G sin NS y el escenario Segmentación de red (NS) es una red 5G con NS. El escenario SN es modelado por una cola M/M/1 sin prioridad de servicio y el escenario NS es modelado por una cola M/M/1 con dos prioridades de servicio, asignando una prioridad alta al servicio URLLC por sus características con relación a la Calidad de Servicio (QoS). Además, se investigan las métricas clave de QoS como tiempo de transmisión de paquetes, sensibilidad al retardo y prioridad de servicio. Asimismo, la tesis evalúa la viabilidad económica de los modelos de negocio para operadores de redes 5G, considerando los escenarios planteados. Los modelos de negocio planteado son: el Integrado, en el cual un único operador de red ofrece ambos servicios, y el Especializado, donde dos operadores distintos ofrecen un servicio cada uno. Por otro lado, se realiza el análisis de los modelos de negocio desde el enfoque del sistema y la económica. La decisión de suscripción de los usuarios al operador se basa en su percepción de QoS y el precio, mientras que el concepto del equilibrio de Wardrop es utilizado para realizar el análisis. Asimismo, la teoría de juegos es aplicado en cada modelo de negocio para la evaluación de su viabilidad económica. La evaluación consiste en un juego de dos etapas, donde el juego se resuelve a través de la inducción hacia atrás, de manera que, se optimizan las funciones de utilidad del usuario y los beneficios de los operadores en base a la resolución de las funciones de Mejor respuesta (BR) y a diferentes valores de parámetros, consiguiendo el equilibrio de Nash. Además, se ha planteado el óptimo social, que es una situación que incorpora la participación de una entidad reguladora de servicios 5G en el mercado, quien tiene el objetivo de maximizar el bienestar social. Los resultados del óptimo social se comparan con los resultados de los dos modelos de negocio en función del bienestar social. Asimismo, se emplea conceptos de microeconomía, teoría de juegos y teoría de colas para evaluar la viabilidad económica de los diferentes modelos planteados. Esto permite entender las decisiones en equilibrio tomadas por los operadores y los usuarios, y analizar el impacto de estas decisiones en los beneficios de todos los actores involucrados. Además, se identifican los requisitos mínimos para la viabilidad de cada modelo. Los resultados muestran que, una red 5G con NS, los servicios URLLC y eMBB/mMTC pueden compartir recursos sin afectar la QoS de URLLC. Mientras que, una red 5G sin NS, la QoS de URLLC se ve afectada. Además, los operadores pueden fijar un precio más alto para URLLC debido a su QoS. Concluyendo que, la mejor opción para ofrecer los servicios URLLC y eMBB/mMTC es sobre una red 5G con NS y por un único operador. En resumen, la incorporación de NS en una red 5G, junto con un modelo de negocio Integrado, es la opción más favorable en cuanto al bienestar social. / [CA] La tesi doctoral s'emmarca en la línia d'investigació d'Economia i Regulació de les Telecomunicacions, dins del programa de Doctorat en Telecomunicacions per la Universitat Politècnica de València. Al llarg del desenvolupament de la tesi, es va participar en els següents projectes d'I+D: Slicing dinàmic en xarxes d'accés radie 5G - ATLES (PGC2018-094151B-I00) i Evolució de la xarxa d'accés cap a 6G per a servicis massius i de baixa latència (PID2021-123168NB-I00). Així mateix, es va realitzar una estada doctoral en el IMT Atlantique en Rennes, França. Els resultats obtinguts es van publicar en una revista científica d'àmbit internacional. En esta tesi, s'estudia dos models de negocis i dos models de xarxa per a la compartició de recursos en xarxes de quinta generació (5G), enfocant-se en servicis com a Comunicacions Ultres De confiança de Baixa Latència (URLLC), Banda Ampla Mòbil Millorada (eMBB) i Comunicacions Massives de Tipus Màquina (mMTC), i utilitzant Network Slicing (NS). Es proposen dos escenaris. L'escenari Xarxa Compartida (SN) és una xarxa 5G sense NS i l'escenari Segmentació de xarxa (NS) és una xarxa 5G amb NS. L'escenari SN és modelat per una cua M/M/1 sense prioritat de servici i l'escenari NS és modelat per una cua M/M/1 amb dos prioritats de servici, assignant una prioritat alta al servici URLLC per les seues característiques en relació amb la Qualitat de Servici (QoS). A més, s'investiguen les mètriques clau de QoS com a temps de transmissió de paquets, sensibilitat al retard i prioritat de servici. Així mateix, la tesi avalua la viabilitat econòmica dels models de negoci per a operadors de xarxes 5G, considerant els escenaris plantejats. Els models de negoci plantejat són: l'Integrat, en el qual un únic operador de xarxa oferix tots dos servicis, i l'Especialitzat, on dos operadors diferents oferixen un servici cadascun. D'altra banda, es realitza l'anàlisi dels models de negoci des de l'enfocament del sistema i l'econòmica. La decisió de subscripció dels usuaris a l'operador es basa en la seua percepció de QoS i el preu, mentres que el concepte de l'equilibri de Wardrop és utilitzat per a realitzar l'anàlisi. Així mateix, la teoria de jocs és aplicat en cada model de negoci per a l'avaluació de la seua viabilitat econòmica. L'avaluació consistix en un joc de dos etapes, on el joc es resol a través de la inducció cap arrere, de manera que, s'optimitzen les funcions d'utilitat de l'usuari i els beneficis dels operadors sobre la base de la resolució de les funcions de Millor resposta (BR) i a diferents valors de paràmetres, aconseguint l'equilibri de Nash. A més, s'ha plantejat l'òptim social, que és una situació que incorpora la participació d'una entitat reguladora de servicis 5G en el mercat, qui té l'objectiu de maximitzar el benestar social. Els resultats de l'òptim social es comparen amb els resultats dels dos models de negoci en funció del benestar social. Així mateix, s'empra conceptes de microeconomia, teoria de jocs i teoria de cues per a avaluar la viabilitat econòmica dels diferents models plantejats. Això permet entendre les decisions en equilibri preses pels operadors i els usuaris, i analitzar l'impacte d'estes decisions en els beneficis de tots els actors involucrats. A més, s'identifiquen els requisits mínims per a la viabilitat de cada model. Els resultats mostren que, una xarxa 5G amb NS, els servicis URLLC i eMBB/mMTC poden compartir recursos sense afectar la QoS de URLLC. Mentres que, una xarxa 5G sense NS, la QoS de URLLC es veu afectada. A més, els operadors poden fixar un preu més alt per a URLLC a causa del seu QoS. Concloent que, la millor opció per a oferir els servicis URLLC i eMBB/mMTC és sobre una xarxa 5G amb NS i per un únic operador. En resum, la incorporació de NS en una xarxa 5G, juntament amb un model de negoci Integrat, és l'opció més favorable quant al benestar social. / [EN] The doctoral thesis is framed within the research line of Economics and Regulation of Telecommunications within the PhD program in Telecommunications at the Universitat Politècnica de València. Throughout the development of the thesis, we participated in the following R&D projects: Dynamic Slicing in 5G radio access networks - ATLAS (PGC2018-094151B-I00) and Evolution of the access network towards 6G for massive and low latency services (PID2021-123168NB-I00). A doctoral stay at the IMT Atlantique in Rennes, France, was also carried out. The results obtained were published in an international scientific journal. In this thesis, two business models and two network models for resource sharing in fifth-generation (5G) networks are studied, focusing on services such as Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communications (URLLC), Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB), and Massive Machine Type Communications (mMTC), and using Network Slicing (NS). Two scenarios are proposed. The Network Sharing (SN) scenario is a 5G network without NS, and the Network Slicing (NS) scenario is a 5G network with NS. The SN scenario is modeled by an M/M/1 queue with no service priority, and the NS scenario is modeled by an M/M/1 queue with two service priorities, assigning a high priority to the URLLC service for its Quality of Service (QoS) characteristics. Furthermore, key QoS metrics such as packet transmission time, delay sensitivity, and service priority are investigated. Furthermore, the thesis evaluates the economic viability of business models for 5G network operators, considering the scenarios proposed. The business models proposed are Integrated, in which a single network operator offers both services and Specialised, where two different operators offer one service each. On the other hand, the business models are analyzed from a system and economic perspective. The users' subscription decision to the operator is based on their perception of QoS and price, while the Wardrop equilibrium concept is used to perform the analysis. Furthermore, game theory is applied to each business model for the evaluation of its economic viability. The evaluation consists of a two-stage game, where the game is solved through backward induction so that the user's utility functions and the operators' profits are optimized based on the resolution of the Best Response (BR) functions and different parameter values, achieving the Nash equilibrium. In addition, the social optimum has been considered, which is a situation that incorporates the participation of a 5G service regulator in the market, who has the objective of maximizing social welfare. The results of the social optimum are compared with the results of the two business models in terms of social welfare. Furthermore, concepts from microeconomics, game theory, and queueing theory are used to assess the economic viability of the different models proposed. This allows us to understand the equilibrium decisions made by operators and users and to analyze the impact of these decisions on the benefits of all the actors involved. In addition, the minimum requirements for the viability of each model are identified. The results show that a 5G network with NS, URLLC, and eMBB/mMTC services can share resources without affecting URLLC QoS. On the other hand, in a 5G network without NS, the QoS of URLLC is affected. In addition, operators can set a higher price for URLLC due to its QoS. Conclusion: The best option to offer URLLC and eMBB/mMTC services is over a 5G network with NS and by a single operator. In summary, the incorporation of NS in a 5G network, together with an Integrated business model, is the most favorable option in terms of social welfare. / Moreno Cardenas, EY. (2024). Análisis de Modelos de Negocio para Operadores de Redes 5G Soportados por Network Slicing [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/206184

Teoria dos jogos e relações internacionais: estratégias da governança mercantil global. Uma análise da convenção das Nações Unidas para os contratos de compra e venda internacional de mercadorias à luz de sua vinculação ao Brasil / Game theory and International Relations: Strategies in Global Trade Governance. An analysis of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods in light of its ratification by Brazil

Damiani, Gerson Denis Silvestre Duarte 08 August 2014 (has links)
A presente tese evidencia o estado da arte da Teoria Jogos nas Relações Internacionais, e analisa estratégias de negociação decorrentes de processos decisórios no âmbito comercial. Ao delimitar - em tempo e espaço - a trajetória da Governança Mercantil Global, confere-se posição de destaque à Convenção de Viena de 1980 (CISG), regime dotado de ampla legitimidade, concebido sob a égide das Nações Unidas e recém ratificado pelo Brasil. A análise do referido processo de vinculação dá-se a partir de instrumentos metodológicos conferidos pela Teoria dos Jogos, culminado com a apresentação dos limites do modelo e de alternativas viáveis para seu desenvolvimento. / The present thesis sheds light on contemporary game theoretical approaches in International Relations, in particular as they pertain to the role of strategy setting in cross-border trade. The study of Global Trade Governance leads to questions of regime legitimacy, culminating with the adoption of the 1980 United Nations Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), recently ratified by Brazil. The analysis of the aforementioned ratification process validates the threshold of game theory as its stands today, and proposes, on the other hand, viable alternatives for the development of the model.

Einfluss von freien Fettsäuren und Triglyceriden auf die Expression von proinflammatorischen Mediatoren und Adhäsionsmolekülen in Hepatozyten und Kupffer-Zellen (der Ratte) / Effect of free fatty acids and triglycerides on the expression of proinflammatory mediators and adhesion molecules in hepatocytes and Kupffer cells (of the rat)

Demuth, Julia Elisabeth 01 December 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Teoria dos jogos e relações internacionais: estratégias da governança mercantil global. Uma análise da convenção das Nações Unidas para os contratos de compra e venda internacional de mercadorias à luz de sua vinculação ao Brasil / Game theory and International Relations: Strategies in Global Trade Governance. An analysis of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods in light of its ratification by Brazil

Gerson Denis Silvestre Duarte Damiani 08 August 2014 (has links)
A presente tese evidencia o estado da arte da Teoria Jogos nas Relações Internacionais, e analisa estratégias de negociação decorrentes de processos decisórios no âmbito comercial. Ao delimitar - em tempo e espaço - a trajetória da Governança Mercantil Global, confere-se posição de destaque à Convenção de Viena de 1980 (CISG), regime dotado de ampla legitimidade, concebido sob a égide das Nações Unidas e recém ratificado pelo Brasil. A análise do referido processo de vinculação dá-se a partir de instrumentos metodológicos conferidos pela Teoria dos Jogos, culminado com a apresentação dos limites do modelo e de alternativas viáveis para seu desenvolvimento. / The present thesis sheds light on contemporary game theoretical approaches in International Relations, in particular as they pertain to the role of strategy setting in cross-border trade. The study of Global Trade Governance leads to questions of regime legitimacy, culminating with the adoption of the 1980 United Nations Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), recently ratified by Brazil. The analysis of the aforementioned ratification process validates the threshold of game theory as its stands today, and proposes, on the other hand, viable alternatives for the development of the model.


[pt] Esse trabalho tem como objetivo reunir os teoremas topológicos de ponto fixo clássicos e seus corolários, além de teoremas de ponto fixo provenientes da teoria do grau e algumas importantes aplicações desses teoremas a variadas áreas - desde as clássicas aplicações à teoria de EDOs e EDPs à uma aplicação à teoria dos jogos. Um exemplo é o Teorema do Ponto Fixo de Schauder-Tychonoff, para aplicações compactas em convexos de espaços localmente convexos, do qual segue como corolário que todo compacto convexo de um espaço vetorial normado (não necessariamente de dimensão finita) possui a propriedade do ponto fixo. No que se refere à teoria dos jogos em particular, foi deduzido o Teorema de Nash, que determina condições sobre as quais certos jogos possuem equilíbrios nos seus espaços das estratégias. Toda a topologia geral necessária nas demonstrações foi desenvolvida extensiva e detalhadamente a partir de topologia elementar, seguindo algumas das referências bibliográficas. O Teorema de Extensão de Dugundji - uma extensão do Teorema de Extensão de Tietze a fechados de espaços métricos sobre espaços localmente convexos -, por exemplo, é demonstrado com detalhes e usado diversas vezes ao longo da dissertação. / [en] The goal of the present work is to gather the classical fixed-point theorems and their corollaries, as well as other fixed-point theorems arising from degree theory, and some important applications to diverse fields - from the classical applications to ODEs and PDEs to an application to the game theory. An example is the Schauder-Tychonoff Fixed-Point Theorem, 1 concerning compact mappings in convex subsets of locally convex spaces, from which it follows as a corollary that every compact convex subset of a normed vector space is a fixed-point space. In regard to game theory in particular, we obtained Nash s theorem, 2 which ascertains conditions over which certain games have equilibria in their strategy spaces. All general topology necessary in the proofs was developed extensively and in details from a basic topology starting point, following some of the bibliographic references. Dugundji s Extension Theorem 3 - an extension of Tietze s Extension Theorem 4 for closed subsets of metric spaces into locally convex spaces-, for instance, is obtained with detais and used throughout the dissertation.

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