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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Three Essays on International Trade, Market Structure, and Agricultural Cooperatives

Yen, Meng-Fen, Yen January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Steiner Tree Games

Rossin, Samuel 12 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Role of microRNAs in Hepatocarcinogenesis

Wang, Bo 18 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Essays on Network formation games

Kim, Sunjin 06 August 2021 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on studying various network formation games in Economics. We explore a different model in each chapter to capture various aspects of networks. Chapter 1provides an overview of this dissertation. Chapter 2 studies the possible Nash equilibrium configurations in a model of signed network formation as proposed by Hiller (2017). We specify the Nash equilibria in the case of heterogeneous agents. We find 3 possible Nash equilibrium configurations: Utopia network, positive assortative matching, and disassortative matching. We derive the specific conditions under which they arise in a Nash equilibrium. In Chapter 3, we study a generalized model of signed network formation game where the players can choose not only positive and negative links but also neutral links. We check whether the results of the signed network formation model in the literature still hold in our generalized framework using the notion of pairwise Nash equilibrium. Chapter 4 studies inequality in a weighted network formation model using the notion of Nash equilibrium. As a factor of inequality, there are two types of players: Rich players and poor players. We show that both rich and poor players designate other rich players as their best friends. As a result, We present that nested split graphs are drawn from survey data because researchers tend to ask respondents to list only a few friends. / Doctor of Philosophy / This dissertation focuses on studying various network formation games in Economics. We explore a different model in each chapter to capture various aspects of networks. Chapter 1 provides an overview of this dissertation. Chapter 2 studies the possible singed network configurations in equilibrium. In the signed network, players can choose a positive (+) relationship or a negative (-) relationship toward each other player. We study the case that the players are heterogeneous. We find 3 possible categories of networks in equilibrium: Utopia network, positive assortative matching, and disassortative matching. We derive the specific conditions under which they arise in equilibrium. In Chapter 3, we study a generalized model of signed network formation game where the players can choose not only positive and negative links but also neutral links. We check whether the results of the signed network formation model in the literature still hold in our generalized framework. Chapter 4 studies inequality in a weighted network formation model using the notion of Nash equilibrium. In this weighted network model, each player can choose the level of relationship. As a factor of inequality, there are two types of players: rich players and poor players. We show that both rich and poor players choose other rich players as their best friends. As a result, we present that nested split graphs are drawn from survey data because these social network data are censored due to the limit of the number of responses.

Critical Substation Risk Assessment and Mitigation

Delport, Jacques 01 June 2018 (has links)
Substations are joints in the power system that represent nodes that are vital to stable and reliable operation of the power system. They contrast the rest of the power system in that they are a dense combination of critical components causing all of them to be simultaneously vulnerable to one isolated incident: weather, attack, or other common failure modes. Undoubtedly, the loss of these vital links will have a severe impact to the to the power grid to varying degrees. This work creates a cascading model based on protection system misoperations to estimate system risk from loss-of-substation events in order to assess each substation's criticality. A continuation power flow method is utilized for estimating voltage collapse during cascades. Transient stability is included through the use of a supervised machine learning algorithm called random forests. These forests allow for fast, robust and accurate prediction of transient stability during loss-of-substation initiated cascades. Substation risk indices are incorporated into a preventative optimal power flow (OPF) to reduce the risk of critical substations. This risk-based dispatch represents an easily scalable, robust algorithm for reducing risk associated with substation losses. This new dispatch allows operators to operate at a higher cost operating point for short periods in which substations may likely be lost, such as large weather events, likely attacks, etc. and significantly reduce system risk associated with those losses. System risk is then studied considering the interaction of a power grid utility trying to protect their critical substations under a constrained budget and a potential attacker with insider information on critical substations. This is studied under a zero-sum game theoretic framework in which the utility is trying to confuse the attacker. A model is then developed to analyze how a utility may create a robust strategy of protection that cannot be heavily exploited while taking advantage of any mistakes potential attackers may make. / Ph. D.


Reinert, Olof, Wiesinger, Tobias January 2020 (has links)
Cyber attacks against companies are becoming more common as technology advances and digitalization is increasing exponentially. All Swedish insurance companies that sell cyber insurance encounter the same problem, there is not enough data to do good actuarial work. In order for the pricing procedure to improve and general knowledge of cyber insurance to increase, it has been proposed that insurance companies should share their data with each other. The goal of the thesis is to do mathematical calculations to explore data quality consequences of such a sharing regime. This thesis is based on some important assumptions and three scenarios. The most important assumptions are that there are two insurance companies forced to share all their data with each other and that they can reduce the uncertainty about their own product by investing in better data quality. In the first scenario, we assume a game between two players where they can choose how much to invest in reducing the uncertainty. In the second scenario, we assume that there is not a game, but the two insurance companies are forced to equal investments and thus have the same knowledge of their products. In the third scenario, we assume that the players are risk averse, that is, they are not willing to take high risk. The results will show how much, if any, the insurance companies should invest in the different scenarios to maximize their profits (if risk neutral) or utility (if risk averse). The results of this thesis show that in the first and second scenario, the optimal profit is reached when the insurance companies do not invest anything. In the third scenario though, the optimal investment is greater than zero, given that the companies are enough risk averse.

Análisis de Modelos de Negocio para Operadores de Redes 5G Soportados por Network Slicing

Moreno Cardenas, Edison Yuver 15 July 2024 (has links)
[ES] La tesis doctoral se enmarca en la línea de investigación de Economía y Regulación de las Telecomunicaciones, dentro del programa de Doctorado en Telecomunicaciones por la Universitat Politècnica de València. A lo largo del desarrollo de la tesis, se participó en los siguientes proyectos de I+D: Slicing dinámico en redes de acceso radio 5G - ATLAS (PGC2018-094151B-I00) y Evolución de la red de acceso hacia 6G para servicios masivos y de baja latencia (PID2021-123168NB-I00). Asimismo, se realizó una estancia doctoral en el IMT Atlantique en Rennes, Francia. Los resultados obtenidos se publicaron en una revista científica de ámbito internacional. En esta tesis, se estudia dos modelos de negocios y dos modelos de red para la compartición de recursos en redes de quinta generación (5G), enfocándose en servicios como Comunicaciones Ultra Confiables de Baja Latencia (URLLC), Banda Ancha Móvil Mejorada (eMBB) y Comunicaciones Masivas de Tipo Máquina (mMTC), y utilizando Network Slicing (NS). Se proponen dos escenarios. El escenario Red Compartida (SN) es una red 5G sin NS y el escenario Segmentación de red (NS) es una red 5G con NS. El escenario SN es modelado por una cola M/M/1 sin prioridad de servicio y el escenario NS es modelado por una cola M/M/1 con dos prioridades de servicio, asignando una prioridad alta al servicio URLLC por sus características con relación a la Calidad de Servicio (QoS). Además, se investigan las métricas clave de QoS como tiempo de transmisión de paquetes, sensibilidad al retardo y prioridad de servicio. Asimismo, la tesis evalúa la viabilidad económica de los modelos de negocio para operadores de redes 5G, considerando los escenarios planteados. Los modelos de negocio planteado son: el Integrado, en el cual un único operador de red ofrece ambos servicios, y el Especializado, donde dos operadores distintos ofrecen un servicio cada uno. Por otro lado, se realiza el análisis de los modelos de negocio desde el enfoque del sistema y la económica. La decisión de suscripción de los usuarios al operador se basa en su percepción de QoS y el precio, mientras que el concepto del equilibrio de Wardrop es utilizado para realizar el análisis. Asimismo, la teoría de juegos es aplicado en cada modelo de negocio para la evaluación de su viabilidad económica. La evaluación consiste en un juego de dos etapas, donde el juego se resuelve a través de la inducción hacia atrás, de manera que, se optimizan las funciones de utilidad del usuario y los beneficios de los operadores en base a la resolución de las funciones de Mejor respuesta (BR) y a diferentes valores de parámetros, consiguiendo el equilibrio de Nash. Además, se ha planteado el óptimo social, que es una situación que incorpora la participación de una entidad reguladora de servicios 5G en el mercado, quien tiene el objetivo de maximizar el bienestar social. Los resultados del óptimo social se comparan con los resultados de los dos modelos de negocio en función del bienestar social. Asimismo, se emplea conceptos de microeconomía, teoría de juegos y teoría de colas para evaluar la viabilidad económica de los diferentes modelos planteados. Esto permite entender las decisiones en equilibrio tomadas por los operadores y los usuarios, y analizar el impacto de estas decisiones en los beneficios de todos los actores involucrados. Además, se identifican los requisitos mínimos para la viabilidad de cada modelo. Los resultados muestran que, una red 5G con NS, los servicios URLLC y eMBB/mMTC pueden compartir recursos sin afectar la QoS de URLLC. Mientras que, una red 5G sin NS, la QoS de URLLC se ve afectada. Además, los operadores pueden fijar un precio más alto para URLLC debido a su QoS. Concluyendo que, la mejor opción para ofrecer los servicios URLLC y eMBB/mMTC es sobre una red 5G con NS y por un único operador. En resumen, la incorporación de NS en una red 5G, junto con un modelo de negocio Integrado, es la opción más favorable en cuanto al bienestar social. / [CA] La tesi doctoral s'emmarca en la línia d'investigació d'Economia i Regulació de les Telecomunicacions, dins del programa de Doctorat en Telecomunicacions per la Universitat Politècnica de València. Al llarg del desenvolupament de la tesi, es va participar en els següents projectes d'I+D: Slicing dinàmic en xarxes d'accés radie 5G - ATLES (PGC2018-094151B-I00) i Evolució de la xarxa d'accés cap a 6G per a servicis massius i de baixa latència (PID2021-123168NB-I00). Així mateix, es va realitzar una estada doctoral en el IMT Atlantique en Rennes, França. Els resultats obtinguts es van publicar en una revista científica d'àmbit internacional. En esta tesi, s'estudia dos models de negocis i dos models de xarxa per a la compartició de recursos en xarxes de quinta generació (5G), enfocant-se en servicis com a Comunicacions Ultres De confiança de Baixa Latència (URLLC), Banda Ampla Mòbil Millorada (eMBB) i Comunicacions Massives de Tipus Màquina (mMTC), i utilitzant Network Slicing (NS). Es proposen dos escenaris. L'escenari Xarxa Compartida (SN) és una xarxa 5G sense NS i l'escenari Segmentació de xarxa (NS) és una xarxa 5G amb NS. L'escenari SN és modelat per una cua M/M/1 sense prioritat de servici i l'escenari NS és modelat per una cua M/M/1 amb dos prioritats de servici, assignant una prioritat alta al servici URLLC per les seues característiques en relació amb la Qualitat de Servici (QoS). A més, s'investiguen les mètriques clau de QoS com a temps de transmissió de paquets, sensibilitat al retard i prioritat de servici. Així mateix, la tesi avalua la viabilitat econòmica dels models de negoci per a operadors de xarxes 5G, considerant els escenaris plantejats. Els models de negoci plantejat són: l'Integrat, en el qual un únic operador de xarxa oferix tots dos servicis, i l'Especialitzat, on dos operadors diferents oferixen un servici cadascun. D'altra banda, es realitza l'anàlisi dels models de negoci des de l'enfocament del sistema i l'econòmica. La decisió de subscripció dels usuaris a l'operador es basa en la seua percepció de QoS i el preu, mentres que el concepte de l'equilibri de Wardrop és utilitzat per a realitzar l'anàlisi. Així mateix, la teoria de jocs és aplicat en cada model de negoci per a l'avaluació de la seua viabilitat econòmica. L'avaluació consistix en un joc de dos etapes, on el joc es resol a través de la inducció cap arrere, de manera que, s'optimitzen les funcions d'utilitat de l'usuari i els beneficis dels operadors sobre la base de la resolució de les funcions de Millor resposta (BR) i a diferents valors de paràmetres, aconseguint l'equilibri de Nash. A més, s'ha plantejat l'òptim social, que és una situació que incorpora la participació d'una entitat reguladora de servicis 5G en el mercat, qui té l'objectiu de maximitzar el benestar social. Els resultats de l'òptim social es comparen amb els resultats dels dos models de negoci en funció del benestar social. Així mateix, s'empra conceptes de microeconomia, teoria de jocs i teoria de cues per a avaluar la viabilitat econòmica dels diferents models plantejats. Això permet entendre les decisions en equilibri preses pels operadors i els usuaris, i analitzar l'impacte d'estes decisions en els beneficis de tots els actors involucrats. A més, s'identifiquen els requisits mínims per a la viabilitat de cada model. Els resultats mostren que, una xarxa 5G amb NS, els servicis URLLC i eMBB/mMTC poden compartir recursos sense afectar la QoS de URLLC. Mentres que, una xarxa 5G sense NS, la QoS de URLLC es veu afectada. A més, els operadors poden fixar un preu més alt per a URLLC a causa del seu QoS. Concloent que, la millor opció per a oferir els servicis URLLC i eMBB/mMTC és sobre una xarxa 5G amb NS i per un únic operador. En resum, la incorporació de NS en una xarxa 5G, juntament amb un model de negoci Integrat, és l'opció més favorable quant al benestar social. / [EN] The doctoral thesis is framed within the research line of Economics and Regulation of Telecommunications within the PhD program in Telecommunications at the Universitat Politècnica de València. Throughout the development of the thesis, we participated in the following R&D projects: Dynamic Slicing in 5G radio access networks - ATLAS (PGC2018-094151B-I00) and Evolution of the access network towards 6G for massive and low latency services (PID2021-123168NB-I00). A doctoral stay at the IMT Atlantique in Rennes, France, was also carried out. The results obtained were published in an international scientific journal. In this thesis, two business models and two network models for resource sharing in fifth-generation (5G) networks are studied, focusing on services such as Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communications (URLLC), Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB), and Massive Machine Type Communications (mMTC), and using Network Slicing (NS). Two scenarios are proposed. The Network Sharing (SN) scenario is a 5G network without NS, and the Network Slicing (NS) scenario is a 5G network with NS. The SN scenario is modeled by an M/M/1 queue with no service priority, and the NS scenario is modeled by an M/M/1 queue with two service priorities, assigning a high priority to the URLLC service for its Quality of Service (QoS) characteristics. Furthermore, key QoS metrics such as packet transmission time, delay sensitivity, and service priority are investigated. Furthermore, the thesis evaluates the economic viability of business models for 5G network operators, considering the scenarios proposed. The business models proposed are Integrated, in which a single network operator offers both services and Specialised, where two different operators offer one service each. On the other hand, the business models are analyzed from a system and economic perspective. The users' subscription decision to the operator is based on their perception of QoS and price, while the Wardrop equilibrium concept is used to perform the analysis. Furthermore, game theory is applied to each business model for the evaluation of its economic viability. The evaluation consists of a two-stage game, where the game is solved through backward induction so that the user's utility functions and the operators' profits are optimized based on the resolution of the Best Response (BR) functions and different parameter values, achieving the Nash equilibrium. In addition, the social optimum has been considered, which is a situation that incorporates the participation of a 5G service regulator in the market, who has the objective of maximizing social welfare. The results of the social optimum are compared with the results of the two business models in terms of social welfare. Furthermore, concepts from microeconomics, game theory, and queueing theory are used to assess the economic viability of the different models proposed. This allows us to understand the equilibrium decisions made by operators and users and to analyze the impact of these decisions on the benefits of all the actors involved. In addition, the minimum requirements for the viability of each model are identified. The results show that a 5G network with NS, URLLC, and eMBB/mMTC services can share resources without affecting URLLC QoS. On the other hand, in a 5G network without NS, the QoS of URLLC is affected. In addition, operators can set a higher price for URLLC due to its QoS. Conclusion: The best option to offer URLLC and eMBB/mMTC services is over a 5G network with NS and by a single operator. In summary, the incorporation of NS in a 5G network, together with an Integrated business model, is the most favorable option in terms of social welfare. / Moreno Cardenas, EY. (2024). Análisis de Modelos de Negocio para Operadores de Redes 5G Soportados por Network Slicing [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/206184

Local Convergence of Newton-type Methods for Nonsmooth Constrained Equations and Applications

Herrich, Markus 16 January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis we consider constrained systems of equations. The focus is on local Newton-type methods for the solution of constrained systems which converge locally quadratically under mild assumptions implying neither local uniqueness of solutions nor differentiability of the equation function at solutions. The first aim of this thesis is to improve existing local convergence results of the constrained Levenberg-Marquardt method. To this end, we describe a general Newton-type algorithm. Then we prove local quadratic convergence of this general algorithm under the same four assumptions which were recently used for the local convergence analysis of the LP-Newton method. Afterwards, we show that, besides the LP-Newton method, the constrained Levenberg-Marquardt method can be regarded as a special realization of the general Newton-type algorithm and therefore enjoys the same local convergence properties. Thus, local quadratic convergence of a nonsmooth constrained Levenberg-Marquardt method is proved without requiring conditions implying the local uniqueness of solutions. As already mentioned, we use four assumptions for the local convergence analysis of the general Newton-type algorithm. The second aim of this thesis is a detailed discussion of these convergence assumptions for the case that the equation function of the constrained system is piecewise continuously differentiable. Some of the convergence assumptions seem quite technical and difficult to check. Therefore, we look for sufficient conditions which are still mild but which seem to be more familiar. We will particularly prove that the whole set of the convergence assumptions holds if some set of local error bound conditions is satisfied and in addition the feasible set of the constrained system excludes those zeros of the selection functions which are not zeros of the equation function itself, at least in a sufficiently small neighborhood of some fixed solution. We apply our results to constrained systems arising from complementarity systems, i.e., systems of equations and inequalities which contain complementarity constraints. Our new conditions are discussed for a suitable reformulation of the complementarity system as constrained system of equations by means of the minimum function. In particular, it will turn out that the whole set of the convergence assumptions is actually implied by some set of local error bound conditions. In addition, we provide a new constant rank condition implying the whole set of the convergence assumptions. Particularly, we provide adapted formulations of our new conditions for special classes of complementarity systems. We consider Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) systems arising from optimization problems, variational inequalities, or generalized Nash equilibrium problems (GNEPs) and Fritz-John (FJ) systems arising from GNEPs. Thus, we obtain for each problem class conditions which guarantee local quadratic convergence of the general Newton-type algorithm and its special realizations to a solution of the particular problem. Moreover, we prove for FJ systems of GNEPs that generically some full row rank condition is satisfied at any solution of the FJ system of a GNEP. The latter condition implies the whole set of the convergence assumptions if the functions which characterize the GNEP are sufficiently smooth. Finally, we describe an idea for a possible globalization of our Newton-type methods, at least for the case that the constrained system arises from a certain smooth reformulation of the KKT system of a GNEP. More precisely, a hybrid method is presented whose local part is the LP-Newton method. The hybrid method turns out to be, under appropriate conditions, both globally and locally quadratically convergent.

Essays on the formation of social networks from a game theoritical approach

Rubí Barceló, Antoni 08 February 2008 (has links)
This thesis aims to contribute to a fundamental objective of Network Economics: to provide based incentives explanations of real social network topologies. By using game theoretical tools, the three papers of this thesis analyze how real social networks can arise from the strategic interaction of self-interested individuals.In the first paper, we discuss the influence of imperfect information on the process of social network formation and, specifically, on the possibilities of observing racially segregated societies when agents' preferences are not racially biased. The second work attempts to complete the Network Economics' explanation of the puzzle regarding how agents can benefit from structural holes over a long time period. The third paper presents a model that focuses on the mechanisms underlying the formation of scientific collaboration networks. We show how researchers' heterogeneity and limited processing capability explain the basic characteristics of these networks. / Aquesta tesi aspira a contribuir a un objectiu fonamental de l'Economia de Xarxes: oferir explicacions basades en els incentius de les topologies que adopten les xarxes socials. Usant les eines de la Teoria de Jocs, els tres articles de la tesi analitzen com les xarxes socials que observem a la realitat poden esser fruit de la interacció entre individus que responen als seus propis interessos.En primer lloc, estudiem la influència de la informació imperfecte en la formació de xarxes socials i, específicament, en les possibilitats de tenir societats racialment segregades quan les preferències dels agents no estan racialment esbiaixades. El segon treball, intenta completar l'explicació que l'Economia de Xarxes dóna a l'interrogant referent als forats estructurals i a la gent que s'en beneficia de manera continuada. El darrer capítol, se centra en els mecanismes que expliquen la formació de xarxes de col·laboració científica. Es mostra com l'heterogeneïtat i la limitada capacitat de processament dels investigadors expliquen les caractarístiques bàsiques d'aquestes xarxes.

A gestão do processo de negociação complexa: uma avaliação da 5ª Conferência Ministerial da Organização Mundial do Comércio - OMC, em Cancun, México

Spinola, Ana Tereza Schlaepfer January 2004 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2009-11-18T18:56:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2004 / The present paper has the proposal to assess the management process of complex negotiation of the 5th OMC that took place at Cancun from September 10th until the 14th , 2003. This thesis points out the problems and questions that resulted on the collapse of a possible agreement, it also suggest proposal to solve these issues. The future of OMC is uncertain and traumatic changes suffered by many countries that live under the rules of OMC shows that something at OMC will have to change, principally on the process of complex negotiation, such as the integrity of the organization to avoid having to compromise and being damaged. There were searches for answers on the analysis and assessment of the negotiation process, studying and researching the bargain positional concepts, giving full details on the negotiation process based on principIes, exploring profusely the state of art for the management of difficult conversation. This thesis also tackles the sources of conflicts and the building of coalitions such as the G20, showing the difficulty existing in the resolution of public disputes and in the use of instruments to break the impasses. We also defined theoretical instrumental, which allowed the diagnostic ofthe actual situation at OMe. It was recommend to explore the valuation of conflicts, based on justice and equitant, the best form of negotiation by principIes, of management demanding public, on the multi stakeholder dialogue and the importance of informal parallel conversation. The environment of complexity and the extensive vision that it provides to adjust the functioning of autopoietics systems. / Pretende-se no presente trabalho avaliar a gestão do processo de negociação complexa da 5ª Conferência Ministerial da Organização Mundial do Comércio em Cancún, ocorrida entre os dias 10 e 14 de setembro de 2003, no México, apontando os problemas e questões que resultaram no colapso de um possível acordo. O futuro da OMC é incerto e mudanças traumáticas sofridas por muitos países que vivem sob as regras da OMC indicam que alguma coisa na OMC terá que mudar, principalmente nos processos de negociação complexa, de forma que a integridade da organização não seja comprometida. Buscou-se respostas na análise e avaliação da gestão do processo de negociação, estudando e pesquisando os conceitos de barganha posicional, detalhando o processo de negociação baseado em princípios, explorando em profundidade o estado da arte para gestão de conversas difíceis. Dissecando a questão dos conflitos e das coalizões, mostrando a dificuldade existente na resolução de disputas públicas e no uso de instrumentos para quebrar o impasse nas negociações buscou-se estabelecer o instrumental teórico que possibilitasse aprofundar o diagnóstico da situação atual na OMC. Como recomendação explorou-se a avaliação de conflitos, com base na eficiência - teoria dos jogos-, justiça e na eqüidade, a melhor forma de negociação baseada em princípios, de gestão de público demandante, no diálogo dos multistakeholders, a importância das conversas informais paralelas, o ambiente da complexidade e a visão ampla que proporciona o enfoque do funcionamento de sistemas decisórios autopoiéticos.

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