Spelling suggestions: "subject:"national exame"" "subject:"national exam""
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Exames nacionais e as "verdades" sobre a produção do professor de matemáticaLara, Isabel Cristina Machado de January 2007 (has links)
Este estudo tem o objetivo de analisar os instrumentos elaborados pelo MEC e seus pares para avaliar os cursos de graduação através de exames nacionais. Demonstra-se que diferentes estratégias de governação se operacionalizam através dos exames nacionais constituindo um padrão de normalidade para produzir o professor de Matemática ideal. Com apoio em Foucault, Barriga, Deleuze, Negri, Dias Sobrinho e Leite, mostra o modo como, historicamente, ocorreu a emergência da avaliação produtora de conhecimentos e verdades, constituindo modos de governar. Metodologicamente examina, analisa e compara dados de um corpus de informações obtidas em fontes documentais oficiais referentes às diretrizes curriculares e aos exames nacionais relativos ao período 1998-2005. Toma como estudo específico um curso de licenciatura plena em Matemática, para mostrar de que modo as exigências apresentadas nas diferentes Diretrizes Nacionais dos Exames – ENC e ENADE – contribuíram para a produção de um profissional matemático adequado ao contexto da globalização, da sociedade da informação, da sociedade do controle. Ao final, deriva lições e indagações sobre a função dos exames nacionais na produção de “verdades” sobre o professor de Matemática, caracterizando o ENADE como instrumento eficaz para dar conta das exigências de tal profissional através do componente de Formação Geral e de seu modelo dinâmico evidenciado pelo valor agregado. / This study has the objective of analyzing different instruments that are elaborated by the Ministery of Education (MEC) and its assessment associates to evaluate undergraduate courses in Mathematics through National Exams. It can be seen that different governmental strategies works through these exams creating a standard pattern to produce the ideal professor of Mathematics. The historical aspects that brought the urge for an evaluation – which produces knowledge and truths constituting ways to rule – is shown, based on Foucault, Barriga, Deleuze, Negri, Dias Sobrinho and Leite. This study methodologically examines, analyzes and compares data from official documental sources related to guidelines for curriculum and to National Math Exams in the period 1998-2005. A specific study of a plain bachelor degree in Mathematics is used to show how the requirements which were presented for the different National Guidelines for Exams – ENC and ENADE – contributed to produce a professional in Mathematics adjusted to the context of globalization, within the information society and the controlling society. At the end, it brings lessons and questions about the function of the national exams when producing “truths” about the professor of Mathematics, characterizing ENADE as an efficient instrument, able to deal with the requirements demanded from the professional through the component of general formation and its dynamic evaluation model, which is put in evidence due to its increased value
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Exames nacionais e as "verdades" sobre a produção do professor de matemáticaLara, Isabel Cristina Machado de January 2007 (has links)
Este estudo tem o objetivo de analisar os instrumentos elaborados pelo MEC e seus pares para avaliar os cursos de graduação através de exames nacionais. Demonstra-se que diferentes estratégias de governação se operacionalizam através dos exames nacionais constituindo um padrão de normalidade para produzir o professor de Matemática ideal. Com apoio em Foucault, Barriga, Deleuze, Negri, Dias Sobrinho e Leite, mostra o modo como, historicamente, ocorreu a emergência da avaliação produtora de conhecimentos e verdades, constituindo modos de governar. Metodologicamente examina, analisa e compara dados de um corpus de informações obtidas em fontes documentais oficiais referentes às diretrizes curriculares e aos exames nacionais relativos ao período 1998-2005. Toma como estudo específico um curso de licenciatura plena em Matemática, para mostrar de que modo as exigências apresentadas nas diferentes Diretrizes Nacionais dos Exames – ENC e ENADE – contribuíram para a produção de um profissional matemático adequado ao contexto da globalização, da sociedade da informação, da sociedade do controle. Ao final, deriva lições e indagações sobre a função dos exames nacionais na produção de “verdades” sobre o professor de Matemática, caracterizando o ENADE como instrumento eficaz para dar conta das exigências de tal profissional através do componente de Formação Geral e de seu modelo dinâmico evidenciado pelo valor agregado. / This study has the objective of analyzing different instruments that are elaborated by the Ministery of Education (MEC) and its assessment associates to evaluate undergraduate courses in Mathematics through National Exams. It can be seen that different governmental strategies works through these exams creating a standard pattern to produce the ideal professor of Mathematics. The historical aspects that brought the urge for an evaluation – which produces knowledge and truths constituting ways to rule – is shown, based on Foucault, Barriga, Deleuze, Negri, Dias Sobrinho and Leite. This study methodologically examines, analyzes and compares data from official documental sources related to guidelines for curriculum and to National Math Exams in the period 1998-2005. A specific study of a plain bachelor degree in Mathematics is used to show how the requirements which were presented for the different National Guidelines for Exams – ENC and ENADE – contributed to produce a professional in Mathematics adjusted to the context of globalization, within the information society and the controlling society. At the end, it brings lessons and questions about the function of the national exams when producing “truths” about the professor of Mathematics, characterizing ENADE as an efficient instrument, able to deal with the requirements demanded from the professional through the component of general formation and its dynamic evaluation model, which is put in evidence due to its increased value
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Exames nacionais e as "verdades" sobre a produção do professor de matemáticaLara, Isabel Cristina Machado de January 2007 (has links)
Este estudo tem o objetivo de analisar os instrumentos elaborados pelo MEC e seus pares para avaliar os cursos de graduação através de exames nacionais. Demonstra-se que diferentes estratégias de governação se operacionalizam através dos exames nacionais constituindo um padrão de normalidade para produzir o professor de Matemática ideal. Com apoio em Foucault, Barriga, Deleuze, Negri, Dias Sobrinho e Leite, mostra o modo como, historicamente, ocorreu a emergência da avaliação produtora de conhecimentos e verdades, constituindo modos de governar. Metodologicamente examina, analisa e compara dados de um corpus de informações obtidas em fontes documentais oficiais referentes às diretrizes curriculares e aos exames nacionais relativos ao período 1998-2005. Toma como estudo específico um curso de licenciatura plena em Matemática, para mostrar de que modo as exigências apresentadas nas diferentes Diretrizes Nacionais dos Exames – ENC e ENADE – contribuíram para a produção de um profissional matemático adequado ao contexto da globalização, da sociedade da informação, da sociedade do controle. Ao final, deriva lições e indagações sobre a função dos exames nacionais na produção de “verdades” sobre o professor de Matemática, caracterizando o ENADE como instrumento eficaz para dar conta das exigências de tal profissional através do componente de Formação Geral e de seu modelo dinâmico evidenciado pelo valor agregado. / This study has the objective of analyzing different instruments that are elaborated by the Ministery of Education (MEC) and its assessment associates to evaluate undergraduate courses in Mathematics through National Exams. It can be seen that different governmental strategies works through these exams creating a standard pattern to produce the ideal professor of Mathematics. The historical aspects that brought the urge for an evaluation – which produces knowledge and truths constituting ways to rule – is shown, based on Foucault, Barriga, Deleuze, Negri, Dias Sobrinho and Leite. This study methodologically examines, analyzes and compares data from official documental sources related to guidelines for curriculum and to National Math Exams in the period 1998-2005. A specific study of a plain bachelor degree in Mathematics is used to show how the requirements which were presented for the different National Guidelines for Exams – ENC and ENADE – contributed to produce a professional in Mathematics adjusted to the context of globalization, within the information society and the controlling society. At the end, it brings lessons and questions about the function of the national exams when producing “truths” about the professor of Mathematics, characterizing ENADE as an efficient instrument, able to deal with the requirements demanded from the professional through the component of general formation and its dynamic evaluation model, which is put in evidence due to its increased value
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Spoken English in grade 5 and grade 9 : A survey of When and How often Oral English is Used in the ClassroomScheffka, Karin January 2009 (has links)
Most pupilsin grade 5 and grade 9 pass the oral part of the national exam. The aim of thispaper is to find out when and how often the pupils speak English in theclassroom. There is also a question of when and how often the teachers speak inEnglish and why the teachers make these choices. The studywas carried out by using a questionnaire. The pupils were asked two questionsand the teachers were asked almost the same two questions with the addition offive open questions. 71 fifth graders from four different classes and 94 ninthgraders from four different classes responded. 3 teachers from grade 5 and 4teachers from grade 9 also participated. Theresults show that both the teachers and the pupils use spoken English in avariety of situations such as communication between teacher and pupil and amongpupils. The younger pupils take on a more passive role, like imitating theteacher, but there is a progression from more controlled situations to moreopen situations. There seems to be a more varied, but less regular communicationin the older ages. The teachers want to speak English as much as possible, butoften explain difficult parts in Swedish in order for the pupils to understand.
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Läsförståelsens inverkan på elevers prestationer i de nationella proven i matematikAndersson, Linus, Hermansson Morrison, Jonathan January 2023 (has links)
Vi har genomfört en studie med en kvantitativ ansats, i syfte att undersöka hur elevers läsförståelse kan påverka deras resultat i de nationella proven i matematik. Detta görs för att bidra med kunskap till lärare om var det är mest nödvändigt att lägga ner tid för elevers kunskapsutveckling i matematik. Metoden som används i denna studie innefattar en analys av dokument som innehåller data som samlats in från drygt 200 elevers resultat i de nationella proven i svenska och matematik för året 2021/2022. Den data som samlades in bearbetades genom regressionsanalyser. Det statistiskt signifikanta resultatet i studien visar på en stark korrelation mellan elevers läsförståelse och deras prestation i de nationella matematikproven. Slutsatsen framhäver att det kan finnas olika förklaringar till varför resultatet ser ut som det gör, en av orsakerna skulle kunna vara att de nationella proven i matematik innehåller för många textuppgifter som gör att elevernas läsförståelse kan spela en alltför betydande roll. / We have conducted a study with a quantitative approach, aiming to investigate how students' reading comprehension might influence their performance in the national mathematics exams. This is done to contribute knowledge to teachers about where it is most crucial to allocate resources for student success in mathematics. The method employed in this study involves an analysis of documents containing data gathered from over 200 students' results in the national exams in Swedish and mathematics for the year 2021/2022. The collected data was processed through regression analyses. The statistically significant result in the study reveals a strong correlation between students' reading comprehension and their performance in the national mathematics exams. The conclusion highlights that there are different explanations for why the result appears as it does, one of which is that there may be too many word problems in the national mathematics exams, and students' reading comprehension might play an overly significant role.
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Utmaningar och möjligheter: Matematiklärares syn på digitala nationella prov / Challenges and opportunities: Mathematics teachers'views of digital national testsShahrokhzadeh, Tina January 2024 (has links)
Digitaliseringen av nationella prov i matematik är en pågående utveckling som väcker intresse och oro bland matematiklärare. Denna förändring innebär en övergång från traditionella pappersbaserade prov till digitala prov, vilket påverkar både lärare och elever. Forskning har visat på både fördelar och utmaningar med digitala prov, inklusive frågor om bedömning, tillgängligheten av teknisk utrustning och elevens teknikvana. Därför är det viktigt att förstå matematiklärares uppfattningar och erfarenheter av denna övergång för att effektivt stödja dem och deras elever i den nya digitala miljön. Denna studie syftade till att undersöka matematik lärares uppfattningar om hur digitaliseringen av nationella prov i gymnasieskolans matematik kommer att påverka genomförandet av dessa prov. Genom analys av intervjuer skapas sex tydliga teman relaterade till lärarnas uppfattningar. Genom att tillämpa fenomenografi som det teoretiska ramverket analyseras och tolkas lärarnas perspektiv och upplevelser. Resultaten av studien indikerar att matematiklärare har olika uppfattningar och förväntningar på digitaliseringen av nationellaprov i matematik. Dessa sex teman presenteras i studien: 1. Enklare att rätta: Lärarna ser digitaliseringen som ett sätt att minska rättningsbördan och möjliggöra mer rättvisa bedömningar genom central rättning. Dock finns oro över hur denna centrala rättning ska utföras. 2. Underlättande för elever med svårigheter: Digitaliseringen förväntas gynna elever som har svårt att skriva för hand eller elever med andra svårigheter genom tydligare redovisning och bättre översikt. 3. Teknikkrångel: Lärarna uttrycker oro över tekniska och logistiska problem som kan uppstå vid digitala prov, såsom tillgång till utrustning och nätverksproblem. 4. Mer fokus på tekniken? Det finns farhågor om att elevernas fokus kommer att hamna mer på tekniken än på matematiken, vilket kan påverka provresultaten. 5. Lättare att fuska? Läcker proven? Oro över ökade möjligheter till fusk och för att det ska vara större risk att proven ska läcka med införandet av digitala nationella prov. 6. Oroliga över en stor förändring: Lärarna uttrycker generell oro över den stora förändringen som digitaliseringen av nationella prov innebär, inklusive osäkerhet över hur de själva och eleverna kommer att anpassa sig till denna förändring. Dessa teman visar på både möjligheter och utmaningar med digitaliseringen av nationella prov i matematik, och det är tydligt att lärarna behöver stöd och förberedelse inför denna övergång. / The digitization of national math exams is an ongoing development that raises interest and concern among math teachers. This change involves a transition from traditional paper-based exams to digital ones, affecting both teachers and students. Research has shown both advantages and challenges of digital exams, including issues related to assessment, availability of technical equipment, and students' technological literacy. Therefore, it is important to understand math teachers' perceptions and experiences of this transition to effectively support them and their students in the new digital environment. This study aimed to investigate math teachers' perceptions of how the digitization of national math exams in high school will impact the administration of these exams. Through the analysis of interviews, six clear themes related to teachers' perceptions are identified. By applying phenomenography as the theoretical framework, teachers' perspectives and experiences are analyzed and interpreted. The results of the study indicate that math teachers have varied perceptions and expectations regarding the digitization of national math exams. These six themes are presented in the study: 1. Easier grading: Teachers see digitization as a way to reduce grading workload and enable fairer assessments through centralized grading. However, there are concerns about how this centralized grading will be conducted. 2. Aid for students with difficulties: Digitization is expected to benefit students who have difficulty writing by hand or students with other difficulties through clearer presentation and better overview. 3. Technical problems: Teachers express concerns about technical and logistical problems that may arise during digital exams, such as equipment access and network issues. 4. More focus on technology? There are fears that students' focus will shift more towards technology than mathematics, which may affect exam results. 5. Easier to cheat? Exam leaks? Concerns about increased opportunities for cheating and a greater risk of exam leaks with the introduction of digital national exams. 6. Worries about significant change: Teachers express general concerns about the major change that digitization of national exams entails, including uncertainty about how they and their students will adapt to this change. These themes highlight both opportunities and challenges of digitizing national math exams, and it is evident that teachers need support and preparation for this transition.
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Elevers debattartiklar : En studie av argumentationsstrukturer och textfunktioner i högstadieelevers argumenterande skrivande / Debate article features : how do students handle them in national tests in Swedish? A study on students’ use of text functions in argumentative textDanielsson, Julia January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är dels att undersöka textfunktioner och argumentationsstrukturer i elevers debattartiklar, dels att synliggöra styrkor och utvecklingsmöjligheter i debattartiklarna. Materialet består av fyra argumenterande elevtexter med rubriken ”Rädda vår jord!” från det nationella provet i svenska 2008. Teori och metod utgår från Tirkkonen-Condits (1985) problem- och lösningsmodell för textfunktioner i argumenterande text. Analysen är kvalitativ och bygger på frågor som ställs till texterna. Sammanfattningsvis visar studien att debattartiklarna har olika kvalitéer och utvecklingsmöjligheter, men gemensamt gäller att eleverna uppvisar en medvetenhet om fungerande struktur och disposition i argumenterande text. Eleverna argumenterar utifrån tesen och använder ofta konkretiserande exempel. Samtliga elever formulerar textfunktionen lösning och evaluering där de förklarar vad som bör göras för att rädda vår jord, och de redogör för konsekvenser om tesen inte följs. Den gemensamma utvecklingsmöjligheten hos samtliga elever är att de bör formulera textfunktionen problem mer explicit samt ha med textfunktionen orsaker vilken de inte alls använder.
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Imagens da qualidade de ensino: por uma sociologia dos estabelecidos e dos outsiders da educação / The images of educational quality: for a sociology of the established and outsiders of educationRaquel Balmant Emerique 26 November 2007 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / O trabalho é uma exploração em três direções. O primeiro capítulo da tese recupera o percurso da Sociologia da Educação e a sua tradição de estudos sobre as desigualdades escolares no contexto nacional e internacional. Localiza a qualidade do ensino como questão privilegiada nos debates atuais sobre as desigualdades de oportunidades escolares. O segundo capítulo explora as imagens da qualidade do ensino médio no Brasil tomando como referência a literatura sobre efeito-escola. Os resultados do Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (ENEM) do ano de 2005 foram analisados, observando a distribuição dos colégios de ensino médio de qualidade no município do Rio de Janeiro. Tomando como fonte as respostas que os participantes do ENEM 2005 deram ao questionário socioeconômico, as suas percepções sobre qualidade de ensino foram analisadas. O alto índice de avaliação positiva das escolas sugere critérios de avaliação diferentes dos adotados pelo ENEM. A hipótese sustentada é que a avaliação dos participantes foi orientada pelas idéias de inclusão, de oportunidade e de acesso à educação. Para fundamentar a hipótese, a história da expansão do ensino médio no Brasil foi recuperada destacando as concepções de qualidade dos diferentes atores sociais. O terceiro capítulo é uma exploração em campo de oito escolas, públicas e privadas, com alto desempenho no ENEM 2005, no município do Rio de Janeiro, a partir do depoimento dos seus melhores alunos. O objetivo consiste em observar as diferenças presentes no universo das melhores ofertas escolares. / The present work is an exploration in three directions. The first part of the doctorship thesis recovers the route followed by Educational Sociology in its tradition of studying educational inequality, both in national and international contexts. Also, it focus teaching quality as a prevalent issue in nowadays discussions about the inequality of educational opportunities. The second part explores the different pictures of high school quality in Brazil, taking as reference the existing literature on school-effect. The results of the ENEM Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (High School National Exams) of the year 2005 were analyzed, pointing out the distribution of high quality High Schools in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The students perceptions of teaching quality were analyzed based on their answers given to the social-economical questions when participating of the ENEM during 2005. The high rate of positive evaluations of the High Schools quality by those students suggests different criteria of evaluation from those used by the ENEM. The hypothesis was held that the students evaluations were oriented by the ideas of social-economical inclusion, opportunity and educational access. To validate the hypothesis, the history of high school expansion in Brazil was recovered, highlighting the different conceptions of quality by the different social characters. The third part is an exploration of eight different schools in the city of Rio de Janeiro, both public and private, in which students achieved high performance in the ENEM of 2005, based on interviews with their best students. The goal is to observe the existing differences in the world of the best education available.
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Imagens da qualidade de ensino: por uma sociologia dos estabelecidos e dos outsiders da educação / The images of educational quality: for a sociology of the established and outsiders of educationRaquel Balmant Emerique 26 November 2007 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / O trabalho é uma exploração em três direções. O primeiro capítulo da tese recupera o percurso da Sociologia da Educação e a sua tradição de estudos sobre as desigualdades escolares no contexto nacional e internacional. Localiza a qualidade do ensino como questão privilegiada nos debates atuais sobre as desigualdades de oportunidades escolares. O segundo capítulo explora as imagens da qualidade do ensino médio no Brasil tomando como referência a literatura sobre efeito-escola. Os resultados do Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (ENEM) do ano de 2005 foram analisados, observando a distribuição dos colégios de ensino médio de qualidade no município do Rio de Janeiro. Tomando como fonte as respostas que os participantes do ENEM 2005 deram ao questionário socioeconômico, as suas percepções sobre qualidade de ensino foram analisadas. O alto índice de avaliação positiva das escolas sugere critérios de avaliação diferentes dos adotados pelo ENEM. A hipótese sustentada é que a avaliação dos participantes foi orientada pelas idéias de inclusão, de oportunidade e de acesso à educação. Para fundamentar a hipótese, a história da expansão do ensino médio no Brasil foi recuperada destacando as concepções de qualidade dos diferentes atores sociais. O terceiro capítulo é uma exploração em campo de oito escolas, públicas e privadas, com alto desempenho no ENEM 2005, no município do Rio de Janeiro, a partir do depoimento dos seus melhores alunos. O objetivo consiste em observar as diferenças presentes no universo das melhores ofertas escolares. / The present work is an exploration in three directions. The first part of the doctorship thesis recovers the route followed by Educational Sociology in its tradition of studying educational inequality, both in national and international contexts. Also, it focus teaching quality as a prevalent issue in nowadays discussions about the inequality of educational opportunities. The second part explores the different pictures of high school quality in Brazil, taking as reference the existing literature on school-effect. The results of the ENEM Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (High School National Exams) of the year 2005 were analyzed, pointing out the distribution of high quality High Schools in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The students perceptions of teaching quality were analyzed based on their answers given to the social-economical questions when participating of the ENEM during 2005. The high rate of positive evaluations of the High Schools quality by those students suggests different criteria of evaluation from those used by the ENEM. The hypothesis was held that the students evaluations were oriented by the ideas of social-economical inclusion, opportunity and educational access. To validate the hypothesis, the history of high school expansion in Brazil was recovered, highlighting the different conceptions of quality by the different social characters. The third part is an exploration of eight different schools in the city of Rio de Janeiro, both public and private, in which students achieved high performance in the ENEM of 2005, based on interviews with their best students. The goal is to observe the existing differences in the world of the best education available.
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Listen Up! : A study of how teachers in SLA approach the listening skill within upper secondary schools in SwedenAndersson, Julia, Lagerström, Elin January 2020 (has links)
Listening comprehension and listening strategies plays a crucial role in the process of acquiring a language. This study aims to investigate to what extent the listening skill is practised in upper secondary schools in the south of Sweden. Research studies within the field of listening are few which indicates that the listening skill is not considered as essential in second language teaching as the other three skills: reading, writing and speaking. Previous studies indicate that teachers should educate students metacognitive awareness when teaching listening. The results summarize the teachers’ answers, reflections and attitudes conducted from semi-structured interviews. The analysis of the results focuses on the four categories distinguished from the teachers’ answers: Teaching Approaches, National Exams, The Individual Student and Metacognitive Awareness. Some of the teachers do not possess the knowledge of how to teach listening that develops students' listening proficiency. As a conclusion, the study shows that a hierarchy exists among the four skills to which teachers adjust to, and this may be detrimental in achieving educational aims.
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