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I gränslandet mellan journalistik och reklam : En semiotisk analys av native advertising i svensk nättidningIsenborg, Wilma January 2017 (has links)
I och med informations- och kommunikationsteknikens snabbt framskridande utveckling så har även sätten att nå ut med kommersiella budskap förändrats. Internets framfart och en utbredd användning av digital teknik har möjliggjort en stor spridning av kommersiella medieinnehåll. Det kan idag vara svårt som läsare att identifiera vad som är reklam och vad som är redaktionellt innehåll. Särskilt när annonsörerna allt mer förändrar sina annonser till att efterlikna utseendet på det kringliggande innehållet. En rapport från Stanford-universitetet visar hur elever får allt svårare att utvärdera information i texter från internet. De förskräckande resultatet i rapporten visar på en oförmåga hos studenterna att kritiskt granska information på internet och svårigheter att urskilja reklam från redaktionellt innehåll och dess avsändare (Stanford History Education Group 2016, Brooke 2016). Uppsatsens syfte är således att undersöka hur likhet och distinktion konstrueras i native advertising-annonser i förhållande till dess kringliggande redaktionella tidningsinnehåll. Den vetenskapliga metoden som används är en semiotisk analys av 8 stycken reklamannonser som förekommit i nätversionen av svensk dag- och kvällspress. Analysen visade hur native advertising-materialet genom olika detaljer konnoterade redaktionellt material genom bland annat format och text. Materialet förhöll sig interdiskursivt till andra genrer så som krönika, nyhetsartikel och konsumentjournalistik genom att konstruera sitt utseende med avsikt att konnotera dessa. Från många olika håll inom branschen så visas rekommendationer och förhållningssätt till hur reklamannonser bör utmärkas i tidningar för att undvika att läsas som redaktionell text. Utan hänsyn till detta så visade analysen hur alla de texter som undersöktes refererade, antingen intertextuellt eller interdiskursivt, till redaktionell text.
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Narratives of Wounded KneeKrehbiel, Beth Ann January 1900 (has links)
Master of Landscape Architecture / Department of Landscape Architecture/Regional and Community Planning / Laurence A. Clement / Research suggests that Native Americans, Chicanos, and African Americans are groups underrepresented in the North American memorial landscape. The fluid nature of a group and individual’s identity (and the memory that shapes it) contributes to the underrepresentation in commemoration and memorials. As communities and the associated identities continue to blend and overlap moments of positive cultural exchange can take place, but at times the outcomes are in the realm of contention and conflict. The collaborative nature of landscape architecture together with the profession’s ability to understand and interpret complex systems and narratives can fully engage and bring form to the morally imaginative, creative act of peacebuilding. The concept of shifting and variant meaning led to this study that considered the question- How might memorials be designed as reconciliatory agents in cultural landscapes with conflicting histories?
This study engaged the concept of memory and identity with Oglala Lakota, on the Pine Ridge Reservation, regarding the tragedy of Wounded Knee, through adapted ethnographic approaches in interviewing, site visits, extensive literature review, mapping and design inquiry. The design inquiry responds to social, economic, and ecological narratives to inform the design of the reconciliatory-minded memorial.
The initial premise of the project was situated in the understanding that events with contested meaning are difficult to memorialize because there are so many differing voices; irreconcilable in the built form. While that is true in some contexts, initial findings suggests these groups are underrepresented because it is difficult to memorialize that which is a contemporary social justice or inter-demographic issue. In light of this and further research, the author believes that memorials seeking to honor demographics or events that directly affect contemporary groups might be contextually more appropriate, and act as mediators, if they focus forward rather than solely and solemnly reflect the past. Conceptual sketches conclude this study, offering possibilities for design expression, which might be realized with community participation.
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The relationship between mother tongue and English second language learning strategiesMakoni, Rachel, Tuso January 2016 (has links)
Submitted in part fulfilment of the requirements for the degree
Masters in Educational Psychology
At the: University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg / South Africa is a multicultural and multilingual country. The majority of learners (90%)
speak a mother tongue that is not English. The language of instruction is however English.
English has become the dominant language in education, commerce and industry and
therefore proficiency in the language is imperative. In order to help learners learn more
efficiently, and to inform education policy making, an exploration of what language learning strategies learners from divergent mother tongue backgrounds employ, is beneficial. This study was conducted in a high school, in a township area of Gauteng, South Africa in order to investigate whether there is a relationship between the mother tongue of South African high school learners and English second language learning strategies employed by these learners.
The sample consisted of 107 Grade 8-Grade 12 participants who were receiving instruction in English, with their mother tongue specified as one of the 9 African languages. Learners were asked to complete a 50 item questionnaire, as well as a demographical information form. The results showed that although there was no significant relationship between mother tongue and English second language learning strategies used by high school learners, other variables such as number of years of English language instruction and age were significant variables that influenced choice of English language learning strategy use. It was also found that metacognitive strategies were the most commonly used English language learning strategies. Research on the relationship between mother tongue and language learning strategy use is imperative given the significant number of learners that would benefit from this research and
subsequent interventions implemented. / AC2018
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The relationship between mother tongue and English second language learning strategiesMakoni, Rachel 27 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted in part fulfilment of the requirements for the degree
Masters in Educational Psychology
At the: University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
January 2016 / South Africa is a multicultural and multilingual country. The majority of learners (90%) speak a mother tongue that is not English. The language of instruction is however English. English has become the dominant language in education, commerce and industry and therefore proficiency in the language is imperative. In order to help learners learn more efficiently, and to inform education policy making, an exploration of what language learning strategies learners from divergent mother tongue backgrounds employ, is beneficial. This study was conducted in a high school, in a township area of Gauteng, South Africa in order to investigate whether there is a relationship between the mother tongue of South African high school learners and English second language learning strategies employed by these learners. The sample consisted of 107 Grade 8-Grade 12 participants who were receiving instruction in English, with their mother tongue specified as one of the 9 African languages. Learners were asked to complete a 50 item questionnaire, as well as a demographical information form. The results showed that although there was no significant relationship between mother tongue and English second language learning strategies used by high school learners, other variables such as number of years of English language instruction and age were significant variables that influenced choice of English language learning strategy use. It was also found that metacognitive strategies were the most commonly used English language learning strategies. Research on the relationship between mother tongue and language learning strategy use is imperative given the significant number of learners that would benefit from this research and subsequent interventions implemented
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Situating Vine Deloria, Jr.'s Philosophy of ScienceSouthall, Joel 18 August 2015 (has links)
This thesis provides a view of Deloria's thoughts on science and metaphysics, presenting his criticism of Western science and of his proposed alternative to what he presents as a historically evidenced epistemic attitude of exclusion. Deloria refers to Thomas Kuhn and Paul Feyerabend, suggesting that the institution of Western science operates according to a paradigm that is both very different from that of traditional Indigenous knowledge practice and fundamentally exclusionary. A potential of communication between Western science and Indigenous knowledge is possible through paradigm shifts as well as through reference to epistemic anarchy. My presentation of Deloria's description of Indigenous metaphysics includes an account of an agential ontology and place-grounded epistemology with reference to Daniel R. Wildcat, Baruch Spinoza, Scott L. Pratt, and others. Ultimately, Deloria breaks with Feyerabend's epistemological anarchy in light of our contemporary environmental predicament and advocates a more restrained, relational epistemology.
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Från två sidor av den journalistiska muren : En kvalitativ studie av journalister och native-producenters syn på native advertisingPettersson, Nichlas January 2019 (has links)
Detta är en kandidatuppsats i journalistik som har för avsikt att undersöka journalisters och native-producenters syn på native advertising. Native advertising är reklam som efterliknar det redaktionella materialet för att smälta in på plattformen. Frågeställningarna är följande: Vad är bra respektive dålig native advertising enligt respondenterna? Hur påverkar native advertsing muren mellan den redaktionella och den kommersiella sidan? Hur ser framtiden ut för native advertising enligt respondenterna? Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur inställningen till native advertising skiljer sig mellan journalister och native-producenter för att på det sättet bidra med en ny infallsvinkel till diskussionerna om annonsformen. Förhoppningen är att det tack vare denna studie i framtiden blir enklare att jämföra den redaktionella och den kommersiella sidans syn på annonsformen. Metoden som använts i uppsatsen är kvalitativa semistrukturerade samtalsintervjuer. Fyra journalister och fyra native-producenter har intervjuats. Resultatet visar att synen på native advertising skiljer sig mellan journalister och native-producenter, men inte lika mycket som jag förväntat mig. Det finns emellertid en mer positiv syn på annonsformen hos native-producenterna än hos journalisterna. Både journalisterna och native-producenterna menar att native advertising kan vara en inkomstkälla och bidra med meningsskapande kommunikation om det används på rätt sätt, men kan också vara förödande för mediebranschen om annonserna inte är tydligt märkta vilket skadar både mediernas och annonsörernas förtroende. Native advertising ses heller inte som en räddning för mediernas ekonomi.
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Análise da dispersão das populações nativas americanas: uma abordagem genético-fisiográfica / Dispersion analysis of the native american populations: a genetic-fisiographyc approachAlmeida, Tatiana Ferreira de 06 May 2011 (has links)
Até recentemente, o povoamento das Américas era visto como um produto de uma expansão em linhas paralelas do norte para o sul do continente. Sob este cenário, os sítios arqueológicos dos primeiros americanos deveria obedecer um gradiente cronológico seguindo a mesma lógica, independente de sua longitude. Recentemente, no entanto, especialistas começaram a reconhecer que certas características dos diferentes biomas poderiam favorecer diferentes taxas de expansão populacional. Beaton (1991), por exemplo, sugeriu que as expansões humanas em escala continental seriam mais condicionadas às características do ambiente (biomas) de que a distâncias geográficas lineares, ideia esta, também suportada por Dixon (2001). Neste estudo foi testada a hipótese de Beaton e Dixon, aplicada às Américas, investigando se a estrutura genética dos nativos americanos atuais é influenciada pelos biomas que elas ocupam. Para fazer isso, três diferentes tipo de matrizes foram construídas baseadas em dados de DNA mitocondrial e microssatélites de grupos de nativos americanos: uma, formada por distâncias genéticas (Fst) entre as populações, outra formada pelas distâncias geográficas entre as mesmas populações em quilômetros, e uma última formada pelas distâncias fisiográficas. Essas matrizes foram comparadas pela correlação de Pearson seguida de testes de Mantel e parciais de Mantel. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que em geral os diferentes biomas não tiveram um papel significativo na estruturação genética das populações nativas americanas, ao menos como estão distribuídas hoje. / Until recently, the settlement of the Americas was seen as the product of a \"bow wave\" human expansion from north do south. Under this scenario, the archaeological sites of the first americans should obey a chronological gradient following the same logic, independent of their longitude. Recently, however, specialists began to recognize that certain characteristics of different biomes could have favored different rates of demic expansion. Beaton (1991), for instance, suggested that human expansions in continental scales are much more conditioned by the ecological attributes of the macro environmental zones (biomes) involved than by linear geographic distances, an idea also spoused by Dixon (2001). In this study we test Beaton´s and Dixon´s ideas, as applied to the Americas, by investigating if the genetic structure of recent native american populations is influenced by the biomes they occupy. In order to do this, three different kinds of matrices were constructed based on the frequency of mtDNA and microsatelites from native american groups: one formed by the genetic distances (Fst) among the populations, a second one formed by the geographic distances among the same populations in kilometers, and a last one formed by their \"physiographic\" distances. These matrices were compared by Pearson´s correlation followed by Mantel and partial Mantel tests. The results obtained showed that in general the different biomes did not play a significant role in the native american genetic structuring, at least as they are distributed today.
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The Wickliffe Thick pottery type, an unusual vessel with a globular body, thick wall, and funnel-like opening at the bottom, has been assumed to be related to salt production and/or juice pressing. The following project presents the results of a use-wear analysis in order to understand Wickliffe Thick’s possible uses demonstrating that past conclusions likely need revision. A systematic, macroscopic analysis of ceramic sherds from more than 20 Mississippian sites throughout Kentucky, Missouri, and Illinois are included in the study. Use-wear on the samples occur in a low frequency. Although other factors such as a white efflorescence, and Wickliffe Thick’s temporal and spatial layout may hint at its usage in the nixtamalization process. This paper lays out the evidence for these hypotheses while also recording the characteristics of Wickliffe Thick across the southeastern United States.
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The Achfa-hammi Plankhouse: Understanding Tribal Architectures in the Realm of Historic PreservationRieke, Lauren 03 October 2013 (has links)
After years of assimilation and acculturation, many Native Americans have both the means and strength to assert their unique identity among mainstream America. They have devised various channels for accomplishing this, such as language classes and continuing traditional practices, often using resources offered through State, Federal or Tribal Historic Preservation programs. Constructions of contemporary traditional architecture can be another of these tools used to promote this cultural renaissance. As a field that defines itself on the basis of cultural conservation, Historic Preservation principles claim to support these endeavors; however, because they do not meet the age criteria for "historic structures," such buildings are often left out of the preservation matrix. By examining the Achfa-hammi plankhouse of the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde, this thesis will address the building's impact on cultural revitalization and explore the disconnect that exists between Historic Preservation policies and new constructions of tribal architectures.
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Shaping Whiteclay: Agency and Desire in the Preservation of American Indian SitesSchwartz, Tracy 29 September 2014 (has links)
Historic preservationists have struggled with how to best interpret the diverse history of the United States. This is especially true when faced with sites that represent the continued colonization of American Indian populations. While preservationists are continually striving to provide a more inclusive history, historic sites remain where preservationists are omitting Native voice, perpetuating stereotypes, and telling history with an emphasis on damage within communities. Whiteclay, Nebraska offers a case study of a site with a complex history where multiple cultures have embedded the same place with different meaning. This thesis argues that through the incorporation of agency, the challenging of stereotypes, and the addition of desire-based research into the historic preservation field, a re-interpretation of Whiteclay, as well as other sites with multifaceted pasts, can emerge and places of colonization can become places of healing.
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