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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Coagulation, Inflammation and Myocardial Dysfunction in Unstable Coronary Artery Disease and the Influence of Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Inhibition and Low Molecular Weight Heparin

James, Stefan January 2003 (has links)
Hjärt-kärl sjukdom är den vanligaste dödsorsaken i västvärlden. Samtidigt som antalet patienter med hjärtinfarkt har minskat, har antalet patienter med instabil kranskärlsjukdom d.v.s. svår kärlkramp ökat påtagligt. Diagnosen är nu den vanligaste orsaken till vård på hjärtinfarktavdelningar i Sverige. Modern behandling av instabil kranskärlssjukdom består av en kombination av läkemedel för att minska blodproppsbildning och avlasta hjärtarbetet samt, i de flesta fall, s.k. ballongvidning eller operation av hjärtats kranskärl. Trots stora behandlingsframsteg är risken för hjärtinfarkt och död hög, såväl på kort som lång sikt. Det finns därför ett stort behov av ytterligare förbättrad behandling utan att samtidigt erhålla oacceptabelt hög risk för allvarliga biverkningar. För att erbjuda en effektiv behandling till patienter med hög risk och samtidigt undvika dyr och potentiellt riskfylld behandling till patienter med låg risk behövs också bättre instrument för tidig riskbedömning. Syftet med avhandlingen var att undersöka en stor grupp patienter med instabil kranskärlssjukdom avseende säkerhet och effektivitet av en behandlingskombination av två moderna blodproppshämmande läkemedel, dalteparin och abciximab (ca 1000 patienter). Syftet var också att studera hur denna behandling påverkar system för inflammation och koagulation (ca 400 patienter). Dessutom ville vi värdera hur blodnivåer av markörer för inflammation, hjärtmuskelskada och nedsatt hjärtfunktion kan förutsäga risken för framtida komplikationer (ca 7000 patienter). Tillägg av abciximab till dalteparin minskade inte risken för dödsfall eller hjärtinfarkt inom trettio dagar. Däremot ökade antalet blödningskomplikationer. Totala antalet blödningar var emellertid relativt lågt och behandlingen syntes vara lika säker som kombinationen av abciximab och det internationellt mycket använda blodproppshämmande medlet heparin. Trots den kraftfulla behandlingskombinationen skedde en samtidig aktivering av system för såväl inflammation som koagulation. Detta kan vara en orsak till den observerade avsaknaden av behandlingseffekt av abciximab. Att hindra denna aktivering skulle samtidigt kunna innebära möjligheter för nya behandlingsstrategier. Förhöjda nivåer av markörer för hjärtmuskelskada (troponin T), inflammation (CRP), nedsatt hjärtfunktion (proBNP) eller nedsatt njurfunktion (kreatininclearance) ökade risken för dödlig utgång både på kort och lång sikt, oberoende av andra riskfaktorer. En kombination av två av dessa markörer gav den högsta risken för dödlig utgång. Således dog endast 0.3 % av patienter med låga nivåer av proBNP och normal njurfunktion inom ett år, jämfört med 25.7 % av patienter med höga nivåer av proBNP och nedsatt njurfunktion. Förhöjda nivåer av troponin T eller nedsatt kreatininclearance (men inte av CRP eller proBNP) ökade dessutom risken för hjärtinfarkt. Resultaten i avhandlingsarbetet har givit kliniskt tillämpbar kunskap om hur kärlkrampspatienter med hög respektive låg risk kan selekteras tidigt efter inkomst till sjukhus och ny kunskap om behandlingseffekt av abciximab och dalteparin. Resultaten har redovisats på internationella kongresser och i högt rankade medicinska tidskrifter och har citerats i europeiska och amerikanska ”guidelines” för behandling av instabil kranskärlssjukdom. / Patients with unstable coronary artery disease (CAD) have an increased risk of subsequent myocardial infarction and death. This study evaluated the safety and efficacy of treatment with glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibition in addition to aspirin, low molecular-weight heparin and its influence on coagulation and inflammation. Also, early and differentiated risk assessment utilising markers of inflammation, myocardial damage and dysfunction were evaluated. The Global Utilisation of Strategies To open Occluded arteries- IV (GUSTO-IV) trial randomised 7800 patients with unstable CAD to 24 or 48 hours infusion of abciximab or placebo in addition to routine treatment with aspirin and unfactionated heparin or dalteparin. Baseline levels of creatinine, C-reactive protein (CRP), Troponin-T (TnT) and N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) were analysed. At selected sites, all patients received subcutaneous dalteparin (n=974), in stead of unfractionated heparin infusion (n=6826). In a sub-population of dalteparin treated patients (n=404), serial measurements of markers of inflammation , coagulation and fibrinolysis were also performed. Addition of abciximab to dalteparin as the primary treatment of unstable CAD was not associated with any significant reduction in cardiac events but a doubled risk of bleedings. The combination of abciximab and dalteparin seemed to be as safe as when used with unfractionated heparin. Despite full dose dalteparin and aspirin there was a simultaneous activation of the inflammation, coagulation and fibrinolysis systems without any influence of the abciximab treatment. Elevated levels of CRP, TnT, and NT-proBNP and reduced creatinine clearance were independently related to short and long-term mortality. The best prediction of high and low risk was provided by a combination of NT-proBNP and creatinine clearance. Any detectable elevation of TnT and reduced creatinine clearance, but neither elevation of CRP nor NT-proBNP, were also independently associated to a raised risk of subsequent myocardial infarction.

Early Risk Stratification, Treatment and Outcome in ST-elevation Myocardial Infarction

Björklund, Erik January 2005 (has links)
We evaluated, in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) treated with thrombolytics, admission Troponin T (tnT), ST-segment resolution and admission N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) for early risk stratification as well as time delays and outcome in real life patients according to prehospital or in-hospital thrombolytic treatment. Also, baseline characteristics, treatments and outcome in patients enrolled in the ASSENT-2 trial in Sweden and in patients not enrolled were evaluated. TnT (n=881) and NT-proBNP (n=782) on admission and ST-resolution at 60 minutes (n=516) in patients from the ASSENT-2 and ASSENT-PLUS trials were analysed. Elevated levels of NT-proBNP and tnT on admission were both independently related to one-year mortality. However, when adding information on ST-resolution (</≥50%) 60 minutes after initiation of thrombolytic treatment, tnT no longer contributed independently to mortality prediction. High and low risk patients were best identified by a combination of NT-proBNP and ST-resolution at 60 minutes. We investigated consecutive STEMI patients included in the RIKS-HIA registry between 2001 and 2004, if they were ambulance transported and had received prehospital (n=1690) or in-hospital (n=3685) thrombolytic treatment. Prehospital diagnosis and thrombolysis reduced the time to thrombolysis by almost one hour, were associated with better left ventricular function and fewer complications and reduced the adjusted one-year mortality by 30% compared with in-hospital thrombolysis. Prospective data from the RIKS-HIA registry on STEMI patients treated with thrombolytics were linked to data on trial participants in the ASSENT-2 trial of thrombolytic agents and used for direct comparisons. Patients treated with thrombolytics and not enrolled in a clinical trial at trial hospitals (n=2048) had higher risk characteristics, more early complications and twice as high adjusted one-year mortality compared to those enrolled (n=729). One major reason for the difference in outcome appeared to be the selection of less critically ill patients to the trial.

Le syndrome métabolique chez les congéniques du rat Dahl : influence de la diète et rôle du récepteur de l'ANP

Fillion-Forté, Valérie 03 1900 (has links)
L’hypertension artérielle et l’obésité sont deux composantes conjointement reliées du syndrome métabolique. Les récepteurs de l’ANP (GCA) et de l’oxyde nitrique (GCs) ont des propriétés diurétiques, natriurétiques, vasodilatatrices et sont liés au contrôle de la pression. Des études récentes ont démontré leur implication dans l’obésité. Hypothèse : Une différence génétique au niveau du gène GCA pourrait contribuer à des différences physiologiques. La composante lipidique et/ou sodique de la diète pourrait influencer la fonction rénale, cardiaque et les valeurs anthropométriques différemment chez les souches congéniques. Objectifs : (1) Déterminer l’effet de la composante lipidique et sodique des diètes; (2) Évaluer l’influence de GCA sur la réponse physiologique des souches congéniques; (3) Expliquer les mécanismes physiologiques procurant une réduction de la pression artérielle chez la souche SM9. Méthodologie : Des modèles congéniques du rat Dahl (DSS) hypertendu, nourri avec une diète riche en gras (HF) ou normale (NF), ont été utilisés pour démontrer l’impact d’un segment chromosomique d’origine normotendue. Résultats : La souche SM9 a une prise de poids plus importante que SM12 et DSS sur diète HF malgré un apport alimentaire équivalent. La souche SM9 présente également un ratio masse adipeuse/masse maigre plus élevé que SM12 et DSS. Nous n’avons observé aucune augmentation de la pression artérielle en réponse à la diète HF pour les 3 souches malgré une augmentation du dommage rénal pour les 3 souches. Le dommage rénal est plus important chez DSS que pour les 2 congéniques. La réponse diurétique à l’ANP est plus élevée chez SM9 et est influencée par le contenu en sel dand la diète. La perte glomérulaire plus importante chez le rat DSS semble compensée par une augmentation de la réponse à l’ANP par les glomérules résiduels. Il y a une corrélation entre l’activité de GCA en réponse à l’ANP, les niveaux d’ARNm et le nombre de répétition du dinucléotide TA dans son promoteur. Le rat DSS présente une hypertrophie cardiaque plus importante que les deux souches congénique et ceci n’est pas modifié par la diète HF. Conclusion : Nos études ont permis de mettre en évidence un effet génétique impliquant le segment chromosomique normotendu contenant GCA dans la réponse à une diète HF chez le rat DSS. / Hypertension and obesity are two related components of the metabolic syndrome. The ANP receptor (GCA) and nitric oxide receptor (sGC) have diuretic, natriuretic, vasodilatory properties, and are linked to blood pressure control. Furthermore a recent study has demonstrated the implication of GCA and sGC in the development of obesity. Hypothesis: A genetic difference in GCA gene could contribute to physiological differences. The differencial lipid and/or sodium composition of the diet could influence the renal, cardiac and anthropometric values. Objectives: (1) To determine the effect of fat and sodium on the physiological parameters; (2) To evaluate the influence of GCA on the physiological response of the congenic rat; (3) To explain the mechanisms of the blood pressure reduction in SM9 rats. Methodology: Congenic model of DSS rat, fed with either high fat (HF) or normal (NF) diet, were used to demonstrate the impact of a chromosome segment from normotensive origin on physiological functions. C2SM9 contains GCA and sGC from normotensive origin while C2SM12 harbours only sGC from normotensive origin. Results: HF diet had negative feature on body composition, renal damage, creatinine clearance and inhibited the diuretic/natriuretic effect of ANP. The normotensive segment including GCA and sGC has reduced the blood pressure, improve the renal damage and increased the diuretic/natriuretic capacity of SM9 in response to ANP injection when compared to SM12 and DSS. GCA mRNA and the clearance receptor ratio were reduced in SM9 in the renal cortex and retroperitoneal fat. SM12 and SM9, containing the chromosomal segment that includes sGC, improve their lipid profile compared with DSS. Conclusion: Our results suggested a compensatory increase in the GCA levels for SM12 and DSS that is insufficient to improve their pathophysiologic status as observed in SM9. HF diet increases the metabolic syndrome in those rats.

Biomarkers for cardiovascular risk prediction in people with type 2 diabetes

Price, Anna Helen January 2017 (has links)
Introduction: Type 2 diabetes continues to be one of the most common non-communicable diseases worldwide and complications due to type 2 diabetes, such as cardiovascular disease (CVD) can cause severe disability and even death. Despite advances in the development and validation of cardiovascular risk scores, those used in clinical practice perform inadequately for people with type 2 diabetes. Research has suggested that particular non-traditional biomarkers and novel omics data may provide additional value to risk scores over-and-above traditional predictors. Aims: To determine whether a small panel of non-traditional biomarkers improve prediction models based on a current cardiovascular risk score (QRISK2), either individually or in combination, in people with type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, to investigate a set of 228 metabolites and their associations with CVD, independent of well-established cardiovascular risk factors, in order to identify potential new predictors of CVD for future research. Methods: Analyses used the Edinburgh Type 2 Diabetes Study (ET2DS), a prospective cohort of 1066 men and women with type 2 diabetes aged 60-75 years at baseline. Participants were followed for eight years, during which time 205 had a cardiovascular event. Additionally, for omics analyses, four cohorts from the UCL-LSHTM-Edinburgh-Bristol (UCLEB) consortium were combined with the ET2DS. Across all studies, 1005 (44.73%) participants had CVD at baseline or experienced a cardiovascular event during follow-up. Results: In the ET2DS, higher levels of high sensitivity cardiac troponin (hs-cTnT) and N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) and lower levels of ankle brachial pressure index (ABI) were associated with incident cardiovascular events, independent of QRISK2 and pre-existing cardiovascular disease (odds ratios per one SD increase in biomarker 1.35 (95% CI: 1.13, 1.61), 1.23 (1.02, 1.49) and 0.86 (0.73, 1.00) respectively). The addition of each biomarker to a model including just QRISK2 variables improved the c-statistic, with the biggest increase for hs-cTnT (from 0.722 (0.681, 0.763) to 0.732 (0.690, 0.774)). When multiple biomarkers were considered in combination, the greatest c-statistic was found for a model which included ABI, hs-cTnT and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (0.740 (0.699, 0.781)). In the combined cohorts from the UCLEB consortium, a small number of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) particles were found to be significantly associated with CVD: concentration of medium HDL particles, total lipids in medium HDL, phospholipids in medium HDL and phospholipids in small HDL. These associations persisted after adjustment for a range of traditional cardiovascular risk factors including age, sex, blood pressure, smoking and HDL to total cholesterol ratio. Conclusions: In older people with type 2 diabetes, a range of non-traditional biomarkers increased predictive ability for cardiovascular events over-and-above the commonly used QRISK2 score, and a combination of biomarkers may provide the best improvement. Furthermore, a small number of novel omics biomarkers were identified which may further improve risk scores or provide better prediction than traditional lipid measurements such as HDL cholesterol.

Příspěvek vyšetření BNP ke zpřesnění prognózy nemocných s pokročilým srdečním selháním / Contribution of BNP to prognostic stratification of patients with advanced heart failure.

Hegarová, Markéta January 2017 (has links)
Plasma levels of B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) are a strong and independent predictor of prognosis in patients with advanced heart failure (CHF). However, the importance of this biomarker has been documented only in CHF of common causes such as dilated or ischemic cardiomyopathy. We hypothesized that BNP can serve as a strong predictor of end-stage CHF in group of patients with advanced CHF due to congenital heart disease (CHD) with the right ventricle in systemic position (SRV). The second hypothesis was that BNP monitoring in patients with implanted left ventricular assist device (LVAD) Heart Mate II could detect serious complications which negatively affect prognosis. We performed a retrospective analysis in 28 consecutive patients with severe systolic dysfunction of the SRV (ejection fraction 23 ± 6%) evaluated as heart transplant (HTx) candidates between May 2007 and October 2014. During a median follow-up of 29 months (interquartile range, 9-50), 14 pts reached primary endpoints of the study (death, urgent HTx, and LVAD implantation). We have considered these events equivalent to end-stage CHF. Using ROC analysis, we identified the first measured value of BNP as the strongest predictor of prognosis with the area under the curve (AUC) of 1.00, followed by the New York Heart Association...

Papel dos lípides plasmáticos e fatores pró-inflamatórios na fisiopatologia da insuficiência cardíaca / Role of plasma lipids and pro inflammatory factors in the patho physiology of heart failure

Ana Elisa Marabini Martinelli 19 May 2017 (has links)
Introdução: A Organização Mundial da Saúde estimou em 2015 que 23 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo sofrem de insuficiência cardíaca (IC), com taxas de mortalidade equivalentes às do câncer. Níveis mais elevados de HDL-colesterol têm sido associados com maior sobrevivência na IC. É consensual que as várias funções protetoras da HDL devem ser exploradas além da concentração de HDL-colesterol. Transferência de lípides para HDL, mediada por proteínas de transferência CETP e PLTP, é uma etapa importante no transporte reverso de colesterol e metabolismo de HDL.,Desenvolvemos um ensaio in vitro para avaliar as transferências de lípides para a HDL, mostrando que esse fenômeno é alterado em várias condições, como na doença arterial coronária, no diabetes mellitus e pelo estilo de vida sedentário. Recentemente, tem sido descrito que a HDL transporta pequenos RNAs não codificadores de proteína, os chamados microRNAs (miRNAs). Alguns miRNAs foram descritos como reguladores críticos do metabolismo das lipoproteínas. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar lípides plasmáticos, transferência lipídica para HDL, perfil inflamatório, miRNAs relacionados ao metabolismo de lipoproteínas obtidos de pacientes com IC e de pacientes sem IC (sem-IC). Métodos: Quarenta e oito pacientes com IC foram avaliados, 25 em classe funcional NYHA I e II (IC-I/II) e 23 em NYHA III e IV (IC-III/IV), bem como 50 pacientes sem-IC pareados por gênero e idade. Todos os pacientes com IC apresentavam uma fração de ejeção <=40%. Foram determinadas as concentrações plasmáticas de CETP, LCAT, LDL oxidada (LDLox) e atividade de paraoxonase 1 (PON-1). Transferências de lípides para a HDL foi avaliada a partir da incubação de uma nanopartícula artificial com plasma total. A expressão de miRNAs circulantes envolvidos no metabolismo das lipoproteínas também foi analisada. Resultados: Os níveis de colesterol total, LDL e HDL e triglicérides não diferiram entre os três grupos. A concentração da apolipoproteína A-I foi menor no grupo IC-I/II em comparação ao grupo sem-IC (125±23 versus 142±19; p < 0,05), enquanto que a concentração da apolipoproteína B foi menor em ICIII/ IV comparado ao sem-IC (81±35 versus 114±40; p < 0,001). A transferência de colesterol esterificado (5,44±1,76 versus 6,26±0,85), fosfolípides (19,05±2,5 versus 20,21±1,45) e de triglicérides (6,29±2,05 versus 7,40±1,47) foi menor no grupo IC-III/IV do que no grupo sem-IC (p < 0,05). No entanto, não houve diferença nas transferências entre IC-I/II e sem-IC. A concentração de LDLox foi menor em ambos os grupos com IC comparados ao sem-IC (p < 0,0001). A massa de CETP foi menor em IC-III/IV do que em IC-I/II (2,77±1,3 versus 3,78±1,3; p=0,021). A concentração de LCAT e a atividade de PON-1 não foram diferentes entre os grupos. A análise da expressão dos miRNAs circulantes miR-33a, miR-144, miR-185, miR-125, miR-758, miR-26a, miR- 106b, miR-122 e miR-30c, mostrou-se significantemente aumentada nos indivíduos com IC em comparação aos indivíduos sem-IC, ao passo que o miR- 10b foi o único encontrado diminuído na IC comparado com indivíduos sem-IC (p=0,007). Conclusão: Em pacientes com IC mais severa e sintomática da IC, o processo de transferência de lípides para a HDL está deficiente, bem como alguns dos mecanismos que o regulam, e possivelmente estas alterações influenciem no transporte reverso do colesterol e nas funções protetoras da HDL desses pacientes / Background: World Health Organization estimated that there were twentythree million subjects worldwide suffering from heart failure (HF) in 2015, with mortality rates equivalent to those of cancer. Higher HDL-cholesterol levels have been associated with longer survival in HF. It is now consensual that the various protective functions of HDL should be explored beyond HDLcholesterol. Transfer of lipids to HDL, mediated by transfer proteins CETP and PLTP, is an important step in reverse cholesterol transport and HDL metabolism. Previously, we developed an in vitro assay to test those lipid transfers and showed that transfer of cholesterol to HDL is altered in several conditions, such as coronary artery disease (CAD), diabetes and sedentary lifestyle. Recently, HDL transports small non-coding RNA molecule, called micro RNAs (miRNAs). Some miRNA are critical regulators of lipoprotein metabolism. The aim of this study was compare plasma lipids, lipid transfers to HDL, inflammatory profile, miRNAs related to plasma lipids from patients with HF with those from patients with without HF (non-HF). Methods: Forty-eight HF patients were studied, 25 with functional class NYHA I and II (HF I/II) and 23 with NYHA III and IV (HF III/IV), as well as 50 non-HF patients matched for gender, age and BMI. All HF had ejection fraction <= 40%. CETP, LCAT, oxidized LDL (oxLDL) and paraoxonase 1 (PON-1) activity were determined. Transfers of lipids from a donor artificial nanoparticle to HDL was determined by an in vitro assay in which the emulsion was incubated with whole plasma. Expression of circulating miRNAs involved in cholesterol metabolism was also analyzed. Results: Total, LDL and HDL cholesterol and triglycerides did not differ among the 3 groups. Apolipoprotein A-I was lower in NYHA I/II group compared to non- HF (125±23 versus 142±19; p < 0.05) and apo B was lower in NYHA III/IV group compared to non-HF (81±35 versus 114±40, p < 0.001). The transfer of esterified cholesterol (5.44±1.76 versus 6.26±0.85), phospholipids (19.05±2.5 versus 20.21±1.45) and of triglycerides (6.29±2.05 versus 7.40±1.47) to HDL was lower in HF-III/IV than in non-HF (p < 0.05), but lipid transfers were not different between HF-I/II and non-HF. oxLDL was lower in both HF groups compared to non-HF (p < 0.0001). CETP mass was lower in HF-III/IV than in HF-I/II (2.77±1.3 versus 3.78±1.3; p=0.021). LCAT and PON-1 activity was not different among the groups. Regarding to miRNA, miR-33a, miR-144, miR-185, miR-125, miR- 758, miR-26a, miR-106b, miR-122 e miR-30c were significantly increased in HF compared to non-HF subjects, whereas miR-10b was the only one found to be decreased in HF compared to non-HF subjects (p=0.007). Conclusion: In patients with the more severe and symptomatic HF, the lipid transfer to HDL is deficient, as well as some mechanisms that regulate it, and possibly these changes influence reverse cholesterol transport and the protective functions of HDL in these patients

Characterization of signalling pathways in cardiac hypertrophic response

Koivisto, E. (Elina) 07 June 2011 (has links)
Abstract Intracellular signalling cascades regulate cardiomyocyte hypertrophic response. Initially hypertrophy of individual myocytes occurs as an adaptive response to increased demands for cardiac work, e.g. during hypertension or after myocardial infarction, but a prolonged hypertrophic response, accompanied by accelerated fibrosis and apoptosis, predisposes the heart to impaired performance and the syndrome of heart failure. The goal of this work was to elucidate some of the main signalling pathways in experimental models of the cardiac hypertrophic response. Mechanical stretching of cultured neonatal rat cardiomyocytes in vitro activates the B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) gene, a well-established marker of the hypertrophic response, through intracellular signalling cascades mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) and protein kinase A (PKA) -pathway. Further, transcription factors transcriptional enhancer factor-1 (TEF-1) and activating transcription factor 3 (ATF3) were induced during stretch, and TEF-1 activation was shown to be regulated by extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), while ATF3 activation was modulated by PKA. The BNP gene was also activated by the adenoviral overexpression of the p38 MAPK isoforms p38α and p38β in vitro. Importantly, p38α–induced activation was mediated through activator protein-1 (AP-1) while p38β mediated BNP transcription through GATA-4, which suggests distinct physiological roles for different p38 isoforms. This was further confirmed by quantitative PCR, which demonstrated pro-fibrotic role for the p38α isoform and a pro-hypertrophic role for the p38β isoform. Finally, adenoviral overexpression of ATF3 in vitro and in vivo resulted in activation of cardiac survival factors nuclear factor-κВ and Nkx-2.5, and attenuation of central pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrotic mediators. Together these data suggest a protective role for ATF3 in the heart. Overall this study provides new insights into the role of several signalling molecules involved in cardiac hypertrophic process and suggests potential therapeutic strategies for the diagnosis and treatment of heart failure. / Tiivistelmä Sydämen kammioiden seinämät paksuuntuvat kuormituksen lisääntyessä mm. verenpainetaudissa tai sydäninfarktin jälkeen. Lisääntynyt kuormitus aiheuttaa sydänlihassolujen koon kasvun (hypertrofioitumisen) ohella sidekudoksen kertymistä (fibroosia) ja solukuolemaa. Nämä solutason muutokset lopulta vioittavat sydämen rakennetta niin, että sen toiminta pettää, ja sydän ajautuu vajaatoimintaan. Tätä taudin etenemistä säätelevät molekyylitasolla lukuisat solunsisäiset signaalinvälitysjärjestelmät, joita tässä väitöskirjatyössä tutkittiin eri koemalleissa. Sydämen täyttöpaineen nousun aiheuttama sydänlihassolujen mekaaninen venytys aktivoi natriureettisten peptidien (eteispeptidi, ANP ja B-tyypin natriureettinen peptidi, BNP) synteesiä ja vapautumista verenkiertoon. BNP geenin säätelyä mekaanisen venytyksen aikana tutkittiin rotan sydänlihassoluviljelmissä. Mitogeeni-aktivoituvat proteiinikinaasit (MAPK) sekä proteiinikinaasi A (PKA) säätelivät mekaanisen ärsykkeen aiheuttamaa BNP geenin ekspressiota. Venytys aktivoi myös transkriptiotekijöitä TEF-1 (transcriptional enhancer factor-1) ja ATF3 (activating transcription factor 3). TEF-1 sääteli venytyksen aiheuttamaa BNP:n aktivaatiota ERK:n (extracellular signal-regulated kinase) välityksellä BNP geenin säätelyalueella olevan sitoutumispaikkansa (M-CAT elementti) kautta. ATF3:n säätelyssä PKA:lla oli keskeinen merkitys. Tutkimus osoitti myös, että p38 MAPK:n alatyypeistä p38α lisäsi fibroosiin liittyvien geenien aktiivisuutta, kun taas p38β aiheutti solujen hypertrofioitumista lisäävien geenien ekspressiota. Molemmat alatyypit aktivoivat BNP geenin ekspressiota, mutta aktivaatio tapahtui eri transkriptiotekijöiden kautta. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin myös, että ATF3:n yliekspressio adenovirusvälitteisellä geeninsiirrolla lisäsi kahden sydäntä suojaavan transkriptiotekijän (nuclear factor-κВ ja Nkx-2.5) aktiivisuutta, sekä vähensi sydämen tulehdusvastetta ja fibroosia lisäävien tekijöiden (interleukiini-6 ja plasminogeeniaktivaattorin inhibiittori-1) ekspressiota. Väitöskirjatutkimus antaa uutta tietoa solunsisäisistä signaalinvälitys-järjestelmistä, jotka säätelevät sydänlihaksen kuormitusvastetta sydän- ja verenkiertoelimistön sairauksissa. Näiden solutason mekanismien tunteminen osaltaan edesauttaa jatkossa uusien menetelmien kehittämistä sydämen vajaatoiminnan ehkäisyyn ja hoitoon.

Die Regulation der ANP-Freisetzung bei Herzinsuffizienz

Model, Angela Nikola 13 September 2005 (has links)
HINTERGRUND: Im Zustand der Herzinsuffizienz sind die Plasmaspiegel des atrialen natriuretischen Peptids (ANP) erhöht. ANP wird durch Herzmuskelzellen bei atrialer (und dadurch kardiomyozytärer) Dehnung freigesetzt. Eine Reihe von Plasmafaktoren, welche bei der Herzinsuffizienz aktiviert sind, bewirken ebenfalls eine ANP-Freisetzung durch die Interaktion mit G(alpha-q)-gekoppelten Rezeptoren und der daraus resultierenden Aktivierung der Proteinkinase C (PKC). Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war es, im Vergleich von normalen und insuffizienten Rattenherzen die dehnungsinduzierte ANP-Sekretion sowie die Rolle der PKC bei der basalen ANP-Freisetzung zu analysieren. METHODIK: Durch Anlegen eines infrarenalen aortokavalen Shunts (4 Wochen) wurde eine volumeninduzierte Herzinsuffizienz in Wistar Ratten erzeugt. Die ANP-Freisetzung wurde am isoliert, retrograd perfundierten Herzmodell analysiert. Durch Umstellen auf anterograde Perfusion (Perfusionsdruck: 10mmHg) wurde eine atriale De! hnung induziert. Die Aktivierung der PKC fand durch Zugabe von PMA (Phorbol-12-Myristat-13-Azetat) zum Perfusat im Vergleich zu Vehikel statt. Alle Versuchsreihen wurden mit Herzen von shunt- sowie scheinoperierten Tieren durchgeführt. ERGEBNISSE UND DISKUSSION: Nach Shuntoperation war die ANP-Basalfreisetzung deutlich gesteigert und könnte die erhöhten ANP-Plasmaspiegel bei Patienten mit Herzinsuffizienz erklären. Dagegen wurde durch atriale Dehnung (als adäquaten Freisetzungsreiz am gesunden Herzen) keine weitere Steigerung der ANP-Freisetzung in der Shuntgruppe bewirkt. Die ANP-Freisetzung am insuffizienten Herzen ist im Vergleich zur normalen Herzfunktion somit verändert. Unter PKC-Stimulation sank die Freisetzung von ANP in der Shuntgruppe erheblich ab, wogegen es in der Kontrollgruppe zu keiner signifikanten Änderung der ANP-Sekretion kam. Damit wurde der Verdacht erhärtet, dass die Proteinkinase C in die abweichende Regulation der ANP-Freisetzung bei Herzinsuffizie! nz involviert ist. / BJECTIVE: Plasma levels of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) are markedly increased in congestive heart failure. ANP has been shown to be released by cardiomyocytes during atrial (and thereby cardiomyocytical) stretch. Several factors that are activated in heart failure as well enhance ANP release through the interaction with G(alpha-q)-coupled receptors and the consequent activation of proteinkinase C (PKC). The goal of this study was to analyse stretch induced ANP secretion and to investigate the involvement of PKC in the regulation of ANP release in heart failure compared to normal hearts. METHODS: Volume overload induced heart failure was produced by an infrarenal aortocaval shunt (4 weeks) in Wistar rats. ANP release was analysed in an isolated retrogradly perfused heart preparation. Atrial stretch was induced by switching to anterograd perfusion (perfusion pressure: 10mmHg). For PKC activation PMA (phorbol 12 myristate 13 acetate) was added to the perfusate and compar! ed to vehicle treatment. All experiments were performed with shunt and sham operated rats. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: After shunt operation ANP baseline release was considerably augmented and could thus explain elevated ANP plasma levels in heart failure patients. In contrast, atrial stretch as an adequate secretion stimulus in control hearts did not further enhance ANP release in hearts of shunt operated animals. The ANP secretion in heart failure therefore seems to differ from the ANP secretion in the healthy state. Stimulation of PKC markedly decreased ANP release in the shunt group, whereas it did not have any significant effect on ANP release in the control group. In conclusion, the role of the proteinkinase C in ANP release differs between normal and failing hearts and seems to be involved in the deviating regulation of ANP release in states of heart failure.

Techniques to assess volume status and haemodynamic stability in patients on haemodialysis

Mathavakkannan, Suresh January 2010 (has links)
Volume overload is a common feature in patients on haemodialysis (HD). This contributes significantly to the cardiovascular disease burden seen in these patients. Clinical assessments of the volume state are often inaccurate. Techniques such as interdialytic blood pressure, relative blood volume monitoring, bioimpedance are available to improve clinical effectives. However all these techniques exhibit significant shortcomings in their accuracy, reliability and applicability at the bed side. We evaluated the usefulness of a dual compartment monitoring technique using Continuous Segmental Bioimpedance Spectroscopy (CSBIS) and Relative Blood Volume (RBV) as a tool to assess hydration status and determine dry weight. We also sought to evaluate the role of Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) and B-type Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) as a volume marker in dialysis patients. The Retrospective analysis of a historical cohort (n = 376, 55 Diabetic) showed a significant reduction in post-dialysis weights in the first three months of dialysis (72.5 to 70kg, p<0.027) with a non-significant increase in weight between months 6-12. The use of anti-hypertensive agents reduced insignificantly in the first 3 months, increased marginally between months 3-6 and significantly increased over the subsequent 6 months. The residual urea clearance (KRU) fell and dialysis times increased. The cohort was very different to that dialysing at Tassin and showed a dissociation between weight reduction and BP control. This may relate to occult volume overload. CSBIS-RBV monitoring in 9 patients with pulse ultrafiltration (pulse UF) showed distinct reproducible patterns relating to extra cellular fluid (ECF) and RBV rebound. An empirical Refill Ratio was then used to define the patterns of change and this was related to the state of their hydration. A value closer to unity was consistent with the attainment of best achievable target weight. The refill ratio fell significantly between the first (earlier) and third (last) rebound phase (1.97 ± 0.92 vs 1.32 ± 0.2). CSBIS monitoring was then carried out in 31 subjects, whilst varying dialysate composition, temperature and patient posture to analyse the effects of these changes on the ECF trace and to ascertain whether any of these interventions can trigger a change in the slope of the ECF trace distinct to that caused by UF. Only, isovolemic HD caused a change in both RBV and ECF in some patients that was explained by volume re-distribution due to gravitational shifts, poor vascular reactivity, sodium gradient between plasma and dialysate and the use of vasodilating antihypertensive agents. This has not been described previously. These will need to be explored further. The study did demonstrate a significant lack of comparability of absolute values of RECF between dialysis sessions even in the same patient. This too has not been described previously. This is likely to be due to subtle changes in fluid distribution between compartments. Therefore a relative changes must be studied. This sensitivity to subtle changes may increase the usefulness of the technique for ECF tracking through dialysis. The potential of dual compartment monitoring to track volume changes in real time was further explored in 29 patients of whom 21 achieved weight reductions and were able to be restudied. The Refill Ratio decreased significantly in the 21 patients who had their dry weights reduced by 0.95 ± 1.13 kg (1.41 ± 0.25 vs 1.25 ± 0.31). Blood pressure changes did not reach statistical significance. The technique was then used to examine differences in vascular refill between a 36oC and isothermic dialysis session in 20 stable prevalent patients. Pulse UF was carried out in both these sessions. There were no significant differences in Refill Ratios, energy removed and blood pressure response between the two sessions. The core temperature (CT) of these patients was close to 36oC and administering isothermic HD did not confer any additional benefit. Mean BNP levels in 12 patients during isovolemic HD and HD with UF did not relate to volume changes. ANP concentrations fell during a dialysis session in 11 patients from a mean 249 ± 143 pg/ml (mean ± SD) at the start of dialysis to 77 ± 65 pg/ml at the end of the session (p<0.001). During isolated UF levels did not change but fell in the ensuing sham phase indicating a time lag between volume loss and decreased generation. (136±99 pg/ml to 101±77.2 pg/ml; p<0.02) In a subsequent study ANP concentrations were measured throughout dialysis and in the post-HD period for 2 hours. A rebound in ANP concentration was observed occurring at around 90 min post-HD. The degree of this rebound may reflect the prevailing fluid state and merit further study. We have shown the utility of dual compartment monitoring with CSBIS-RBV technique and its potential in assessing volume changes in real time in haemodialysis patients. We have also shown the potential of ANP as an independent marker of volume status in the same setting. Both these techniques merit further study.

"Avaliação de pacientes assintomáticos com formas cardíacas iniciais da doença de Chagas, através da análise do eletrocardiograma dinâmico, ecocardiograma e peptídeo natriurético tipo B" / Evaluation of asymptomatic patients with initial cardiac forms of Chagas' disease through the analysis of dynamic electrocardiography, echocardiography and Type-B natriuretic peptides

Marques, Divina Seila de Oliveira 08 October 2004 (has links)
Para avaliar as características clínicas e evolutivas em pacientes com formas cardíacas iniciais assintomáticas da doença de Chagas, realizou-se estudo prospectivo em 108 pacientes com idade entre 18 e 50 anos, atendidos entre abril e novembro de 2002 no ambulatório de doença de Chagas da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Os pacientes foram submetidos a 1)avaliação clínica, 2)eletrocardiograma (ECG), 3)radiografia de tórax e cálculo do índice cardio-torácico (ICT), 4)eletrocardiografia dinâmica de 24 horas, 5)ecocardiografia bidimensional com Doppler tecidual e 6)dosagem plasmática do peptídeo natriurético tipo B (BNP). Os pacientes foram divididos em 3 grupos: 50 no GI - ECG e ICT normais, 31 no GIIA - ECG com alterações características de doença de Chagas e 25 no GIIB - ECG com alterações não características de doença de Chagas / To evaluate clinical and evolutive features in patients with initial asymptomatic cardiac Chagas' disease, a prospective study was carried out with 108 patients, age 18 and 50, at the Londrina State University Chagas' disease outpatient clinic, from April to November 2002. Patients were submitted to: 1) clinical evaluation, 2) electrocardiography (EKG), 3) chest radiography and cardiothoracic index (CTI), 4)24-hour dynamic electrocardiography, 5) bi-dimensional echocardiography with tissued Doppler imaging and 6) type-B natriuretic peptide (BNP) plasmatic dosage. Patients were divided into 3 groups: GI - normal EKG and CTI (50 patients), GIIA - EKG with typical Chagas' disease alterations (31 patients) and GIIB - EKG with alterations not characteristic of Chagas´ disease (25 patients)

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