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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Primary stage Lung Cancer Prediction with Natural Language Processing-based Machine Learning / Tidig lungcancerprediktering genom maskininlärning för textbehandling

Sadek, Ahmad January 2022 (has links)
Early detection reduces mortality in lung cancer, but it is also considered as a challenge for oncologists and for healthcare systems. In addition, screening modalities like CT-scans come with undesired effects, many suspected patients are wrongly diagnosed with lung cancer. This thesis contributes to solve the challenge of early lung cancer detection by utilizing unique data consisting of self-reported symptoms. The proposed method is a predictive machine learning algorithm based on natural language processing, which handles the data as an unstructured data set. A replication of a previous study where a prediction model based on a conventional multivariate machine learning using the same data is done and presented, for comparison. After evaluation, validation and interpretation, a set of variables were highlighted as early predictors of lung cancer. The performance of the proposed approach managed to match the performance of the conventional approach. This promising result opens for further development where such an approach can be used in clinical decision support systems. Future work could then involve other modalities, in a multimodal machine learning approach. / Tidig lungcancerdiagnostisering kan öka chanserna för överlevnad hos lungcancerpatienter, men att upptäcka lungcancer i ett tidigt stadie är en av de större utmaningarna för onkologer och sjukvården. Idag undersöks patienter med riskfaktorer baserat på rökning och ålder, dessa undersökningar sker med hjälp av bland annat medicinskt avbildningssystem, då oftast CT-bilder, vilket medför felaktiga och kostsamma diagnoser. Detta arbete föreslår en maskininlärninig algoritm baserad på Natural language processing, som genom analys och bearbetning av ostrukturerade data, av patienternas egna anamneser, kan prediktera lungcancer. Arbetet har genomfört en jämförelse med en konventionell maskininlärning algoritm baserat på en replikering av ett annat studie där samma data behandlades som strukturerad. Den föreslagna metoden har visat ett likartat resultat samt prestanda, och har identifierat riskfaktorer samt symptom för lungcancer. Detta arbete öppnar upp för en utveckling mot ett kliniskt användande i form av beslutsstödsystem, som även kan hantera elektriska hälsojournaler. Andra arbeten kan vidareutveckla metoden för att hantera andra varianter av data, så som medicinska bilder och biomarkörer, och genom det förbättra prestandan.

Framing and Voting / The German Immigration Debate and the Effects of News Coverage on Political Preferences

Berk, Nicolai 03 April 2024 (has links)
Eine umfangreiche Literatur zu Framing-Effekten legt nahe, dass Bürger nur über begrenzte politische Präferenzen verfügen. Wenn die öffentliche Meinung so offen für Einflussnahme ist, stellt sie ein wackliges Fundament für den demokratischen Prozess dar. Diese Dissertation stellt daher die Frage, wie sich vorherige experimentelle Erkenntnisse auf komplexe, reale Situationen übertragen lassen und ob Framing auch Wahlabsichten beeinflussen kann. Sie entwickelt eine Methode zur automatischen Identifizierung von Nachrichtenframes. Die Dissertation präsentiert Original- und Sekundärdaten und untersucht den Zusammenhang zwischen Nachrichten-Framing, Migrationseinstellungen und Wahlabsichten. Sie bietet einen Überblick über die Darstellung der Einwanderung in den deutschen Nachrichtenmedien und zeigt, dass weder die Aufmerksamkeit noch das Framing von Migration den Aufstieg der rechtsradikalen AfD erklären können. Anschließend nutzt sie eine Änderung in der Migrationsberichterstattung Deutschlands größter Boulevardzeitung, Bild, und zeigt begrenzte Auswirkungen auf politische Einstellungen und Wahlabsichten ihrer Leser auf. Das letzte empirische Kapitel präsentiert experimentelle Daten, die aufzeigen, dass Framing lediglich die Wahlabsichten eher uninformierter Bürger beeinflusst. Die Ergebnisse tragen zum besseren Verständnis von Framing-Effekten bei und legen nahe, dass Einstellungen von Bürgern nicht so leicht manipuliert werden können und die Macht der Nachrichtenmedien begrenzter ist als oft angenommen. Stattdessen finden Framing-Effekte unter sehr spezifischen Bedingungen statt, die häufig nicht erfüllt sind. Das sich abzeichnende Bild der öffentlichen Meinung zeichnet sich durch kristallisierte Einstellungen aus, die ausschliesslich auf neuartige Ereignisse reagieren. Aus dieser Sicht ist Politik ein Muster aufeinander folgender kritischer Ereignisse, von denen jedes eine einzigartige Gelegenheit bietet, das vorherrschende Verständnis eines Themas zu ändern. / A large experimental literature on framing effects suggests that citizens form rather limited political preferences, open to severe manipulation. If citizens’ attitudes were always so easily malleable for media outlets and political actors, it would not constitute a very meaningful input for the democratic process. This dissertation asks how these experimental findings translate into complex, realworld news environments and whether news frames structure citizens’ voting intentions. It provides a clear conceptualization of frames, on which it builds a method to identify news frames automatically, and theorises a link between news frames and voting intentions. The dissertation presents original and secondary data, exploring the relationship of news framing, immigration attitudes, and voting intentions. Providing a broad overview of immigration framing in the German news media, it shows that neither immigration attention nor framing can explain the rise of the radical-right AfD. It then exploits a change in the immigration framing of Germany’s largest tabloid, Bild, showing that this shift had no effects on immigration attitudes or voting intentions among its readers. The final empirical chapter presents experimental evidence revealing that framing only affects voting intentions among rather uninformed citizens. The findings contribute to the study of framing and public opinion, suggesting that citizens’ attitudes are not as easily manipulated and the power of the news media more limited than often thought. Instead, framing effects take place under highly specific conditions, which are often not fulfilled. The emerging picture of public opinion is one of crystallized and resistant attitudes, which only respond to novel events. In other words: whoever gets to the voter first, wins. Politics, in this view, is a pattern of critical events following upon each other, each presenting a unique opportunity to change the dominant understanding of an issue.

Comparative Analysis of ChatGPT-4and Gemini Advanced in ErroneousCode Detection and Correction

Sun, Erik Wen Han, Grace, Yasine January 2024 (has links)
This thesis investigates the capabilities of two advanced Large Language Models(LLMs) OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4 and Google’s Gemini Advanced in the domain ofSoftware engineering. While LLMs are widely utilized across various applications,including text summarization and synthesis, their potential for detecting and correct-ing programming errors has not been thoroughly explored. This study aims to fill thisgap by conducting a comprehensive literature search and experimental comparisonof ChatGPT-4 and Gemini Advanced using the QuixBugs and LeetCode benchmarkdatasets, with specific focus on Python and Java programming languages. The re-search evaluates the models’ abilities to detect and correct bugs using metrics suchas Accuracy, Recall, Precision, and F1-score.Experimental results presets that ChatGPT-4 consistently outperforms GeminiAdvanced in both the detection and correction of bugs. These findings provide valu-able insights that could guide further research in the field of LLMs.


ALEXANDRE FERREIRA NOVELLO 19 July 2021 (has links)
[pt] Perguntas e Respostas (Question Answering - QA) é um campo de estudo dedicado à construção de sistemas que respondem automaticamente a perguntas feitas em linguagem natural. A tradução de uma pergunta feita em linguagem natural em uma consulta estruturada (SQL ou SPARQL) em um banco de dados também é conhecida como Interface de Linguagem Natural para Bancos de Dados (Natural Language Interface to Database - NLIDB). Os sistemas NLIDB geralmente não lidam com agregações, que podem ter os seguintes elementos: funções de agregação (como contagem, soma, média, mínimo e máximo), uma cláusula de agrupamento (GROUP BY) e uma cláusula HAVING. No entanto, eles fornecem bons resultados para consultas normais. Esta dissertação aborda a criação de um módulo genérico, para ser utilizado em sistemas NLIDB, que permite a tais sistemas realizar consultas com agregações, desde que os resultados da consulta que o NLIDB retorna sejam, ou possam ser transformados, em um resultado no formato tabular. O trabalho cobre agregações com especificidades como ambiguidades, diferenças de escala de tempo, agregações em atributos múltiplos, o uso de adjetivos superlativos, reconhecimento básico de unidade de medida, agregações em atributos com nomes compostos e subconsultas com funções de agregação aninhadas em até dois níveis. / [en] Question Answering (QA) is a field of study dedicated to building systems that automatically answer questions asked in natural language. The translation of a question asked in natural language into a structured query (SQL or SPARQL) in a database is also known as Natural Language Interface to Database (NLIDB). NLIDB systems usually do not deal with aggregations, which can have the following elements: aggregation functions (as count, sum, average, minimum and maximum), a grouping clause (GROUP BY) and a having clause (HAVING). However, they deliver good results for normal queries. This dissertation addresses the creation of a generic module, to be used in NLIDB systems, that allows such systems to perform queries with aggregations, on the condition that the query results the NLIDB return are, or can be transformed into, a result set in the form of a table. The work covers aggregations with specificities such as ambiguities, timescale differences, aggregations in multiple attributes, the use of superlative adjectives, basic unit measure recognition, aggregations in attributes with compound names and subqueries with aggregation functions nested up to two levels.

Élaboration d'ontologies médicales pour une approche multi-agents d'aide à la décision clinique / A multi-agent framework for the development of medical ontologies in clinical decision making

Shen, Ying 20 March 2015 (has links)
La combinaison du traitement sémantique des connaissances (Semantic Processing of Knowledge) et de la modélisation des étapes de raisonnement (Modeling Steps of Reasoning), utilisés dans le domaine clinique, offrent des possibilités intéressantes, nécessaires aussi, pour l’élaboration des ontologies médicales, utiles à l'exercice de cette profession. Dans ce cadre, l'interrogation de banques de données médicales multiples, comme MEDLINE, PubMed… constitue un outil précieux mais insuffisant car elle ne permet pas d'acquérir des connaissances facilement utilisables lors d’une démarche clinique. En effet, l'abondance de citations inappropriées constitue du bruit et requiert un tri fastidieux, incompatible avec une pratique efficace de la médecine.Dans un processus itératif, l'objectif est de construire, de façon aussi automatisée possible, des bases de connaissances médicales réutilisables, fondées sur des ontologies et, dans cette thèse, nous développons une série d'outils d'acquisition de connaissances qui combinent des opérateurs d'analyse linguistique et de modélisation de la clinique, fondés sur une typologie des connaissances mises en œuvre, et sur une implémentation des différents modes de raisonnement employés. La connaissance ne se résume pas à des informations issues de bases de données ; elle s’organise grâce à des opérateurs cognitifs de raisonnement qui permettent de la rendre opérationnelle dans le contexte intéressant le praticien.Un système multi-agents d’aide à la décision clinique (SMAAD) permettra la coopération et l'intégration des différents modules entrant dans l'élaboration d'une ontologie médicale et les sources de données sont les banques médicales, comme MEDLINE, et des citations extraites par PubMed ; les concepts et le vocabulaire proviennent de l'Unified Medical Language System (UMLS).Concernant le champ des bases de connaissances produites, la recherche concerne l'ensemble de la démarche clinique : le diagnostic, le pronostic, le traitement, le suivi thérapeutique de différentes pathologies, dans un domaine médical donné.Différentes approches et travaux sont recensés, dans l’état de question, et divers paradigmes sont explorés : 1) l'Evidence Base Medicine (une médecine fondée sur des indices). Un indice peut se définir comme un signe lié à son mode de mise en œuvre ; 2) Le raisonnement à partir de cas (RàPC) se fonde sur l'analogie de situations cliniques déjà rencontrées ; 3) Différentes approches sémantiques permettent d'implémenter les ontologies.Sur l’ensemble, nous avons travaillé les aspects logiques liés aux opérateurs cognitifs de raisonnement utilisés et nous avons organisé la coopération et l'intégration des connaissances exploitées durant les différentes étapes du processus clinique (diagnostic, pronostic, traitement, suivi thérapeutique). Cette intégration s’appuie sur un SMAAD : système multi-agent d'aide à la décision. / The combination of semantic processing of knowledge and modelling steps of reasoning employed in the clinical field offers exciting and necessary opportunities to develop ontologies relevant to the practice of medicine. In this context, multiple medical databases such as MEDLINE, PubMed are valuable tools but not sufficient because they cannot acquire the usable knowledge easily in a clinical approach. Indeed, abundance of inappropriate quotations constitutes the noise and requires a tedious sort incompatible with the practice of medicine.In an iterative process, the objective is to build an approach as automated as possible, the reusable medical knowledge bases is founded on an ontology of the concerned fields. In this thesis, the author will develop a series of tools for knowledge acquisition combining the linguistic analysis operators and clinical modelling based on the implemented knowledge typology and an implementation of different forms of employed reasoning. Knowledge is not limited to the information from data, but also and especially on the cognitive operators of reasoning for making them operational in the context relevant to the practitioner.A multi-agent system enables the integration and cooperation of the various modules used in the development of a medical ontology.The data sources are from medical databases such as MEDLINE, the citations retrieved by PubMed, and the concepts and vocabulary from the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS).Regarding the scope of produced knowledge bases, the research concerns the entire clinical process: diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and therapeutic monitoring of various diseases in a given medical field.It is essential to identify the different approaches and the works already done.Different paradigms will be explored: 1) Evidence Based Medicine. An index can be defined as a sign related to its mode of implementation; 2) Case-based reasoning, which based on the analogy of clinical situations already encountered; 3) The different semantic approaches which are used to implement ontologies.On the whole, we worked on logical aspects related to cognitive operators of used reasoning, and we organized the cooperation and integration of exploited knowledge during the various stages of the clinical process (diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, therapeutic monitoring). This integration is based on a SMAAD: multi-agent system for decision support.

Atribuição automática de autoria de obras da literatura brasileira / Atribuição automática de autoria de obras da literatura brasileira

Nobre Neto, Francisco Dantas 19 January 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:36:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1280792 bytes, checksum: d335d67b212e054f48f0e8bca0798fe5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-01-19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Authorship attribution consists in categorizing an unknown document among some classes of authors previously selected. Knowledge about authorship of a text can be useful when it is required to detect plagiarism in any literary document or to properly give the credits to the author of a book. The most intuitive form of human analysis of a text is by selecting some characteristics that it has. The study of selecting attributes in any written document, such as average word length and vocabulary richness, is known as stylometry. For human analysis of an unknown text, the authorship discovery can take months, also becoming tiring activity. Some computational tools have the functionality of extracting such characteristics from the text, leaving the subjective analysis to the researcher. However, there are computational methods that, in addition to extract attributes, make the authorship attribution, based in the characteristics gathered in the text. Techniques such as neural network, decision tree and classification methods have been applied to this context and presented results that make them relevant to this question. This work presents a data compression method, Prediction by Partial Matching (PPM), as a solution of the authorship attribution problem of Brazilian literary works. The writers and works selected to compose the authors database were, mainly, by their representative in national literature. Besides, the availability of the books has also been considered. The PPM performs the authorship identification without any subjective interference in the text analysis. This method, also, does not make use of attributes presents in the text, differently of others methods. The correct classification rate obtained with PPM, in this work, was approximately 93%, while related works exposes a correct rate between 72% and 89%. In this work, was done, also, authorship attribution with SVM approach. For that, were selected attributes in the text divided in two groups, one word based and other in function-words frequency, obtaining a correct rate of 36,6% and 88,4%, respectively. / Atribuição de autoria consiste em categorizar um documento desconhecido dentre algumas classes de autores previamente selecionadas. Saber a autoria de um texto pode ser útil quando é necessário detectar plágio em alguma obra literária ou dar os devidos créditos ao autor de um livro. A forma mais intuitiva ao ser humano para se analisar um texto é selecionando algumas características que ele possui. O estudo de selecionar atributos em um documento escrito, como tamanho médio das palavras e riqueza vocabular, é conhecido como estilometria. Para análise humana de um texto desconhecido, descobrir a autoria pode demandar meses, além de se tornar uma tarefa cansativa. Algumas ferramentas computacionais têm a funcionalidade de extrair tais características do texto, deixando a análise subjetiva para o pesquisador. No entanto, existem métodos computacionais que, além de extrair atributos, atribuem a autoria baseado nas características colhidas ao longo do texto. Técnicas como redes neurais, árvores de decisão e métodos de classificação já foram aplicados neste contexto e apresentaram resultados que os tornam relevantes para tal questão. Este trabalho apresenta um método de compressão de dados, o Prediction by Partial Matching (PPM), para solução do problema de atribuição de autoria de obras da literatura brasileira. Os escritores e obras selecionados para compor o banco de autores se deram, principalmente, pela representatividade que possuem na literatura nacional. Além disso, a disponibilidade dos livros em formato eletrônico também foi considerada. O PPM realiza a identificação de autoria sem ter qualquer interferência subjetiva na análise do texto. Este método, também, não faz uso de atributos presentes ao longo do texto, diferentemente de outros métodos. A taxa de classificação correta alcançada com o PPM, neste trabalho, foi de aproximadamente 93%, enquanto que trabalhos relacionados mostram uma taxa de acerto entre 72% e 89%. Neste trabalho, também foi realizado atribuição de autoria com a abordagem SVM. Para isso, foram selecionados atributos no texto dividido em dois tipos, sendo um baseado em palavras e o outro na contagem de palavrasfunção, obtendo uma taxa de acerto de 36,6% e 88,4%, respectivamente.

Can Wizards be Polyglots: Towards a Multilingual Knowledge-grounded Dialogue System

Liu, Evelyn Kai Yan January 2022 (has links)
The research of open-domain, knowledge-grounded dialogue systems has been advancing rapidly due to the paradigm shift introduced by large language models (LLMs). While the strides have improved the performance of the dialogue systems, the scope is mostly monolingual and English-centric. The lack of multilingual in-task dialogue data further discourages research in this direction. This thesis explores the use of transfer learning techniques to extend the English-centric dialogue systems to multiple languages. In particular, this work focuses on five typologically diverse languages, of which well-performing models could generalize to the languages that are part of the language family as the target languages, hence widening the accessibility of the systems to speakers of various languages. I propose two approaches: Multilingual Retrieval-Augmented Dialogue Model (xRAD) and Multilingual Generative Dialogue Model (xGenD). xRAD is adopted from a pre-trained multilingual question answering (QA) system and comprises a neural retriever and a multilingual generation model. Prior to the response generation, the retriever fetches relevant knowledge and conditions the retrievals to the generator as part of the dialogue context. This approach can incorporate knowledge into conversational agents, thus improving the factual accuracy of a dialogue model. In addition, xRAD has advantages over xGenD because of its modularity, which allows the fusion of QA and dialogue systems so long as appropriate pre-trained models are employed. On the other hand, xGenD takes advantage of an existing English dialogue model and performs a zero-shot cross-lingual transfer by training sequentially on English dialogue and multilingual QA datasets. Both automated and human evaluation were carried out to measure the models' performance against the machine translation baseline. The result showed that xRAD outperformed xGenD significantly and surpassed the baseline in most metrics, particularly in terms of relevance and engagingness. Whilst xRAD performance was promising to some extent, a detailed analysis revealed that the generated responses were not actually grounded in the retrieved paragraphs. Suggestions were offered to mitigate the issue, which hopefully could lead to significant progress of multilingual knowledge-grounded dialogue systems in the future.

Improving the Performance of Clinical Prediction Tasks by Using Structured and Unstructured Data Combined with a Patient Network

Nouri Golmaei, Sara 08 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / With the increasing availability of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and advances in deep learning techniques, developing deep predictive models that use EHR data to solve healthcare problems has gained momentum in recent years. The majority of clinical predictive models benefit from structured data in EHR (e.g., lab measurements and medications). Still, learning clinical outcomes from all possible information sources is one of the main challenges when building predictive models. This work focuses mainly on two sources of information that have been underused by researchers; unstructured data (e.g., clinical notes) and a patient network. We propose a novel hybrid deep learning model, DeepNote-GNN, that integrates clinical notes information and patient network topological structure to improve 30-day hospital readmission prediction. DeepNote-GNN is a robust deep learning framework consisting of two modules: DeepNote and patient network. DeepNote extracts deep representations of clinical notes using a feature aggregation unit on top of a state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing (NLP) technique - BERT. By exploiting these deep representations, a patient network is built, and Graph Neural Network (GNN) is used to train the network for hospital readmission predictions. Performance evaluation on the MIMIC-III dataset demonstrates that DeepNote-GNN achieves superior results compared to the state-of-the-art baselines on the 30-day hospital readmission task. We extensively analyze the DeepNote-GNN model to illustrate the effectiveness and contribution of each component of it. The model analysis shows that patient network has a significant contribution to the overall performance, and DeepNote-GNN is robust and can consistently perform well on the 30-day readmission prediction task. To evaluate the generalization of DeepNote and patient network modules on new prediction tasks, we create a multimodal model and train it on structured and unstructured data of MIMIC-III dataset to predict patient mortality and Length of Stay (LOS). Our proposed multimodal model consists of four components: DeepNote, patient network, DeepTemporal, and score aggregation. While DeepNote keeps its functionality and extracts representations of clinical notes, we build a DeepTemporal module using a fully connected layer stacked on top of a one-layer Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) to extract the deep representations of temporal signals. Independent to DeepTemporal, we extract feature vectors of temporal signals and use them to build a patient network. Finally, the DeepNote, DeepTemporal, and patient network scores are linearly aggregated to fit the multimodal model on downstream prediction tasks. Our results are very competitive to the baseline model. The multimodal model analysis reveals that unstructured text data better help to estimate predictions than temporal signals. Moreover, there is no limitation in applying a patient network on structured data. In comparison to other modules, the patient network makes a more significant contribution to prediction tasks. We believe that our efforts in this work have opened up a new study area that can be used to enhance the performance of clinical predictive models.

Performance Benchmarking and Cost Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques : An Investigation into Traditional and State-Of-The-Art Models in Business Operations / Prestandajämförelse och kostnadsanalys av maskininlärningstekniker : en undersökning av traditionella och toppmoderna modeller inom affärsverksamhet

Lundgren, Jacob, Taheri, Sam January 2023 (has links)
Eftersom samhället blir allt mer datadrivet revolutionerar användningen av AI och maskininlärning sättet företag fungerar och utvecklas på. Denna studie utforskar användningen av AI, Big Data och Natural Language Processing (NLP) för att förbättra affärsverksamhet och intelligens i företag. Huvudsyftet med denna avhandling är att undersöka om den nuvarande klassificeringsprocessen hos värdorganisationen kan upprätthållas med minskade driftskostnader, särskilt lägre moln-GPU-kostnader. Detta har potential att förbättra klassificeringsmetoden, förbättra produkten som företaget erbjuder sina kunder på grund av ökad klassificeringsnoggrannhet och stärka deras värdeerbjudande. Vidare utvärderas tre tillvägagångssätt mot varandra och implementationerna visar utvecklingen inom området. Modellerna som jämförs i denna studie inkluderar traditionella maskininlärningsmetoder som Support Vector Machine (SVM) och Logistisk Regression, tillsammans med state-of-the-art transformermodeller som BERT, både Pre-Trained och Fine-Tuned. Artikeln visar att det finns en avvägning mellan prestanda och kostnad vilket illustrerar problemet som många företag, som Valu8, står inför när de utvärderar vilket tillvägagångssätt de ska implementera. Denna avvägning diskuteras och analyseras sedan mer detaljerat för att utforska möjliga kompromisser från varje perspektiv i ett försök att hitta en balanserad lösning som kombinerar prestandaeffektivitet och kostnadseffektivitet. / As society is becoming more data-driven, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning are revolutionizing how companies operate and evolve. This study explores the use of AI, Big Data, and Natural Language Processing (NLP) in improving business operations and intelligence in enterprises. The primary objective of this thesis is to examine if the current classification process at the host company can be maintained with reduced operating costs, specifically lower cloud GPU costs. This can improve the classification method, enhance the product the company offers its customers due to increased classification accuracy, and strengthen its value proposition. Furthermore, three approaches are evaluated against each other, and the implementations showcase the evolution within the field. The models compared in this study include traditional machine learning methods such as Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Logistic Regression, alongside state-of-the-art transformer models like BERT, both Pre-Trained and Fine-Tuned. The paper shows a trade-off between performance and cost, showcasing the problem many companies like Valu8 stand before when evaluating which approach to implement. This trade-off is discussed and analyzed in further detail to explore possible compromises from each perspective to strike a balanced solution that combines performance efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

A Method for the Assisted Translation of QA Datasets Using Multilingual Sentence Embeddings / En metod för att assistera översättning av fråga-svarskorpusar med hjälp av språkagnostiska meningsvektorer

Vakili, Thomas January 2020 (has links)
This thesis presents a method which reduces the amount of labour required to translate the English question answering dataset SQuAD into Swedish. The purpose of the study is to contribute to shrinking the gap between natural language processing research in English and research in lesser-resourced languages by providing a method for creating datasets in these languages which are counterparts to those used in English. This would allow for the results from English studies to be evaluated in more languages. The method put forward by this thesis uses multilingual sentence embeddings to search for and rank answers to English SQuAD questions in SwedishWikipedia articles associated with the question. The resulting search results are then used to pair SQuAD questions with sentences that contain their answers. We also estimate to what extent SQuAD questions have answers in the Swedish edition of Wikipedia, concluding that this proportion of questions is small but still useful in size. Further, the evaluation of the method shows that it provides a clear reduction in the labour required for translating SQuAD into Swedish, while impacting the amount of datapoints retained in a resulting translation to a degree which is acceptable for many use-cases. Manual labour is still required for translating the SQuAD questions and for locating the answers within the Swedish sentences which contain them. Researching ways to automate these processes would further increase the utility of the approach, but are outside the scope of this thesis. / I detta examensarbete presenteras en metod som syftar till att minska mängden arbete som krävs för att översätta fråga-svarskorpuset SQuAD från engelska till svenska. Syftet med studien är att bidra till att minska glappet mellan språkteknologisk forskning på engelska och forskningen på språk med mindre resurser. Detta åstadkoms genom att beskriva en metod för att skapa korpusar liknande dem som används inom forskning på engelska och som kan användas för att utvärdera i vilken utsträckning resultat från den forskningen generaliserar till andra språk. Metoden använder språkagnostiska meningsvektorer för att söka efter svar på engelska SQuAD-frågor i svenska Wikipedia-artiklar, och sedan ranka dessa. Sökresultaten används sedan för att para samman SQuAD-frågor med de svenska meningar som innehåller deras svar. Även utsträckningen i vilken svar på engelska SQuAD-frågor står att finna i den svenska upplagan av Wikipedia undersöktes. Andelen SQuAD-frågor där ett svar fanns i den svenska Wikipedia-artikel som var associerad med frågan var liten men ändå användbar. Vidare visar utvärderingen av metoden att den innebär en tydlig minskning av mängden arbete som krävs för att översätta SQuAD till svenska. Denna minskning åstadkoms samtidigt som mängden fråga-svarspar som missas som en konsekvens av detta är acceptabel för många användningsområden. Manuellt arbete krävs fortfarande för att översätta SQuAD-frågorna från engelska och för att hitta var i de svenska meningarna som svaren finns. Vidare studier kring dessa frågor skulle bidra till att göra metoden än mer användbar, men ligger utanför avgränsningen för denna uppsats.

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