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Chroniese moegheidsindroom : 'n ekosistemiese perspektiefMorgan, Leona 06 1900 (has links)
Hierdie studie is 'n kwalitatiewe ekosistemiese ondersoek van die fenomeen Chroniese Moegheidsindroom (CMS) . Die paradigmaverskuiwing vanaf die Cartesiaans-Newtoniaanse epistemologie na die kubernetiese epistemologie, het 'n aantal belangrike implikasies vir die bestudering en konseptualisering van CMS, soos uiteengesit in hierdie studie.
'n Bespreking van die konseptualisering en behandeling van CMS
vanuit die tradisionele, reduksionistiese navorsing word verskaf.
Die aannames van twee-orde kubernetika en sosiale konstruksionisme,
is bespreek en toegepas op die beskrywing van twee sisteme waarin
CMS voorkom. Die navorsingsmetodologie van die studie is gegenereer
op grand van die genoemde teoretiese aannames. Die implikasies van die toepassing van die ekosistemiese epistemologie vir die konseptualisering van CMS word uitgewys. Die herkonseptualisering van CMS as 'n transisieproses word bespreek en riglyne vir verdere navorsing en psigoterapie word aangedui. Die huidige studie bied 'n beskrywing van die unieke betekenisse en oplossings wat gesinne genereer tydens die veranderings wat CMS vergesel. / The present study is a qualitative ecosystemic exploration of the phenomenon known as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). The paradigm shift from the Newtonian epistemology to the epistemology of cybernetics, has important implication for research and the conceptualisation of CFS, as indicated in the study. The traditional, reductionist conceptualisation of CFS in research and treatment methods, is discussed. The suppositions of second order cybernetics and social constructionism, are discussed and applied in the description of two systems where CFS occurs. The research methodology of the present study is generated from the theoretical suppositions.
Die implications of the use of the ecosystemic epistemology for
the conceptualisation of CFS are indicated. The re-conceptualisation
of CFS as a transition process is discussed and guidelines are
given for future research and psychotherapy. The present study is
a description of the unique meanings and solutions that the families generated during the changes that accompany CFS. / Psychology / M.A. (Kliniese Sielkunde)
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Situation Assessment at Intersections for Driver Assistance and Automated Vehicle ControlStreubel, Thomas 02 February 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The development of driver assistance and automated vehicle control is in process and finds its way more and more into urban traffic environments. Here, the complexity of traffic situations is highly challenging and requires system approaches to comprehend such situations. The key element is the process of situation assessment to identify critical situations in advance and derive adequate warning and intervention strategies.
This thesis introduces a system approach to establish a situation assessment process with the focus on the prediction of the driver intention. The system design is based on the Situation Awareness model by Endsley. Further, a prediction algorithm is created using Hidden Markov Models. To define the parameters of the models, an existing database is used and previously analyzed to identify reasonable variables that indicate an intended driving direction while approaching the intersection. Here, vehicle dynamics are used instead of driver inputs to enable a further extension of the prediction, i.e.\\ to predict the driving intention of other vehicles detected by sensors. High prediction rates at temporal distances of several seconds before entering the intersection are accomplished.
The prediction is integrated in a system for situation assessment including an intersection model. A Matlab tool is created with an interface to the vehicle CAN bus and the intersection modeling which uses digital map data to establish a representation of the intersection. To identify differences and similarities in the process of approaching an intersection dependent on the intersection shape and regulation, a naturalistic driving study is conducted. Here, the distance to the intersection and velocity is observed on driver inputs related to the upcoming intersection (leaving the gas pedal, pushing the brake, using the turn signal). The findings are used to determine separate prediction models dependent on shape and regulation of the upcoming intersection. The system runs in real-time and is tested in a real traffic environment. / Die Entwicklung von Fahrerassistenz und automatisiertem Fahren ist in vollem Gange und entwickelt sich zunehmend in Richtung urbanen Verkehrsraum. Hier stellen besonders komplexe Verkehrssituationen sowohl für den Fahrer als auch für Assistenzsysteme eine Herausforderung dar. Zur Bewältigung dieser Situationen sind neue Systemansätze notwendig, die eine Situationsanalyse und -bewertung beinhalten. Dieser Prozess der Situationseinschätzung ist der Schlüssel zum Erkennen von kritischen Situationen und daraus abgeleiteten Warnungs- und Eingriffsstrategien.
Diese Arbeit stellt einen Systemansatz vor, welcher den Prozess der Situationseinschätzung abbildet mit einem Fokus auf die Prädiktion der Fahrerintention. Das Systemdesign basiert dabei auf dem Situation Awareness Model von Endsley. Der Prädiktionsalgorithmus ist mit Hilfe von Hidden Markov Modellen umgesetzt. Zur Bestimmung der Modellparameter wurde eine existierende Datenbasis genutzt und zur Bestimmung von relevanten Variablen für die Prädiktion der Fahrtrichtung während der Kreuzungsannäherung analysiert. Dabei wurden Daten zur Fahrdynamik ausgewählt anstelle von Fahrereingaben um die Prädiktion später auf externe Fahrzeuge mittels Sensorinformationen zu erweitern. Es wurden hohe Prädiktionsraten bei zeitlichen Abständen von mehreren Sekunden bis zum Kreuzungseintritt erzielt.
Die Prädiktion wurde in das System zur Situationseinschätzung integriert. Weiterhin beinhaltet das System eine statische Kreuzungsmodellierung. Dabei werden digitale Kartendaten genutzt um eine Repräsentation der Kreuzung und ihrer statischen Attribute zu erzeugen und die der Kreuzungsform entsprechenden Prädiktionsmodelle auszuwählen. Das Gesamtsystem ist als Matlab Tool mit einer Schnittstelle zum CAN Bus implementiert. Weiterhin wurde eine Fahrstudie zum natürlichen Fahrverhalten durchgeführt um mögliche Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten bei der Annäherung an Kreuzungen in Abhängigkeit der Form und Regulierung zu identifizieren. Hierbei wurde die Distanz zur Kreuzung und die Geschwindigkeit bei Fahrereingaben im Bezug zur folgenden Kreuzung gemessen (Gaspedalverlassen, Bremspedalbetätigung, Blinkeraktivierung). Die Ergebnisse der Studie wurden genutzt um die Notwendigkeit verschiedener Prädiktionsmodelle in Abhängigkeit von Form der Kreuzung zu bestimmen. Das System läuft in Echtzeit und wurde im realen Straßenverkehr getestet.
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Acquisition et Expression Multimodale de la Négation. Étude d'un Corpus Vidéo et Longitudinal de Dyades Mère-Enfant Francophone et Anglophone. / Multimodal acquisition and expression of negation. Analysis of a videotaped and longitudinal corpus of a French and an English mother-child dyad.Beaupoil-Hourdel, Pauline 27 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l'acquisition et le développement de la négation chez deux enfants monolingues anglaise et française, filmées entre 10 mois et 4 ans et 2 mois (66h) en interactions naturelles avec leur mère. Nous adoptons une perspective constructiviste et fonctionnaliste de la langue (Tomasello 2003) en tissant des liens avec la théorie des opérations énonciatives, la socialisation langagière et avec les études sur la gestualité. Notre définition du langage est large car nous analysons toutes les ressources sémiotiques dont le locuteur dispose pour se positionner en interaction. À l'aide d'un système de codage multimodal qui repose sur l'utilisation de logiciels compatibles, nous menons des analyses qualitatives et quantitatives de l'usage des modalités verbales et non-verbales pour l'expression de la négation chez l'enfant avant 4 ans.Après avoir présenté l'ancrage théorique (partie 1) et notre méthode (partie 2), nous montrons que la négation correspond à un grand nombre de fonctions pragmatiques qui sont exprimées à l'aide de la synchronisation de modalités distinctes (partie 3). Les résultats indiquent que distinguer le rôle des modalités dans la construction de l’énoncé permet de travailler sur la complexité du langage. Concernant la négation, nous observons qu’il s’agit d’une opération énonciative qui ne repose pas systématiquement sur les mêmes formes selon la fonction exprimée.Cette recherche montre que l'usage synchronisé de plusieurs modalités en contexte de négation est une compétence linguistique et cognitive. En outre, les formes négatives s’enrichissent et se spécialisent après 3 ans pour permettre l’expression d’intentions communicatives variées. / This research focuses on the acquisition and the development of negation in two monolingual French and English children filmed from 10 months to 4 years and 2 months old (66 hours) in natural mother-child dyadic interactions.We use a functionalist and constructivist theoretical approach (Tomasello 2003) but we also bring together French utter-centred approach to language, language socialisation and gesture studies. Our definition of language encompasses all verbal and non-verbal means of expression speakers use to position themselves within interaction. We developed a multimodal coding system relying on the use of several compatible programs to combine qualitative and quantitative analyses. This method offers the opportunity to investigate the expression of negation in verbal and non-verbal modalities in children under 4.After laying the theoretical background (Part 1), we will present our methodology (Part 2). Results show that negation refers to a vast range of pragmatic functions whose expression is fully embodied because it is conveyed through the synchronisation of several modalities of expression (Part 3). Our analysis of the interplay of modalities in the construction of meaning happens to be a great locus to account for the complexity of language. We also observe that negation is a meta-category which can be expressed by a variety of forms.Our research shows that the usage of synchronised modalities in negative contexts can be considered a linguistic and cognitive skill. Moreover, the set of forms for negation develops and specialises after 3 years and helps the child express various communicative intentions linked to negation.
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La communication des émotions chez l’enfant (colère, joie, tristesse) ; études de cas et confrontation de théories linguistiques / The communication of emotions in children and adultsKhaled, Fazia 03 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une analyse multimodale de l’expression des émotions chez deux enfants américaines et leurs parents monolingues. Les enfants ont été filmées entre 11 mois et 3 and et 10 mois pour l’une et entre 1 an et 1 mois et 4 ans pour l’autre au cours d’interactions spontanées en milieu familial. Nous adoptons une définition du langage large car toutes les ressources sémiotiques sont à prendre en compte : ressources verbales (lexique, marqueurs grammaticaux), vocales (vocalisations), gestuelles et corporelles (gestes, expressions faciales, actions).Nous nous concentrons sur l’acquisition et le développement des marqueurs verbaux et non verbaux exprimant les émotions chez l’enfant et sur l’usage de ces marqueurs chez l’adulte. Nous montrons que des profils expressifs bien précis et distincts semblent déjà émerger chez les enfants, grandement influencés par l’input auquel ils sont exposés chaque jour.Au plan théorique, notre recherche s’inscrit dans une approche constructiviste et fonctionnaliste de la langue (Tomasello, 2003) et nous analysons les données à l’aune de la socialisation langagière, et des études sur la gestualité et les expressions faciales comme vecteurs d’informations communicationnelles. Au plan méthodologique, nous réalisons des analyses quantitatives et qualitatives afin d’éclairer les comportements propres à chaque locuteur.Après avoir exposé notre socle théorique et notre méthodologie (partie I), nous révélons nos résultats sur l’expression de trois émotions (colère, joie, et tristesse) chez les locuteurs adultes et enfants (partie II). Nos résultats suggèrent que le développement linguistique des enfants n’a pas d’incidence sur l’expression de leurs émotions, mais que l’input et les attitudes parentales jouent un rôle majeur dans l’acquisition et le développement de chaque modalité et dans la transmission de modèles expressifs. / This research provides a multimodal analysis of the expression of emotion in two monolingual American children and their parents. The children were filmed in natural interactions in a family setting from the ages of 11 months to 3 years 10 months, and from 1 year 1 month to 4 years.We adopted a broad definition of language in this research which encompasses various semiotic resources – from verbal resources (lexicon and grammatical features), to nonverbal (vocalizations, facial expressions, and gestures). We focus on the children’s acquisition and development of these verbal and nonverbal markers and on how they are used by their parents. Our research shows that children develop specific and distinct communicational patterns, which are greatly influenced by the input to which they are exposed.From a theoretical perspective, our research draws from a constructivist and functionalist approach (Tomasello, 2003), and our data is analyzed in light of language socialization and of studies which have shown that facial expressions and gestures are used as communicational signals in face-to-face dialogue. Our methodology combines quantitative and qualitative methods to investigate each speaker’s verbal and nonverbal behavior when expressing emotions.Having outlined our theoretical and methodological foundation (Part I), we present our results on the expression of three emotions (happiness, sadness, and anger) in children and adults (Part II). Our research suggests that while children’s linguistic development has little impact on the richness of their emotional expression parental input and attitudes both play a crucial role in the acquisition of each modality and in the transmission of communicational patterns.
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A complicated chain of circumstances : decision making in the New Zealand wool supply chainsBradford, Lori E. A. January 2009 (has links)
This dissertation explores the influences on individual decision making in a complex, real world context – the New Zealand wool supply chain. It asks two fundamental questions, first, how do decision makers make decisions in their everyday settings and, second, how is decision making learned and improved through experience and contextual factors. Two contextual aspects of decision making were also examined; these included whether decision making processes varied as a result of uncertainty and risky surroundings, or in cooperative and competitive environments. Further examination included revealing how being a member of a (multi-layered) group influences individual decision making. In-depth qualitative interviewing of sheep farmers, and associated supply chain members in the wool industry was undertaken. Three key decision journeys were explored from both the 'psychological' and the 'social' schools of social psychology in order to give detail on the flow of decision making influences through human systems (whether entities were present, or implied). One of the main aspects of this study was to employ, by analogy, an analysis inspired by the concept of multi-level selection from evolutionary theory as a means of understanding decision making in such a complex, layered system. Other contributions include commentary on the nature of social psychological studies of decision making, suggestions for the expansion of naturalistic decision making to include processes occurring on more than one 'level' of context, the framing of information in the media and the judgment of information sources on the part of experienced and inexperienced farmers, and, the role that globalization may play in driving decision making behaviour.
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Impact des antipsychotiques à action prolongée sur l’évolution des jeunes adultes présentant un premier épisode psychotiqueMedrano, Sophia 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Ethnobotanique et herboristerie paysanne en France : anthropologie de la relation des hommes au végétal médicinal : (deuxième moitié du XXe siècle - première moitié du XXIe siècle) / Ethnobotany and herbalism in France : anthropological reflections on men’s relationship to the plant world : (second half of the 20th Century - first half of the 21st Century)Brousse, Carole 13 July 2017 (has links)
L’herboristerie, activité consacrée à la préparation et à la vente de plantes médicinales, se renouvelle depuis les années 1970 autour d’acteurs aux pratiques techniques et approches scientifiques divergentes. Parmi eux, des paysans-herboristes cultivent, cueillent puis transforment eux-mêmes les espèces végétales qu’ils commercialisent tout en mobilisant les usages de la médecine végétale populaire transmis par l’ethnobotanique pour qualifier leurs qualités thérapeutiques. L’ethnobotanique est une discipline vouée à l’étude des relations flore-société investie notamment par des acteurs non-académiques qui travaillent sur le recueil des savoirs naturalistes populaires. La thèse met en lumière les ressorts de la relation que les paysans-herboristes tissent avec le végétal et la façon dont ils utilisent l’ethnobotanique pour asseoir la légitimité de leurs pratiques. En échangeant des savoirs sur les propriétés médicinales du végétal, il apparaît que les institutions de la recherche et du patrimoine d’une part, les paysans-herboristes et les ethnobotanistes d’autre part, participent à un processus de production collective de connaissances sur les plantes orienté vers le développement de l’autonomie thérapeutique. La thèse met également en évidence l’attention particulière des paysans-producteurs aux vulnérabilités humaines et végétales et la prise en compte de l’intentionnalité des plantes qui caractérise leur pratique de l’herboristerie. Les données de terrain ont été recueillies dans différents contextes entrelacés : les institutions patrimoniales et scientifiques, les arènes de l’herboristerie française et les fermes des paysans-herboristes. / Herbalism, or the activity of preparing and selling medicinal plants, has been going through a phase of renewal since the 1970’s, thanks to the actions of various participants whose technical practices and scientific approaches markedly differ. Among them, are the farmer-herbalists, who grow and pick medicinal plants, which they transform and commercialise, mobilising the traditions of popular plant medicine relayed by ethnobotany. Ethnobotany, a field of study which focuses on the relationships between plants and societies, is being invested by new players who, independently from academic institutions, work to collect popular naturalistic knowledge. This doctoral thesis proposes to shed light on the dynamics underlying the relationship that farmer-herbalists establish with the plant world, and on their use of ethnobotany as an argument to legitimise their practices. It appears that, through an exchange of knowledge about the medicinal properties of plants, institutions of research and conservation on the one hand, farmer-herbalists and ethnobotanists on the other hand, both contribute to the constitution of a collective body of knowledge on plants which promotes therapeutic autonomy. The thesis also emphasizes that the farmer-producers are particularly attentive to the vulnerabilities of both humans and plants, and that they take the plants’ intentionality into consideration – a defining characteristic of their herbalistic practices. The field data was collected in an array of varied, though intermingled, contexts: conservation and scientific institutions, the various arenas of French herbalism, and the farms of the farmer-herbalists.
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Evaluación de proceso de una intervención para la prevención de accidentes domésticos en la primera infanciaOrtiz Munõz, Jenny Amanda January 2012 (has links)
A intervenção Módulo Ambientes Seguros (Ortiz, 2009, 2010) foi avaliada no seu processo, ao desenvolvê-la com 16 famílias participantes residentes na cidade de Bogotá. Este processo de avaliação foi parte de um estudo maior. A avaliação do processo visou melhorar o processo da intervenção e a qualidade dos dados obtidos para uma posterior avaliação de efeitos. A partir dos resultados obtidos neste estudo foi estabelecido que ambos, os instrumentos e os procedimentos selecionados para a coleta de dados (observação naturalística), foram adequados e estão em consonância com a realidade das famílias bogotanas de baixo nível socioeconômico. Concluiu-se que existe a necessidade de fortalecer tanto o processo de coleta de informações, como o processo de aplicação da intervenção em si mesmo. Sugere-se a realização de uma nova formação de profissionais. O estudo fornece evidências sobre como promover a tomada de decisões e o desenvolvimento de intervenções baseadas em evidências nos governos locais. / The Intervention Módulo Ambientes Seguros (Ortiz, 2009; 2010) was evaluated in their process, and was implemented with 16 families residents in Bogota city. This process evaluation was part of a larger study. Process evaluation wanted to improve the process and the quality of the data for the future evaluation of effects. The results of this evaluation process, established that both, instruments and the procedure selected for the data collection (naturalistic observation), are appropriate to the reality of the families and their socioeconomic status. Also was concluded that is necessary to strengthen the process of data collection and the process of the intervention itself. It is suggested develop a new training program. The study provides evidence about how to promote decisions and evidence-based interventions, like a real option for local governments. / La intervención Módulo Ambientes Seguros (Ortiz, 2009;2010) fue evaluada em su proceso, al ser implementada con 16 familias participantes habitantes em la ciudad de Bogotá. Esta evaluación de proceso hijo parte de um estudio mayor. La evaluación de procesos estabeleció que tanto los instrumentos como el procedimiento seleccionado para realizar la recolección de La información (observación naturalista), fueron pertinentes y se ajustan a la realidad de las familias bogotanas de bajo nivel socioeconômico. Se concluye que es necesario fortalecer tanto el proceso de recolección de la información, como el proceso de implementación de la intervención propriamente dicho, a través de uma nueva capacitación a los profesionales. El estudio brinda evidencia sobre cómo promover que decisiones e intervenciones basadas em la evidencia para los gobiernos locales.
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The development of a complementary psychological treatment programme for cochlear implant teamsSchoeman, Elsie Magdalena 31 October 2003 (has links)
The impact of the diagnosis and the reality of being hearing impaired could trigger uncomfortable feelings at different times in the client's life. With the cochlear implant, these feelings will still be a reality, as the implant does not heal the hearing impairment. Psychological interventions could assist the client during this healing process.
The process of cochlear implants could also bring other challenges into the client's life. Expectations of quick healing play a major role and should be addressed throughout the process of implantation and rehabilitation. This is another opportunity for the psychologist to intervene.
This research shows that the role of the psychologist could be expanded not only to evaluate but also to bring about change. The treatment model gives a logical and workable explanation of how and where the psychologist may intervene in the process of cochlear implantation. This model was tested and adapted by the cochlear implant team at the University of Pretoria over a period of ten years. The model may be used as a template for new teams. Intervening as described in the model presents the opportunity to address various different needs as they occur.
The qualitative research design proved to be a fitting method to explore the experiences of the participants from their own viewpoints. The qualitative research is also congruent with a systemic perspective and emphasises social context, multiple perspectives, complexity, recursion and holism.
This study aims to develop a complementary psychological treatment programme and create awareness within professionals working with hearing impairment of the complexity of systems. The study shows that one can only understand the behaviour of any given system by tracking changes that occur within that system and its subsystems and by tracking changes between that system and the larger whole.
In this study three different therapeutic interventions are used on three different case studies, two children from different age groups and an adult, to accommodate the multiple realities of the different systems. The aim of the study with cochlear implantees and their families is to stimulate new leads and avenues of enquiry that may be used as a basis for further research. / Psychology / Thesis (D.Litt. et Phil. (Psychology))
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Chroniese moegheidsindroom : 'n ekosistemiese perspektiefMorgan, Leona 06 1900 (has links)
Hierdie studie is 'n kwalitatiewe ekosistemiese ondersoek van die fenomeen Chroniese Moegheidsindroom (CMS) . Die paradigmaverskuiwing vanaf die Cartesiaans-Newtoniaanse epistemologie na die kubernetiese epistemologie, het 'n aantal belangrike implikasies vir die bestudering en konseptualisering van CMS, soos uiteengesit in hierdie studie.
'n Bespreking van die konseptualisering en behandeling van CMS
vanuit die tradisionele, reduksionistiese navorsing word verskaf.
Die aannames van twee-orde kubernetika en sosiale konstruksionisme,
is bespreek en toegepas op die beskrywing van twee sisteme waarin
CMS voorkom. Die navorsingsmetodologie van die studie is gegenereer
op grand van die genoemde teoretiese aannames. Die implikasies van die toepassing van die ekosistemiese epistemologie vir die konseptualisering van CMS word uitgewys. Die herkonseptualisering van CMS as 'n transisieproses word bespreek en riglyne vir verdere navorsing en psigoterapie word aangedui. Die huidige studie bied 'n beskrywing van die unieke betekenisse en oplossings wat gesinne genereer tydens die veranderings wat CMS vergesel. / The present study is a qualitative ecosystemic exploration of the phenomenon known as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). The paradigm shift from the Newtonian epistemology to the epistemology of cybernetics, has important implication for research and the conceptualisation of CFS, as indicated in the study. The traditional, reductionist conceptualisation of CFS in research and treatment methods, is discussed. The suppositions of second order cybernetics and social constructionism, are discussed and applied in the description of two systems where CFS occurs. The research methodology of the present study is generated from the theoretical suppositions.
Die implications of the use of the ecosystemic epistemology for
the conceptualisation of CFS are indicated. The re-conceptualisation
of CFS as a transition process is discussed and guidelines are
given for future research and psychotherapy. The present study is
a description of the unique meanings and solutions that the families generated during the changes that accompany CFS. / Psychology / M.A. (Kliniese Sielkunde)
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