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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kompetensförsörjning genom god arbetsmiljö : En studie om sjöbefälsstudenters syn på arbetsmiljön ombord och de förbättringar som krävs för att behålla kompetent personal / Competence provision through satisfying work environment : A study of nautical cadets view of the working environment on board and the improvements required to retain competent staff

Ådén, Anton, Karlsson, Adam January 2022 (has links)
Samtidigt som transporter av gods till sjöss än idag utgör en grund för möjligheter att bedriva handel mellan olika länder står den svenska sjöfartsbranschen inför en utmaning i att rekrytera och behålla kompetent personal. Sjömän tenderar idag till att söka landbaserade arbeten och vid lärosätena i Kalmar och Göteborg är det långt ifrån samtliga sjöfartsstudenter som fullföljer utbildningen och blir ett tillskott till näringen. Tidigare forskning har påvisat att det framför allt är brister inom arbetsmiljön ombord som ligger till grund för att behålla personal. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka sjöbefälsstudenternas uppfattning om arbetsmiljön ombord och hur den kan förbättras för att behålla personalen. För att kunna besvara frågeställningarna har studien genomförts kvalitativt med fokusgruppintervjuer. Resultatet visar att förbättringar inom den sociala arbetsmiljön såväl som den fysiska behöver träda i kraft. Arbetsbelastningen behöver minskas, mängden konstruktiv feedback behöver öka och arbetet mot sexuella trakasserier och rasism måste fortgå. Resultatet visade även att befälhavaren ombord har en stor påverkan på arbetsmiljön. Ytterligare en slutsats som drogs var att definitionen av en god arbetsmiljö grundar sig i en god gemenskap, bra stämning och en positiv attityd inom besättningen. / As maritime transportations remain vital to conduct trade between different countries, the Swedish maritime industry faces challenges in keeping and recruiting seafarers. There is a trend among seafarers to apply for shore-based jobs before retirement and at the maritime academies in Kalmar and Gothenburg there are relatively few who complete their education and contribute to the numbers in the industry. Previous studies have shown that flaws in the work environment played a significant role in the decision to seek a job at shore. The purpose of this study is to examine how deck cadets have experienced the work environment and what improvements they see suitable to keep seafarers on board. In order to answer these questions, the study was performed qualitatively by using focus group interviews. The results indicated that improvements in the social work as well as in the physical work environment needs to be enforced. The workload needs to be reduced, the amount of constructive feedback increased and effort against racism and sexism needs to remain a focus in order to improve the work environment. The results also revealed that the master on board has a significant impact on the work environment. The study also showed that the students defined a healthy work environment as one which includes a sense of community, positive attitude among the crew and a healthy atmosphere.

Styrmannens första törn : En kvalitativ undersökning om nyutexaminerades upplevda personliga kompetens under sin första törn som styrman på tankfartyg / Nautical officers first contract : A qualitative study about newly graduated officers perceived personal competencies during their first contract on a tanker

Jacobsson, Eric, Edlind, Otto January 2023 (has links)
I en sjöfartsindustri som ständigt utvecklas gäller det att styrmännen som arbetar ombord har den kompetens som krävs för att utföra arbetet. Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på hur kompetenta nyutexaminerade styrmän är under sin första törn samt hur utbildningen och arbetsgivarna kan underlätta. Detta har undersökts genom kvalitativa semi-strukturerade intervjuer med sex nyutexaminerade styrmän som gjort sin första törn som styrman ombord på ett gas-, råolje- eller produkttankfartyg. Resultatet från intervjuerna visar att styrmännen var positivt överraskade över sina förkunskaper från utbildningen. De upplevde en kompetens i bryggrutiner och navigering medan lasthantering var ett område som de kände viss osäkerhet och nervositet inför. Vikten av arbetsgivarens roll i en nyutexaminerad styrmans första tid i yrket visades också vara viktig för utveckling av kompetens genom överlapp. / In a constantly evolving maritime industry, it is crucial that the nautical officers working onboard possess the necessary competence to carry out their duties. The purpose of this study is to investigate the level of competence among newly graduated nautical officers during their first contract, and how education and employers can facilitate this process. This was investigated through qualitative semi-structured interviews with six newly graduated nautical officers who had completed their first contract as a nautical officer onboard a gas-, crude oil-, or product tanker. The results of the interviews shows that the nautical officers were positively surprised by their prior knowledge obtained during their education. They felt competent in bridge routines and navigation, while cargo handling was an area where they experienced some uncertainty and nervousness. The importance of the employer's role during a newly graduated nautical officer's first period in the profession was also shown to be crucial for the development of competence through overlap.

unclosure: Workstation for Aquarcheology

Sahin, Esra 11 September 2001 (has links)
This project is a story of findings. The main intention is to design a workstation for nautical archeologists who are excavating and researching the ruins of the oldest known shipwreck of the world. The use of the building is projected to change over time to house the findings of the research and exhibit this world heritage and the process that brought it into light. Permanence as a concept is the subject of the major inquiry of the architectural investigation through the project. The means to achieve longevity in architecture are explored. Self-sustainability, interrelation of structure and space, lightness, and locality are the issues that are studied pertaining to the question of "temporariness" and "permanence" in architecture. / Master of Architecture

En genuskodad arbetsplats : En studie om den genuskodade arbetsplatsen ombord på fartyg. / A gender bias workplace : A thesis about the gender bias workplace onboard ships.

Hultberg, Frida, Sigertun, Jesper January 2017 (has links)
Detta arbete undersöker kvinnors upplevelser av att arbeta på en genuskodad arbetsplats. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om det finns skillnader i hur kvinnor upplever arbetet ombord på fartyg gentemot en genuskodad landbaserad verksamhet. För att besvara syftet genomfördes en kvalitativ undersökning med kvinnor som arbetar på mansdominerade arbetsplatser. Totalt sex intervjuer genomfördes tre med kvinnor som arbetar ombord på fartyg och tre med kvinnor anställda i genuskodade organisationer på land. Resultaten visar att alla respondenter upplevde att det på något sätt påverkar dem att arbeta på en genuskodad arbetsplats. Då respondenternas upplevelser jämfördes med bakgrund av om de arbetade på en landbasserad verksamhet eller ombord på ett fartyg visar resultatet på stora likheter och minimala skillnader. / This research is about womens' experiences of working on a male dominated/gender bias workplace. The object is is to answer how women experience working onboard a ship and if there are any diffrences to a male dominated/gender bias shore based activity. The method used is a qualitative research containing interviews with women in such workplaces. A total of six interviews were carried out with three respondents onboard ships and three respondents ashore. The result shows that it in some way affects that they work on a male dominated/gender bias workplace and there are mostly similarities and minor differences based on if the respondent is working onboard a ship or in shore.

När larmen tystnar : En fältstudie av ett fartygs brygglarm och dess kausalitet på befälen / Silence of the alarms : A field study of a ships bridge-alarms and their causality on the nautical officers

Carenfelt, Carl Sebastian Robert January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att utforska nautiska befäls attityder till larmen de kan ställas inför på sin brygga och den eventuella kausaliteten. Tidigare forskning inom larm och forskning inom optimering av brygglayouter presenterade ett problematiskt fenomen vilken av Papastavrou och Lehto kallas för cry-wolf. Detta fenomen beskriver att operatörer av system med larm, till exempel sjöfartsofficerare, tenderar att ignorera larmen om de utsätts för en hög frekvens av larm, denna höga frekvens kallar Al-Dabbagh och Tongwen för alarm-floods. Denna studie kommer fram till att cry-wolf fenomenet existerar ombord det fartyg studien utfördes på. Datainsamlingen utfördes med den kvalitativa forskningsmetodiken, främst genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Dessa intervjuer kompletterades sedan med ostrukturerade observationer vilka utfördes under en nio dagar lång fältstudie. Studiens primärdata analyserades genom innehållsanalyser och detta gjordes ur det hermeneutiska perspektivet. Studien fann att befälen tenderar att ignorera larmen om larmen inte klassas som nödlarm. Vidare presenteras två potentiella lösningar som ämnar ge tillbaka den tyngd larmen borde associeras med. Utöver detta presenteras också en hypotes vilken syftar till att ta reda på om ett givet fartyg påverkas av cry-wolf fenomenet. Denna hypotes måste valideras innan den kan godtas som gångbar för sjöfarten som helhet. / The main purpose of this thesis was to explore nautical officer’s attitudes towards the alarms they may encounter on the bridge and the eventual causality between the officers and their actions concerning the alarms. Earlier research into alarms and research regarding optimization of bridge-layouts presented a problematic theory which Papastavrou and Lehto call cry-wolf. Wherein the operators of systems, or ships, with advanced alarms tend to ignore the alarms if they are subjected to a high frequency of alarms, or alarm-floods as Al-Dabbagh and Tongwen calls it. This study shows that, on board the vessel which the study was conducted, the cry-wolf phenomena exist. The study was conducted on board a Swedish vessel from the hermeneutical perspective. The data collection was done with the qualitative method, primarily through semi-structured interviews and these were then enriched with data from unstructured observations which were made during a nine-day stay aboard said vessel. The collected data has been analysed through content analysis from the hermeneutical perspective and the study reveals that the officers tend to ignore the alarms, unless they are classified as emergency alarms. This study proposes two potential fixes for how to make the alarms less overwhelming and how to give back the importance of the alarms. Furthermore, the study presents a hypothesis which aims to find whether or not a given vessel is subject to the cry-wolf phenomena. This hypothesis needs to be proven in future research before it can be proclaimed as a valid hypothesis.

Uma obra do matemático jesuíta Manuel de Campos para a "Aula da esfera" do Colégio Santo Antão

Loreto Junior, Armando Pereira 26 June 2001 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T14:16:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Armando Pereira Loreto Junior.pdf: 1989486 bytes, checksum: b270828c0f687f19dacbba6800156d40 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2001-06-26 / This research investigates which were the mathematical contents, sequence and manner of exposition taught in the sphere class of Colégio de Santo Antão-OVelho, in Lisbon, during the second half of the 18th century. The current work describes, within the context of that time, the most relevant features of the compendium Trigonometria Plana e Esferica com o Canon Trigonometrico, Linear e Logarithmico, published in 1737. Its author is the Jesuit priest Manoel de Campos, who was one of the teachers of that class. This study reveals interesting approaches made by him, which led to important results, like the correction of the Canon Trigonometrico, and the generation of the logarithmic curve. It was verified that the trigonometry presented by Campos had as its first objective the application to the Nautical Science and Astronomy. However, the author did not present these applications in his book, but promised to show them in another publication, which existence we did not find register of. Because of that, some examples of those applications, included in Arte de Navegar of Manoel Pimentel, were selected and presented in this work / Esta pesquisa investiga quais eram os conteúdos de matemática ensinados, sua ordem seqüencial e a forma de exposição, na aula da esfera do Colégio de Santo Antão-O-Velho da cidade de Lisboa, na primeira metade do século XVIII. O presente trabalho descreve, dentro do contexto científico daquela época, os aspectos mais relevantes do compêndio Trigonometria Plana e Esferica com o Canon Trigonometrico, Linear e Logarithmico, publicado em 1737, cujo autor é o padre jesuíta Manoel de Campos, que foi um dos professores daquela aula. Este estudo revela abordagens interessantes por ele efetuadas, que conduziram a resultados importantes, como a correção do Canon Trigonometrico e a geração da linha logarítmica. Ficou constatado que a trigonometria apresentada por Campos tinha como primeiro objetivo a sua aplicação à náutica e à astronomia. Contudo, o autor não apresentou tais aplicações no seu compêndio, prometendo mostrá-las oportunamente em outra publicação, de cuja existência não encontramos registro. Em virtude disso, alguns exemplos dessas aplicações, contidos na Arte de Navegar de Manoel Pimentel, contemporâneo de Campos, foram selecionados e apresentados neste trabalho

A Parametric Model of the Portuguese Nau

Cook, Charles 2011 December 1900 (has links)
This interdisciplinary research project combines the fields of nautical archaeology and computer visualization in order to create an interactive virtual reconstruction of a Portuguese nau. Information about the shipbuilding process is gathered from 16th and 17th century treaties by Fernando Oliveira and Joao Batista Lavanha, as well as from Dr. Filipe Castro (Texas A&M Department of Anthropology). Eight registered tonnage formulas from the 15th to 17th century are used to estimate the cargo capacity of the nau. Using this information, I develop an algorithm that creates a parametric computer model of a nau hull and calculates its registered tonnage. This parametric model allows the user to choose between the Oliveira and Lavanha hull shapes, adjust parameters to fine tune the hull shape further, and save the information about the hull shape for future editing. The eight registered tonnage estimates are compared to the volume of the parametric hull model below a generic waterline. The process I use to adapt the information provided by the two shipbuilding treatises into an algorithm determines the hull shape of a nau. This allows for projects in the future to introduce other shipbuilding approaches and information as it becomes available to this parametric model.

Les nouvelles méthodes de navigation durant le Moyen Age / New navigational Methods during the Middle Ages

Com'Nougue, Michel 29 November 2012 (has links)
Les nouvelles méthodes de navigation durant le Moyen Age. Le navire de commerce à voile est propulsé par le vent et doit donc suivre cette direction générale. La navigation peut se définir selon un aspect d’abord stratégique comme le choix d’une route en tenant compte des contraintes imposées par le vent et un aspect tactique concernant le tracé et le contrôle, en cours d’exécution de cette route. 1-Dans un premier temps, la navigation antique ne se réfère qu’au seul vent qui est le moteur mais aussi le guide du navigateur pour suivre la route fixée par l’observation des traces qu’il imprime sur la mer. C’est la navigation à vue. La limite de la méthode est atteinte quand le vent devient changeant au large, ce qui oblige alors une vérification de la direction par l’observation des astres. 2- L’apparition de l’aiguille aimantée résout en partie ce problème. L’orientation géographique entraine la mise au point, à la fin du XIIIe siècle, d’une nouvelle méthode : l’estime. L’estime est la résolution graphique des problèmes que pose le contrôle de la route choisie. Cette résolution suppose, d’une part, l’usage de la boussole et d’une orientation géographique et, d’autre part, une analyse vectorielle sur un support la carte marine qui est donc indissociable de la méthode. Le plus gros défaut de l’estime est que les positions sont définies par projection dans le futur de paramètres, cap et distances parcourues actuels. Des différences sont donc à prévoir qui entrainent une zone d’incertitude sur le point estimé. 3- Lorsqu’au début du XVe siècle les navigateurs se lancent dans l’inconnu, obligés de suivre le vent qui décrit des boucles, les voyages s’allongent sans voir la terre pour une confrontation avec des positions avérées. La taille des zones d’incertitude obligent le navigateur a préciser sa position finale par d’autres méthodes basées sur des observations astronomiques. On peut distinguer deux méthodes : Tout d’abord, la méthode des hauteurs de polaire, de 1433 à 1480 environ, qui permet de finaliser la volta et d’effectuer un atterrissage selon une route Est-Ouest. L’analyse de la technique nautique de Colomb, qui utilise cette méthode, est très semblable à celle décrite par Ibn Majid dans son traité de navigation. Il est probable qu’il y a eu transmission sans pouvoir préciser les circonstances exactes.Mais dès que les navigateurs franchissent l’équateur la polaire devient indisponible, les navigateurs doivent observer le soleil. Cette deuxième méthode est plus délicate car les paramètres du soleil changent chaque jour. Ils obligent donc le navigateur à calculer la latitude, à partir de l’observation de la méridienne de soleil et par l’usage de tables des données solaire : os regimentos do sol. C’est cette méthode qui permet à Vasco da Gama de doubler le cap de Bonne Esperance, en 1498, ce qui marque la fin de la période étudiée. Pour conclure il faut remarquer que ces deux derniers méthodes sont le fruit d’une coopération entre les usagers et les scientifiques sous l’égide du pouvoir, décidé à atteindre le but fixé. C’est donc le fruit d’une véritable recherche scientifique. En second lieu, il faut également noter que les progrès de la navigation accompagnent des progrès parallèles en architecture navale, le gouvernail d’étambot, ainsi que de nouvelles procédures dans le commerce maritime. L’étude des interactions entre ces divers domaines reste à faire. / New navigational methods during the Middle Ages.A sailing vessel is pushed forwards by the wind in the general direction towards it is blowing. Navigation should comply with strategic goals: i.e. the choice of a route to a port of destination, taking into account this wind constraint. A tactical aspect is involved when following this route and checking, the entire voyage long, the good guidance of the ship. 1-In the first ages of navigation, the mariner is referring to the sole element at his disposal: the wind. It gives him elements for the direction to choose, if it is a convenient time for sailing and also it supplies the means of checking and controlling the course of the ship, by observation of the marks it is printing on the surface of the sea. Variable wind is the limit of this method. In this case, only sky observation can give an indication of the direction to follow.2- The finding of the magnetic needle solves this problem and from this new tool, a new navigation method is implemented, around the end of the XIII.th century. Dead reckoning is a way to determinate ship’s position at any moment, using a vector analysis for solving graphically the problems that checking the chosen course can induce. This graphical method is using the compass indications and needs necessarily using a marine chart. The main problem of dead reckoning is that, using present data to reckon future positions , any error in assessing these data supposes an uncertainty in this position. Correction of the route is necessary by verifying with actual land falls. Longer the voyage without such confrontation and bigger the uncertainty zone to be faced.3-In the beginning of the XV.th century, Portuguese mariners started to run the open ocean. They had to follow the wind which runs along a long loop across the ocean, la volta. Therefore running in the open seas, without any land to be seen, in order to check the actual position, obliged mariners to elaborate new methods based on astronomical observations in order to reduce the size of this uncertainty zone, when arriving to the landing point. A first method is based on the observation of the pole star depth; between the years 1433 to 1480. It is based on observation of the pole star depth. Analysis of C. Columbus nautical art shows similarities with the written work of Ibn Majid, his contemporaneous Arab nautical expert. Crossing the equator line made the polar star not available any more. Therefore, the method had to be changed and the second method involved sun observations. This is more complex as the sun data are changing every day. Therefore mariners had to reckon the latitude, using the observations of the meridian line and using of sun data tables: the so called regimentos do sol. Through this method Vasco da Gama was able to reach the Indian Ocean after passing the Cape of Good Hope. This closes the period of this study.The conclusion should take into account the fact that these astronomical methods were not entirely empiric but the result of a joint research of users, mariners and scientists. This endeavor was made possible because a central power, the Infant first , then King Joao II, were willing to proceed more south and gave their mariners the technical means to do so.A second conclusion observes that progress of navigation were accompanied by parallels progresses in naval construction and maritime new contracts and ways of handling commercial matters. There are surely interactions between these three domains, but we have still to put them into evidence.

As Ilhas de Bom Jesus dos Passos, dos Frades e Maré - pequenos territórios insulares de Salvador: espaço, lugar e territorialidades

Paixão, Lindomar Luis de Souza 19 December 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Lafaiete Santos Santiago (lafaiete.santiago@ucsal.br) on 2016-11-23T12:30:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_PaixãoLindomarLuisdeS_2011.pdf: 4229250 bytes, checksum: d19e766c1753a7d172205bdd1f4ac50a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rosemary Magalhães (rosemary.magalhaes@ucsal.br) on 2017-01-14T16:46:38Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Lindomar.pdf: 4229250 bytes, checksum: d19e766c1753a7d172205bdd1f4ac50a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-14T16:46:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_PaixãoLindomarLuisdeS_2011.pdf: 4229250 bytes, checksum: d19e766c1753a7d172205bdd1f4ac50a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-12-19 / A presente pesquisa realizou uma análise espacial das ilhas que fazem parte do município de Salvador. A Ilha de Bom Jesus dos Passos, Ilha dos Frades e Ilha de Maré foram estudadas através de uma abordagem que buscou estabelecer relação entre os conceitos de espaço, território e lugar. Partindo de uma concepção de que o espaço existe a priori sob o território e o lugar, foram levantados elementos que caracterizam a formação das ilhas. Desta forma, foi de fundamental importância conhecer o espaço estudado, sua história e os mecanismos que interferiram na formação da paisagem atual. Utilizou-se como fonte fundamental de dados as reportagens de jornais, que puderam mostrar a evolução da visão sobre as ilhas, bem como da própria formação do espaço. No período que vai de 1912 a 2010 inúmeras reportagens foram catalogadas fornecendo um material riquíssimo para análise. Com base nesse conhecimento e no levantamento de dados a partir de outras fontes documentais e do contato com o próprio objeto de pesquisa, por meio de visitas de campo, registros fotográficos, aplicação de questionários e entrevistas, observação in loco, consolidou-se dados para caracterização das dimensões que compõem a dinâmica destes territórios. Dentro da perspectiva que o território também é um lugar, que possui uma dimensão simbólica e subjetiva, teve relevante importância para este trabalho a compreensão do lugar das ilhas. Como parte da análise das perspectivas para esta localidade e do planejamento institucional foram analisados o Plano Diretor de Desenvolvimento Urbano e o Plano Estratégico do Turismo Náutico na Baía de Todos os Santos. / This research was conducted a spatial analysis of the islands which are part of the city of Salvador. Bom Jesus dos Passos Island, Frades Island and Maré Island were studied by means of an approach that sought to establish a relationship between the concepts of space, territory and place. Starting from a design of the space there is a priori in the territory and the place, were raised elements that characterize the formation of the islands. In this way, it was of fundamental importance to know the area studied, its history and the mechanisms that interfered in training the current landscape. It was used as key source of data for the reports of newspapers, which could show the evolution of the vision on the islands, as well as the formation of the area. In the period from 1912 to 2010 many reports have been cataloged by providing a rich material for analysis. On the basis of this knowledge and the collection of data from other sources of documentation and the contact with the object of research, by means of field visits, photographic records, questionnaires and interviews, on-site observation, has been consolidated data to characterize the dimensions that constitute the dynamics of these territories. Within the perspective that the territory is also a place that has a symbolic dimension is subjective, was important in this work to the understanding of the place of the islands. As part of the analysis of the prospects for this locality and the institutional planning were analyzed the Master Plan for Urban Development and the Strategic Plan of Nautical Tourism in the All Saints Bay

Међународна крстарења Коридором 7 и наутички туризам Србије / Međunarodna krstarenja Koridorom 7 i nautički turizam Srbije / International Tourist Cruises in Corridor 7 and Nautical Tourism in Serbia

Dragin Aleksandra 14 July 2008 (has links)
<p>Истраживана област рада је Пан-Европски Коридор 7 &ndash; интернацонални пловни пут Дунава (Регензбург &ndash; Црно море). Тачније, радом је обухваћено 93,7% Коридора 7, односно 2.227 речних километара Дунава (од Пасауа &ndash; Немачка до делте Дунава &ndash; Црно море), јер је то деоница којом крстаре бродови специјализовани за међународна туристичка крстарења. Током протекле деценије међународна туристичка крстарења су на глобалном нивоу забележила највећи раст од свих других облика туристичких путовања. Ипак, овај вид туризма је још увек у развоју и није довољно истражен. Резултати рада показују да су учесници међународних туристичких крстарења на овим просторима и даље туристи који претежно припадају трећој доби. Утврдили смо да су најприсутније старосне групе 60-84 година, са доминацијом старосних група узраста 70-74 и 65-69 година. Резултати анализе показују да међународна туристичка крстарења Коридором 7 утичу позитивно на Србију, првенствено на приобални, подунавски регион. Иако се бенефиције не односе на коришћење услуга смештаја и исхране у угоститељским објектима, добробит се огледа у следећим сегментима: туристичка промоција (ширење позитивног пласмана Србије као рецептивног простора на иностраном тржишту &ndash; представљање културне баштине и природних вредности); пораст иностраног туристичког промета, а самим тим и потрошње; отварање нових радних места (адекватна инфраструктура и супраструктура - сервисери различитих услуга бродовима, посади и путницима) &ndash; пристаништа, шпедитери, сувенир тржнице итд. Резултати истраживања могу помоћи даљим проучавањима узрочно-последичних веза између оваквог вида путовања и ресурса рецептивних земаља на којима се ова путовања заснивају, а све у циљу адекватног осмишљавања и пласмана туристичке понуде, односно оптимални развој рецептивних земаља кроз одрживи туризам.</p> / <p>Istraživana oblast rada je Pan-Evropski Koridor 7 &ndash; internaconalni plovni put Dunava (Regenzburg &ndash; Crno more). Tačnije, radom je obuhvaćeno 93,7% Koridora 7, odnosno 2.227 rečnih kilometara Dunava (od Pasaua &ndash; Nemačka do delte Dunava &ndash; Crno more), jer je to deonica kojom krstare brodovi specijalizovani za međunarodna turistička krstarenja. Tokom protekle decenije međunarodna turistička krstarenja su na globalnom nivou zabeležila najveći rast od svih drugih oblika turističkih putovanja. Ipak, ovaj vid turizma je još uvek u razvoju i nije dovoljno istražen. Rezultati rada pokazuju da su učesnici međunarodnih turističkih krstarenja na ovim prostorima i dalje turisti koji pretežno pripadaju trećoj dobi. Utvrdili smo da su najprisutnije starosne grupe 60-84 godina, sa dominacijom starosnih grupa uzrasta 70-74 i 65-69 godina. Rezultati analize pokazuju da međunarodna turistička krstarenja Koridorom 7 utiču pozitivno na Srbiju, prvenstveno na priobalni, podunavski region. Iako se beneficije ne odnose na korišćenje usluga smeštaja i ishrane u ugostiteljskim objektima, dobrobit se ogleda u sledećim segmentima: turistička promocija (širenje pozitivnog plasmana Srbije kao receptivnog prostora na inostranom tržištu &ndash; predstavljanje kulturne baštine i prirodnih vrednosti); porast inostranog turističkog prometa, a samim tim i potrošnje; otvaranje novih radnih mesta (adekvatna infrastruktura i suprastruktura - serviseri različitih usluga brodovima, posadi i putnicima) &ndash; pristaništa, špediteri, suvenir tržnice itd. Rezultati istraživanja mogu pomoći daljim proučavanjima uzročno-posledičnih veza između ovakvog vida putovanja i resursa receptivnih zemalja na kojima se ova putovanja zasnivaju, a sve u cilju adekvatnog osmišljavanja i plasmana turističke ponude, odnosno optimalni razvoj receptivnih zemalja kroz održivi turizam.</p> / <p>The researched area is Pan-European Corridor 7 &ndash; international Danube waterway (Regensburg &ndash; The Black Sea). More precisely, 93.7% of the Corridor 7 is included in the paper, i.e. 2,227 river kilometres of the Danube (from Passau &ndash; Germany to the Danube delta &ndash; The Black Sea). During the last decade the cruise industry has been the tourism niche that has experienced the most rapid growth of all. However, this form of tourism is still in its infancy and has not been relatively well researched. The article demonstrates the dominance of &ldquo;silver hair&rdquo; cruisers on the Corridor 7. Furthermore, we found that the age groups 60-84 were the most represented, with the domination of age groups 70-74 and 65-69. The results of the analysis have shown that the Danube cruises have positive impact on Serbia, primarily the riparian area of the Danube. Although the benefits exclude food and accommodation expenditure, they are noticeable within the following segments: tourism promotion (broadening the scopes of Serbia as a receptive area for the foreign market through its cultural heritage and natural values); increase in foreign tourist turnover, other expenditures; new job opportunities (adequate infrastructure and superstructure &ndash; rendering services to ships, crew and passengers) &ndash; harbors, carriers, souvenir shops, etc. The results of the research may initiate further studies on the cause and effect connections between this type of traveling and resources of receptive countries, upon which the travels are based, both aiming at adequate design and launching of the tourist offer, i.e. the optimal development of receptive countries through sustainable tourism.</p>

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